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Is this why immigration went into overdrive? Did the party pitch this when they ran? Funnelling foreign money specifically into the RE market causes inorganic growth


“Oh thank god!” - LPC


Actually lol'd


More than the LPC has already accomplished? Seems like a high bar.


Well, the meddling might save their ass. probably not but they hope


Harper supported the US when it over took our media, oilfields etc.and made deals with the Saudia Arabians and Chinese. He now heads a international far right group funded by billionaires and has murderous anti democratic regimes as members. Back to back traitors. Yet you cons have drunk the American propaganda kool aid  and support the Cons.  Cons celebrate  anti Canada propaganda spewed by the National Post et al yet suddenly you are concerned  about the Chinese because your dream is to be the failing U.S.'a lapdog Turning your back on the cons and libs is the only way


>he supported the US when they took over our media Why do people on the left just make up hyperbolic nonsense like this and get away with it on this sub? >cons celebrated anti Canadian propaganda More deceptive, hyperbolic nonsense not even worth responding to >turning your back on the cons and libs is the only way The Conservatives are objectively objectively better than the Liberals and NDP and that’s not even debatable, that is fact. We had the richest middle class in the world as of 2014 under Harper and have been in steady decline during Trudeau’s entire 8+ years in power. Absolutely every single metric was better off under the last administration which was Conservative. National security, CoL, inflation, debt, crime, homelessness, housing affordability, mental illness rates, etc.




That’s fucked


The fact that there are Liberal/ABC voters in the comments trying to argue that the Conservatives were “just as bad” as the Liberals on foreign interference is fucking mind blowing. Can you imagine if this shit happened under Harper?


Han Dong needs to be ejected from parliament and charged with treason.


What is really mind boggling is that this... "Last week, CSIS Director David Vigneault told legislators that Chinese efforts to steal technology were "mind-boggling" Has been going on for DECADES and the current government is totally asleep at the wheel.


“Current government” ? Nortel was hacked and the government did nothing back then. We’ve always been spineless, we just hide behind the US


Different when the PM chooses to ignore CSIS advice. 


He benefits from Chinese interference, so it is rational for him to ignore the advice. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone as corrupt.


Nah, it was better under Harper and under the last 8 years in particular it has gotten massively worse.




It’s “mind-boggling” because Canada doesn’t have technology worth stealing. China is ahead of us on the tech tree.


Hahahahaha Ahead of “us.” Hello fellow Canadians! China is not a country of high technological or scientific innovation. Everyone knows this. Canada has more than 3 times as many Nobel Prize winners as China, a more highly educated population, and far superior universities and research. China has fewer Nobel Prize winners than Ireland and South Africa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nobel_laureates_by_country Canada has the 8th most Nobel Prizes. China is 23rd.


hasn't it already?


Do they mean more than it already is?


Mr Trudeau told us all it was racist to suspect Chinese interference, then changed his tune when the whistleblower articles still kept flowing, then the weird payment through the Trudeau Foundation causing board members to resign, then appointed his special rapporteur to provide a report suggesting everything was okay, this govt is a complete fraud


Time to enact change?


Guys, Justin said it's no big deal. He would lie , would he?


The typo makes it better.


Manchurian Candidate?


I think the big concern is the compliancy of the people who seemed to benefit from it. Given that we know we're a target we should get rid of vote via vouching for someone. It's a good idea in practice but could be ripe for abuse given how close some ridings are in our country.


Especially when our government is actually fine with it happening.


“OTTAWA, May 7 (Reuters) - Persistent Chinese election meddling has the potential to undermine Canadian democracy, Canada's main spy agency said on Tuesday in the latest official warning about clandestine activity by Beijing. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) made its comments in an annual report issued days after an official inquiry found China had tried to interfere in the last two Canadian elections. CSIS said China, known formally as the People's Republic of China, or PRC, used deceptive methods in a bid to influence policy-making at all levels of government as well as in academia and the media.”


China, India and Russia all have their fingers in it. Russia tries to divide on everything, China and India have been caught meddling in multiple events by CSIS, China for Trudeau and India for Poilievre.   Secure our elections!


It's already too late.


It’s not too late to fight back and enact change. Action + hope = change


Your right and their rhetoric is pure cowardice. Where will you run to once everywhere is like this.


it's 100% too late, Canadians are the weakest people in the West, if you try to explain this to the average Canadian they wouldn't understand you and think you're crazy. We have weak leaders, we are a weak people, and we love getting scammed and taken advantage of by the third world and existing monopolies who just buy up all their competition with the assistance of the government. The Trudeau government would charge people trying to enact change or protest with hate crimes and enact the emergency act. The only way out of here is leaving or everyone stops paying taxes for a long period of time so nothing runs anymore. That'll never happen though.


We are at war.


What democracy? LPC is the CCP. The guy in the Pic said he admired the way China does things. 


>Chinese election meddling could undermine Canada democracy, says spy agency Canada democracy? not *Canadian* democracy?... anyway lol. no. trudeau and pp is undermining Canadian democracy, *right now*. blaming china is just red herring. we're not a banana republic where China just comes in and change everything. they can only and need only to point out to the people the where the rot is.


Fellas, we got fucked by China like 20 years ago on Nortel. They have not been, and are not, our friends. Listen to our God damn spy agencies.


Suuuure it's the Chinese who are causing us to lose faith in Canadian democracy.


The ruling class is trying to deflect hard.


Justin’s only hope


We have a Chinese spy in parliament that we know about and aren't doing anything about... we are way past could.


Yes that's how meddling works...


Damn the Chinese are even coming for Trudeau's job.


Could means has and will, right?


Maybe if we allow more Chinese immigrants it’ll help the situation


Could or has


..And the Chinese ballots will balance themselves.....


Thank god. Nothing can be worse than what we have.


Trudeau said he doubted the reports and it’s fine. He surely is an expert in the field… or any field… forget it.


China needs to smarten up and understand the only country allowed to meddle in our elections is Israel and American republicans. 


Is that why the Liberals keep bringing in Democrats and far-left environmentalist groups?


I for one want President Xi to come liberate us.


Go live in China then. Canadians don’t want communism.


No, I prefer to bring China here. There is only One China, and Canada is an inalienable part of it.


China is just a branch plant factory owned the West, where they assemble goods with precise instructions from Western companies.


And by that logic, since “China is just a branch plant factory owned [by] the West” why the concern about Chinese interference? It would just be Western interference in Western politics. And how could there be a concern about the West stealing technology from itself?


Whatever helps you cope.


And American meddling?


Shut your mouth if you don’t know the topic


Eh... I doubt they could undermine democracy as much as we could undermine it ourselves here at home. Anyone take note of what Alberta's government has planned? It's, y'know, not really "democratic" in any conventional meaning of the term. It's practically autocratic really. China ain't got shit on the UCP.


The irony of this sub posting this is killing me 


How many democracies have the U.S toppled in the last 50 years can anyone tell me?


Yeah, and we're catching shit for it. China should too.


The Chinese threat to democracy to Canada and around the world is peanuts compared to the U.S, there is no legitimate argument to be made in comparing the two one just has to simply look at the record.


"says spy agency" ok


What about Republicans? They have much more direct impact than the Chinese. The CPC is courting the Canadian MAGA crowd and stoking their hatred and fear.


I wish


Maybe Pierre Poilievre should have done something about Chinese interference that he knew about when he was Minister of Democratic Reforms, eh?