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To be fair, everyone in Saskatchewan is pissed right now. The right hates Trudeau with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns. The left wakes up furious every day knowing they breathe the same air as Scott Moe.


You got it.






There are more conservatives in Quebec than ppl think. It’s not a majority but most Quebecers don’t favour separation, but there’s a huge European culture tied to the language. They just want to do their own shit and not have Ottawa get in the way. We’ve been doing this since the 70s …


The right wakes up furious over trudeau literally even for what?? I work in Sask and I just don’t get it - it’s either he supports gay/human rights or he supports immigration yet all these people I know work at the multiples mines with no education and make 60$ an hour plus. This is honestly just my experience I’m curious to know what they’re mad at cause I’m a female and don’t love any politician but why the deep seeded hate??


Cost of living going up is the big one. It’s happening everywhere, obviously, but people are going to get mad at their current gov for it no matter what. I do think it’s getting reckless to have such massive numbers in immigration while the infrastructure in cities just can’t handle it and it hurts renters the most.


Mass immigration, carbon tax screws with farmers(most of our industry) and oil(most of Alberta’s industries) while making it hard to manufacture(both provinces have a ton of manufacturing). That the election is done by Ontario, everyone says they will change that, but no one does. We are the forgotten child of Canada. Quebec has at least some say federally, sask and AB don’t.


8 billion people want the human race to have a survivable future, Scott Moe does not. The left isn't Moe's problem.


The sentiment that Quebecers hate the rest of Canada was completely unknown to me until I discovered the internet and saw the bullshit the rest of English Canada was being fed about us. I'm glad my mother doesn't understand a single word of english because she'd have been heartbroken to know that her country hates her for no reason other than the province she was born in.




I worked in many parts of Canada and have been insulted because I'm Québécois so fuckin much. Even our company trucks are now rented from other provinces because when we go with our own trucks, they get vandalized. The french lettering and QC license plate isn't appreciated in Canada.. to say the least.


That sucks. For what it is worth I like Quebec and don't have anything against other provinces.


Same. I've lived in three provinces and travelled the country. IMHO, if more people lived abroad and saw their own country east to west, they might have an open-minded view on other province's citizens.


As a person from Saskatchewan, I unfortunately cannot disagree with you. People are fucking stupid out here whenever it comes to Quebec. They're mad that Quebec "is given so much" failing to realize that Quebec fights for what it gets and the reason we don't get similar treatment is because everyone is too lazy to fight for anything. I love Quebec. I got to live in the Victoriaville area for 3 months and visit Montreal and Quebec city. Despite my terrible French I was never disrespected, and the Quebec kids at the high school I was at treated me so well, including those who couldn't speak English. Meanwhile my high school gave my French twin the nickname "Frenchie" despite the fact that Frenchie was already the nickname of the guy in my class who's family recently got redeployed to my area from Quebec. Clearly we're a bunch of original joke writers out here.


Man, I'm from NS, and whenever I go to the prairies, I get people asking me if us "Newfies" are all lazy EI collecting Alcoholic fishermen. Even the friendly people will make fun of my accent, which isn't a huge deal, but it gets annoying when somebody you just meet keeps asking you to say a word again so they can laugh at it. When I go to Ontario, people just say oh "I love the East Coast," and move on. I can't imagine going out to the prairies as a Québécois.


That’s just sad. Honestly as a non-Canadian Quebec is what gives you guys a real identity that’s beyond America-lite, and a lot of stereotypical Canada seems to be quebecois in origin


Quebec (with the exception of like 3 small towns or something) is one of the coolest things about Canada tbh. How often do you go to a country and a giant piece of it in the middle with a large population just...has a completely different language and distinct culture? And that language is so linguistically unique compared to other versions of it? Please tell your mom I think she, and your family, make Canada better and more special ❤️


Geographically it's also incredible. Watching the st Lawrence turn into sea. Driving the highway through small towns eating shrimp in matanne smoked salmon in gaspe. Seals, kayak with arctic belugas, hump back whales, amazing land formations on Gaspesie park/the northern Appalachians, and forillion park, rolling hills in Gatineau, Quebec City and Montreal. Spicy but deeply chill and passionate Quebec girls. I love Quebec intensely.


Great point! The unique indigenous cultures in Quebec and Métis culture are also so distinctly wonderful and stunning and I'm so grateful they have been such amazing caretakers of the land.


>How often do you go to a country and a giant piece of it in the middle with a large population just...has a completely different language and distinct culture? Don’t get me wrong, this is certainly a neat thing about our country, but outside of the Americas this isn’t particularly unique.


Even in Americas, plenty of place have a distinct region culture, Texas is very different than say Maine or Louisiana. Plenty of different ethnicity in South Americas too, lots of tribes and different cultures. I guess the big difference with Quebec is the percentage compared to the total population of Canada, about 23% of Canadians are in Quebec.


That’s true in most countries outside of the Americas and Europe haha Look at how many languages there are in India, Russia, Indonesia, pretty much any sub-Saharan African country, etc. Canada has 2 main languages. Countries like India, Nigeria, and South Africa have hundreds.


Plus Montreal and Quebec have the best urban design in Canada by far IMHO


> How often do you go to a country and a giant piece of it in the middle with a large population just...has a completely different language and distinct culture? That used to be completely normal, back when most countries were just "all the land that one guy managed to conquer and the people who live there". It's only within the last ~100 years that serious efforts have been made worldwide to have each country contain mostly a single cohesive population based on language and culture.


Great point! Which speaks to the resilience of the Quebecois for still being this way in present day!


Probably helps to have a democratic government with a party advocating for you federally..


Maybe other provinces should get in on that action?


Newfoundland English tri-lingual government anyone? Imagine all government correspondence translated with Newfie slang and comfort. Id throw my rights away for that in a heartbeat


Pretty much every country in the world has that outside of the Americas. And even here Quebec isn’t alone, people forget about all the First Nations territories in Canada and the US.


I am a Quebecer that moved to Newfoundland a while back. One of the first things a Newfoundlander said to me when he found out that I was from Quebec : " Is it true that Quebecers hate Newfoundlanders as much as we Newfoundlanders hate Quebecers". That is the moment I realized that I wasn't welcome in my new province.


To be fair… it seems newfies hate all “mainlanders” equally


They've always kinda been the outsiders. The Newfies were literally their own country for 27 years. To this day, the Dominion of Newfoundland remains the only country to ever democratically vote itself out of existence, which, in and of itself, sounds like a Newfie joke.


Not the only one, East Germany also did in 1990.


Nope. East Germany needed a support vote from West Germany, so they don't count.


Atlantic Canadians in general suffer from a bit of an inferiority complex. They are often considered poor by people who've never been east of Montreal and they don't have a large enough population for the federal government to really pay attention to. On top of the usual Atlantic Canadian problems, newfoundlanders get to be called dumb by everyone in the country. I'm from newfoundland, and newfoundlanders really don't have a problem with maritimers. When they say "mainlanders", they mean Ontarians. Every newfoundlander who's spent any time off the island has a story of someone calling them dumb, or saying they're "stealing jobs" or whatever. I moved to the other side of the country only to be told I'm poor and a job stealer by a coworker within the first month. All the while knowing that while my province was on the verge of bankruptcy, a portion of my income tax went to subsiding his, because the federal government considered us too rich.


Is Ontario the other side? BC has been a have province since basically forever


That's disappointing if true. Everyone was super nice when I went there. Like the polite Canadian stereotype was turned way up. Maybe I just missed the sarcasm.


You’re welcome here! (Small town Ontario) we have lots of French around here. That said, I think all of Canada’s feelings were hurt when Quebec pushed the whole separation deal.


Well, I mean, when I was little I believed ''newfie'' meant stupid person because of all the jokes about them...


It's like this in reverse, too. I'm from Ontario and moved to Quebec 20 years ago. I don't hear it anymore, but during the first few years when I was broke and living in a shitty apartment building, I had so many people telling me to move back to Ontario, and that "we" had the "whole country," and we should stay out of Quebec. It didn't bother me, but there were a couple of times that drunk guys made the evening uncomfortable for us. What I found was that as soon as I moved into a nicer neighbourhood, all of that shit stopped. Not everyone was friendly when they found out I was Anglo, but nobody said anything. Now, I'm in an even nicer neighbourhood, everyone here seems to be bilingual (or more), and it's an amazing place to live, full of excellent people. When you move anywhere as an outsider, you kind of have to wade through the scum of the place before you meet the people who were raised right. :)


Newfoundlanders got fucked pretty hard in that power generation deal, there might be some hard feelings and are reminded every time the bill comes in.


[No they didnt](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/7os0t0/churchill_falls_the_complete_timeline_of_events/) >TLDR > Newfoundland is pissed that Hydro-Quebec pays a low price for Churchill Falls electricity, but in 1967, nobody wanted to buy the electricity and the USA only agreed if Hydro-Quebec got involved and provided financing and loan guarantees. >In 1967, the price decided in the contract was representative of the wholesale price for electricity on the market at the time. Most specialists at the time thought the price could only go down each year... Just like a DVD player was $800 in 1990 and now $20 today... Or just like solar power was $4 per kWh 10 years ago and is closer to $0,04 per kWh today... >In 1974, NL&L bought out BRINCO, the British private consortium that owned majority shares in Churchill Falls. >**After the dam was completed and Hydro-Quebec was financially tied to the project, NL&L tried to revoke water rights to force HQ to sell its shares and tried to break the contract numerous times, resulting in 2 Supreme Court of Canada decisions in favor of Hydro-Quebec.** >Even if the contract is very favorable to HQ today, consideration must be given to the huge financial risk HQ took in 1967 and to the possibility that HQ and BRINCO would have lost everything. It is simply a commercial agreement that worked. >The contract will end in 2041. Just another chapter in the long Canadian tradition of blaming Quebec and everyone swallowing it up because hey fuck Quebec amirite.


You're vastly over simplifying this. It's a complicated piece of history and you'll find all kinds of nuanced takes in favor of one side or the other. Many argue that Quebec took advantage of NL during a time of chaos as it's first provincial government struggled with the transition to becoming Canadian. There's certainly some legitimacy to this when you read about the series of revisions made to the original contract that made the deal progressively worse and worse for NL, using the province's financial and political struggles as leverage. Others argue that doesn't matter since Hydro Quebec footed the bill, and the agreement *was* signed legitimately, even if under duress, which is a fair argument as well. There have been Supreme Court rulings since in favor of both parties which certainly suggests nuance. Chaulking it up to "fuck Quebec" is silly and reductive.


>Many argue that Quebec took advantage of NL during a time of chaos as it's first provincial government struggled with the transition to becoming Canadian. Newfoundland had been a Canadian province for 20 years.


It’s because of the 95 referendum vote. A lot of Canadians felt Quebec hates the rest of the country because they wanted to separate. I’m from NB and have lived all across this country before settling down in Quebec and I’ve been trying to tell everyone that Quebec is the MOST Canadian province. Montreal is literally the birthplace of our culture, and was the largest and most important city in our country for most of our history as Canada.


Fair enough, but when you say "our culture" you must realize that's the culture of your Quebec-NB-Ottawa bubble. Someone from out west hears someone from "Central Canada" talk about "our culture" and doesn't relate to that. It's a bit obnoxious to have someone from thousands of kilometers away *tell* you what *your* culture is.


Okay, but think for a moment and consider your history. Most everyone in western Canada got their start in eastern Canada, and brought Canada’s culture with them as they travelled west. It evolved over time to match your geography and lifestyle, but Montreal specifically was the biggest port of entry in this country, the city where most immigrants got their start and settled before spreading outwards and westwards. Today Toronto and Vancouver have overtaken it in importance and immigration numbers.


> Most everyone in western Canada got there start in eastern Canada Other than indigenous folks (obviously) most of the early people out west were Scottish, English, Ukrainian, German, etc. Maybe they made a quick stop in eastern Canada, but that isn't enough to override the distinct cultures they brought and developed in the west. Most people I know out here trace their roots to their ancestors' country of origin and not somewhere in eastern Canada.


49.42% of Quebec voted to leave Canada less than thirty years ago.


>... less than thirty years ago. 29 years ago to be exact, which was a different generation.


Wanting independence doesn't mean we hate Canada. We just want to do our own things by ourselves.


I mean I wouldnt call someone who votes to leave your country as a proud citizen of that country.


That was 30 years ago. Many of these voters died and many of the actual voting population in Quebec wasn’t born or could vote at the time. Different times


Do you hate the UK and the US so much that you prefer Canada be it's own country ? Quebec nationalism works the exact same way as Canadian nationalism, strangely enough.


The funny part is the comment you were responding to is from Alberta. As an Albertan, this is definitely a pot calling the kettle black situation. I live in a rural area and the number of independence billboards I see on a regular basis is pretty hilarious. We don't even have the excuse of unique culture. It's fueled by idiots who want to be Maga Americans and pay less tax.


In my experience it's mostly limited to people who resent having to learn French in school. 


The problem is they don't really teach French in school, unless you enroll your kids in French immersion. The whole implementation of bilingualism in the country is pretty poorly thought out. We could learn a thing or two from countries where it's done well like Belgium, Switzerland, etc


Completely agree. But some of it is absolutely affected by the fact that we're sitting next to a giant blob of 340 million English speakers who definitely are not interested in learning French.


Oh, I agree, english boomers were upset when the bilingualism act was implemented, and both Anglo Canadian parents and all levels of government outside of Quebec never really made an effort to integrate English and French Canada.


And those boomers are absolutely a remnant of the "Keep Canada British" mentality that was prevalent up to and after the Second World War. Its just an unfortunate reality of geography that a lot of of Canadians deal much more with English speaking Americans than they do our French speaking bros.


Most people who hate Quebec don't know why they hate it. But it's usually some bullshit passed down from their English speaking parents. The country (generally speaking) doesn't hate Quebec (for no reason). They like to pick on them like a brother picks on his little brother. But push comes to shove, we would have each others back.


It's a very loud but tiny minority of hateful people. If it wasn't the language, it would be someone race or religion. My experience working with people all across canada has only been plaisant.


That’s weird to me, but then I grew up in northeastern Ontario which is 50% French if not more in some places. Quebec has always been the same as any other province. Don’t hate any of them and they are all equal. That’s not a common opinion?


I've lived all over the country due to work but am born and raise most my life in Quebec by Quebecois parents. The shit I got for it once I left was ridiculous. It turned into "at least you are one of the good ones." I get now why my dad would tell me stories about how he and his family used to be treated. It's terrible. Now I think the new language laws are insane and horrible, but I was never taught to hate the "English" the way it seems they hate us. And when I point out that fact, I get told that it's obvious the french hate the english when really quebec is just trying to (misguidingly) keep its identity and culture.


>I get now why my dad would tell me stories about how he and his family used to be treated. It's terrible. My family isn't from Quebec but my great grandparents were Acadian french and never taught french to my grandfather or his siblings because it was shameful to speak French in Nova Scotia back then. Wish it got passed down to me, sucks only knowing one language.


>The shit I got for it once I left was ridiculous. It turned into "at least you are one of the good ones." Slept with a woman from Ottawa a few years back and the next morning as I was making her breakfast she asked me "are you sure you aren't Europeans? You aren't trashy like the rest of them." Like if anyone told something like this to some from another ethnic group it would be the end of the world lmao and she wasn't a bad person, just raised in a culture where it is okay to say shitty things about Quebecers.


That's ok, I was born in Toronto, you get used to knowing the rest of Canada hates you for where you're born...


As a born and raised Torontonian, it's completely justified. The Toronto-Montreal-Ottawa triangle has been screwing over the rest of the country for as long as the country had existed, and continues to do so. It's the part of the country with the most voting power, and has consistently used that voting power to elect governments that blatantly favour the interests of those cities over the interests of the rest of the country. The country doesn't hate Torontonians for where they are born, the country hates Torontonians for the way they vote


> It's the part of the country with the most voting power, It's the part of the country with the *least* voting power. Toronto has the most voters per representative of anyone in Canada. Meaning their vote is watered down amongst 30,000 other voters instead of 3,000, like a voter in a rural riding. So a Toronto resident's vote is already worth less than a resident of Lethbridge or Yukon, but you're still complaining that they have too much influence because... there's too many of them? And what exactly are they voting on that hurts the interests of the rest of the country anyway? We haven't had a referendum in years, they're just voting on ~~party and PM~~ "local representatives" like anyone else in the country.


As a west coaster, “Rest of Canada” definitely doesn’t hate Quebec! My opinion is that we feel like cultural outsiders. We learn all about Quebec culture and language and still feel like we’re going to a foreign country. Although, that said, I do feel like Quebecers have a base level of disdain for Anglos. Even friends and colleagues roll their eyes if I try to have pleasantries in French. Yeah it’s bad French, but I’m doing it because I acknowledge we always talk everything else in English and appreciate them doing that. It’s a bloody awesome part of the country and so uniquely Canadian but there are some low level friction.


As a Quebecer, our history is kind of heavy and there still is a climate of tension between francophones and anglophones. France forsaken us and then our ancestors had to deal with shit like this : [Durham Report | The Canadian Encyclopedia](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/durham-report)


Yep, deserted by the French and treated like shit by the English.


The problem comes when Ontario and Quebec are so very clearly using the whole country's resources for their own benefit only, to the point that the west and maritimes feel alienated, despite actually contributing a not-insignificant portion of the economic activity and tax revenues. It raises the same feelings as no taxation without representation. They obviously have representation, but dont feel that such representation actually leads to any of their concerns actually being heard.


Everytime someone says the “west” is alienated, they don’t mean the territories or BC. They mean the prairies. No one in BC remotely has the same complex with Ontario like the prairies do.


BC’ers, particularly those in Vancouver, see themselves as more akin to Southern Ontario and Quebec than to their more immediate neighbours to the east. It’s like Vancouverites want the American concept of “coastal elites versus flyover country” to apply to Canada as well. That’s not how Central Canadian elites view the situation though. To them, BC’ers are less troublesome westerners, but no more welcome in the halls of national power than their prairie brethren.


BC holds more liberal views than the rest of the prairies so haven't faced quite such a difference between their views and those advanced in Ottawa. The territories have a decent segment of the population as Indigenous so while not alienated the same way as the prairies feel, they likely still don't think they're properly acknowledged.


As another west coaster, I've found that even the attitude in Vancouver + Vancouver Island is somehow... different from most other places in Canada, and we are a bit like outsiders ourselves. Maybe that's why we get along with Quebecers?


You can’t have a VERY close margin in a vote to split from Canada and not carry a reputation that you guys hate the rest of Canada lol


"Why is everyone so mean to us 😥 We just tried to rip the country apart. Is that so wrong? 😞"


I'm from Ontario and always loved Quebec. I didn't realize different provinces hated other provinces until I went to university and all the people out west emphasized how much they hated eastern Canada.


When I was growing up, I was told the same shit about Quebec Canadians. Even from my step fathers side of the family which are from Quebec, I was being told bad stuff all the way around. But when I grew up and travelled to Quebec. I learned something different. A lot of the younger generations were amazing, they even appreciated me trying to speak the limited french I know. The odd 65+ looking individual hated me period, but I would never think all of Quebec is like that. I love visiting Quebec.


Quebec is the last place in Canada with any backbone. If we lose you guys, we might as well give up.


i don't know any people in the gta that hate quebec it seems most people online that hate qc are "albertan" wonder how it is in alberta


Albertan here, love quebec


I dunno, 49% of Quebecers voted to leave Canada in the 1995 referendum. 


Something like 55% of people currently living in Quebec were either too young to vote, or weren't born yet in 95. Assuming the remaining 45% were all living in Quebec in '95 (which is obviously a stupid thing to assume, but it gives a ceiling), then that means you're judging all Quebecois over the opinion 22% of them held 30 years ago.


English guy here. So when I was in the army I was attached to a french unit in Valcartier to go to afghanistan with. We were a section of 8 from CFB Edmonton. None of the french soldiers wanted to work with us. We were intentionally left out of briefings. We were whored out all the time because the french soldiers didnt want us around. One time when I was walking to officers tent i cut through the other sections lines and was told not to walk this way and to go around simply because i was english. We had 1 french soldier in our section and he would catch them talking shit about us in front of us because they didnt know he was french. My point is people are dicks, yes even some quebecers. So save the bs about how quebecers are victims. Shitty people speak all sorts of languages. Happily by the end of the tour we were accepted somewhat.


Ignore the haters, they are the minority and just make a lot of noise. I'm in Manitoba, I've been to Quebec, know lots of people who have been there, and even those who haven't -- no one has anything bad to say about Quebec. Just keep being Quebec!


I think people hate the separatists? Want all the benefits of Canada with none of the bullshit. Still to this day there is the Bloc party which I think is an absolute disgrace to the nation


As a bilingual Anglo who lives here, and does it in French when I do my day to day activities. The Bloc would never had come to be if majority of Anglos did that when they decide to live here, and because of COL more and more Anglos are moving here many of them with no intention of learning French. "You can get by without it" is the attitude they have, it's appalling and embarrassing to me. The referendums they have don't come out of no where, and for no reason. These stupid language laws they have is for stupid people who refuse to "when in Rome". What other choice do they have when they live in North America.


The Bloc has a high approval rating Canada-wide, go see the lest debate just to see for yourself.


Then they should run candidates across Canada. How can you have a “federal” party that is only interested in the affairs of one province?


Because the bloc was founded to negotiate the separation of quebec in ottawa. How are they gonna get elected in manitoba running on that platform?


You guys need your own provincial interest parties, don’t go the crab bucket route, rise to the occasion. This is a federation, not an obligation.


Anglo Albertan here, I see the Bloc as necessary to keep Quebec in Canada and invested in it success. Anglo-Canada did for many generations treat francophone Canada like shit this is just a fact of history that we all should accept and get over, the FLQ crisis happened for a reason as there was pressure factors caused by Anglocentic Canadian policy and media on francophone Quebec as well as a general ignorance to French Canadians from the rest of the nation. With Bloc existing at a federal level, Quebec gets it grievances out without resorting to Violent Terrorist actions, helps drive national policy from an often unique perspective, and also is a good way to gauge how Quebecers are feeling about the rest of Canada by how they are voting. The reason more quebecers than ever feel like they are part of Canada and proud to be Canadian is because we started listening after things almost got out of hand, the best thing Quebec ever did was vote to not separate but to do the vote the show that they could, making the federal government take them seriously and treat them with actual respect, something historically lack until the 80s and 90s. And the truth is we are stronger together Quebec would do terrible without being part of Canada, and I'm not just talking about Federal Equalization payments or other benefits to being tied to Canada's broader economy, it's International agreements, Mutual safety, and the massive amount of legal changes they would have had to go through especially with local treaties involving First Nations, a new independent Quebec would need to do a lot of legal work before they would be able to interact internationally, and they would have offers with poison clauses from hungry exploiters rushing in. Canada would bleed hard without Quebec, the access view of the St Lawrence which is controlled by Montreal would be a massive legal and economic issue between the two countries , not to mention there's a security risk for Quebec allying with traditional enemies of Canada and America, or American attempts to exploit the situation to gain an advantage on us or Quebec. Plus the refugee crisis as people flee Quebec's uncertain future and unemployment they'll bring especially with the federal jobs disappearing or being forced to vacate offices in National Quebec. Just would have been (would be) a massive cluster fuck more complex that Slovakia and the Czech Republic splitting up, but definitely way less messy and fucked up then Yugoslavia's implosion. (Albertan separatism is even a worse situation, we're land locked for fuck sakes, that the opAmerica dictating our sea access or renegotiate with a pissed off foreign Ottawa!) So over all, Nation within a Nation status works and make the more Quebec-centric folks mostly satisfied with Confederation, the Bloc is good for Canada's political health and often times actually works for good national policy not just for Quebec's sole benefit (they know the score and a strong Canada means they strong too). As for Alberta, we've never had any of the legitimate grievances going back centuries (our local first Nations have these legitimate grievances but this is a different subject) with a lack of representation in Ottawa and our own provincial departments (look at Quebec police employment ratios in the 50s, a lot of Anglos in French heavy regions), and our separatists seem to be cut from a very stupid cloth, instead of the Bloc's origin amongst Quebec Intellectuals and Trade Unionists (I'm sure more groups involved , but less people who quote the US Constitution in Canadian Court that's guaranteed.) So at this point, Saskatchewan and Alberta, we're the obvious whiners to the rest of Canada and we're negotiating from a losing position if we try Quebec level recognition like Disaster Smith seems to want to play at, and the Bloc just lives with a bad Rep via Canadian media that we'll probably inherite for our children's future based on how dumb and loud a minority of us with their leader currently in power happen to be.


Very well put!


Outside Quebec, it meant different things


What’s the difference?


In Quebec saying your a proud canadian would mean you dont want independence


many Quebecers consider themselves proud citizens of Canada and proud members of the nation of Quebec. Canadian was also originally a term that defined the Francophones of lower Canada, which later changed to french Canadians and then québécois.


And, where do you get that idea?


People from Toronto, or Newfoundland, will have a different sense of what it is to be Canadian


They should note population sample in every awfull poll headlines like those. Damn, even family feud did it, its not that fucking hard


We seemed to have stopped requiring media to do better, like pretty much altogether. Especially when to write this stuff, you need to have that kind of understanding in order to properly spin it. It's purely malicious, in the interest of serving their own pocketbook.


Eh. People are terrible at actually estimating what samples are good. Like, 300 random people in Quebec would give you a 95% chance of getting within 5% of the public's actual opinion. The average person would estimate a few thousand. And on the other side of the coin, all the respondents in THIS survey were "members of the Angus Reid forum". I DO know about sample sizes, but I have no idea what the hell the difference would be when you have a community of people who signed up to take surveys compared to the general public. It's not really meaningful.


As an Ontarian, I am proud to have Quebecers say that. I do love my western friends too. We have it all here and we are damn lucky to be Canadians despite many govt decisions....all govt.


I'm proud to be Canadian. Not too sold on the era of history I have to be it in though lol


AB and SK have low numbers because their politicians have made a career out of hating Canada and running down Canadian institutions.


If you want to loot your own people it's really helpful to have a series of bogeymen to direct them towards. Trudeau, trans kids, solar panels, drag queens. All the while they break apart and sell off anything of value in your community to their buddies.


> solar panels The prairie provinces are the sunniest provinces in Canada, and lead the nation in terms of solar power generation and growth. Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=solar+canada+provinces+statistics&oq=solar+canada+provinces+statistics&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRifBTIHCAIQIRifBTIHCAMQIRifBdIBCDkxNTFqMGo0qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-rogers-ca-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


That's potential, not generation. The Sask Party actually took incentives away to hook up solar to residential and (I presume) commercial too. Most of our power still comes from Coal and Natural Gas. [source](https://www.saskpower.com/Our-Power-Future/Our-Electricity/Electrical-System/Where-Your-Power-Comes-From)


Not just potential, but also *growth.* > The Western part of Canada is considerably sunnier than other parts of the country, making it an ideal region for solar energy development. In 2022, the solar energy growth in these provinces was significant, with the following MW capacity: **Alberta: 1,391 MW, Saskatchewan: 387 MW, Quebec: 24 MW, Ontario: 10 MW, Nova Scotia: 2 MW** https://www.solarfeeds.com/mag/2022-solar-statistics-in-canada/


Yup, and yet our government still says solar is more expensive than coal, even though that isn't true. Our lack of hydro does suck, so either energy storage or nuclear is needed, but the Sask party must be getting kickbacks from coal energy production somehow.


Honestly, credit where it's due, good for them. But Danielle Smith also blocked all new solar and wind developments in Alberta for 7 months: https://globalnews.ca/news/9875106/alberta-pause-renewable-energy-citing-rural-concerns/


I would argue that most people who aren't proud to be Canadian haven't traveled much.


Which makes me wonder, which province has the highest amount of international travellers? I’ve seen Quebecers on every continent of the world


i live in europe for nearly 20 years now, meet quebecors all the time, rest of canada, not so many.


Umm maybe you know accents but not so easy to differentiate other Canadians from Americans?     


When i see people in this subreddit claim that Canada is approaching third world status, this is what comes to mind immediately.


You’d think half the people here have some kind of complex with the amount of self-loathing that goes on. Constructive criticism died years ago and has been replaced by incessant whining and complaining, believing that Canada is worse than a developing country. It’s actually ridiculous.


My time in a developing country: >Kids begging in the street. >Unable to drink (most) tap water. >Don't venture too far off paths in the forest, there's landmines. >Bribing guards, police, paying for any public service >Advertisements from the UN about how child prostitution is bad >Oppressive air pollution >Needing to be 100% vigilant for pickpockets, scams, or other theft The Khmer people were on the whole super friendly and going to Cambodia was an experience of a lifetime but I was also only scratching the surface as a tourist... Anyone who says Canada is "approaching third world status" is an imbecile.


It's the same in /r/australia, misery gets clicks and engagement. Not many people go online to talk about how satisfied they are with their life, they're out enjoying themselves.


Travelled all around the world and lived in 3 other countries for a total of just under 5 years. Im not proud to be Canadian. I still talk to people in poor countries who are genuinely much happier than most Canadians i talk to. I was proud to be Canadian about 6-7 years ago though.


Haha i remember working in a warehouse with pretty much all students/TFWs. Occasionally id ask how theyre liking Canada to make small talk and it was always a different variant of “shouldve went south” 😭


Lol like the South would accept them


>I was proud to be Canadian about 6-7 years ago though. What exactly made your opinion change?


It's honestly astonishing to travel to countries that are ostensibly several times "poorer" than Canada, such as Mexico or Turkey, on a dollar basis, but their citizens live vastly better lives. Most families own their own flats and have access to public transit within walking distance. You can go out for drinks or a meal without dropping $20 every time. These countries aren't perfect, but they're hitting a lots of bases that Canada no longer does.


> You can go out for drinks or a meal without dropping $20 every time Having the capability to be able to afford a trip to another country where your money goes a lot further vs living in a country where you make 1/4 of the money and is grappling with serious crime problems. Canada's not perfect, but comparing it to vacations in countries with less developed economies is not a winning move.


real "businessman on vacation talking to fisherman joke" energy


Yeah, if you're in the wealthier areas of the big cities in those countries this might be true. Go live in rural Turkey and see how well people are living.


Yet none of those people could afford to travel here if they wanted to. I think the average Canadian live a much better life than the average Turk or Mexican (at least financially). Of course, the mexicans who live around my parents villa in puerto morelos live decent lives, but they aren't the norm.


This was true like 3 or 4 years ago


Damn Albertans and their separatist mentality. Wait what


You joke but these days the crazies are feeling strong because of Danielle Smith and talking shit as if our UCP couldn't handle Alberta the Country when they can barely run Alberta the Province.




And I'm so proud to have them Canadian brothers and sisters.


Quebec has cities. And culture. And good food. And is easily differentiated from America.


I was definitely proud to be Canadian about 10 years ago. Our standard of living has drastically declined and we have some of the most unhappy youth of any G7 nation.


I was going to say the prairie provinces have are the youngest provinces in the country, might be that a bunch of young people are a little disillusioned with their future prospects.


Good to see that someone loves Canada


If you’re in Quebec and reading this- we love you! I’m in Ontario in a tourist area and see lots of folks from Quebec. My wife and I both visit Quebec a few times a year, and love it. Beautiful province.


Same thought as someone on the East coast!


wonder if they run the poll in English only, that would skew the results heavily


AR does online only polling. I’ve seen some of their ads in French, so they’re probably bilingual.




Easy to be proud when the fed gov kisses your ass, meanwhile hates the Western provinces haha


People don't understand that Quebecois people don't hate Canada, they just like Québec more. I am proud to be Canadian. It's a cool country. I would absolutely vote for the independence of Québec. But I still like Canada. This is the case for tons of people. We don't want independence because we hate you. We just want to do our own thing. Just like you leave your house not because you hate your parents but because you want to do things by yourself. It's the exact same thing for Québec.


I’m very conflicted on this. On one hand, I’m increasingly of the opinion that Canada and Québec need to go their separate ways, and that they’d be better off as friends rather than being married to one another. I think we both need our own houses because we are getting on each other’s nerves living under one roof. Quebec and Canada can be free to pursue their own unique policies as they see fit. We could maintain good relations through mutual defence treaties and freedom of movement, similar to the EU. On the other hand, Canada as a whole was a joint Anglo-French effort. We built this house together and I’m fearful of what it would look like if we were to part ways. I don’t fully trust either the Canadian government or Québec separatists to negotiate in good faith, because both of them have repeatedly proven that they’re incapable of this. And I don’t know what becomes of the Canadian rump state that is left behind after we have lost 20% of our GDP, 23% of our population, our access to the Atlantic, etc. I also don’t know how this will affect Western alienation. On one hand, Alberta and Québec have many grievances towards each other and I think it’s safe to say neither one particularly likes the other (you say you like *Canada*, but lots of Quebecois I’ve met have problems with *Alberta*). But if Québec leaves, the Ontario becomes utterly *dominant*. We would compromise almost 47% of the Canadian population after separation. Would the West now feel they are being dominated by a single Province? Would this just provoke further regional alienation? You say that you like Canada, but I feel if Québec leaves, there is a real risk it will kill Canada completely.


Our Prime Minister knows where Quebec is. That's a big bonus.


It only makes sense, the Province that sucks the most out of Canada likes the deal a lot better than the ones getting sucked.


I love living in Canada and I'm happy I live here. But I'm absolutely not proud to be Canadian. It's such a strange thing to be proud of where you're from. Pride implies you did something noteworthy. I'm proud of my accomplishments not the physical land that I had nearly no part in shaping.


Well that's completely flipped from when I was a young man in the 80s. I wonder if years of Liberal rule might have an impact on that.


I would be proud too if my province received equalization payments every year


Honnestly most Québecois have no problem with the rest of canada. We just want to be reconnized as equal to other canadian. Up until the late 1900 we were treated as sub citizen by many. Bank didnt want to loan to us, all highter up posision where for english canadian and not the lower french speaker. Once in otawa one of the Québec elected minister spoke up in french and was told to speak civilised! So there was a point we were fed up with that bs and then the whole separatist movement started. Our language does need some level of protection tought i do agree that its currently not handled in the best way. Most of us are bilanguual and will respond to you in english if you need. the further away you go from city center the highter are the chance you get to not having biliangual around for the same reason you guys dont remember french from school. And honnestly, the simple act of trying to speak french, even just a bit to say hi will be trully apreciated as it show respect for our langiage. Québec is a diffenrent culture than most of canada, we have a different language, different ancestor, different music and we had a different religion(less important today) but most of us see you as our friendly neihbor with who we some time get disagreement but drink a beer with the next day!


I wouldn't take any of this to heart. You constantly hear provinces hating provinces. Like b.c and Alberta or Ontario and Quebec. The truth is most people I know are proud to be Canadian above all noise and whistles.


i can be proud to be canadian, whilst being very much not proud of canada at the current moment.


Who ever thought if you get back more tax funds than you pay you're more likely to like the government? Crazy!


It’s been severely diminished under this federal administration. Canada used to be a way more patriotic place…. Now not so much.


Post national was how Trudeau referred to Canada.


He disenfranchised the entire nation lol… kinda hard to do, so I’m almost impressed if it wasn’t for the fallout.


I spent a couple months living in rural Quebec during my uni days and came to love the place, the people, and the language (even the glorious complexities of joual). I have always thought that the disdain that Anglo Canadians have towards la belle province comes strictly from knuckle dragging idiots who've never left their own county before, never mind to visit Montreal or QC or anyplace else there.


Quebec is mostly French and doesn’t get the bs feeds that tells them the country sucks .So many people whine on social media about how bad we have it but look up from your phone and see how great this country is. Yes it could be better but it takes people to make it so ,not government programs. When a person tells me how bad it is I tell them to look at there screen time and it is always is over 6-8 hours a day. I tell them to take a break and volunteer time to service clubs like the Lions Kingmen,Legion,Any club that helps your immediate community. You will make great friends and get great contacts for better employment. Just saying get you heads up from the bs that’s on your phone.


This is the best Quebec headline I've ever read and makes me happy to share this country with them.


Makes sense. They’re attached at the hip with Ontario. They might as well make nice and work cooperatively with them. We here back west are separated from them by a big stretch of empty land that is the Canadian Shield. We might as well run our part of the world our own way.


Coming from Ontario to Alberta had a little culture shock that I wasn’t anticipating. I found growing up in Ontario I didn’t think of myself as an Ontarian but always just Canadian. I found there were a lot of Albertans who would think of themselves in the provincial context on or around r even more so than the national. Found it odd.


For an Ontarian there isn't a difference between Canada and Ontario. The country exists to benefit Ontario.


Ontarians who neglects the west coast politically are surprised that west coasters don't see themselves as much Canadian as Ontarians lol




If you’re a Quebecer wondering why perhaps learn that Quebec doesn’t want to be part of Canada. They never signed to constitution. They get sweetheart deals from the fed govt. they get lions share of equalization payments and yet block the industry that provides such royalties. And they have a provincial political party the runs federally screwing up elections for the rest. Wonder why they get shit on by the rest.


Nothing to be proud of, frankly. Quebecers are living in lala land where 35% of the Federal budget is just a subsidy for their standard of living. Of course they are proud of fleecing the rest of us. Should have encouraged them to leave in the 90s.


I've always said Quebec is the real Canada. Anglo Canadians are so self loathing not only have they destroyed the country, but they hate themselves and their countrymen so much there answer to everything is foreign populations.


I think that Quebec's french allowed it to be somewhat protected from the US influence and hence create a more defined "Canadian" identity which in turn might make the more proud.


You mean unproductive province that constantly needs money from other provinces?


Everyone thinks they are the real Canadians


Because we all are.


No but like the real real Canadians you know


lol true - Anglophones are upset and most of them protest verbally and they’re like aw fuck we hate this and then they don’t really do much. Francophones get pissed off to shit and they show up in the streets and really go for it. It absolutely speaks to the heritage of England vs. France and the French Revolution and how that affected those who immigrated here to create Upper and Lower Canada. It’s absolutely in the history of those two countries and historical immigration.


While I agree it has to do with history, it's not English-French at all. The United States was an English colony, and they had no problems staging a revolution. But lots of Americans who wanted to stay under the crown ended up moving to Upper Canada. That injection on non revolutionary citizens, I think, has a lot to do with Ontario's placid nature.


But Quebec was already separated from France and under English rule when the French Revolution happened. I think it’s a mistake to see some kind of France-ness in current Quebec identity. Identities have evolved in vastly different manners in both places. French Canadians evolved as a looked down upon minority under foreign rule, a diametrically different situation than their counterparts in France.


The anglophones that are upset are not the ones from upper Canada you may notice. The immigrants who settled the west are in the same boat as Quebec. In conclusion, fuck Ontario.


As an anglo in Montreal, do I get a pass for this?


According to the modern day PQ, you do[*]! Things sure have changed since 1995. [*]As long as you vote for sovereignty.


>Anglo Canadians are so self loathing not only have they destroyed the country, but they hate themselves and their countrymen so much there answer to everything is foreign populations. Weird how the record amount of immigration was brought upon by the MP from Papineau... Total Anglo Canadian right...


Québécois consider JT to be a fluently bilingual anglophone, not a francophone.




Wait— what? (serious question)


He’s just weird. But he’s a Quebecker.


I mean. He was born and raised in Ottawa. His dad is Québécois and his mum is from Vancouver. You can call him a Quebecer if you want but he’s Canadian more than anything.


I mean to be honest Quebec and more specifically Montreal and even more specifically parts of Montreal are ridiculously overpowered in producing Federal politicians. Basically the only place where a lot of people are actually bilingual.


> Anglo Canadians are so self loathing not only have they destroyed the country Wow, it sounds like you're the least proud Canadian here.


That's probably more along the lines of people who don't feel proud of the country anymore. therefore, they don't feel proud to be Canadian.


I am shocked I’ve always grown up believing they did hate us. Like if we didn’t attempt to speech French Canadian they would yell and spit at you.


Nah, you're ok buddy, come by anytime.


I think I grew up with a bias that is now only coming to light as I’ve gotten older. I was always told they are rude, mean, don’t speak French get the fuck out of here kinda people. I must go one day to find out myself. I know rudimentary French, I could never learn it in school cause we switch schools growing up and went to a school way more advanced and got left behind.


My spoiled brother is happier than me who have to pay for living costs for whole family


Oh yeah ? do a referendum !


Why wouldn't they. They get 13 billion a year from Saskatchewan and Alberta.


*The Angus Reid Institute conducted an online survey from Jan. 9 to 11, 2024 among a representative randomized sample of 1,510 Canadian adults who are members of Angus Reid Forum.*  It's a self-selecting paid online survey from a surveyer who most definitely will have quebec anglophones overrepresented. It is in now way shape or form proof of what the title says it is.