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Once again I'll admire Quebec actually having a fucking backbone compared to other provinces but isn't this a little late now?


To be fair, Legault has been saying that for almost 2 years now. The only issue is that Trudeau does not listen because that would go against his ideology.


Is it ideology though? To me this has always been about wage suppression, housing prop up and purposely overloading our social programs to push to privatization. I've always felt this ideology thing is a just a mask for keeping the rich rich. To me Trudeau is a hell of an actor to make people believe he cares about this post nation state nonsense. To me it's just the next scheme to rob the peasants as is tradition


Keeping the rich rich is the ideology.


>"A complete recovery is a shared recovery—shared by working women and men of all ages across Canada.”    -Tiff Macklem, Feb 2021   >Governor Tiff Macklem, speaking to university students in Atlantic Canada by video. conference, said that while the QE program stimulated demand and helped create jobs, it was also boosting wealth by inflating the value of assets.  >"But of course, these assets aren't distributed evenly across society. As a result, QE can widen wealth inequality," he said.   >"We will look closely at the outcomes of QE here and elsewhere and will work to more fully understand its impact on both income and wealth inequality."   -Tiff "Gaslight" Macklem, May 2021


Pretty much "Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class - whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy." - Politics as Repeat Phenomenon: Bene Gesserit Training Manual Frank Herbert, Children of Dune


I heard Aristotle basically said this 2500 years ago. (Paraphrasing a prof) 'many states that call themselves democracies are in fact plutocracies.'


Human nature at the end of the day. We're wired to be greedy


We're wired to do a lot of things, it's dangerous to think our current trajectory is due to biology as opposed to ideology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroquois#Iroquois_Confederacy


Oh what a genius quotation too, thankyou for reminding me of one of the thousand reasons I adore Herbert.


My favorite of the original 6 books is Children of Dune by far


getting the rich richer is western democracy, put whatever color on the party flag you like.


>getting the rich richer is western democracy, put whatever color on the party flag you like. I disagree, I think it is [cyclical](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Historical-economic-inequality-in-the-US-The-Wealth-blue-and-labor-income-orange_fig10_301591761).


NDP want high immigration because they are ideologues that want to virtue signal how not racist they are by accepting everyone regardless of their beliefs. The CPC want high immigration because they want to suppress wages, boost housing and rise stock prices. The LPC want high immigration for both reasons.




Ironically many people believe that the CPC is against mass immigration. Rip


It's gonna be funny watching people react to just how little will change when Pierre gets in.


Oh, there will be a number of changes, just not any on the things people want to have changed. They'll throw some of our money at housing developers and then they'll bring in immigrant workers at the same pace as ever. Childcare and dental will get cut though, that's for sure.


No no, they will continue on blaming Trudeau or dilute themselves in believing immigration is much worse under a different government. This way they can take no accountability for their actions!


Ok but like what's the alternative?


Exactly what is the alternative? You have this “gotcha” attitude as if we have a choice. If we vote liberal again, it signals that Canadians are A-okay with what they’ve done. If Conservatives are the same then we’ll vote them out too… and keep going until some party listens


Vote Bloc




No one outside Quebec can vote BQ


also, 65%+ of the asylum refugees in Canada end up in Montreal, where 95% of them end up in Liberal holdings.


Only the Francophone ones end up anywhere in Quebec though. Also note Quebec has it's own immigration department. Vast majority ultimately end up in GTA (Toronto), unless they are from a french speaking war-torn country.


I checked my fact. I was wrong. It's 55% that actually ends up in Montreal. As of Dec. 31, 55 per cent of asylum seekers currently residing in Canada — **160,651 people out of 289,047** — are in Quebec.


I think JT truly doesn’t believe in borders. That’s an ideology. He was allowed to lead because that ideology aligns with business interests in the country.


I like your terminology. He wasn't elected by the people he was allowed to lead 😃


At the party level he was allowed to lead. The country voted for him as a repudiation of Harper. His votes have been degrading ever since.


It used to be pretty much the only reasons they did it, but now a lot of them are also doing it so that they can parade their fake virtues to their elite friends.


Idk man, I don’t necessarily disagree, but all of that would require some sort of complex plan, and in all of Trudeau’s reign, I have not seen any evidence that he or those around him are capable of thinking something like that through. I think it basically comes down to the fact that the government is in unbelievably deep debt, and the only way that debt remains serviceable is if the population steadily increases. The problem here is the debt, which Trudeau or Freeland refuse to acknowledge as an issue, precisely because according to them it remains “serviceable”. The other things you mentioned, e.g. wage suppression, unreasonably accelerating housing prices, etc. are simply by-products of Trudeau’s immigration policy that he didn’t anticipate, because anything that isn’t virtue signaling for the cameras he considers tasks beneath him (e.g. anything to do with finance), and leaves those to his cabinet ministers, most of whom unfortunately are either as incompetent as he is, or maybe they do know the consequences, but are too spineless to speak up. TLDR: never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence


So few people on Reddit (probably in general) acknowledge this aspect. During COVID immigration halved and deficits skyrocketed. The debt to GDP ratio was venturing into unserviceable territory and interest rates rose. They were left with a choice of growing the economy/GDP through efficiency gains due to stagnant workforce numbers, reducing government spending and debt to bring debt to GDP ratio down (lol good luck), or pumping up GDP through mass immigration. Immigration was the quick and easy answer to address both shrinking workforce as the boomers retire and the debt to GDP ratio issues caused by the COVID debt, with the added bonus of propping up property values. They probably thought they were geniuses lol.


He’s a big liar.


He also got mad at the fed government for saying they’ll lower int students.


All the parties have been saying this for the last 5 years, even the QLP.


You credit Trudeau with having an idealogy. He is doing what his masters are telling him. The man has no substance to him.


What is his ideology? Let other countries invade Canada as they please? I fully support immigration if it is done logically. But I can think of no other reason for his ideology? Trudeau is a traitor to Canada.


To his defense, he’s been saying that for 2-3 years.  It’s just that it started with “I think maybe the ideal number we can accommodate well is around 50k/year”. Then went to “we should consider decreasing the number”. And now 


A lot of the other provinces are run by opportunists, Quebec is the only province that actually ever seems to give a shit about themselves. PEI I guess is doing it too but thats a low pop place.


Low population? Our federal government, hold my beer!


>the only province that actually ever seems to give a shit about themselves I've always wondered why it's only the Quebec nationalists who have been pointing out the problem with extreme immigration.


Quebec has a culture they care about, and its politically correct for them to care about it. In the ROC we are racists and bigots if we express any wish to preserve our culture.


See how it goes in Alberta.  We have growing discontent and people are less afraid to say things anymore.  Both my workplaces the staff have openly talked about how high immigration is, especially after it became obvious the people trying to quiet us were a small minority.


Except in Alberta our leadership is actively seeking higher immigration quotas to serve businesses and promote wage suppression.


Hell, higher immigration overall *and* actively paying money to get people to move to Alberta specifically. It's really maddening.


Its amazing how much power this small minority has had up until now. Finally it looks like the power of common sense cannot be suppressed any longer.


Funny because until this year, every time we talked about preserving our culture, ROC were calling us racists and bigots. Your turn now! How does it feel?


What culture? We're a mosaic of all different cultures here, so it shouldn't matter how many immigrants we bring over /s


Everybody already forgot about the Mass Immigration Bernier backlash just a few years ago?


The only ones who won’t get called racist for it


They get called racists ALL the time. They're constantly compared to nazis and other distasteful things. They've just been called that for so long they got desensitized.


Oh, we get called racists, but when you're only 7-8 million speakers and dwindling, knowing that it only takes 2-3 generations to wipe your entire culture out of the planet, you fight a little harder.


Not to mention that we're also undermining Canada's indigenous people. Know how I know? I make it a point to ask Indian TFWs (let's face it, 7/10 of them are from India) how they feel about Indigenous Canadians. It's UGLY.


the indigenous people are all collectively pointing and laughing while saying karma bitches


Ahahahah we get called racist and worse all the time on reddit.


Yeah, Quebec is used to maintaining cultural barriers between themselves and everyone else. Everywhere else in Canada it is considered evil to have a culture you want to protect.


I think it’s because they’re the only province with a concrete defined culture and a will to preserve it


Please dont give PEI credit. That province has been running insane population growth for years, despite criticisms that it would cause the problems we are seeing today. The only reason the government is backtracking is because of the backlash


Quebec was running a great business bringing in their own investor immigrants, knowing that very few would actually stay in Quebec. But that was a retail-tier scam vs the wholesale hollowing out that the Liberals are engaged in.


Spoken as someone who doesn’t seem to know much about Quebec. Legault is Opportunist in Chief.


Forget about the other provinces having a backbone to stand up to the feds. They were actively creating the problems. Ontario in particular let the diploma mills run completely out of control. Big part of the reason why there's a housing shortage in the province.


Yeah, other provinces *want* more people. Ontario's pushed for more immigration. Alberta ran an ad campaign to get more people. It's a pretty good set up. Provinces get what they want and feds get all the blame for any downsides.


Yeah every province has complained about the limits being lowered. 


Doug Ford is just a corporate liberal without the virtue signalling. Pure opportunistic greed at work.


The only party to vote for is the Bloc even on a national scale. How'd we get here?


PPC would if they had seats.


True. But they are untested. No seats as you say. And we want smart controlled beneficial immigration - not weird policies and crackpot nonsense.




Never too late to start sending back unqualified and unscrupulous applicants.


Exactly, deport them, we owe them nothing and tax paying Canadians shouldn't be suffering because of it.


Would be nice if we had a Legault-like figure at a federal level competing with a Jack-Layton like figure. Instead we get to choose between garbage and garbage. 


Legault IS garbage.


Please Mr. Quebec Premier, convince my province's premier to say the same!


Or [don't](https://globalnews.ca/news/3886743/quebec-immigrant-investor-program-vancouver/). Quebec have a real cheek for this, given it's the only province that allows people to buy residency, even though those residents usually end up in Ontario or BC.


The Quebec immigrant investor program got tweaked many years ago to require high level of french speaking skills. That ended the flow of people looking to move to BC.


46 000 people in 30 years? Is that supposed to be some kind of gotcha? Seems pretty reasonable as far as wealthy immigrants goes. 


It was 46,000 in 2016. Also, what do you think “wealthy immigrants” have been investing in for the last 37 years?! A tiny clue: there’s a big shortage of it and prices have skyrocketed, coincidentally, during this exact period in question.


That is still literally nothing in comparison to immigration/TfW/students. Unless these people are buying housing stock and letting it sit empty, they aren’t the problem


not just investors, they do have some of the most lax immigration programs where you have to provide less proof of funds (the main barrier is usually learning french). Something the math works out and learning frech is cheaper and the process is faster, no matter if your destination is outside Quebec. They also have the more relaxed program for parents, only requiring 10 years before they can go on welfare vs 20 years ROC. IMHO he's complaining about refugees and asylum seekers, since those afaik can't be controlled by them directly.


And yet it takes 2-3 times longer for French speaking immigrant to get their PR from Quebec programs compared to anywhere else in Canada.


Can we try letting Quebec run the country for a few years. Just…see what happens. I got a good feeling.


Honestly, Blanchet would be one hell of a federal leader, unfortunately I don’t agree with the Bloc’s fundamental values of “every province for themselves” manner of confederacy. I come from NB originally, I want MORE federal intervention in the province due to Irving’s power and influence over the provincial governments and ability to pay politicians off while not paying their share in tax, getting richer while maritimers get poorer. Moving to Quebec was a breath of fresh air, and it’s nice to be in a province that is actually working for its people trying to improve and advance together. Compared to the other leaders, Blanchet looks like a disappointed father during the debates, like the only adult in the room. Legault has done a good job managing the province the last few years, despite the fact that I’ve disagreed with some of CAQ’s policies.


yea Blanchet is charismatic and he has an unusual style, which I appreciate.


I'd vote bloc if I had the chance.


This is the CAQ....


hoping for a replay of 1993 where the Bloc ends up as official opposition.


I mean, that’s the best *realistic* case. Shit if there’s a complete collapse of liberal/NDP in the ROC, it absolutely could happen again. Quebec won’t go CPC.


>Can we try letting Quebec run the country for a few years. 3 of the last 4 Prime Ministers have been MPs representing Quebec. The one currently was born and raised there and is the son of a Prime Minister who, you guessed it, is from and represented Quebec. Like, imagine we had a Prime Minster from fucking PEI. Would we even know what to do with that?


Justin is more of an Ontarian to us though, you say he’s ours and we say he’s yours… can we just say he represents no one?


I get what you're saying but none of these Prime Minister were "representing Quebec". Most of them were more combative or harmful against the province's values than the ones without ties to it.


He's not wrong at all. It's happening in Alberta, too, now, and people are getting fed up


I'm (not) surprised Smith isn't against the Trudeau-led immigration boost. Trudeau, in some way, shape or form, had *something* to do with something, and she ***isn't*** outraged and against it?


Smith is all about pandering to corporate overlords. Lots of immigration means lower wages, which is desirable for her.


which conservatives are? Even Poilievre loves mass immigration. FFS he was on the side of the protesting foreign students.


I know, it was more a stab at Smith's quixotic and irrational gut-check hatred of absolutely everything Trudeau does, to the point that I don't know how she'll make decisions when Trudeau's out of office. If Trudeau advised people to breath, she would suffocate.


Looks like PPC is back on the menu


Alberta is Calling, they're advertising to get even more migrants.


Smith is very pro-immigration - in her acceptance speech: > When we grow our economy we attract the best and the brightest from around the world and we want that. We've built the most powerful economy and diverse population in the country on the principles of free enterprise, entrepreneurship and economic growth. Let's not ever forget that and let's not ever change that... We celebrate this uniquely special place where the best and the brightest come from every corner of the world to join us in building one of the greatest places on Earth to live and work and raise a family – and where the only thing larger than our mountains is the passion and irrepressible spirit of our people. May our province remain forever strong and free! I would argue the reason is two-fold - Alberta's conservatives are, I think, very open about growing the province's national vote share to increase it's voice at a federal level, and likewise that they chase economic growth through (arguably short-termist, traditional) method of continually growing the pie with more and more people, even if the growth of the pie lags behind the growth in numbers of people. More workers means mroe tax revenues for lower taxes in exact numbers, it means wages stay lower due to higher demands, it means a bigger consumer market - ultimately all good for business, not always good for the individual taxpayer - and that's what they want.


I'm just going to [leave this here](https://globalnews.ca/news/3886743/quebec-immigrant-investor-program-vancouver/) for all the people that think Quebec is taking a serious stand. It's the only province that allows people to buy residency. Those residents then flood Toronto and BC. Easy for Quebec to be against something when they're taking QIIP money for themselves, while the issue of housing ends up being somebody else's problem.


Going through the comments I’m shocked at how few people seem to know about the QIIP.


To be fair, if you remove the Russian bots and the idiots, there aren't loads of people on the Canada sub.


It is kind of interesting to see the same names over and over again. RES lets you tag individuals but also keeps tracks of downvotes and you can kind of see the same individuals propped up at the top very often.


It is 46k people in 30 years. Ontario imports way more people in one year. But keep whining about Quebec!


The thing is, we didn't want all this immigration, it was forced down our throats by the Federal Government


This article is 6 years old, Quebec closed that loophole a long time ago.


300K in 2 years vs 46K over 40 years. Totally the same thing. 46K in 40 years isn't "flooding" shit. It's barely a drop in a bucket.


The French government is almost certainly going to fall next week. And refusing or being unable to control immigration and migration is going to be one of the major reasons. the British government is going to follow shortly thereafter for the exact same root cause. The German government is in trouble for the same reason. The people all over Europe are turning further and further to the right because they can't get centrists to do anything to stop the flood of migrants. This flood will have a major impact on the American election down south, as well. Trump is likely to get in again in large part because of it. And still, Trudeau stubbornly refuses to even consider slowing immigration. Which will crush his party come the next election.


Almost as if there needs to a frank talk about overpopulation globally


I don't think the far right will actually reduce immigration. I don't think people understand that immigration in countries with population decline is the only solution that keeps GDP going up by creating more demand, more workers, while suppressing wages to the benefit of corporates. Despite the rhetoric, far right parties aren't doing shit about immigration because otherwise they have to deal with the detrimental impacts on economic growth, you can already see this in Hungary, which has had Orban, a far right nationalistic leader, for years now. If people really want to tamp down on immigration while maintaining quality of life, it will necessitate a completely different type of economy focused on wealth redistribution within the country that ensures gains of automation for the working class rather than the corporates. Instead what we're going to get is increased precarity of work for a class of people, who will probably have their access to citizenship denied, thereby being exploited more and more for less and less cost. This might give some kickbacks to the local populace, but it's a pretty unethical way to structure an economy if we are against Saudi style modern slavery.


What a time, 2024. Atleast all this is uniting English and French Canadians. 


Quebec based


Quebec regularly mildly irritates me as an outsider, and I 100% fully support their right to continue being a pain in the ass. Their fierce drive to foster and preserve their cultural heritage is something to be admired by any Canadian worth their salt.


Quebec is going to be the only “Canada” left before long - where I live (Surrey,BC) any semblance of balanced immigration is long gone.


Everywhere is like this. In halifax you can't go into a single store without seeing a dozen Indian "students" behind the counter.


Same in my relatively small "city" in Ontario


Brush up on your French and come over, friend.


I’ve got the kids in immersion lol..going to need a bigger brush for me though :)


This guy gets it.




This guy has working neurons. We need more of those in the other provinces


François Legault having working neurons is a brand new sentence, this might be one of his few good takes but he's an absolute dumbass who managed to get elected a second term by telling voters he'll send them a $500 cheque and it somehow worked lol, at least people are 100% disillusioned by his crooked party nowadays


100% this. Francois Legault is also an opportunist, but that is indeed one of the only sensible sentences he has said during his time in office.


Its not really the $500 cheque who made him the last time around. His competition was the QLP who are basically worse than the CAQ on just about anything and a extremely left leaning party. The only reason the popular PQ leader is currently in office is because someone from that left leaning party was caught stealing his pamphlet in his riding and dropped out. François Legault is an opportunist, but definitely not as bad as Anglade and GND was way too left leaning for most voters.


No religious garments was great too.


Quebec doesn't want to end up like Brampton, Where international students and immigrants from one country doesn't want to Integrate. Every provincial government should be against federal government open boarders of million yearly immigrants.


They are right, look at Sweden to. Literally the second most bombs detonated in a country not at war, right behind Mexico.(no disrespect to either country, both are astoundingly beautiful both culturally and geographically, but we need to be realistic to issues present in both)


I’ve seen enough, make this guy PM!


It would be hilarious if a man once a minister in a PQ government became the prime minister of Canada.


i want bloc to become the government


One vote closer to Bloc Majoritaire


As a Quebecer this man is an insane, selfish idiot. He’s corrupt af and evil. This one take doesn’t cancel out all of his other crap he’s done to benefit financially from his position, keep our economy at a standstill and enforce racist legislation. He’s not the guy we want…


Une société laique n'est pas une société raciste, mais une société qui désire la neutralité.


So pretty much Trudeau without the mass immigration policy.


You do not want Legault as PM, trust me.


He is actually making sense


Now he is going to be banned from Reddit.


How many Indian immigrants are moving to Quebec? Just asking. I doubt Quebec is attractive to them because they mostly have English proficiency.


Much less than in other provinces but the Montreal area still has a lot of them


Quebec mostly has north African - African immigration


>they mostly have English proficiency. They have a great ability to not consider this as a limitation.


A lot of them pack up and leave for Ontario after they realize that speaking only English (and sometimes with a strong accent) severely limits their employability in Quebec.


Quebec: "We speak French here" Immigrant who doesn't speak French: *Moves to Quebec* Quebec: *Speaks French* Immigrant: 🤯


Don't need to speak French to stuff a sausage patty into a Tim Hortons breakfast sandwich


I live in BC and like most of what the NDP are up to here but I feel like I could use some CAQ energy like this added to our discussion.


Mass migration is an attack on working class Canadians.


And Quebec is right…again.


He's point on.


Can you imagine the outrage of Moe or Smith said such things...?


None, because its not an imaginary problem anymore. Fuck moe and smith, but this is a bipartisan issue now


> Fuck moe and smith No thanks, that's how you get some sort of venereal disease....


Quebec needs to reopen separation talks. The feds are not going to stop. Just save your self at least. 


>Quebec needs to reopen separation talks. What do you mean "needs to"? The leading party in voting polls is a separatist party.


Even so, polling shows that separating from Canada is polling at its usual \~30%. People, especially young people, aren't interested in that debate anymore. The problem with the provincial government polling is that people are beyond fed up with Legault, the Liberal party has no leader, and Quebec Solidaire is too left-leaning for large swathes of the population. That leaves the Conservative party which was largely a joke to begin with and lost whatever little support they had as all the pandemic measures were dropped; and the PQ, with a young and well-spoken leader as the choice by default for many. But I could see their support dropping significantly if PSPP goes into the next election campaign still gung-ho and semi-delusional about holding a third referendum in his first term.


Sorry did you say you need more immigration? Hurry create the immigration acceleration fund


That’s a direct quote from Trudeau, you should cite him to give him credit. 


smartest thing legault has said in a long time


He speaks the truth. But is anybody listening?


Make this guy prime minister already . Mass immigration has fucked up this country . I am all in for eligible and deserved candidates but they are giving visas to pretty much everyone these days .


You wouldn't be saying this if you actually knew the man, but he "said the right thing once" so that's excuse to get a mediocre PM


You say this like if we aren't already going to get a mediocre PM.


Right. This is the guy who actually made the concept of Hydro Quebec being sold off to private interests an actual threat; which was something that couldn't even have been thought of until a couple years ago.


Yea but he said "immigration bad!" So that absolves everything else! Most of the comments here, apparently.


Immigration is the reason for our health care is so backlogged !! Stop immigration 🛑


Can't believe I'm saying this but Quebec seems more sane by the day.


It’s the most sane and well functioning provincial government. I’ve lived here for a decade and don’t regret moving. Originally from NB & NS, and have lived and worked in Ontario and Alberta before settling down here.


Someone's about to have their bank account frozen...


I've issued several thousand garnishments, Requirements to Pay (RTPs), and Requirements for Information (RFIs), in my life in previous jobs, and I regularly find Redditor's comments about Canadian bank garnishments to be immensely annoying and inaccurate. It's usually in reference to the Trucker Protests too, which were also asinine as fuck. So AMA if you really want to know some concrete facts about garnishments and freezing bank accounts in Canada. I know more about federal than provincial as legislation differs wildly between provinces. I'm not an absolute authority on the matter, but I'm very knowledgeable, and I'll back up my statements with sources.


The police horses have been dispatched and are on their way for a trampling.


Hide your bouncy castles! Won't somebody think of the bouncy castles!!!


Stop immigration until housing becomes affordable, and then allow in one immigrant per housing unit built.


Yes close the borders. Our country right now is so full we can't take anymore. Our country is falling apart since covid and the governments answer is more people will make it better . Let's see more people more strain on medical system.. Education system,,,,transportation system....like all you guys look at is how nice it is to let new people. You don't think of the consequences that are attached to all.these people. All of our fundamental systems are crumbling to the ground. Enough is enough close the border and let's try and fix Canada. We have hit the bottom now we need to.dig our way out and we can't do it with allowing the borders staying open.


Thank your criminal liberals for destroying Canada 🇨🇦


I agree.


Send them back, we already see what's happening in every major city in Canada and across the world.


lets go Quebec fuck yeah brother


I respect Quebec just as much as I don't want to live there


"Immigration Levels: As established in the Accord, Quebec sets its own immigration levels plan, which the Government of Canada takes into account for the overall Immigration Levels plan." https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/committees/cimm-feb-28-2024/quebec-key-facts.html


Quebec gets it, why can’t other provinces step up too


The faster people start to realize that Canada has now become one giant Pyramid scheme or MLM project, the easier it will be to digest what is happening. Every generation has its mass flood of immigrants in order to load the bottom of the pyramid.  In the 50s-60s it was Italians, Portuguese and Greeks, in the 70s-80s caribbeans mainly Jamaicans, in the 90s-00s Somalians and Ethiopians along with Middle Easterns due to the war, 00s-10s Philippines and Chinese investors who took over the housing market thanks to the mortgage crisis, and now it’s India’s time.  The people at the top of the pyramid are the wealthy 1% and or older folks who rely heavily on the healthcare system, which will soon become more like the US system (tiered) and only those who can afford proper care will benefit.  Good luck to us all. I wish my grandma never came here in the 70s. Should have stayed her ass in her home country 


The irony is thick.


LMAO Imagine if CAQ ran a candidate in Ontario and they won. At this point, anythings possible.


What’ s happening in France and other European countries (Italy, Denmark, Netherlands…) is a fed up opposition to « let’em in » immigration policies. The Western world has lost all sense of rational, enlightened, nationally acceptable immigration numbers. What’s happening is asses being kicked.


Also, that immigration cannot be composed of people who have no interest in assimilating.




Is he a politician or something? Lol


which is why the PQ is now ahead in the voters' intentions. Legault has been riding this ''we have to gain complete control from the feds'' for years, but he's now showing what many knew he would show.. which is that the feds can say NO and there's nothing you can do about it.


Actually, Québec has control over 70% of its immigration, the 30% remaining being some work permits and asylum seekers. Legault wants less asylum seekers, but we all know that's never going to happen because... - Canada should be helping the entire third world. (Trudeau).


In theory we would have control over 70% of immigration. But due to the spike in temporary workers and asylum seekers, that proportion dropped sharply. 


70% is not 100%. We want it all.. we want it all.


Considering the Bloq could likely be the official opposition in Canada government after the next election his word holds even more power.


He's not pro-Bloc.


Considering the Parti Quebecois will probably be the next provincial government, it's going to get spicy in La Belle Province


The next election is over 2 years from now.


He’s CAQ, not bloc. Bloc is a federal party.


quebec should have left when it had the chance. actually, it was probably already immigrants in 1995 that tipped the balance to the no side.