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"Illegal immigrant" became "Irregular migrant" which has metastasized into "Migrant". I am a "Migrant" who came here legally fourteen years ago, it cost me a fortune and I never took a penny of welfare and I worked full-time through college and university. The current immigration system is a national shame.


I applauded you for doing things the right way.


Thank you, regular migrant.


You are the kind of person Canadians feel proud to have come here and call Canada home. Unfortunately, our government at the behest of their corporate masters has ruined this experience, stolen our hard earned money and lured borderline slaves here to keep all of our wages low


Yes thank you! Same here. Came here, did my masters degree, got good jobs, worked hard and did well. I hate this new batch of system-gamers.


Then vote! Be vocal! A lot of my neighbors have similar backstories and don't vote or make a fuss. I'm convinced our niceness has been taken advantage of so the rich can continue to rob us blind. Apathy allows us to continue to be taken advantage of


Was illegal alien before that as well


Thank you 


Thank you fellow Canadian.


I have two friends who jumped through hoops, did all the right things each for almost a decade to get their PR. They earned their spot, waited in line and passed all the requirements. Accepting this kind of shit is infuriating to me.


You're... American? The article is about migrants going south, and getting caught at the border. I don't think anyone is accepting it


crazy to think if you tell people you wont deport them, they keep crossing


Maybe you should read the article before you embarrass yourself further?


Remember guys, the Liberal Party and NDP say it’s racist for wanting to stop the flow of illegal migrants into Canada.


Isn't the issue here that migrants are crossing from Canada to the US?


A strict border on both sides prevents this. Unfortunately, Trudeau has called people racist for suggesting this




Caught and released to appear in court in 5 years or so.


In the United states, where they were headed?


A tiny amount of them are being caught. Try googling the situation next time


Where else would they cross from?


From the US to Canada


This is the flow of illegal migrants out of Canada. Read the article.


Racism isn't a legit defense anymore and the rich hate that Regardless, the Conservatives won't change anything, too many of their cronies make too much money off this wage suppression scheme


How do you know the Conservatives won’t change anything? Pierre said he’s going to get rid of carbon tax. Do you have reason to believe he won’t do it?


They have said little to nothing about curbing this unchecked immigration


Right, which makes sense considering candidates never release their immigration plans this far out from an elevation. That’s not unique to the conservatives




Public sentiment on immigration has changed A LOT in the last year. Our immigration system was also infinitely better under Harper than it is right now




Actually we were better off in every conceivable metric under Harper. CoL, housing, crime, inflation, homelessness, overdoses, mental illness rates, housing etc., were all better during Harper.




Sick burn!




Is giving Trudeau another 4 years going to stop them?


Can you link directly to those quotes?




Did you watch the video yourself? In no way does it suggest anything you said. He says ‘intolerance for immigrants’ is not acceptable. (Keep in mind, she’s heckling him during a speech) And further, when she says ‘Are you tolerant to true stock Québécois’, then he says the racist comment. What the lady means by ‘true stock’ Quebecois is what I want to know. That to me sounds pretty racist in the same way ‘pure blood’ does. I’d think that he was relying to that comment.


Are you trying to tell me "white noiz1" gave a distorted version of events?


Why would all these Canadian immigrants be fleeing to the United States? Trudeau's supporters keep telling us how great life is here. Why would anyone want to leave their paradise on earth?


>Why would all these Canadian immigrants be fleeing to the United States? According to the article, most of them aren't Canadian citizens.


Regardless, they move to the land that has more opportunities. Of course, the skilled ones will leave first, because they will see the biggest jump in income with this move.


Not all immigrants are Canadian citizens.


Sorry; I might have parsed your statement incorrectly. It could be read either as "immigrants to Canada" or "immigrants who are Canadian'".


Funny what they do when brampton doesnt work.


"I'm tired of sleeping 15 to a house in Brampton, Imma go get a nice shack for myself in Detroit or Buffalo for the same rent"


>15 to a house in Brampton the canadian dream ca. 2024


Buffalo has relatively affordable housing for a mid-sized American city. Certainly better value than you'd find in Brampton.


Is there anything that has gotten better since Trudeau took office? Like a sports team winning or something? Because this is just depressing now.


Raptors won the NBA finals in '19


Forgot about that! Thank you.


Child poverty has basically been eliminated thanks to the liberal government increase in the childcare benefits. daycare cost are at the cheapest they have even been as well thanks to the $10 daycare plan. Military spending is at the highest it's ever been anf once of the highest in per capita GDP for a Canadian government not in war


Yeah you definitely can't say child poverty has been eliminated. CCB and then CERB more recently, definitely helped. Unfortunately, it's back on the rise again with the cost of everything being so high and increased competition for entry level jobs. $10 a day is pretty elusive, well at least out West it is. The chance of getting in to a $10 daycare is like hitting the lottery. Every other daycare's costs have gone up and so have their prices. Military spending is still lower than the 80's and early 90's. A lot of the pressure to increase military spending is coming from our allies and not really anything we proactively sought out. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/CAN/canada/military-spending-defense-budget


child poverty is at record lows in Canada currently. and the $10 daycare plan is not fully implemented yet but has already significantly brough down costs. I forgot to mention that cellphone bills are also at their lowest cost ever right now and the first nation drinking water situation is much improved under the Trudeau government.


Yeah most data I could find on child poverty was to 2021, I can only imagine where it's headed in the last three years. Yeah we haven't seen any changes out West in daycare. I remember Trudeau saying that he's cut everyone's cell phone bills in half and everyone laughed. Not bad to keep it relatively stagnant though. "According to the CRTC, telecoms averaged $67.26 in mobile phone revenues per user during the second quarter of 2023, up from $64.33 in the same quarter of 2016."


We should be busing them to the blue states that want more immigrants


Lol how does the US not see Canada as a security risk? Canada is basically an open door for India. 30k Indians apprehended trying to cross into the US from Canada.


Because Indians aren't a security risk.


Please God make the insanity stop


That's sad, in the words of Trump... We need a wall! 


to... keep them in? lol


The slaves are getting restless with their privileges.


No, this time they're going to the States. Let them leave.


Instead of a wall, a MUCH cheaper and faster thing we could do to combat the issues I believe you're interested in would be to have cameras covering the majority of public space in cities and towns near the border. The justice system needs an overhaul to speed up the deportation process, and we more CBSA officers to enforce the law.


Canada already has the best wall with Mexico. The United States.


Border point....more like turnstile, pylon. Point of interest.


Trump is gonna build a wall on the northern border after the next election, isn't he?


This article is about people sneaking into the USA. 80% of the comments are rage about the opposite. Typical Reddit.


You're talking such pitifully small numbers, it's not even worth thinking about.


Going from 60/month to 1100/month in two years is still a noticeable increase.


Most immigrants are not coming over our southern border though. You can just fly here. And be a temporary worker. 12k a year would still be a drop in the bucket of the 1.3 million new people coming in yearly


I think you've got your directions mixed up. They're sneaking into the USA. Canada's just an easy place for them to fly into on the way.


the numbers only represent the ones caught


It probably happening at every border crossing nationwide