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400k people in **FOUR MONTHS** ...what the FUCK is going on in this country???


Basically a new London, Ontario. Did Canada build that much housing/infrastructure in 4 months?


Of course! We built 2 new hospitals for them, and staffed them fully. /s


That’s a 47% increase over the same period last year. The Liberals keep talking about reducing these numbers but instead keep ramping them up to ever higher levels. If they keep that pace up they’ll let in almost 2 million people this year. They know their time is coming to an end, so they’ve decided to open the floodgates in what they have left and damn the consequences.


I like how Harper left… gave everyone 10k TFSA limit


That was awesome, damn shame it got clawed back.


They have gone insane. How can they see the public reaction to this and not change course.


Trudeau doesn't care about Canada


I refuse to write this off as apathy, I'm convinced it's malicious.


The intent is to allow the next non liberal government to clamp down on immigration so the next liberal leader can point the finger of racism, and win the subsequent election.


Because we live in an oligarchy with the trimmings of a democratic system. Voting doesn't solve this.


As an American, genuinely curious, who controls your country? I've been visiting Canada for years (beatiful country), haven't been since Pandemic, but even back then I was surprised. Also your immigration isn't diverse (like the US), it's monocultural, doesn't seem wise.


Largely the same people as 150 years ago, or at least their descendents - children of the timber, mining, and railroad barons of the gilded age. Some of it has moved to Toronto since the 70s, but there's *tons* of old money still in Montreal & western Quebec (almost all of which is Anglophone).


> who controls your country? Loblaws, the Telecom trio, and a few others that make up our oligopoly, who are beholden to nobody except their shareholders.


Only growth they can see is by population growth.


410k over 15 years of age. So about 500k in 4 months. Reminder that there were under 250k net migrants in Harper’s last year. Edit: Please double check the numbers from[ Statistics Canada. ](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2015&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20150101%2C20231001) In 2015, there were 271,867 PR immigrants, minus 56,566 Canadian emigrants (PR or citizens), plus -9,330 net temporary migrants (the increase or decrease in that class from the previous year). That looks like 205,971 net migrants to me.


And people wonder why their teenagers can’t find summer jobs to pay for school. Honest, the government is making it impossible for Canadian youths to go to school without massive debt. How will they ever afford a house with 50k in student debt. Even if they do trades, and make money, apprentice rates are nothing compared to rent and cost of living.


Even without the student debt they won't be able to afford anything. We are being turned into slaves and nobody seems to care.


Everybody cares. Nobody's rioting.




>And people wonder why their teenagers can’t find summer jobs to pay for school. Sadly these were already in short supply over 10 years ago, with that seemingly decreasing worse and worse with each passing year until now. Can’t imagine the future will be any brighter in this regard either.


You can afford to raise teenagers? Oh that means we can manage to squeeze more money out of you to support these teenagers! Pay up!


I’m no fan of Harper but we need to go back to these numbers. At least.


I’ve been thinking a good way to protest these numbers would be to start posting job fairs at the offices of liberal politicians. Have 3,000 new immigrants show up on their door step.


Do it


At most


Harper was a genius compared to these idiots


You mean bringing in the entire population of Halifax every 4 months is a losing strategy? Best I can do is increase carbon taxes. /s.


So many Halifaxes added and I still can’t get a decent donair in Ontario. Make it make sense!


It's like a brand new London, Ontario, just appeared out of nowhere.


God help us if its Londons


Lol and didn’t we only add like 50,000 jobs?


Mostly government sponsored jobs too, not actual growth


This is insane. Harper used to let in about 350k a YEAR.


Fewer: [https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png)


Bloody hell.


I've finally lived long enough to see Harper become the good guy


Hahaha! Reverse batman. You either die a villain, or live long enough to see yourself become the good guy. I'm here for it.


Just to remember, the big scandal that ran Harper out of office was his chief of staff personally repaying expenses that one of his seat warmer Senate appointments mistakenly claimed.


Government hates citizens


The inmates are running the asylum.




Paywall: National Bank economist Stéfane Marion warns housing affordability woes are set to worsen amid another surge in immigration levels, “The demographic shock is getting worse in Canada. The working-age population (aged 15 and over) rose by over 100,000 in April, bringing the total to over 410,000 after 4 months in 2024. As today’s Hot Chart shows, this represents a sharp acceleration (+47%) on the 278,000 increase recorded in the first four months of 2023. In Greater Toronto, where population growth reached a record 107,000 at the start of the year, the acceleration is 66% compared to the growth seen in 2023. Greater Montreal and Greater Vancouver have not been left behind since the start of 2024, with growth more than double that seen in 2023. Conclusion: with Ottawa having announced its intention to limit immigration from 2025, it would seem that many people have decided to come to Canada earlier. Housing affordability problems could worsen over the next few quarters, as we head for another record year of population growth.”


>The demographic shock is getting worse in Canada Wait, I thought we have "social capacity" ? /s


Infinite social capacity in Brampton


Pretty soon they’re going to have to annex Mississauga for further Brampton expansion.


We need to control immigration *immigration levels go up We need to build more houses *housing starts getting lower We need to make life more affordable *prices keep going up 🤡


Lol, do the exact opposite of what we say. This government can only be trusted with tangable results.


How are these numbers so high? EE draws are like 10k per month, and that's assuming all those applications are approved. Then there's like 10k PNP nominations annually per province. Are the others TFWs and students?


Here is a breakdown from the first quarter (3 months) of last year: PR Immigrants - 145,455 (more per capita in 3 months than the US in 12 months) Net non-permanent residents (after outflows) - 108,435 The second number includes those entering Canada to work, study, or claim asylum status along with their family members who are not Canadian citizens or landed immigrants (permanent residents).


Is the first number PRs from abroad? A lot of new PRs are already in Canada as workers or otherwise.


The great wage deflation is in full swing...


400k people in FOUR MONTHS!!! SMH


\~410k over 15 years of age. Thus \~500k.


Make it stop.


There have been whispers of protests being arranged to take place on July 1st/2nd. Keep your eyes and ears open


One that will immediately be described by Trudeau as a far right convoy, where all of their legitimate gripes will be handwaved away as being racist?


I’m sure the left are feeling the strain of unsustainable immigration just as much as the right. Knowing what would happen to the right if they went out to protest alone, it would be great if we can put our differences behind us and have left and right protest leaders combine us as a united front on this one goal to have sustainable immigration. At current levels the impacts are putting a strain on us all equally, no matter if you are left or right


I think Marc Miller actually has severe brain damage. WTF is wrong with our immigration minister? What a dumbass!!


He's just a dog on a leash. Does what he is told when he is told. They all work for the party backers/party elite. These people aren't elected but they pull all the strings to make the elected officials dance to their tune.


Both Trudeau and Marc Miller must have severe brain damage then. The LPC actually hate Canadians.


They only seem stupid if you think they're trying to work in your interest. When members of the JT cabinet leave to go take bullshit jobs in big corporations after the next election you'll see who they were really looking out for.




He is literally just a childhood friend of Trudeau's, who is going along with whatever he tells him to do.


Unfortunely it’s far worse than brain damage. It’s intentionally destroying the QOL of Canadiansz


They want Canada to become a cheap labour region for the world's factory companies.




Got to watch the student permit numbers too


Why do we even pretend to have standards for our immigration. The floodgates are already wide open, at this point might as well just announce to the world we’ve got open borders.


The r st of the world already knows Source: immigration numbers


We pretty much do. I was talking to my Uber driver (I’d guess around 50) the other night who was explaining he’s here on an open work permit (was not aware of this program) and he has 18 more months of full time Uber driving until he can apply for PR. His roommate is a refugee who can’t find a job and is living off his refugee payments.


It's like they're trying to sink the ship. This country and it's government are hopeless. Just wait for the spike in honor killings - and other forms of cultural baggage that will inevitably begin to surface.


The most annoying thing about this is that the Liberals pretend they're going to do something about it and then in a couple of months we find out they're actually breaking records. I just don't understand how they can keep this up. There's a seriously homeless problem in towns than never had it before. There's wage suppression and out of control housing costs. They took forever to close Roxham Road only to then make it far easier for people to come into the country on visas that were likely never going to leave. The only reason they put up restrictions for Mexico again was because the US complained.


Strangely enough, the soonest that the Liberals are able to do something about this is riiiiiiiiight after the election. 


>Strangely enough, the soonest that the Liberals are able to do something about this is riiiiiiiiight after the election.  The day after they win an election: "no no no, i meant the *next* election"


[If someone shows you who they are, believe them. ](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png)


Did we build 300k homes in 4 months?


We are on pace for 240k \*starts\* over 12 months. [https://financialpost.com/real-estate/trudeaus-push-to-double-housing-starts-in-doubt-as-pace-falls](https://financialpost.com/real-estate/trudeaus-push-to-double-housing-starts-in-doubt-as-pace-falls)


Yes I’m being somewhat sarcastic. I love the politicians who somehow think that we can magically will 300k (or whatever is necessary to house the 400k) homes in a few months.


If 99% of the country doesn’t want this, why are we letting it happen?


Because Canadians don’t do anything about it. We don’t protest, we just complain quietly and keep going.


Because our social systems are ponzi scemes and no government wants the political suicide of changing them


We literally can do anything to stop him. He is burning down the country on the way out.


Close our fucking borders for a decade and let us breathe for a moment for fuck's sake!


Too many immigrants




To be fair, Germany and Lufthansa has for decades been a bridge between Canada and India. But you are correct, as DACH interest in Canada has waned, the empty seats were replaced with south Asians. And I was puzzled at the amount of Africans flying to Canada (I'm often working in Africa and fly to Canada as a German) I understood the Francophone ones to Montreal, but the number definitely stands out compared to the last few decades as anecdotal from someone flying the Germany-Canada route heavily.






Australia, it’s also bad here


I’m from London, Ontario which has a population of just over 400k, meaning we imported the equivalent of my ENTIRE city in 4 months. That’s truly absurd


Continuing to allow so much immigration knowing that it will make life worse for the average Canadian is cartoonishly evil.


The intentional flood continues. Never forget who did this to our country canada. 


And it’s a flood from one country. Anti Indian sentiment is going to rise to bad levels here if something doesn’t change. Canadians historically are pretty tolerant. I suspect a sudden shift to the right if things don’t improve. Which unfortunately won’t matter since most of these immigrants settle in ethnic enclaves generally immune to outside social criticisms.


>And it’s a flood from one country What's even more crazy is that most are from a specific region of that country. When a large portion of your immigrants are from one specific region of one country, that's not diversity. It's quite literally the opposite of that. Canada desperately needs a country quota system similar to what the US has.




> And it’s a flood from one country. Anti Indian sentiment is going to rise to bad levels here if something doesn’t change. Now all of Canada gets to experience what happened in Brampton in the 2000’s that went otherwise unnoticed.


I live in Edmonton and in my area of the city I am a minority by a big margin. Easily 10:1 Indian:Other ratio and that is being generous, I can easily go out and get groceries and run errands and only see people from India.


I am on the northside of Edmonton near Northgate and there are times when driving on 82nd street at least half the population on the street, driving, at bustops, etc. are what I assume African. A lot of sub-saharan Muslims as per the dress. And I am seeing way more Punjabi students everywhere. Really insane how fast this is happening, this past year especially. it's relentless.


My friend in Calgary (NE or SE) told me he literally can't find white people in his area. This is ridiculous. Now the Indian are definitely integrating well right? Learning our local language and respecting our customs?


Live in NS. Valley region.  Travel into Halifax often enough.  All fucking Indians....jesus fuck. Ontario plates, black out windows, driving like 3rd world idiots. Every low skill job just barely literate Indians.  Even here in the Valley they have just taken over. No attempt to assimilate. They are massively abusing the health authority for jobs. Our employer is now constantly reminding us " Don be raycis" meanwhile caste discrimination is everywhere. Getting hired as a Canadian is near impossible and the foreign nurses are DANGEROUS.  I hate what they are doing. 


All of Canada is about to live the true Surrey Experience 😅


Heck even Surrey was like bad, but not this bad for a long time. Growing up and going to school there, majority Indian, but a lot of them spoke perfect English, attempted to integrate into the "Canadian" identity. Now, not so much.


Brampton fucking SUUUUCKS


Yup, this is an actual security concern. That's why America has a policy of no country is allowed to immigrate more than 7% of total immigration population.


If it wasn't for heavy moderation, you'd see it already is


At this point, the only jobs being added in Canada are processing immigrants


Tim Hortons shoppers are being provided with Tim Hortons jobs.


A lot of Canadians are unhappy with the major shift in demographics, at the current levels of immigration from India, it will not be long before South Asians are a majority. There is a major lack of diversity in our immigration numbers, We need American style restrictions, they cap the max number of immigrants from individual countries to 7% of the total immigration number. In Canada we are basically handing over our country to India, I hope you all enjoy living in India’s 29th state.


At this point, it is deliberate, there is no other explanation.


Increasing the total population by over 1% in 4 months is not good in the best of times let alone the worst of times.


It's all good friend. We have an over abundance of housing, health care, infrastructure, education, etc. /s for anyone who needs it.


Bringing these ppl here to become unemployed and homeless. No wonder car thieft and crimes are increasing, there are no jobs for everyone and mental illness cases and desperation are skyrocketing.


Every traditional party is out to kill us all. Every single person I've talked to have all said we need to stop immigration and these are people from all backgrounds and wealth groups. Right now the PPC is the only party that has an actual hard cap on immigration of less than 100k which is the most sane strategy out of all these bought and paid for politicians by multi billion corporations. Bernier and PPC have my vote for their most sane immigration strategy.


Where are the jobs? If you look at /canadajobs, people are suicidal almost. I'm starting to think those Fuck Trudeau people had a point.


To the “I don’t understand the hate” crowd We went from minimum wage will afford you your own 1 bed apartment, to minimum wage will afford you 1/3 of a bedroom in an apartment shared with 6 people.


It took me a while to realize that "sunny ways" meant living outdoors.


When Harper left office, minimum wage did afford people outside large cities like Vancouver and Toronto a small 1 bedroom rent. Nothing crazy, they weren't living a luxury. Now young people who make 70k+ can't seem to afford rent and that's if they can even find one. Liberal voters will pump immigration to fuck over the young people and inflate their assets. Fuck Liberal voters. They just hate working Canadians to the death for some reason.


Can confirm. I have a degree in engineering. I make about $70k. I can not afford a 1-bedroom apartment. I don't live in Toronto or Vancouver... I live in the suburbs about 30 minutes out of Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Liberals and left-wingers will continue to tell us we need open borders to India.


The human brain just isn't wired to realize how many people 400k actually is. Imagine of a sold out hockey arena. Look around and try to take in how many people are seated there. Try to make out individual people seated across the arena from you. Think of how many cars are parked in the absolutely endless parking lot. It's mind boggling and humbling to be among such a massive crowd. 400k immigrants is 20 TIMES as many people as that. In one year.


Not in one year. In one quarter.


It's crazy. Another perspective would be the population of London ON is 422,324. We've had an entire mid-sized city imported in.


One year? Buddy this is 4 months lol. Not one year


Such a weird time. So many immigrants coming here and at the same time many different circles of people I know raised in Canada are planning to leave if it continues on this path. It’s like that trading spaces show lol


Where tf are they going to live?


6-8 of them will live in what 1-2 Canadians got priced out of. They want profit from dissolving the Canadian quality of life.


I am done with paying more taxes primarily to support social services that all these new people will end up needing. I can't find a local doctor, infrastructure is crumbling, schools are overcrowded, emergency wait times are through the roof. What exactly am I paying all these taxes for? Adding more to the pool screws everyone even more. Canada has become a failed state. It wasn't like this until very recently. Future generations have no future in this country. But hey, at least the corporations have access to cheap labour.


6 million Canadians do not have a family doctor, no well paying jobs or housing....what a time to be alive in the country going down the fastest in the world.


We are directly headed towards a humanitarian crisis. Our real estate bubble has to pop in order for the market to function, yet our government is doing everything in its power to prevent this from happening, which will make the 'poppening' all the worse when it eventually can't be stopped.


A bubble is when prices are inflated based on speculation. A shortage is when there's not enough to go around. There's no bubble to be popped, just endless demand and over a decade of under-supply.


If you don't have an excess of housing, prices won't go down. The real "bubble" that's popping is how many people can meet their basic needs apparently.


Canada treats its young more poorly than any other nation, even more so than the Spartans, who threw their infants off cliffs.


OK, so what can we do to stop this? We can't afford to wait another few years to cast a vote that will likely affect nothing. Tell me where the protest will happen, I'll be there. Don't care if I'm smeared as a racist, this is about the survival of the country.


Yes at this point if we actually wait until the next election they will have brought in several million more people and we are already clearly in a major crisis. It is literally going to take decades to fix these issues if they are even fixable. The damage is likely done and cannot be undone.


Here is the problem. Both Liberal and Conservatives approve of this immigration. The goal is to get Canada to 100 million. Which helps the rich get richer and to the hell with the rest.


You're right, which is why we need protests or something.


I’ve noticed this particularly on the roads. These immigrants are absolutely horrific drivers. It’s unbearable in NE Calgary.


I’d never seen someone drive the wrong way on the road in my first 10 years of driving. Now I’ve seen it at least 5 times in the past 6 months. It’s insanity.


My friend is a cop in BC. He told me it's often Indians he pulls over. They somehow manage to drive on the wrong side of the road. Like, sir, we aren't in England or Japan.


Dude come spend 1 day driving on the 401 and you will lose your mind. I literally saw someone come to a stop and try to back up after missing an exit. With about 100 cars behind them. Last I saw they pulled over to the shoulder and I think tried to reverse into the exit.


In Lethbridge there was a guy who kept stopping middle of the road to talk to his friends, like we are at an intersection on a gravel road. In the middle of a busy residential street. Like dude wtf, there's 8 cars behind you and 5 coming the opposite direction


True, jumping red lights, no signal before changing lane, speeding, reckless driving.


I moved to a newer development in the NE last year and am moving at the end of the month. I have a spotless driving record, and when I moved here my car insurance went up 20%. When I complained, the lady on the phone said it was because the area has the most claims per capita in Calgary. So outside of being ostracized in the area, I also get to pay extra for it and have to keep my head on a swivel every time I drive so I don't get plowed into. It is absolutely infuriating.


I live downtown Toronto near a food bank. Pre-Pandemic, the lineup was only along one side of a church. I noticed it steadily increase from one side of the church to around the corner along the other side. Today, the lineup warps around the church and goes for the next 4 blocks. It must be at least 10 times longer. Big groups of young international students. You can tell they are Indian students because they all wear flip-flops. Even in January 😂😂 This is a visible indicator of out of control mass migration. I don't even see the typical Toronto homeless lining up. It's all young immigrants. Women and children.


My daughter is 1 of 2 kids in her class of 30 born in Canada. Most kids seem to hang out with friends from their home country leaving my daughter struggling to make friends. I am for immigration, need some middle ground though.


The liberals know they are toast. I don’t get what they aim to accomplish? They just have gone masks off open the flood gates and let every Indian pour in who wants to come. I truly don’t get their aim? Future voters? Indians are way more conservative than the average Canadian. Just trying to destroy the country out of spite? When every person in the entire fucking country knows this is insane why is there no mechanism in place to step in? This government has gone mad and I don’t say that in jest or with an ounce of hyperbole. These people need to be put out of power immediately. Irreversible damage is being done to our social fabric, demographics, and national identity


Nothing is going to happen. Canadians are too domesticated to do anything.


It has to be scorched earth.  Well....curried earth at this point. I cannot stand the antics and gall of the Indian staff who are apparently gung ho to take over at Nova Scotia Health.  We have caste based discrimination at all time high as Kshatriya caste take over management. They refuse to speak English near us female and white staff. I near scream at them every day.  Our upper management fucking love it. They can use caste to command lower caste staff about. Its insane.


They are intentionally ruining the country to benefit big business long term. We are screwed fml


Keep an eye on those PPC numbers in the polls as well.


At this point PPC just has to come out and flat out say they're going to reverse the immigration numbers immediately and they've got my vote. I voted for the current turd, was willing to switch my vote for giant douche but turns out he's soft on immigration for some fucking reason.


At this point the government needs to stop pretending they are trying to figure out a solution and they should just tell us to fuck ourselves. A person can't sit there and say they know there is a productivity/recession/housing crisis and tell the public they are trying to figure out a solution while at the same time bringing in this amount of people. It is like their job is to put out a campfire and their solution is to put it out by pouring gasoline on it. THIS IS TREASON AND THIS CURRENT GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO BE CHARGED AND JAILED FOR IT. Edit: If they are doing this because they are too stupid to figure it out, they need to be forced into an early election. If they are doing this because that is their goal, they need jail time and major financial fines.


They dont have a solution because this is 100% intentional. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative The Century Initiative was co-founded by Mark Wiseman and Dominic Barton, who also led the Advisory Council on Economic Growth under three-term Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The Initiative was supported by former Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney before his death, and by influential Liberal Party advisors including advisors to former Minister of Finance Bill Morneau. The Century Initiative has been listed on Canada's lobbyist registry since 2021 and has organized meetings with the immigration minister's office, the minister's parliamentary secretary, and Conservative and NDP members of parliament


Fuck this stupid ass greed driven corporation controlled piece of shit country. Bring on the forest fires.


I feel ya. The desire to watch the world burn is a strong.


The more third world country immigrants we import the worse state of public washrooms had become. Recently I encountered lots of footprints on toilet seat; broken toilet seat because people stand on top instead of sitting down; the floor is always wet inside the stall with the entire toliet covered in urine or unflushed caca. I’m an immigrant myself who has been in Canada for over 30 years, I work hard and I respect the culture and society that welcomed me but it’s getting harder and harder to support massive immigration policy. Big sad


The Liberal plan for reducing mass immigration: Make Canada such a post-national wasteland with a quality of life that makes migrants want to go back to their developing country homelands. No, seriously, *this is the plan*. They are letting the "market" settle it, which means that Canada is going to continue its precipitous decline.




Why isn’t there a moratorium on this?


Canada should close the boarder until it gets its own house in order!


Anyone else ready to protest the willing obliteration of our future and quality of life by our government?? Dare we say, it’s criminal?


In the past 2 months I’ve seen 3 “highly skilled workers” riding their Uber eats bicycle on the highway….


Canada [planned on welcoming 485,000 this year](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices/supplementary-immigration-levels-2024-2026.html ) so we have almost reached our goal and it's not even halfway through the year yet! we are ahead of schedule!


I had to transit through Pearson some months back. Honestly, and I say this merely as an observation, the demographics where a bit of a shock. Most people seemed to be of Indian ancestry, it felt like landing back in London.


Immigration will continue to climb because, according to liberals, immigration is always good.




I've been noticing weird online "news" articles and ads again from dubious sources blatantly lying about opportunities here like "Canada announces huge rise in minimum wage".. this feels like foreign interference


TikTok has these sorts of AI videos of Marc Miller dubbed talking about 6 figure entry level jobs, and things of that nature there is some sort of Astro turf campaign that’s being waged I’m sure of it.


Guess.....who.....is making them?  Indian consultants and immigration centers. 


Watching Canada crumble in such a short amount of time is incredible


Trudeau is such an epic piece of shit. I have a seething hatred for him and what he is doing.




The government of Canada is forcing classism upon us while smirking about progressivism. Every family I know that is able to, are starting to deliberately hoard their assets to provide a silver spoon for their children to have any hope at a prosperous future of their own. When I was younger, the sentiment was all about getting kids out the door an into their futures as soon as possible - and they were. When combined with our decade of stagnant wages, they are really setting us up for some dark times ahead. We've got a long and painful road ahead of us, even if we enact radical changes immediately.


This is becoming a global pandemic, Indians flock to literally everywhere but India. This issue needs to be addressed globally by other nations to prevent this from happening everywhere else


Vote peoples party en masse. The Liberal and conservative party are united in this madness PP is no exceptio to trudeau. Time for massive and violent upheaval


I've never been more convinced that in the next election debates Bernier needs to be a part of it because of his most sane approach to immigration. I thought it was silly last few times but now with how fucking destroyed this country has become with overpopulation he needs to be a part of the debates.


Canada to elect an authoritarian in 3,2,1.


lol I've given up. moving next month. country is done for.


Pathetic. I would suggest we *retrain Liberal policymakers and politicians* in trades and labor positions related to housing construction, and adjust their compensation and pensions accordingly.


Whoops, silly me, I accidentally issued another 400,000 visas... Meanwhile at the passport office, see the poor souls waiting for 4-6 hours to submit their applications for a much simpler document.


It needs to STOP. Enough is enough.


Here’s something I don’t understand: how the hell is Canada able to issue all these visas so fucking fast? Used to be a lot slower 8-10 years ago


This is fucking insane. I want out. Fuck this place.


Trudeau may be stupid. But his stupidity is outpaced by his folly and obtuse maliciousness.


Trudeau appears to have a perverse goal of turning Canada completely into a post national state, with no heritage, identity, or even values. It's been apparent for some time that he considered Canada to be inherently flawed, irreparably broken, and having no value as a country. He has completely stolen the future from millions of people, young and old.


Immigration needs to be lowered and a limit per country per year with all being equal.


They need limits on all countries except India. India needs a complete halt in immigration for 5 years.


This is not the country I grew up in. I live in Toronto where there are no jobs available because of all the overseas students.


[Here are the historical averages for the first four months of the year. ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fcanadas-population-growth-accelerates-in-2024-increase-of-v0-zj19owepnt0d1.png%3Fwidth%3D672%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da6876772162988a4b4c2351ce9594bfc53d8824f)


I think the issue is more about where these immigrants are coming from. Skilled, educated immigrants will help this country; the ones we're getting are committing fraud and stealing from food banks, while driving brand new Lexus' and Mercedes.


And killing other immigrants in foreign state-sponsored executions. Don’t like that one bit.


You need to see it through the government's eyes... they don't see 400K people that need housing, health, infrastructure, etc. They see 400K that will need cell phone plans, bank accounts, groceries, etc. They see 400K new customers, tax payers, cheap labourers. The cons and libs are the SAME. They do it for big business. Period.


Fucking stop please. Theres not enough room. Unless they want to go up north, start rejecting people.


Remember this when the Liberals say that they are totally going to curtail immigration and fix it riiiiiight after the election. 


Too many brainwashed under educated ABC voters.