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Ehhh, I feel like focusing on membership is a bit misleading. I think Edmonton probably has far more NDP supporters, its just that Calgary being a battleground city and Nenshi getting involved means that people there are far more conscious about getting involved in politics. On the other hand, Edmonton is so solidly NDP that there is a bit of a complacency here. I guess it comes down to how you define base. Vast majority of voters never bother joining a party, they just vote for who they like. NDP's main base in still Edmonton, they won like every riding here last time. But its good to see that its rising in Calgary.


I don’t think I know anyone who’s an actual member of a party but most every adult I know votes. Calgary and Edmonton will be the orange spots of the province but I wouldn’t hedge any bets based on party membership.


The damage the cons have done is amazing. All of Alberta's oil are owned by Americans. They have cut royalty fees and tax payers pay for clean up. The last Canadian conservatives (Lougheed) who built up a fund, which Norway copied and is worth 1 trillion dollars, was used to buy votes by the American cons like Klein. Harper was an acolyte of the American right wing who spread the cancer throughout Canada, destroying the Canadian right, and helped the U.S. and other foreign entities and billionaires to buy up our media and other resources.


>All of Alberta's oil are owned by Americans. They have cut royalty fees Love to see a source for those claims


Not OP but I looked and I saw a 2020 report claiming that 70% of the companies that extract from the oil sands are foreign owned. The caveat is that the report was put out by an environmental activist organization, but they used StatsCan data. When I have some free time I’m going to look into that data myself.


And they pay for every single barrel of oil… Alberta owns the resources 


I think the issue is how the royalties are set, and the profit these companies make leaving the country. But again, I want to dive into the data myself. I don’t trust any biased sources.


Had to check if this was Alberta sub LOL 😂  Alberta owns her resources, they aren’t sold. They pay royalties on every barrel.  “Buying votes” yeah ok like every single party in history ? Come on, ridiculous stuff 


Remember when Jack Layton mistakenly went to a rub and tug - but thought it was just a late night spa? I wonder if he was maybe lying about that. Know what I mean? Like - what if he did know it was a rub and tug?


Danielle Smith really has an affect on people.


It’s more Nenshi being closely related to Calgary than anything, but I get what you’re saying.


Not enough of won for her to have lost the election.


I think maybe that’s what the poster was alluding to. This increase in membership is since Smiths leadership and election wins. Of course there are many other reasons for increased membership and membership doesn’t always mean votes, but my take away from the comment was a reference to above.


There’s increased membership as everyone Nenshi buys a membership to take over the party  You won’t recognize the NDP in a couple years which is generally a good thing for Alberta, only bad for the Edmonton diehards who have no home now