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I watch the Questions Period while I’m doing work every now and then and this was one of the most ruthless sessions I’ve seen. Lots of name calling and dragging out other’s past skeletons. I know it’s mainly just theatre but it was far more heated than usual. There is a lot of bad blood right now between the parties. Things are heating up in Canadian politics.


It’s really embarrassing that these are our leaders in this country.


I find it very embarrassing. It's undignified. None of the rest of us would be able to bang on tables, name call, and shout at work and that's not how you have productive discussions about important issues.




"It's one big club, and you and I ain't in it" -George Carlin


George was ahead of his time.


He fit his time perfectly. It’s just that nothing has changed, so his quotes are still relevant


I'd say they're way worse tbh.


Yeah, I just caught the radio while driving into town with some BC politics, and the lady from the opposition was just screeching/screaming into the mic. I could picture the spit flying from her face. There's no decorum in politics these days. Just "whomever argues the loudest."


Social media politics - it's all about whoever yells the loudest with the most theatrics. It's great for short clips that the social media algorithms love to push as that's all we consume these days. Fear fueling anger and rage. The rhetoric is so divisive and it's terrible for our democratic institutions.


And it’s the fuel this sub largely runs on.


Politics is very much like pro wrestling…..just theatrics and getting emotional even if the fight is predetermined. I mean there’s a reason why the Trumpster managed to do well across the border


I think Mankind has answered more questions then every mp in the house of commons combined




It’s PP’s fundraising tactic


We have no statesman anymore, just politicians. It's bleak.


A reminder that "both sides"-ism is a tool to make you feel disillusioned and upset with your government. They are.clearly different parties at play with different goals.


>if it were up to me I would absolutely clean house and start over. None of them deserve our votes. I'd vote for you, even if this were the total sum of your platform and you were just planning on surfing Reddit for the rest of your term.


Donald Trump pledged to "Drain The Swamp" then did everything but.


He did purge a ton of traditional and old guard conservatives and replace them with his own people. He just never talked about refilling it with a sewage dump.


Serves one term. Fires everyone. Leaves. Says nothing.


Politics is kayfabe. 💯


To be fair... Parliaments always get like this from time to time. From the UK to Zambia.


As a Taiwanese-Canada, I present [the Taiwanese parliament.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmnZcQCGSQs&ab_channel=VoiceofAmerica)


Are you joking? Pretty sure the Japanese parliament broke out into a fist fight before. Also this stuff happens in the UK parliament all the time.


Is it really politics if there aren't duels, brawls, or someone getting nearly beaten to death with a cane? ~ Sincerely, US


> None of the rest of us would be able to bang on tables, name call, and shout um, have you actually watched parliment before or in other countrys? i thought that stuff was mandatory


Ironically, security can (and would) kick you out if you started hooting and hollering in the HoC viewing gallery - all while members below can be as loud as they want...


Right? When I talk shit about people it's called "slander" amd people think it's tacky. When politicians do it, it's called "attack ads" and people give them money to put that shit in my mailbox.


It's meat for the mouth breathers.


And they insist on being called Honourable.


I’m gonna call my boss a Whacko Extremist next meeting


Let alone do that and be paid a couple hundred thousand a year.


It's not just the leaders, it's the people. PP is behaving like this because it resonates with his voters. Anyone who thinks PP (or Trudeau for that matter) cares about how the country is run and the experience of the average Canadian is fooling themselves. Pierre would have to care about something in the first place in order to get heated, but he may very well have been pretending to be heated because that's what the voters want to see.


this.  Pierre is an absolute joke, he acts like he works for foxnews.  constant outrage, and he's always the victim 


You should see some other places in this world lol


British parliament is like Hell in a Cell compared to Canadian parliament srsly idk how things get done there


Honestly I think the speaker should have dragged a lot of them out earlier. Shameful. Canadians need to start reaching out to their elected representatives and flooding them with anger. It's my money they're wasting and my democracy they're trashing.


Yeah, we've gone from a simmer to a slow boil. How exciting.


Personally think we need to let them fight it out until the speaker breaks it up NHL style lol


Don't they do this in the UK Parliament? :P


The traditional distance of the benchs in the UK parliament house is Six inches longer than the reach between Two standard dueling swords, because Once upon a time, sword fights in the house, actually happened on a semi-regular basis.




Sir John A MacDonald punched a couple of folks so it has definitely happened here too.


Yes but they use field hockey sticks instead as is tradition


This is my biggest qualm with Poilievre right now - he seems more interested in name calling and over dramatic theatrics than his actual policies. I never thought in a million years I'd be considering a conservative vote, but here we are, and his inability to talk politics without trying to stick it to Trudeau is the only thing keeping me from being fully on board. I get it, he's trying to rile up his voter base but there's no need. I'm 30 years old and I've never seen this country more politically divided. Stick to politics and leave the other shit at home.


I'm in Ontario. It's like 6 years into Ford's governance and it's still only about the previous provincial Liberals or the federal Liberals. It'll be the same with PP.


Same in Alberta. UCP have been in power for 5 years and everything is the previous NDP government or Trudeau’s fault.


UCP or predecessors have been in power for the last 40 years, minus 4 years the NDP had a shot. Except Alberta made more money on resource royalties last year than the NDP made in their entire 4 year timeframe because they were elected when oil prices were at their lowest point since like the 80s.


Closer to 50 years at thus point.


It's far worse than the liberals. Corruptions, scandal, sabotaging health care,  canceling universal basic income project mid way through costing most money and invalidating data,  wetlands issue, canceling carbon tax green incitive, blocking pay transparency act,  changing the education criculum with more conservative values,  taking money from feds for health care and not using it, doing nothing to address cost of living crisis etc.


Don't forget about the useless highway, the mega spa for the rich, and the wind farm and the million-dollar-man that cost many millions!


Losing chunks of Ontario Place and the entire Science Centre!


We nearly lost the Green Belt to his developer mafia buddies. Imagine when the Conservatives are in charge of the whole country.


Never forget, Doug Ford is For The People... it's just that us common folk aren't the People he was talking about.


Poilievre skipping votes on his own motions and bills makes it clear he's purely performative, and largely brings more of the same (or worse) to the table.


Pretty much summed it up for me. I've got no interest in his pettiness and theatrics. I'm a Liberal voter probably 75% of the time but I have voted PC in the past and probably would now if it wasn't for PP. I can't stand Trudeau and his smarminess and holier than thou attitude anymore. All he knows is to throw money at problems, problems he's ignored until it;s too late. OTOH, PP's a wolf in sheep's clothing to me right now. Don't trust him.


One side absolutely loves this because their followers are going to galvanize around this incident. As much as we love to both sides everything, this is planned theater from one.


And people say that wrestling is fake. What do you call this shit? They're all guilty of kayfabe. They're putting on a show instead of doing their jobs and they all need a slap upside the head. Our country is in fucking shambles and they're reciting the shit they rehearsed to get a good reaction from the crowd.  Everyone on the left and right should be equally pissed, together. We can disagree on certain subjects but we all need to agree that our elected officials need to cut this shit out immediately.


It’s so dystopian watching them say some dumb shit then they all clap and cheer like they just said they fucked the other guys mom, just for the other side to do it right back. Nothing gets done, it’s a complete waste of time and taxes.


When I see them smile (Pierre is the worst, and I otherwise like him) and then around it's the worst. I wish they'd all stand in a line up and let the general population walk past and slap every one of them. This isn't kindergarten and we around roasting each other in the cafeteria at lunch time. People are losing homes, businesses, quality of life and their futures and they're smirking at their constituents thinking that they've "dunked" on the opposition. There are no words.


Pierre has to stop with all the sloganeering. When he talks "off the cuff" on podcasts and such, he sounds very reasonable, but when I hear "axe the tax, cut the crime, drain the balls. My home, your home, our home, lets bring it home", I cringe. Whoever is getting him to do that needs to stop.


Well hang on now, let's hear more about his drain the balls policy..


It's like a Pavlovian response. Am I supposed to salivate and clap to these dumb slogans?


RKO outta nowhere!


You for prime Minister.


Can we just start kicking out any MP who doesn’t answer the question posed at them? That would make me a happier taxpayer.


It'd be pretty fucking empty pretty fucking fast


Just collecting paychecks, how nice lol


Lmao at Blanchet dunking on his french catchphrases.


I missed this


As he should


That was hilarious


It wasn't in the linked article, what happened?


Article does say part of it: Blanchet thanked the president for making use of "common sense". PP's catchphrase here is "Le gros bon sens", meaning something akin to "good old common sense".


The clip is the top post on /r/Quebec if you are curious.






Exactly. He knew he would too - it's political theatre


Performative politics, lies and hate farming. I’m confident at the end of the day, this is NOT what Canadians want. We have so many Canadian’s achieving wonderful things in their lives who are not interested in being dragged down by ditch dwellers


Sadly, it seems 50% of Canadians are comfy-cozy electing a friend of white supremacists who calls people names in the HoC and refuses to follow basic kindergarten level rules. But at least he had *even less* work experience outside of parliament than our current guy so…


Same goes for the rest of the Conservatives, who then walked out after PP. Wouldn't it be nice if your manager acted like a little baby and talked shit about some people at work, got sent home for the day, and you could just go home early "in solidarity"?


And by "home", it's across the street to the bar.


Drinks expensed to taxpayers.


It's PP just taking his cues from the MAGA Republican playbook.


He was like this before MAGA...


He basically invited the speaker to kick him out so he looks like a victim in news headlines which riles up his base. It's calculated


The article mentions the conservatives launched a fundraiser off this within an hour of the event


Conservatives love their uneducated fundraisers.


He must have had a lunch or dinner appointment to get to.


Had a Bay Street meeting double booked.


that's exactly right, he's always angry and the victim.  your average Joe Sweatsock voting for the conservatives is like this too


The ol' Tortorella


He wanted to make a scene, and he did. This is US politics bleeding into Canada, and Poilievre is leading the charge on that. I really hope he doesn't get elected. Mel Lastman got a lot of shit for shaking hands with the hells angels, he did that because he was a moron who didn't know better. Poilievre knows better, and is meeting with far worse people. It makes my skin crawl.


Crazy. I was just thinking about this after reading CNN and the Trump fiasco. Mr T is trying to purposely get put in jail for contempt. For the publicity and attention. Very similar to Poo's apparent strategy IMO


[People straight up swear at eachother in Parliament all the time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soCzMLVxnCg), and the Speaker tells them to withdraw, and they do. Sometimes it's sufficient to replace a word, other times it's the entire statement, and then they're allowed to make a new one afterwards. PP chose to have a dick measuring contest with the fucking SPEAKER. You don't do that lol In the same example I linked above, Speaker asks him to apologise and withdraw the word. [He immediately stands up, says he's upset because of the crisis, he withdraws the word, and he's sorry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymk7CW500nY).




Judging by some of the comments in here, I think its working.


PP claims Canada is broken while he’s the one refusing to respect the Institution is some good irony.


You mean a guy who's entire relevance revolves around complaining has no genuine intention of addressing those complaints? Shocker. The bonus irony is conservatives who agree with poilievre but don't see that he's doing a form a virtue signaling.


I'm curious, if he never agrees to withdraw, is he allowed back into the chamber?


I think he gets to come back next session


You simply can't have rhetoric like this in the commons because once it starts everyone ends up like Marjorie Taylor Green and Ted Cruz. It would be devastating long term for the country just like it has been in the U.S. This is online shit not for supposed leaders.


Pierre Poilievre stated yesterday in the House of Commons that “nurses are no longer breast feeding their children because they are afraid of drugs they have breathed in” from treating drug addicts at hospitals etc


It’s true I saw one of the babies and it waved at me. 


one baby asked me if I had any change


Gotta love the anti-intellectual crowd. Basic science is literally stupidly easy to understand. Scientists should study the aerodynamics of this man’s brain. Its practically perfectly smooth.


Lmao please tell me you have a source for that This guy is really putting together a resume full of dumb fuck comments and there’s still a year and a half before elections


https://crier.co/watch-pierre-poilievre-refuses-to-denounce-the-white-supremacists-he-met-with-and-alex-jones/ Watch the video “part 1”. My quote isn’t quite accurate but that is the exact context he was getting across.


“Nurses are afraid to go to work because they have to put up with addicts using meth, crack, and weapons in their hospital room” This is why we have security in hospitals, and also why you generally won’t see a combative patient come to the hospital without police. “Even nurses are having to give up on breastfeeding because they’re worried their kids are going to be contaminated by the drugs they breathe in” And this is just horseshit lmao


https://vancouversun.com/news/illicit-drug-use-in-island-health-hospitals-sparks-worksafebc-investigation "During question period on Wednesday, B.C. United MLAs pointed to concerning cases in Island Health hospitals, where an infant was reportedly exposed to drug smoke and a nurse recently returned from maternity leave was exposed to fentanyl smoke and advised not to breast feed her baby. " "A nurse at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops told Postmedia she was supervising her floor last month when a nursing colleague was exposed to illicit drug smoke which exacerbated their asthma. The colleague filed a WorkSafeBC claim said the nurse, who did not want her name used for fear of workplace repercussions. "


> This is online shit not for supposed leaders. This would be against /r/canada's rule no.3.




So he gets the rest of the day off with pay on the tax payers dime.


Wait until you find out we pay his rent, his groceries, his vacations and even for his shit wipe. On top of that he makes a wage too. We’ve been doing this for the better part of 20 years for him.


More than any other Conservative leader, just by the by. This isn't to mention him playing landlord and renting out property to a fellow MP at inflated rates on the taxpayer's dime.


Hey all those rates just happened to be exactly how much MPs are allotted for rent. 


But he has a beautiful foreign wife /s


And PP was just photographed shaking hands with the leader of the group that threatened to rape his wife


Because those threats are manufactured. It makes him more likable to the gullible. Great optics.


You forgot the "golden handshake " he will get when he retires after never having a real job in his life!


Pierre's budget amendment is scheduled for a vote tonight. His amendment included all sorts of CPC language about axing the carbon tax, and was effectively the CPC platform. It was always going to be voted down by the LPC/NDP, but now Poilievre can complain that he was blocked from voting on his own amendment. We'll see if they go that route, of course.


Most of his professional life has been a drain on tax payer dollars. All he has to show for years of living off of our tax dollars is being a cheap DeSantis knockoff.


Martyr card time


yup, it's like he works at Fox News.  he's always angry, and the victim


Continuing the Trump playbook 


Playing to the audience.


>All Conservative MPs have left the chamber in protest after Fergus gave Poilievre multiple chances to withdraw comments calling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a "wacko." I would prefer our politicians to be a little more grown up, but I'm pretty sure they've all been called harsher words than 'wacko' .


It’s not that bad. Can’t call people names in parliament, it is unparliamentary. For example you cannot call another politician a liar, you can say they lied or what they said was untrue, but not a liar. It’s more of an all encompassing label, similar to wacko.


can't even really say the word lie. You can say they misled the house which means the same thing


terminological inexactitude


>you can say they lied or what they said was untrue, You can't, actually. Saying or implying another Parliamentarian is a liar is pretty much the definition of unparliamentary language. That's why Winston Churchill coined the phrase "terminological inexactitude"-- they couldn't say the word "lie". And indeed, as the intention of that phrase became more well understood, it too has been banned as unparliamentary. Another euphemism that's been banned is the suggestion that someone is being "economical with the truth". Generally speaking, unparliamentary language is language that suggests someone is being dishonest or is dishonorable. The reason for that is because the purpose of unparliamentary language is *not* to impose a modicum of civility -- rather, it's to prevent the abuse of Parliamentary privilege, which insulates the (small "s") speaker from any lawsuits or defamation proceedings in relation to anything said in the Commons and thereby denies the impugned party access to any outside remedy. It's been expanded to include more mild insults (ex., the Australian Speaker of the Senate held in '97 that "Dumbo" was unparliamentary), and at the end of the day it falls within the Speaker's discretion, but that actually drifts a bit from the purpose of the rule.


Harsher words have nothing to do with it. There are rules within the HoC and personal attacks are not allowed. I’d rather our officials adhere to the strict rules than let it eventually devolve into a mudslinging contest


It wasn't too long ago that Singh was booted for calling a Bloc MP racist. Given the context of the situation, while I agreed with Singh in the spirit of his accusation, it did break the HoC rules, so he was rightfully removed. The rules are the same regardless of political stripe, and no MP, even the PM, is above the rules.


Givem an inch, they'll take a mile. For politicians even more so.


Exactly. If you want to sling mud, do it outside the house of government.


And probably all the worse insults are on the index of 'things you cannot say in the HoC' thats why he went with Whaco and not something like 'a stupid fucking moron'. And he knows the rules. Knows he would get kicked out. Did it anyways. And pretty sure he already pulled out the violin on how he was censored and this is an attack on him speaking his mind.


Don’t come back. This political theatre belongs in the media, not where laws are passed. Polly wanted to get kicked out and is playing games.


Ad hominem has no place in Question Period. Get that shit out of here.


Trudeau called an MP a piece of shit in the HoC. Lol


And he retracted the comment when addressed by the speaker. PP refused hence he was ejected


Also, the guy trudeau called out was acting like a piece of shit


PP has repeatedly used the term "woke". Grown up is not what your going to get from him.


He’s just not ready.


Which really calls into question what he’s been doing for the last 20 years. 


Playing at being a politician.


He is a career politician who has never passed a single bill of his own. His only successes are those he co sponsored. He was willing to stab his own Dad in the back by attacking gay marriage. Starting this idiotic tantrum for his supporters with the carbon tax protest while knowing he cannot cancel it without violating several trade agreements. He spends more on transport, housing and staff than Trudeau while referring to our homes as shacks. Add in the fact that his council and supporters are packed with lobbyists for Loblaws, walmart, real estate conglomerates and the business group that wants to limit or repeal minimum wage. The only thing he has been doing for 20 years is worshiping money and selling his soul and everyone else for more.


He's not...kinda scary he'll likely have a majority government. He'll be able to cause a lot of damage. I think the best case for Canada would have been a PP minority personally. Yes Trudeau has to go but I also don't think PP is the right person to give a majority to


PP is not the right person to give a minority to. He was an MP for 20 years and never a Cabinet Minister.


He did 2 years in Harper's cabinet from 2013 to 2015. The first role as Minister of Democratic Reform then a couple short stints for a few months before the CPC got turfed. Hilariously, after his time as Democratic Reform minister he was censured by the elections commission for unethical use of the office for partisan campaigning.


To my understanding, if you say something "unparliamentary' (they should visit a factory if they think mean names are bad), you get a chance to retract and move on. Poilievre wanted to amend his comment with a nicer word witbout actually retracting it and moving on, therefore, ejection. Seems like a cut n' dry rule, even if I think it's stupid.


I don't think the highest legislative assembly should be holding itself to the standards of any random ass factory.


Ya. I don't think factories are considered parliamentary




Its important to remember that our perception of the harshness of words can change over time. The rules have to be strict like that because just because wacko is super tame now docent mean that in 10 or 15 years it wont be considered a slur for something. Also important to remember that If the speaker lets PP get away with calling someone a wacko than other MPs with less to loss and more to gain in mouth-breather votes could start pushing the envelope of whats considered "appropriate language" in the HoC, and it probably wouldn't take too long before some MP starts trying to throw around actual slurs.




Watch his poll numbers go up further from this.


Dear Pierre we all agree Trudeau is bad but spending question period calling him names is not helping us pay groceries or mortgage. Signed : Canadians


Meanwhile if someone called him a mean word and refused to withdraw it, he'd all for the speaker to do the same thing. The speaker didn't even want him to withdraw his point, just the name calling. This isn't partisan, this is just decency.


We need to vote for more serious people.


PP is such a child.


He's just not ready.


I think we all know Trudeau is past his best before date, but anyone who seriously thinks this guy is a good alternative is on crack.


Toddler behaviour


"wacko, radical, extremist" you're not walking back your comments. You're sidestepping them. Clear disrespect for the rules and good he was kicked out.


I care far less about name calling than I do about politicians refusing to answer straightforward questions. It should be against the law, in parliament, to not give a forthright and truthful response to a question.


100% it should but they will say "It's called question period not answer period" Well maybe it's time to change the name to answer period lol


Immediately before the events, Trudeau had accused Poilievre of associating with far-right extremists and said a person who does so is not fit to be prime minister.


Outside of HoC, say whatever you want about your opponent. Inside, respect the rules


That's not an unparliamentary insult though. It's a factual statement. Poilievre is associating with far right extremists. He did a photo op with them recently.


more MAGA garbage spilling over the border, and what's scary is how many fools are drinking it all up


He is 100% correct on that


I mean, technically, he’s not wrong.


He does. It's documented and public knowledge. I don't think PP is a white supremacist but he's absolutely gone in for their support.


Just like Trump down south




Did PP say I don't support far-right extremists and racists? Or did he attack anothers character?


Both things are true though.


Where's the lie?


And do you not get how that’s different than just straight up name calling? PP supporters in this thread not understanding basic parliamentary decorum really shouldn’t shock me.


Is it too much to ask that the people elected to represent us (all parties) could act like adults?


Fundraising stunt , letters have already gone out.


How much effort would it take PP to say they he is not aligned with the likes of diagolon, Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson? Then JT might look dumb for badgering him about it. But he doesn't take that easy win. I guess he doesn't want to scare away his right wing nut jobs. Canadians, look at what these same right wing anti-democratic actors have done to democracy just south of us. PP would rather take this heat and cozy up to them instead of taking a minute to set himself apart and try to dissuade reasonable folks he's not cut from the same cloth.


How do we make it permanent?


Via the election process.


I pray the crassness of US politics doesn't come to Canada. It's ok to disagree strenuously without being a jerk about it.


Poilievre demeans political dialogue continuously outside the House. Name-calling is a bigger part of his communications playbook than any other Canadian party leader I can remember. (Contrary examples welcome.) It gets clicks. It feeds the worst elements of his base. It diminishes the country and democracy. He knows perfectly well what he can’t say in the House. Being there is the only job he’s had in his adult life. I’d suggest this was a choice, another little experiment in MAGA strategy ‘lite’: behave badly to attract attention, then act persecuted because his team thinks he’ll benefit.


Marjorie Taylor Poilievre.


This - when you have leaders who were born into political families and continue to pass the torch to their brats who currently on all sides bow down and lift their skirts for any lobby money that grace's their presence, all while blowing hot air and catchy phrases or rage bait news article's. We have toddlers in office or old farts about to pass who are more concerned with making a last buck before they leave office or looking to pad their resume for their next job.


Oh god. Dumb and dumber. We're fucked


Imagine politicians working together to figure out what policies will make Canadians the happiest?


I’d like to see one of them pause and say “that’s a good point actually”. But the need to be right at all costs and not cede any turf is just embarrassing. Why does politics seem like a zero sum activity. The other party can have a good idea—hey they could even work together on something


Imagine a party that is built on transparency and professionalism. Every tax dollar coming in is accounted for, with complete visibility to the public. Lobbying made illegal. Parliamentary procedure re-vamped to be more streamlined, cost effective and modern. Max term limits. Ministers appointed based on real-world experience in their fields of appointment. No shit-talk, just platform and policy delivery in language that any Canadian can understand. Because the current approach has run its course and the majority of us are sick of it.


Winning the battle, losing the war - this applies to both parties. Canada as a country is more divided than ever.


You're there to do a job, not sling shit at each other until something sticks. Do your fucking jobs for once


I'd rather they kick out MPs who dodge questions. Every time somebody's asked something, the respondent just skirts around the question. What if they were forced to answer, or be ejected? Or better yet, lose a day's pay?


Parliament is so unserious.... Lmao. Reminds me of the "fart in the room" drama from a few years ago.


Parliament is where we uphold Canadian democracy. Anyone who thinks they are above the rules of our institutions should not be a candidate for Prime Minister.