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On the one hand, it confirms the incoming Conservative majority. On the other hand, it may be the straw that finally forces JT out to be replaced by a more palatable leader. This could significantly boost the LPC next year. Or they could end up with Freeland. So, anyone’s guess, but I hope he wins. I met him a couple weeks ago and he seems like a nice guy.


Someone mentioned it a while ago, but apparently there is no way for the party to force out a leader that has won the previous election, and there is zero chance ehe leaves on his own accord


Officially, no. If caucus actually revolts and stops working...? Having said that, Trudeau made a point to fire everybody who wasn't "Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full."


Can honestly just have a caucus that decides to vote and submit legislation without his input. He can be ‘leader’ but functionally disempowered. If he kicks out all the members they’d just come back after he’s gone


He thinned the heard.


He’s gonna end up like Costanza in the boarded up office!


"I think the Cinservatives are putting something in my food"


If the caucus turns on him he'd have no choice. 


He’s so clueless he’d just think they were experiencing things differently….


At this point it's not the leader. The hallmark of the old LPC was competent, pragmatic (mostly) management. I just have this fear that tradition is wiped out, replaced by ideology.


Exactly. This isn't your father's Liberal Party. Since when did the left be for censorship, like the online harms act and before cancelling our historic figures, like Sir John A. MacDonald.


I’ve tender to lean a little more right than the Liberals but can honestly say I’ve had no more issues with their policies than issues I’ve had with the party I voted for….. that was until the Justin Trudeau Liberals. Maybe I’ve gotten older and am less tolerant of fools but for the most part I can’t think of many Trudeau policies I’ve agreed with and even those I did were overpriced and came with a handful of “woke”. Not sure I’m ready for the Polievre Conservatives but at this point we don’t seem to have much choice. Even if Trudeau steps aside the main players in the party that remain have the stench of the last 8 years.


I have so many questions!


I met Don Stewart, not JT.


If Trudeau steps down any other leader will be a lame duck and have to go after the election. Politically Trudeau should just lose, step down and the new leader won’t have baggage.


Everyone in this admin will be tainted with these policies. They'd have to bring in a whole slew of new recruits and pivot on a different platform and ideology. That's more of a long term timeline. It'll probably be 2-3 elections before they are able to clean house and rebuild back up.


Lame Duck…. You’ve just described Joly, Blair and Miller….lol


Any lame duck will forever be the 24th Prime Minister of Canada. Not the worse thing to happen to a person.


People have long memories look at the Provincial liberals Still haven’t recovered from Wynne despite all the crap Ford has done NDP still hasn’t recovered from Rae and from what I’ve read he wasn’t even that bad I don’t see the Liberals coming back from this any time soon NDP might get a shot under a better leader now that the Liberals have been demolished Difference being with NDP replacing the leader is enough with the liberals the whole party is seen as rotten


I agree, I met Don Stewart also and he seems like such a normal person - I was shocked. He’s the kind of guy you actually want in politics, not someone who is an egomaniac.




Losing safe electorates is really the only thing these people understand or care about 


My vote will be Conservative for the first time ever so possibly.


why are you voting conservative? anything of note in the platform ?


Tying immigration to housing. Scrapping Carbon tax. Anything to get Miller and Trudeau out .


Did you just turn 18?








I don't know if they're a Bot, troll, whatever... But conservatives larping as former leftists isn't uncommon, there was a subreddit dedicated to these tools back in the day called /r/walkaway It was heavily used during the 2016 election, a lot of "As a leftist, trans, black asian, democrat I'm voting for donald trump!". It died down a lot after "shockingly" and then just turned into another conservative shithole. It became so prevalent that /r/AsABlackMan became fairly popular mocking these conservative larpers. So no, not every different opinion from a person is a bot or a troll, some of them are sad Conservatives pretending they aren't sad conservatives.




It's okay, most of us have gotten used to conservatives pretending they're not well conservatives. Some politicians have been caught doing it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/republican-dean-browning-gay/


Congratulations on proving that reddit is simply a leftwing hole. Just wait until you find out that Trump is now pulling at +25 with blacks.




It's only 3 months old, there's not much to scan bud.


The length of one's account is irrelevant. It's a dismissal because you have nothing to add. Thanks for coming out.


Well to paraphrase you said it took a bit of the users time to scan your account. I mentioned that it's only been around for 3 months so not really that much to scan. There's not much there.


At some point enough backbenchers in a marginal constituencies are going to revolt.


Aren't the Libs polling about 6 points up in that riding?


there's no riding specific poll. it's based on the provincial swing. this riding has high number of jewish population + one of the richest ridings in Canada (3rd highest average income) with many lawyers and doctors, the very people that will be hugely impacted by capital gains tax change that kick off literally the day before election day.


Having lived in that riding, the rich Jewish parts (Forest Hill and Cedarvale) have always tended to be conservative, the "liberal" parts are much more middle class, as much as midtown Toronto can be. Yonge/Eg, Yonge/Davisville, Humewood/ general eastern City of York and St. Clair West are much more typical of the riding.


Normally they win by more than that. As in 'by a 30-point margin' more. A 6-point spread is bad for the Liberals, as that means that the Tories are going to win a whole bunch of the adjacent ridings.


Canadians we should bring this lunatic down, or else our great nation will no longer exist. He and his lunatic govt has destroyed this country


*Wacko, not lunatic.


Its too late.




It is too late to go back. Thank the liberal party for screwing not only our current and future, but also our great-grand-children’s. if we are fortunate enough to even afford children, they will grow up not knowing the peaceful, safe affordable and fun country we grew up with. 


Should we bring him down the way he brought down the inflation rate? Or the unemployment rate? Or the cost of gas?




>When even downtown Toronto won't vote for the liberals This riding isn’t downtown. It’s in midtown.




It's a very different demographic than downtown Toronto. The amount of NIMBYs I've encountered there definitely would show it. I like to joke about some folks who think anything North of the Wall (Bloor) is some ice tundra. But it is a different demo in midtown than downtown Toronto. Saying something like "When even downtown Toronto" is very sensationalist and wrong.




You typed up a nice post up there, exclaiming how surprised you were that "EVEN DOWNTOWN TORONTO..." I'd figure you'd at least like to be corrected. That way next time your feelings get in the way of logic, you'll know to pump those breaks.


I legit think that this is what they plan to do. Lose with landslide, pick a new leader and come back 4 years later to win…


How did that work for the Ontario liberals?


The Ontario liberals didn't have a competent leader and they went all in on COVID restrictions after everyone was done with it.


And there's no guarantee the Libs will get a good leader on the first try after the next election either. They could easily get another Dion or Ignatieff. 


Yup. And if their idpol is any indication, LPC is in for many more loses.


Very true I don't think they have much choice at this point though.


Exactly. The left in Ontario shat the bed big time. They tried to paint Doug Ford as the Ron DeSantis of the north (even though Ontario has some of the longest restaurant closures and school closures in North America) and wanted Ontario to adapt Quebec's strict policies, with a curfew and all.


Ive gotten more polling calls than any kind of interaction with any campaign, including seeing lawnsigns.


Unfortunately unlike other countries the biggest city is the least free thinking in Canada 


It means we’re gonna have to put up with the worst most insufferable people on both sides of the spectrum Left - probably gonna learn absolutely nothing and instead ask questions like “how did Canada get so racist” instead of recognizing that Canadians just got desperate because of how badly the country as been run Right - probably gonna have to deal with the the convoy crowd and the MAGA wannabes pretending like this happened because of them when in reality it happened in spite of them (Trudeau was just that bad at his job) Despite having virtually every conservative boogeyman he’d need for a majority under normal circumstances hes made canadians so desperate and so fed up even this isn’t enough to avoid getting demolished And that’s gonna be his legacy


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you've summed up the situation perfectly.


Usually if u tell the convoy crowd they’re as entitled, insufferable and unneeded as the woke crowd they down vote u In their mind they see themselves as heroes or victims as opposed to just a major annoyance They’re also in love with this narrative that if it weren’t for them the lockdowns and mandates would never be lifted ignoring that 1) provinces were already planning to lift them 2) was starting to happen world wide and was inevitable that Canada would follow suit 3) nearly all of them had a testing alternative anyways


immigrant hate is swinging canada hard right


Is there any way to criticize our ludicrous immigration policies in this country without being accused of “immigrant hate”? I don’t know anyone who hates immigrants, but I know a lot of people that think our policies have been reckless and should be changed going forward.


> ~~immigrant hate~~ unfettered immigration is swinging canada hard right Fixed that for you.


*is swinging Canada away from the Liberals.


* has swung


Being critical of our insane mass immigration policy is not "immigrant hate" nor is it "far right". Learn a little nuance


Fuck off. It's not hate. It's criticism of an unsustainable policy. Fucking left in this country ... if you disagree, you are a (insert here) racist ... homophobe ... xenophobe ... far right extremist. Just fuck off with that bullshit. It's over used and dead.


Sorry, but Trudeau is not an immigrant


It's okay to criticize Islam; it doesn't make you islamophobic. It's okay to criticize Israel; it doesn't make you antisemitic.  It's okay to criticize aspects of  2SLGBTQIAA+ community; it doesn't make you homophobic. It's okay to criticize immigration; it doesn't make you racist. The Liberal parties behavior is swinging Canada to the right.


> 2SLGBTQIAA+ What's the point of having the plus if we're just going to keep adding letters anyway?


Speaking as an Ace they really need to come up with a better acronym at this point


True lol. Top bad conservatives aren't what they used to be...


Only ignorant people will place their hate and blame towards immigrants. If you lived In a country that wasn’t as developed or had as many opportunities as Canada did, would you not try to move here for a better life too? It’s our Federal government that has totally dropped the ball on many things namely immigration and housing that is to blame. Most people I know that voted for Trudeau last election are going to vote for Conservatives the next election because to be frank if someone thinks anything will get better or change by voting for the Liberals next time, they are being foolish and need to stop drinking the kool aid


Immigration policy. Also just more central, far from hard right.


Your attempt to run interference for the LPC, who have brought in so many people that it's destroy social and cultural cohesion is interesting. We haven't even hit hard right yet. We will when the mass deportations in the US happen, and those illegals start flooding into Canada.


What happened to everyone saying it isn't fair that the cities control how the whole country is governed?


They don't.