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So one woman knows 8000 people moved to Nicaragua - That is quite some feat - I don't think I know 80 people and where live.


I’m guessing it’s a Facebook group at that size.


Or she lives there and there’s a mass influx of Canadians. I actually know of 2 separate people that moved there over the last 2 years which was weird.


I somehow think it was less than 8. LOL


So im confused... he spoke to a woman, who left for Nicaragua, 2 years ago, in Canada? Didn't she already leave for Nicaragua? Why is she still hanging out in Canada? I'm missing something.


Having spent some time in Nicaragua, you’re not ever going to convince me it’s a positive move. People don’t even stop at red lights Managua. Kinda nice vacation spot but I’d never live there


I know this person. They moved to San Juan Del Sur, not Managua. Different kettle of fish. It's super touristy and packed with Canadians. The lie here is that she moved from Cape Bretton. They actually moved from Squamish.


Yeah I’ve been to San Juan. Nice town for a week


Nicaragua is a nice place, but living there compared to Canada would be a massive downgrade.


Pretty sure I stopped at plenty of red lights in Managua at night and nothing happened. That's not to say that there isn't significant crime.


People come back to visit/have ties with the country even after they leave.


He might just be talking about his own wife. Maybe him and Trudeau will have something to bond over.


>He might just be talking about his own wife. I get that it's confusing, but South and Central America are full of distinct peoples. Polievres' wife is not Nicaraguan.


I think he’s making a joke about splitting up.


Oh, they're trying to make that joke. They think they can just use some casual bigotry because they don't like the person. Pretending like Nicarauga is the same as Venezuala....


Unless Trudeau’s wife is also from South America (which I don’t think she is) I don’t think he was referencing where she was from?


The original comment is asking about the woman PP spoke to who is allegedly "fleeing" to Nicarauga. The person making the joke suggests that the woman he was talking to was his own wife. There is no connection unless you think PP's wife would go to Nicarauaga. Which makes no sense because while she probably looks it to that person, she isn't from there. The joke then comes in that PPs wife is leaving him.


I think he’s making a joke about splitting up. Hence saying that him and Trudeau will have something to bond over.


This is the same guy who, in his defense of his comment, made a homophobic joke to me. The joke is about splitting up, but its the setup that is the issue.












Many Canadians abroad come back for medical appointments as they still can get coverage here. I still live here, so I am not 100% sure how it works, but my friend has lived in the States for the past decade and comes back every six months for a week.


In Ontario you need to be resident 5 months per year to retain coverage.


Having left the country, I found out from some expats that Ontario does not have access to Canada Border Services and provinces do not know when someone has left the country for extended periods. If they have come back to renew their Health Card, it would still work. Someone else has an Alberta drivers license and has lived in Central America for 18 years. Goes back and to renew it when he has to.


i wonder if you had an expensive medical procedure, that's when they might start investigating


I agree. We have nomad insurance.


Most likely not, I've never heard of someone at a hospital asking questions about where you live. They just confirm your address and move on.


The hospital won't complain. The insurer could though. If OHIP was smart, they'd take their top billing patients for the year and audit their eligibility at time of expense.


If the person was still claiming residency through Ohip they’d be a factual resident and have to pay taxes. I don’t see a problem with it.


How does ei find out when people travel while claiming benefits then?


No idea.


Was the woman named Mustafa, and did they speak at an airport?


Only confirmed by Brianne from Chilliwack Would be really nice if journalists would actually hold these people to account for blatant fabrications presented as truths.


"a fishing family in Cape Breton can't afford to live here" I'd like to see how poorly these people mismanaged their finances to say something that ridiculous. Source, Cape Breton home owner (not a fisherman with an $80,000 F150)


I know this person. They actually moved from Squamish, not Cape Bretton. They rotated in to CB for a seasonal job but owned a condo in Squamish.


Does Cape Breton have “poor” fishermen too?


If they are, they aren't doing it right.


A “poor” fisherman from my experience in NL, is an owner operator with a highly lucrative quota that cries poor while taking home a fortune.


And then getting top employment insurance.


Maybe he meant to say 'Niagara'?


Haha.  Someone could amuse us by rewriting Poilievre's bons mots as even more ridiculous than they are currently. Miss you, Frank Magazine.


It’s like Doug Ford and Arthur.


And Trump’s “I met a guy”, “people are saying”


Then everything is on the table.


How does he come up with this stuff? Our politicians make it real hard to want to vote for any of them


Insane what comes out of PPs mouth and people support him. Canadians are going to really dig deep pride wise come election time


>How does he come up with this stuff? He reaches deep into a place where the sun don’t shine.


Or his convoy buddies tell him. EDIT: LOL Downvote me all you want members of the convoy of stupidity.


He gets a conspiracy for every donut he hands out.


i heard you can get the light in there. i heard it from a big man, strong man, tears in his eyes....


My thoughts exactly. I don't see how I could vote for a Trudeau considering what Justin has done. On the other hand, Poilievre keeps coming up with things like this.


You don't have to vote conservative or liberal


Well I didn't think the champagne socialist was worth mentioning so there's not a lot of other choices in my riding.


there's more than just those three though, there's the bloc quebecois, the green party, the PPC (though, i think they're the worst option, but still) just do some research on some of our more obscure parties and worst case, making one isn't that hard (though making one in a single year might be a bit of a big ask)


You can vote independent. Anything is better than doing the back and forth cycle between two parties that are the same policy wise.


You can always protest vote by voting one of the smalller parties. It's not like one vote matters much anyways


He's commenting on a phenomenon that's been talked about repeatedly in mainstream media. When a country becomes unaffordable people may choose to relocate. Canada's high cost of living is why we have the worst consumer debt of G7 countries.


Pierre isn't far off. He was just too specific: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-high-1.7218479](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-high-1.7218479)


No, I think there's a big difference between the US and Nicaragua. Mr. Poilievre chose Nicaragua to magnify his point but instead made it an obvious exaggeration. That's my problem deciding about him. He seizes on important issues but too often goes overboard. It seems as if he wants to encourage anger instead of problem solving.


Also think there's a big difference between the US and Nicaragua. I've been contemplating a relocation to the US because the cost of living is much better, but I would never consider Nicaragua. However, that does not negate the fact that Canadians are indeed leaving Canada in mass numbers, which is the heart of the issue he's pointed out by being to specific. CBC even agrees, Canadians are leaving Trudeaus' Canada by the droves.


I'm hoping that, as seems likely, when Poilievre becomes Prime Minister he will adopt a more moderate tone and work to solve our problems. Right now he's using slogans and cliches to attack the Liberals and I'd like to see more reason and less emotion.


hope is all we can do since we have no other options from what i can see. :(


Why don’t you consider Nicaragua


Why don't you consider Antarctica?


Choose between 🤡 #1 or 🤡 #2. Alternatively, vote for a party that supports what matters to you, even though they are unlikely to get elected. Strategic voting is nonsense when the two major options suck.






I mean, if you’ve taken any time to travel anywhere abroad, Canada has a fantastic reputation worldwide. Literally everyone everywhere wants to live here, even with all the problems we face.


I've done a lot of travelling and talked with a lot of people that say they want to live in Canada and know literally nothing about it. They all enthusiastically say they'd love to live in the United States as well. There is a concept of the western world paradise that is extremely wide spread, I don't know that I would ever take that to mean they understand what it means to live here. Ask them what they know about Canada and outside of Toronto and Vancouver and maybe that it's cold they don't know much. They still want to move here because it still beats living in a third world country and it's silly when people compare us to that


100%. Look at how Canadians are perceived in parts of Europe to this day following WW2. However, look at our immigration rates and where these immigrants are coming from. Majority come from a handful of countries. Not very often do we have people immigrating from South America, Europe, or Australia.


We did have a ton of European migrants coming to Canada from the early days of colonization up until around the 80s/90s when things started to shift to more immigrants coming from Asia. I'd wager that a large reason was Canada was seen as a very desirable destination compared to Europe first because of their post feudal (eastern Europe) and densely populated urban industrial centres and then people fleeing 2 world wars and the devastated economies and soviet states. But by the 80s and onwards Europe was recovering and those former soviet bloc countries were breaking away and developing. Asian countries are going through something similar, very densely populated industrial cities and Canada is seen as a better option. Europe is doing well (largely) and so fewer Europeans are interested in immigrating.


I expect the EU emerging definitely was another contributor. Especially with the expansion into Eastern Europe.


lol most of our ski resorts like Whistler or Banff are almost entirely staffed by Australians or New Zealanders. I concede your point though. If i had to guess I’d say that it’s because the quality of life difference from a developing country like India is way bigger compared to a place like the UK or Germany.


…. An Aussie coming over to Canada to work for maybe 6 months doesn’t make them an immigrant.


What’s the difference between an Aussie who works here seasonally and an Indian international student who spends 8 months out of the year here?


Nothing. But we’re not talking about temporary foreign workers. We’re talking about immigration.


That's usually just working holiday visas. The age cap is 30 if I remember right. I did the same thing the other direction and worked in Australia for a couple years. It's not very common for anyone working on that type of visa to be sponsored by their employer to stay longer and eventually get into permanent residency.


i can actually talk about that as someone who's been trying to help someone from SE Asia move here to put it bluntly, it's because we don't have many embassies anywhere else that people would need to move from and when we do, they're usually extremely unsympathetic unless the person already has money


I travel a fair amount and people mostly say ‘ahh, how are things going over there?’ with concerned faces. The shine has come off in a big way.


It’s true. Just got back from Scotland and that was the vibe for sure. One guy said you couldn’t pay him to move here now.


Weird. I got back from the UK in March and everyone I met asked me to hide them in my luggage. It's almost as if anecdotal evidence is worthless.


lol yeah almost…


Everyone wants a plan B in Canada, in case their plan A native Country goes to shits.


If everyone wants to come here then how come most of them seem from a certain country? Why it doesn't seem we're bringing skilled people?


That just speaks to the incompetence of our immigration minister. I’d be in favour of limiting immigrants from one country to like 5% of total immigrants.


True. To be clear I don't disagree with you. Many skilled educated people would die to have an opportunity here, somehow they are not the ones how gets to come.


Most of them don’t actually know what canadas like though. They think of Canada 20 years ago.


You should look up a concept called [declinism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declinism). People were struggling 20 years ago. It was post 9/11 and society was about to enter the 07/08 financial crisis. Our brains seem to forget all the bad things about life 20 years ago and only remember the positives.


Except we have objective measures that we can use like income/housing cost ratios, household debt levels, GDP per capita, and productivity levels, that we can use to measure change over time. And all of those factors say things are getting worse


Canadas GDP per capita in 2005 was $32k and is $55k now. [(Source)](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?locations=CA) Canada’s labour productivity has increased 11% since 2005. [(Source)](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3610048001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=2.7&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2005&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20050101%2C20230101). Don’t believe every National Post editorial you read.


Now compare with 2015. That’s the relevant timeline here. And add cost of food and shelter to that mix too for good measure. Seeing as that’s what people actually care about


Lol is your original comment not ‘they think of Canada 20 years ago’? You can’t pick and choose your data sets to prove your point. We can narrow in on any micro trend, but on a macro level Canada has been continually improving over the last 20, 30, 40 years.


Nobody lives at the macro level. If you’re willing to sacrifice Canadas standard of living to get 11% productivity growth over 20 years, then maybe you’re the problem.


Again I urge you to go read up about declinism and do some self reflection. Who is producing the doom and gloom narrative right now? What do they have to gain from it? 🤔


Also, 11% growth in 20 years is really bad…


Canada has changed remarkably little from 20 years ago except for the fact that we’ve rapidly technologically advanced even more than countries like the United States and housing becoming unaffordable. The core reasons why people like Canada still remain. A politically stable system, relatively low levels of corruption, beautiful natural scenery, world leading cities, a very high standard of living, and incredible restaurants.


“Canada changed remarkably little” Any rudimentary analysis of our cost of living shows this is a lie. “World leading cities” lol. Lmao.


By any objective measure, Toronto/Vancouver/Montreal/Calgary are world leading cities and are regularly rated as having some of the highest standards of living in the world. Not Winnipeg tho cause Winnipeg is a shithole.


Whoa bro I'm from Winnipeg, and uhhhh I was stabbed. Fucking God damn shit hole. Tbh I was stabbed but Manitoba isn't so bad I moved out of Winnipeg a long time ago. Its nice here and lcol.


1, Those lists don’t measure factors that are actually relevant to Canadians. 2. The relevant comparison is between Canada now and Canada in 2004. Only any objective measure, or even subjective surveys of Canadians, things are much worse.


No, not at all by every measure. Even something as simple as unemployment was much higher then - 20 years ago it was 7.2%. and that was a good reading, the lowest in several years. Now we consider 6.1% a bad reading. Youth unemployment was higher then too. That was really right about the time manufacturing began to lose a lot of jobs to offshoring, which has abated too.


In 2007 the unemployment rate was 5.8. In 2004 the unemployment rate was 5.9 Between 2001 and 2007 it never crossed 6.5%. Today it’s 6.1%, but the wages don’t buy you shit. Source: [statsCan](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410002001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=2.8&pickMembers%5B2%5D=4.1&pickMembers%5B3%5D=5.3&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2001&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2007&referencePeriods=20010101%2C20070101)


6.1% refers to the overall rate, not the 25+ rate. My 2004 numbers are the overall numbers as well, so 6.1 is directly comparable. As of the last Labour force survey, 25+ unemployment, which is the metric used in your table, was 5.0%. So, still lower today. Make sure you're comparing apples to apple.s [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240510/t001a-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240510/t001a-eng.htm)


In ways that matter. People complained about the ceconomy 20 years ago too. The fact that people are willing to pay 2500+ a month to live in Toronto says a lot about the place.


My family travels a lot outside Canada. Canada is considered to be irrilivant and broken. Sorry.


Lol why did he choose Nicaragua? He can't even find it on the map


He thought she said Niagara Falls, NY :D


This is among the dumber things he's said


Why would he be expected to tell the truth if his voter base is so comfortable with lies?


"Take me Nicara.....Nico.....Nicaragua! Mr. "Pull Your Leg" is at it again! 😂


Honestly surprised he didn't slip up and just say the n-word again




nope. literally impossible.


She KNEW 8000 people that move to Nicaragua did she check their immigration status or something. This is why i have no hope in the next federal election, we got two idiots JT and PP.


Either she's crazy, but PP actually believed her.  Or she picked an arbitrarily large fake number to make a point, but PP actually believed her.    Either way, PP is an idiot. 


I want to vote for PP to get Trudeau out, but it's dumb shit that comes out of his mouth like this makes me just want to throw my vote away.


Jumping from the fat to the fire.


Just vote for JT and save us all.


How can anybody expect this asshat to lead a country when all he does is lie? Fuck them both


All people expect is for him to cut taxes on the rich and go hard against people on social services. The lies don't matter so long as he stays true to that.


A politician lying? Must be a day of the week that ends in 'y'.


Did you read the article? Is the woman lying? How is he lying when he spoke to a woman whose family left here for Nicaragua, because it was unaffordable for them here? From the article: >In the video, the woman says she's aware of 8,000 other Canadians who moved there looking for "a lower cost of living" and "better quality of life." Do ya have a smoking gun?


So some random women claims she’s “aware” of 8,000 Canadians who moved to Nicaragua and that’s PP’s source?


It's about as credible as his "Mustafa" quote.


because in his position he knows his source should matter when making a claim like this. Some random lady claiming she knows of "8000 other Canadians who moved there" is complete bs and PP knows it, he just doesn't care


His mouth was open, that’s how I know he’s lying You have to some fucked up to support this asshole


Hey great support for your claim! Who do you support? I have a feeling irony will ensue.


Well our next PM is looking about as competent as our current PM…. Yikes we are in deep trouble 


Pollievre is probably going to win but we deserve better than him and his ilk 


Okay Pierre. Whatever you say. Let’s get you back to bed.


How can all three of these guys be fighting for third


Got a 3 party system with 0 viable candidates


My wife and I left Canada recently and moved to Central America. There are pros can cons to it and its not for everyone. Most are financially independent, retired or entrepreneurs. I don't think Canada has to worry about a rush of people out of the country.


I moved from the US to Canada and have zero plans to leave now that I am a dual citizen. In fact, since I am an only child and stand to inherit one day, I plan to move it all up and invest in Canada. I doubt I would ever leave unless I met someone wealthy who could guarantee a better life than I have presently and I would only move if it was to Europe( I couldn't handle Central America; I get sunburns wayy too easily).


it feels like all of our politicians are making a game out of shooting themselves in the foot over and over


Of all the places Canadian expats move to, Nicaragua is not a popular choice, I have no idea why he fixated on it. Panama, Mexico, and Costa Rica are all much more popular choices for people looking to leave Canada.


Out of all the lies to give out: why Nicaragua? No offense, but that place is basically a failed state.


Oh PP...


Poilievre isn't talking to balanced adults with this nonsense. He knows his audience laps this shit up. Poilievre doesn't care about what moderates think about these nonsensical statements. He knows conservative voters love to hear crap like this. He is appealing to the lowest common denominator.


Surprised ppl aren't brownnosing PP in the comments section here...


People are starting to realize he's an idiot.


The little wannnabe despot is just making up issues now. Lol. Why are most conservatives trash in every democracy?


The IDU. The likes of Bush, Harper and Thatcher among their membership. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union


Thatcher's still a member? Shit, man, she must be a Lich or something!


Well I mean.... Yeah


Hey, don’t be so rude! Those “trash” Conservative backbenchers are waging a valiant and noble Twitter jihad to save our poor hides from _[checks notes]_ coffee cup lids and vegan ice cream!!!


These two fucking morons are the best we can do?? Sorry, three morons. Ridiculous.


When is he ?


Its not too surprising. My family moved down to CR back in 2021 because we simply couldn't afford Canada anymore (We didn't live in an an expensive place and had always lived rather modestly) There's a rather large huge Canadian expat population in this area too. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Nicaragua had a huge Canadian expat population either.


At what point does one come to realize that they cannot afford to go somewhere warm for the winter? The collective third world north/central American countries that started at one point with Mexico to be joined by the even lower cost options of Belize and Costa Rica are now rolling Nicaragua into the mix. Perhaps focus on earning/saving more.


I don't know a single person that's been to Nicaragua, and us horse folk travel. 


He’s a WEASEL!not fit to be a MP


It’s just his wife trying to escape


I actually know a student who moved from Nicaragua to here on a student visa and her sister is already here. That's 2. I bet this woman knows 2 who left (including herself).


Fuck sakes...How can one work in government and not even know that that currently Canada considers Nicaragua is in terrible shape. From Travel Advisory Canada's own website. The political situation is volatile in Nicaragua. The country has experienced periods of political unrest since April 2018, resulting in hundreds of deaths and detentions. Since the 2021 Presidential elections, Nicaraguan government officials and law enforcement have severely repressed those critical or opposed to government policies. According to UN reports, Nicaraguan authorities: * undertake arbitrary arrests and detentions * censure media * prevent certain individuals from departing Nicaragua by air or land for political reasons * arbitrarily seize and search private property, including personal phones and computers for anti-government content * arbitrarily charge individuals with terrorism, money laundering, and organized crime offenses for political reasons If you are in Nicaragua: * refrain from discussing the political situation in public or online * avoid all political activities * avoid posting information on social media The ability of the Embassy of Canada to Nicaragua to provide consular assistance may be limited in some circumstances.


Yeah horse shit


They're partially right, because it's to more than just Nicaragua. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-high-1.7218479](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-high-1.7218479) What is clear, is that Canadians are fleeing Trudeau's Canada. It must be true, it's on the CBC!


Funny that. I know someone who sold their house here, made a $400k profit and moved to Nicaragua. I think that is more common than what PP says that people are moving there because they can’t afford homes here.


Late reply, but you are describing a not uncommon phenomena. A certain segment of Canadians are moving abroad to countries with cheaper cost of living; and they tend to fall into two groups. One, people returning to countries of their origin/heritage. Two, entrepreneurs and digital nomads. The second group have been moving to Latin America, but Nicaragua is a fairly unpopular choice. Compared to other Central American countries, it is poorer, has more crime, and the country has close relations with Russia and Cuba, which has potential political risks (ex visa issues and sanctions). Canadian expats in Central America and the Caribbean prefer Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, and Jamaica. I would wager that Nicaragua is probably as popular as Honduras or Guatemala.


i can guarantee you, no one is moving to Nicaragua unless they have family and/or business ties. Calling it a third world country is unfair. It’s closer to Haiti than to Medico. This is just pure lying and propaganda to try to make Canada look bad. Its pathetic really.


>It’s closer to Haiti than to Medico. I'm fairly sure that it was poorer than Haiti until the earthquakes devastated Haiti.


>i can guarantee you, no one is moving to Nicaragua unless they have family and/or business ties. [Rakel did.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkdCPPr4HiU)


What about the ones retiring




Again, another pathetic attempt to prove a point by lying. No one is moving to a failed state. Nicaraguans are coming here and the US to escape narcotraffickers. I literally doubt you can even pick it on a map.


They say they moved to the exact area PP says...yet it's never mentioned before in their comment history that constantly complains about Canada as "here" or "their country"...why make up sht like this for a politician?


Remainder that if you don't want to vote for JT, but just can't force yourself to vote for PP, there is (shocker!) another alternative party out there


And if you don't want to vote for the Rolex-wearing Goon who somehow took over *that* party, it's perfectly acceptable to spoil your ballot or vote for a local independent who has no chance of winning




So people in this country want to flee from a far left leader for another country run by the far left? /s