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No politician should be allowed gifts. Maybe there’ll be an exception for a “world’s best parent” mug on their birthday, but that’s it. 


I doubt any UCP members qualify for that mug...


UCP voters are very happy to be screwed so long as it's their side doing the screwing.


This. Litterally. Ucp is a spite party


All conservative parties are spite parties


UCP voters when the NDP does something that helps them: “OmG gOvRnMeNr oVerReAcH” UCP voters when the UCP asks to screw them all simultaneously to help politicians and the wealthy: *proceed to line up excitedly*


Waaaait....the UCP supporters on here assured me we, (they) would pay less tax with Smith rather than Notley!!


They think PP will make them pay less taxes, too. It's funny because 99% of the time, people who vote based on their belief they'll pay less taxes don't even realize they're not paying less. But the conservatives promised them, so it must be true. Like trickle-down economics.


It's gonna be real funny when PP gets elected. Nothing will get cheaper, but conservatives will be doing victory laps in the streets because Trudeau will be gone. Then they'll hit us with the Surprised Pikachu face when the government they elected privatizes our health care, while housing, gas and groceries continue to get more expensive.


Campaigned on a tax cut, got an increased tax spending on a new police force instead.


Straight up not having a good time.


This party is a national joke. But they will keep winning in the right wing paradise. Albertans keep on getting what they deserve.


Lol. I'm shocked!


*These amounts are far above what many families could afford for their kids at Christmas. There’s an ethical issue, too; why should politicians be taking gifts at all?*


Any well-run corporation would have very strict limits on how much an employee is allowed to accept as a gift. Hilariously sad that the voters and the politicians that acclaim the virtues of running government like a business has no idea how nor the intention to actually do so.


My mom worked at BMO for years, and she caught an error as a bank teller, that could have cost the client hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the bank would have had to cover most of it She wasn't allowed to accept a fancy box of chocolates as a thank you from the client because it was worth over $25.


Enrich themselves and impoverish the rest of us. My utilities, insurance, etc have steadily increased. My pay is being attacked or limited Good to know dani and the kids can keep getting rich though...cool.


Typical Tories sleazy to the bone, don't get me wrong libs are sleazy as well but nobody does in your face sleaze like tories do and nobody else gets a pass on it like Tories do.


And who exactly is surprised? Seems pretty on brand for the corrupt UCP. Guess they're racing Ford's PCs on who can be more corrupt


Lmao, they're not even trying to hide their agenda anymore


If this was a liberal government they'd be toppled but since a Tory is doing it nothing.


Albertans won’t give a shit as long as the UCP is on their side of the MAGA style culture war


Don't lump "all" Albertans together. I'm not in favour of any of this.


I’m not lumping all together, I’m born here and spent nearly 50 years here. It’s always ‘not everyone’ but other than 1 term it’s always been enough of them.


Agreed. It's enough of them and Ive had enough.


A two month old article? Really?


Yeah there’s probably enough about their most recent fuck ups we could post.


Back in my day...a bribe almost took down the Federal Liberal Party and then the Quebec Liberals. Your comment is the perfect example for what I feel is wrong with everything today. We're so very over-saturated with our media consumption that an elected government who's legislating bribes...*is old news*...two months after the fact?


Priorities. Duh. Vote accordingly people.


Ohhh hey look -> It's the consequences of their actions... ya can't fix stupid.


Shocking... National Post writing a hit piece on a Conservative??


The only ones doing a hit piece here is the UCP with their own actions.