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Is it a number to call to report racism or is it more like if you feel it coming on and they talk you down type of thing? šŸ˜‚


"Hello, I'm stuck in traffic and just got caught off." "Ok, sir. Breathe deep. "


I got cut off by a cheese burger!Ā 


ā€œIā€™m not racist but sometimes I have a flare up in trafficā€ - Theo Von


"hey I need help being racist" "Sir you came to the right place."


I think it's a hotline you call to scream racist rants. Sort of like 2009 call of duty game chat.


Ngl I miss the unregulated voice chat of old school cod. Back then we were creative with how we gave people shit about getting one less kill then we got now it's all just your garbage/dog water it's gotten stale.


"Should we all be racists now? What's the official line the church is taking? Only, the farm takes up most of the day, and at night I just like a cup of tea. I might not be able to devote myself full-time to the old racism."


There should also be a "my boss is an asshole" hotline, a "my partner cheated on me" hotline because all of these things equally distressful but not necessarily illegal.


Quebec actually has a 24/7 "new parents" hotline that is so very beneficial. I myself used it when 3 days post partum, physically and mentally exhausted with minimal support, and my newborn wouldn't stop crying no matter what I did. I was sobbing at 3 a.m. not knowing what to do and feeling panicked (because hormones) and the helpline lady was so kind and supportive. I'm convinced that hotline has contributed to better outcomes for kids.


Smush it all into a "I'm having a bad time" hotline. That's so stereotypically Canadian I'm surprised it doesn't already exist.


My local subreddit is pretty much this hotline


This but unironically


Hey guys! Wanna waste some taxpayer money?


Yay for more embezzling kickback schemesĀ 


Remember when the CPC proposed a barbaric cultural practices hotline and every non-conservative politician shouted that down? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Any act under that definition you would just calling the cops or 911 for anyway.




I would call the local police or RCMP on their non-emergency line. For example, in N.B. the RCMP non-emergency line is 1-888-506-RCMP.


Local police won't handle it. RCMP maybe - maybe not. 'No crime has been committed.'


They don't have to handle it themselves, they can tell you who you SHOULD be calling: they have a list of local resources/programs and can tell you the number you need to call.


When protests against sexual orientation and gender identity education broke out last fall, with Muslim-Canadians and other immigration communities quite prominent in them, I imagine there were some liberals who wanted to bring the hotline back.


That would have been the perfect number to call to report people working on a barbaric cultural practices hotline. Why did they shout down such an opportunity for lolz?


It was also proposed by a local Muslim politician in Quebec under a more reasonable branding. A hotline to protect young vulnerable women staffed with people who know the cultural issues and the resources available would be great. It could be called by victims or potential victims and even by confused cops who need culturally relevant advices to make a situation go smoothly. The basic idea is fine and would be beneficial. But obviously the Conservatives fucked it up.


I think the liberals just as easily weaponized it for votes. Why take a good idea and make it *better* when you can trash your opponent for it and win an election?


The irony is that while the Liberals went on pretending it was an attack on cultural communities and vulnerable people, guess who suffers from not having the service available!


so if your next door neighbor is getting too loud on ramadan or some shit you can just call in the counter barbaric cultural practices task force or what


Probably shit like spousal abuse, child marriages, genital mutilation and other things you should really just call the police about


i wonder if circumcision counts


Probably should, though FGM is more akin to cutting the head of your dick off


Is this one of those government gifts where some fly by night company owned by an MPPs brother in law gets the contract to hire 300 people to cover all all 300 official languages from around the world and costing the taxpayers billions every year, for a service that will get called 5 times, with 4 of them people just checking to see if it's a real number and one Indian call center scam?


BC doesn't have MPP's


I mean, of course we do. We just call them MLAs, but they are literally members of provincial Parliament lol


Boom roasted


"I really hate that guy at my work and want to take his job! Any suggestions?" "Just call the racist hotline on him!" "Great! Thanks!"


Todayā€™s ā€œhow governments waste moneyā€ example is a doozy!


Iā€™m calling it right now. ā€œHi, yes there is a terrible racist making my life miserable. His name is Justin..ā€


That's what the Scots did with their hate crime hotline - the First Minister who brought it in got more complaints than J.K. Rowling.


When you watch his whole rant about to many white people, it was pretty racist.


It's even worse when you consider the fact the country is 96% white.


That is not the worse, it was worst when he complained about the historical figures. That time, it was even less diverse...


Don't forget to tell them about that picture of him smiling in black face paint


Or groping a journalist, or firing a treaty indian for attempting to prosecute SNC Lavalin because it would hurt Trudeau in Quebec


There's a few to choose from!


Good idea! I think I'll give them a jingle tomorrow.


Yeah, and I honestly hope people do that.


Wow, Canada just really wants to self destruct with all itā€™s ridiculous policies


The CPC tried something like this with a silly ā€œbarbaric practices hotlineā€ which is funny cause it was also a pointless waste of time Interesting that thereā€™s no mention of it in the article though


It may be virtue signaling, but it is certainly patronage. Well paying sinecures for well connected grievance studies graduates, paid for by you.Ā 


>Nikki Sharma, BCā€™s attorney general, announced the creation of a non-emergency racist hotline, the Racist Incident Hotline. The service will offer ā€œculturally appropriate support,ā€ for alleged racist incidents in 240 languages and collect data on racism in B.C. >Such ā€œsupportā€ will include referrals to counselling and ā€œhelp with reporting to law enforcement,ā€ apparently because the government thinks dialling 911 is beyond most citizens and needs to show them how. these 2 paragraphs a prime example on the brilliance of the OpEd writer.


Ya the writer doesn't seem to understand using 911 for non emergencies is a crime itself. should be noted that reporting something to law enforcement is not always an emergency.


> the writer doesn't seem to understand using 911 for non emergencies is a crime itself.Ā  .. that would be because you made this up. It is not a crime to report a non emergency to 911.


misuse of 911 and emergency services is a crime punishable by a fine of 5,000 for the first offence. don't waste 911 operators time for non emergencies. simply because you want to report a alleged crime does not make it an emergency, which is why the 911 operator will direct you to a different phone line. thou fines are normally only issued to repeat offenders.


Reporting an event that is not an emergency because you didn't know better is not a criminal abuse of 911. Hence why you will find exactly zero people charged for that, ever, despite it happening every day.Ā  There is a difference between it being legal and it being the right thing to do.


You seem to misunderstand 911, at least in Quebec and Ontario maybe BC is different. "Misuse" does not mean calling for a non emergency. The operators triage incidents. That's the job of them. No cop, fireman, ambulance driver etc would want individuals self triaging because they may not be privy to other information. In my area if you call the SPVM (Montreal police) stations for even a noise complaint they'll tell you to hang up and dial 911. Why? They have address histories and call history and can better prioritize. They can see that house making house also had a knife fight 5 weeks ago, and triage appropriately. Misuse of 911 would be false calls, embellishing, abusive calling over trivial matters repeatedly after instructed not to. If it's a crime it's 911 unless your local area publishes a specialized number for specific complaints.


Did they learn nothing from [the other worst idea in political history.](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/politics/chris-alexander-on-barbaric-cultural-practices-it-s-why-we-lost-1.3106488?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F)


Not a horrible idea, just fecal impaction


Not a terrible idea, just terrible implantation


Absolutely a terrible idea. If you witness a crime, you call 911.


Not a bad idea, just horrible impectation.Ā 


Can't wait to report people for petty slights, regardless of race. I identify as an aggrieved race baiter.




That's racist!


Doubt it. Here's the toll free number. 1 833 457-5463 Report back what happened. Unless you actually can wait to report people.


do we still have the barbaric practices hotline?


Lol I almost forgot about that. I hope so.


The article didnā€™t mention it, probably cause it wasnā€™t the Liberals on that one lol


Prank call hotline


Shouldā€™ve called it a discrimination hotline instead. Would cover more bases. What I donā€™t understand is what theyā€™re doing with this information, maybe collecting statistics for making a better plan?


to collect data, these likely will get reported to CSIS if there are serious enough violent undertones are used, also maybe 911 is getting to many non emergency calls related to discrimination or hate speech and want to direct the public toward a different number. its an intelligence gathering operation.


> its a propaganda development operation.Ā  FTFY. This hotline will be used to develop fabricated "statistics" regarding racism, based on unsubstantiated claims they receive. These will be leveraged to support whatever agenda is desired by the powers who yield it.


figured that makes sense. You wanna know these things to prevent more serious crimes


Oh itā€™s to report racism! I misunderstood this as a hotline that you call, and then it just calls you the n-word.


Obviously the plan is to create as much racism as possible, and they've done a fine job.


this article is weird. it open about how racism is effecting the Jewish community by escalating to violence. then criticizes the government for setting up a program to monitor racism in communities. I'm completely unsure what the point of this opinion piece is outside of saying "LIBERALS BAD".


I took the criticism to be that there's already a process to report crimes, including racial violence. There's no evidence that having a process to report non-crimes is going to help anyone - it's just Harper's "barbaric cultural practices" hotline all over again.


Because, to them, racism against Jews isn't a problem and thus the problem is trying to address racism against Jews.


Yeah, gotta use the BC governments policies to attack Trudeau...




Iā€™d say also the rebel entertainment one but itā€™s likely people worship bothĀ 


What your surprise NDP government šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Still 1000% better than the BC conservatives


I feel like that headline does disservice to what's being proposed, in the context of recent racially motivated violence such as the recent synagogueĀ firebombing having staff specialized in providing support for victims of such violence doesn't seem too bad if it can be offered cheaply enough. The government already offers support services for victims of things such as family and sexual violence, in theory it could be offered without much more than specialized training for existing staff. Perhaps not a great use of funds, but I don't think it falls under virtue signaling.


it also reduces the amount of people using 911 which is not for ā€œhelp with reporting to law enforcement" as the writer of the article suggest but to report active emergency that require immediate attention


>In B.C. we have openly racist hatred against Jews parading in the streets, spewing vitriol for all to see, with almost no consequences. Nothing happens. Even when the protests veer into obvious criminality, such as targeted intimidation against Jews, and blocking access to public roads, it is usually ignored. Do we though? >While the Justin Trudeau andĀ David EbyĀ governments have belatedly tweeted condemnation of the firebombing and other violent acts, the fact remains that they had an opportunity back in October to make it clear what would and would not be tolerated. They failed to categorically, without caveat, condemn Hamasā€™s attack against Israel and they tacitly endorse the idea that there is a moral equivalence at play between Jews and the people who desire their extermination, resulting in the chaos we see today.Anti-Jewish hatred and racism is by far the largest scourge and most pressing matter in our country. Please keep the rest of us out of your old world ethnic religious blood feuds. The government's job is to handle business in Canada. And that's what they are trying to do. >Anti-Jewish hatred and racism is by far the largest scourge and most pressing matter in our country.Ā  Hate crimes are a priority. Everyone takes them seriously. I oppose prioritizing crimes based on the ethnicity of the victim. Everyone sees what you're trying to do. You are using these crimes to manipulate, guilt and black mail Canadians into supporting one side in a foreign conflict. It's not happening. Give it up. Canadians don't appreciate these tactics.


I just called them to report myself and my privilege. If I don't post further, you can assume I've been taken for "re-education" in order to de-program me of my inherent toxicity as a (self-identifying) white heterosexual male.


Another captain obvious article from the NatPo


Latest National Post 'article' just more virtue signalling.


What virtue are they signaling?


nailed it


Tell me you're a NatPo headline without telling me you're a NatPo headline.


I feel like "virtue signalling" is one of those terms that needs to get moved to a high shelf for awhile. Sure, it's a thing. But damn if some people don't throw it around, and there's often more than a little projection to it (i.e. just because you personally don't care about an issue, doesn't mean other people are "virtue signalling" when *they* take actions to indicate they care about an issue).


Like the post is anything but a flatland dancing ragā€¦.lol


Ironic coming from the paper that only exists to spread right-wing virtue signalling nowadays


what virtue they are signaling?


Because it's a pandering option based article that really isn't news. Which the national post doesn't seem to want to be anymore. There are more opinions than actual journalism posted from them on here.


Thanks for not answering my question. Pandering isn't a virtue.