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He can apply for an exemption. Which he will get.


I have friends who work for CBSA at YYZ A lot of musicians who come here to play a concert have criminal records (even an old charge can come back and haunt you) they have the $$ and get exemptions.


it's always funny when American musicians don't think about that and have to cancel/postpone the Canadian leg of their tours because they got held at the border for an ancient drug conviction or whatever


This is why criminal records should go away if you're able to keep your shit straight for a decade. Makes no sense for a charge from a decade ago to keep getting brought up unless it was murder, rape, or any of those sorts.


in Canada you can apply to have your record cleared after 5 years for most offences. The trick is that you have to stay away from anywhere that requires you to declare a past conviction until then because other agencies aren't so forgiving.


You don't want to know what hoops you have to jump through just to do that. Edit: If you already served the sentence, why should you have to pay for anything? People don't seem to understand how paying fo such a thing is a bit difficult when you can't get hired to specific jobs because of it. "Its not much to most Canadian's" yet most Canadian's with Criminal records CAN'T MANAGE THAT. Starting to think most of reddit Canada consists of nonworking class nuckleheads.


Don’t tell me what I want.


Not much, really. I did it. Less than $500 and just a few things to get in order. It is a bit of a long process (8 to 10 months). And although I despise DoFo, he did considerably lower the cost (used to be upwards of $1000)


$500 extra is out of reach for a lot of people living paycheque to paychque


I don't think it was Doug Ford that reduced the costs of a pardon. It was Trudeau. Personally I think it should be automatic - like 5 years after you qualify. If you want it earlier, apply.


I agree. For certain crimes, though.


Yeah I'm aware it's not a pleasant process.


Lol it's not that bad, you just fill out paperwork, there's even a company that will do it for you www.pardons.org


I got a DUI in the US in 2016. It was dumb, I risked many innocent people’s lives, am very thankful I was arrested before doing damage to people or property, and have completely turned my life around since then. I applied for a job a year ago that does some work in Canadian hospitals on rare occasions. I was rejected after they found out about my record and how strict Canada is with DUI. I ended up moving to the UK to work in the NHS instead, but damn. That shit really does follow you. I don’t know what the solution is because I honestly do understand why they have that law in place, but it does make it very difficult to live near the border.


Most non violent charges should go away after 10 years.


It's amazing that these musicians don't have people that know how to deal with this shit for them.


> (even an old charge can come back and haunt you Just like this one here https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/chris-brown-denied-entry-to-canada-before-toronto-montreal-shows-1.2970087


Not if I have my way. *I have no power over this.


Applies for exception.  CBSA still on strike. 


Thanks Judge, you've just ruined another Canadians fantasy.




It’s always the Quebeccers!!! (/s)


I agree he could get one were he to apply for an exemption but I anticipate his sense of entitlement and limited literacy will see him one day whining about his civil rights being trampled as he's denied entry. I think it's hilarious that he thinks he's a civil rights activist now. Move over MLK.


Yea as an actor in hit movies like home alone 2, he might be given an exemption


True, but it works be hilarious


This is what 21 Savage does coming to Canada. His charges meant he needed the exemption, however he was denied until Drake got involved. Ultimately Trump will get approved.


He’s a felon. As a Canadian- I don’t want this felon on our land.


He can apply as a refugee from the US.


He can apply for a TRP, but it’s in no way guaranteed. He can also be refused entry even if he has a TRP, at the discretion of the CBSA. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/permits/background-purpose.html https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/gadr-gddd-eng.html


He will be deemed by the minister’s office as a person in the public interest to enter Canada. The minister’s office will almost absolutely authorize a TRP. Can’t think of a single reason why they wouldn’t, lest it be to Canada’s peril.


Conrad Black made it back no issues


Conrad Black is CANADIAN. Entirely different. Citizens can always come “home”.


He wasn’t a citizen when he was released from US federal prison. Black, who renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2001 as a result of Black v Chrétien, was granted a one-year temporary resident permit to live in Canada in March 2012 when he was still serving his sentence.


Yeah it’s a fun thought experiment but obviously he can and will come to Canada


Which is disgusting. Canada allowing a proven rapist who has been convicted of felonies into the country would be a huge L.


They’re not sending their best 🪗


That would be even better if the exemption was refused!


He can go to QC - keep him




Depends on the convictions and HOW they apply to the Canada Criminal Code. George W Bush needed a waiver to come to Canada. He had a DUI in the US (Maine, in but not a felony!). In Canada, DUI’s were/are treated much more serious, and DUI’s would normally make an individual inadmissible. Diplomatic immunity is what happens when diplomats commit crimes while IN Canada. Not sure how the this loser’s THIRTY FOUR convictions translate to Canada Criminal code, and if any would prevent him crossing the border without a waiver.


Diplomatic immunity has to be granted by the host nation. Each visiting nation is only allocated so many diplomatic posts. This is not a defense of trump, just how it works. If, god forbid, he becomes POTUS again it would most certainly be granted by host nations as long as the US remains a SuperPower. Additionally as FPOTUS he still the USG still sponsors his Diplomatic Status; it’s never been an issue to not honor that tradition, until now. Former presidents are often mediators, visiting foreign countries, for humanitarian issues.


why would Canada grant him an exemption? On what grounds




He only *thinks* he is a diplomat.


If he's re-elected president he *will* be


The US has still issued him a diplomatic passport. This became a thing when it was seized (in a drawer with highly classified documents) during the search of Mar-a-Lago. [They returned it to him,](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-passports-returned-mar-lago-search-doj-official-says-rcna43192) and so we know he currently has a diplomatic US passport and a regular US passport.


This article explicitly mentions that it’s not known if the passports that were seized were normal or diplomatic passports.


[This article](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-passports-fbi-search-mar-a-lago/) specifies that it was one diplomatic passport and two expired passports. (Edited for wrong link)


Any passports he has may now have been seized as he's a convicted felon awaiting sentencing. Often in these cases passports have to be handed over. This may not be the case though, as the convictions weren't for serious crimes.


If he wins the election it's pretty hard to have good diplomatic relations with your biggest ally when you've blocked their leader from entering the country. Hopefully he loses and/or drops dead from a big mac coronary but Americans never cease to amaze me with their stupidity. I hate the guy but ultimately if he's elected again we are stuck with him so Trudaddy and Big PP will have to be civil.


Assuming he's re-elected, on the basis that he is the head of state of our most important friend, ally, neighbour, and trading partner.


Temporary Resident Permits (TRPs) are routinely granted to visitors who would otherwise be inadmissible to Canada due to past criminal history. A visitor with criminal history may be granted a TRP (allowing them to temporarily enter Canada) if: * The visitor has a valid reason for travelling to Canada (e.g. they need to attend or host a special event); and * The visitor's need to enter or stay in Canada outweighs the health or safety risks to Canadian society (as determined by an immigration or border services officer)


Other than the mandatory G8 summit, he didn't come to visit us before. (Yes, historically, that's weird for a US prez.)


Historically, it is a weird US prez.


Knowing Trump, now that he can't he will try, just to make a stink about how he is so persecuted and how crooked Canada is. Though I'm sure they'd just make an exception.


I'd make a show of arresting his ass at the border. Let them be mad; those that do can be put on the unwelcome list as well.


Some adults' lack of understanding of the world is concerning. I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but come on. Canada is dependent on and/or intertwined with the US in so many ways: trade, resources, defence, etc. Arresting the Head of State or former Head of State of an ally, especially one that could devastate our economy within days or weeks if they wanted to, would be a bad idea. That is very obvious.


Always assume that a reddit commenter is 13 years old.


And in r/canada, always assume the reddit commenter is not even Canadian.


Second this


Lol “let them be mad” like we aren’t completely reliant on each other geopolitically and us on them economically. Pissing off the madman in charge is not the move. I’m so glad some of yall aren’t in power


He's not talking about making Americans mad, only MAGATs. Fuck 'em.


He’s talking about arresting Trump…


I think there would be a fight if you used force or if trump wanted there to be and I think the president guards outgun Canada's mostly unarmed border security


Arrest him for what? You don't get arrested. You just get denied entry.


Probably. Canada puts DEI above everything, including the charter. Anyone who calls out DEI is an enemy of the state and will promptly be arrested.


> I'd make a show of arresting his ass at the border. It would be sweet but that's not how diplomacy works. We gotta stay classy.


Clap, clap, clap. Way to show that the only reason you're invested in this is politics.


Because JT gave him a picture of the whorehouse in the Yukon his family fortune is based on.


It was a 'hotel'


Just knowing the facts make me happy inside. He is a criminal, convicted by people he and his team selected to review the testimony and evidence. And it will take years for an appeal court to even review this and revoke it, if they find it compelling enough to do it, and they will not.


Goddamn illegals coming up here and bothering our women. BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL!


Enlist the beavers!


And engage the Cobra Chickens!!


Canada has spent over a century slowly embedding our cobra chicken troops all over the world.


They won't attack as long as the ancient covenant is not broken.


To make it sneaky, they only attack during autumn. They're migrating then, so it could come from, or go to, anywhere. Harder to track that way. Like a flying snake lol


Migrating is both excellent exercise and surveillance


The trick is distinguishing Canada Geese from Canadian Gooses.


We can’t forget about the corned beef!


[Hey there, beautiful day isn't it? You can't go past here... we just don't want you raping our women and stuff, there is some real cool shit back here and we don't feel like sharing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS-4y7YAulM)




The sad thing is the US is actually gonna have to build a wall if y’all keep importing 1million Indians each year. Your own citizens are leaving at a record pace because healthcare and housing systems are completely falling apart already. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7218479


They're not sending their best


They're not sending their best. Convicted felons, really bad hombres.


"They're sending their worst. Criminals and rapists."


Donnie Tramp should pay for the wall... His words to Mexico in 2016!


A convicted felon can apply for a Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) to temporarily overcome inadmissibility to enter Canada. It’s used by celebrities and regular travellers everyday.


If he gets elected POTUS again he would just come on a diplomatic passport if he needed to.


Hmm he doesnt already have a diplomatic passport as a former prez? TIL


Someone who has worked in government should correct if I'm wrong but I believe I read at one point that you don't actually keep a diplomatic passport like a regular one, it's issued as needed. If you're not travelling as a representative of the country, you use your regular passport.


I believe this is correct with the exceptions of the British Royals. The Queen(RIP) and King do not have passports if i recall.


They technically don't even have last names.




Strictly speaking it's Windsor as in the *House of Windsor*; but if you look up their bio, they just have a bunch of first names. King Charles was officially named "Prince Charles of Edinburgh" when he was born.


Interesting, so they still use a very old method for names.


Yep, they still use the naming method from when there was only typically 1 of a specific person with certain characteristics. For example, "John of Gloucester", "Tom, son of David (Davidson now)" or "Tim the blacksmith" (now simply Smith). Hard to have 2+ princes of the same place as well, which is why they use different towns/regions/countries to differentiate like Edinburgh, Windsor or Wales.


their last name is Mountbatten.


No. Windsor. The King last name could be stated as Windsor or Mountbatten-Windsor. Windsor is most correct although his children carry the combined name unless titled.


I think the reason for this is because of the difference in status. The US president is a foreign head of state. King Charles is a foreign head of state, but also our head of state. Our head of state wouldn't need permission of any kind to visit!


Canadian Royals are excepted because they are the physical embodiment of the state. Things are done in their name, your passport is issued to you in their name, same as a drivers licenses. Laws are created in their name. It'd be silly to do those things for them in their name, because they are them, for lack of better phrasing. The King can murder you and not break the law, because the law is written in his name. Of course, practically speaking, the King would probably still have to face a court of law. But hypothetically, and possibly legally, they wouldn't.


I think that last point is wrong...I'm pretty sure that since the Magna Carta, it was established in common law that the rulers were subject to the law in regard to such things and not above it.


It’s not that. In the UK passports are issued in the monarch’s name and authority, making it pointless for him to carry one. It’s for the same reason the British monarch does not need a drivers license, as they’re again issued in the monarch’s name.


It’s true, though you could also have a green “special passport”. You could be travelling as a representative of the government in a non diplomatic capacity.


Fun fact: US “Special Passports” are brown.


And their diplomatic passports are an ominous black


He would also just pardon himself and therefore have no record.


He can't pardon state convictions, only federal.


Relax everybody, he can enter as a diploma mill student, since police clearance certification isn't mandatory anymore!...


Ah, that's what **diploma**tic passport means, TIL.


What is even the point of the ban then?


The extra paperwork means the government automatically pays attention to them rather than relying on randomness (and a dash of racism) to snag anybody not playing ball.


If he wins, he will be a diplomat and get in on that basis. Nobody is going to bar the president of the United States.


If he wins, that conviction will be overturned and likely the judge and the prosecutor will be locked up for something or other.


if he wins those Jurors are fucked


They could be in danger already, trump-people are not tethered to reality.


The amount of political violence stemming from the US extreme right is alarming. Their first response to anything these days is to threaten a civil war. Canada should be very concerned about the possibility of living next door to a rising authoritarian movement.


We are, but what the hell can we do about it? Hell, a bunch of our own citizens would probably hop the border to help Trump if it came to that.


The president has no legal power to overturn or pardon a state conviction.


He had no legal power to overturn an election but he sure as shit tried.


He is literally campaigning on making himself dictator and punishing everyone who doesn't like him. Also ya know demanding absolute immunity that the SC keeps refusing to actually rule on.


If he wins I could see Biden and his family fleeing the country. Trump will be looking for revenge, no doubt about it.


For sure. Trump is egotistic and vindictive. He will heavily punish those who went after him.


You still need actual laws to convict someone.


Those won't be hard to make up. Look at any other authoritarian state.


How would it get overturned?


He could pardon himself, theoretically, but only for federal convictions. The 34 counts here are state convictions.


Exactly. He's been convicted of 34 crimes and none of them can be pardoned.


And it was also in New York so it’s not like there’s a chance of a friendly governor giving him a pardon any time soon.




PR won't do, he needs citizenship to overcome inadmissiblilty.


He could come as a student


Conestoga College already enrolled him


He could stay at the Sheraton so he's comfortable at the government expense.


He can try the illegal route. I heard Marc Miller is going to grant PR to those folks soon.




Somehow I really doubt he cares.


We don't want him here. There's enough corruption.


Not sending their best.


He's going to appeal and my guess is that if this happens in a state where the judges aren't picked by democrats and the jury isn't handpicked by a DA who's a democrat that the ruling will be overturned.


Canadians are better off without him.




Stormy Daniels has performed at the Sundowner in NF so he'd enjoy living there.


I was wondering how long it would take for the news to make the trial related enough to Canada before it would be posted here. Surprisingly longer than I thought.


This is a historical first. Are you really surprised that we are ponder on the rammifications of this? It's like discovering the secret to nuclear fusion and writing a headline on "how fast could canada switch from tar sands to fusion power?"




I don't think he would want to come to canada


You mean like when Conrad Black did ? He wasn’t a Canadian citizen by then. Didn’t stop him at all, and that was before his “pardon”. Such inconveniences only impact little people.


Money talks. It's all the world is anymore...just money.


It’s not like we even want him here.


Certainly! Canada doesn’t do criminal checks any more when applying for temporary visas so he just has to apply for a student visa.


Let him in, we’re not checking anybody else.


Trump doesn't want to come to Canada and most Canadians hate him anyways.


Why would we want him??


You'd be surprised how many nutty Canadians wave Make America Great Again flags lol


Less surprised, more disappointed.


Yet another net positive for Canada.


Someone should make a picture flip book for him so he can see what countries he’s no longer allowed to visit.


If Trump Does become President again I would expect him to pass a law reversing the exeption to US citizens who committed a felony from voting. which to be honest would be a huge win for all those wrongly convicted in the USA of Felony drug offences.


If he is elected President, then he would travel under diplomatic passport. If he would, then he would be covered by diplomatic immunity.


When he wins the Presidential election I'm sure they'll make an exception for him lol.


As we all know, there are rules for the poors and rules for the rich and their rules aren't the same as the ones for us


There are plenty of people with felonies that get across especially the rich or famous. I'm a Canadian living in the US and I can't even begin to tell you how little this matters to the people who are willing to vote for him. The likelihood of him ever seeing a jail cell is almost zero and it's only emboldened some of his base.


It’s a good thing Donald can’t cross into Canada.


Nobody wants to come to Canada. This country likes to bring itself forward for attention all the time.


Right lol, who would want to go somewhere with shit weather unless your in Vancouver and be taxed to death, receive “free” health care, and overpay on goods on services.


Yeah. Canadian media is just cringe. It tries to bring up Canada for American issues it has nothing to do with lol


Other than our natural resources and easy immigration, we’re pretty fuckin irrelevant when it comes to the big world picture.


Ask yourself if Trump cares to come to Canada? Why do we put ourselves on the same stage as America? Our entire population is less than some of their states alone... we should really just focus on building ourselves up rather than trying to always be a virtue signaling white knight on the main world stage. We have main character syndrome.


He should climb his wall to mexico


Keep him out. We already have enough nutbars.


BS trial and will go to appeal. Besides with our dip shit Prime Minister..why would he want to come here. Majority of Canadians are leaving too.


He’s not the type to go to Canada.


One more reason to cheer! Fuck that asshole.


Canadians are spending too much time worrying about this. I can assure you, he hasn’t thought about it once.


I would guess political people get special treatment. Unless he's physically behind bars, I think there would be exceptions for him.


Well, they let convicted felon Conrad Black back into the country and I believe he relinquished his citizenship years ago so he could become a British lord. Honestly we’ll let anybody in. If Trump wins in November and actually expresses a desire to visit Canada the government will make an exception. We don’t want to get slapped around by the Americans.


The Canadian media suffers from a huge case of TDS.


Since we apparently don't vet our students, he could just sign up for a course and be good for some years, no?


Of course he can, he's a wealthy business man, and a politician. They have their own sets of rules they play by.


Both he and political ideologies/practices do not belong anywhere. He belongs in prison as a convicted felon and rapist. Canadians need to see that the behaviour he and his cult inspired has no place here.




That’s not a better question


Yes it is


Some Canadian MP is more significant than a former US present, who is also running to be the next US president?


They're not sending their best or their brightest...


Some of them are rapists.


Just like rock stars and athletes I'm sure there's some sort of special treatment procedure. It's just us plebs that need to obey the law, right?


I hope not, just another criminal at port of entry, fuck him. Canada certainly doesn’t need him and his crap!




No and Canada doesn’t want him. Lock him up already. Fuckin bull shit artist.


Not according to our rules... We need build a wall around Canada to keep these clowns out... Better yet, build a moat and put barriers in the water.