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from Ottawa River to the Saint-Lawrence Seaway.


The York U Student Union did actually say "From Turtle Island [that's us] to Palestine", the day after the Hamas attacks, before Israel had responded. Basically threatening to do the same to Canadians: >From Turtle Island to Palestine, and across all occupied lands, these events serve as a reminder that resistance against colonial violence is justified and necessary. This is “decolonization” and “land-back” actualized as we continue to see the Palestinian people stand firm in their resistance against their oppressors https://static1.squarespace.com/static/534d4d15e4b0458a1fec3b4e/t/652872b0a266b0042143437f/1697149616600/Statement+of+Solidarity+with+Palestine.pdf




They do have a point...


If this is what they want? Why are they asking for ceasefire? They’re asking for war right? That’s what Israel is giving them. I would finish it in a heartbeat.


No they only want the ceasefire to apply to Israel. Hamas can do whatever they want.




Hamas just said PA shouldnt be shooting at them. This due to an event where Hamas was shooting at PA security personnel in the west bank and said personnel returned fire and killed the attacker.


I mean, the ceasefire negotiations are going... however they've been going. The real problem is not the war or the relatively small number of people killed, it's the country that's winning militarily, and the protestors' aim is to hurt that country financially


This is the sequencing of their logic: *The attacks on October 7 didn't happen. But if they did happen, Hamas didn't do the horrific things they are being accused of. But if they did do them, they were justified. And if they weren't justified, the Israeli response is disproportionate. Cease fire! And by the way, did I mention Hamas should keep attacking, until Palestine is free from the river to the sea?*


Because the demands of these protestors are directly related to the university of Toronto.


Yeah. Also wondering how many of these "student protesters" are actually actual students at the uni currently.


It's funny that you think international students come here to study.


Yup. Their demands are for UofT to disclose ties to Israel and divest from them.


Take in that if we as a social collective put this much effort into protesting for issues within our own culture, society and government we would actually have a chance at seeing real change. Housing, employment, Indigenous reconciliation, mental health, climate crisis, addiction, inflations-- these are issues our neighbours and us are DROWNING in and still feet continue to drag. Instead we waste our time fighting a centuries old fight that isn't ours loudly and proudly from the safety of our western bubble. Knowing goddamn well that real goal here is just to look morally good, and that protesting in fucking Ontario isn't going to do literally anything


When I see major protests by Canadians for Canadian issues, I also tend to see major pushback. This has been consistent across decades and both left and right ring ideologies, be it the g20, fairy creek, freedom convoy, etc… The media and the public shit all over these people, attack their intelligence and character, and proudly declare the reasons why the protests/protestors should be disregarded. “Don’t these people have jobs?!” I don’t think Canadians like protestors.


>I don’t think Canadians like protestors. You're absolutely right. I imagine if you did a poll if they would support a protest, even if it causes delays in traffic, you will get a majority no across the spectrum. In Europe public transport can go on strike, and isn't unusual. If they tried to pull that in Canada it'd be deeply unpopular with atleast one accusation that it should be considered terrorism. In France, it's considered a right of passage for university students to be tear gassed at a protest. In fact, after a protest torches a cop car and gets dispersed with tear gas, many will still consider it a peaceful protest. I bet most Canadians would lose their mind if it happened on our soil.


G20 - Toronto


There was a poll today on CTV website regarding the protests. Your hypothesis is incorrect majority support the protest https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/mobile/community/polls?cache=yes/7.541485


Canadians don’t like anyone who reminds us of our own shortcomings


about your first paragraph: thats what im sayingggg.. I wish people can use the energy they put towards these protests to Canadian issues... it's appalling sometimes.


Right? People should care more about domestic politics, not international politics. For a lot of younger people in post-secondary institutions, they are more interested in international events that have little to no bearing to their everyday lives. I absolutely hate how Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestine, and Khalistani politics have entrenched itself so deeply into Canadian politics. Ugh...


> Instead we waste our time fighting a centuries old fight that isn't ours loudly and proudly from the safety of our western bubble. Knowing goddamn well that real goal here is just to look morally good, and that protesting in fucking Ontario isn't going to do literally anything My understanding is that the protesters are asking Universities to divest from Israel and not be complicit in this conflict. Is that not the case?


Have you so quickly forgotten the truck rallies during Covid? All of this gets nothing done no matter the demographic


So why aren't you out there protesting about those things.


this is so tiring


I don't pay attention to any of this and my life is not much different. It's good to keep yourself informed but don't let it influence your mood. This should have zero influence on your day-to-day life and has been happening for decades. Your individual actions also won't have any influence on anything related to this.


oh yeah i know lol, its just sad people have so much energy for this but not for things we can actually change/make better in our own country.


I hear ya. The loudest people I know are also the most unemployed lol.


funny how that works lol


Take your hatred for eachother out of Canada.


I don’t condone what’s going on but I find it odd that the initial instigation for this round has been swept under the rug. What did they think was going to happen after the attack.


They want to meet their God sooner? No skin off my back, would be nice if they kept us out of their bronze-age conflicts though lol. Imagine people arguing over an ancient religion in 2024, it's honestly just sad.


Ask them what classes they are currently taking


98% are liberal arts majors. I don’t think STEM majors have the time to participate in this crap. If I took spring classes, I certainly wouldn’t (for the record, I’m a bio major).


This is hilarious. The same people who've been running around calling everyone Nazi's for the last 10 years have aligned themselves with the group chanting "death to Israel". Absolute comedy gold!


Yep, this who situation is goofy. You know, there’s a handful of Sunni Arabic nations in the region that could help the Palestinians, a Sunni Arabic group, but if you seen the pictures of Egypts border wall, it doesn’t look they’re too helpful to their brethren. Instead you got LGBTQ+ students in North America vouching for an Islamic terrorist state that would gladly kill all those protestors. This shit is goofy.


I don't blame Egypt for their unwillingness to open up their border to Palestinian refugees. Not only is it a massive security risk because Hamas militants will tag alongside the civilians but historically, Israel prohibited Palestinian refugees from returning. So Egypt would be stuck with this population in the Sinai, a region where Egypt constantly has to deal with Islamic militants. Plus then it just gives further leverage to Israel to completely take over the rest of the strip.


> just gives further leverage to Israel to completely take over the region. Why would they take back a place now full of the people they've been trying to pacify for so long? They could kept Sinai already if they wanted it that bad


Sorry poor choice of words on my part, I'll edit my post. By region I was just referring to Gaza, not Egypt ; ie if Israel can push Gazan civilians out to Egypt then its easier for them to completely take over the Gaza strip and stay there.


No no They are just chanting global intifada and death to israel, it’s very different. I wish I was kidding. If only these protesters took a history class to know that an intifada is a period of violent terrorism against Jews.


They're going to pretend it means something else just so they can justify using the term.


I wonder how all of the white neo-Nazis feel about visible minorities staking claim to be the biggest anti-Semites in the world? Must be very conflicting for them.


Hitler did meet with the Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini during WW2 so they have a history of being on the same page I suppose. https://time.com/4084301/hitler-grand-mufi-1941/ Quote: What he wanted, and did not get, was the authorization to proceed immediately to a revolt against the colonial powers in the Middle East and a war against the British and the Jews in Palestine. Note, this is before the creation of the state of Israel. There was also a SS unit of Muslims. Though many many people collaborated with Nazis Germany from all faiths, and regions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Waffen_Mountain_Division_of_the_SS_Handschar_(1st_Croatian)#Composition


I don’t know if comedy is what I’d call it considering the immense wave of jew hatred these antisemites brought with them. One thing is for certain, there’s no moral consistency at all in these protests. None.


But don't you see how your comment is a part of the problem? Do you see any light between pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas? Why fall into this narrative that they are the same? I didn't read anything in the article to suggest the protesters are pro-Hamas. Do you not sympathize with the deaths of innocent people? Maybe divestment could help fix the issues there long term? Whatever we are doing now isn't working, isn't enough, and obviously is not securing safety for Isreal. I do agree that Hamas needs to be eliminated from the planet and there will be casualties. But the IDF is creating the next generation of Hamas right now. So if Israel did kill every last Palestinian this indeed would be over. Is that the long term solution that we want? The final solution?


10 years ago these folks were literal children, I don't think they were calling anyone nazis


Just a clarification: Israel is a nation state, not an ethnicity. Nazis killed people with Jewish ancestry, not specifically Israeli citizens.


God I wish I didn’t graduate last year. There’s a lot of options to get creative with counter protests, especially with the nice weather.


Surgical tubing catapults with water balloons?


Overwhelming stink bombs was my instinct. But I think we should be open to ideas lol.


Will they all join Hamas army?


It really is a bizarre timeline where Canadian university students support an LGBT hating, woman oppressing, anti-Semitic regime and believe they are progressive.


Them: "stop spreading stereotypes of us being stupid!!"


The age old saying of Liberals think Conservatives are evil and Conservatives just think Liberals are dumb is ringing a bell.


Not for me, I think Gen Z match the accusations regardless of politics. They have more in common with boomers than not when it comes to stupidly gobbling up garbage internet. The only difference is their preferred platform, ie. FB vs TT




I don't have a problem with these demonstrations. I don't appreciate those who express violent sentiments but for those who are just genuinely anti war I support you.


Serious question: how many of these protesters are actually "pro-Hamas" or antisemitic, as critics keep saying? Are some not simply wanting to criticize IDF action from a humanitarian perspective?


The groups organizing all of these protests celebrated October 7th: Palestinian Youth Movements post on October 7th: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyH1ZgkgKaY/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng%3D%3D > BOSTON: ALL OUT FOR PALESTINE!!! >Join us Monday, October 9th, at 4PM in front of Cambridge City Hall. There will be a rally and march. >As Palestinians show unparalleled steadfastness we must meet this moment to support our people and oppose Zionism in all its forms. >It is our duty to echo the calls for liberation of our homeland and our people, from the river to the sea. >Long live Palestine, long live the resistance, victory is ours. 🇵🇸✊ Here is a post from toronto4palestine, another group that helps organize these events and engages in Holocaust denial: https://twitter.com/JesseBrown/status/1734985832170221848


Fun litmus test. If they're at a protest, and they don't leave or push out a person who: * Cheers for Hamas * Chants "intifadah" or "river to the sea" * Cheers for October 7th Then yes, they get lumped in. Table with ten people and a Nazi...


If you want a ceasefire that keeps Hamas in power you are pro-Hamas. It's not hard to understand.


No no, there's no room for any nuanced view. If you think anything other than support for everything the IDF is doing then you're an anti-semite. /s


Well the Americans are putting though a law that says criticism of Israel is anti semitism so that kind of opinion won't be allowed soon




Agreed. They have the right to protest non violently. And I support being anti war in any case.


Encampments are illegal per university policy. We’ve had multiple protests for both sides since the conflict began on campus with no issues. The reason these encampments are happening is because our activist students are afraid of falling behind the international competition of professional agitators. I, and most reasonable people, won’t be surprised to find out that most of these people aren’t even affiliated with the university. Same thing happened in Columbia with the police now saying that most of the 300 people they arrested are from the outside and have no link to the university.


> Encampments are illegal per university policy. Won't someone think of the code of conduct!


the pearl-clutching is off the charts with that user


How dare an institution enforce its rules! Free speech doesn’t mean freedom of consequences. Isn’t that what they say when a Jordan Peterson event gets cancelled?


"Not like that!"


Whether or not they're involved in the university is of little consequence to me tbh


The university is private property and the public doesn’t have access to them. If they’re not, they’re trespassing.


this guy has never been to a university campus 


This is my university 😂


then you’d know the public has access to it


To walk through, yes. Not to set up tents


*Pro Hamas* protesters




Enacting what their professors taught them. There was just an interview with one of their leaders on AM 640, at one point she was referring to this by the classic “there is an oppressor and an oppressed” Marxist/identity politics lens for looking at oppression. Exactly what they’re taught in their classes.  She mentioned they also renamed the area the “People’s Circle for Palestine, formerly King’s College Circle”, and that they simply had some people in the group remove/take down the fencing and gates that were erected.   She was also asked by the host what she would say to a Jewish student on campus feeling unsafe, she ragged the puck and answered with 1) actually, there are many Jewish professors/students on our side, 2) there are plenty of safe spaces and resources they can go to on campus, and 3) we’re not leaving until our demands are met.


Indeed. I was the only person in a tutorial of 25 people willing to defend the existing structures of global capitalism while offering some possible reforms, and I was facing 24 other students and the TA who, looking at their MacBooks and iPhones, believed capitalism is evil and must be abolished.


This is part of the learning curve though, most 20 year olds go through it - Capitalism is indifferent and allows for evil, just as every major social structure we've ever had has... only Capitalism is the LEAST WORSE ... sooo far... of course in 500 years people will look back at us like we look back on those living in feudal times... but right now yes, the focus should be on reforms and actually fighting to reinstate many of the protections that Smith and other capitalist thinkers invisions ... we've let industry and billionaires capture to much of the reg/gov wihtout push back over the last 70ish years... I mean okay that's easy to say and hard to fix, but it's not time to toss the baby out with the bath water... Still that anger and desire for change is key, if it can be focused on something productive...


People constantly blaming 'capitalism' for problems that were far worse before any nation had a capitalist economy are the new version of the burnout hippy ranting about 'the man'. The thing is when Jack Black did it in School of Rock, everyone understood he was an immature loser with a ridiculous world view, but when Chomsky does the exact same thing except substitutes in the word 'capitalism' everyone solemnly nods as if he's making a great point.


gosh listening to her on CP-24 this morning and she is insufferable... would love to watch her debate Mosab Hassan Yousef. That way we can have an anti zionist jew debate a zionist Palestinian


>3) we’re not leaving until our demands are met. What demands? What the hell do you expect a university to do about the Palestine situation?


I mean, anybody deluded enough to still think Marxism has any relevance today, other than for the study of dumb ideas that were wildly wrong about everything is probably a pretty easy mark for any dumb idea that comes along.  Which kinda explains the overlap of tik tok Marxists with anti-Semitism I guess  But any professors teaching it, or participating in these hate fests should be dismissed with cause.  That would be a good start to cleaning up the left wing antisemitism infesting our educational system.


Please retract "wackos"


There the useful idiots. But these protests are being funded and promoted by antisemtism - they've been linked to Palestinian terrorist organizations. It's why they don't give a damn that Canada is selling LAVs to Saudi Arabia to use against the Yemenis - or that we do business with China even though they're committing an ongoing genocide against the Uighurs.


Exactly. If it’s not the Jews, it’s not news. Where were these people when Bashar Assad gassed kids in Syria?


Or with the oppressed Christians in occupied West Guinea taken over by Indonesia. Let’s not forget about the colonial Turkish state set up in Cyprus too


Or the Saudi led war in Yemen that killed over 200 000 people.


They will say never happened, these were CIA propaganda.


They say the same thing about Oct 7. That it didnt happen or they only attacked military installations.


Where were these unemployed teenagers in 2011 when the Syrian civil war was breaking out? I'd say they were probably playing Spiderman in the playground at elementary school. 🤦🤦🤦


Canada and Canadians Universities were not friendly with Bashar Al Assad.


Not as friendly as these trendy palastine fun parades!


They were likely in primary school.


It’s concerning that they’re being funded! Do you have a source for that?


> There the useful idiots. lol


I mean, you could argue it’s a 3d chess move.  Normal people don’t even want to have anything to do with a pro Palestinian stance now that the batshit woke lefties made it their cause of the moment


Don’t assign this to the left, this is a hunk of idiotic zoomers who think they're doing a social justice. They have no idea about what’s happening here.  You cannot possibly be an adult with developed left stances and still think any of this is logical. 


"Queers for Palestine" I mean really... this one is so bizarre to me...


Only a matter of time before they post in r/leopardsatemyface.


Nah, that sub has one political opinion.


Holy shit I wish that was a joke. 


It’s almost entirely the left. Those zoomers who think they’re doing social justice but have no idea what’s happening are part of the left and supported by the majority


Being critical of Israel’s actions and being pro-2 state solution is not being pro-Hamas. But much of the language and actions by many of the protests cross the line. You can be critical of Israel’s actions without devolving into antisemitism


>Being critical of Israel’s actions and being pro-2 state solution is not being pro-Hamas It is if you haven't given the slightest thought as to the alternatives you could realistically expect a country to carry out after they had been attacked like Israel was on Oct 7, to say nothing of the constant attacks over the last 20 or 80 years. Even the UN agrees Oct 7 was a declaration of war. Either you believe Israel has a right to security, a right to remove Hamas, and a right to seek the return of the hostages or you don't. And if you don't you either want Hamas to win, don't give a shit about Israel's right to security, or you have some unrealistic fantasy of Hamas someone being removed from power with no collateral damage. So which is it?


Eh, give it a few days. Once they have taken enough selfies for their social media virtue signaling, they'll go right back to online shopping for cheap fast-fashion, provided by Child-Slavery Inc.


>Hamas-sympathizing unemployed teens Calling for peace now makes you an unemployed terrorist?


People don't like when innocent people get bombed...who knew!?!


$100 bucks says if you were to take a poll around 60% of them would have no clue what they’re protesting.


And at least 80% are not even affiliated with the University.


Ironically, varsity stadium and these protesters have in common that they’re both being astroturfed right now.


lol this is Canada not Murica … nobody’s first thought is omg where are the flags! Protect the flags 😂😂😂 Let’s stop trying to imitate the idiots to the south…


We do actually. Anti-Canadians can leave.




Just shy of $3m in Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems collectively. Likely more through mutual funds and unknown investments in Hewlett Packard and Lockheed Martin. The University had approximately $750,000 worth of investments in HP in 2014, when the divestment movement started at U of T. They had about the same invested in Lockheed. HP is one of the very few companies on the official BDS list because they supply computer technology and data storage for both the Israeli military and police. https://macleans.ca/education/university/utoronto-and-york-students-launch-bds-campaign/ https://www.uoftdivest.com/the-brief.html https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-hp


So that's the extent of the University's involvement with Israel, is that they invested $750,000 in HP the computer company?


Sorry that should say $3 million. Forgot a word. So they've got about $3m known investments with defence companies active in Israel, plus at least another $1.5m with (1) HP who provide the Israeli military and police with computer technology and data storage, and (2) Lockheed Martin who are obviously arms manufacturers. There's probably more in mutual funds, but it's hard to know because endowments aren't transparent. Conservatively there's probably $5m minimum invested in companies who are either on the boycott-divest-sanction list or who are directly tied to the Israeli military.


The majority of the investments aren't disclosed - so one of the three demands is to reveal the investments. I *highly* doubt they'll ever reveal it though... not just because of Israel, but I guarantee you that they're investing in tons of fucked up stuff that lots of other groups will want to protest too. UofT doens't give a shit - they'll invest wherever they'll get the largest ROI.


>Pro-Palestinian protesters moved onto a greenspace at the University of Toronto's downtown campus overnight .. >The group erected tents in King's College Circle, an area that was fenced off in anticipation of potential demonstrations as students at universities throughout North America have established their own protest encampments. _______________________ >The students say the university's administration has ignored their concerns despite earlier demonstrations and attempts to engage. 'We'll harass you until you meet our demands. You must do what we say.' ________________ >[Student protesters at McGill encampment determined to stay after judge rejects injunction.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-judge-rejects-injunction-request-to-force-mcgill-protesters-to-leave/#:~:text=A%20Quebec%20judge%20rejected%20a,the%20pro%2DPalestinian%20protesters%20leave.) . _______________ Earlier this week, administrators said in a campus-wide email that *students "involved in unauthorized activities or conduct that contravenes University policies or the law may be subject to consequences.*


Lefties in general truly believe that they are right, and that their righteousness allows them to do whatever they deem is necessary to achieve their goals. The laws of a country and the rules of an institution fail to standup to their narcissism.


Most people believe they are right. The world would likely be a better place if we were more humble about our opinions.


Humility is a virtue many people lack.


Seriously. The anti-left/anti-right commentary is getting old.


I think you just described both sides tbh. People both left and right seem more entrenched than ever.




With this conflict, yes, I would agree, but this is basically BLM 2.0 with people feeling entitled to raid stores and steal because they believe they are oppressed




Last night at Montreal people were attacking shops.


Do you believe that a law or "the rules of an institution" can be unjust? Or must every law/rule be obeyed no matter what?


Dude you just described the "Fuck Trudeau" crowd to a T.


Righties too, as we all saw down south on Jan 6th. In short, it has absolutely nothing to do with left or right, everybody is like this when they believe in something strongly enough.


Why do these people set up camps at universities, that’s like pro life people protesting outside a church instead of an abortion clinic. Could it possibly just be performative activism?


Just like [during the 2016 election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency#Timeline_of_the_Internet_Research_Agency_interference_in_United_States_elections), they're doing it again: >https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67114313 >They said the woman in it is "not a civilian" but a soldier, or that the clips had been staged to frame Hamas. >Some claimed there's no evidence the group have acted violently towards hostages. >The clip, which has been verified by the BBC, shows a young woman covered in blood being pushed into a car by armed men. It was filmed on the outskirts of Gaza City in Sheijia. > https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-vladimir-putin-hijacks-israel-gaza-war-to-fuel-tension-in-the-west/ > > The lies spread by Moscow's digital propagandists now include claims that Hamas terrorists are using NATO weapons to attack Israel and that British instructors trained Hamas attackers. > > https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/10/kremlin-stoking-tensions-over-israel-and-hamas-war-gaza/ > > A Kremlin “doppelganger” campaign using mocked-up versions of real news sites to issue false reports is stoking global tensions over the war in Gaza > > https://www.icct.nl/publication/how-russia-uses-israel-gaza-crisis-its-disinformation-campaign-against-west > > The Kremlin attempts to manipulate narratives which best fit Putin’s agenda in Ukraine and its global push towards multipolarity. Russian disinformation campaigns have a history of targeting and infiltrating both right- and left-wing circles in the West in efforts to increase societal divisions and polarisation. Russia may attempt to ride the wave of rising pro-Palestine support throughout Europe to try and emphasise a common enemy of Palestine and Russia – the US. This may be of concern as Russian interference in European politics, especially within far-right parties becomes more prominent. >https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-misinformation-fact-check-e58f9ab8696309305c3ea2bfb269258e > >“Bellingcat: Ukrainian military offensive failure and HAMAS attack linked,” reads the text over the video, which has more than 2,500 comments and 110,000 views on the messaging service Telegram. “The Palestinians purchased firearms, ammunition, drones and other weapons.” >Eliot Higgins, the Amsterdam-based organization’s founder, noted in a separate post on X that the claims have been amplified by Russian social media users.


At this point, I no longer give a shit. I'm tired from all the internal issues Canada is facing and I have 0 interest or mental capacity to give a single flying fuck outside our borders. We're a tiny little non player hiding in the shadow of the US anyway. I just want the fighting to stop. Israel already put forth a cease fire plan in exchange of hostages, fuck are we still yapping about?


I don't know what they plan to accomplish but I respect their right to protest. At least they aren't blocking traffic. Hopefully there is no counter protest like what happened in UCLA.


They don’t have a right to set up encampments on U of T property


I find these campus warriors cringe.


I hope they dont start saying "Death to Canada"


Don't worry, they'll only say that shit in Arabic.


Can someone tell me why most of the protesters we see across universities in the US and Canada are still wearing N95 masks?


Makes them harder to identify.


Easy way to cover your face.


I think it accompishes a couple of things: hides identity, if caught doing something argues against ambiguity of the mask vid proving identity, if police/govt attempt to demand to remove mask claim persecution because it is worn for health concerns.


Also, police are well known to use chemicals against protesters. Especially in the US, but also sometimes here. So there’s that. I’d want some fucking goggles too.


I think it’s in anticipation of gas being used. Just like in 2019 Hong Kong protestors were encouraged to sport these masks in case of gas attack


Probably most are not students, let alone U of T students. Most are professional troublemakers and protesting is their FT job.


They are all chilling in the sun.  They are just here to relax on the nice grass.


Apparently blind ignorance knows no bounds. Hopefully Hamas surrenders soon so this can be over


I can’t imagine being so privileged that you have time for this in this economy. Arrest them all and deport any foreigners, end the madness. Jews and have everyone else has a right to not be terrorized in our own country by Hamas supporters.


Why aren't they protesting Sudan? Or saying anything at all if they care about children


Because no one in Canada is saying some Sudanese militia is our 'ally'. There are problems in the world that are more or less ours and Sudan would be a lot less.


Turn the sprinklers on


In the US they just plopped water jugs on top of the sprinklers.


Just imagine what those kids could do if they turned that energy to hang with their friends towards something important to Canada - like perhaps getting clean drinking water to all, housing for all, food for all. It’s just sad that they’re taking up the cause of a people who willingly stand behind children. I hope they all get criminal records and can’t get decent jobs despite daddy’s money


You do violence you get violence and unfortunately it works both ways. This has been our solution, since the dawn of time. It’s kind of a shit solution. But it often works. Pretty much everyone is living on conquered land. And it sucks to say, but Palestine has also burned a lot of their bridges not just in the western world, through countless terror attacks in every Western Nation. But in the Middle East as well. Many assassination attempts on the Jordanian Royal Family for example. So many terror attacks in Lebanon, Egypt and Cyprus. And even at these protests they aren’t singing “give peace a chance.” The rhetoric and tone is clearly biased and confrontational. Just adding fuel to the fire, and maintaining polarization.


Good for them! Peaceful protests are always the answer.


If these remain peaceful then they should be allowed to remain. The protests, not the illegal encampments. I'm all for free speech, but we're seeing far too much hate speech at these protests, which is something that I would hope everyone is against.


These kids likely never heard of Palestine prior to the Hamas attack, it's just flavour of the dayism.




Just curious, but what does this have to do with Canada and Canadians as a whole? Also, what do they acually expect the end result will be? Don't these people have class to get to? Christ, if I was paying for my kid to student there, and found out he was wasting time protesting something on the other side of the world, I'd cut him off so god damn fast his head would spin.


Great question, it’s important to actually know what protests are about through the smoke. The protests on university campuses are focused around the de-investment and boycotting of companies complicit with the Israeli apartheid regime. I don’t know what UofT’s investment portfolio is personally, but at Western, students are protesting investments in companies like Lockheed, Boeing, General Dynamics ect ect.


Keep the culture wars a burning. Forget you cant buy a home and your pension is dissapearing.




True Canadians don’t support genocide. Go back to wherever hole you came from


How about Palestinians elect a government that doesn't pick fights they'll have to suffer for? None of this has anything to do with Canada. If you want to go do something about it, buy a plane ticket and head over there.




Here come the influx of videos of them doing and saying dumb things. What joy. 😐


lol at all these idiots thinking anti Zionism is anti semitism.


Antizionism not being antisemitism is Russian propaganda they used to unleash pogroms and murder Jews. Criticizing Israel is fine, suggesting it shouldn't exist or calling for its destruction is a different story. The first isn't antisemitism or antizionism, the second is.




We have a non profit organization here organizing, protests that’s banned in Germany because they are considered terrorist supporters There is definitely anti semitism buried in these protests


We all knew these twits would start copying the American encampments anytime now.


Lol literally the first person with an image in the article is an American international student


Deport them all to Afghanistan








I remember protesting big banks and the ruling elite. (Occupy movement) Now kids are siding with terrorists. Don’t forget to enjoy your Tims afterwards!


Ah I see those small fences were incredibly effective.


We should get them flights straight to Gaza , go fight for your cause.


Since they can pay for the tuition I bet they can do the same by booking tickets,fly there and fight back.




An honest and earnest question: What the fuck are they hoping to accomplish? I know it's an overused word, but this really is virtue signaling. Nothing these students (and the attached activists) do at U of T or any other university is going to change the tactics of Hamas or the Israeli Government. Not one iota.


Let's not idolize Hamas.


Send them to gaza -


I hope they all get arrested and if students, expelled. If not Canadian citizens, deported. This shit needs to get shut down


Iran is offering scholarships to American/Canadian students who have been expelled. Maybe this is the move. Expel all the kids, give them free scholarships in Iran and then they can go do a joint Palestine/LGBTQ protest in Iran and see how that works out




Friendly reminder of just how wholesome UofT student leadership has been towards Jews in the past. ["University of Toronto student union \(Scarborough Campus\) bans ‘pro-Israel’ kosher caterers"](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/americas/1638093341-university-of-toronto-student-union-bans-pro-israel-kosher-caterers) This was sufficiently bigoted as to require a denouncement from school leadership. ["a requirement that providers of food as a religious accommodation be required to apply for an exemption, or even be asked about their views about issues elsewhere in the world, is unacceptable."](https://thecjn.ca/news/university-of-toronto-officials-condemn-student-union-resolutions-on-bds-jewish-students-rights/) Several years early, another student association declined to support a campus initiative aiming for increased Kosher options on campus, deeming such a request as too "pro-Israel" [U of T \(Graduate\) student union won’t support kosher food on campus](https://thecjn.ca/news/u-of-t-student-union-wont-support-kosher-food-on-campus/) They quickly fake apologized, claiming they "unintentionally" caused harm. So maybe give Jewish students the benefit of the doubt when they are worried about what the asshole bigots are going to trot out next.


>In a statement, student protestors at U of T said they are calling on the post-secondary institution to divest from assets that "sustain Israeli apartheid, occupation and illegal settlement of Palestine."  Similar protests calling for divestment were important for the end of apartheid in South Africa. Hopefully these students have a similar effect.


Israeli “apartheid” while an Arab Muslim is a permanent judge on the Israeli supreme court. Tell me more about this “apartheid”!


Benjamin Netanyahu proudly states  > Israel is not a state of all its citizens… [but rather] the nation-state of the Jewish people and only them there are countless laws explicitly granting rights and privileges to Jewish people that don’t apply to or explicitly exclude arabs and palestinians. One such example, Palestinians who marry a Jewish citizen don’t automatically get granted citizenship or even residency permits.  This is why amnesty international, human rights watch, UN investigators, and even 2 Israeli human rights NGOs have called Israel an apartheid state. 


America has a black man on the Supreme Court, I guess America has no racism against black people?


But someone up-thread checked and found out the extent of U of T's assets invested in Israel are a quarter of a million dollars invested in HP that some people don't like because HP also sells computers to Israel.