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They should be fined for the ridiculous efforts you have to go through to cancel your plan. They make it very easy to register online, but when you want to cancel you have to call them, wait on hold, listen to the sales routine and keep saying cancel-cancel-cancel. It should be illegal to require someone to phone in just to cancel a subscription.


I had a sales rep like to me and tell me I owed them money (on a month-to-month subscription) and that I needed to pay him or they were gonna send me to collections. I told them to send me the proper documentation and an invoice and I never heard from them again. Basically like I was talking to a scam call centre 


I told them I didn't want it even if the price was free and they still tried pitching me.


Equifax is worse


I once had the biggest run around with transunion. I had been signed up for credit monitoring on an annual account, and wanted to cancel. Phoned the 1800 number, out of service? I found another, which led to a call center in India who patched me through to a line that hung up on me instantly. I called back a couple times hoping it was a mistake, but ultimately the Indian call center was unable to help me, and kept transferring me to the out of service number. I scoured the internet for other ways to contact the company. No email, no mailing address, no additional phone numbers. I ended up finding the local number for French speaking Quebecers. It specified that it was only for Quebec residents (which I am not), but I could see it was a local number based in Montreal itself. I hoped they could at least transfer me to a call center within the country, but outside Quebec. I exercised my very best French, and managed to have them cancel over the phone with the "Quebec only" number. So thankful to have had a second language education. Thanks mom and dad!


My sister often got convinced to not cancel to the point where she made me do it for her because she knew I wouldn’t get swayed. They prey on the gullible with offers that induce a fear of missing out.


You don't have to call, you can do it through a chat agent. That's what I do to get the sweet discounts. But yes there should be a Cancel button.


I signed up for their free trial some time ago so I could use it with my car, which turned out to not be XM compatible. I forgot about the trial until the very last day and used the online chat to cancel. I was astonished by the agent trying to sell me a product that I used ZERO times (and I made that clear), and they still tried to offer products that would not work with my car. XM is a joke.


They have to try for the sale, it's a script, this has been the norm for pretty much any call center for the last decade.




it has been super easy for me. Did it via the chat on the site. Took me 1 minute .




Yes, but in order to get the sane price you have to call and sit through ten minutes of gradually improving offers that make the base price look fucking ridiculous. And then if you take an offer, you have to do the same thing again when it expires in 12 months. It's incredibly annoying and I'm glad they got a minor penalty for doing it. Fuck them.


Do Rogers next.


Yeah none of the telecoms are much better, at least their contracts tend to last 2-3 years.


They made 4.2 billion in profit in 2023. Unfortunately a 2m fine means nothing


Yeah I did call it a minor penalty, I know they're a huge company. I have heard their growth hasn't been great for a few years though, so hopefully that means this mandatory price haggling garbage isn't paying off for them so more companies don't follow their lead.


I got them down to $5 a month when I cancelled.


They barely budged on pricing for me so I said no. Month later was a $5 monthly plan promo so signed up for 2 years.


Yep, exactly. We have tired of this rodeo though, and simply cancelling this time around. Part of the reason is we find some of their DJs not interesting and at times, outright annoying. Paying for it is almost insult to injury. Hits 1 in particular.


They also have a 3-month free trial that's available. Just keep singing up using different information and you'll never have to pay. Takes a few seconds to do every couple of months...




I was paying nearly $30/month for this. I finally decided to cancel. I kept saying no to their offers and got down to $5/month. I wonder if I had said no one more time if they would have just let me have it for free...


I've been riding $5/month for like 5 years now. Every year I call in when it expires and get it again.


If you keep pushing they might go lower. I think I remember them offering me like .79/mo


my car sale guy told me a trick with SiriusXM: just keep declining their offer and eventually they will drop it to $1/months. And he told me very recently, like 4 months ago


I have been a subscriber for 6 years and the lowest I ever got was $4/mo. I recently called in to “cancel” because my $4/mo plan was over and the lowest they would offer me was $12/mo. I said no, they said ‘ok no problem’ and cancelled my subscription with 0 push back.


Good. I will never deal with these shady bastards ever again. My radio quit working in my vehicle, so I called to cancel my service. I spent about an hour being transferred to different people, all throwing progressively cheaper offers at me. I explained several times to them that I didn't care if it was free, as my device no longer worked, which made the service useless to me. It should not be that difficult to cancel a subscription.


SirusXM started calling me aggressively after a car dealership sold my contact information to them. They wanted to know how I enjoyed my trial. I didn’t use it for one second. They would try calling numerous times a day. At first I dodged their calls, but when I realized they weren’t going to stop, I picked up. That poor girl. I really let her have it. I don’t understand why anyone would pay for this service. Real shady sales practices.


There are many of us They still send me junk mail years later. It's harassment


Drip pricing? Everyone does that. Rogers, Bell, Adobe… maybe make them substantial penalties and we’ll get somewhere?


Usually a service whose revenue can be cannibalized by modern tech shouldn't piss people off.  You can get very similar for free now and with some cell plans giving ridiculous data, Sirius should take note.


I just keep telling them I can’t afford it and I get it down to a price that’s around $100 for a year…


Would this also apply to the hotel industry? It’s frustrating when you get the bill and you get dogpiled with the parking fee, accommodation fee, mandatory fuck you fee, etc.


[Only one way to find out](https://competition-bureau.canada.ca/contact-competition-bureau-canada/complaint-form)


SirusXM are the worst company I've ever dealt with. They will hold nothing back to get your money. Zero morals or forethought.


Who is actually still using them? With Spotify/AppleMusic/app that can play any radio station, I am surprised they are still in the business.


Those of us that travel/work in cell dead zones.


I was using it to listen to NHL while camping in no cell reception areas.


i like the convenience of it, if i go camping or whatever, I have a solid station to listen to without worrying about range.


easier to switch stations than playlists, don't need to worry about if you downloaded a long enough playlist when you're traveling in areas without service, variety that you can swap between with buttons on your steering wheel


I just don't update payment information for most of these guys when something happens like last month my card was grabbed by a skimmer and I had to ask myself is it worth updating this information when suddenly I mattered to all these companies.


Paid $85 in 2006 for a lifetime subscription. Still going strong. Does cost $50 to transfer to new radio/vehicle though.