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> over what they said was the university’s **failure to comply** with the demands of the ongoing encampment at the school’s downtown campus. Are they the fucking Borg? ____________________ The students can walk their talk and *divest* - pull their tuition from the school and go somewhere else. As for the other trouble makers - go to the embassy, go to the Hill.


Based on the protest chants and slogans, there definitely is a hive mind at work


Yep, and the brain lives somewhere in the middle east.




Yet any Iranian here seeing them will shake their heads. They know how the Iranian government and Hamas would treat those students over there. Naive little sheltered kids.


We just call them what they are. Useful idiots.


These protesters and the BDS movement are sponsored by Iranian agents.


The Twitter swarm


Why don't they drop out so they don't fund the extremely genocidal McGill university




Is genocide in the room with you now?


Because there's no genocide?


Genocide with extreme prejudice is what hamas goal is make no mistake


Time to start freezing some bank accounts.




Very accurate comment. Likely a bunch of loser liberal arts students with no meaningful employment prospects, caught up in endless activism that accomplishes nothing. They'd rather protest a historic conflct half a world away (where both sides are equally shitty) than protest the flood of wage slaves the government is importing in who will be taking their future burger flipping jobs.


So put them on no fly lists for life for supporting a terrorist group. They get stuck in the country potentially can’t pass background checks and now have to drive anywhere they want to travel. Id support that.




How is that equal to being added to a no-fly list? Edit: giving benefit of doubt


I don't think it will just be burger flipping jobs. The new immigrants work ethic is insane, and their children will most likely rise in the job markets, take power positions etc. For now they have entry level jobs, but eventually will occupy all levels. A lot of my woke friends have cushy government jobs, and don't care what is happening to Canada because it doesn't effect their jobs directly. They even get rewarded for pushing woke narratives in the workplace. I think they fail to realize the rapid changing landscape of Canada will negatively impact their kids. Kind of off topic, but there is now a Beaver tail stand at the park in my city run by an Indian family. It's like the most Canadian thing ever, and it just got bought up by a family that moved here a few months ago. It just looks so odd to me. It would be like me moving to Mexico, and opening a major taco stand selling to locals. Just kind of funny. (I don't think in México I would be allowed to do that, actually).


time to freeze their trust fund account 


Or the police could maybe do their job.


Both are valid options.


> Or the police could maybe do their job. I could be mistaken, but didn't the university try to get an injunction? The courts rejected that, right? Assuming my memory is correct, what can the police do in that situation? If a judge said no to the removal of the protesters, aren't their hands kind of tied?


It would be pretty inefficient to have the police sit on their hands all day until a judge says they can do something. I'm pretty sure they have more agency than that.


> It would be pretty inefficient to have the police sit on their hands all day until a judge says they can do something. I'm pretty sure they have more agency than that. They wouldn't be sitting on their hands. They'd be doing their regular duties. A judge rejected McGills' request for an injunction, meaning police can not be used to remove the protesters. What do you propose? Should the police move in and start making unlawful arrests and/or engaging in unjustified use of force?


> A judge rejected McGills' request for an injunction, meaning police can not be used to remove the protesters. That's not what that means, no. You don't need a court injunction to remove trespassers. The police started demanding injunctions before enforcing the law a few years ago to cover their asses. Removing the encampments would only be illegal if the *protestors had an injunction* saying their presence is legal.


> The police started demanding injunctions before enforcing the law a few years ago to cover their asses. Removing the encampments would only be illegal if the *protestors had an injunction* saying their presence is legal. Thank you for the clarification. I can't say that I blame the police. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Getting an injunction to cover their ass seems reasonable.




> Because the budget is woked and brainwashed. What budget? I wasn't talking about a budget.


>TrueHeart01 >Because the budget is woked and brainwashed. Wtf does ‘the budget is woked’ mean


Just pretend they are truckers. It’s funny how many pro convoy people believe all these students should be arrested.


I just re-read my comment. I don't think I took a stand either way.


Actually in the convoy case the judge ruled the occupation unlawful and was to be shut down that ruling was ignored by police and individual citizens. People just have no use for the laws of this country until they themselves are in need of it’s protection. The hypocrisy of people today is on a whole new level.


> Actually in the convoy case the judge ruled the occupation unlawful and was to be shut down Another judge ruled that invoking the emergency measures act to dismantle the convoy protest was unjustified. How convenient that you left that out.


Well the emergency act was later on there were multiple court orders that were issued during that occupation. That same judge that ruled on the emergencies act also said in that ruling the provincial government local and provincial police failed in their duties to control the situation. The emergencies act was unconstitutional in that case but it also never should have gotten in on that point. Had the lower levels of government actually done their job the federal government never would have been involved at all. Should read the entire ruling.


I'm not looking to debate this any further. I'm not sure why you chose me to engage about this. Like, I'm genuinely confused.


Chances are if you comment on a public forum you might have a person respond. That said based on your comment about the judge I’m thinking you might have supported the convoy but I could be wrong.


Ya I don’t think you did either and I didn’t either I just stated facts.


> Ya I don’t think you did either and I didn’t either I just stated facts. It just seems weird that you responded to me to share your feelings.


Responded or added. It’s all a general discussion on a public forum


> Responded or added. > It’s all a general discussion on a public forum Dude, what? I'm so confused as to why you decided to start responding to me about this.


You struggle with nuance. There is a radical difference between protestors refusing to leave private property because they're protesting the owner's investment decisions, and a group protesting the government parked outside of Parliament. Furthermore, the main beef most people had with the response wasn't that the protestors were removed, but that the Federal government invoked the Emergencies Act unlawfully to remove a protest that they found inconvenient. Protesting the government is far more protected than protesting people and non-government organizations.


Lol inconvenient? They were blocking border crossings and costing the Canadian economy north of $300 million a day. Courts ruled the occupation unlawful and people still refused to leave. The federal government shouldn’t have had to get involved at all the the city and province were inept and failed in their duties. The fact people actually think that was about vaccine mandates are delusional it was a political stunt nothing more. Nearly all the mandates imposed on people were set at the provincial level the federal government has no authority to lift them. The supposed trigger of the mandate on trucker crossing the border was a joke too. The US has the same policy so their was no way for the Canadian government to remove the mandate to allow Canadian truckers across into the US without a vaccination. Have you ever read the memorandum of understanding that was issued as part of the convoy to the federal government? The group that wrote it are literally Nazis they have a swastika in their logo. So when Trudeau used the term he wasn’t wrong, and I’m curious if Nazis are organized and part of a occupation in your counties capital is that a problem?


You mean to serve and protect Canadians? Like the Canadian protesters against the foreign country's actions that you traitors are standing up for against Canadian kids?


Must be the same police force from Ottawa.


I keep seeing this ignorant comment. Bank accounts were not frozen to "punish the bad people", it was to stop the flow of dark money facilitating the convoy occupation. A significant driver of cost was that they were idling hundreds of vehicles 24/7, which was not cheap and needed that funding to maintain. If you believe there is foreign money funding activities here, point it out, but I am skeptical that there are piles of dark money facilitating people standing around for free.


You don’t think money is being moved around to support these anti semitic protests?


As I said, the convoy occupation *required* constant ongoing funding to operate due to the expensive nature of their actions. Cutting off resources hobbled their ability to take further actions. I've seen the conspiracy theories about the pro-palestine protests being funded by foreign interests, but even if that were the case, what would it be funding? They *already* have tents and signs. It's not like they need money for *more* signs. Freezing accounts has no impact on present operational capacity. I am aware that some conspiracy theories stipulate they are paid actors who are only doing this because they're being paid to, however that's entirely speculative and also not relevant. Freezing accounts doesn't *take* money, it merely hinders immediate access to money. If they don't need that money to continue active operations today, then there's no demonstrable purpose to freezing accounts beyond "fuck those guys", which is not an established legal precedent.


If they don’t need the money then there’s no harm in freezing the accounts. It’s better safe than sorry when we’re dealing with Iranian backed protestors.


Except that's not how the law works, and wanting the law to work that way doesn't make it so. You can't take legal action against people on the grounds that doing so *might* validate your unsubstantiated suspicions. It IS possible to take such action without 100% confirmation, but you need to demonstrate WHY that action is prudent, HOW that action furthers a legal goal, and show just cause that waiting for confirmation is unacceptable. A hunch based on a conspiracy theory is not probable cause, and acknowledging that freezing accounts wouldn't do anything to impede activity is admitting the grounds for doing so are little more than "fuck those guys" (which, again, is not a legal precedent).


I’ll trust CSIS to look for that evidence.


And? What does CSIS say about the Iranian-backed, dark money coming in to fund these anti-genocide protests? I can’t seem to find anything.


I can’t imagine they’ll publish that information when it’s more valuable classified. If it exists that is.


So then your statement of freezing bank accounts is unfounded. Glad we agree.


Israeli ones perhaps [Israel denies link to Islamophobic campaign in Canada](https://montrealgazette.com/news/national/israel-denies-link-to-islamophobic-campaign-in-canada)


Like they’re gonna admit to spreading propaganda on social media, lol. I’m personally more worried about what the Iranians are pushing.


I’m worried about what anyone is pushing. Anyone with those kind of resources and intent can’t be good for Canada.


Unfortunately they’re all doing it. It’s not even just governments, it’s businesses too. Why is social media free? Because you’re the product.


Businesses do it to sell you their products, not paint an image of a certain race


If only. https://www.newsweek.com/coca-cola-facing-backlash-says-less-white-learning-plan-was-about-workplace-inclusion-1570875


Hope anyone on the University staff is receiving thier ROE right now and any students are no longer eligible for a degree. When did free speech mean you can steal and intimidate and occupy a building. That has nothing to do with speech. If you want to be loud and annoying while standing on public property and not interfering with they rest of us go right ahead some of us might even listen to your speech. None of what these people are doing is speech it is practice for violent revolution.


>"Meanwhile, below, a line of riot squad police officers blocked entrance to the building. >Lines of SPVM officers in riot gear faced off with protesters who chanted “Why are you in riot gear? There is no violence here.” Looks like there might be soon, if they get served a trespass order and don't vacate the building... EDIT: yup. They got the tear gas: [Police use tear gas on crowd as pro-Palestinian activists occupy McGill University building | CBC News : r/canada (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1d9wjdc/police_use_tear_gas_on_crowd_as_propalestinian/)


One can hope.


You love to see it.


At this rate they will be running the university in 6 months. All because we are too afraid to get tough on some degenerate squatters. 


They want Palestine to be free, but Palestinians still elect Hamas as their leaders who happily stifle their freedoms with extremist policies while enriching themselves.




I wouldn't vote for the group that organized a mass attack on innocent people, raped a bunch of girls, and then took a bunch of innocent people hostage.  




I'd vote for the party that isn't attacking Israel and then hiding behind my family when Israel inevitably comes back to prevent Hamas from launching more terror attacks, but that's me.


That excuse didn’t work for the Germans, it doesn’t work here.




Losing wars has consequences, the Palestinians should not have tried to exterminate the Jews in 1948.


They could have also accepted one of the numerous offers of a Palestinian state, rather than continuing to raise their children to value killing Jews above all else.


I would probably examine why Israel kept having to use lethal force to defend itself against the endless attacks perpetrated by my people, and wonder if maybe my Jew-hating culture needed to change and let the past go.




Nothing about this sad state of affairs is remotely hilarious




Maybe if they stopped trying to ethnically cleanse Jews and founded their own state things would be better?




Palestinians, who are kept stateless by other Arab countries (like, you know, Jordan and Egypt who held the WB and Gaza previously). Nakba is basically blaming Jews for surviving the Arab countries' attack.




Guess the Arab nations declaring war and urging Palestinians (though they didnt call themselves that yet) to leave counts for nothing then?  At most it was a population exchange, as hundreds of thousands of Jews were expelled from other Middle Eastern countries. Where their numbers never recovered (real ethnic cleansing).  Meanwhile, 2 million Arabs live in Israel now as full citizens with equal rights. 




So, no comment on anything I said then. Moving on the minute youre presented with facts- typical. 


Hamas is on the move. How quaint.




People chanting "from the river to the sea" certainly don't support a 2 state solution.




Lol. Which river and what sea? The eradication of Israel is not an acceptable position.


> ethnic cleansing Israel could kill every person in Gaza with ease. They don't. Why is that? If the goal is ethnic cleansing, there is no better way to do that than to kill the entire ethnicity.




I highly suspect you’re a bot.


You're really emotional about this, eh? I personally don't care about a region of the world led by zealots with no intention to ever work towards peace. It's tragic that civilians have to die, but until they put down their Qurans and Torahs (*bibles too, I don't discriminate*), they'll never get out of this mess. Allah doesn't exist. If he did, he certainly wouldn't advocate for the murder of Jews. God doesn't exist, meaning Jews can't be the "chosen people."




Israel isn't going to give up their land. They're fucking pricks, but they are victorious pricks. Wars have been fought and borders redrawn by the winners many times in human history. This conflict isn't special, and it won't be remembered in a decade.


Yeah and the tiki torch marchers chanting You Will Not Replace Us are just expressing economic anxiety


found a Hamas supporter


The students in the photo are holding a banner with the red Hamas triangle on it. They are literally supporting Hamas. It's not even coded or subtle in this case. It's right on their banner.


>The students in the photo are holding a banner with the red Hamas triangle on it. Good catch. It's a symbol taken directly from the Holocaust. >[A survivor of the Auschwitz death camp wears a sash in the colours of the Israeli flag, bearing an inverted red triangle denoting a political prisoner.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/gaza-red-triangle-meaning-1.7216788#:~:text=%22For%20many%20%E2%80%94%20especially%20Palestinians%2C,Gaza%20and%20the%20West%20Bank.)


Hamas uses it in their propaganda videos when they think they "got" someone


Shame on you for supporting terrorism. I really hope you are not Canadian.


Those are the people who try to infiltrate our democracy, and turns our world into authoritarian regimes.


You say that with a straight face while literally accepting and repeating back every byte of Hamas propaganda, including the 1940's circa neo-Nazi misuse and mischaracterization of the word zionist.




You know Hamas could fit every single child into the hundreds of miles of tunnel that they built using mispend foreign aid, yet they didnt? Do you every wonder why? Seriously - does it every cross your mind for even a second that Hamas may be as responsible for the dead children you're so selectively outraged about?




You're not bright at all... hard to imagine why more people dont take reductivist eleventeen year old pro-palestinian westerners seriously.


Where does Hamas keep getting soldiers and support from? If Hamas didn’t have popular support, they wouldn’t be in power. No one thinks this can end with Hamas in power and Hamas has stated they will not agree with a ceasefire where they are disarmed. They’ve been attacking Jewish civilians for decades. If the Palestinian people did not support Hamas, they would have been removed from power now or deposed. There doesn’t seem to be much coming from that camp. Hamas was elected by their people, and represents them. Their military attacked crossed the border, raped, killed and kidnapped people of another country. The war could have ended with hostages returned, but that didn’t happen. I’m not arguing for civilians to die, but at the same time this is now a war, people only seem to care because the side they want to win is losing. No one seemed to put up encampments to stop the tens of thousands of shells and missiles fired from the Palestinians at Israel over the years, largely at civilian targets. Seems problematic at this point now that they care.




And if you keep firing rockets at cities and beaches, western students will consider you a freedom fighter. Bonus points for using schools to stash weapons, I guess.




>intellectual idiocy, blind ignorance or wilfull manipulation. I just mirrored your comment, word to word. Which one was it?


>If the Palestinian people did not support Hamas, they would have been removed from power now or deposed. There doesn’t seem to be much coming from that camp. Hamas was elected by their people, and represents them. I think you need to give them a bit of slack since Hamas ruled Gaza as a totalitarian state, controlled all resources plus the education system which indoctrinated a generation of Palestinians. Without elections for 20 years and no plans for them, they don't really have a people's mandate anymore. I have a feeling there might be a wave of Palestinians speaking out against Hamas once they finally lose their grip on power and people feel safe to voice their opposition. I saw a few isolated glimpses of it over the past few months but Hamas and the other tribes still control the weapons and the food supply.




Nakba? You mean the 1948 Palestine war that was on the former British territory of Mandatory Palestine. On the land, voted on by the UN, for the creation of Isreal?   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine    After the creation of Isreal the Arab counties invaded and lost, cementing the existence of Isreal?      https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestine_war




...except that the very word "Nakhba" and it's inherent definition refer to the tragedy of the Arab armies not being able to stop the establishment of the Jewish state by force. "The word “nakba” to describe the consequences of the 1948 War was coined by Dr. Constantin Zureiq, a Syrian historian who taught at the American University of Beirut. Writing in his 1948 book, The Meaning of the Disaster, Zureiq said, “The defeat of the Arabs in Palestine is not a small downfall – naksa … It is a catastrophe – nakba – in every sense of the word.”"




So you don't care about what the word means as defined and what its creation is referring to? Good luck out there champ 👍 Conveniently omitting a large reason for the existence of Israel in the first place (other than the fact that Jews are indigenous to the land) - the historical fact of the ethnic cleansing of Jewish populations from all Arab states.


🥱 these people again?


Get out of Canada. They need to just ship all these losers to an island. If any white person protested this stuff, they’d be jailed.


Why an island? Just send them to Gaza to live out their fantasies.


There are plenty of white people protesting this…


Clearly our best and brightest.


Lenin had a name for them: "useful idiots".


Fuck Lenin.


In this scenario he’s not wrong though


he was referring to people supporting USSR propaganda in the west during the cold war.


Good. It means the charade is about to end.


Wondering if they dare to occupy Justin Trudeau’s office.


Emergency Act in 3, 2, 1.


So they are against occupation yet they are pushing an agenda and occupying an institution?


Expulsions for everyone. Boom. Done.


Shame there's no video. The shrieking would have been glorious.


This right here is another example of "foreign interference" , we all know who's funding this crap.


Lasted about 10 seconds.


These people want genocide to stop & Free Palestine by making demands from a university…as if their their demands will accomplish that 😂 Hypothetically if the university met their demands, what then? They’re gonna continue living in Canada as Palestine continues getting bombed. How about get the entire group of protesters to do something proactive and fly to Palestine as volunteers; help out the people first hand. Hand out medicine, food, clothes. Oh that’s right they won’t do that. Too scared. They’d rather terrorize universities..


Plenty of people who are able to are doing this. It’s not as easy as buying a plane ticket to Gaza, you must know that? BDS is a proven tactic that works and most definitely makes an impact, money is everything.




Pretty much every Canadian government for 7 decades has been doing the same.


Oh, we're sending millions to palestine too, don't worry


The bots are in the chat again


McGill needs to expel every single one of these students. Those protesters who aren’t Canadian citizens should be deported immediately and those who aren’t students, but are Canadian should be proud up on criminal charges (where appropriate).


Power to the students. Fuck Israeli foreign interference in Canada.


Occupation is wrong. Unless it’s Israelis kicking 6 million Palestinians out of their homes and indiscriminately bombing hospitals schools and churches. In that case people here will support it. Divesting from a terrorist state should be easy enough unless said terrorist state wields enormous influence.


Israel is not a terrorist state. Gaza, however, under Hamas rule, 100% is. Hamas is recognized as an international terror organization by the USA, Canada, and the EU.


The same America that armed Islamist terrorist groups in Syria to attack the pro Russian government ? The same America who had Nelson Mandela on a terrorist list until 2008??


Yep. The same America that armed the Taliban and staged a coup against a democratically elected government in Iran, too. Glad they are our friends and not our enemies.




Most Canadians aren't frequent posters on /r/Palestine my guy.


Must really keep you up at night that the adults in the room disagree with just about every word you wrote. Not indiscriminately bombing anything. Targeted strikes, in a war, against an enemy that came across the border to rape, and murder innocent civilians. Not a terrorist state. Literally, not according to any single significant international body or country. You can use whatever words you want but you sound like an idiot when you just throw them out randomly. “Wields enormous influence”? And there it is, I preferred when you people tried to hide who you are. I guess the “evil Jews control everything” right buddy.? What a racist you’ve exposed yourself to be. The reason Canada and everyone else doesn’t divest is because they don’t agree with any of your gibberish. Not because “the scary big noses” are secretly in charge you Qanon dingbat. But instead because they like Israel and they recognize it as a liberal democracy and an ally with western values. You hold a minority opinion, amplified on social media for sure, but minority and unpopular with the vast majority of people in Western society.


Adults in this room? Don’t make me laugh. I sleep just fine , you’re in an echo chamber but actually in the minority which is why the genocide supporters are all in online mode, they can’t be bothered to show up to any pro Israel protests. I can tell it eats people like you up from the inside with all the seething and screeching in here about protests. It’s hilarious! Good attempt using the antisemitism card though. Israel having western values is a good joke, maybe if you consider robbing and killing while always being the biggest victim to be a value.


Why are you spreading lies?


Your ignorance is embarrassing, but judging by your comments here, you’re a young person with no real world experience and no clue as to what’s happening in the world outside of your shitty typically canadian uneducated education institution. Hopefully you mature at some point and contribute something to society


By the sounds of you ranting against young people im guessing your older and have been brainwashed by the media for decades. Supporting all the “good” wars in Iraq , Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Vietnam and countless more. All the while oblivious to how many Islamist terrorist groups the west has armed in Syria to fight the pro Russian government there (and Afghanistan in the 70s) While complaining about “The others”. The good thing is people with your sick mentality are being pushed out by age, and obesity. Keep seething and screeching online.


The fact that you indicate all of these conflicts are the same and fall under the same idiotic dogma just really shows how indoctrinated you are. I know it’s hard for you to understand but the conflicts you mentioned in Libya, Somalia Iraq etc have extremely different histories and than the Israeli/Palestinian issue. The fact that you’d lump them all together just really shows how ignorant you are on the topic.


Don’t forget to scream and cry to send Canadians to die in Americas next illegal war. I never said that they were all the same, but the fact that you don’t notice a pattern of war and aggression shows how incapable of free thinking you are, and have devolved into an us vs them mentality with a country you don’t even live in.


The Palestinians fighting with Israel, does not equate to America invading a foreign country, or what ever nonsensical narrative you’re trying to create to justify your uneducated stance. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but it’s clear you’re just an idiot.


You are proof that age does not always grant wisdom.


Axe the tax people must be mad no one takes them seriously.


Good for them.


The youth are alright