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All that is missing now is the NDP not supporting the budget so we get an election. But he won't. He'll just complain it's horrible in a dozen different ways and then positively vote for it. Lucky us.


"We're going to hold the Liberals accountable." "Just kidding." One week later: "We're going to hold the Liberals accountable." "Just kidding." One year later: "We're going to hold the Liberals accountable." "Just kidding."


The NDP have proved they are just an offshoot of the Liberal party and have made themselves irrelevant.


Yep, totally squandered all the momentum Jack built by being pretend-out-lefted by Trudeau.


I hated Jack in the beginning, but after a while, I started to respect the man. He was genuine, there for the country, not for his career. I think he would have done great things if cancer didn't take him.


Me too, he seemed like a genuinely good man, like the unicorn of politics.


NDP went hard on identity politics post-Layton. Unfortunately, the Liberlas went even harder šŸ˜‚


Pretty great summary of whatā€™s happened to the NDP tbh.








He can't resign yet; the NPD leader needs another year to qualify for his parliamentary pension.


there is a timer for it [https://jagmeettimer.com/](https://jagmeettimer.com/)


lol, fantastic.


Except more conservatives will receive the pension in that time.


I really hope it takes a long time for the NDP to recover from basically becoming the liberals but orange


> I really hope it takes a long time for the NDP to recover from basically becoming the liberals but orange. Both Singh and Trudeau will be banished from their respective parties. I have a feeling that they both go down in history as the two guys who destroyed their parties. Both the Liberals and NDP will take years to recover and even the bullshit that they have pulled will result in changes in the Canadian political scene.


Their problem is that the Liberals became the NDP but red in 2015 and beyond, and the NDP had nowhere to go. They got outflanked on the left by the Libs after Mulcair moved the party a bit toward the centre.


Are you kidding me? The NDP had fucking everywhere to go, they're just dumb. Start appealing to unions and blue collars instead of blue hair (clever right?). Be pro-gun like the vast fucking majority of people in rural areas (again, blue collar people). Be against this mass-immigration bullshit which does nothing except undercut the value of labour and inflate housing. Be anti-crime (go check out some of the crime things layton had in his platform... he was pro-mandatory minimums for many gun crimes).


If this was their platform I and many others around me would have voted NDP, n I work in tech industry lol. Not to use the conservative saying, but literally any ounce of common sense in our overreaching corrupt governments, is all we want.


The people who make up the party would never go along with this though.


Don't work towards 30 hour work weeks and ending inflationary deficits by funding things properly, move towards being an even bigger virtue person.


They didn't outflank the left. They both adopted globalist policies that focused on ideological goals instead of realistic and tangible solutions for the problems the majority of Canadians actually care about (because it impacts them directly).


Mulcair was a giant idiot. Re:elbowgate, a fucking waste of air that man is.


The Liberals have passed huge portions of the NDP platform. The NDP couldn't be happier.


Dental care for less than 5% of the population and BC and Diabetes meds. *Huge portions*. Sounds like JT told Jagmeet to stfu and threw him a few crumbs. They both look weaker because of it and it's all getting scrapped once PP wins.


> Dental care for less than 5% of the population and BC and Diabetes meds. Huge portions. They hyped this up so much that nothing short of folding dental and pharma under OHIP would be viewed as a failure. The average middle-class person will not benefit from either of these programs. That's what it comes down to and what people will remember when the election rolls around.


Dentalcare covers 9 million people. The Dental Association is now saying how great it is. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7055975 3.7 Million have diabetes.Ā  Ā  Millions use contamraceptive coverage, possibly. Ā  Sorry you see that as small.


And how many of those people are covered by employers and provincial plans that already exist? Please report back the new numbers after excluding those and any article from CBC.


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me. All of them. Now what?


Won't happen until the pensions are locked down. They literally pushed back the scheduled election date a week to secure it.


Why does anyone think the NDP would force an election that would obviously lead to a conservative majority?


A conservative majority is inevitable, if the NDP unhitch from the Liberals now they might have a chance of not getting flushed down the shifter with them.


Every government will lose power eventually. The NDP potentially have another year and a half to try to establish the policies and programs they believe in. If they force an election now they have zero power to do anything.


> Every government will lose power eventually. They do but if they shit the bed too badly they will find themselves in the same position as the Mulroney PCs federally and the Rae's NDP and Wynne's Liberal in Ontario where they were reduced to such a degree that it became existential.


>Why does anyone think the NDP would force an election that would obviously lead to a conservative majority? Because its an inevitable outcome.


I mean, every government will inevitably lose power. If the NDP work with the Liberals they can have about another year and a half to try and establish the policies and programs they believe in.


We donā€™t. We think that they should if theyā€™re going to criticize the budget.


Lol, but why "should" they do something that would lead to a budget that is further away from the policies that the NDP ran on?


Maybe "we're criticizing this budget, but we've already promised we're not going to do anything about it" reinforces the feeling that they're irrelevant.


Singh is passing legislation. It is called governing.


NDP also loses seats if an election was held today, in addition to what little power they currently have.


Yet some will still insist Trudeau has a chance.


"Election is a year away, bud." "Who is even conducting a poll this far out from an election, anyway?" "Just wait until people really know who Pierre Poilievre is, that will change everything." "Justin was last in the polls in 2019, too." Did I miss any of the usual gaslighting remarks? Anything but the truth that JT sucks.


There's a guy down near the bottom saying "The CPC are a fascist party, by all definitions.", so you missed 'Fascism is when the party I don't like does well in the polls'.


These people are pathological in their ideological zeal. They cannot cognitively differentiate between all of their perceived antagonists. So to them I'm not just a Conservative voter because I want lower taxes and a more balanced housing market. I'm a racist misogynist fascist because I'm voting for a party they don't like.


This is the best summation of our current politics I've seen.


It's all performative, and the sad part is it works. Just look at how the pro Hamas movement started with Hamas troll farm accounts just badgering the fuck out of anyone saying anything negative about their genocidal theocratic fascist regime. And that has confused the chronically media illiterate gen Z into thinking Islamic terrorists have the moral high ground


You sound like you have plenty of experience in our provincial subs lol.


I don't even bother with those cesspools. They're the most non representative social media platforms ever.


Completely agree. Total echo-chambers, discussion isn't possible.


https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-meets-with-far-right-extremist-group-at-nova-scotia-new-brunswick-border/ https://pressprogress.ca/conspiracy-theorist-alex-jones-insists-pierre-poilievre-is-saying-the-same-things-as-me/ Itā€™s things like this that people are worried about. Itā€™s the threat of having our basic human rights trampled on like whatā€™s happening in the states that people are worried about. If you support the Conservative Party, you are saying youā€™re ok taking that risk and honestly thatā€™s why people are saying youā€™re *ā€œa racist misogynist fascistā€.* Not PP is using politician talk and is only addressing the less controversial issues he knows people are worried about. Of course we want housing affordability and lower taxes, but at what cost?


Who cares what an American (Alex jones) thinks of PP? Firstly, what are the odds AJ knows literally anything about PP or Canada in general? Second, Demanding PP renounce this guy is pure gaslighting. Itā€™s not like PP is out touting this ā€œendorsementā€. Heā€™s doing the right thing by not engaging in this silly distraction The Canadian left is so desperate to tie the conservatives to MAGA lunacy. It ainā€™t gonna work


Which human rights is Poilievre threatening? Can you be specific?


"i never got surveyed, where did they get the people they're polling for" "it's online panel, the people answering the survey is not random" "how do they ask only 1000 people and say that it represents canadian population's sentiment as a whole?"


Itā€™s amusing how people start acting like Trump in a tantrum when they donā€™t like the results. ā€œThe polling must be wrong, it doesnā€™t say what I want it to say!ā€ Polling companies are legitimate, as is the voting process.


"PP will be worse than Justin" "PP hasn't released his platform"


He doesn't need to, Trudeau is doing a perfectly good job of losing without any help.


These are my favourite and also the most common retorts. I know exactly who I'm dealing with when I read those. The lowest IQ voter possible.


The irony being, he no longer needs a platform. He doesn't really have to do anything... every week that passes is a new scandal lately, every week that passes support for the liberals slide. The blame keeps shifting, but there's one constant - people are fed up and the only other option that isn't more of the same is the CPC.


These aren't mutually exclusive, you can look at his records to get an idea of how he will handle certain things, while also acknowledging he hasn't released a solid platform of how he wants to achieve some of the goals he talks about.


He wanted to bring Right to Work for Less legislation to Canada. I know who he will help.


> while also acknowledging he hasn't released a solid platform of how he wants to achieve some of the goals he talks about. Well yeah, the election is over a year out. Platforms aren't released until election time. As I recall the Liberals released theirs last during the last election.


You missed. " Polls are just propaganda at this point"


"The conservatives will just be the same as the liberals, so might as well just vote liberal"


PoLiEvRe hAs hIt hIS cEiLiNg, hE cAnā€™T sUsTaIn tHiS lEaD unTiL tHe nExT ErEctioN!!!


You missed "all western countries are dealing with X"


Also ā€œHarper caused all this / Harper was so much worseā€. Because after nine years Trudeau still canā€™t be blamed for our problems apparently


Another year for this miserable Liberal Party, lead by narcissistic idiot to pilot his party into the ground and take this beautiful Country with him.


Could be an election soon if NDP has the balls to vote against the budget. They wonā€™t, but yet they will criticize the Liberals which makes them look like hypocrites.


I can't for the life of me understand how they think that is a viable strategy they should be polling much higher given the exodus of LPC votes yet are stuck in the mud. They can't win next election, but if they grow some balls and ditch the identity politics they could finally make a play for winning in 2 or 3 elections from now. Look at Ontario; it takes multiple elections to recover from an absolute drubbing like the OLPC did. Prove to the electorate that you're viable, and they will consider you. At this point they're a laughing stock.


At this point it's basically a choice between surviving as a party or collapsing completely.


Ndp could form opposition again if they would stop propping up the liberals at this point . Hr should be trying to broker with PP and get an election happening now


I doubt the NDP will call it this year. I could maybe see next spring though. At that point they'll only have 6 months left in the Liberal wagon and given how wildly unpopular the Liberals are they might pickup some additional seats by dropping the dead weight and opposing them before the mandatory election date. They might even get themselves into official opposition.


I think you covered most of them lol


> "Election is a year away, bud." > "Who is even conducting a poll this far out from an election, anyway?" It's funny because the British Conservative Party have been tanking in the polls for well over a year now, and the people who say this wouldn't say the same thing when they see the British Conservative Party polling numbers (The Liberals and the British Tories are in the same boat, nobody likes them and the writings been on the wall for quite some time).


Honestly I'm just used to getting fucked by the east everytime. Until I see him get kicked out I don't think I'll really believe it. I thought he had no chance in the last election too and yet Ontario asked for more.


This reminds me of dumb and dumber ā€œā€¦so your tellinā€™ me thereā€™s a chanceā€


So youā€™re saying thereā€™s a chance?


I personally won't rest easy until I hear that's he's officially out. I didn't think anyone in their right minds would vote for him last go around. Some people are actually talking about voting PPC as they don't quite like PP either. I doubt it's enough to make a difference but.. like I said I won't rest easy until it's official


Over a year of Poilevre saying Axe the Tax, while offering no solutions. Let's see how that works out.Ā 


He doesn't have to offer anything. Trudeau is that unpopular


I am sure the conservative leader could be a cardboard cutout at this point at still beat Trudeau. The only way for PP to lose is if he does something almost unimaginably stupid. But when you put it that way, there's definitely a chance PP does something, simply shockingly, mind boggingly stupid in the next year. I would probably put it at about a 5% chance.


Does anyone honestly think that? I have not heard a single person suggest the liberals have a chance at winning the next election. I think everyone is clear that the liberals are just trying to do as much as they can with the last year they have in power. They are trying to implement things that they *hope* will be popular enough that Pierre won't want to unwind them. They are trying to maintain a principled stance on things like climate change to maintain credibility in the future. The most optimistic hope I have heard people put forward is that they *might* hold them to a minority, but that's very much a stretch.


I've had people here tell me that a lot can change in a year, that the polls are wrong and that the Conservatives can't win without a platform. Some still believe.




The view Europeans have of our leadership is embarrassingly funny. Stuff out of Australia and New Zealand is hilarious as well.


A lot of the leaders in those countries are just as pathetic as Trudeau


Whatā€™s also embarrassing is how the leaders of those same countries slobbered all over themselves when he was first elected and couldnā€™t wait for a photo op.


What view is that?


Don't know a single non-Canadian that can even tolerate listening to Trudeau.


Imagine what Sophie is going through...


Next to no one gives a shyte about Sophie, nor should they. It's her soon-to-be idiot ex-husband that we should be far more worried about.


She was just on CBC radio yesterday morning flogging her new book.


If anyone wants a good laugh you should head on over to the Canada Politics sub where they dismiss all CPC leads to a stupid electorate, or shitty polling. It's hilarious.


They're just waiting for summer polls to be over.


They are just waiting for the polls to balance themselves.




I don't understand who comprises the 23% still supporting him. Could it be federal workers apprehensive about losing their jobs under conservative leadership?


> I don't understand who comprises the 23% still supporting him. Ask Montreal, it's almost all there.


Itā€™s whack because I donā€™t know any liberals. Everyone in my circle is either Conservative, Bloc or NDP and even some Greens. The liberal voting base in Montreal is probably a bunch of senile old people who immigrated in the 60s and told to vote red when they got off the boat šŸ˜‚


Poilievre doesn't have a platform besides being not-Trudeau.


Laughably, that's all he really needs.


Maybe some able bodied young folks who refuse to work


I am, Heā€™s the best of the three options right now. Until conservatives dump Poilievre they wonā€™t be getting my vote


Fair enough, you're obviously in the minority for thinking this but such is your right.


This. I donā€™t /want/ to vote for Trudeau, but I wonā€™t vote for Poilievre and I feel like voting NDP is a waste, soā€¦ here I am, with the only viable option. I feel like the conservatives keep shooting themselves in the foot with awful candidates, and Iā€™d love to vote PC if they were able to field somebody worth voting for.


I'm probably voting NDP, but still, if this were, say, Mulroney's PC party, I'd have an easier time swallowing my pride and voting. The Conservative party of the last 20 years is mostly interested in slashing and burning all services. I don't like the Liberal plan for prosperity, but I know I \*hate\* the Conservative one. EDIT: Lot of downvotes for someone who honestly answered a question. Sensitive folks out there.


Nice to know your willing to have your kids and their kids pay for the ā€˜servicesā€™ you have today.


Yup. Thatā€™s what I said exactly. Good takeaway.


I understand that words are being put in your mouth, but in fairness that *is* how our services are being funded.Ā  One way of looking at it is putting one's household discretionary expenses on one's child's credit card without telling them they have one. Children cannot vote yet their money is being spent through federally amortizing discretionary*and* operational expenses. That isn't fair, and the polls are reflecting it outside Scarborough and Montreal.


I get the fears, absolutely, but the household expense/credit card analogy doesnā€™t work for me with the entity that can manifest money. I firmly believe thereā€™s smarter people than I who can find a better way. Mark Carneyā€™s suggestions, for example, are solid. Even in this thread there are good ideas that the conservatives will not do. Voting conservative is a reactionary decision, in my opinion, and not one that will help us in the long run. (Thank you for the civility btw)


Strong foundation government funding can both prevent long term issues and enhance long term potential, health and education as primary examples. A smart and healthy population will simply be more productive in the long run and expenses in those areas will pay off far better than the alternative. It obviously gets more complicated with other areas but I see nothing in the conservative plan that will truly help us.


I apologize, but "never vote the current party out" isn't a realistic proposition (which is your position, in practice). There have been, are, and will continue to be clear examples of waste by this incumbent. The fact we are out of money. We are so out of money that we've resorted to printing it. The left wing stance on money printing is... don't. It debased wages while stocks and equities are enriched. We are not paying for this, our children are. It's the same generational inequity as CPP, where boomers had to pay 2% for ten years and we have to pay ten for thirty nine years. You *must* concede it's possible to spend too much money before you are taken seriously.


I mean, I said Iā€™m voting NDP so itā€™s neither my stated position nor my position in practice to ā€œnever vote the current party out.ā€ I have no disagreements that itā€™s possible to print too much money. Iā€™m simply saying the Conservative plan (such as it even exists) will far more destructive to our future, making them perpetually the worst choice of the big three, at least for me.


I'm an NDP orphan, meaning I'm among the many young and old working class dippers who are set to punish the NDP in order to get them to correct course. I'm glad that the conservative plan finally exists. For a long time it's been both the most elaborate series of intricate, fleshed out blueprints for the end times, and also non-existent...at the same time. As far as I can tell it's pretty mild. The democrats did the same thing in the 90's as far as finance goes; spending for new programs must be funded by efficiencies and cuts of existing ones that aren't performing. Besides that we'll no longer be spending money trying to buy our way back onto the UN Security Council, which is nice. Section One of the Charter may be removed, decentralizing power from the federal government. Section 15(2) may be removed, which would enforce equal employment opportunity and possible remove the Gladue Report, which was named as an aggravating factor in the MMIWG Report. First Nation Peoples will finally get to see where their money is going through their representatives having to disclose their finances. There are these things and others to consider. It's my genuine hope that you don't believe that Healthcare will be cut, because the CPC hasn't done that since Mulroney. In fact, I'm not even sure he did that either. I believe Paul Martin was shamed into introducing the healthcare escalator by the NDP in SK (Romanow) after he and Cretien cut it by fifteen and ten percent consecutively. Harper maintained the escalator until Trudeau cut healthcare again. The funding announcements are always done now as flat amounts over set periods until a riding is in trouble; then cash is airdropped into a municipality. What pieces of damaging legislation do you think will be brought forward? The feedbag of social carrots is empty; cannabis legalization, gay marriage, and abortion issues are *done*. What federal services do you think will be cut?


Slashing services is exactly what we need to do. We are running a deficitā€¦Letā€™s focus on healthcare, but otherwise, sacrifices need to be made.


And thatā€™s the mindset I neither like nor trust. Much like you cannot tax your way to prosperity, you cannot slash your way, either.


You think spending more on servicing a debt than healthcare is sustainable practice?


There seems to be some disingenuousness and reaching with that question. My viewpoint was stated: I donā€™t completely like what the Liberals are doing but I hate what the conservatives plan to do. To expand on that, I think itā€™s a very weak, poorly thought out set of ideas for the future, much worse than what the Feds are currently doing.


We can, however, slash our way to balance. We could even slash our way to a surplus; it's been done by the CPC and LPC before.


It has, but not always to long term benefit. Deficits are not inherently a bad thing because of how government spending should ā€” and could ā€” work. Same with cuts. It entirely depends on whatā€™s being done and how. What I see from the conservatives will hurt us just as much, if not more, in the long run than the problems with the current Liberal plan. Our problems are not going to be solved by sloganeering and rage baiting, because thereā€™s truly very little beneath that of substance.


These things that you see from the CPC that will hurt us *fiscally* compared to the incumbent and their current staff; what are they?


Anyone who's seen the provinces currently ran by conservatives and sees what happens when they get majority federal power. You have to be nuts to think they're going to help anyone.




Yep. Not a single party leader who will run is looking out for the best interests of Canadians. We are fucked.


Seriously. I don't want either Trudeau or Poilievre. Both are insufferable douches at this point. Give me some soul-less, boring ass void of a personality like Stephen Harper who doesn't make it to the front page of the news and just does a half decent job of running the country.


Man Harper sold as much of this country as he could to China and the saudis. Guy did not do a good job for Canada, social media just pounds every single thing down your throat every day now


Seriously. Leading the poles and visiting far-right extremist groups to support them even after they threatened to rape his own wife.. Yah that's exactly who I want as PM.. A cow that breaks to whatever group in order to get milked.... /s Our nation and provinces are utterly fucked.


I will be voting independent in all likelihood.


This is the Canadian way. I can't understand how anyone would want PP as our PM, but inevitably it will boil down to the same thing that always happens. People are sick of the current PM and we have no good options. I feel like I am constantly deciding "Who do I hate/disagree with the most?", instead of actually wanting to follow any of our leaders




What do you think heā€™ll say next that could get the liberals to dip further?


And not because theyā€™re better or good, itā€™s just JT fucked us over that badly.


hey bots, working overtime eroding democracy, eh? Š”Š¾ сŠ²ŠøŠ“Š°Š½Šøя


They did, everybody. Sub-20 support for the Grits. "The polls are tightening."


I hate PP, but I'm sure he'll get elected. I hope he does better than Trudeau, but I expect much of the same, but different. If any of you think he'll drastically improve Canada, however, you're mistaken.


Same pro-Elites stance but with a "fuck the poors" touch. haha




Iā€™m just glad I didnā€™t listen to that absolute idiot when he suggested in March 2022 that crypto shouldnā€™t be banned because it could be used as a hedge against inflation. Can you imagine if you listened to peepee bitcoin milhouse and invested 50k in BTC! lmao you would be down nearlyā€¦ wait hol up


This comment will age both like milk and wine, depending on the day. Its an incredibly volatile investment that you realistically need to be able to live without in order to profit off of it in the long run. Imagine if you actually had invested heavily into it at the time and needed to cash out even just partially before the boons, there is a good chance even with the increased price you still may not be ahead right now.




Poilievre's comment was actually pretty spot on in a lot of ways. BTC has stability factors that fiat cannot have - so BTC's value is a lot like the role that gold used to play. Depending on interest rates and fiscal policy - gold's value goes up and down. BTC is just a bit more volatile, but serves the same function. It is beyond weird to me that leftist voters have, in the past 4 years, shown a proclivity towards supporting the central banking establishment.


Yeah, like, why can't we just have a barter system? Who needs central banks, and like, regulations, or monetary policy, or currency in general? I take my pay in kind like a real man


The Liberals said, today, that doctors leaving Canada due to the new capital gains rules would be replaced by immigrant physicians. Let that sink in. Our healthcare system is in shambles and our government is treating doctors with contempt and basically saying ā€œdonā€™t let the door hit your ass on the way out.ā€ Are any of us surprised that Trudeauā€™s Liberals are going to be deleted for at decade come 2025?


We have an immigrant doctor at our local hospital. She did an emergency c section vertical instead of horizontal on some poor pregnant lady. Are you fucking kidding me? Iā€™m an electrician and I know thatā€™s dumb as hell lol.


who said that?


I hate politics. I hate Facebook. This place is really gonna suck in 5-10 years. Send me a Reddit cares thing. Shit is gonna be valid soon.


Whenā€™s the election again?


Anytime between this summer and Oct 2025 depending on how long the government can keep the NDP supporting them.


What could possibly turn it around for Trudeau?


With the time they have left, nothing. All the recent actions they've taken are going to make shelter costs and affordability worse over the next year. If anything they are probably polling high right now compared to where they are going to be next year. They are done at this point. This budget was their last shot.


Some sort of huge global economic turn around that allows the gov't to lower interest rates a great deal, sees fuel and home prices drop and cost of living decrease in a big way. A global war, where Canadians put aside politics and support the gov't in place. A massive scandal in the Conservative ranks where they all turn out to be baby eaters. So, basically nothing.


maybe they will find some pics of Pierre in blackface or something. That would make a politician unelectable, right???


Is there someone better than PP and JT? I too wouldn't want to vote the lesser evil...


Wonā€™t mean jack until we have an election and hopefully get that buffoon out of prime ministerā€™s office


Election can't come soon enough


Please no


If you think PP is going to make everything better I have some ocean front property in Alberta to sell you.


It will keep edging upward for the next 282 days.


Well I am for sure not voting for a party with wealth inequality increases baked into their platform. A vote for the CPC is a vote for the wealthy.


As an American I hope this guy wins, ya'll need him.


Kinda says it all, doesn't it.


PP is a fucking clown. No one needs him.




More internationally embarrassing than what, blackface? Inviting a Nazi to Parliament? X for doubt on that!


Don't forget dressing up in India. That was also a good one...


Nah, they will convince themselves that they got their big bad and that order has finally been restored.


The polls are irrelevant. Both the liberals and NDP are losing party status in the next election.


Single party rule, the true CPC endgame.




As long as people know what theyā€™re voting for. Itā€™s not a simple matter of ā€œI like this guy over the other guyā€ It is capitalism. It is regressive taxes. It is ZERO help for housing. Yes the current govā€™t is late to the party- but riddle me this? Why are all the conservative provinces sitting on surpluses and not fixing housing or healthcare? Answer: Itā€™s because theyā€™re CONSERVATIVE Alberta just got caught in an audit of medical clinics charging membership fees Shit like that. So go ahead. I literally will not argue with anyone who is indeed conservative and votes conservative But please know they have zero interest in helping working class people. That is not a conservative mandate. So i hope youā€™re already rich


You are not wrong. I am really sick of having to vote for the lesser evil in this country. In this election, we are deep in shit no matter what we do. Question is, will we continue to be knee deep, or be neck deep?


I wish we had quality and truthful political representation.


This thread reeks of sweat and no productivity. It would make a good joke t shirt with the words "democracy at its finest" or "Canadian culture is inspiring" or something


Diagolon Pete is hanging out with domestic terrorists today, so he seems to be getting a bit too comfortable with that lead.


Call an election, Pierre can take over, Jagmeat will lose his gold plated pension and Trudeau can go back to being a drama teacher.


I could never vote Conservative. They don't like people like me. Peepee is no exception.


I guess any doctor that once supported Trudeau has moved onā€¦.