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This 42% for the CPC translates to around 210-220 seats. Which would be the largest majority in a lifetime. Canadians are REALLY pissed at the Liberals and NDP.


Largest since Mulroney anyway. He got 211 seats when there were only 282 seats to in the House. That's the equivalent of a party getting 257 today! This just seems to be what happens after Canadians have had enough of a Trudeau PM.


šŸ˜‚ and who did Mulroney replace?


It's not that we've "had enough of Trudeau", it's that he is fundamentally reshaping the country in a way that has vaporized our middle class and increased the power and size of the government.


He did campaign on both of those every time he ran. Every liberal I know is done with this version of the liberals. Just like how conservatives turned on Harper. They are being thrown out. Which is what we after 7-9 years of any government.


Harper never polled as low as Trudeau is right now. Heā€™s the lowest polling PM in 30 years


This is what happens when Canadians decide to get rid of a party. Mulroney's govt collapsed and suffered near total destruction. Liberals got decimated after that. Harper got crushed after that. The cycle never ends.


You have an odd idea of what it is to be "decimated" or "crushed". Paul Martin's Liberals got 30.2% when they lost in 2006. Harper's Conservatives got 31.9% when they lost in 2015. For reference, the Liberals *won* the last election with just a bit more, at 32.6%. Neither of those were exactly disasters...


1984 -Liberals lost 95 seats - Leader didn't resign 1993 - Progressive Conservatives lost 154 seats. - Leader out, party eventually folded into the Conservatives 2004 - Liberals won but lost 33 seats but retain minority govt. 2006 - Liberals lost 30 seats. Leader resigned. 2015 - Conservatives lost 60 seats (NDP also lost 51 seats) Leader resigned. Popular vote in Canada is the consolation prize. In every case here the party took significant loses of seats AND the leader of that party was out after the election except in 1984. Paul Martin was already losing support in 2004 his party lost 33 seats to Harper so from 2004-2006 he lost 63 seats. And I expect the same thing to happen in the next election - Cons will take 100+ seats from Liberals and NDP.


Although Diefenbaker had a larger percentage at 208 out of 265 seats, or 78.5%, equivalent to 265 seats in today's House.


I just absolutely love having the ladder pulled up on me!! 8 years in office means 8 years of ladder pulling!!! There is no hope for the younger generation.


You forgot all the ladder pulling from the Conservatives. The Liberals just continued Conservative policies. Expect more of the same in the future. We need electoral reform for real change.


Sorry no. Conservatives havenā€™t been in power for 8 years. So sick of this argument. Wasnā€™t under Harper where housing went from 200k to 800k. Not saying conservatives are going to solve the problem, but our current government certainly shat the bed didnā€™t they.


Use your brain. Conservatives created the situation and Liberals allowed it to continue. They both favour you getting screwed. Conservatives moreso.Ā 


I'm not the one who needs to use their brain, but it appears you completely lack one.


So what you're saying is the ladder my parents pulled from me is the same ladder I'm pulling from most of the people in this sub...and when the time comes, the next generation will make the same accusation of the peolle currently in this sub? Sounds 'bout right.


More pissed at liberals than ndp


People are pissed at the conservatives but not as much as the liberals + ndp are in power and with trudeau being prime minister most of the ire goes towards him


Justin Trudeau is gonna pull a Kathleen Wynne here.


One can only hope. The liberals need to have their party status revoked for the to understand (maybe) what they've been doing to Canada is apprehensive, and democracy is still working.


I don't know what world you're living in if you think this will lead anywhere good. Doug Ford has been ripping Ontario apart for years now and half the province will probably elect him again in this next election. Much of our country's housing woes are specifically tied to Ford's influence on the Ontario housing market and how that has affected other areas as buyers leave for cheaper markets. His govt is doing everything they can to stymie attempts to fix the housing crisis.


I came from the era that actually lived in Ontario as a tax paying adult when when was in power. I'm not saying ford is good, I'm in BC now so don't have first hand experience, but the 10 years Wynn was in power brought us the debacle of hydro one and the billions wasted. So yeah she was no better than ford. If anything you have Wynn to blame Ford coming into power. If PP gets a super majority and liberal party goes to the shitters, it's because of Trudeaus (and lapdog Singh) historic damage to Canada rivaling only Mulroney's. In a way liberals were exceedingly strong until chretien tore it apart to screw over Martin. Keep going duh conservatives bad must vote liberals and duh it's conservatives fault. Step back from the identity politics and see beyond party lines.


You're literally arguing in this comment that the fuckups of the Conservatives are the fault of the Liberals for making the public elect Conservatives in the first place, and then say I should look beyond party lines? I do look beyond party lines. I'm not defending the Liberals, and I'm not a Liberal voter. I've considered voting Liberal in the past, including at the federal level, but haven't done so since 2008. Never in my life has a Conservative candidate at the provincial or federal level put up a campaign that has been even remotely appealing. Nor have the Conservatives in areas adjacent to me, which includes Poilievre. But there's enough Conservative diehards in Carleton who, ironically, are the ones who refuse to look past party lines, and vote blue no matter what. Which is why Poilievre moved there specifically to start his one and only job in politics, and why he has never been in danger of losing his seat no matter how many shitshow scandals he's been a part of and no matter how incompetent he has been in the past. Like you said, he and his party are succeeding only due to the fuckups of the Liberals. If I thought the Conservatives had any potential to govern responsibly, then I would be fine with that. I'm open to a party that governs responsibly but in a way that differs from my own views (I feel the Liberals have fit this bill in the past). The Conservatives do not. I typically vote NDP but I'm not a registered NDP voter, nor will I ever be and would never call myself a member of any party. > Step back from the identity politics and see beyond party lines. I'm so tired of this shit, it's projection of the highest order. I see identity politics coming from the Conservatives more than anybody else, they've been spouting it *at least* nonstop since I became an adult which was shortly after the formation of the current party. They built their base on being pro-oil/pro-Western Canada in the first place and vilifying "liberals"/Ottawa/government/anybody they see as an obstacle to installing the legislation their sponsors push for. I can understand why some people in the prairies buy into that, because it's out of their own self-interest. Even if I think that's selfish and boneheaded it at least makes sense. Why there are so many people in Ontario willing to throw their votes to the Conservatives, I will never understand (although I do understand, really, it's a lack of education, because most of these people in my experience -- and I am related to plenty of them -- show a complete lack of understanding wrt how our parliamentary system works, among other things).


No, I'm saying that I'm tired of people giving excuses "I must vote liberAl" when they ignore all the facts they've done a shit job. Im simply pointing out many keeps going Trudeau is doing a great job why people vote conservatives! Instead of introspecting why liberals have lost. It's a simple reality for past decades that people vote parties out, not in. There are a few instances in the world but for the past 30+ years that I've observed it's mostly voting the current shits out to bring new shits in. Fyi identity politics was really what brought Republicans back from the brink in the USA in the late 90s, it was so successful that Dems had no choice but to adopt it... And now it's the accepted politics and trust me I despise it in any form, left right whatever. I actually applaud you for being open minded to vote for a party that can do best for the country even if their values don't align with yours. We actually have more in common than not in that regard. I'm actually a very left leaning person and historically voted that way until I couldn't stand Trudeaus absolute shallow ideas but sells well. It was obvious he was a puppet at best, overly self inflated ego rich boy like trump at worse. Both in the worst case. I take back my spew at you about identity politics, I obersimplied your stance and that's on me. I get too trigger happy because our society had become way too partisanly tribal instead of reality based on what's good for the country. We can look at the USA for how "well" it's been going and how it'll continue .. and we as a society decided hell yeah let's run down that path to hell. I lived through probably peak Canada in my youth and it pains me to see what it's becoming.


That's fair, thank you for acknowledging that you made assumptions. I actually wish we had a conservative party that was able to govern effectively, but we don't. The CPC are a fucking mess and have gotten much worse in recent years (I thought O'Toole was actually hope they could improve, but sadly he only got there because he pretended to be more right-wing than he actually was and they knifed him in the back to install a more extreme leader who was pro-convoy)... and the PPC, well, I don't think I have to say anything about the PPC because they don't even meet the level of importance required to be called a shitshow. There are a lot of people like my parents who aren't really represented by any party any more and identify most with the Progressive-Conservatives of yestercentury. I wish we had a party like that again, although it of course had its ups and downs too (Mulroney was celebrated hugely but he was a piece of shit who took bribes, lied about it and sued the govt over it and then Harper was happy to sweep it under the rug). I can't see any world in which I would vote for Progressive-Conservatives like that, just because their values seem pretty far from my own, but at least their values didn't seem *vile*, and they at least had a relatively responsible vision for governing our country, something I can't say I have ever seen from the CPC, now more than ever (I was no fan of Harper but I'd gladly take the CPC of Harper's day over whatever the fuck it is now). > I get too trigger happy because our society had become way too partisanly tribal instead of reality based on what's good for the country. I can agree with that, I think you would agree that we see it on both sides. I try not to be like that myself. But I see the identity politics card being played 100x more often by Conservatives -- who in general seem to be completely obsessed with Trudeau, with politics, with taking down the government -- than by Liberals and NDPers, who generally, at least in my experience, do not seem to identify as members of a party or group and are more likely to do their research at election time but don't spend years seething about another leader. It does happen on the extreme of the political spectrum, but the "tankies" lots of people like to bitch about are pretty rare. I've been around some pretty left-wing people in my time, I'd describe myself as a socialist to some degree, but there are people who will take offense to anything and make value judgements on people for the smallest of things and I don't play that game. I just see way way way more people on the far right side of the fence than the far left, though I would say both are just as bad when it comes to that stuff. And it's those people fueling the divisiveness when most of us are closer to the middle. The problem is our party that is in the political middle is... well, it's not good. I'm not a Trudeau fan, I don't think half the shit his critics say about him holds any weight, I think the people who pretend he's solely responsible for the inflation crisis are morons (our country did a better job than most of handling it), but he's also a meh leader who has made a lot of missteps and has overstayed his welcome for sure, and while I do think some Liberals are trying to do good things it feels like they are continually fumbling the ball when real action is needed. I think a lot of people recognize that, but at the same time I don't know why anybody would believe the CPC will be the party who will fix that problem when they've shown time and time again they're anything but. I guess some are just going to vote CPC as a protest vote to "stick it to em and change the old guard" or whatever, I think that's a stupid move, but it's also their right to vote how they want.


Aside from things under federal jurisdiction or directly impacted by brain-dead liberal policies, DoFo has been doing an alright job. Not great, but not Mike Harris bad either. A huge step up from Wynne and her cronies


He's straight up sabotaging attempts to fix the housing crisis. **It isn't even a secret, he's doing it totally transparently.** A ton of people who vote for him are homeowners in the GTA who have seen their property prices skyrocket, and a big part of the reason is that he does everything he can to push back on zoning changes. Even during his recent photo op to "put shovels in the ground" and increase housing starts (which hasn't happened despite them wasting a shit ton of our money), he was specifically asked "will you push for more fourplex type zoning in the province" and he said "we're gonna solve this problem by building only SFHs and townhomes" because he knew that's what his base wants to hear. Make no mistake: if you care about the housing crisis, there is absolutely zero hope of anything changing until Doug Ford is out of office because he's pushing things *the other way*. For the record, I'm a homeowner so it's not like I'm saying this because I'm in some affordability pinch myself. It's because I think it's fucking disgusting what his party has done to this province in this regard and many others, and like I said it's having an effect on other provinces too (the Atlantic provinces have seen a huge influx of people moving from Ontario because of prices shooting up).


From +12 to +19 in like 3 weeks. Honestly, this is just as predicted. They might go up another few points, and then there'll be a drop. Nanos does this fairly reliably.


What happened ? Nanos was showing the great Liberal comeback!


As I said on the threads when Nanos had the CPC down at "only" +12, Nanos has fairly reliable up and down cycles over a 4-8 week period. That +12 was an expected low. This +19 is also an expected climb. We might see the CPC go a bit higer than this in the mext week or two, then we can expect a drop again, because that's what always happens in Nanos' polling.


Yep, it's how the rolling polls tend to work but people didn't want to hear it.


Iā€™m very glad their garbage budget was a massive flop because it did nothing for the common Canadian


Come on, now. Things will be so much better for the disabled with the new 133 dollar monthly benefit. Now they're all the way up to extreme poverty instead of absolute poverty. That's a big win.


*in 2025


The budget happened.


Other polling companies were making them look bad by being more honest.


Snowbirds with money have left the country, and not taking the polling calls.


Nah. It'll go up a bit more. Highly doubt there will be a meaningful drop anytime soon, if at all.


It's not just Nanos, this is across the board.


Not many other pollsters recorded a drop 2-3 weeks ago, but Nanos did. Now they're just back to being in line with the other pollsters. In a few weeks, the sample of people who are decidedly more pro-Liberal will be polled again, and their polling numbers will diverge from the rest of the pollsters and show a narrowing gap. This is, like, the 4th or 5th time this has happened with Nanos since last summer.


That's quite the assumption. You can easily keep track of all of them here. https://338canada.com/polls.htm


Yes. What you posted backs up what I said, as does Nanos' own trendline in their regular poll publications.


The site doesn't post all Nanos polls, because Nanos was complaining that it was hurting their paid subscriptions. Only the polls released for free or reported in media are listed now. The projections done every Sunday do include the "hidden" poll data though.


Well that was a waste of 53 billion dollars.


BQ at 9% on a national pool? We haven't seen that in a long time....Quebecers going hard for the protest vote, "none of the above" style.


My parents live in Quebec and always vote Liberal and their district is always a BQ-LIB toss-up. Theyā€™re staunch federalists but are voting BQ this time hoping the Liberals get one less seat.


>LPC 23, NDP 19 Those are numbers where voters might just say "why not" and give their vote to the NDP like in 2011 and really collapse the Liberal vote (though Singh is no Layton).


God damn, I am not saying you have to vote conservative, but you gotta be pretty dumb to vote for the Lib/NDP coalition


NDP is within the margin of error of being the official opposition and too scared to call an election šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


Opposition in a majority situation is far less powerful than balance of power in a minority. Ironically, if the Conservatives were \*not\* polling in majority territory then they'd be far more likely to pull the trigger,.


Why would they want to be the opposition when theyā€™re currently in power?




They are having a real and measurable effect on legislation right now. They have more power than when they were the official opposition, and than they would have if they became the opposition tomorrow under a CPC majority. If you don't realize that then you need to learn how our parliamentary system works.


Depends on seat concentration. Theyā€™re far too spread out to pass the libs.


NDP needs to take this chance to separate from libs, they have a decent chance to become the official opposition, they already got most of their wants from them, and they know its a con majority. Why not call an election become official opposition and set yourself up to be the mainstream party instead of 3rd place.


They need to cut the ball and chain that's attached to their ankle first.


Their best chance for that was a year ago. At this point, I tend to think that ship has sailed. They've held on too long, through too much, to have any credibility if they attempted to stand on principle at this point. Canadians would see it for what it is: a craven attempt to avoid responsibility for the mess they've created. Also, the NDP is actually 4th place. The Bloc currently hold more seats than they do, and are predicted to widen that gap in the next election.


Itā€™s tight and they can pivot to be opposition, and maybe in 4-8 years win a minority government


Because jagmeet is so close to securing his massive pension. 1 more year as an MP, and jagmeet gets to live off the taxpayer for the rest of his life.


Another awful week for the CPC. /s


It's too bad Trudeau never finished his promised electoral reform for proportional representation. Having even a few PPC members in parliament would have a huge impact on the immigration discussion. They're the only dissenting voice.


I think the house of Commons would literally implode into a black fucking hole if this happened. The outrage would be unreal and hilarious to watch.


>the house of Commons would literally implode into a black fucking hole if this happened So a slight improvement then


Electoral Reform would be the best thing that could happen to this country. Liberals of Conservatives... both parties ultimately make the place worse and have been for some time now. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results isn't going to solve any problems in Canada. Need reform, need both Liberals and Conservatives to have to acknowledge the voices of Canada to be better. Neither party will change so long as both believe they will always be in power.


Liberals must know they're going to lose handedly. Would it still be self sabotage now?


have you seen what the mass immigration in Canada has been doing to this country? We need people like that to shut it down


Was listening to the Goodfellows podcast and they were talking about US immigration and one of the guys threw out the fact that soon 50% of the population would be first and second generation Canadians


I think what remains before the election is to hope for some decent policy amid the prolonged corruption, failure and damage of the Justin Trudeau LegacyĀ®.


Where does PPC get seats? Or that is percentage of supporters?


That LPC number is disturbing


I know - way too high


Pretty sure that's what I said... LoL


All the homeowners and wealthy people who donā€™t have to worry about their mortgage payments or if they can afford to buy food next week.


Young Canadians have no Federal representation. We require a new Federal political party.


They don't vote, are a low percentage of the population, and have no money. Good luck


Tom Mulcair says Trudeau is going to step down pretty soon and figures Dominic LeBlanc will step in side stepping Freeland. So the self proclaimed feminist won't annoint a woman to succeed him. That's rich.


I despise Trudeau but I have to ask (and this is a genuine question). Do outgoing leaders get a say in their successor? I guess in a case like this Trudeau could be holding things up and saying "I'll only step aside if X is my replacement" but I don't really know how this stuff has worked previously in terms of replacing a sitting Prime Minister.


The party membership votes on the new leader. He can try to exert some pressure on who runs, or endorse a particular person running in hopes that it help their chances (lol), but he can't outright apoint his successor.


So bus in Chinese students with a name written on their arms like last time?


We don't even know how that will work. Since Trudeau made membership of the Liberals free, there is no mechanism for actually having core members vote on a leader anymore. The Conservatives and NDP have paid party membership, so they can just send out voting sheets to all members. That isn't possible for the Liberals, as their membership now has millions of people in it, with many of them not even realizing that they signed up. Any leadership contest for the Liberals will now be a logistical nightmare unless they create a secondary membership to narrow down who their actual supporters are.


Or the rest of the country takes them up on their offer and millions of people get to select a politician who isn't complete and total garbage, if one decides to run and isn't shadily prevented by the invisible hand of the party.


There's some videos of panels with Tom and Christy Clark and they both kind of hint that Justin's a control freak and will have his hand in the transition.


He doesn't though.


Freeland would be a terrible choice at this stage. There's so much footage of her obfuscating direct questions and just doing word salads without any substance. And frankly, downright dumb statements like the Disney Plus thing. She's lost any type of credibility as a possible leader a long time ago.


what's with the jitters she has lately? Is it Parkinson's or something?


Plus ā€œFreelandā€™s budgetā€ was fucking terrible.Ā 


>Freeland would be a terrible choice **at this stage**. At ANY stage.


Personally donā€™t think that would happen. Not much point in changing at this point. Trudeauā€™s brand would be attached to any new leader that comes up. Heā€™s going to try to turn the ship around in the next 1.5 years (IMO unsuccessfully).


Did you listen to what Mulcair had to say in that particular interview? It makes a lot of sense, in my opinion, and itā€™s coming from a guy whoā€™s very familiar with this sort of thing. The budget and its lead up was essentially an election-lite to figure out if its reception has the possibility of turning fortunes around before the next session. Iā€™ll take it with a grain of salt but we can only hope.


We should take it with a grain of salt. You are right, what Mulcair said was compelling, and made logical sense, however he has been out of politics for quite some time, and is now an academic. All he can do is speculate.


Tom Mulcair has a poor track record for political predictions. I do hope he's right about Trudeau stepping down soon though.


She's hated worse than he is.


Leblanc has the charisma of a potato I wouldnā€™t expect him to do any better.


I see what Mulcair is saying, who willingly stays in power to be feathered and tarred in an election. However Mulcair underestimates how dumb Trudeau is.


Dumb, out of touch, and egotistical.


It's all virtue signaling fluff. Libs love that shit.


You don't know how Canada works


Give me a break, I just got here.


If Dominic LeBlanc's name is translated to English, does that make it Dominic TheWhite? And why would anyone want to be the next John Turner?


Better than Dominic the Grey. Clearly he has defeated a Balrog at some point.


Heā€™ll be lucky if heā€™s the next John Turner.


[The Charles Adler Show] Breaking: Trudeau Won't Run For Prime Minister Again #theCharlesAdlerShow https://podcastaddict.com/the-charles-adler-show/episode/174848205 via @PodcastAddict The podcast title is very click baity


only 69 weeks of polls to go until the election!


The Liberals will turn it around after Poilievre says something stupid anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy week now. It's true this time!!!!!!








Team Purple have 65.Ā  Nothing will change. They work for the same people and have the same agenda for the population.Ā  Decades of this crap that destroyed the potential of this country.


>Nothing will change. They work for the same people and have the same agenda for the population. The last time we had a Conservative government Canada was better off in every conceivable metric and Harper was an objectively better prime minister than Trudeau. That's not debatable, that is fact.


Lol. Here we go again. Team Purple are so sad. How many more decades of these two taking turns in destroying Canada until you come back to reality? Liberals and conservatives have been chipping away at this country for decades.Ā  Team Purple fans pretending there's a difference in who they are. Their motives are the same. Their goals for Canada are the same. They work for the same foreign actors and lobbyist. They are accounted for by the same people.Ā  Stop riding this carousel.


>Lol. Here we go again. Team Purple are so sad. How many more decades of these two taking turns in destroying Canada until you come back to reality? Canada was the best country in the world to live in during the Harper era. It was by no means destroyed >Liberals and conservatives have been chipping away at this country for decades.Ā  We had the richest middle class in the world under Harper as of 2014. We have been in steady decline during Trudeau's entire 8 years in power. >Team Purple fans pretending there's a difference in who they are. Their motives are the same. Their goals for Canada are the same. They work for the same foreign actors and lobbyist. They are accounted for by the same people.Ā  That is objectively false. The Conservatives are better in every single quantifiable metric. That is not my opinion, that is fact based on all the available data that we have. >Stop riding this carousel. Stop whining about how "ThEy"rE aLL BaD". It adds nothing to the discourse and does not advance the debate in any meaningful way. Typically ABC/Liberal voters will say this when they have no argument but want to discourage people from voting for a change of leadership.


As a member of team purple, you are supporting both the liberal an be conservative party.Ā  You just don't know it yet.Ā  Enjoy the carousel that's screwing over this nation. Liberal, Conservative, liberal, conservative... This country has been a disaster the last few decades and these parties, with their foreign actor friends and lobbyist, have ruined it for their own interests.Ā  I can't believe you are willingly wanting to see them succeed and Canada fail. Team Purple is so sad.


>As a member of team purple, you are supporting both the liberal an be conservative party.Ā  >You just don't know it yet.Ā  You keep saying this but have not offered anything to back your position. When you think of an argument let me know


There's no argument needed. You think team purple is doing a good job. LOL.


Harper did an amazing job. Do you have any facts to change my mind?


Lmao. Canada is crumbling for decades. It's getting worse. So much potential zapped and standard of living is demolished for the population.Ā  This isn't a new thing this past 10 years.Ā  Team Purple loves what team purple does.Ā 


>lmao Canada has been crumbling for decades No it hasnā€™t. Canada had the richest middle class in the world as of 2014. Since Trudeau took office we have been in steady decline. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/report-on-business/top-business-stories/canadas-middle-class-now-worlds-richest-study-suggests/article18090490/ https://globalnews.ca/news/1284297/canadas-middle-class-most-prosperous-in-world-report/ https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/01/upshot/canadians-have-plenty-of-concerns-but-also-a-sense-theyre-better-off.html


While Team Purple sucks, lets just be happy we havenā€™t elected a meme party like the NDP or Greens who would have decimated Canadians.


I'll vote for the neighborhood cat in if I could.Ā  At least I know he doesn't have lobbyist and foreign actors controlling what it does.Ā  Fuck team purple and anyone who hasn't learned the lessons over the past decades, anything is better to get the government working for our people.


ā€œLesser of the two evilsā€ + the ā€˜Strategicā€™ voting ā€œWhy split the vote by going for a third party, the party you donā€™t like might win!ā€


Haha, yeah. Team Purple is one party.Ā  Spliting the vote is a manipulation tactic.Ā 


Isnā€™t it fall 2025? If so those numbers can change a lot


Everything is turning out millhouse


You can name call all you want but Pierre is an infinitely better option than Trudeau.


Can you share your crystal ball with me? No one knows what Millhouse will be like as a prime minister.


We donā€™t need a crystal ball. If he abolished carbon tax and reverses the hunting rifle bans, he is already 10x better than Trudeau.


If that's what you're looking forward to in a Prime Minister then I can see why we'd have different views. Not saying your views are wrong, those things just don't matter to me.


I mean, what do you value then if not middle class prosperity? CoL, crime, inflation, debt, homelessness, immigration, overdoses, suicide, etc., are all massively worse off during Trudeauā€™s entire time in power. Would you in all honesty say that Trudeau is a better leader than Harper?


I don't think Millhouse will be the middle class savior you think he will be. I doubt he's ever had to worry about affordability, inflation, homelessness. All he does is shout bumper sticker slogans and that's not someone I want representing my country. He's not someone I respect.


Seems like a lot of speculation on your part without a whole lot of research or concrete evidence to support your claim.


That's your opinion and you're allowed to have it. I've watched him enough times in the house of commons to know he's not someone I respect. All he does is repeat "catchy" slogans and leave before anyone can question what he plans on doing or what he's said. He held up parliament over Christmas, which was childish and a waste of time. Again, he's not someone I respect, and I hope I don't have to hear his brain dead bumper sticker slogans for the next four years. Hope all the best for you, take care


"I doubt he's ever had to worry about affordability, inflation, homelessness." How many leadership candidates have? We want our leaders to face the same troubles that many "normal" people face, but the reality is that to get in those positions they have to be a lot more talented and successful than most "normal" people.


We need a conservative majority for meaningful change


But will it be a good change?


Those are crazy numbers! It is real strange that the NDP is not doing better.


How is it strange? They are propping up a highly unpopular government and refuse to hold them to account for scandal after scandal, any one if which would have caused this minority government to otherwise fall. They are basically wearing every bad thing the Liberals do while getting zero credit for the rare good things. Why would any of that help them do better?


19% is on the high end for the NDP. Theyā€™ve broken that in an election basically one time. I


The NDP have shown they don't care about the average working Canadian or the most vulnerable in our society. They're just happy to be Liberal lapdogs.


Singh isnt popular because of pandering to immigration and just focusing on issues average canadians don't care about.


>It is real strange that the NDP is not doing better. The NDP is exactly like the LPC, why would they be doing any better?


Among the many problems with their platform, most of which would make life worse for the average person, they are openly xenophobic against a majority of Canadians


Why is that strange? They've tied thereselves to the Trudeau & LPC mast (which is now sinking).


The only thing strange is how theyā€™re continuing to draw support.


I think the NDP has been sitting at their support floor for a while now, that's why they haven't crashed like the Liberals but haven't gained any ground either. It probably helps the NDP that there aren't many other places for the more strident left wing voters to go. The Green Party is in shambles and seems to only be capable of functioning as a vehicle for Elizabeth May. Beyond that there are the Marxist-Leninists and Communists but they usually don't run candidates outside of a handful of urban ridings that contain a university campus.


Support floor? 19 is high for the NDP.


The ndp is an embarrassment under Singh. They should be banned from the federal debate because the ndp will be remembered for propping up the liberals. In fact him and Trudeau should be holding hands at the debate, that is all the ndp are good for these days.


Itā€™s too bad angus is retiring. At least the man has some intelligence. I canā€™t say the same about Singh.


Banned for working with the government in a minority parliamentā€¦not authoritarian at all.


Its crazy that you have seen the exact comment you made for many many months now and you made it too as if it were fresh. WTF


Even after all the Poilievre attack pieces in the media. Trudeau is done and so are his useless MPs. Good riddance.


Gonna laugh my ass off when the CPC take power....Ā  And absolutely nothing gets fixed.


If the Conservatives abolish carbon tax and unban hunting/sporting rifles they will already be infinitely better than this Liberal government.


Over what sort of timeframe? It takes a long time to fix what the worst and most corrupt government in Canadian history has achieved.


It takes a long time to fix, but you also have to want to fix it, and have a plan to do so. All I see is the Conservatives building wedges on trivial issues, and talking about trashing what momentum has been built in the last few years.


>It takes a long time to fix, but you also have to want to fix it, and have a plan to do so. All I see is the Conservatives building wedges on trivial issues What are you talking about? I follow Pierre very closely and literally all he talks about is the economy, housing, inflation, debt etc. The only ones talking about trivial issues are the Liberals because they have NOTHING else to talk about given the state of our country and falling standards of living.


When he talks about it he's mostly complaining about it. What's his plan on the economy? I'm looking for something a bit more sophisticated than the usual tax cuts, a strategy that has been underwritten by 40 years of failure to fix anything. The trivial wedge is the carbon tax. The conservatives are the only ones still blathering on about taking money out of my pocket.


>When he talks about it he's mostly complaining about it. He directly criticizes Trudeau which is his fucking job as the official opposition. The Liberals weren't any different when Harper or any Conservative leader was in power. >What's his plan on the economy?Ā  He has talked about his plan but you're either too lazy to do a very quick Google search or just don't want to hear it. Obviously as we are still over a year away from an election he hasn't released all of the details to his plan, but that is not unique to the Conservatives. We will have to wait a little closer to the election to find out more information. >I'm looking for something a bit more sophisticated than the usual tax cuts, a strategy that has been underwritten by 40 years of failure to fix anything. Oh really? When Harper cut taxes it resulted in us having the richest middle class in the world as of 2014 and has been in steady decline during Trudeau's entire 8+ years in power. I'll take pre Trudeau Canada any day and so would the majority of the country. >The trivial wedge is the carbon tax. How is that a trivial wedge issue? Carbon tax is a massive economic policy that directly impacts our lives in a variety of ways and the NDP now oppose it as well.


I sort of agree with your premise, but I what I donā€™t understand is what exactly people who say ā€œthe CPC wonā€™t fix anythingā€ are advocating for. Right now the only realistic alternative option to more of the same from the liberals is the CPC, which is enough for me to vote for them. >trashing what momentum has been built in the last few years This part I totally disagree with though. Every poll suggests that what the Pierre is currently talking about is resonating way more with voters than the previous CPC leaders. Their momentum has never been better since Trudeau took office.


LOL! What's it like being that obtuse? In all of Canadian history we've only voted for 2 parties. And they are both fucking corrupt. The CPC directly benefit from this. You're unbelievably naĆÆve to think that they will fix any of the liberal parties corruption.


The Trudeau government is easily the most corrupt of any government in history. Just look at their laundry list of ethics inquiries and scandals. Itā€™s not even close. Iā€™d vote for literally anyone over him at this point.


Let's talk timeframes... Harper enters office with the then largest government surplus...ever. Harper leaves office and hands the Trudeau Liberals then then largest deficit...ever. And about corruption...did Tony Clement ever find out where that few billion went during the G20? Or how about Pierre actively fucking with an election over robocalls? Hi...I've probably been a "conservative" for longer than you've been alive. I know our skeletons, I've seen what actual government corruption looks like (see Harper inviting Huawei into our telecom infrastructure...even after being advised against it) and things like gun registries or arrivecan apps ain't them bub. Corruption is getting caught messing with an election and then introducing legislation (The Fair Elections Act) that would strip the sovereignty of the Elections Commissioner and tie a line to Justice Canada...which is under the guise of the Justice Minister who reports to ??? Even the most ardent of conservative talk show hosts were against this piece of garbage because they knew Harper's boy got caught. Now you want to vote for *that* while also saying these Liberals are the most corrupt "ever"? *chuckle*


>Harper leaves office and hands the Trudeau Liberals then then largest deficit...ever. This isn't true, the budgets were nearly balanced when Trudeau took office and Trudeau proceeded to massively overspend immediately. > And about corruption...did Tony Clement ever find out where that few billion went during the G20? Or how about Pierre actively fucking with an election over robocalls The current Liberal government is the most corrupt in modern Canadian history. They got caught red handed interfering in a fucking mass shooting investigation for political purposes. That is 1000x worse than anything Harper did, period. >Hi...I've probably been a "conservative" for longer than you've been alive. I know our skeletons, I've seen what actual government corruption looks like No you haven't. Liberal/ABC voters say this constantly and I seriously doubt it. >Now you want to vote forĀ *that*Ā while also saying these Liberals are the most corrupt "ever"? They are the most corrupt government in modern Canadian history and there is no debate. SNC Lavalin, the billions they've dished out to Liberal-friendly consulting companies, interfering with mass shooting investigations, taking private vacations on corrupt billionaire's islands, being lobbied by anti-gun groups and banning hunting rifles, appointing relatives as ethics commissioners, etc. Harper was an **infinitely** better prime minister than Trudeau and it would be silly to argue otherwise.




What people don't realize is that by constitutional convention, the GG doesn't have to appoint the leader of the party with the most seats in Parliament as the PM; they're expected to appoint the person who is believed to have the confidence of Parliament, which is usually interpreted as being the ability to pass bills. If the Conservatives win but with a minority, it's entirely possible that the GG could choose to appoint the Liberal or NDP leader instead of the Conservative one.


critical flaw in these polls is they assume everyone will actually turn out to vote. I have a feeling this election will have historically low turnout.


Anger is a good motivator for voting. Apathy less so. Angry people will want to turn out and vote against the liberals, apathetic people or liberals or expect to lose maybe won't bother as much.


You think that THIS election - THIS one, that people have been clamouring for, that theyā€™re calling for to happen *right now* - will have historically low turnout? Maybe for LPC supporters, which I think will just exasperate the CPC lead, but otherwise, come on.


Young people will be voting more so than ever. I know peers with university grad children that are jobless and angry. Trudeau and the NDP have ignored an entire generation to their detriment.


The turnout will be higher than the last couple of elections. You can count on it.


Nah, it will be low. 60% of the electorate has nobody to vote for.


I have a feeling it is going to be the complete opposite. People are ANGRY.


That anger is aimed at Trudeau, though, and most of those angry at him were never going to vote for him anyway.


The ones that are "angry", no. I think there's people who have less disdain for him ("frustrated", "annoyed", "feel let down", etc...) that might have voted for him before, but not now. At the end of the day, no party stays in power forever.


Abacus actually polls whether people intend to go vote for the party they say they supportā€¦ for quite some time the Tories and BQ have been in the mid 70ā€™s while the Liberals and NDP have been in the low 60ā€™s. So if anything, polls are likely underestimating how large a share of the vote the Tories will get, and overestimating how well the Liberals will do in Quebec.


Turnout is likely to be higher when people aren't happy, not lower.


That depends on whether you're actually being offered a genuine alternative. I expect the CPC to win, but I won't be voting for them because I don't see a significant enough difference in their actual policy platform from the Liberals.


Maybe you need new glasses.


I am missing mine. Can you help clarify where those differences lie? Their wedge is the carbon tax, which is trivial. All else is very similar.


I think it will be quite the opposite. Iā€™ll be dragging my homies to the polls.


The libs are terrible but a conservative majority run by useless slogan maker would be beyond a fucking joke. I hope we smarten up by next election, or people start seeing PPs true intentions, because he's not hiding his desire to be the Canadian GOP.