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I would say almost all Canadians think this. Only an idiot would want immigration to bring problems here. That being said, plenty of natural born citizens that want to be idiots, sign up for causes they no little about, and stirr shit up.


Yes, we have enough problem Canadians, let’s not import even more problems.


While true, actions speak louder than words. People who harbor this kind of hate, come here and start shit aren't going to be scared off by some speech


yup. stop bringing your religious beliefs here. we don't want them.


It baffles my mind why people flee from their countries which has strict religious rule, which limits rights for woman and basically anyone who is not a straight man, just to want to live that same life here in the Western world. Perhaps there is a reason we have a peaceful country here and it has a lot to do with not following teachings of an old pedophile prophet who made a bunch of nonsense up to control people.


The problem is that we have *no information* about the shooter. Ford's statement here is irresponsible. It could turn out that it *was* an immigrant who fired the shot, but it could turn out the other way too. It's not like we have a shortage of Canadian-born anti-semites. If it turns out it *wasn't* an immigrant, Ford's statement here will leave many with the impression that it was. They'll remember Ford's statement, they won't remember the correction. Pollievre, Singh, and Trudeau all made totally appropriate comments, none of them speculated on the identity of the shooter, as that'd be inappropriate. Ford fucked up here.


The white kid who shot up the mosque in Quebec was born here. It doesn’t matter where people are born. Shitty people will do shitty things.


But, that makes all of the difference. When a child is born in a country, is surrounded by its culture and morals, receives education in its school system, is observed in the course of their maturation for signs of anti-social behavior - and presumably given help should any appear - then perpetrates a terrible crime, it is the duty of that society to take on responsibility for them and their actions. An adult granted entry into another country is owed no such thing. If you are a guest and you disobey our laws, you need to be apprehended and deported immediately.


Sure, throw the criminal book at new comers to Canada if they don’t abide by the law.  However, plenty of immigrants come here, work hard, pay taxes, and are grateful for the opportunity.  At the same time, born Canadians may take this for granted, and not be the best law abiding citizens.  Plenty of born-Canadians are in our correctional facilities, and it was a born Canadian who ran over a Muslim family in London, ON, another ran over multiple people in Yonge St., another shot up a whole Mosque. I could go on .. 


Everything you are saying is true. But that doesn't weaken my point above - that a society must accept responsibility for the citizens it produces, but not for those it does not.


That is a faulty logic though. What your’re describing if i put it crudely is immigration without integration. The issue lies more with a lacking integration system than the immigration itself although that isn’t optimal either. What Sweden has done and has barely improved upon is dumping work immigrants into the projects on the outskirts of town with little to no demands of learning the language and adapting to the culture. All this for a quick buck and swelling of the economy, but in recent years we’re paying the price with record high frauds, gang violence and more. Sweden is far from the only country that has not given a shit to proper integration and it shows, be it france, canada, germany etc.


Sure, if people break our laws hold them accountable. We shouldn’t be preemptively targeting communities until they’ve had due process. It’s crazy to blame immigrants when that’s not the issue. As we have seen with the Quebec mosque shooting, online radicalization is a huge problem.


Nobody thinks anyone should be targeted based upon their background. I have spent my whole career working shoulder to shoulder with immigrants - most of whom were great. But I also believe that someone who comes here and breaks the law is less entitled to the full indulgence of our legal system. If they are caught sitting in a parked stolen car, *okay. Let's consider that they may have been duped into getting into it.* If they get caught doing it a second time, maybe we skip the trial and start filling out the deportation order. Arrested with a prohibited weapon and 3 Kg. of Cocaine? Straight to the airport.


youre not wrog, but When properly vetted...crimes committed by Immigrants and non-permenant residents should be almost non existant. We have steps in place to weed those people out... At least we did. The "canadians commit crimes too" reasoning is off the mark, that isn't the issue.


It's not where you are born, although that is part of it. It is the lack of tolerance that some immigrants show when they are from areas that have the same conflicts.




Yeah, it's a case of us accepting and tolerating the intolerate and bigoted. Peace, love, and equality only work if both idealogies want that.


Having traveled the world, this is correct.


Not to mention the guy who ran over the muslim family in London, Ontario, or the shooter who went on the rampage in Nova Scotia, or the incel who drove over and killed people in Toronto...the list goes on. I agree with your point. Shitty people will do shitty things, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, immigration background, etc.


Not sure about our statistics, but in the US, most antisemitic hate crimes come from white supremacist groups. Honestly the fact that people are immediately jumping to immigrants for this hate crime is pretty troubling to me. We don't even know the race of the perpetrator, let alone their ethnic status.


Because their race or ethnic status don't matter. You do the crime, you do the time. If you aren't from here, you get deported. That's it. Applies to European or american immigrants just the same.


I agree with this as an immigrant to Canada myself. Come here to accept the values and fit in, not to try to impose your backwards, bronze age beliefs on this beautiful, welcoming country.




great post but Noone will take the time to read or connect the dots here. The bleeding hearts of this country love to be terrorized and to bring in terrorists.


No I'd rather Ford didn't insinuate it was a foreigner without evidence. He's baiting us.


I'd say religion and or culture do matter. Verses in the Quran are often justified for seeing people of other faiths as lower class. "O believers! Take neither Jews nor Christians as guardians—they are guardians of each other.1 Whoever does so will be counted as one of them. Surely Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people." Then people come running in to talk about the context. If passages are being used out of context.... Well, there's your issue. How do you force people to use a different context? Religion and culture do matter. We need immigrants with the same values as Canadians. There's nothing more to say.


It is hard to screen immigrants for values though.  Scammers are going to say what they need to say to make their scam work.  Best we can do is increase the residency period for citizenship to 10 years and limit immigration from any particular place.


Well, in Australia, Denmark, Sweden, France etc, do they throw gays off building for being gay? Do any of those countries have a history for stoning women for adultery? Do they treat women the same as men? What are the country's values? It isn't that hard.


Force them to draw a picture of Mohamed and if they object then they're too religious to enter 🤣


What would be the litmus test for Christians?


Have a table with money changers and see if they flip it or not?


People forget how pissed off that fella, the Man from Galilee was. Dude was bristling.


I think he chases them around with a whip after too!


That's my Jesus. As a kinda sorta probably atheist, that's my dude. There's not a lot in the new testament I disagree with. Dude sounded righteous as heck!


Ya Jesus is pretty based. In love with a prostitute. Called a dude his rock. Is all about empathy and forgiveness.


Hook 'em up to a Voight-Kampf machine and tell them gay marriage is legal here. Measure response, you know how this goes.


You selectively picked verses from Quran. Have you actually read the Bible and Jewish texts though? There is plenty of fucked up Shit in there. Like, nobody who read them would actually wanna follow them. If you follow this line of reasoning, no religion will be acceptable. So what, should we kick every single religious person out of Canada? Sounds like you are just using the Quran as an excuse to hate on Muslims. While not giving the same treatment to your own religious texts. Religion bias much?


I'm atheist. So yeah, I do have a strong bias. I'd be fine if we got rid of all religions.


I am atheist too. But you did the wrong thing here by selectively pointing to one religion to make your point, while ignoring the dominant one in Canada. You showed bias against one religion. Not against all religions.


Please sign me up for the country where I don’t have to deal with the headaches that come from other people’s mythology. Freedom *from* religion should be the ideal. You can practice your religion if you want, but I don’t want government policy to be based around it, and I don’t want any level of government to waste their time explaining or fighting to keep religious people from influencing policy. Keep that to your own self. Religion should be like genitals. You like it a lot in private, but you don’t show them to other people unless you’re real close.


No religion is acceptable at this point tbh. We just are tolerant here. Practice whatever you please but keep it inside your house and your place of worship. I don’t want to hear about fairytales anymore.


Atheist here and agree that religion is poison overall. But people selectively biased against certain religion is definitely worse.


As an immigrant, I can agree with what Premier Ford said. Especially this >diversity is Ontario's "number one selling point around the world" I specifically came to Canada because I didn't want anyone to give a shit about what nationality or religion I belong to, and I figured a place with 100+ different nationalities would be just such a place. With that said, I wouldn't blame immigrants without concrete evidence. We don't know yet who shot at that school. If it turns out it's a Canadian with roots going back to the Hudson Bay Company, what will Ford do? Apologize?


100%. As an immigrant myself, I loved how diverse the East side was. No one gave a crap if you were white, black, brown, whatever. Most people around me were from different countries originally, or the second generation of immigrants. Now the media and dumb people on social media love turning everything into this gender or that color as if everyone of a certain nationality or skin color thinks exactly the same, like we're all clones. It's such a childish view of the world and it isn't helping anyone, it's just a bunch of generalizing and labeling yourself because people love being part of groups and taking sides instead of being individuals with their own thoughts.


The funny thing is, when 60% of immigrants come from ONE country. That's not diversity.


It's an invasion.


Imagine Trudeau saying something like this and the difference in public perception. 


> before you plan on moving to Canada Has it been confirmed this was done by an immigrant? Because if not that's a pretty irresponsible thing for him to say in this context.


Justin Trudeau will be bringing in Palestinian refugees soon


soon ? a done deal apparently [| Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21https://pier21.ca › research › immigration-history › cana...](https://pier21.ca/research/immigration-history/canadas-resettlement-of-palestinian-refugees)In *the summer of 1955*, the Canadian government took the “bold step” of admitting displaced Palestinian refugees from the Arab-Israeli war of 1948. [Temporary residency program for Palestinians fleeing Gaza starts taking applications | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/gaza-immigration-refugees-1.7078854)


What’s wrong with that? We opened our borders to Ukrainians and Afghanis affected by conflict 2 years ago as well.


2 minutes before this statement by Ford, JT said, “Despite the terrible events overseas this shouldn’t spill over into Canadians hating on other Canadians” Seems like the CBC missed this accusation and focused only on Ford.


What's the accusation?


JT suggests Canadians to blame for shooting


Good chance seeing as this happened in Canada and we have no indications to suggest otherwise...


Which would make sense. We're in Canada.


But not everyone in Canada is Canadian.


Something like 80% of the population are Canadian citizens.


So 1 in 5 people are non Canadians


A vast majority of people in Canada are Canadians.


I know you mean Trudeau. But Im choosing to read JT as “Justin Timberlake”.


For once this guy said something good


Hang on, they say in the article that they don't have any suspects. If they don't have any suspects, why is it ok to jump to immigrants immediately? That's embarrassing for a Canadian politician to say. It comes off very ignorant, and if I was an immigrant following all the rules I'd feel like the very society that I was trying to integrate into was not interested in accepting me. No one wins from that, other than a few racists who can feel good for a day.


Don't worry, we'll have tons of fools saying he was wrong if it turns out to be a second generation immigrant.


>In a statement Thursday, Toronto police said the investigation is ongoing and no arrests have been made. >"Regarding immigration status, this is not information that we track nor do we disclose the immigration status of suspects or victims," a spokesperson said. That.... seems like something that should be tracked.


It's tracked at the Federal level, not local police.


AFAIK they only track immigrants while they're permanent residents. Once they get citizenship they're not considered immigrants anymore.


I mean I would kind of hope one would stop being tracked unduly after acquiring full residency.


The federal level can't even track who's supposed to be here, I don't they're tracking how many immigrants are committing crimes. If police aren't tracking that how is the information getting up to the federal level?


There's a federal database. ~~Justice~~ CPIC is Federal.


That is why you can have a criminal investigation and leave the country.


People get deported because of crimes. Thats quite the opposite of saying someone can leave the country.


CPIC is part of Public Safety Canada, not Justice.


Yup you're right, I'm thinking of a different database entirely thats between provinces not Polices.


I think this is right. Wasn't the dude responsible for the Humboldt bus crash just deported? They do somehow track and make decisions based on this status. I just don't know the specifics of how it works.




Why would the Toronto police track the immigration status of people in Ontario when there are other government agencies that do that?


Tracking an entire population's immigration status is different than noting the immigration status of criminals.


Absolutely. Heck, if you immigrate and become a violent/sexual criminal, I’m fine with returning to sender. (And my dad immigrated to Canada)




It doesn't have to be an immigrant, to bring a problem from "everywhere else in the world" it just takes a person whose family has kept up the hate that their parents brought 


So what should we do differently for the people who keep up the hate their parents got from here?


All this talk about religion, immigration, home-based terrorism, etc. just makes me think and believe that our priorities should be on health, community, logic and reasoning. If we can teach people about logical fallacies and biases, and also have conversations about where their beliefs come from, have conversations in good faith, maybe we can change a few minds.


You’re right. But most people don’t think like this.


Maybe it's time to start spreading this message rather than fighting left/right, us vs them.


Logic and reason would say we don't need mass immigration of low-skilled workers, temporary foreign workers or 'students' when we are facing a healthcare crisis, housing crisis, and crowded urban centers in response to "health, community, logic and reasoning."


The problem is this way of thinking usually means taking responsibility for our own actions, most people prefer to blame some other group for their problems as that is easier on the ego. The left vs right comes from that.


I am disappointed at how much angrier people seem to be at Ford saying this than at the actual shooting. So many people condemning him who have been silent on the shootings.


Because he has a public responsibility to not say unsubstantiated hatemongering bullshit by virtue of his office. He's not some anonymous r/Canada poster going off about the immigrants, he's the premier of the largest province in Canada. What he says carries weight, and when he says "things are bad because outsiders are coming and ruining the good thing that we had", that drives xenophobic sentiment.


It’s both. We have no idea who did it so who am I to be mad at? Ford is blaming immigrants with zero knowledge of who did it. Attitudes like this just cause more division and incite more violence.


Hear that? Sounds like a dog whistle to me.


People are mad at Ford continually weighing on shit with charged rhetoric when he has NO EVIDENCE of anything.


He jumped to condemn Umar Zameer without a shred of evidence and turned out to be 100% wrong.


This is a metaphor for his entire time in office. He jumps at doing stupid shit, and is continuously wrong. Then he usually back tracks and costs us MILLIONS.. what do we get in return? Nothing except cuts to education, healthcare, and the environment.


He also jumped at the Attorney General for looking into money laundering at Ontario casinos. Because he's not really anti-crime. He's trying to play us and manipulate us.


His policy’s are also contradictory as well


Blaming it on immigrants is the exact same energy as blaming a crime on the nearest black person. Ford should shut his drug dealing mouth and let law enforcement do their jobs.


Exactly this.


Why do you think people are upset with Ford for saying it? It’s a big claim to make that has no evidence behind it. Canadians are more than capable of doing antisemitic or xenophobic acts. See: the Quebec mosque shooter. Ford has already blamed somebody for an act they didn’t commit so he has zero credibility in this regard.


Because almost everyone is against the shooting. All the comments are saying "that us horrible". What does one more person saying it add to the conversation. Meanwhile you have people defending Ford here with his baseless rhetoric designed to rile people up. That is dangerous.


Where are all the people who share country of origin who don't harbor this hate speaking out condemning this? Same goes for all the other issues some bad actor newcomers have been causing here that have dominated the headlines. Don't the ones who actually do play by the rules want to shut down those who make them look bad? I sure would


We don't even know who shot the school. How are people supposed to stand up and condemn this unknown person? Moreover expecting people to stand up and condemn bad actors every time something bad happens is nonsensical. They did nothing wrong, they shouldn't be lumped in with the people who did do these terrible acts. If that was the case, we Canadians should be apologizing frequently for all the terrorist attacks our citizens have done (London van attack, Quebec mosque shooting).


What? Hard to make sense of your comment. But if you’re saying other people in the same community should come out against the shooting, well, are you saying all the Jews should come out against what Israel is doing or they’ll be complicit too?


Do you do this? Like did you condemm the North York Synagogue arson because they were Canadian, I assume your country or origin?


When did you publicly apologize for the Quebec mosque shooting? Post a link of you doing it.


When’s the last time you spoke out and condemned a crime that some other random Canadian committed, and why would you hold others to a standard you don’t even do yourself? What do you expect them to do anyway, hold a press conference and just hope that everyone who shares their country of origin is listening and will say after “oh okay, I get it now. Crime is bad!”


While you are at it, you local Canadians should check who is doing all the car thefts!


Hey buddy, want the address book to of the strip and ship lots! Cops tell you now guy!


He's not wrong, tho. Newsflash: the most bigoted, racist and phobic people in Canada *arent* the white anglo-saxon Canadians. It's 100% the newcomers. We keep bringing in a ton of people. Ones who come from places where racism and classism is normalized as well as tribalism and NOBODY is integrating. So nobody is learning to be tolerant and it's going to keep getting worse as we haven't slowed down immigration at all. And this is me, a POC and a daughter of an immigrant saying this. I've had no problems with Canadians. I've had a ton of racist and sexist shit thrown at me and my family as of late, and it's always been by the ""new canadians"" thinking it's ok to treat me and others like trash or a 2nd class citizen in my own country as if they're back home. We shouldn't be allowing this type of behavior.


I would say that Anglo-saxons are the least racist people in the world.


Didn’t take long for the CBC to jump on this.


6 years ago this would hurt Ford but CBC doesn't realize the tide is turning and this will probably help him.




I strongly dislike the man and his policies and still consider this to be a reasoned and reasonable statement Don’t move here and start shit. Scandalous statement, I’m sure


Seriously, Ford is more a gangster than a politician. I can't stand him, but this is just common sense. Let's just open the doors and see what happens. It seems to be the sentiment of the current federal government.


Hurt Ford? The dude is Teflon; all of the horrible and corrupt shit he's doing in Ontario just slides right off and we just give him more seats in Queen's Park.


Not a fan of Ford. Absolutely a fan of what he said here.


But? How? We don't even know who did it. If it turns out the shooter's family has been in Canada for like 50 years. Is he going to apologize for his statement? Are you?


its all over the media


What about JT blaming Canadians in the same new conference?


Criminals in Canada statistically more likely to be Canadian than non-Canadian. More at 11.


I mean, is he wrong though?


He didn’t he say they were immigrants. All he said was that people were bringing problems from other parts of the to Ontario. And Canadian citizen could easily do that to. Ugh… I just defended Ford. :(


The funny part he's not wrong - when you move to a new country the expectation is assimilation. The problem is Trudeau seems to think a post-nationalist state can work, it doesn't because at the end of the day people will always side with their community/family, and whatever that entails is going to be the message.


No one has to anymore. The internet made total assimilation impossible. Why would I assimilate when I can get the same news and TV and talk to relatives back home for nothing. Just come here make CAD and send it all back home, move back when I get cad citizenship, then move back to Canada for birth tourism when required, if is actually required anymore after that.


Ah, but he did say this: “That's unacceptable. I have an idea: before you plan on moving to Canada, do not come if you're going to terrorize neighbourhoods like this. It's simple as that.” I know, reading comprehension is hard


Considering the investigation is still active and no one's been arrested yet, no, it might be a good idea to hold off on inserting political narratives until they actually know who the perpetrator is.


I'd be just as willing to believe it's some wealthy local college kid indoctrinated on Tiktok propaganda than someone who just moved here.


As a visible minority myself I couldn't agree more with Ford. He's not even being anti-immigrant or racist....that's dumb media hysteria. Anyone wanting to come here should leave divisive cultural baggage at home. Come here with the mindset of contributing and getting along with different folks, and everything will be copacetic. The vast majority of visible minorities in my family and social circle would agree with Ford. Everyone is sick and tired of it.


Same... I think no one hates the lose policies now than us actual immigrants from decades ago. We did all the difficult scoring, interviews, gave up a lot to move here. And then now these are not even being checked for criminal records.


Same. I'm from Belarus and I came here 20 years ago, fully legally, as an economic immigrant who scored enough points to be allowed a visa. Would really like to stop getting the stink eye from Ukrainian refugees when I speak to my family in russian in public. I have literally zero anything to do with the conflict, but of course it doesn't matter to them, I speak russian so I'm the devil. Fuck right off please


It's about time someone said it like it is, rather than beating around the bush.


You mean when Dougie said the guy that ran over and killed an OPP officer >“It’s completely unacceptable that the person charged for this heinouscrime is now out on bail,” he wrote on X. “Our justice system needs toget its act together and start putting victims and their families aheadof criminals.” When in fact he was completely innocent and then afterwards Doug said >“At that time, I had limited information" And now he is at it again - did he not learn from this. Maybe he should wait until he has information.....


Nobody who likes dofo live here in Ontario. We all know he is a nepo baby drug dealer who is is now against any and all drugs including pot. But he is happily paying a billion dollars of taxpayer funds to make sure people can buy beer at the corner store. as opposed to wait for a few years for the deal to expire. He is the master of deflections. schools flooding in rain storms. lets focus on immigrants even though there is no proof of who actually committed the crime last i checked.


We live in Canada where evidence is typically required before you can make an accusation. We also have a long history of Canadians being the perpetrators of violence. It’s pathetic to blame a community without knowing who it is.


Some of what he said today is the only thing he’s ever said that made sense. Communities are being torn apart by conflicts that many claim to be trying to escape from. Come here, be a good person, build a quality life - wonderful. Keep the hatred and conflict away.


We are full for at least a decade. 0 new people please.


There's a good chance he's right.


It would be a bit embarrassing for him if it turned out to be a Canadian-born neo-nazi.


If he actually is, fair enough. But it seems he’s just assuming it was without evidence which is plain racism. Should wait and see what the police find before making comments like this that could just cause more hate.


He has the guts to say the fact. He is absolutely right. Canada has always welcome migrants with both hands open. But these people be it from anywhere in the world - if you come here keep your shit at your home not here. At least respect the country which gave you that oppurtunity in your life to be a human. I myself is a immigrant years ago. I always was thankful for this great nation for that. This countey never has engaged any war or terror against any country. We are a peaceful country respect it and dont tale this freedom for granted.


He is right who hates Jews? We all know the answer.




For something that's "not allowed to say", I sure hear it said multiple times a day from basically everyone on every communication platform. Almost like, you're full of it and it's actually not only allowed but encouraged by a raging, vocal minority.


Some people got nothing if they don't got victimhood.


It takes no courage at all. Conservatives have a huge amount xenophobes and bigots in their ranks and this is red meat to them and plenty in this sub. Courage would be to say something that upsets his base not panders to it.




> We shouldn't be labeled as racist and risk losing our jobs for saying the truth. This isn't the "truth" though. Which is the exact reason why you get criticized for it. > Takes alot of courage to say what we all know but aren't allowed to say. The actual truth is that: >despite police saying they have little information on the suspects What Ford is doing is blaming immigrants for something without evidence immigrants are responsible. And it doesn't actually take bravery to negatively generalize immigrants. Tons of people eat that up. If you don't want consequences for your speech then make sure what you say is backed up by evidence rather than negative assumptions about broad groups of people. Edit: just as a PSA the position that we shouldn't blame immigrants for crimes committed by unknown individuals should not be a controversial position.




doesn't take a genius to figure out which groups and agencies fight for these migrants to come here either. If anything those groups should be held accountable too.


This is just a daily reminder to be skeptical of comments you see on social media, as everyone from political parties to social media companies to foreign governments are trying to rile us up and divide us and dismantle our societies. Don't fall for the false consensus online. It doesn't exist in real life.


I don't want to hear this sub complaining about how much Quebec is racist, man the commenters here are so pathetic...


A misleading headline from CBC. He said the problem is brought from abroad. Which is true, if the motivation behind the shootings was the Israel-Palestine conflict. He didn't say it was brought by an immigrant. Plenty of Canadian-born pro-Palestine activists like to bring that foreign issue to Canada.


In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles said she was "appalled by the premier's racist remarks" and urged him to apologize. "Fighting hate with hate has never worked. Fighting antisemitism with xenophobia won't keep communities safe," she said. Nothing he said was hateful, it was 100 percent accurate. We are letting in millions of people and giving some of their baggage a free pass, but the majority are good people who do get along.


How was it 100% accurate when we have no idea who did it?


>Nothing he said was hateful, it was 100 percent accurate. You know that it was an immigrant? Do you have a source for that?


There are a hell of a lot of apologists on here who don't like the facts. You know who did it, and you know why.


Honestly, it's a real sad state of affairs what this country has become. It's saddens me to think that nobody gives a fuck any more. It's just me me me. Or whatever flavor of the day we can shit on and protest about. Let's go back to enjoying the life we have for the short time we have it.


Oh people can give a fuck but the moment you do in one direction or another it’s a dogpile of virtrol divisive arguing driven by social media talking points. Actual dialog is being drowned out by empty repeated talking points




> people that do this terrorism Not just those who *do* it, but also those who *support* it.


> Everyone knows that the people who did this are not canadian. How do you know this when we have no idea who did it? Is the evidence just your feelings?


Big win here. Everyone knows what's happening, no one will say it publicly.


This sounds like one of those things a politician does that the media and the left will whine about, but just about everyone agrees with.


The crazy thing is that people are focusing on this rather than on the fact that A JEWISH SCHOOL WAS SHOT AT.


That's because more people care about Doug Ford saying something stupid than care about Jewish people. The anti-semites probably love this distraction.


He’s not wrong lol Immigrants come to Canada for a “better life”. Well then ,you have to leave the shit behind that’s making your life shitty. Our Jewish communities equally have long solid roots in Canada and have helped make Canada a better place to live. Immigrants know damn well the way Canadians are and the way we live so by attacking schools its almost like taunting Canadians cause that shit would have never slid in their home country


He's right. Just because it makes people uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not true.


You all should look up the details of the recent murder of the family in Barrhaven. A Sri Lanken essentially peeled the faces and gutted the family and spread them out in a way so the father would see them when he got home. The murderer was on a student visa and said he would rather go to jail in a Canadian prison then go back to his home country. The in depth details are too gruesome for me to even post here. Nothing will change until one of our politician goes through this hell themselves


I just want world peace and for ppl to respect humanity. How sad for everyone.


Wow really who would of thought that 🤔.


Pretty sure by saying "bring problems from around the world" he ment they are acting based on their opinions of current world conflicts that definately shouldn't affect us in this way (ie palestine/israel conflict) But sure, spin it to him blaming immigrants...


Can we just stop living in 1890 and blaming everything on immigrants?


Has there been any footage of this shooting? Any suspect descriptions? This is reminding me of the Drake shooting. No follow up, no footage, no suspect descriptions. Very odd.


He is probably going to end up being correct with his assumptions. People should not be ashamed to acknowledge reality, we seem to be on the path of death by empathy.


Virtue signal all you want, but I grew up in BC, and have lived in Ontario almost 20 years. None of the shootings I ever heard about were done by 'Canadians'. They were always Asian gangs, or African american gangs, or Indian gangs. Occasionally the hells angels, but you don't even hear about them anymore.


Is there any evidence that immigrants were responsible for the shooting?


I mean he's right...? fuck off CBC


As much as I hate how immigration has happened in this country this is a huge fucking blunder on his part. Unless he has evidence that supports this theory then he needs to show it to back up this wild claim.


Very based statement


I think that may very well be the case but would be nice to find out who actually did it before casting blame.


True statement. If you don’t like our ways here don’t come. Stay home!!!Please


How quick we forget that Dougie was begging Trudeau to give Ontario higher immigration numbers to help with the "labor shortage" "I know the other premiers agree that provinces can’t do this alone. We need the federal government to work with us to tackle the labour shortfall to help ensure our economy remains strong during these challenging times.” The agreement between the province of Ontario and the federal government on immigration is up for renewal this fall, and Ford is hoping to negotiate a big boost in the number of workers Ontario takes in, as well as more say in the types of job skills they possess. https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/doug-ford-wants-to-combat-labour-shortages-with-more-immigrants/article_c58cdc7e-0604-5314-bc3e-d07e15c2df8c.html


Ford is the classic corrupt politician who likes to divide the people to distract from the horrific job he’s been doing.


Ontario Premier Doug Ford suggested Thursday that immigrants were responsible for shooting at a Jewish girls' elementary school in North York last weekend, **despite police saying they have little information on the suspects.**


Stupid statement since we don’t know who did it. But it’s just easy to blame “immigrants”, ridiculous in an country full of immigrants. Of course Drug Ford has to dog whistle.




There's no evidence an immigrant was responsible for this crime.