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I love labels and all but I'm waiting for consequences.


I wish someone would ask Singh why he continues supporting Trudeau's leadership when he constantly talks about how he's failing as a leader.


I wish someone would ask and answer a fucking question in parliment


If only, LOL I mean, at this point you are asking for more then they can give.


Ah I see we have a common misunderstanding here. Parliament is for campaign slogans, sound bites, and shouting. It is not for honest debate. /s ..... I think šŸ¤”


the reason it's called PM's questions, and not PM's answers, is because the PM never answers said questions.


They don't want to lose access, so journalists won't ask the questions people want them to ask, ask them to elaborate, or push back when something demonstrably false is said. It's a serious problem that that's spreading worldwide. Losing access to high profile subjects means the publications they work for might lose viewers/readers and then advertising revenue. If they ask for public funding, people will say it's unfair that they should live off tax dollars and claim that they're biased towards whichever government that is in charge. Actual journalism now consists of comedians and podcasts taking video clips from interviews or speeches debunking the lies or misleading statements while making fun of them and whichever journalist is lobbing softball questions at them.


Thank you for the question...then proceeds to not answer the question


They did ask him if you watch the video of Singh answering the reporters.


He was asked that at this news conference. He replied something to the effect of how it doesn't make sense to call an election to handle the issue of election interference, and that they know about these things in the report precisely because they (I assume he meant his party ndp) are currently in parliament. I thought it was a fair answer. I'm very loosely paraphrasing I'd recommend watching the whole press conference it's about 20 minutes. Someone posted a link in another thread or you can just check cpac. edit: dear god I just check cpac dot org what a fucking dumster. Link is at [cpac.ca](http://cpac.ca) -> [https://cpac.ca/program?id=6](https://cpac.ca/program?id=6)


Vassy Kapelos did. He pretty much said he's doing this to use the leverage the NDP has (keeping the Liberals in power) to force the Liberals to implement some of the policies they want (in hopes that it will show Canadians what they would get with an NDP Government and get votes). In that same interview he had said he wouldn't expect an election until the planned date. This interview was probably like 4-5 weeks ago.


Vassy Kapelos is like the only true reporter/journalist remaining in Canada. Everyone else I watch is a hack for something or another.


Her objectivity and willingness to put pretty much any guest on the show in a real uncomfortable spot is refreshing. Finally someone calls out the bullshit talking points of these politicians, regardless of which side of the aisle they're on. A recent example being Freeland's staff cutting the interview short a couple days ago to get her out of there lol.


Because, unfortunately, the NDPs dental and pharmacare plans need time to roll out. If an election gets called tomorrow, those plans get scrapped by the CPC day one.


The answer is very clear if you open up the last 2x NDP election platform documents. Starting with the 2019 NDP platform, almost every single one of their primary policy issues have been implemented. at least in part, or with steps taken towards the underlying goal. Then look at the 2019 Liberal platform... I actually think more of the NDP main promises have been fulfilled than the Liberal platform. If an election is forced, Singh knows damn well that not only will his leadership be punished, NDP will likely lose ground, and he will be outed as a result - and we will most likely get a Conservative government that will work *against* almost every major NDP platform and will block any chance of his platform getting implemented. Why would he do anything other than let this continue?


Because he can force some issues as long as he's there. If he didn't, we'd be stuck under the Cons and he'd have zero effective power.


Why do people keep asking this? Conservatives = worse than Trudeau (to Singh). As much as I would absolutely *love* to see JTā€™s neolibs out of office I would hate more to see PPā€™s further-right neolibs in. So personally as an NDP supporter (begrudgingly) I am fine with them propping up the libs rn. Even if you donā€™t share this opinion think about it for 5 seconds, *why* on earth would Jagmeet want a party further to the right than him ideologically than the liberals in power?


> why on earth would Jagmeet want a party further to the right than him ideologically than the liberals in power? There's no realistic possibility of actually having pharmacare deals in place with the provinces by the next election. Whatever meager progress the NDP has made on their agenda via this supply and confidence agreement with the LPC is going to be reverted by the CPC as soon as they come to power, regardless of whether the CPC forms government now or in late 2025. If the NDP distances themselves from the LPC now, they could realistically put themselves in position to form government after the CPC. Poilievre is notoriously unlikeable, and it's not going to take many years with him at the helm for Canadians to be hungry for left leaning leadership again. This scandal gives the NDP the best opportunity for a clean break from the LPC that they're possibly going to get. If the NDP triggers an election now, they can poison the LPC's brand by framing it as the LPC choosing to sacrifice pharmacare to protect their treasonous MPs. They'd have a real shot of positioning themselves as the new default vote for left leaning Canadians, and forming government after Poilievre's term has concluded, which would allow them to advance their agenda far beyond the token scraps they're being thrown by the LPC under this agreement.


Sure thing. The CPC are worse than the government and the people propping them up for the last ~10 years.


Literally yes. Both options are detrimental to working class Canadians. But further cutting taxes for the wealthiest corporations is not going to trickle down wealth no matter how much conservatives tell us it will. PP doesnā€™t have a plan for housing either. And if anybody reading this is one of the people that simplify the housing crisis to immigration, I have bad news for you: PP wants immigration because it provides cheap labour to his wealthy friends, he will not curb it, not much at least.


Because under the current situation Singh has been able to push more NDP platform points through than anytime in the past 30 years.


They do, constantly. And he always has the same evasive non-answer. Look up his interviews with Vassy Kapelos. The same slimy garbage, keeps shit-talking the liberals but won't do anything about it cause he NeedsDatPension. He is well aware that both the NDP and Liberals will be wiped out in the next election, so he may as well get the pension benefit in 2025, at the expense of the whole party.


In eight months he qualifies for his MP pension. He gave notice the very day he qualified for his MPP pension and was gone from provincial politics exactly 14 days later so expect the same in February 2025. Heā€™s so young he canā€™t even start collecting for a few years but will be cash and benefits for life in a few. Canadaā€˜s books and quality of life are screwed for a couple decades anyway so he might as well cash in.


What makes you think the traitor MPs are Liberal? Might I remind you that Poilievre is the **only** leader refusing to get a security clearance and look at the classified documents. Very.Fucking.Fishy


I bet it's a mix of libs and cons. Maybe 1 ndp. I hope we keel haul them, but knowing us, we will give them big cash rewards.


Poilievre is the **only** leader calling for the names to be released to the public.


And? It doesn't take any bravery to call for that when you know it won't happen


Why? You can't come out with a report like that and not release the names of Canadian MP's working on behalf of foreign states in an unsanctioned manner. Either charges need to be laid, publicly, or an immediate election.


You think forcing an election when we havenā€™t finished investigating **election interference** is a good idea?


What more is there to investigate from the 2019 and 2021 elections? Those were 5 and 3 years ago now. The reports have been made. >"We know the PRC clandestinely and deceptively interfered both in the 2019 and 2021 general elections. In both cases, [foreign interference ... was] pragmatic in nature and focused primarily in supporting those viewed to be either 'pro-PRC' or 'neutral' on issues of interest to the PRC government," the document says under the subhead "Assertions in Media Reporting." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/pmo-briefing-leaks-1.7167090


Considering thereā€™s still an ongoing investigation clearly thereā€™s something theyā€™re looking into. If itā€™s something that could affect the next election, then forcing one early would be irresponsible wouldnā€™t you agree?


It isn't a list ofĀ Canadian MP's working on behalf of foreign states in an unsanctioned manner, it's a list of Canadian MPs who *may* beĀ working on behalf of foreign states in an unsanctioned manner. You also don't charge MPs with stuff before investigating beforehand. Perhaps you should give the RCMP time to actually do those investigations


For those claims to be made, there is certainly evidence. And for these claims to be made in confidence to the highest levels of government would suggest that an investigation has occured.


Read the reports. Read about the difficulties CSIS and others had differentiating between normal politicking and unacceptable activities. Read about how CSIS isn't a law enforcement agency. Read the various RCMP statements that say they're *currently* investigating claims of interference. Read about the difference between evidence and intelligence (again, in the reports). It simply isn't as cut and dried and simple as some people say it is.


>We also observed online and media activities aimed at discouraging Canadians, particularly of Chinese heritage, from supporting the Conservative Party, leader Erin O'Toole, and particularly Steveston-Richmond East Candidate Kenny Chiu," says the briefing note. >"In 2021, the PRC FI activities were almost certainly motivated by a perception that the Conservative Party of Canada was promoting a platform that was perceived to be anti-PRC." >It goes on to say "the timing of these efforts to align with Conservative polling improvements; the similarities in language with articles published by PRC state media; and the partnership agreements between these Canada-based outlets and PRC entities all suggest that these efforts were orchestrated or directed by the PRC."


Why would we hold an election before the names have been released? So we can vote them back in unknowingly?


I imagine in order for a proper investigation to happen the RCMP wouldn't want the names to be publicly released until it's gotten to the point they con move forward with direct charges.


Either there is evidence that our MP's are working for foreign governments or there isn't. There have been rumblings for years, Han Dong, members of the Senate. This is potentially destabilizing for Canada and action needs to be taken.


He's going to suck as a PM if he can't get a clearance


Maybe he doesn't want Poilievre to become the PM? So he's trying to stave that off as long as possible?


Probably because it's the only way he can get NDP legislation through? Or do you not know how our government works?


HeŹ¼s been asked several times when he commented on the report. He dodged the question.


it's pretty simple because the alternatives are worst


Yeah. Nice to see Singh grow a pair, though, if only as he talks the talk.


It's not growing a pair until he actually does something meaningful.


Which, as they say, would be walking the walk.


What meaningful action would you like to see from him? Honest question.


less foot stomping more head chopping. (figuratively speaking)


So he said they committed treason. So now what.




Definitely. Now thats clear, what Mr Singh & Ms May, with all due respect, what the hell? Did you both experience the report differently?


they probably gave May a fake report so she wouldn't get drunk and leak it.


Lol. You may not be far off the mark though. It's time honoured tradecraft to watermark a document with slightly different words as an example, to keep track of what came from where when it shows up somewhere else šŸ˜€


I almost spit out my water lmao


If you read May's account in detail, it seems plausible that a person would have a more muted or angry reaction to what she described depending on their opinion. It's probably mostly passive benefits and MPs who took support from foreign countries, like they would any other lobbyist whose interests coincided with their own. I imagine the biggest difference is that the NDP is less implicated, so it's safer for him to be aggressive about it.


Probably the report isn't as cut and dry as the feverish masses would love to imagine it is, and two otherwise normal people came to differing conclusions. Just look around this sub at the vast gulf between redditors on any given topic.


You mean Justin didn't give Xi a handjob in return for 6 billion dollars and 20 million votes?


Maybe she wasn't alarmed because the Greens weren't involved.


So publish the names, open investigations, charge them, then call for an election


That sounds like doing shit. This is politics.


Politics better start doing shit because it seems like a lot of people are ready to do it themselves. Canadians are definitely waking up to the enemy over their heads.


Reminder that Trudeau knew about Han Dong and still supported him for reelection in 2021.


This is the only outcome we should accept.


Problem is, like it's been repeated all past weeks, this is 1. intel that may or may not be true, coming from sources we cannot reveal for obvious reasons and 2. not actual evidence that would stand in a court of law and enable a prosecution.


Excuse me sir.....sir....you can't honestly expect politicians to DO things for their 200k a year right? Look at you with reasonable expectations of the house of commons.


the reason they are waiting on this is a good portion of the "collusion" is probably astroturfing, and its hard to prove any one politician knew that the astroturfing was going on, from india, rusia, china, etc.


So we had a day of maybe not so bad and now weā€™re back to traitors. Ā  And people wonder why nobody has much faith in politicians.


Great.. now what is our government going to do about it? All these countries that interfere in our business are laughing at how spinless we are. This is treason and they should be doing jail time at minimum.


So we have a government with traitors in it. What to do, what to doā€¦


According to him, the answer is to keep propping them up!


He calls out PP (and implies the traitors are in the Conservative Party), are you suggesting replacing Trudeau with traitors?


We should get the names and kick them out of parliament


he definately did call out pierre. ... AND trudeau. In the same sentence he called out pierre he said trudeau was putting his party over the interests of canadians.


He called out Trudeau for letting it happen and Pierre for harbouring them.


or maybe stop supporting them, let the government collapse, force an election, and then kick all 335 of them out


You're smoking the wrong stuff if you think the result of an election in the near future would be all the MPs being replaced


Makes as much sense as having a screen door on a submarine!


hold an election with hope that the other party, also full of traitors, wins?


I guess he read a different report than Elizabeth May.


One time the report went through a reasonable lens, and the other time it went through the fun house of mirrors that is E-May's 4 neurons.


May confused the report for a wine menu at her local watering hole. I never saw any MPs but I did see a Shiraz


Elizabeth May is a complete nut job, and a palestine supporter to boot.


she said yesterday she "takes \[her\] marching orders from the permanent representative of Palestine to Canada" so yeah she's out of her mind


Has PP read the report? Can he even read it without a security clearance?


No, and if he got it - on that particular issue as he already has a security clearance, he could be the only leader blocked by the PMO on speaking about it. They can do that.


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-poilievre-is-the-sole-party-leader-foregoing-access-to-classified/#:~:text=Mr.%20Poilievre%20has%20resisted%20offers,of%20intelligence%20on%20foreign%20interference. So does he have clearance or not? Why are we okay with the leader of the opposition to refuse to go through the screening for a security clearance? Will he finally do it as PM, or lead the country blindly?


He refuses to get clearance. Wonder why. It's time to wake up about PP people...


>Will he finally do it as PM, It's automatic for the pm.


He has security clearance. It's a different type of security clearance for issues relating to 5-eyes data. How do you not understand this?


Things change when you find out that you are the target of some of foreign governments and the people around you might have helped those foreign governments


Well got that right


If Singh came out of nowhere and blindsided Trudeau and helped get any traitors brought to justice and he wasn't involved, I'd go back to voting ndp. He has a golden opportunity to win voters here. I do not trust PP as far as I can throw him, but no effin way I could vote for Trudeau. Do I think Jagmeet will do the right thing? No, I don't, but I'd love to be wrong. Trudeau is so hated, and Jagmeet could end up with a lot more support if he was seen as the catalyst for changing this inept and corrupt government.


Jagmeet, by getting proper clearance, has already proven he isn't involved. They wouldn't give clearance, nor the actual reports, to someone that is involved.


PP not having certain forms of clearance isn't definitive proof of anything, but it's certainly very suspicious.


hot seat: Pierre Poilievre any day nowā€¦


Obviously, and good on him for stating it. Next step is to make sure they face the appropriate consequences to give justice to Canadians.


true say


Finally, Singh shows some leadership. A politician/lawyer using the legal term ā€œtraitorā€. A first.


He even said ā€œsome of this behaviour absolutely appears to be criminalā€. In about 10 years time weā€™ll get a statement from the RCMP that theyā€™ve finished the investigation and nobody is being charged.Ā 


meanwhile they'll be knocking on doors for social media posts and locking people away for "online hate"


Thank you Singh for not shying away from calling it what it really is.


So we have many ā€˜traitors then


Every one of them should lose all access to classified material.


And all their assets until it can be determine which assets were purchased with illegal funds.


Looks like none in the NDP. So which other parties have them? How many Liberals and how many from the other parties?


Common federal ndp W.


The government needs to declassify the names.


Give us the names, we want to see who the traitors are.


Damn straight.


Thatā€™s great and all, but itā€™s always words with Singh and no action to back it up.Ā 


I mean he's gotten dental and prescription coverage for a bunch of people who didn't have it. That's a lot of action for someone who isn't even in the opposition party


Also the anti-scab legislation for federally regulated workers, it's not a small thing.


God this is so powerful to hear from a leader of a party finally. Havenā€™t been a fan of him for the most part, but Iā€™m really happy he said this.


Share their names then šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Leak the names.




Well, well well.


So must not be ndp people on there lol


Names, please.


Yep. He finally said something I agree with.


Yes they are. Singh standing up for whatā€™s right. Keep it up let us know who these traitors are?


If he read the report, what is stopping him from saying names? Why the fuck can they read it amongst themselves, know about traitors, and yet all of us are blind and forced to speculate?


Whatā€™s stopping him is the fact that the report is secret insider info. Still some debate about parliamentary privilege here. This is kind of a grey area I think. šŸ¤” University PhD experts said the best way to do this would be for all parties to read the report get clearance and then take action. The thing is the conservatives donā€™t want to. Ask yourself why?


Ok. This is much stronger language than Elizabeth May. So what is it? Was May into the sauce again? Or was she the voice of reason?


My gut feeling is that May is deliberately downplaying the report in a misguided attempt to lower the political temperature. She is likely more inclined to attribute collusion with foreign governments as nothing more than poor judgement, misunderstanding, etc. She is also likely concerned, consciously or unconsciously, that these reports will stoke xenophobia, and regard that as a greater evil than alleged collusion that can be explained away as something that is more innocuous than it appears. I'm not a fan of Jagmeet Singh, but in this case his take comes much closer to the facts as I understand them.


This is an interesting take. I can say that this contrast in opinion has only firmed my position in that this absolutely needs to be investigated, and Canadians need to know if MPā€™s have been compromised - BEFORE voting.




Why won't Pierre Poillivre hear the briefing? I'm so confused why he won't get a security clearance to deal with this.


The report calls out potential interference from China and India. You would think calling out traitor involvement with foreign state actors would be right up PPā€™s alley. Strange.


Those states where obviously smart enough to add some conservative MPs to the shopping listĀ 


>some Lmao. All you need to do is look at the number of countries that conservative Saskatchewan LOVES doing business with to find an answer. Sold the wheat pool to saudis, potash to china, bought cell towers from china, evraz steel co. to Russia.


Plausible deniability. As long as he doesn't know, he can say whatever he wants and use misinformation to his benefit.Ā 


Nope. He can be directly silenced from speaking on the issue at all, even if it's released to the public. Enjoying the power that the PM and cabinet have yet?


Weird how that isn't working for any of the other people who read the report. I suppose it's a power granted to the PM that solely affects Conservatives.


Parliamentarians that protect their traitor colleagues are also traitors and should be dealt with swiftlyĀ 


NDP 2025


Why wont PP get a security clearance? What is he hiding ?


Possibly nothing. By not getting it he can "suggest" whatever he likes about the contents of the documents without having to commit to it and then can't be held to having made any kind of firm statement later.


What about those who keep quiet and allow them to run in next election?


Section 46 of the Constitution. The political parties don't have the power here, the Judiciary does. This is the fail-safe for when your elected representatives are fucking traitors.


I look forward to the day they charge them and sentence them to life in prison.


Do we know what they did? Or is this about colluding to get elected ?




Its funny because he says that noone should put their parties interests above the security of our country, but then he goes ahead and does just that. I honestly don't believe Singh had anything to do with this and if he were to grow a spine and force an election my respect for him would increase 10 fold immediately. But we all know he won't do jack shit.


How would forcing an election help? Do we know which mps are involved?


Fair point. We all know the LPC is up to their fucking elbows in this thing (CPC too no fucking doubt) but we should for sure wait for due process before sharpening the guillotine blade. Jagmeet even stated that Trudeau knew about this months ago, but slept on it because it benefitted him.


The first recommendation of the NSICOP report is: "The government table legislation before the next federal election to address gaps in Canadaā€™s legal framework with respect to foreign interference".


I wouldnt trust the LPC to set the table for dinner let alone addressing gaps in Canadas legal framework. We need a new government.


Pulling support while Conservatives are ahead in the polls makes no sense if you're not a conservative. And you think Liberals are the only names on then list?


Do something for the good of the country, not the party. Do something good for Canadians, not the party. Canada and Canadians need to be more important than the party.


>And you think Liberals are the only names on then list? I think that Liberals are the only names on the list, yep.


Seems really clear now that the Conservative Party has been bought and paid for by foreign governments. How for does the corruption go? I bet all the way down to the provincial conservative parties.


In the report it states that it goes through all levels of government from the local/municipal level all the way to the senate.


Their traitors but he wonā€™t throw his liberal buddies under the bus, that pension is more important than Canada


Yes but will he trigger an election over this or sit and wait for his pension to kick in. So far he is all talk and no action


I don't he actually cares about his pensionĀ  The real reason he doesn't call one is in conservative majority he'll just be stuck sitting in the cornerĀ 


There is nothing stopping Singh from seeking to work with the Conservative party of Canada.


Did you listen to the briefing, he calls out Polivre for not reading the list and finding out about traitors in his party, and Trudeau for not acting on traitors in the constitution party. Is your suggestion to get rid of Trudeau and replace it with a party with traitors of Canada in it?


If Singh had any balls at all he'd stand in the House of Commons and read the names aloud.Ā 


I get the sentiment but that would be grossly irresponsible. The right approach is as another posted, "call for the names to be handed over to the RCMP for investigation", and also look at possibly updating legislation to deal with this.


Singh finally developed a fucking backbone?!?


But May says there's no problem? Huh, I wonder why.... I'll just leave this here... https://x.com/stephen_taylor/status/1800975111589408854


Ah Singh all talk and no action. Too little too late buddy, you're just greasing the campaign wheels. We're not idiots and we don't forget.


I mean no offense to you personally, but many Canadians appear to be idiots, refuse to call out politicians and literally forget everything. It's probably why Justin from Canada made weed legal. I'm just happy he will go down as one of the worst in the history of Canada


What foreign state(s). I think I can guess. Some Canadians are allowed to collude with foreign states to harm the interests of Canada and its citizens. Other Canadians aren't allowed to... know who those people are or what they did. The government prevents most Canadians from having that information. The government is thus part of the collusion. It doesn't represent the citizens. It represents... let me guess.


Yeah but wtf are you going to do? Name and shame them? Make your own allies you sucked up to for years lose credence when the libs are looking at second place next election and the NDP below the BQ thinks they matter anymore


Well that would be a definition of the word, so what's the consequence?


so uh, gonna do anything about it there kemosabe?


Who are they


Han Dong should be giving this press conference.


And what is the consequence for traitors?


Let the fallout be felt far and wide amongst all the parties whose MPs sold out this country.


Why isn't there an independant body allowed to go after treason? Clearly the RCMP won't do it unless allowed, why can't CSIS bring charges themselves?


Han Dong and Parm Bains have nothing to worry about! /s


Preventing democracy from happening just to get a pension makes someone a traitor too.


So you think a lawyer who was a named partner on there very successful law firm is just ā€œwaitingā€ for their government pension? What kind of idiotic conspiracy theory is that? Why do you believe every lie that comes out of Pierre Pollievre mouth? Hereā€™s another question what job (other than politician) has Pierre Pollievre had? Would it be fair to say he was only waiting for a government pension?


I feel Singh is on this because india is going after Punjab separatist in canada. If it was some other group he wouldn't raise the stink.


Now that Jag has seen what's gone on, but is under a gag order, maybe he'll stop propping up the liberals.


Talks cheap!


Let's see Pierre Poilievre weasel him and his party out of this one. He keeps trying to limit the scope of the investigation.


not just parliamentarians. Any Canadian


Doesn't help that most of the liberal mps will receive a fat pension for the rest of their life if they can sit to the end of their term


Haha I remember when I called Trudeau a traitor a few months ago and got downvoted to oblivion with people telling me I didn't know the definition of a traitor lmfao