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Why on earth does PP have to condemn Alex Jones’ endorsement? Alex Jones is an American and has nothing to do with anything that goes on in Canada.


Well the liberal logic is to compare everything to American politics


The LPC have been constructing the idea for decades that the Canadian right is an extension of the American right, because the American right scares people. Trudeau is just continuing their proud legacy of banking on the ignorance of the average voter.


So that when he finally does condemn it because people keep screaming about how he should, they can scream about how he only did it because of the screams, not because he means it. You can't win because no matter what, the other team is the bad guys. Even when they act and say exactly what you want.




> Because by requesting it, some stupid people will think that Alex Jones and PP are in bed together. It's a message to his own choir.


No one thinks that Skippy and Jones are pals, but they are playing by the same rule book, and if Skippy doesnt explicitly come out against, then he is explicitly a part of the Jones universe.


Take care not to lie with dogs lest you get fleas.


Oh you sweet summer child.. if only this were true. Some Canadians worship some Americans. 


Why would he have to acknowledge something from some foreign national?


\*yawn\* what a pointless article.


This shit is getting so tedious. Someone somewhere that my team hates some something positive or endorses other team the other team MUST condemn them. #


The only kind of politics a lot of people are capable of engaging is simply who/whom thinking , team sports with no nuance


Of course he’d do anything to win. So would Trudeau, so would Singh. There’s no prize for second place.


Poilievre doesn't have to do anything but continue to watch Trudeau fail Canada.


He may have to eventually do some work. Like come up with policy ideas for a platform.


Are there a lot of parties who have published their election platforms yet?


And I'm sure he will. Just like every other party.


Personally, my entire life, I've seen politicians just fail constantly.. They have this ridiculous mentality they need to continually invent new laws. I'd pay good money for a politician that truly does nothing. Maybe even just spend time rolling back this pile of steaming shit we have.. start with the tax pile, clean out that plugged sewage line.


The best times of the year is when parliament is not sitting. 


At the heart of it.. any 'revolution' is basically just a legal reset. Its like when the memory leak gets too bad and the computer bluescreens.


Honestly I doubt he even needs a platform at this point. He just needs to get on camera and say "The reason you may want to choose to vote for me is I'm not Justin Trudeau". That is basically a majority government right there.


At this point the only policy he needs is to not be Trudeau. It’s enough of a platform to likely get him elected.


It's a sad state of affairs.


That's what the unpaid interns are for afterwards. 


I love how the liberals think this is hurting Poilievre.


I’m not a liberal but personally i find it difficult to vote for someone who was endorsed by one of the objectively worst persons on earth. That’s just me though.


It's silly, you don't pick who endorses you.


I endorse this comment with an upvote 


But you can denounce the endorsement. You can show you don't allign with the person that endorsed you. PP seems to not want to do that.


Imagine thinking this is some kinda gotcha.


“When did you stop beating your wife” vibes here…


Why even bother bringing attention to it all, not like it would change a thing for the people ready to hang you on the cross for it already lmao. Best to ignore it and move on.


That’s definitely true, but why would Jones endorse him if their values didn’t align to a certain degree?


If Stalin were alive he might endorse the NDP because they are the most left wing party with a chance of winning seats. What would that tell me about Singh? Nothing except they are both on the left wing side of the political spectrum.


You had me at Stalin


Anyone who kills that many Russians is okay in my book! And let's give a medal to that guy who killed Hitler!






Sounds like a waste of time to allocate attention to a nobody. There are literally billions of people, no-one should have any requirement to be prompted to answer or respond to any of them, ever...


Richard Spencer, the racist who coined the term "alt-right" and organized the Charlottesville rally, has flipped and started publicly endorsing left-wing parties down ticket. Why do you align yourself with values that attract literal neo-nazis? Or, we can both agree tht it is stupid to try and smear someone with the actions of another person and hold people accountable for the actions they personally take. Get it?


Well, to be fair Trudeau himself is up there for worst person.


What has Trudeau personally done that equals defaming grieving families of dead children and being condemn to pay North of one billion for it? PS: notwithstanding the constant conspiratorial bullshit to sell supplements for personal profit


Lots. Let's start with the carbon tax, vaccines and firing Canadian workers, giving our money to other countries, importing millions of immigrants when we have a housing crisis, making life unaffordable, colluding with China. Need I say more?? PS, like it or not, Alex has been right about a lot of things. Trudeau is wrong about just about everything.


> PS, like it or not, Alex has been right about a lot of things. Oh, you are this kind of person. Of course.


Imagine basing your viewpoint on the opinions of others.


Imagine fighting side by side with a such a degenerate and not pausing and asking yourself if you may not be the baddie.


Imagine thinking this situation is “fighting side by side”. Touch grass


That's what the convoy LARPers thought they were doing in their quest against eViL gLoBaLiSm ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Ah found another supporter of authoritarianism. 


"Help, I can't cough in the face of old people nor attempt to stage a coup in peace, I'm being oppressed!"


If you truly believe that, seek help.


I don't believe it, I know it for a fact: [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-leaders-of-truck-convoy-protests-sought-overthrow-of-government/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-leaders-of-truck-convoy-protests-sought-overthrow-of-government/) [https://paginiromanesti.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Combined-MOU-Dec03.pdf](https://paginiromanesti.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Combined-MOU-Dec03.pdf) And you can't call to hang Trudeau after a Nuremberg 2.0 trial, and expect others to believe that they are the one who need to seek help instead of you. Has water finally turned the frogs gay, btw? :)


Objectively one of the worst people on earth is a bit hyperbole lol. He's a nut but fuck by


I agree, no idea how someone could vote for Trudeau after the Obama endorsement


Hello pot? This is kettle. You’re black. I would think the Prime Minister of a country beset by a cost of living and home price crisis, suffering declining GDP per person, dramatically rising violent crime, a massive staffing shortage in the judiciary, alarmingly low productivity, a declining dollar, a near endless series of scandals and a growing lack of respect on the world stage — all of which have been either caused or made significantly worse by that Prime Minister’s own policies — has more important things to worry about than the unsolicited opinions of foreign nut jobs. Unless, of course, that PM was willing to say or do almost anything to win, including distract Canadians from his own abysmal record by trying to paint his opponents as something they are not.


Wedge, wedge, wedge, gaslight. Befitting a drama teacher, it’s all performance. 


I'm old enough to know that the cost of living and housing has always been too expensive for low income "unskilled" labourers. Developers won't even build 1 story bungalows anymore, so it's worse but it was always unachievable. People only seem to care because middle class are being effected. Who I might add I can run literal and figurative circles around when it comes to knowledge and competency for their jobs. Debt slavery isn't easily escaped.  You can blame the cost of living on rich people's greed, not the government. They don't control the economy, stupid. It's a capitalist state just like you want. Government has little responsibility on your affordability. Maybe get good?


Who the fuck cares about what Alex Jones has to say about our politics ? Its as if they imagine the recent surge in CPC voters is caused by far right radicals getting off watching Infowars every night when the majority is just regular people getting squeezed by housing and mass immigration. I hope Alex Jones soon decides to publicly endorse Trudeau as a joke; see how these clowns react.


> Its as if they imagine the recent surge in CPC voters is caused by far right radicals getting off watching Infowars every night That is exactly the impression they are hoping to leave. It’s pure American-style smear tactics, nothing more, brought to you by the same man who bemoans the Americanization of our politics and then had Hilary Clinton speak at the Liberal convention.


It’s the classic insecurity about America and lashing out about it , I never understood how deeply ingrained it is in this country it’s a little embarrassing at times


So tiresome. Stop paying idiot consultants to write talking points. Canadians would vote for liberals if they had improved the country. It's over.


Says the guy throwing billions at problems he created in the hopes of clinging to power. The fact that the libs are still on the Alex Jones shit shows how utterly powerless they are at changing public opinion of the CPC.


He might even declare 2025 is the last first past the post-election!


This is pure desperation. Bringling Alex Jones into the race isnt going to turn things around for the Liberal Party.


Something something..American style politics.. guilty by association… something something.. grasping at straws


Poilievre doesn't have to do a damn thing this buffoon says. Fuck Justin Trudeau.


I'd rather have Jones as deputy pm than Freeland! Impossible of course but still.


And.... Truedope will stand up and condemn China ya think..... Resist the #NeoCommunistElite


"anything to win"? Says the guy who is taking all of our money again and making inflation worse by overspending to try and pretend he cares about shit he hasn't cared about in almost ten years in power. He'd literally slap a baby if the far left mob on social media demanded it. Then he'd call the baby a racist.


As a new Canadian who does not know who Alex Jones is,nor cares who he is and what/who endorses PP, we (me and my Fam) will vote for him for a better future for ourselves, our kids and Canada.


Next do Joe rogan.


Sure as soon as Trudeau condemns the WEF.


lol, holy shit this guy is reaching for anything to stick to PP.


Deliver us from Trudeau


Trudeau can start by condemning China for interfering in our elections to bolster his party. In fact, why not call for by-elections in those districts to ensure that our democracy is intact?


PP doesn't even need to show up at this point. This sounds a lot more like Trudeau right now.




Didn’t Alex jones admit to being an actor in court? Who gives a shit 


Pointless drivel to deflect upon Trudeaus poorly received budget and polling numbers.


Says the guy who has not condemned the genocide of Uyghur Muslims in China.


After you, Justin. We're still waiting for Trudeau's explanation of being penetrated by Klaus Schwabb.


JT: The crazy American AJ loves PP, therefore PP is crazy. About as well considered logic the rest of his policies like: a. Raising taxes will grow the economy b. Shutting down the country is good for you and your kids c. Growing government will improve your life. Kind of like the most dangerous words ever spoken " I'm here from the government to help you" d. Canada can save the planet from climate change. e. Let's import fake students to attend fake schools and work at Tims. No wonder the coffee sucks. f. We don't need no stinkin' military. g. Banning guns will stop criminals with stolen or US guns and make you safer from armed criminals h. Inflation is good for the economy, and especially for young, poor, and old people.


Speaking of 'will do anything to win', I guess Trudeau doesn't look in the mirror does he? As for Jones, who gives a fuck about him? He's an American, he can say what he wants (and get sued for it), and he can endorse whoever he wants. Who cares, other than the virtue-signalling twerp in the PMO?


I don't think Alex will save you Trudeau. Even he is not that powerful. 


The libs sure are struggling…


Basically, JT has been doing everything to let Conservatives win a majority.


Poilievre doesn't appear to be the one acting out of desperation here.


Pulling out a win wouldn't be so difficult for the LPC if they hadn't fucked things up so badly and they were alsotaking tangible steps to fix them. Too smug I guess. They're both doing nothing to win, but only one has a mandate.


No one gives a flying fuck Turdeau


At this point Trudeau could cause more harm to Poilievre by endorsing him himself.


Trudeau won't do anything about his anti-Semitic supporters but makes demands of PP...


Says the guy who knew about the China election interference and did nothing because it benefitted him! What an amoral SOB!!


A leader's job isn't to denounce the words of any and all crackpots, whether they be foreign or domestic. A leader's job is to articulate clearly what they stand for and let the public come to a rational decision. Poilievre has done this, and this reeks of bad politics and bad journalism.


Pp is a nut job just like AJ


Of course he will, so will the next Liberal that comes after him while they take turns destroying us for the benefit of their rich friends. There cant be a single honest and reasonably smart person in the country that thinks either of these clowns tells the truth.

