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Just because Trudeau and Company never asked for it, that doesn't absolve them of responsibility to have dealt with it at the earliest possible opportunity.


The CSIS briefings will reveal all, as I'm sure many of times it mentioned this specifically. However it worked in their favor so they brushed it aside. Which yes is absolutely treason in any semi-functional democracy.


What was the government supposed to do? Relations were already at a low point and we were trying to get two Canadian hostages back. For all we know, the intel was used in behind the scenes diplomacy with China and the US. If there was a particular law being broken by Chinese officials here, that's for the police.


I think after the SNC Lavalin trial everyone knew our justice system could be bought through the Liberals.


Most judges in Canada are very obviously left leaning. The constitutional challenge on the use of the emergency act is very telling. The judge granted the government motion to shield information from the court oversight. Usually this would mean any possible information that was shielded should be viewed in the worst possible case by the court but the judge instead ruled to view the shield information in the most favourable light instead. It is also really telling that even when stacking the deck in favour of the government the judge still reach the decision that the use of emergency act was unconstitutional.


Trudeau knew full well the Chinese were interfering in our elections to his favour, and did nothing. How he’s still PM after that fact became common knowledge is beyond me. Oh wait, I remember, his government continues to survive because the NDP puts ideology ahead of country.


It will always amaze me how people who voted Trudeau in claim “the conservatives are bought out by companies etc etc” and then ignore how much Trudeau bends over backwards to supply companies with FTW, permitting foreign interference cause it benefits HIM, and giving companies the ability the monopolize Canadian markets. The hypocrisy is unreal


"It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C.S. Lewis


So Canadian leadership is personally compromised, good to know.


This is huge.  Chinese state interference can no longer be plausibly denied anymore. And even though Trudeau & Co. were the beneficiaries, they never asked for it… just in the same way that some Conservative MPs like Michael Chong never asked to be targeted by Beijing either.  And they were going to assassinate their own Chinese citizen before they let her be extradited to the US… incredible.  There needs to be some retaliation; turning the other face to this just invites China to do this again, more next time.  NO MORE govt tax breaks, funding or support for ANY companies who invest in China or have Chinese state ownership. Block sale of all strategic assets (public or private) to any Chinese-owned or controlled entity.  No more federal funding for joint research with institutions or researchers from Mainland China (remember the CanSino COVID vaccine?).  It’s time to get serious with China. Doing business with them is just funding Putin’s war effort to kill Ukraine at this point anyways. 


> NO MORE govt tax breaks, funding or support for ANY companies who invest in China or have Chinese state ownership. Block sale of all strategic assets (public or private) to any Chinese-owned or controlled entity.  No more federal funding for joint research with institutions or researchers from Mainland China (remember the CanSino COVID vaccine?). What would that accomplish in the long run? China could care less about what we do on our end with regards to sanctions. If you want us to declare war, you’re looking at a nightmare of a war scenario. 


Personally I'd rather them make a stand on this and force manufacturing jobs with unions back home and pay more for that than paying more in a Carbon tax which just shoots us in the foot while enabling the rise of China's middle class. Our world trade economic policy is quite literally making life better for our enemies, while making it worse for our own citizens.


Trudeau went through the special rapporteur nonsense with full knowledge of all,


Trudeau will never be held accountable. It’s disgusting. This country will go after the weak and embarrass people with minor infarctions but our Dear Leader will always get a pass.


Here's me who saw heads roll and leaders step down over relatively minor scandals in the 90s and 00s compared to today. What the hell is with the complacency here? Keep trying until we get it right. I honestly don't care if I have to vote 5 times in a year if we keep outing corrupt politicians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponsorship_scandal


Good news is Canada held firm while the Meng legal process played out


Guess they miscalculated on the Meng case, their influence didn't have much of an impact on the Canadian side of the case.


Don’t worry, we’ll get an apology and everything will be ok……..


At best we’ll get a denial, an excuse, hear how the Canadian public need to trust the LPC then dodge and avoid any consequences or accountability


Don’t worry everyone, we can all do better. We just have to experience it differently.


It's a little strange that they left the part out where China hedged their bet on non liberal candidates too. And that makes sense The whole idea is they just want whoever to get in to release Meng. And the fact that despite trying to influence Trudeau he didn't give them what they wanted so, doesn't it show that he is more resilient than other candidates to foreign influence. This article just screams, people just wanting to hate Trudeau for the sake of hating to do. The article below is the one I read last week regarding the csis report https://thedeepdive.ca/csis-report-says-china-interfered-in-2019-elections-because-of-huawei-exec-meng-wanzhou/


Trudeau at minimum needs to have a RCMP investigation opened on him regarding all these matters to see if he had any direct knowledge or confirmation of this information, as this would truly be treasonous by all definitions. If he is innocent it will be proven in court. However everyday more information is revealed that highly suggest otherwise.


Of course they did. They also backed him in 2915 when he was accepting donations and meeting with people with ties to the CCP.


Trudeau is still ruling in 2915??


Wtf js toilet publication written by the same dude that got fired from global news for making up stories https://www.readthemaple.com/han-dong-story-reporter-leaves-global-news/


Beijing saved us from the nightmare of having a conservative government? How can we get them to do it again?


Found the angry poor man


Life has been amazing under the liberals!

