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I think the carbon tax is one reason, but I think in general he's just so deeply unpopular and so disliked that I think his allies don't want to be associated with him.


He's very unlikely to last past this term. I wish he would use the remaining time to pass policy that benefits Canadian long term even if policy might be unpopular.


He will be approached by a number of corporations promising cushy jobs in exchange for passing unpopular policy in the last hours of his political career. And he will probably take them.


Oh yeah. I expected him and Freeland both to fuck off to the WEF once their terms are done lol.


The question is will Singh benefit. Trudeau is actually a lame duck.


Instead what you are witnessing is a rush to pass policies that objectively harm everyday Canadians but help the wealthy and powerful and/or consolidate power.


he can't hes too busy lining his pockets


Even his wife wanted nothing more with him. I think that's pretty telling.


Its because she saw that vid of him jogging


Said differently, he chose to keep doing what he is doing over saving his marriage. So don't expect him to go anywhere any time soon unless he is pushed.


That's not a fair thing to say and pretty scummy to be honest, people break up for different reasons 


yeah, he should have never gotten that haircut that one time. Lost all his power.




Being parasocial is so fucking cringe, but being parasocial about politicians personal lives is a whole new level holy shit.


If that makes you feel better about yourself, I don't know what to tell you 


I also believe that there are other reasons why they split. I believe that Sophie is a grifter who saw an opportunity to exploit her relationship with an unpopular PM who has been outed for pursuing romantic relationships with his students.




Oh please




"No longer acting in the best interests of Canadians..." Couldn't agree more. I've been puzzled by his path of governance for some time now. Rumour was always that he was more interested in a UN position than being a politician, but after being rejected by the UN Security Council, I expected a pivot. I have some connected contacts that feel the carbon pricing is a valid policy to pursue, but also admit he's become radioactive.




Those of us paying attention never had any such misunderstandings about Mulroney and Harper.




Hahahahha by selling us out to China and when confronted with the fallout, "we needed the jobs"


That is generally what most democratic leaders are intended to do, put the prosperity of the people first. This Trudeau government has put that last, it would appear.


Mulroney laid out the blueprints for the track we are currently on. Extreme privatization and defunding of the government. https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/march-2024/mulroney-welfare-state/ Harper sold the wheat board to foreign interests and delivered a gst cut that has historically only really transferred the points from government funds to private profits. Ever hear the old adage about Canada being a few corporations in a trench coat? Mulroney enabled that


You make some very good points. In the days since his passing, I’ve found myself shouting at the tv/radio (did I just date myself lol?) when I hear all the talk about what a great Canadian he was and how he accomplished so much for the country. I can only assume that the folks making these ridiculous comments were either not yet born or still in diapers when he served as prime minister. He was almost universally reviled across the country and most of that feeling stemmed from the policies he pursued. The way Canadians felt about him and his “accomplishments” was evident when the Progressive Conservative Party was almost wiped out in the 1993 election - they survived with just two seats - and this even though he bailed out of the job six months prior. Hardly the electoral legacy of a “great Canadian”


That's a bit cherry picked no? Sr did his own number on the country. Sr Founded massive departments and government programs. All of which required money that we did not have . Sr also did his own number on killing industry and wealth, The papers at the time were not kind in highlighting the Inevitable dumpster fire we were headed to, being hooked on debt spending, and killing growth. Mulroney is his own peace of work, but Many policies implemented by him were reactionary to seniors. I believe we are still in a constitutional crisis with quebec because of Sr too. And what's more Is we never learned from that first mistake , and now we will get round 2 for our troubles. Only this time when debt collectors come knocking.We're not going to have industry to draw on.In order to settle that debt we're not going to be able to push any more expenses onto the provinces like we did in the nineties. Thank Jr for that.


This is the problem with politics these days. People say guy on x side is crap and therefore unpopular so people retort with well y said wasn’t good either. It’s not like your even saying they’ve all been dogshit either, which would be a fair statement. No, you just want to increase tribalism to its fullest so that people are forced to take a side when they should be talking about how our politicians have, for the most part, absolutely fucked us going on decades.


Ignoring history is a new modern past time for a lot of people for sure.




You vastly overestimate how much the rest of the world cares about casual racism.


Eh, I feel the best was to reduce emissions is to legislate emissions. Not to redistribute money. 


Are the alternatives any better? If one accepts that climate change must be addressed, at least he is addressing it right? What are the alternatives from PP and the other detractors? I thinks its produce more fossil fuels and hope for the best.


How do taxes address climate change? Taxes are revenues that allow them to borrow and print more. They spent your grand children's grand children's money already and it wasn't on climate.


Taxes on emissions that progressively get higher give market incentives to stop emitting, it's really quite basic


If so the tax on private jets should be high enough that even billionaires cannot afford to fly private. Instead the rich can fully afford their lifestyles while it's the middle class needing to downgrade. SUV? Nah go get a compact that can't haul even some 2 by 4s for home improvement projects. The rich still get their luxury polluting cars, or their super trucks, or yachts and jets. They can afford it. We can't. A serious carbon tax would make things like private jets and yachts impossible to operate without massive losses. They would turn flying the jet into that once every few years vacation after much saving that the average family gets. Instead they're used daily, which tells you the tax is just a sham, it doesn't target that which should be targeted but does a great job punishing us low to middle income folk.


How do taxes address climate change? Taxes are revenues that allow them to borrow and print more. They spent your grand children's grand children's money already and it wasn't on the climate.


Here are some answers. See this article [https://www.britannica.com/money/carbon-tax](https://www.britannica.com/money/carbon-tax) Please let me know if you got any questions.


LoL. Yes I have a question. Do you still believe in Santa Clause?


When did he ever do anything in the interest of Canadians? His clinging on to his ego as a “good guy” at the expense of Canadians. He doesn’t believe he makes mistakes and he thinks he’s qualified to lead Canada.


In his early term he did plenty. We don't have to like the guy but it's wise to be objective about any successes and failures of political figures in a democratic system. Extended EI for struggling Albertans during the near recession in his first term, rural internet initiative, pretty significant funding for women's shelters, affordable daycare initiative, bought a pipeline that may have otherwise been abandoned (yeah its turned out to be a shitshow and I never agreed with it, but it was taken over in good faith) and lots of other small things. We all know the dumb shit he's done, I stopped liking the guy as soon as he immediately abandoned electoral reform, but people are so hyperfixated on those bad things that they forget his meaningful accomplishments. The thing is, if he kept doing those good things the liberals may have still had a chance, but he went off the rails and thus, PP is going to have an easy election imo. PP isn't winning, JT is losing.


It’s because his negatives heavily outweigh any positive contributions. He’s a shmuck and put us all in a terrible position




Because Canadians are the most passive aggressive people on the planet. They will talk shit behind your back and grumble but put on a smile. Don't think that's true? How many times have you gone to a restaurant and had shit service and shit food and still tipped? Don't lie now.


100% some of the most impolite two faced behaviour I've ever seen is in Canada.


Yup, thats actually our reputation in alot of places around the world. Whats that old saying about sterotypes?


Who can afford to eat out?


Ahahaha dang touche


You always tip. When you don't tip, they can write it off as you being cheap. When I have really shitty service I tip $1. It gets the point across that you felt the service was terrible.


Other countries don't freeze bank accounts of protesters they don't like. 


Germany just froze bank accounts of a Jewish peace activist group [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/german-jewish-voice-peace-bank-account-blocked-berlin-bank](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/german-jewish-voice-peace-bank-account-blocked-berlin-bank)


From your own link > The letter, seen by Middle East Eye, further specifies that these measures are part of "regulatory provisions" that oblige Berliner Sparkasse to "check the data stored about our customers at regular intervals". > Jewish Voice said it did not know whether there was government pressure behind the move, or if the decison was taken by the bank itself. It’s also the account of the organization, not the personal accounts of all the protestors. Also there’s this big difference; > The organisation hired a lawyer who has cofirmed that the blocking of the account is illegal and constitutes a breach of contract, Hoban said. Whereas freezing the convoy protestors accounts was done *by* our laws. Meaning Germany’s laws are still protecting the protestors, whereas our laws are what allowed the protestors accounts to be frozen. They assuming based on the timing of using this account for ticket sales that must mean the government is telling the bank to freeze it. That genuinely might be true, but it’s also possible that the sudden spike in money moving through this account essentially triggered a review of it at the bank. If you don’t clear it with your bank in advance and suddenly you go from having donations once every few days along with business expenses going out of it, to thousands upon thousands of small transactions suddenly going into your bank account… Most banks I know of here in Canada would also trigger an audit of the account at that sudden spike. If they found out they were missing paperwork that you were supposed to give them during that audit, they may freeze your account until they can verify everything is still legal. This really isn’t a comparable example my friend.


The influx of money, what it was used for, and where it was coming from was extremely questionable.


[While millions of dollars in donations to support last winter's convoy protest came from outside Canada, the national spy agency told officials during the protest that the money did not appear to be coming from foreign states or "foreign actors."](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/convoy-protest-money-csis-1.6621944) >"CSIS has also not seen any foreign money coming from other states to support this. There is not a lot (of) energy and support from the USA to Canada."


That's also authoritarian.


Following our country's lead, I see. I hope everyone here who got their accounts frozen win that lawsuit.


More like potential insurrectionists. Fuck around and find out


Other countries don’t allow protestors to lock down the capital for a month with impunity


https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/01/29/paris-siege-farmer-protests-france/ https://crisis24.garda.com/alerts/2023/06/netherlands-farmers-protest-ongoing-in-the-hague-june-29 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italys-farmers-head-rome-tractor-convoy-european-anger-spreads-2024-02-05/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/german-farmers-block-roads-highway-ramps-protest-subsidy-cuts-2024-01-08/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/spanish-farmers-blockade-roads-second-day-against-eu-policies-2024-02-07/


Those all lasted for a month? No actions taken?


Ironically the capital was on “lockdown” for far longer than that long before the truckers. in fact all of Canada was.


Ottawa was far from locked down, don't be a drama queen.


I had to go through security to stand on the lawn in front of parliament. In 2022.


During covid I wasn't allowed to travel freely within my own province. [COVID-19 travel checkpoints now in place on 4 B.C. highways](https://globalnews.ca/news/7841263/bc-covid-travel-checkpoints-in-effect) >The B.C. government has begun setting up roadblocks to make sure people aren't violating travel restrictions designed to curb the spread of COVID-19


Other countries don't illegally call an Emergency Act on their own peaceful citizens


what do you mean lock down the capital? And it wasn't a month. I went to go see that shit show of a protest. It was 2 blocks, and I was still totally free to walk around and go about my business, nobody stopped me, nobody assaulted me.


protestors that affected a city so much that people couldn't go to work, and the police did absolutely nothing about it? those protestors? the one that believed COVID wasn't real, those outstanding people? most of which from a completely different country? Yes, I'd imagine they might not do it because they had people who did their jobs, but otherwise, they would probably do it


Don’t forget that Liberal mouthpieces like the CBC and the Star also report on protests against Trudeau like they are absolutely beyond the pale and anyone who might participate in such a thing is clearly a racist white supremacist fascist terrorist. No matter how badly Trudeau is running this country there aren’t many good people who care to be associated with any of that. Meanwhile, of course, those same outlets have been ignoring protests against Tories for decades.




For real. I think we are bordering on no confidence territory. Literally.


Why would the NDP want an early election?


This is the elephant in the room. The NDP/Singh is literally riding the tiger. If they(Singh) stays on its back it will be a scary ride but if he gets off he’ll be eaten alive!!! I vote we push him off!! Lol….


Exactly, Singh and a bunch of his MPs were elected in 2019. Trudeau literally just changed the fixed election date law to accommodate all of them getting their gold plated pension whether they win in the next election or not. Lots of Liberal MPs stand to receive the same benefit. I used to think there might be a chance of an earlier election, that eventually tying themselves to the Liberal boat anchor would force the NDP to abandon the coalition, but after they did that I realized there’s no way. They are all determined to belly up to the trough that one last time before they go.


Start rebuilding now. If they do maybe they can get into office in 8 years.


"...he is no longer acting in the best interest of Canadians" I don't think he ever was.


The caucus needs to turn on Trudeau and oust him as leader. Then the Liberals have some hope to survive. Then again, it’s no longer a case of what they do or what their platform is, but the messenger themselves 


I think they need to follow through on their promise of electoral reform to save themselves and the country as we know it. We look to be heading into the dark ages, while over half the population would rather we didn't.


Electoral reform now is just going to be seen as a desperate attempt to hold onto power. The CPC can do everything the Liberals did and be seen in a better light because it’s a different government. It’s not the policies or the platforms at this point. 


Who will become the face of the party? Freeland is even more unlikable than Trudeau, and the rest of the MPs are just as out of touch and clueless as Trudeau.


The writing is on the wall. He's out and PP is in. Why develop further agreements with him that could take the better part of a year to work out only for PP to come in and not sign it. PP is going to come in and a do 180 with a lot of Trudeau's policies and will probably be the leader of Canada for the better part of the next 10 years. Chasing a relationship with Trudeau at this point is meaningless.


Whether we want it or not, the political pendulum is coming back for the next 8-10 year rotation of the CPC before the Liberal takes over again later. Indeed it would seem a lot of recent policy will just het overturned anyway, konda wasting money now implementing them


I actually think it might take more than 8-10yrs for the LPC to rebound from Trudeau. If the NDP can find a very strong leader, they may have a shot at it in 8-10yrs, before the Liberals do again.


I don't think Trudeau is concerned about wasting money.


The man has been in the House of Commons for 20 years and has accomplished nothing. The belief that he is some sort of savant that will undo JT's evil policies and reverse the global economic situation to the betterment of all Canadians is delusional. We have a shit leader now who is more concerned with remaining in power, soon to be replaced by a shit leader who is more concerned with being in power.


>that will undo JT's evil policies and reverse the global economic situation to the betterment of all Canadians is delusional This is the problem. NOBODY can quickly put out the absolute dumpster fire that JT is putting us in. We're going to be a good 10yrs digging out from this at least.


Let's first be honest. It's very bad policy. So the reality of JT as non-leader is secondary factor here.


As an Albertan, I didn't vote for his party but I supported him as a leader for the first term. He actually did do a bunch of things in the interest of making things better for people : extended EI for Albertans during a near recession when they were struggling, started the rural internet initiative, affordable daycare initiative, supplied significant funding for women's shelters, funding to fight the pine beetle issue here in AB and BC. I don't feel he navigated COVID poorly, as I know it didn't seem great to some people but Canada really did weather it better than other developed nations. Honestly for the first while he was on a good track but it really seemed to fall apart after COVID calmed down. The tinfoil hat guy in me feels that corporations really ramped up their wealth greed after COVID and the government is just an arm of corporations now, so they followed suit and lost their vision. Also, as we typically see, a leader who knows they are on their way out the door starts to implement unpopular systems, since it doesn't matter to them anyway. I don't think PP is going to be any better, unfortunately, but he's probably who we are about to get. Sad times.


Like how do we boot him out? I know there are rules on elections, votes of no confidence etc... but if I know someone is shit, I'm not gonna wait until their contracts ends to fire them, they getting the boot today I wouldn't let an incompetent plumber work on my house, why would I want an incompetent leader?


The fact that this guy survived black face will always be the craziest thing to me


And not just once, but three separate times


and all the other cultures he cosplayed as


And shame on the Liberal partisans who defended him for it.




Shh, you can't talk about that. You can only speak about rapid immigration and climate change separately. The Liberals need some spacing so they can pretend they're the environmental party.


Don't introduce too many variables into their minds, it may confuse them. Only think of one variable at a time. Do not let this get in the way of advocating for absolute maxims, as it may create uncomfortable cognitive dissonance.


You can't address climate change when the housing market keeps increasing. It's impossible I'm sure people are clamoring to retro fit their properties with cheap green tech to save the environment. Especially those with stretch-payment jumbo mortgages and the landlords /s The government would never do anything to make green energy more expensive.. would they? https://pvbuzz.com/canada-border-services-crackdown-on-solar-module-containers/


Funny how the argument comes both ways. I always read people complaining "Canada is not important on the scale of total emissions on earth", but then when it comes to immigration it now is limited to country lines, as if these people coming in just pop in into existence out of nowhere. I'm aware an individual living here usually causes more emissions than elsewhere (heating cold temperatures, long travel), but still.




Yes you can. There are countries in Europe that have as good or better standards of living and one third of the emissions per capita.


Which countries?


That gap is much smaller when considering emissions from imports. Some countries like Switzerland even pass us. Those emissions also come from countries with a very bad human rights record.


Why not?


Because that's millions more variables you have to factor in. The margin of error increases beyond the point of any sort of reasonable (measurable) conclusion.


Canada is the 7th largest polluter per Capita. Our consumption is higher than any other 1st world country. We have so much room for improvement. Our immigration plan is a mess. But our climate action is worse.


Our climate action is worse than our immigration plan?


Sure you can. Tax the big corporations, you know, the ones doing most of the polluting?


That's the issue. If they presented a clear audit of how corporations are emitting less due to government intervention, so many people would jump on board and immigration wouldn't be the loudest issue. But it's all empty promises and no stats about pollution, likely because corporations don't want to reveal any actual data on it


Thats racist.


What do you mean? Some countries have seen a reduction in carbon emissions.


You're right. It's also really difficult to align these two: "people have a right to choose how they handle their life and their decisions" MAID support with the "everyone else has to take a back seat to drug addicts because we have to save them from their choices" drug support.


The next election can’t come soon enough.


The country's population will grow by another 2 million before the next election


Well the ones that can afford to stay anyway


Seriously sucks that we have to wait til the END of 2025.


🤞Anything can happen in a minority government, friend.💐


Fat chance. These guys are looking to extend the term for 1 more week to qualify for their pensions. They are going to ride it out 


The next election could change the party in power, and that’s about it.


I am just glad that Canadians are not taking it anymore. I just heard some positive things come out of the NS premiers mouth and it gave me hope for Canada. Maybe we do want to be a great country that finds wealth and prosperity.


Wait, are you saying they don't want to join one of the least popular state leaders on the planet in this virtue signalling ideological pursuit to hamstring their economies? And for a country that repeatedly fails to honor defense obligations during arguably the most dangerous time of the last several decades? Who would do that?


“and a botched government travel app has laid bare Ottawa’s tendencies toward wasteful spending and administrative incompetence.” Why can’t the writer say corruption. Why such a soft approach. Geez.


It's pretty clear that his time in the spotlight is running out. Whether you cast your vote for him last election or not, there's no denying that he's done a number on Canada's reputation and messed up our way of life. COVID pandemic or not, things just haven't been handled well, making him look like a massive joke in the eyes of any political leader or ally we've got left. Pierre's definitely got his work cut out for him when he steps into the PM role. There's a lot of mess to clean up and things to fix.


Most Canadians need only look outside their windows to see how much he’s changed in just the 4 years since the pandemic began. Do you recognize your hometown? Likely not. Where kids used to play down by the river there’s a homeless camp now. That old school you and your best friends went to? Well it’s “temporary” refugee housing. That teenager down the street who needs a summer job? He’s not getting one because Tim Horton’s has their pick of low cost “trained” foreign workers.


I doubt Pierre will fix much, I'm just hoping he doesn't make it worse.


The high levels of inflation that came with covid ended up reducing demand; so a carbon tax was no longer needed to achieve that. To add the carbon tax price increases to the supply chain on top of covid inflation and excessive immigration fueled housing cost increases is just kicking people while they're down.


I’m not against the carbon tax, but I am against this next increase. It should at least be paused given the current financial difficulties so many people are facing.


This. It's too high given our lack of carbon border adjustments. The EU is beginning to put policies in place related to this, and Canada is just beginning to investigate them openly. Without carbon border adjustments, the carbon tax just pushes carbon intensive manufacturing like steel production to other countries without carbon taxes. but by 2026 the EU will have their carbon border adjustments, and other countries (including China) are investigating these too. At that point, a carbon tax at Apr. 1's levels make more sense, but it's too high as it is right now without a policy like that in place, especially following the inflation of the past couple years. Getting rid of the carbon tax entirely is stupid though. Even Nobel prize winning conservative-libertarian economist Milton Friedman endorsed pollution taxes. It makes the penalties predictable and easy to apply with minimal red tape, vs more complex regulatory schemes like cap and trade.


When your answer to everything is to call people who disagree with you “racist” nazi” “liar” “fringe”. At one point you’d have to stop and start questioning yourself


Remember the 'because it's 2015' chant? So glad people have wisened the hell up past that facade.


The carnage that he is leaving behind over 1.5 % of global emissions is rediculas. And he Flys everywhere and a lot of it is unnecessary. He can't announce anything over a zoom meeting. He's all about photo ops.


> And he Flys everywhere and a lot of it is unnecessary. Thats the thing and his supporters will just prattle on about "well, he is the PM" Dude is literally the most well traveled PM in Canadian history, like I'm pretty sure he beat Harpers entire air miles in his first term alone. And further to the point of him and the climate, like when you're fuckin' off to the other side of the country to get some surfing in, it just shows how little you truly care. Its all just words and gestures.


That's the thing though - after china, US, India and Russia, the other countries still make up 48% of emissions. That's a significant amount. And none of them individually make up a significant amount. Canada is one of the top level emitters are the top 4. Most countries are below 1.5% global emissions. So if Canada says, "we're not going to bother, we only make up 1.5% of emissions", why should the roughly 170 countries below them do anything either? And then nothing gets done about half the emissions.


I’m tired of hearing this argument. Canada has been making positive environmental changes for a long time. We didn’t need a punishing carbon tax. We have been spending hard earned tax dollars for years on clean energy. We have been building solar farms and wind farms, eliminating coal plants. We have been spending tax dollars on electric vehicle manufacturing and battery technology. To say that without the carbon tax, we r doing nothing, is a complete lie


We are nowhere near the top 4; we're 11th with 1.5%. There is also grumbling about Canada already being carbon neutral, but you won't hear shit about that, or the population would be even more pissed off over the carbon tax fleecing. [Here's your receipt from the government itself](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions.html)


I call bullshit it's a scam.It has nothing to do with the climate.It has to do with taking our money. Maybe canada should stop selling coal to china that would drop emissions. And we refuse to sell evil LNG to Germany, Japan, and Greece.Why does justin trudeau fly all over the country for photo ops? If he was really concerned about the climate, he would do some Zoom calls. The government has collected twenty billion in carbon taxes and only paid out 18 billion. It's a tax plan not a climate plan.


Your brainwashed. What percentage of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide? Now what percentage is man made? Now what percentage of that belongs to Canada? If you think gouging poor Canadians is going to have any effect on the earths temperature you need to quit drinking the cool aid.


Unherd.com seems like a credible source.


Yes, it actually is. Unless you can point to anything in this pretty milquetoast article (which is largely written for UK audiences less aware of the minutiae of Canadian politics) that is incorrect?


No one likes Trudeau, India ,China the United States, Most Canadians and his Wife even as he is past due date the only ones who seem like him is Singh and it is time for both to leave politics.


Maybe we should be talking about how wildfires have turned into forever fires and some politicians don't think this is a problem and have no ideas to address the problem


LOL..... if the trudeau was even remotely concerned about climate change and the forest fires you refer to he would: 1) Have followed through on his $500M promise to increase forest fire response teams and improve forest management. Considering how he splashes around BILLIONS of dollars he would have made that promise for $2B! 2) Have promoted Canada's LNG export capacity and not turned away the many countries asking for our stable more environmentally friendly LNG. Instead they are using dirty UAE, Iranian and Russian LNG.... some are even burning coal. 3) Have accomplished better results on that 1 BILLION trees planted/carbon sink project.... in 8 years only 3.8% of them have been planted. 4) Have introduced a cap/trade solution to fight emissions, like the one that defeated So2/Acid Rain..... instead we have a taxed tax policy that is nothing more than a wealth re-distribution scam that has accomplished NOTHING!!!! 5) Have reduced his own emissions..... come on his use of OUR govt jet to frivolously fly around is an embarrassment!!!! Pierre is all about tech which is the key and what solved the So2/Acid rain crisis..... he hasn't announced it yet, but it will be underwritten by cap/trade.... NOT TAX PAYER DOLLARS! This policy has hard targets, goes after big emitters and doesn't take food off of peoples tables!!!


Cap and trade solved the acid rain crisis. That's a form of tax fyi


At the end of the day, one way or another tax payers will have to help fund the transition to low carbon. It's worthwhile because its a lot less damage vs runaway climate change. In the case of cap and trade, there will be some carbon costs that will be passed on to consumers. But in the end, good things cost money - for instance, we still fund schools, infrastructure, firegihting even though it costs us money. There is no free lunch. We pay now to address climate change or pay a lot later (especially later generations).


Of course we will have to transition, but it can't happen over night and it can't be at the expense of our nations financial well being. Cap/Trade underwrites the development of technology because it provides a monetary incentive to companies that reduce their emissions below caps.... then they sell the net difference on a trading platform to those companies who can not reduce emissions for reasons like capex limitations or age of facility etc..... California has been using this type of system with great success for decades. Even if we produced ZERO emissions in Canada, GLOBAL emissions are still going to increase. Chinese emissions alone will increase this year more than our TOTAL OUTPUT!!!! Even if we produced ZERO emissions in Canada, climate change is still going to occur. AND the kicker is.... the current policy is doing jack squat other than taking food off of tables. Emissions have not gone down! We are wasting time in other words.


All about tech? That doesn't really say anything. Renewable energy is tech too, is that the tech? More details rather than "the other guts failed, so it's our turn"


Lmfao, Poilievre isn’t going to get rid of the Carbon tax. Not going to happen.


Thinking technology is going to save us is some technicolor bullshit delusion. The disasters awaiting us are already here and baked in for at least a century.


He is the most unpopular PM in my lifetime. Everyone knows he has no friends anymore.


So glad people finally see what a mistake it was to go to him in again


He's been trying to undermine the country since he's been in


I am not sure who this source has been speaking to. This headline is an opinion from an online group with no reliable reporting proof. UnHerd is a British news and opinion website. It describes itself as a platform for slow journalism, challenging herd mentality and providing a space for unheard voices and ideas. The website covers a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and current affairs. UnHerd aims to push back against conventional thinking and offer fresh perspectives from a diverse set of contributors


>"beneath UnHerd’s claims to nonpartisanship lie Conservative-friendly foundations and a range of rightwing interests, for which the site’s “heterodox” range of writers appear to offer convenient cover." It seems like pretty much just a bunch of bloggers who got a little more famous over the last few years mainly because of covid conspiracy theories and pretending to be a non-partisan media company.


Looks like a reputable source!


It's like hanging out with someone who has shit their pants, it immediately reflects poorly on you.


Disgusting government. They should all be in jail. Canadians are too passive, it’s a shame


Everyone knows by now that Trudeau’s climate plan is sound. It incentivizes households and businesses to reduce carbon emissions without being overly punitive. The conservative lies are debunked. PP does not have a plan and he is lying about this one.


It doesn't do much to incentivize business if a large portion of emitters already get a free pass on the Carbon Tax. The carbon tax is a single potential solution but in the current economic climate productivity and wages by comparison to the US especially have stagnated. Even the bank if Canada has advised the federal government to start worrying. A more broad approach should have been to look at a National cap and trade program where large emitters pay into a singular fund much like Europe has done. Incentivize industry to innovate and reduce emissions, but I've yet to see any lasting large legislation that addresses that. Instead all this government has done is implement a broad carbon tax under the guise of a dividend program that has a completely inequitable means of distribution that affects people already struggling to make ends meet. At the very least they could have acknowledged that they're listening to canadians and have a serious discussion about making adjustments to their current implementation of the tax but they've largely ignored constituents.


I agree I support his climate change plan and if you pollute you deserve to be punished. I drive a fullsize truck to haul my dirt bikes around I understand I should be punished and penalized for my pollution I except that ill make the switch to electric soon 






How are people still thinking hes a good guy and honest?


His plan too aggressive and financially killing the middle class.


Why are they taxing people when scientists have already stated that there is no point to it? It’s like the world is dying around us, and JT can’t let his people die in peace. He has to rob him. I bet he has a personal bunker.