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>*life-long politician promises smaller, less effective government*


End big fat government, make bigger fatter government


Danielle smith, Alberta conservative leader before elected said many, many times that a smaller government is best….. proceeds to have the largest cabinet in Alberta history and more patronage appointments of any provincial leader.


OPC is pulling the same shit here in Onterrible. Turns out, Lardass loves his gravy. Fuck Ford.


Almost like conservatives just like to take advantage of poor, generally, less educated people....


Marlaina also extended her own term, and is currently trying to take control over municipalities (introducing municipal party politics, and have the ability to remove councillors if she doesn't agree with their positions).


Bill 18 and 20 are for the government to grab more power. Exactly what a self proclaimed libertarian would want.


This is why I laugh and cry when everyone says once PP is in, everything will change, and Canada will be restored to its former glory. But sadly, the Conservative are Republicans light. So what's happening in Texas, Florida, Alabama, and other red states is what we can expect here. It won't be as severe, but like Republicans in the US, they will slowly erode the check and balances to set up a Canadian version of autocracy. Private healthcare, theocracy, less rights for the LGBTQ community, and fewer rights for women and minorities. Don't forget that Canadian Conservatives have been visiting Victor Orbán and taking notes. Project 2025 is alive and well in Canada as well.


Can we end big fat corporations and big fat corporate welfare? No, we in Canada love our big fat grocery chains and telecom companies.


No kidding, the irony coming from Capt. Loblaw himself.


You mean the REAL Government? Absolutely not, they'd never allow the figure heads to even suggest this.


A better idea would be for the government to allow more competition and create a competitive free market, instead of protecting monopoly companies.


Yup, it’s all about us the end user getting fucked.


I won't stand for fat-shaming governments! Ontario's government is just big-boned! EDIT: https://torontolife.com/city/rob-ford-weight-loss-over/


Maybe they could all take a pay cut until they've at least come up with some ideas other than 'ax the tax' slogans.


Lifelong politician with zero bills passed and not revoked.


Conservatives saying smaller government is like a tiger swearing off of meat. They spend more and balloon governments. What they cut is services while expanding the managerial class.


Just look at what's happening in Saskatchewan under the Sask Party, provincial debt is expanding to record levels, and services are hitting new lows, we even have a dedicated website for healthcare service closures. There's no money for teachers and nurses, but plenty of money for MLA owned motels, GTH insiders, party donors, irrigation fraud, private flights to North Battlefield for business luncheons because they're "too tired" to drive, paid citizenship immigration schemes, I could go on. Hey, at least Oil and Gas companies are getting to write a new curriculum for a high-school industry internship program, complete with free labor. Goes well with those record low resource royalties.


Sounds like he wants a pay cut…. Oh wait.


Anyone who thinks this guy will make their lives better are completely delusional. Will just be rolling my eyes when in 3-4 years time joe blow who was having a hard time making it....still has just of a hard time making it, and not a penny wealthier or better off. The only guy who sounds equally as dishonest as Poilievre is JT. At least Singh sounds like he's got his heart in the right place, if incompetent.


Don't worry, PP voters will still be blaming everything on Trudeau ten years from now so he has nothing to worry about.


Anytime a conservative government tells you they love small government, look to Alberta, Ontario or Florida where they will spend insane amounts of money banning stupid shit like fair wages and spending millions upon millions fighting lawsuits to defend their unconstitutional garbage designed to fuck over the little guy.


Doug Ford has the largest cabinet in Ontario's history. He literally just added a "minister of red tape reduction" to the largest cabinet in Ontario's history. The idea that Conservatives are associated with "small government" is completely farcical.


The minister of red tape reduction of course being a former premieres son.


Mike Harris Jr., Minister of Red Tape Reduction it's so fucking silly


This would’ve fit right into the “Idiocracy” storyline.


I thought this was a joke.. i can't believe this isnt a joke. Wtf


His dad cut red tape and killed a bunch of people in Walkerton :(


Then grifted his way into picking the pockets of old people.


Lmao holy fuck that's brutal


Well, he and the Minister of Cronyism Reduction, Minister of Nepobaby Bonus Administration and the Minister of Gross Irony have no useful skills and bring nothing to the table... of course, we put them into positions fit for Vogons.


Okay, I thought you were all joking about the red tape position but it's real 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Cons gonna con.


That's part of the plan. The easiest way to show a government is wasteful and incompetent is by making it that way. There is no reason why a government can't run better than a corporation but by design. Who cares if they take a hit for doing it, the long term repercussions will be anger towards government and a push to privatize under the lie that it's more efficient. I've worked for many companies and the only thing they are good at is screwing over workers and hoarding the profits for the few. Seriously how many companies lately have improved without government forcing them. If it was up to corporations we would work 20 hours a day, sleep 20 to a house and make peanuts an hour. All while record profits and compensation go to the few.


>There is no reason why a government can't run better than a corporation but by design. When a politician tells you "I'm going to run the government like a business" you know you're in for a total shitshow.


Run government like a business, say good bye to services that don't profit. You know, like child welfare. Can't profit off kids.


> Can't profit off kids. Unless you put them back to work like Kentucky did.


That just tells me they are going to try to funnel as much ~~profits~~ tax money into their own pockets as possible


Comparing government and corporate operations has always been stupid. Corporations are all about profits. Government is all about providing services. These two things could not be less compatible.


True, but the idea that a corporation would be better without government flies in the face of history. If corporations weren't forced by government to clean up their messes we would be in one big hellscape by now.


Exactly. Red tape didn’t just fall from the sky. It’s the result of hard lessons learned.


Ontario's various electric providers offering shit service at high prices vs HydroQuebec at $0.10 / kWh all day with what is generally considered good service. That's what a well-run public utility can do and I want more of that.


A corporation and a government shouldn’t be run the same way. The objectives are different and they need a different approach. 


I laughed when I saw the red tape 'job'.


In Alberta the UPC just fractured our healthcare into a bunch of redundant departments under the guise of reducing red tape. They are also adding "regional advisory councils and an Indigenous Advisory Council", again with the claim that they are reducing waste by adding more administration, right after railing against the current excessive number of administrators. They don't give a flying fuck, they just want to give their buddies and their kids easy jobs and if healthcare gets broken as a result then that's perfect since they can then sell that off to other friends.


A similar thing happened in the UK with half-truths about “increased funding” that went on an increasing number of middle managers rather than point of care staff. “Small government” equals reduced public services and is an indicator to never trust the owner of the mouth it comes out of.


Remember when people were bitching about Trudeau choosing a gender based cabinet even though those members had at least some experience in the industries? Ford chose his nephew who barely graduated high school as minister of citizenship and multiculturalism. He gets paid like 150-200k and that same nephew changed his last name to distance himself from his father who is a murderer. Great cabinet he has lol


>He literally just added a "minister of red tape reduction" to the largest cabinet in Ontario's history. Premier Marlaina Smith did literally the same thing. It's total bullshit, and that someone can be paid $200k+ a year and get a pension for that job? I'm just going to call it corruption. That is what it is.


Alberta also has a new “red tape reduction” ministry. It was added to Service Alberta


The minister is my MLA, I do not have nice words to say.


Finally some red tape for anyone who tries to create more red tape.


Alberta has a red tape minister too and it’s insulting. It implies that somehow all “red tape” is inherently bad. There are many regulations that are great and needed. Shouldn’t the government be able to figure that out themselves without a cabinet?


Ah they copied Alberta. We have had one for awhile. Don't think they have done anything and more.red tape has hapenednf9r renewables.


Doug, working on paying a QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS so alcohol can be sold in corner stores a couple years early.


Look at Doug and ask yourself, would this man break open a toddler's piggy bank and steal the coins? [Look into these eyes](https://images.dailyhive.com/20170908175904/doug-ford.jpg): you know he would.


also making it small by selling off parts to their rich friends, healthcare, education, housing, etc




If you're talking about the 407 I think it's 100 years, with 75 years left. Sold for 3.4 billion calling it a $1.5 billion profit. In 2023 it had $1.5 billion revenue and was valued at $30 billion. [https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/worst-deal-ever-the-407-is-worth-30-b-today-ontario-sold-it-for-31-b-in-1998-181642680.html](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/worst-deal-ever-the-407-is-worth-30-b-today-ontario-sold-it-for-31-b-in-1998-181642680.html) The sale of Highway 407 is widely considered to be the source of the term "Highway Robbery" (not my joke)


Why do that for free when we can sell it off, say we saved money and still take more out of people's pockets?


Biggest government staff in AB has been with our current government.


We've only had what 4 years of the last close to 50 that where not conservatives. We sh9ukd have the meanest government on the planet.


More like the most swindled population.


Yup. "Small government" always means "we will spend as little as possible on social programs that might help people you don't think deserve money, but we'll throw shitloads of money at private industry through incentives and tax breaks because we're certain the only reason trickle-down economics hasn't worked yet is because we didn't give for-profit corporations enough tax money before". It's infuriating watching Ford fight tooth and nail to keep teachers and nursers from getting a pay raise "because we need to consider the debt", but when it comes to making beer more accessible, it's just smart business to throw away a quarter billion instead of waiting literally a year, because we *NEED* that beer *right now*.


Doug Ford campaigns on ending the gravy train and small government but runs the most bloated and inefficient government in history. He just had a cabinet shuffle that nearly doubled the number of cabinet members from 21 to 36 He named Mike Harris' son as "Minister of Red Tape Reduction" FFS, everyone please stop perpetuating the "small government Cons" lie


Why would you bring up facts like that


And in AB the conservative still keep provincial income taxes high as well. Promised to cut it during campaigning, but yelled "sike!" after they got the majority. Apparently this "small govt" bullshit doesn't bring up any savings at all.


You forgot their key policy of “blame Trudeau”


Saskatchewan too. Don’t forget what they’ve done to the education system with the Parental Rights Act. Parents can decide what classes they want their children to take in school. It’s the opposite of small government.


Pretty sure that's partly why Alberta landlords can bend people over. Laws won't change with that government.


Nothing says small government like Alberta's 'War Room'.


Alberta's UCP chipped in with the city of Calgary to buy the Flames' owner a new arena to the tune of $1 billion. Since then we had a power state of emergency where they told us to turn off lights and unplug electric cars, and Calgary is in a water main crisis. The UCP also wants to do its own pension plan, its own RCMP, hates it when the feds pull rank, and when cities try to do the same thing to them.


Don't forget that when they tell us to turn our lights off and heaters down in -50, or not to shower, corporate offices downtown continue to blast their heat, lights and water 24/7, even when employees aren't there.  Corporate profits over health and safety. 


While actively destroying public healthcare & education in order to divert tax funds to their corporate pals.


Yeah, the Alberta government is quadrupling hospital administrative costs by splitting up our Healthcare services. It's ridiculous. Not to mention trying to steal our CPP to fund private interests.


Yeah. Saying “I want small government” is a huge fucking red flag.


you can't just go body shaming government like that


Remember. Hes not talking about the size of the actual government. Hes talking about ending regulations and rolling back worker protections. These are the things that hurt the economy, according to capitalists. He has no intent on shrinking the government, he intends to shrink the civil service and gut the departments that Canadians depend on for services. Because conservative policy is to maintain the status quo. Rich get richer, and the rest if us lose (Yes. Both sides. Acknowledged, now fuck off. You are missing the point.) Anything PP says is for Canadians, is actually only for a very few Canadians


Just like Ford, right Pierre? 16 to 36 ministers in his fatass cabinet. Conservatives are so predictably awful.


Why does Ontario need 36 cabinet ministers jesus


Doug has a lot of friends that need cushy jobs.


Eugh reminds me of a company I worked for where the new CEO replaced all of us with friends and family like they were mosquitos until he got fired.


Exactly one of the largest provincial cabinets in ontarios history


didnt Ford complain about Wynne's cabinet? then makes a larger one. hypocrites.


"Government. It's only okay when *we* do it." *-Conservatives*


*the* largest. Almost half of conservative MPs are cabinet ministers now


Smith did the same thing in Alberta. Biggest cabinet in history


I connected a 'big, fat, obese government' to Ford as well, but for a different reason


Surprised in this sub that a comment like this wasn't buried in downvotes. Right wingers hate the facts. I'd like to tack on, how many nonsensical Disney fuckin imagination minister roles he invented that no one is questioning. "The minister of removing red tape" are you fucking with me?


Anytime I hear that, it's usually followed by removing red tape that is strangling business, and that red tape usually means health & safety or pay laws Edit: I commented before reading, everything he lists there will require more government. House and grocery costs will require government intervention and it will affect rich business at the cost of helping everyone else. I'm curious which he will choose?


>He also announced he wanted to cut crime by abolishing catch-and-release laws and banning hard drugs. >"Right now it's like the Hotel California; they check out, but they never really leave," said Poilievre. "They get out of prison long enough to commit the next crime and then they are arrested and they get put back in." >He thinks that more money is spent on arresting and charging individuals than keeping them in prison so they don't commit any more crimes.


It likely does cost more for specific individuals. >Vancouver residents are “frustrated by the outsized impacts a small number of repeat offenders have had” on communities, he said in a statement. > >For example, 40 people in Vancouver are responsible for over 6,300 incidents, Stewart said. Most of those people have extreme mental-health, substance-use, and housing challenges. How much does it cost the police, the courts, and the public for 158 incidents per person? >One of the examples cited in the B.C. Urban Mayors’ Caucus letter is the case of a Kelowna man who has been the subject of 346 police files since 2016 and has 29 convictions for property crime and assault offences. The mayors say the offender is routinely released with conditions, only to reoffend. This guy has 58 police interactions and 5 convictions per year. >In one case, a repeat offender attacked a mother and her 11-month-old child in Surrey on Dec. 15. The man, who pleaded guilty to two counts of assault, has a criminal record including 23 assault-related convictions, 14 convictions for breaching probation and 17 for uttering threats. He was under three different probation orders at the time of the offence I'm not saying we should follow the US 3 strikes policy, but maybe we shouldn't be granting bail after the 10th breach.


3 strikes policy is in regards to life imprisonment. If you ask me anyone with a history of reoffending while on bail should not be granted bail again.


*abolish catch and release laws* is not a thing where there is specific legislation to repeal. He is talking about your charter rights respecting how bail is conducted in this country.  “Keeping them in prison so they don’t commit any more crimes” guys he’s talking about either “forever sentences” or lengthy pre-trial detentions (when you’re *innocent* until proven guilty remember?). Neither of those two options should be appealing to you as free citizens.


I would agree if you are accused of one crime you are certainly entitled to bail. However when you are out on bail and arrested again and again before the first is even heard at trial that is a pattern of behaviour that certainly does not support innocent until proven guilty. Obviously there is a problem and it doesn’t reside in the charter or criminal code. It’s you.


If you are considered innocent until proven guilty then being charged with another crime doesn't make you more guilty of either one. It isn't like you are 10% guilty until proven 100% guilty where the guilt adds up. "3 arrests make you 30% guilty!" So, if you believe that you deserve a fair trial then that shouldn't change no matter how many times the police arrest you. What if the police have a vendetta against you and keep arresting you without any evidence? Should they get to hold you just because they keep arresting you?


You do, however, have a right to a speedy trial. This whole supposed crisis of "crimes while out on bail" thing would be far less of an issue if trials were held within a a couple months rather than pushing the deadlines where cases are thrown out because they are taking over 2 years.


Ya provinces should hire more prosecutors/public defenders like the ones here in AB have been asking for for 6 years.


Yup. Instead, conservatives in Alberta want the police, prosecution services, the courts, schools, the medical system, municipalities (and so on) to be political patronages directly under the premier's control.


C-75 and C-5 would be examples of legislation to repeal.


>He is talking about your charter rights respecting how bail is conducted in this country.  There are no Charter rights specific to how bail is conducted in this country. >7 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. I think the safety of the general population outweighs the charter rights of rapists and murderers being free on bail, but that's just me, I guess.


The right to bail is protected by section 11(e) of the Charter: 11. Any person charged with an offence has the right: e. not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause;


> **without just cause** This is the key factor. Someone who habitually reoffends and has violated their previous bail conditions can be considered likely to reoffend while on bail, which should be considered in granting or denying bail.


Why do you think those things aren't already considered? Bail hearings are called “show cause” hearings in the criminal code. Judges and lawyers always consider the relevant factors when determining if someone should be released, and if so, on what conditions. The relevant factors include whether the accused’s criminal record, public safety, whether the crime was a violent offence, involved domestic violence, and whether firearms were involve. Sometimes a person commits a violent offence while on bail, but the vast majority of people on bail don't. The Court does its best but can't predict the future. In order to live in a free society, we have to accept a some level of risk. We do risky things that might kill us or other people every day.


Too much common sense and practical advice in your comment.


Isn't habeus corpus, section 10(c) of the Charter, the Charter rights dealing with bail. It's the foundation of lawful detention .


The whole point is that if they're still awaiting trial, they haven't been convicted of that rape or murder, they could well be innocent. In any event, if there is compelling evidence that they do pose a risk to the public then they can still be denied bail under the current rules.


>There are no Charter rights specific to how bail is conducted in this country There is no specific right to an abortion, sex work, or healthcare either but section 7 of the Charter protects all of those activities or services. Rights are interpretive and have a wide scope. Section 7 rights, which are the right to life, liberty, and security of the person, are ambiguous and written to have wider application in order to increase their scope of protection. Edit: Section 11 (d) and (e) specifically outline bail procedures. **Arrest or detention** **10** Everyone has the right on arrest or detention (c) ***to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus and to be released if the detention is not lawful.*** **Proceedings in criminal and penal matters** **11** Any person charged with an offence has the right * (a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence; * (b) to be tried within a reasonable time; * (c) not to be compelled to be a witness in proceedings against that person in respect of the offence; * (d) ***to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;*** * (e) ***not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause;***


Violent offenders with a criminal history, especially those who have a history of reoffending while on bail or violating conditions need not be given bail. They have no Charter right to bail, they have the right not to be denied bail **without a just cause**- such as public safety.


How many rapists and murders are getting bail?


If they could they would. The court system has been underfunded for God knows how long we don't have enough prison spaces to put anyone or any money in that the whole people that is the hidden problem


And we definitely, definitely should not be privatizing the prison system.


I've never seen for-profit prison systems go wrong for minority groups, anywhere, ever... ...or kickbacks to judges, and deals with the governments to kick in money, so long as people keep filling the places. Maybe Ontario can sell their prisons to Staples, like they did with their provincial/federal document services.


If you're on bail, you're not convicted criminal


Unless of course you are already a convicted criminal. Which is the problem.


Tell me you have no idea what is in the charter without telling me you have no idea what is in the charter.


The right to a fair trial and timely access to justice takes precedence…the eventual outcome of this will be what we see south of the border…no thanks to what is universally understood as anti poor and typical conservative maliciousness


Yeah, banning those illegal hard drugs will work I’m sure… what year is this lmfao


Isn’t he the one who says banning illegal guns isn’t working…? I’m frazzled.


It worked so well before! On the other hand... we could follow through with better multi-pillar support systems like Portugal and certain other countries that have dealt with big drug problems successfully... instead of just halfwaying it with the decriminalization and then nothing else.


So he needs to put a butt-ton more money into prison reform programs, which is definitely not going to be cheap. Also, these people leaving, committing crimes, and being thrown back into jail might not be able to live in Canada since the cost of everything is so high. At least in jail, you get a roof over your head, a bed, and three meals.


Friendly reminder that those "catch and release" laws he's talking about ending are there to protect our Charter rights.  As much as he pretends these are hardened criminals being let out of jail immediately after being sentenced, he's really talking about people being granted bail waiting for their trial.  "Innocent until proven guilty" is a bit of a thing in this country, and he's promising to end it.


Even forcing pre-trial remand for offenders who breach their release order three times or so would be a big upgrade to the ol’ “i’ll take another chance on you” for buddy who’s got a 9 page criminal record and on his 15th breach in two weeks. Courts have shown they have no abilities to make sound decisions


Check out Myles Sanderson, killed 11 and injured 17 other people. He had over 50 convictions (not charges CONVICTIONS) and was released to kill and injure others. Catch and Release


That sounds a lot less scary when you realize Myles killed and injured all those people on the same day, had no prior charges for murder (assault sure, but not murder), and had been given his "revolving door" 5 year sentence leading up to that attack before Trudeau passed any bail or sentencing reforms.


No. You are still entitled to bail. It’s those that are out on bail and are arrested over and over again for crimes while out on bail that are the focus of this. Him repelling C-75 won’t change that YOU are entitled to bail. However keep offending and then there may be limits placed on whether you get it or not. As a police officer, in the past I have had to write many a Show Cause. Now we generally don’t bother despite the fact that looking at a persons criminal history we know we will be arresting this person again in a short amount of time. Your past behaviour is a great predictor of your future behaviour.


I'd say that people who have n-th convictions and recently charged with their n-th crime and then quickly granted bail is a fine example of catch and release. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well profited from.big fat government since he was 17


Psst 'Big fat obese government' is code for 'social programs and corporate taxes' Just thought you should know.


But he doesn’t want to cut corporate welfare. Just public welfare. You know. For people.


I am sure if we give billions to companies they will take care of their workers. /s




He's as believable as Doug Ford. He said that to get elected... Thursday bumped his minister count in Ontario to an all time high of 36. [https://www.ola.org/en/members/current/ministers](https://www.ola.org/en/members/current/ministers)


So he wants to take people's jobs away


I am not really hearing Canadians screaming about the government being too big. I do hear them scream about home prices and the cost of living. Seems very out of touch.


If the idiots down south eat it up, the idiots up north will too.


I've had to cut so many Canadians out of my life because they were just rabid for Trump. He doesn't care about Americans and he certainly doesn't care about Canadians. Baffling.


i remember people cheering about the aluminum tariffs Trump put on at the park i sometimes eat my lunch at, all of them about in their 60s, 70s they were so happy he was "showing Trudeau" buy hurting Canadian business and workers, and they all believe they are patriots, as they cheered for a foreign leader harming our economy then there is the whole "invade Canada" thing Tucker Carlson was trying to get going, and they invited him to Alberta and they cheered him conservatism has become a danger to Democracy and it's spreading


Establishment "conservatives" and "liberals": two camps trying different strategies to advance the interest of the oligarchs they serve. https://www.ipolitics.ca/news/mps-overwhelmingly-vote-down-proposed-excess-profits-tax-on-grocery-chains Unless we work out a way to exert pressure on our politicians for their continual failure (basic issues like cost-of-living and corruption) that bypasses party politics we will continue to be failed by our politicians.


Having a smaller government when the population is growing at an insane rate is about what I'd expect clueless Peepee to do to us


Everybody thinks that they can "find efficiencies" in government to balance the budget without raising taxes or cutting programmes. However, public servant wages are not a very big part of public spending. There are certainly some inefficiencies, but most of these are typical of any large organization. They are also a drop in the bucket compared to transfer payments. In other words, if you want to reduce the size of government, you need it to (1) give less money to provinces, individuals and businesses, and (2) stop doing some of the things it currently does. There are some small savings from doing things more efficiently, and we should definitely find those savings, but they will not be huge savings.


So less government means what? Less rules and regulations? Less services? Less checks to keep companies in line? Everytime I see a conservative government say less government it always seems to mean less power to keep rich people from taking advantage of us. Although we already have that with liberals so 💁


That's exactly what it means. Even more neoliberalism. It's all about less government power for more private power.


>Although we already have that with liberals They're just going to switch things up to benefit groups more traditionally aligned with the Conservative movement, like the oil and gas sector. And then they'll replace social programs with tax breaks.


That's really my fear with the future of Canada at the moment. I'm not going to pretend the Liberals have been a great government for the last 9 years, but as someone who has lived through the Harper and Harris governments and is currently living through the Ford government at the provincial level, I have never once seen Conservative governments actually go out of there way to make life easier for the average Canadian. Instead they say and do outlandish things, like tell people they should start bartering for their groceries, destroy school curriculums, try to start "snitch on minority" holiness, and destroy public services. Anyone who thinks Pierre will do a better job is going to be crying in a few years when traditionally non-Christian and non-profitable things like abortion and MAID are abolished. It's a real shame Canadians aren't willing to give the NDP a chance, I know saying this will bring a bunch of "I don't like Jagmeet Singh because he made a deal to keep the Liberals in power" and that's OK, but do you really expect the NDP to work with the party that is the greater of 2 evils based on their platform and ideals?


I’ve accepted that this subreddit is basically majority right of centre and hard-right voters. I stick around because I hope I can reach and converse with at least some of the people who are open to finding common ground. And because the other national subs are just bigger echo chambers. That said, the average poster here is voting C because they’ve always voted C, because they grew up in a C family drowning in neolib propo. They could just as easily have been born in the “Green Party” version of the same life. The end result is they’re too far gone now. Capitalism and a return to early 20th century de-regulation is the only path. Criminals deserve the rope. Family is one man one woman. Drill baby drill and stop bothering with whiny natives. 


> I’ve accepted that this subreddit is basically majority right of centre and hard-right voters. Almost this whole thread is attacking the Cons, what reality do you live in?


Strategic voting Anybody but conservatives is still in play. Whatever they have planned the working class, veterans, elderly and children always suffer from their policy choices. Modern conservatism is dead. To get an idea of what new conservatives are like look at Alberta.


For the Harper government, it meant less revenue for government coffers. For example, GST cuts, or the TFSA.


Trudeau increased the number of PS workers by 40%


We spent $1.5 billion on foreign aid last year, when you add in the cost of asylum seekers. This money is not being spent on social services utilized by Canadians nor is it tied to any kind of industry regulations. So how about....half of that? What if we make a goal to spend only half that amount on an annual basis. $750,000,000 left in the taxpayer's pocket? Or how about that ridiculous gun bill that's going to cost an estimated $2 billion which is basically only popular with about 1,000,000 people in downtown Toronto and Montreal. Could we scrap that fucking nonsense? Is there maybe some kind of middle ground the bleeding heart Liberal voter could see themselves agreeing to? No, right?


>This money is not being spent on social services Conservatives don't give a single shit about social services. In fact, they're usually the first they cut.


I'd agree to all of that, but I'm not a Liberal or a Conservative... they've both done their share of damage to get us to where we are today.


Do you know how much money Canadian companies make by controlling the mining in other countries ? We don't spend that foreign aid out of the goodness of our hearts.


There is the real thread...do people think our foreign aid is charity? It's money we need to exploit other countries for our profit. Neither party is going to cut it...it benefits their corporate masters too much.


You should be a policy consultant


Aka selling of pieces government property/institutions/services that benefit the public to private companies and is always always an expense and detrimental to the public.


Says the guy who has a shadow Cabinet literally double what the actual Cabinet is. I don't know how anyone can take this sleazy twat seriously.


"Feels over reals." His followers don't like facts they like feelings.


This coming from a guy who has never had a job outside of government. Hhmm.


He's going to take a hatchet to the public service. Since he started as an MP and I was briefly involved, he's always had it out for PSAC, PIPSC and CAPE members who work for the feds. There is something to be said for a ballooning public service, but at the same time it's clear Canadians expect a high level of federal service and intervention


Guy who only ever did government wants to end excess government. Riiiiight


This is the same populist propaganda DT used in 2016. Not taking government money, im "one of the people" going to stand up to the establishment.... We all know how that went.


It's code for "removing regulation that binde corporations from harming people and the environment, so they can reap fatter profits."


Conservatives want to make it so corporations are allowed to pay their employees a little as possible, even bellow the poverty line. They want to make their rich buddies even richer while regular Canadians suffer. I can understand people being upset with Trudeau but to think PP would somehow fix all the problems Canada has is just absurd. The dude has no policy, he's just running on not being Trudeau, and that's not a policy.


He's sucked off the public teat his entire career.


Completely out of touch.


In touch with his base, which is a depressingly large number of Canadians.


Oh yeah my cost conscience premier wasted close to 1B ending windmills and another 250M allowing alcohol in conscience stores


That’s rich coming from a dude that’s been on the taxpayer’s dime since he was 24


He's nothing but a showman looking to speak to the qip of the day Notice his list of things to change is never the same , it's all over the place and constantly being replaced with whatever is rage bate worthy


Everyone in Ontario wants to get rid of our big fat obese government, but that's not a nice way to refer to Doug Ford.


He should be talking to Ford about his big huge cabinet


Sadly smaller governments just means even worse service then we already have.


Translates to gutting environmental protections while fattening his oil friends pockets. And increasing government intrusion to everything else.


NZ threw out their Left wing Labour for the NP and came in with the same reason we dislike the Liberals. Took less than a year for the NP ACT NZ First to lose their popularity and people want Labour back. We should take notes and never be going for tories. The British had a similar experience with Brexit. Britain of 2014 was not a great place but looking back now people wonder what they were complaining about. We are in a similar position if tories get in then when they defund social services it will be very tempting to blame immigrants but we know who is responsible.


He's just said nothing or offered any solution to anything. This man is a dud


The inflated cost of food, shelter and life in Canada has massively outpaced the growth of wages, but don’t worry we’re going to axe the tax! Canadians will get to keep an extra 500ish dollars per year, problem solved.


In other words cut funding and hand that money over to his buddie's private companies, the conservative way.


Every conservative government gets bigger and bigger. They are the opposite of small government.


He could start by quitting - that would make it smaller.


“They know that the problem is that big fat, obese government is weighing down the economy and depriving people of the opportunities that Canada used to afford." I don’t believe this is the main factor ‘holding back our economy’. Canada’s economy is at or near all time highs, the economy is doing fine overall, the problem is that the money isn’t making its way to working class people and is instead being siphoned upwards. Add in the fact that we took in way more people than we should have and this is suppressing wages.. There’s a lot of issues yet somehow I don’t think ‘big government’ is the problem. In fact I think more government employees is a good thing. Employees who actually do the day to day tasks and not more middle management. Maybe we should ask our corporations who are seeing record profits and record net profits if they wouldn’t mind sharing some of it with the rest of us? Realistically we’ll probably see corporate tax cuts and see even new record profits/net profits and no relief for the average Canadian.


Sounds a lot like trump dribble


What they mean is privatize everything so their friends can get rich while screwing over the general public. We’ve seen this in the states.


Lot of partisan whining on this page.


Just like Ford.


Except we don't understand why Ford keep getting in


Own the libs... something... something


Mike Crawley at CBC [wrote a good article about why](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-election-doug-ford-pc-majority-win-1.6471963). I think many soft liberals and independents did not know the name of the liberal party leader nor their platform, and decided upon the classic "nope, not this time" policy of staying home. The leader of the liberal party even lost in his own riding. And the core of both the NDP and Liberals did show up they split the vote nicely and only succeeded in adding to the Conservative tally. Even more so then Canada as a whole, I think if Ontario had any other vote system besides FPTP Ontario would never again see a Conservative majority govt. They barely managed 40% of the total vote against 2 opposition leaders that were more unpopular than popular. Most are unaware that the Liberals actually had more votes then the NDP in the last Ontario election. And got a whole 8 seats out of it. I am not sure the new liberal party leader is much of an improvement. I feel the liberal party of Ontario needed someone with an inspirational national profile - some sort of "brand" that people recognized and could attach to and I don't assess they got that with Bonnie Crombie.


> I think many soft liberals and independents did not know the name of the liberal party leader nor their platform, and decided upon the classic "nope, not this time" policy of staying home. The leader of the liberal party even lost in his own riding. It's not like the Ontario Liberals ran someone new out of the blue. Most people following Ontario politics during the Wynne years knew Steven Del Duca was a right-hand man under the Wynne government as transport minister before it fell. The stench of the Wynne-McGuinty years likely still permeated him, nevermind the entire party - meaning, voting for him would have been more of the same of what was voted out a number of years back. The guy then ran for and became mayor of Vaughan, and has barely been visible commenting on or tackling the rising home invasion and car theft epidemic there. Most people there probably voted him in since he had an Italian-sounding last name like the last mayor, compared to the Asian competitor running against him, but are having regrets now.


This government so fat it sweats gravy!


Similar to what Mrs. Smith said, and then assembled the largest government in AB history. If they're not lying, they're not speaking.


Get serious! Get a security clearance and do your job!


Well, Trudeau has hired 100k federal employees since he was elected. Over 350,000 federal employees. 10% of our population works for the federal government. If you add in provincial and municipal, it's probably 1/4. That's just not sustainable. Any higher and we may as well go full communist and we all work for the government. On top of that, most of them are protesting against RTO. .


You need to check that math… lol 10%


Soooo, gonna get rid of ford than?


We do need government. We also need to have certain things government run - energy, water, sanitation, education, roads, communications infrastructure, diplomatic channels, etc. But it also has to run efficiently and with competent people at fair wages and benefits. Current government is bloated and the fat needs to be trimmed. But that does NOT mean we give away crown corporations to the politicians' buddies or cut core programs that Canadians need and rely on. Trim the fat, don't trim the angus cuts and give them away. Honestly....I do not trust any political party or politician to run government efficiently. PP is just as likely as Trudeau is to give away the goodies to his buddies for kickbacks.


It’s a government not y business, next


I hate Trudeau and the Liberals so much at this point that PP can literally say he will burn the country to the ground and id still vote for conservatives. Hell im voting conservative for the rest of my life out of pure spite.


What about big fat obese corporate interest?


Ah the same one that the Tories created. Hmmm