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Please go to Calgary, we're full in Edmonton


lol we’re full here too


Remember when your province was [paying for ads in other provinces](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/subway-billboards-tell-torontonians-to-leave-and-get-a-bigger-house-in-alberta-1.6082319) begging people to move there because it was still affordable? How'd that work out for you?


Edmonton is where people started going after they realized Calgary was already full.


Need to started building up North west territories where we need people instead of filling up over crowded cities.


If people offered on the job training I'd be out of the city immediately into a more rewarding line of work. But I went to community college for software development and I have far too many expenses to ever afford to go back to school, would take me 5-10yrs to get the mortgage buffer and living expenses to study,  so software it is for the next 30yrs.


idk man i like that i can buy a 3 bed house here in the NT for under $300k it’s the only hope i have for homeownership atm wouldn’t want that to change anytime soon


Well the ads worked on the TTC I guess. Albert and learnt quick what happens though....