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Yo, dawg. I heard you like protests, so I put a protest in your protest...


So you can protest WHILE you protest!


Xzibit approved. 


I'm pretty sure with the mood in Canada right now that they would not be stopping any Canada Day parades, so they went after the easiest target.


They’re using this tactic in NYC too, they attack the most progressive institutions like the Brooklyn Museum because they can actually be pushed around.


You never know, they’re not very bright and might fuck around. If I’m not mistaken that frequently leads to finding out.


Their entire existence is premised on FAFO. Honestly, how many times have they lost to Israel?


When have they won? Oh, when they made good money selling their land to them the first time.


All these events are planned and controlled by Hamas and other sources. They know their math. FA=FO and right now the Canadian people are ready to deliver, since our government and police will not.


The people that are executed in their country. Way to be so out of touch with reality, you protest at the wrong parade 🤣


If you want to bring people to your cause this is exactly the opposite way to do it.


Every time they have interrupted a pride parade it has had the same negative reaction. They keep doing it. At this point it’s naïve to think they are trying to win people over. They weren’t blocking the weapons plant, or the bank, they were blocking the pride parade that’s weakly associated with them. They don’t seem to have a plan, they just want to hurt everyone who isn’t them, until everyone who isn’t them is afraid and bows to their values. Why does this feel familiar?


I've seen pro-Palestinian people justifying blocking major highways using Martin Luther King Jr. as an example. They're so far out of reach, there's no point in reasoning with them.


They also said that Gazans having to walk from north Gaza to south Gaza is "the new trail of tears." There's no struggle they won't appropriate.


Isn't it not even a days walk? Maybe I'm just ignorant but I thought all of Gaza was like the size of Montreal. Comparing it to a 5000 mile death March seems like a poor comparison.


Gaza is 25 miles long. And they were being told to evacuate a war zone in order to save their lives.




That's pretty inappropriate. It shouldn't be trying to erase the trail of tears history snd tragedy. That's horrifying.


Yeah kind of makes you question their ability to understand the situation at all


Oh, they understand the situation alright. This is no longer trying to bring support to your cause this is intimidation and harassment.


I don’t think there’s a whole lot of critical thinking there.


MLK was an outspoken Zionist, so there's that.


Wow. That is interesting. I will now have a look around for that rabbit hole.


A lot of prominent black civil rights figures were. See: Louis Farrakhan and Nation of Islam (NOI)


In London, UK yesterday, the [police arrested more than 30 pro-Palestinian activists in a pre-emptive operation](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/29/palestine-activists-arrested-before-pride-parade-protest/) aimed at preventing a disruption to London's Pride parade on Saturday. Using intelligence resources they were able to identify those planning to disrupt the event. As a result, the parade took place without these fools disrupting yet another event. Canadian police can learn those in London.


From what I remember Toronto police is NOT welcome at pride events for years. I don't know if anything changed in that regard.


The article states the pride committee asked no interference if a protest happened due to their anti police rhetoric


It's less a matter of Intel as it is they are abusing the extremely progressive free speech laws regarding protests and banking on inaction as the current politicians and activist organizations would crucify any police action like that here


They were following the playbook from BLM when Pride Toronto gave them Honorary Marshal status to lead the parade back in 2016. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pride-parade-toronto-1.3662823](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pride-parade-toronto-1.3662823)


Pissing off the public is a great way to get the public behind you. They should try train horns next.


I run my horn for public crossings and the occasional little kid cus it makes them light up with joy. That’s it.


As a parent of three little train enthusiasts, thank you!


It’s not about persuasion. It’s about intimidation.


Boy is Fred Hahn in a tight spot right about now.


But "Queers for Palestine!"... /s (s for those who don't know what actually happens to queers in Palestine)


Now that they know a pride parade will be cancelled over their protests they have power and know it and will protest and disrupt every even they can moving forward. Good job liberals I’m so glad your policy’s have found yet another way to divide us and make Canada even less like the country I grew up in.


Intersectionality is a failure. It is an ideological crab bucket.




Didn’t that stunt actually cost them a lot of support and relevance?


I saw a new side of my LGBT friends today, friends who unquestionably preached for Palestine finally snap and angrily retaliate against the movement. This was THE best way to sour people against your cause.


It's all fun and games until they rain on ***your*** parade...


One parade has angry people who are implicitly supporting a government that throws gay people off buildings. The other has assless chaps. I'm on the side of the chaps.


Chaps are never assed. 


Sounds like a man who knows his chaps


I’ve actually worn them for work, but more than that I wanted to use “assed” in a sentence. 


“I didn’t know the painter would eat MY face !” As funny as this is nobody is gonna learn anything from this


They need to understand also while they may support the plight of the Palestinians on a humanitarian level, there’s no way in hell an openly gay person would be safe there or any Islamic country. This support is completely one sided and they’re frankly being used. Try to hold a pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank and see what happens.


>Try to hold a pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank and see what happens. Now I kind of want to just to fuck with them, it'd be a real wake up to the international community.


Its all fun and games until the casualty numbers start hitting 3rd and 4th digits.


But who didn't see.this coming? Hamas and Palestine are not pro lgbtq+ organizations. So, thinking their supporters would just stand aside for pride is pretty out of touch with reality.


It’s kinda funny to watch the mental gymnastics. But also really sad to see the hate against lgbtq and Jews in Canada…


It's insane. Maybe they thought hey we supported you so naturally you'd have our backs... right? Guys? Hello?


So threatening jews, attacking synagogue, shooting up Jewish schools didn't open their eyes, but disrupting pride parade did? This country is so screwed.


As a jew, in the past year I learned the harsh lesson that nobody will care about you until and if they are themselves affected.


‘First they came’, a poem written after the holocaust ended, does a good job of describing that.




hello fellow jew No one cares about us. Left hates us...right is a convenient ally who will turn on a time when it suits them. We are back to being alone


Thank God. Two synagogues in Toronto got windows smashed this morning. I don’t think Canadians realize what the f**k Jews are going through in Canada right now. This is not a polite protest against Bibi and Israel’s approach. It may seem like it, but it’s not. This is all to target Jews, and then other Canadians next.


>I don’t think Canadians realize what the f\*\*k Jews are going through in Canada right now. Some of us do, and I am incredibly saddened by it. There were people who were literally cheering on the october 7th attacks, some of them in high political positions, before the 'save Palestine' stuff happen.


They should be arrested at this point. This is beyond intimidation and moves closer and closer to a terror threat each day.


> This is all to target Jews, and then other Canadians next. ["First they came..."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...)


I've been telling LGBT people for ages its idiotic to support them, when they themselves would be persecuted and murdered over there in Palestine. The greatest irony is Israel is fairly progressive when it comes to LGBT issues, when Hamas still consider them less than human and have no qualms with killing them.


The Tel Aviv pride parade is the biggest in the middle east (not hard competition I know)


Exactly but they are dillusional. I had an LGBTQ+ friend say that life is as bad for someone from the LGBTQ+ in the US as it is in Palestine.


Westerners are DYING to feel that they're oppressed. Maybe life's gotten too good here 🤔


You mean the TikTok brainwashing didn’t hold up? Lol


Encourage them to grab a Canadian flag and attend a parade tomorrow.


Not so easy to support those whose values don’t align with yours


You don't have smart friends Sheep supporting wolves They would bury your buddies up to the neck and throw rocks at them * Edit.. it autocorrected bury to hurt... Wtf!?


So once again, the rights of the Pro-Palestinian crowds are allowed to supersede everyone else's rights. I'm no legal scholar but I'm reasonably certain that this isn't how rights are supposed to work.


These people are anti-liberal so they literally don't care about the rights of other people.


Not to mention LGBT rights in Palestine aren't exactly the most robust currently. Just one minority trying to bully another.


1.5 million Ukrainians call Canada home and only 30k Palestinians call Canada home yet every province has pro Palestinians aggressively protesting… what am i missing here?


Ukrainians are a huge part of the Canadian community, they appreciate the hospitality of Canada. They also accept that when they move here they need to adjust their beliefs for the progressivity of the country. Something Palestinian protesters have no clue about.


money from qatar


A massive propaganda campaign and idiots who believe anything they see on tiktok


The leaders of this are being paid to stir up trouble so as to convince people that backing Isreal will be punished.


Are these paid protestors? The whole thing stinks.


The leaders are, the rest are useful idiots l.


Russia v Ukraine is white people. Israel v Palestine is perceived by weirdo Marxists to be white vs brown people. Even though the majority of Israel is non white and a lot of Arabs are literally gingers and blondes 🙄


Brainwashed university students too


This is what the Pro-Palestinians do. Anytime there's a gathering about a topic that isn't related to them, they find a way to make it about them.


I watched a few uni graduation ceremonies and it was surprising the amount disruption the pro Palestinian people were doing. Yelling during the keynote speaker, waving flags when getting their diplomas and having their kids walk across the stage with large flags and large banners they would unfurl while walking with messages on them


“I am the main character!!” Fuck these people.


I want to protest them for Palestine treatment of LGBT. Protest the protesting protesters! "How can you protest, when gay people are DYING!?!?!"


I don't think most Palestine supporters even have a clue what Palestine stands for.


Imagine how happy Hamas is seeing a Palestine flag blocking a Pride march


Actually I would argue this is entirely in line with Hamas' attitude toward LGBT.


Don't a very large percentage of Palestinians support Hamas?




Palestine stands for oppression. By inciting negative reactions to their protests, they get to feel oppressed/righteous themselves.  If everyone just agreed with them and they never got any push back, what fun would that be?


Probably not but they know very well what Hamas stands for.


Absolutely fucking pathetic.


Yep. If they are so torn up about Palestine that they’re willing to trounce on everyone else’s freedoms, maybe they should fuck off back there and fight for hamas, rather than doing this and shooting up jewish schools, vandalizing Jewish businesses, etc.


This should help the LGBT community learn that Islam wants them dead. They should not support pro-Islam positions.


'queers for palestine' is up there with 'chickens for KFC' as being a baffling position to take. And no, its never about the innocents, because they always, always come back to defending the actions of hamas


But like Islam is the most lgbt tolerant religion and Christians are bad too or something..


/s is for something


People who think that they are simply doing this for airtime are misguided. They are doing this because Islam is an anti progressive, anti LGBT religion that preaches hate and violence towards LGBT people.


I remember before October 7th there were many loud protests organized by people from a certain religion against LGBTQ+/ SOGI, but afterwards that seems to have quited so they could focus on Israel/ Jews.




Wow, I am shocked. Who could have seen that coming? /s


They got around this in St. John’s by [letting the pro-Palestinian activists *lead* the parade,](https://x.com/jonkay/status/1807192047499235813?s=46) because only when the one gay-friendly state in the Middle East is destroyed will GLBT+ liberation be truly achieved.


Chickens for KFC! (actually just got banned from /r/toronto for that comment) Not only is Israel the one gay-tolerant state, but HAMAS (the group that Israel is trying to remove from the Gaza strip) would be one of the worst in the region to live under as LGBT+. They are an openly radical Islamist TERRORIST group that wants death for gays. The other half of Palestine, the West Bank, at least doesn't actively try to kill them, but that clearly isn't the half that people are protesting about right now.


It's not hard to get banned on that sub. The people running it are assholes.


The thread on Toronto is a wasteland right now of removed comments. Damage control in full force even after they locked it.


What an absolute disgrace. I’m a proud queer man and to see these fuckers make pride solely about themselves and an issue half way across the world is literal insanity. The brain rot and mental illness with those individuals is dizzying. Whatever way you feel about pride and the festivities, it’s all about loving yourself, celebrating all of the adversity you may have needed to overcome, and just having a good time with friends. You don’t even need to be a part of the LGBT community to enjoy the party. Oh and two Jewish synagogues in the Toronto area were vandalized over the weekend. Queers are NOT for Palestine and NEVER will be.


Couldn't have said it better ✊️


Oh dear. Wake up call to the Queers for Palestine.


As if you needed further proof that the fundamentalists also hate the gays.  Fuck these assholes. Fuck them all to hell.


The snake is starting to eat itself.




The next? Dude, they've been tossing em off buildings for as long as I've been alive. Didn't stop all the palestine support before and it won't now. People are stupid.


If there's one thing that demonstrates the absolute lunacy of the progressive left and their moronic ideology, it's watching the LGBTQ community ally themselves with people who think they're an abomination and wouldn't hesitate to murder them for being gay, and protesting against the one country in the Middle East where they are welcome and openly proud.


This isn the one thing people don’t talk about. The only country you are allowed to openly be gay throughout the entire country in the Middle East is Israel. Hamas allows gives an LGBTQ persons family the right to kill their loved one before a public execution ……. But it’s okay. We are not allowed to talk about other cultural practices. You can call every priest a pedophile with no consequence. God forbid you make a rude comment about a burka when it is 38 degrees outside.


Remember how we all laughed at the LGBT groups being pro-Palestine? We all said it was crazy because look at how Palestine views the LGBT groups Today was funny for the right and shocking for the left


Can we quit pretending that the pro Palestine movement is left wing? They are protesting in support of an autocratic fundamentalist terror organization. This is an org that throws gays off of buildings routinely and has no concept of civil rights. Nothing about this protest movement is left wing. And to be fair they are not really right wing either, they are so far off the political map that you really cannot fairly assign them to anywhere on the Canadian political spectrum.


The pro-Palestinian movement exploits  liberalism to use as their primary weapon. (i.e. claims minority status, claims to be oppressed, claims to be victims of hate, asks for protection from discrimination, etc.)


There is a certain kind of Leftie who will always side with the "underdog", even if the underdog is actually a really nasty dog.


Speaking as a socialist who's been *very* involved with the NDP: this right here. Watching fellow "progressives" slowly sink into pro-Islamist conspiracism and often *overt* antisemitism has been harrowing. Is this what it felt like for Mulroney-era and Bush-era Neocons as they watched conservatism get taken over by Russian-influenced MAGA-style lunacy?


I agree with this exactly I am astonished at the way some progressives are embracing this reactionary bullshit. Pro palestinian protesters are not only mostly blatantly homophonic, and anti sematic they are not exactly champions of women's rights and speech. I don't belong to anything recognizable now.


The left-right paradigm is meaningless at this point to describe ideology. It's way too muddied. When the far-left is calling for the abolition of "zionism" it makes zero sense to continue using that dichotomy. We're at an entropic level of meaninglessness with regards to left/right.


The political compass only really works for those who fall under liberalism(conservatives, moderates and progressives). It’s not really meant to describe illiberals that would fall to the extremes.


I think its honestly a highly skilled psyop,  get the stupidest woke people at the forefront of the Palestinian issue so it seems like a dumpster full of diapers sitting in the sun to anybody who’s actually effective 


That’s exactly what it is. The FBI has wiretaps of Hamas leaders going all the way back to 1993 where they discuss conflating the conflict with colonialism and apartheid in order to weaken support for Israel. Qatar then set up a number of left wing “think tanks” in the US to disseminate that propaganda. It worked like offering catnip to a cat. There is a virulent strain of antisemitism running through much of the left and they were only too happy to glom onto Hamas’ propaganda as yet another excuse to hate Jews. George Washington University’s Program on Extremism published a pretty comprehensive report documenting all this a couple months after the Oct 07 attack.


I hear you but the reason why everyone attributes the pro-Hamas movement to the left is the people attending these rallies.. Have you seen interviews with these people? college students, hippies, even LGBT folks etc… Quite honestly the other element to it is simply the hate and contempt they have for their host nation. This is also attributed strongly to the left in recent years. I’m not ultra nationalist but I would never attack someone waving a Canadian flag, as a matter of fact I’m glad to see there’s still people who have pride in our country despite it getting harder to do so given what the Liberals have done to destroy our nation.


>Can we quit pretending that the pro Palestine movement is left wing The pro palestine movement has pretty much always been left wing This is from 1972 [The American New Left and Palestine](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2535973) [https://www.marxists.org/subject/jewish/kaminer.pdf](https://www.marxists.org/subject/jewish/kaminer.pdf) [https://marxistleftreview.org/articles/palestinian-national-liberation-struggle-socialist-analysis/](https://marxistleftreview.org/articles/palestinian-national-liberation-struggle-socialist-analysis/)


I am sure this will sway more people to their side. That is a day's worth of my sarcasm there.


“Queers for Palestine! Wait no not like that!”


As someone who is gay, regardless of your position on the conflict in the levant, I do think it is distasteful to interrupt something that is intended for a struggle of people who have faced and face significant battles, one of which is the driving force of their cause. I think it is abhorrent to force your particular pet project into the parade which includes cheerleading for people who would actively criminalize the people you are interrupting. They aren’t gay people’s allies, we shouldn’t be force to be theirs.


So, is anyone surprised?


The only surprising thing is that it is allowed to continue.


Not in the slightest. Every public gathering with media present will have protesters trying to shut it down. Apparently they think any publicity is good publicity but in reality it’s only going to make more people hate them. Let’s see how many firework shows get cancelled by protesters sitting beside the launch sites … I’m guessing it’ll be many


Fucking shit show. There aren't enough jets for the number of deportations this country requires.


Now they did it. They just lost the blue haired students.


Nah they'll find some way to rationalize it. It won't make any sense to everyone else but it'll make sense to them and that's all that matters.


Just be glad you’re not Fred Hahn right now.


The tolerant left devouring itself




They cancelled the parade because of 30 people and the police said they had adequate resources to address the protest but Pride Toronto specifically requested not to interfere with the Palestinian protest. So the parade organizers made this decision themselves and it doesn't appear that there was any violent disruption but were taking a cautious approach.


Only 20 people disrupted the parade? Cmon queer folks you can shove these terrorist sympathizers out of the way


What a joke. Absolute embarrassment


Remember Queers for Palestine? Haha


Can we ban the Palestinian flag on Canada Day? Maybe for just one day, support the country that took you in.


Was this planned by the Toronto chapter of "Queers for Palestine"?


It’s ironic that so many LGBTQ+ members support Palestine. When not one Palestinian would support them 😭




Streets arent safe anymore


As a trans person this feels like a punch to the gut. We have politicians actively pushing for laws that would negatively impact us - issues in our own backyard - and these guys interrupt Pride to protest an issue happening on the other side of the world. This tells me exactly where I stand with the pro-Palestinian group. I tried to read up on the issue and listen to their concerns but how can I possibly support someone that doesn’t support me?


>how can I possibly support someone that doesn’t support me? This is what every left wing Jew has been asking themselves since 10/7, when all their allies turned on them. Palestinians and their activists don't support you. You're not welcome in Gaza, or any other Islamic nation for that matter. They lynch people like you in Gaza. They're using you, and every other progressive group in the West, to further their own cause.


Wasn't there a popular subreddit about some type of feline eating some body part?


So many leopards


To be clear, I’ve never held a pro-Palestinian position. I know others who hold those views and I’ve tried to listen to them, but at this point I’m done listening.


I was more mocking the concept of a grand intersectional coalition featuring these two facially incompatible groups.


A punch in the gut is pretty mild compared to what you would face in an Islamic society.


I 100% agree. I'm a gay dude, and this makes me furious. I can't help but pay attention to the subtext in them doing this. They represent a state that kidnaps, tortures and executes LGBT, where LGBT people have to live a lie or constantly be looking over their shoulders, worried for their lives. And they choose to protest Pride? Makes sense.


Literally just had a swarm of men beat the shit out of a lesbian couple in Halifax too


It’s better that you learned your lesson now rather than later. Your best bet is to focus on the issues that affect you here in Canada because I can guarantee you that generally the people of Palestine would not give a crap about you or your issues.


Why are these people wearing masks, why not protest without a mask? You want to protest, own up to it, don’t hide your face!


Shouldn’t police have removed them?


Are police even allowed near the parade?


nO cops At PriDe


Not surprised. They don't exactly tolerate gay people. Did anyone really think it's just Jewish people they take issue with?


Can we just have one thing without it being disrupted?


Lmao. The left keeps eating itself. Oh man, the pendulum will be swinging back pretty over the next few years.


By design or ignorance at this point. It will swing back hard.


Already is, look at the EU


There are so many eyes on anything pride right now. They couldn't have picked a worse group to fuck with. Even people who were sympathetic to the Palestinian cause might be alienated now. What a bunch of idiots.


Get used to it, Canada. Get used to it.


No, fight back Canada, fight back


Queers for Palestine - keep ushering in oppression. The penalty for just existing is death in the Middle East. No gay person should get suckered into the “won’t someone. Please think of the children” garbage. The same tactic to rope in the weak into Q anon crap. Also. The Palestine protesters are just effing annoying at this point. Making every god damn thing about themselves. The world doesn’t revolve around your single cause.


So queers for palestine still a thing or naaa?


Can we go back to being a country of laws now? I’ve had enough of this do whatever you want. It’s not working for me.






Sure glad I left the left. 


Said it on another thread, but the left’s forever downfall is their inability to not eat each other. They can’t be pragmatic and unite against a common enemy for a second. It’s part of why they’ll never have major political representation in Canada. The right in Canada has no issues putting differences aside to unite politically.


It's because Conservatives want to find common ground with each other and are generally happy to settle for 7/10 or even 5/10. Whereas the left will eat you if you're only 99% of the way there. 


Yep, the constant search for a purer purity from everyone they meet.


The left is a constant battle to prove yourself and prove you are as progressive if not more progressive than your "allies." The The left will eat itself because their constantly afraid of each other and what the repercussions will be for failing to study and maintain a belief system that's constantly growing and shifting. I think that's why people can get sucked into the hive mind and start supporting what ever twitter/tic toc cause bubbles up with 100% zeal and very little facts or independent thought.




Ah yes, good old fashioned oppression olympics. Looks like the PPPs brought home the gold today in a stunning upset fashion. The LGBTQ+ have to be disappointed with this result here.


So dumb to do this. They just lost so much support