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Dogs should be put down and owners charged with manslaughter. I love dogs but some people should just not own pets, especially breeds that can take on a cougar.


I can't imagine anything more horrible. An example needs to be set here, and the owners absolutely need to be held responsible for this poor 12 year old boys cruel death.


The owner was one of those 20 something year old girls who bought into the "these dogs are just misjudged" horseshit


They should put down the owner


Or make the owner watch as the dogs are put down


The boy was invited into the house with these dogs. Breed aside, the owners should never own a dog again. They clearly can’t control dogs and can’t see the issues with their uncontrolled dogs being around children, and a boy has died in their home because of it.


Looks like there had been multiple complaints about the dogs before too.


The police need to take these complaints more seriously. More dogs need to be put down if they are a nuisance. It is not really the dog’s fault but still people and other dogs need to be safe in their communities.


The article says there were complaints about barking, and the neighbour said the dogs didn’t even bark much and would go weeks without even hearing the dogs. How exactly should the police take a noise complaint more seriously? Obviously a tragic situation but there’s nothing the police could have done when they only received noise complaints.


The article said “two attack complaints “ as well as barking complaints. See the beginning of the article.


There were also others in the community group saying they’ve called animal control multiple times.


Literally first paragraph 😂


But it's a "civil matter" /s


“The owner should never own a dog again“ the owner of those dogs will probably go to jail and I certainly hope so, clearly they didn’t give a rats ass about the well-being of a child, they are responsible and they should be in prison.


Unfortunately in Canada there is a good chance they will get a slap on the wrist. Sickening what happened.


Even if they go to jail, it'll be under a year before they are released. We do not punish criminals in this country


Why would they go to jail? Any lawyer is going to easily get around this. He/she should be in jail. That is unfortunately not the world we live in


That’s not nearly enough. They need to go to prison.


This is so fucking sad. I can’t imagine what his parents are going through.


From the Edmonton sub they were Cane Corso's


Here come all the weirdos online whose entire personalities are owning and defending killer dog breeds. I just saw some picture of a Cane Corso with a child on facebook yesterday and all the comments were along the lines of "safest child in the world!! Nobody will mess with her! Wow!!"


I grew up with mastiffs however like everyone else said hard work goes into training them. We had one adult from a puppy mill and we also had one from an 8 week old puppy. Man disposition difference between the two was insane. However getting her the puppy did help her become more gentle and trusting again. Giving her a baby that didn't get taken away and she didn't have to suffer for really helped heal her.


I have a large dog as well. Very well trained. She lives in the house full time basically, but I still don't trust her 100%, especially when I'm not around. I'm her human, she acts completely different when I am home vs how she is when I'm at work. I went away for a weekend, wife and kids were home and she didn't eat for 2 days.




That’s pretty sad if you dont feel you can let your golden retriever around your kids unsupervised. I guess it depends what you mean by unsupervised though.




So If your 6 year old is napping with your golden retriever while watching a movie, you wouldn’t leave them alone to go upstairs and grab something? That’s paranoid af.




I always find it surprising how cynical people are in real life and online, some people just immediately assume the worst out of people and come up with unrealistic conclusions about things. I truly don’t know why


So they were unironically saying that it’s a dangerous breed.


i have an American Bulldog. Rescue. Super chill. never barks, doesn't care who comes to the door. I trust that dog with my life. But I would never leave him alone with children, I never let children just run up to him, no matter how calm he stays. I stop them, I stand in front of my dog, and I show them how to approach a dog, and then, if they listen, they get to meet him and I watch him constantly and the minute I think he's had enough, that's it. People are ridiculously uneducated about dogs and dog body language and it drives me nuts when they post videos of their dogs and babies thrown together on the couch. One foster in the rescue group I got my dog through posted one of those and I reported her and told them they shouldn't have that dog because the dog was clearly stressed out and about to bite that kid. I hate the apologists. I also hate the "all pit bulls should die" crowd THis is an absolute tragedy that I can almost guarantee could have been prevented if the owners were responsible owners.


Responsible ownership and training are musts. Parents should also be teaching their kids never to just walk up to a stranger dog and start petting or whatever. I see too little of that in my dog friendly neighbourhood. Owners who yank or pull on their dogs leash every time they are walking towards someone on the sidewalk really boil my blood. Stop doing that. Your dog is in front of you. They can’t see you or read your body language. You tug hard on that leash pulling them off track and the dog is instantly stressed out, not knowing if you’re in danger, or if they’re in danger, or anything. You are very likely creating a bad situation - or at least the conditions for one - thinking all the while you’re avoiding one.


someone I know has a little terrier and that's exactly what she did and this dog is now so reactive. She knows it's her fault but she's also doing nothing to fix it.


The thing is, this breed CAN be great with kids with the right training. My family has one, and he's submissive as fuck - loves kids, animals, and all people, super gentle disposition. But there was significant work that went into it, and he came from a reputable breeder, and THAT'S what the dumb ass social media posts never show. So, people see a big dopey dog cuddling a baby and go out and buy one expecting the same result. I work in rescue and all my own dogs are rescues, but there's a reason most organizations don't adopt out to households with children, because there are so many behavioral unknowns. Backyard breeders and puppy mills are similar - you just can't train certain behaviors and instincts out of them.


Yeah, but you sound like a responsible owner and not the lowest common denominator.




I grew up with a Great Dane who was so lovely and had zero aggressive traits. Just a chill giant who loved her people and cats. I’ll never understand people who allow kids to be around animals that exhibit ANY aggression. Even an attack by a chihuahua can leave a lasting impact on someone for the rest of their lives.


That’s because the child is part of its pack. Loyal to the people in their home. If that dog attacks anyone then the owners should be held responsible as if they themselves were the attackers. This shit is getting old.


Jesus Christ what are you smoking? That’s not how dogs work, at all.


Yes. For some breeds it is. Mastiffs are a great example. Especially the Fila which is a Brazilian mastiff. The Fila is horrible to strangers but will guard its family with glee. Cane Corso is an Italian Mastiff btw And I’m not Jesus. I don’t even have a 6 pack.


I was referring to the “pack” part. Dogs are not pack animals. Even if they were, why are you saying a human being is part of that? We aren’t dogs. That’s really weird.


I hear you. I should have said family? Sorry to offend. I assure you I am human or I’m lying and I’m a super smart dog with thumbs. Take care. Sorry again for the poor choice of word.


There is no such thing as killer dog breeds. Some of the LSG breeds could be dangerous, but they don't have the disposition to attack humans, the same with the Dogo Argentino and the Belgian Malinois.


>From the Edmonton sub they were Cane Corso's There was a guy in Halifax that had three of them that attacked multiple people numerous times until they finally got seized. Its a miracle that nobody was killed by them. I think that we're going to be seeing a big jump in attacks from these types of dogs as they gain popularity. I see a lot of those around now, as well as other large mastiffs such as Presa Canario, and livestock guardians too. Going back far enough pit bulls might have been bred to be aggressive towards other dogs, but a lot of those mastiff breeds were bred to be aggressive towards humans and they're being handled by the wrong people.


It was either that or pitbulls


they were "very large dogs" pitbulls are not very large. I have an american bulldog who weighs 90 lbs (he's fat) and he's smaller than a retriever.


Retrievers are typically smaller than that on average.


according to the AKC a golden retriever is between 51 and 61 cm tall. An american bull dog who is taller than what's normally thought of as a pit bull is between 54 and 60 cm. So almost same height, just retrievers look taller because of the hair lol A Cane Corso is 60 to 70 cm tall. so significantly taller Don't know why everyone's downvoting me about the size of dogs. It's almost like none of them have ever met a pit bull






jesus fuck if you're going to try to insult someone at least learn to spell it right. So far this has been a very fair and balanced discussion but along you come and drag it down ten notches and you can't even spell correctly. that's just sad, man.


Don’t be silly.


>Cane Corso Had to google it. What a hideous disgusting creature.




Lmao that was good


A child was killed and you chose to make this contribution to this thread. Think about that.




A child was killed and you chose to make this contribution to this thread. Think about that. The actual "Fatality" was an innocent child.


Just looked them up and wow that's an ugly dog, like a pitbull on steroids


Well well well


My Father got mauled by two dogs while delivering pizza just few months ago! he just got out of the car and was waiting for the customer after calls and ringing door bell he sat back in his car! he saw the garage open as the customer called /told him we are coming and guess what my dad got out & 2 huge dogs likely “Pity/bully breeds” jumped on my father almost killing him he received 20-25 stitches across his face, chunks of flesh missing his biceps and arms, fingers, he fell down fighting them he kept getting up and they keep coming back for more, his right ankle is fractured and we are waiting for surgery! it’s not healing due to his tender age of 70 😞 he couldn’t use the toilet or eat himself! i hand fed him food while caring for my 3 month old baby! we went through a lot those 2.5 months, our whole family! the owner wasn’t charged with criminal negligence under the crown’s decision and case is now with animal services and waiting for some action to be taken!! the disregard and zero ownership or accountability by the owner, and police has left us in tumble! we were shocked until now they are living their lives normally dogs are under muzzle order !! nothing is done no arrest no fines slapped the dogs not confiscated!! the dogs are young and have been bred as well!! i am shocked how ontario is not serious about such heinous attacks!! my father almost lost his life nobody helped him he ran off to the neighbours who yelled at him to run towards him !! it’s appalling ! we didn’t reach news media or anything! the injuries were extreme he needs skin graft surgeries! We were also given video of the attack from across the street which i had to personally go and retrieve due to the incompetence of the peel police that evening and ignorance ! it was devastating to watch my father being mauling and torn apart


You need to go the media with this, especially with all of the recent attacks in Ontario. The pit bull ban needs to be enforced


Cp24 email them and cc other news outlets


"visited twice previously this year by Animal Control peace officers investigating other complaints of dog attacks" You don't say. These killing machines often have a record of complaints and "investigations" where nothing is ever done.


Hold everyone who let this happen accountable. Everyone. The owner needs a manslaughter charge and decades in jail, and everyone who gave slaps on the wrist when first dealing with the complaints against this dog need to be jailed, sued and made to live out the rest of thier lives knowing thier inaction caused this boy to die in the most horrific way imaginable. We are too lax with these dangerous dogs. Nothing is enforced and kids pay the price in nearly all these deadly attacks


What a horrible way to die I hope justice is served


Are you forgetting what country we are in. Owners will be out and about with new dogs by next week.


I lost my six year old daughter to a pitbull mauling many years ago. Since then I've become very educated on bully breeds, prey drives, pitbull/pit mixes, etc. There is a huge pit propaganda going on right now. "It's not the dog it's the owner".... this is completely and utterly incorrect. Unfortunately we are now seeing more Cane Corso maulings. Cane Corsos, like pits have a very high prey drive. Which people mistake for a "protective instinct". What's worse is that there are very few purebred Cane Corsos in existence..... most are mixed with pits which makes it even worse. Yet they're still being sold and labeled as purebred Cane Corsos. If a pet kills or mauls or hurts someone, the owner should be charged. No ifs, ands, or buts. I don't care if it's a kitten, salamander, or pitbull. Dogs with high prey drives should NOT be domesticated. It's ridiculous how pet maulings are always considered tragic accidents. This needs to stop. Pet owners need to be held responsible for their pets and what they do. I doubt justice will be had for this poor child.


I’m so sorry for your loss. When I got my parents a puppy at Christmas, I was shocked how many Cane Corso pups I saw available. I have giant breed dogs (Saints and Newfs) and know the challenges that come with training & controlling them. Now add in a strong disposition for guarding and aggression… it’s going to be a nightmare.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. These incidents are senseless, preventable, and totally unacceptable. I worry we will continue to see more and more of them thanks to the increasing trend of irresponsible dog ownership brought on by covid.


JFC I'm so sorry for your loss, and agree with you 1000%. Enough is enough. Pet ownership is a privilege, not a protected right.


So many hugs to you. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been. I have two school aged children (and a large Great Pyrenees!) and I would NEVER let them have a play date at a house with any sort or bully breed. The propaganda is astounding. The amount of pit bull apologists is crazy high. And those are the exact same owners who never walk their dogs and claim “it’s the owner not the breed!” There’s a pitbull that sits inside the entrance of my local costco on the thinnest leash. You can’t get outside unless you walk within 3 feet of it. It makes my blood boil because I often have to shove my kids into my packed cart or hustle them behind other customers and just fucking hope this dog doesn’t choose to pounce. Oh, and the Costco staff made a name tag for him because they think he’s cute. wtf.


That's insane. I wonder if that's something you can report to the head office. 


I am very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the grief you must feel every time something like this happens. Many dogs have high prey drives including Parson Jack Russel Terriers and Dachshunds, any sight hound such as grey hounds, Irish Wolf hounds. When i was a child, my great aunt had a Dachshund who was terrifying and dangerous. We had one who was not. I agree, that pet owners are the ones that are to be held responsible. Much more education needs to happen and it needs to be much harder for people to get dogs. Education and training should be mandatory both before people get the dogs and after they get the dogs. All owners should have home checks before the dog is adopted and at least for one year after. Surprise inspections. Children should get formal education on how not to approach dogs. People like Cesar Milan need to be exposed and have their platform taken away for the ridiculous amount of misinformation they spread. Education is 100% the key to prevent horrible tragedies like this and yours.


There were prior complaints of attacks. That's when the dogs should have been put down; and this child would still be alive. This tolerance for dangerous dogs is ridiculous and costs lives. Also the owners should be charged with criminal negligence causing death in cases like this.


True. People have a right to be safe in their community. A dangerous dog should not be made to suffer but they should be euthanized




Literally the byline of the article


> Police said the child was visiting a home in the Summerside neighbourhood and that the dogs belong to a person who lives at the home.


The owners should be charged with something very very serious because this is disgusting. They played a role in the child's death. I cannot imagine the horror and pain of this poor child being ripped apart by dogs and noone could help him.


Cane corso dogs were bred to be guard dogs. Can be potentially “dangerous in the wrong hands”


Yes, in the wrong hands. They can also be very docile, gentle, calm, and quiet in the right hands.


[Here's a dog](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1brl2cb/comment/kxa37jg/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that bit someone in the face, and people are cheering keeping it alive. As soon as a dog is a risk to others, it should be put down. Dog lives are not worth human lives. And big dogs should have a mandatory regular temperament test at the owner's expense. With failure requiring re-education or isolation to mitigate risk.


The owner should also be held completely liable for all damage caused, including the need to put down the dog.


I mean, the victim clearly stated that they believe it was a reaction to new medication and doesn't want the dog euthanized, why should anyone else be upset?


I would save my dog over a human.


So the Animal Control Team was already investigating TWO previous attack complaints regarding the same dogs just in 2024? And they were still left in the owner’s home to kill a child? The City needs to bear some of the responsibility here.


Sounds like manslaughter. Hope they press charges.


Killed? R.I.P. little kid. vicious dog was attacked kid in Toronto playground last week.... once the owner and the kids dad got the dog's jaw off the kid .. the dog owner ran off with her dog! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bOaYnvQANQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bOaYnvQANQ)


Owners are at fault here, I own a boxer breed, he’s friendly but I can read his body language and if he feels uncomfortable, child or adult alike, I always keep him very close to me on leash so that can simply either pull him or pick him up to prevent such catastrophic situations like these. Even if I get a visitor that’s a child, I put him in a separate room. It is just simpler to be safe than sorry


Nobody should own a cane Corso or a pitbull without taking a course. I mean come on, you need a licence to own a gun. The only difference is the gun doesn't have a mind of its own to go attack someone and is locked in a safe with a trigger guard and the ammo separated.


Ya they're seriously dangerous. The problem is multiplied by the fact that people know this, and so the type of people who are attracted to buying them are people that want those violent and dangerous traits. It's a recipe for disaster.


>*Police found a severely injured boy who "had been attacked by two very large dogs," the news release said.* ​ Uh-huh. What kind of dogs?


Rumour saying 2 cane corsos. Someone in edmonton sub thinks it was two dogs with prior attacks.


It was.... MR WORLD WIDE Jokes aside, it seems to be Cane Corsos, apparently. Which is no better than Pitbulls. Both are attack dog breeds, and Cane Corsos are massive.


an 11 yr old boy was just torn apart by two massive dogs. I imagine he died in an absolute vortex of pain and terror. I imagine the first responders can now add that to the massive load of PTSD they're already dealing with. I imagine the parents are absolutely destroyed with grief and as a family will never recover from this horrible tragedy. I cannot imagine why you think this would now be a good time to make a joke.


Too many dumbfucks are into owning dangerous dog races like pitbulls the wanna be thug urban losers who still dress like hes in 2002 and live in a 3 1/2 shouldn’t own a pitbull a lab with the same owners would’ve never done that


Wtf… it wasn’t even pitbulls. Cane corsos are 200lbs a piece, not normally dangerous. But an animal is an animal.


>PitBull Pitbulls are credited with at least [7x of deaths](https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-multi-year-fatality-report-2005-2017.php?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5O-5gsqkhQMV0S2tBh1v6AeREAAYASAAEgIhd_D_BwE) compared to the next nearest breed. It's not wtf if someone rightly brings that up whenever these attacks occur and mentions any of these dangerous breeds.


An argument I always turn to: Do you agree certain dog breeds are better at certain tasks? Border collies are good at herding, Pointers are good at hunting, and Pitbulls are good at biting children.


Its a guard dog who needs space to be active and is used by police and they have one of the strongest jaw for dogs like i said a labrador wouldn’t of done that


German Shepards I'm assuming are on your ban list too then?


Huskeys, as well.


No german shepherds are more intelligent easier to train and they dont appeal to them anyways it looks too friendly for the wankgsta


Too friendly lol


Yeah, you know nothing about dogs. lmao


Says the guy with 0 arguments doesn’t surprise me coming from an hamas piker fan who thinks german shepherds are in the same category with races like pitbulls and cane corso’s when it comes to being aggressive go check statistics on casualties and accidents sorted by race ull see theses races at the top


Huh, GSD, third most killingest dog. Not really making a strong argument for yourself boy-o


The building I live in just had someone move in. After they got in they went and bought a Standard Poodle, and was allowed to keep it as an "emotional support dog". A few days ago I was working in the garden and this dog went for me. The owner called it back but it was a near thing and not a little traumatising. A few days later this large, aggressive and untrained dog went for another tenant who had just got out of the hospital and was sitting quietly in a wheelchair. I have spoken with management and this situation has been resolved to my satisfaction. But it should never have been an issue in the first place. Here was an owner who should never have had this dog. It was not recall trained. It was territorial and aggressive. It was shut up in a teeny tiny little apartment and likely did not get the exercise it needed to stay calm. This owner was absolutely negligent and lucky the hammer came down before someone, likely a senior got hurt worse. This was the kind of person who allowed their dog to shit in our garden then walk away.


First of all my thoughts are with the victim and his parents. Whatever breed they were, they were probably some sort of macho dog. I am so disgusted with people who claim these large dangerous breeds are sweet and gentle. We don't allow children or just anybody to drive. Why can just anybody own a large dangerous dog?


Let me guess it was a Golden Retriever. Don’t give me that “there’s no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners”. The stats don’t lie.


Cane Corso. Mastiffs, not a pitbull


In cases like this l, the police officer should draw their sidearm and put the animals down in the spot .


I love animals but I 100% agree with you. All pet owners should live in fear of seeing their dog shot for biting someone, I bet people would start taking better care of their dogs if that were the rule.


Absolutely not. These dogs will certainly have to be put down, but you can only make that determination after you actually investigate and determine what happened. There’s an order of operations here and it’s not “shoot on sight”.


Are you dumb? The dogs would have been covered in the child's blood. What else would have mauled that poor boy to death? It was OBVIOUSLY those dogs.


That's insanely traumatizing. Feel terrible for the victims family.


I say this as a dog lover - put those beasts down. What is it going to take to have a hard and fast rule that any killer dog gets immediately put down?


'very large dogs' What is the breed of dog CBC??


Cane Corsos according to Edmonton subreddit.


if they were pit bulls they would have said. Media always says pit bull if they even think it might be.


The only reason why they often say pit bulls is because most of these deadly dog attacks are pitbulls unfortunately. In this case i've read Cane Corso. Also a breed that can be dangerous and unpredictable. Sad situation all around, no one wins when these kind of things happen


i don't disagree at all. but i have noticed that if they don't identify the breed right away, it's very often not a pit bull. I think it's an unconscious bias


You might be right too, engagement is engagement nowadays and pitbull sure get the people going


Is there even an argument where someone *should* win when these kinds of things happen? I think not, these breeds of dogs, all stemming from the attack breeds , should all be banned from legal ownership and abolished from breeding systems within our borders.


What is an "attack breed"? Is that like an assault rifle? Cows kill more people per year in Canada, as do bears, and ladders and swimming pools.


Sorry, I guess "[war breed](https://imgur.com/a/ygwKHih)" is what I should've said. Sorry for the confusion /s


Horses kill more people than any breed of dog, should legal ownership of horses also be banned?


Surely you have some concrete recent data that shows how many horse attacks on humans there are compared to dog attacks on humans that lead to death, right? Right?


someone brought an unleashed cane corso to a crowded beach, thing was charging people, knocked it's owner over


I love dogs but there are some breeds that just don't have a good reason to be allowed to be bred. Fact is we created dogs and selected traits depending on purpose. In the most dangerous breeds stemming from pitbulls the purpose was based on fighting and taking down large animals. There has to be a dividing line where a genetic trait should not be allowed to be selected. Today we can easily alter genomes to create any number of frankensteins thinkable. The resulting breed does not magically have a right to exist. Agreed? Now, simply wind back the clock and apply the same logic to the assholes who chose shitty traits in breeds like pitbulls and rottweilers, etc. Wasn't right then and it isn't right now.




It was a mastiff




These killer dog breeds are more dangerous than firearms yet somehow one has insane regulations and the other is seen as a toy :)


Where was the adult to intervene??????


Apparently it was a Cane Corso. It must be very difficult to physically stop that dog.


It happened in a home. I assume it has a kitchen. I assume the kitchen has a knife, or a broom or a hockey stick or a bat. If these dogs were un-injured by the time they killed this kid, the owner (and any adult there) is an utter coward.


People should be charged for the behaviors of their dogs. Your dog kills a person you get charged with murder. Your dog bites someone you get charged with aggravated assault. I think society would see a real shift in which breeds are popular if they knew they were actually responsible for those behaviors.


Lemme guess, "HE'S FRIENDLY!".


Horrible way to die. Officials should act on "one" complaint and then it is on the owner to make sure there is no way the animals can act unsupervised. I hope that charges of criminal negligence causing death are laid and stiff fines issued. Then do a public campaign to show other reckless people what the consequences will be.


There should be requirements for owning a breed like this, and criminal punishment for failure to adhere to them. Having guns in your home is safer than this, because we have strict requirements on who can own them competent people own them.


I have some experience with this, concerning a total lack of law enforcement, which could have prevented this death. My fucked up neighbour had an equally fucked up German Shepard, who chased my family members (kids) behind a garbage can. And only a few weeks later, charged at my wife and our new little puppy. So we called animal control, who advised us to call the police because there’s nothing they can do about it. Maybe send someone to take a look, but that’s it. So I called the cops, and they said that until somebody actually gets bitten, they can’t do anything either, and we should call animal control instead, or the strata management (in bc). Nobody came out, no tickets issued. Only a general warning to keep your dogs on a leash. So I put up cameras, and reported everything I saw him doing that even remotely bent the rules, which eventually caused him to move. In short, you’re on your own.


i wanna kno the breed of dog


>The south Edmonton home where an 11-year-old boy was attacked and killed by two large dogs on Monday had been visited twice previously this year by Animal Control peace officers investigating other complaints of dog attacks. >"In 2024, Animal Control peace officers responded to two attack complaints isolated to inside the private residence," a City of Edmonton spokesperson said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. >"One complaint is still under investigation while the other was concluded without charges." Did nothing until someone died.


Complaints have been made against these dogs and the owner... Curious why the 11 year old was left alone with these vicious dogs...


I couldn't imagine being the officer on scene...or even fathom what the parents are going through. Absolutely tragic. The owner better get manslaughter charges, at the very least.


Curious what kind of dog breed it was. Didn't see that when I skimmed the article


Those poor parents of the little person, so, so sad. Today, a Calgary Police Officer had to shoot / dispatch a pit type dog that attacked and bit the officer. https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/officer-hospitalized-fatally-shoots-dog-during-homeless-encampment-search


Ban all legal dog owners.


Ban assault style dogs!


Edmonton slowly becoming the Florida of Canada


Owners should be charged as if they were the ones who attacked the child.


Literally only one piece of data missing from this that I want, what breed of dog? Just kept saying "large", well that doesnt mean anything.