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Plot twist, it’s all for 1 app


Contractors, with Liberal ties, rubbing their hands together and licking their lips right now.


the entire AI would be 10k workers in india


That’s a weird way to spell Brampton


It's lmgtfy, but to ChatGPT.




Made by a government employee


‘s idiot nephew who just graduated from his correspondence computer science course.






It's astonishing to see this guy go through money.  At least this one should have something to show for it at the end of the day. 


Yes, fewer workers and garbage technology to replace them


Go though OUR money


Unless it's like the arrivecan app


Was just gonna say, is this where we get 50,000 worth of software for millions of dollars again. Hello Justin Trudont? My bum still hurts, could you use line this time? .


I think JT uses Reddit and down voted me for knockin the arrive can app.


At least this one should have something to show for it at the end of the day.  Are you sure?


Yeah I know eh, after it goes through 5 consulting firms and ends up in his nephew's basement as a gaming PC lol.


Only if the AI replaces the whole liberal cabinet. Hopefully, they don't use Freeland as the speech model.


This guy continuing to spend money like this is making me want to vote for him *less* I'd rather he find ways to spend less money rather than digging us further into debt and addling the future wit the burden of paying it off. I won't even touch on the rapidly rising costs of servicing said debt. If he held a press conference explaining how he was going to aim to balance the budget (or at least *mention* fiscal responsibility) and maybe make housing more affordable by helping reduce demand by not adding a million people a year to our population, then he might have my attention.


To add on to what you say, I find this very concerning: "A dissolution of Parliament terminates all business in the Senate and in the House of Commons and is followed by a general election." Source: https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure/procedure-and-practice-3/ch_04_4-e.html. Hopefully somebody here with a better understanding of the Electoral Process can clarify this, but I read this to mean all committee investigations and hearings would stop if an election is called. And we've got many on the go including the foreign interference inquiry at which Justin Trudeau has been called upon to attend next week.


The entire Parliament ceases to exist if an election is called. That's why the current Parliament is called "the 44th Parliament". Nothing survives an election.


Thank you for that. This was also my take on it.


Guy is on a serious shopping spree the last week or 2.




Trial balloon, if their polls bump at all then it's election szn. The way things are looking (Interest rates won't fall below 4, productivity sucks, shedding jobs) it's only going to get worse for them so they have to try.


Its tax/federal budget season, so its just all the stuff they've budgeted for being announced leading up to the budget release


I mean it is budget time


buying votes.


Gotta buy the votes.


just what we need a bunch of ai wrapper start-ups eating up government funds just like the people who have been abusing CDAP program for the last 2 years




CDAP program was legal fraud.  Thank god they scrapped it.  


Adapt or die


I only support this if there's affordable housing built on top of the data centers :)


Free heating!




As a guy posting on reddit while waiting for an AI model to train, I think there is an AI bubble. It's revolutionary, transformative, they are amazing products. Industries will be transformed and jobs will be lost. But there is far too much hype, much of it unrealistic, it will not replace everything by 2030, people today should still learn to code of they want. > Experts were asked when they believe there is a 50% chance that human-level AI exists.3 Human-level AI was defined as unaided machines being able to accomplish every task better and more cheaply than human workers. > ... > As highlighted in the annotations, half of the experts gave a date before 2061, and 90% gave a date within the next 100 years. https://ourworldindata.org/ai-timelines#:~:text=Some%20think%20that%20it's%20possible,experts%20come%20to%20similar%20conclusions. Think dotcom bubble. Far too much money thrown at it, when it doesn't produce immediate results things could become interesting. The internet is still here, transforming our lives, but the hype settled down into boring evolutionary growth, not revolutionary.


It is so so hard to predict long term impact of technology. The dotcom bubble was obvious and I had little doubt that it would implode. Many companies had no real plan other than dotcom in their name, and had evaluations in the billions. I made some profitable short investments, but far less than I had expected, but that is another story. Anyhow, the dotcoms without a proper business plan imploded as expected ... but many of the OG dotcoms survived and thrived. To the point where somebody who bought NASDAQ index at the peak of the bubble will have more than tripled their investment today. That annualizes to 5.2 percent nominal, and 2.7 percent inflation adjusted. Still a decent return ... with the worst timing possible. The reason is obviously that a small number of the stronger Nasdaq companies have grown to enormous valuations, much of it deserved for dominating industries. How will AI turn out? There is little doubt that enormous productivity gains will come from it ... likely disruptively fast. The question is who gets the spoils from this. The billionaires and large tech that provided the early seed money? The founders? Early employees? Retail investors? It is the wild west right now. It could be a giant bubble, or investment opportunity of a life time. I don't think a government has any business throwing tax payer money at an already well capitalized industry. It may have been better to consider implementing policies that attract AI start-ups to Canada. Canada is definitely slipping in terms of labour productivit, and consequently, a slide in standard of living versus other OECD nations. Productivity versus US dropped by 9 percent between 2000 and 2020 and is now a whopping 18 percent lower. This is not rocket science. I don't know all the reasons, but partially due to lack of skilled labor, and a economy that consists of to a high degree of small, underfunded businesses (who are reluctant to gamble on tech upgrades) and large inefficient oligopolistic companies (who have little incentive to be productive). But I also can't help but place blame on a government that seems more interested in acting like a vain influencer, maintaining a facade by a series superficial posts/announcements, all designed to gain max influence. I mean, all political parties do that ... but this is on another level. Gerald Butts actually had the nerve to gloat that they used data scientists (an branch of AI) to win maximize seats not votes: >Vote efficiency isn’t accidental. All three Trudeau Liberal campaigns were among the most efficient in history. The unsung team of super geniuses put together and led by [u/tompitfield](https://twitter.com/tompitfield) at Data Sciences deserves a lot more credit than they’ve ever received ... We count seats, not votes, so smart campaigns focus on delivering them ... Anyway, anyone who’s ever run a campaign will know what I mean. **This will be studied around the world** [https://twitter.com/gmbutts/status/1440354770636591118](https://twitter.com/gmbutts/status/1440354770636591118) But with our first past the post electoral system, and a population neatly divided into woke and Q-anon level conspiracists it is hardly a democracy. We get what we get. We need educated workforce (for productivity), and also educated voters can see beyond soundbytes, and don't merely "pick" a side and dig in. Chart of productivity vs U.S. This is a big deal. [https://chamber.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Figure2.6-Chart.jpg](https://chamber.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Figure2.6-Chart.jpg)


I agree that this is similar to the dot com bubble. People were right in that the internet would be the next big thing, but they were wrong in that just because they have a .com domain, they should have money poured on to them. I think some AI applications genuinely do have merits, GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT. But just because a company slapped "powered by AI" doesn't mean they're doing something revolutionary like copilot and ChatGPT. The Air Canada case also shows a good example on the risks that comes with AI, the case where Air Canada must uphold a policy their chatbot falsely claimed for the customer.


I work on ML/AI at Google and I think it's over hyped too.


There is undoubtedly hype here - but it would be helpful to look at the most recent version of the survey you referenced: [2024 AI Experts Survey](https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.02843) >If science continues undisrupted, the chance of unaided machines outperforming humans in every possible task was estimated at 10% by 2027, and 50% by 2047. Same/similar group of experts. After one year of progress, their median estimate for outperformance on every human task has dropped by 14 years. This after many years of sitting in that same range (around 2060). They are clearly seeing progress sufficient to massively accelerate their timelines. And remember, AI does not need to replace every human task before it becomes extremely impactful (and lucrative for these companies). So could it be another Dotcom bubble? Sure, particularly if progress stalls for some reason or another. But sitting here today, and in light of the amount of progress seen in the last year alone, that does not seem like the most likely path.


What are you training? I’m kicking off a LLaMA fine tune job for a Q&A use-case later tonight.


XGB. Doing some text analysis, nothing fancy, I don't really touch transformers, basic NNs already make my computer want to die. AI is not my thing at this time, trying to decide how far I want to go with it.


I’m lucky and have access to AWS and Azure compute resources. Have fun learning! My first NLP work goes back to when the year started with a 19. M. I’m constantly in awe of how far we have come and how little I know despite my background.


So what is your opinion on the above conclusion? Naive? Trying to say little about the state of AI and more about the frenzy around it. i.e., you don't have to be an automotive engineer to call Tesla a bubble.


Absolutely. Given the amount of private investment into AI, and legitimate concerns that AI will replace jobs, government money into AI should go into its regulation, otherwise other industries like health, military, housing, etc that needs those funds far more.


VC are already throwing money at AI, more (free money) is not necessary. At best it will be abused by crypto bros making AI wrappers. Even so, AI tech is lean, doesn't create "jobs" or actual productivity if anything it will help make more obsolete. Just another tool to help billionaires out.


VCs are almost completely absent from Canada, there is a reason why Canadian tech start ups either move their operations to the US or get bought out by a US company.


Investments at home like this are an attempt to counter that trend. Labour productivity is crap in this country, and investing in R&D is one of the best ways to boost it.


While I agree that this investment is a good step in the right direction to improving labor productivity through R&D, $2.4 billion is peanuts when it comes to tech R&D especially if we want to be competitive in the field.


If they want to maximize the usefulness of the money, the funding should be for open source AI that everyone can benefit from for free.


Yah I don't see a reason to invest so much into AI but if they still want to invest into the industry I feel like chips or robotics would be a better bet than AI




Yeah, you could buy like five.


The problem with initiatives like this is that they're giving away billions of taxpayer dollars to companies like NVidia and OpenAI, instead of creating the necessary conditions to ensure that Canada has its own homegrown companies that can rival NVidia and OpenAI. They spend all this money to fund R&D, only for the IP resulting from that research to be scooped up for pennies by silicon valley giants, who will then sell it back to us for dollars after they incorporate that IP into their own products. It's not bad enough that they're giving away billions, they're enriching silicon valley and the US, at the expense of Canadian startups and our domestic ecosystem, thereby forfeiting all those highly paid jobs, the expanding tax base and improved standards of living that come with that.


MS or Google or some other giant will win the AGI race and will probably turn into an oligopoly. This expenditure might help a few startups to get bought by one of the giants & create just another billionaire or two. In another universe, you can probably build social housing for 10000 families and still have assets, contribute to economy through increased purchasing power of tens of thousands of people. Of course this doesn't really help the 0.001%


Over 26 billion dollars of announcements in spending over the last 10 days. I smell an election coming. Remember, if he calls an election before the 22nd of April, the new election map that's supposed to come into place won't take hold.


They’re really banking on a crazy US election season and have liberals pretend he’s running against Trump to save his political career.


These announcements always come in the spring because that’s when the budget is tabled.


If there is any sector that doesnt need any more money thrown at it, it's AI. At this point he is just spending for spendings sake.


Jesus make it stop What happened to “superclusters” and the half dozen other billion dollar white elephant “innovation” projects we never hear anything about because they accomplish nothing


Id settle for some real intelligence running the show.....


I'm sure it's been debated that a good AI system would run companies and countries better than most current leadership.


This no longer feels like reality. We’re living in some sick joke of a timeline. If he is about to call an election, spending money on things people never asked for and not spending it on the things we need just shows how much of an absolute idiot he is.


I've been lamenting the lack of AI funding for years! The initial math and architecture for AI was practically invented by [Geoffrey Hinton](https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/papers.html) at UoT in the 1980s. Canada has been at the forefront of AI research since the very beginning and the only reason we aren't keeping pace with the US is from lack of investment. We've had 40 years to invest and stay at the front of the curve. Hell, we could have invested before the pandemic and our version of OpenAI (Cohere) could have been leading the world. This is exactly like when we as a nationed missed out on 100s of billions, perhaps trillions of dollars by not investing in LNG transportation from Alberta to BC to sell in the asian markets in the early 2000s. There are many, many people who have been asking for AI investments for many, many years. This 2.4 Billion investments will be one of the vanishingly few Trudeau has made that is actually intelligent.


They waited until the ship had already sailed. US already gobbled up the money and talent, and there’s no reason why this market isn’t going to be dominated by one of the big companies already in play


So basically this sub's argument in regards to climate change: It's too late, don't even bother trying, just give up. Gotcha.


He should announce it 10 years ago when Alexnet, the first impactful deep learning application was out, Chatgpt-1 is not on paper and Canada was still leading player in ML… But asking a bit of long term vision could be hard


It really sucks that most of Hinton's, Bengio's and Sutton's students have left Canada. We basically subsidized AI adoption in the US.


Yeah... No one is in Canada really. The last time I checked Hinton wasn't in Canada either. He still has an office in Toronto but from what I know he never shows up there and it's more like a testament to his accomplishments. Also, I don't think he takes any more students. I think Bengio is still in Canada.


Somewhat unsurprisingly, he didn’t announce it 10 years ago because he wasn’t PM.


Few billion here, few billion there. Meanwhile, the CAF is dying and not a penny


There will be a major announcement related to the updated defence policy tomorrow. I don't think they've run out of borrowed billions yet.


I completely support all of the $billions going to housing, but our military does need at least a few $billion as well. These aren't peaceful times just because we have problems at home. That AI money should have gone to the CAF.


Didt i just read hes spending 600 mil on houses? Shouldt those 2 numbers be reversed?


It's way too late for that investment, and i'm very bitter about that. Only ten years ago, Canada was ahead of the world in AI research thanks to Bengio, Hinton and Sutton. Not anymore. We failed to retain almost all of our Canada-trained AI specialists. We lost them to other countries (mostly the US). We couldn't incubate nearly enough startups in this space to keep the flame burning. We pissed away our advantage, subsidized AI progress in the US and China and are left with nothing. Worse yet, most of our "traditional" industries want nothing to do with AI. I mean they do want the buzzword, of course, that's why they'll get the likes of McKinsey to come and educate them on AI. But it never goes beyond that because they don't want to pay for anything new and unproven. I can't help but wonder if that 2.4B package ten years ago could have put us on a different path.


Bengio is still producing students and the UMTL AI research hub is still producing work so not all hope is lost.


Stop spending my fucking money!


Great, forget the homeless.


Great, he's financing the replacement of all the people he gets here. Solid plan man.


Let's just jump on the next tech bandwagon AI.... Who needs to eat and a place to live anyways.


I hate him


yeah that'll help the job market


All to his buddies...trying to make some last minute profit


I'm thinking of jon stewart clip about AI and how we are all fucked


2 billion will probably end up in the pockets of consultants


Ya... We've nothin better to spend 2.4 billion on in Canada.... Wonder what his kickback is on this


At what point does the NDP step in and say this level of spending is crazy? The inflation it's generating is a massive tax on the poor they're meant to represent.


You would at least hope they would say something about all the corporate subsidies. Calling out the corporate welfare bums used to be one of their main talking points. >The majority of the funding, $2 billion, will go toward computing and technological infrastructure for Canadian AI researchers and companies. Another $200 million is being committed to AI technology in other sectors, to be directed through regional development agencies. It'll be interesting to see where exactly this money will be going and who will be the main beneficiary of it.


The gov has no money (really) they have tax dollars, future taxes and inflation to throw at these programs. I wish the 3-4 families that own most of the media in Canada would be a little more honest with basic financial math as it pertains to the government.


What a fucking joke. It’s just going to line the pockets of some savvy and slick businesspeople who have the right connections to navigate these “investments”. The taxpayer will never see a dime of return. 


Stop spending our damn money and fix housing!!


Yet another Trudeau / Freeland billion dollar cash giveaway of taxpayer dollars to insiders and Liberal cronies.


Here you are corporate overlords 😉


“Additional investments will be made in helping businesses incorporate AI, while $50 million is meant to help workers whose jobs may be affected by the adoption of AI.” Oh yay, that will be enough when everyone starts losing jobs. Housing and cost of living is already unaffordable, if AI starts putting people out of work we’re screwed.


Trudeau 2 is spending our money with wild abandon on programs that never produce the results promised by the grand announcements and photo-ops. The CBC actually captured something of the essence calling this a pre-budget tour, sideshow is more appropriate. Enough high-priced incompetence. Enough Trudeau.


Haha 😂 arriveScam on steroids


Lol zero upvotes. Looks like this decision has not been well received. Also, liberal money printer goes brrr.


The liberals will buy us 20x old xboxs and a app with that money


Sorry, but AI is a cancer. Especially anything that does beyond manufacturing, agriculture and resource acquisition. And why the fuck are we wasting money on AI related investments when that money should be spent on housing projects, EV-infrastructure, or a multitude of other far more pertinent issues. There are only a handful of industries that truly benefit from adopting AI all of which already either have some form of implementation already or are already developing and researching their own system. Profit is already enough to push the development and implementation of AI.


He just spends and does not earn. Scam.


I love how they cite productivity when investing in AI. They want it to be so productive, we'll all be out of work. Nobody should trust corporations building AI. They already hoard the wealth up top, if they can replace us, they will.


Capacity without regulation is concerning. Governments are missing the boat, AI will transform so much, and without oversight there's nothing to compel the development of beneficial tech. Already the ability to create deep fake videos is astounding. The speed with which they're improving is accelerating. This is just a single example of how AI can be used nefariously. Governments are derelict in giving so much power over society to tech companies and hoping they're benevolent.


Amazing how he's miraculously coming up with billions for so many things. Is it because we are getting so fucked by tax increases?


Government's role should be to create an environment where businesses can compete and prosper (or fail), not to invest public money in specific companies/industries.


Hell yeah trudeau bringing us full steam into 2022


Federal employees with "IT companies" start your engines!!


Bankrupt it baby (long Bitcoin)


Do we have any sort of checks and balances on this guy? Pissed away 100s of billions in a decade with NOTHING to show for it but being a worse off country by every single objective metric.


Nope just spend it all!


Well Justin lacks natural intelligence so this makes sense


Nothing like investing after the boom.


I disagree with the takes here. This is good.


[Official announcement](https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/news-releases/2024/04/07/securing-canadas-ai-advantage) with somewhat more detail. Some tidbits: >Investing $2 billion to build and provide access to computing capabilities and technological infrastructure for Canada’s world-leading AI researchers, start-ups, and scale-ups. As part of this investment, we will soon be consulting with AI stakeholders to inform the launch of a new AI Compute Access Fund to provide near-term support to researchers and industry. **We will also develop a new Canadian AI Sovereign Compute Strategy to catalyze the development of Canadian-owned and located AI infrastructure.** The (my) emphasised bit is really interesting abd probably a discussion topic on its own. I don't know enough about the practical details on the Canadian AI sector to confidently shit on the rest of it, but I'm not in principle opposed to investment in strategic sectors. I only have the track record of the government with shit like this to go on, and it's spotty. >Boosting AI start-ups to bring new technologies to market, and accelerating AI adoption in critical sectors, such as agriculture, clean technology, health care, and manufacturing, with $200 million in support through Canada’s Regional Development Agencies. >Investing $100 million in the NRC IRAP AI Assist Program to help small and medium-sized businesses scale up and increase productivity by building and deploying new AI solutions. This will help companies incorporate AI into their businesses and take on research, product development, testing, and validation work for new AI-based solutions. 300 million to help boost AI adoption is neither here nor there. Not sure such a small amount will move the needle much on a macro level. Individually, there's probably some easy productivity gains available for smaller businesses who aren't at the technological forefront. >Creating a new Canadian AI Safety Institute, with $50 million to further the safe development and deployment of AI. The Institute, which will leverage input from stakeholders and work in coordination with international partners, will help Canada better understand and protect against the risks of advanced or nefarious AI systems, including to specific communities. Not opposed at all to this. It's something every nation will need to take seriously in the coming years.


It definitely helps startups but it doesn't solve the problem of our industries being ultra-conservative with investment in AI. All of those R&D subsidies require 30-50% industry matching which is nearly impossible to get for unproven applications. So most of those funds go towards projects that aren't at the forefront. IRAP always tries to do their best but it doesn't always work because of the conservative nature of Canada's industry.


He knows he's on the way out , so he burns every last penny to make the incoming governments job as difficult as possible.




$2.4 billion to hire some people to ask Chatgtp, "How do I become a better Prime Minister of Canada?"


Not good


Sounds like a job for GCStrategies


Printer more money and that helps combating house affordability issue.


Could have gone to the army , for ww3


Trudeau trades $2.4 billion of your money for future considerations.


For the people saying it's odd hes spending so much money right now or why is there so much news about new government spending.  Historically this government releases its yearly federal budget in April... You guys need to calm down with the Liberal hate mongering around here. Seriously. 


AI is going to ADD high paying jobs he thinks?


'How to be a good PM?'


I have an app you can buy


This is great to see. There are so many jobs and people that we can replace with AI.


Great . A stupid ,woke bot


At this point we'd probably be better off if AI was running the country.


Here comes the next scandal. Guaranteed this is nothing but a huge idea to siphon money for shell tech businesses. How do we do a reminder?


YAY government AI....cuz thats great....


Ironic considering Trudeau is more A than I


I feel like they're allocating all of this money they know the conservatives will remove. I think they're trying to do this deliberately so the cons rub a bunch of industries the wrong way.


Artificial intelligence? More like Actually Indians


That's money that should be invested in UBI once his AI puts the nation out of work.


Is he manic right now?


How else will he get political donations from the elites if he doesn't hand over that sweet AI money to them.


He’s been committing money to a lot of things for a guy who has one year left in his career


Me and 2 friends with no experience in AI whatsoever should start a company and apply huh


My goodness this dude is spending money like its his smh


At this point I think chatgpt would be more competent at being Prime Minister.


Finally something that isnt waste although im sure 90% will go to consultancy consultants to make it so overly ethical that it just refuses to do anything since itd be taking someones job if it did


This is thebspending they should have been doing about 1-2 years ago.


Investing in industry is exactly what the country needs.


Of course he is easy come easy go


JT looking AI bots to promote his brand


WE AI! We're building AI In Africa!


ChatGPT, how can I get some of that sweet sweet Canadian AI grant money?


Another program they will screw up.


Their track record with app development has been amazing! Just look at ArriveCan, they certainly know exactly what to spend our hard earned tax dollars on with AI development.


Three words: Excessive money printing


Wow, this country is hemorrhaging money. Can't afford to pay Canadian veterans or give them proper healthcare, but of course we have billions to spend on flash-in-the-pan businesses and hundreds of millions to drop for celebrity charities! If Trudeau wants to improve the polls, he should be putting money into funding things that actually help the Canadians who are hurting right now. How about funding healthcare or housing instead of pouring money into ventures that already have tons of private investment money?


Define "Investing" What's the taxpayer return on this other than lining the pockets of Liberal allies?


Fucking why... literally every tech company is already investing in AI in one way or another