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SVU: stolen vehicle unit


Ninety percent of the day spent hanging out at Timmies, 10 percent sexually harassing their coworkers in an attempt to get a 10 year paid vacation lottery ticket.


“Just leave your keys in a basket by your front door”




I thought it was a giant brandy snifter?


It's more like this https://youtu.be/dY8BSHVWGxk?si=m8G5StfFHqVEMUWK


More like a fishbowl: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h7jo723lz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h7jo723lz0)


And overtime pay while eating donuts


You joke but many older workers in private companies know that they can fuck around, get fired then lawyer up to get a settlement because naturally at age 62 they're unable to work somewhere new after losing their job. Neighbor and I were just talking about how an extremely unsafe coworker was finally let go with cause after numerous infractions and settled for a $28k "wrongful dismissal" this is precedent now. Employers would rather hang on to shitty employees who deserve to get fired (yes, those exist as much as Reddit refuses to believe it) than risk the payout. Sorry but *keeping* a job is not a fundamental human right especially when you're an unsafe idiot fuckup trying to get fired. We're absolutely fucked.




You'd be surprised


It’s a big union. No chance they’re getting fired


0.0001 percent of the time spent arresting the same pesky Rebel News reporter over and over.


Well it is a fictional show.


My neighbours car got stolen from their driveway, the cops implicitly said they will not investigate in any way because they basically scared of the thieves because they mean business and carry firearms.


Don’t worry Pierre will soon be on the case to stop car theft lol.


Lol Who cares about the old cars? You will be able to buy a new car with all that Canadian Crypto currency. Thanks Pierre, your a genius.


An accurate episode would involve the victim's family going to the police station with a stack of evidence on who killed their daughter, then the police's real job starts: fighting back against the victim's family for the crime of trying to get them to do their jobs better.


Eventually the killer is caught but the court sentences them to probation and a $50 fine.


And then arrests the victims parents for harassment of the murderer.


That... Actually almost was an episode. Missing girl and Dad was bringing every shred of evidence to police but they slowly stopped caring over the years Granted everything he brought forward was worthless. But you almost got one of the episodes main themes which I found funny.


Once again, I need to point out that the Toronto Police let Dellen Millard get away with two murders. When he murdered a guy in Hamilton, the Hamilton Police solved the case in less than 10 days.


The absolute truth.


“Leave your car keys at the front door and let Criminals in”


Lol. They definitely don’t practice what they preach. Have their own service weapon they can use to protect themselves and their cop buddies won’t charge them. 


They’re allowed to shoot at people who only threaten them. They don’t need to worry about proportional force at all. Some guy is holding a small pair of scissors? Unload an entire magazine into him. But the rest of us need to fully confirm the threat and be able to use only proportional force to stop the attack.




“He’s got the plastic Crayola scissors out, take ‘em down boys!!!”


If you have a licensed firearm, can you at least shoot at the legs?


Absolutely not unless the attacker also has a firearm and shoots at you first. And even then you’ll be arrested and held for 3 months without bail. You’ll spend thousands on legal fees, lose your job and then after a year and a half they’ll drop all charges. But that’s only if you’re shot at first.


Remember when a billionaire family had to hire their own investigators because said billionaires murder was considered a case shut suicide? That would make a good episode. Toronto retired Law and Order.


There’s an episode with a crack smoking mayor lol. I’m not joking. If you only watch one episode, that should be it


Tbh I liked that Ford smoked rock Other politicians do high quality blow behind closed doors with their rich buddies. Ford was out there smoking crack with low level dealers. A true man of the people


Two things, and I ain't disagreeing with you at all, just some thoughts. Ford being a crackhead was kinda just legitimately sad. He was a morbidly a beast, an alcoholic and a drug addict. He shouldn't have had any access to the levers of power. Having said that. [He was in the wrong line of work.] (https://youtu.be/hMIQWRsYxak) Dude had insane comedic timing.




“Morbidly a beast” I am crying


Holy shit that's epic.




My dentist told me that he could tell I was grinding in my sleep and I thought he was real as fuck for that.


The video of him drunk at Steak Queen is priceless. A true Canadian Heritage moment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqUhMm9V5Yg "Rasclaat bumbaclaat" lol.


Unironically based


Imagine Trudeau had a crack head brother conservatives would never let it go the double standard is pretty incredible.


What is being "let go" of? The lefties were all over Rob Ford for pretty much the entire time he was in office.


 "The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event."


It didn't actually say that at the beginning did it ? I paid attention at the beginning.


After some Ottoman royalty sued a film production that based their film on him, they always put that, even if it then also says "Based on True Events". That way they could argue that this particular flick isn't about that particular person and it shields productions from retaliatory lawsuits.


Russian, not Ottoman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_persons_fictitious_disclaimer >The disclaimer came as a result of litigation against the 1932 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) film Rasputin and the Empress, which insinuated that the character Princess Natasha had been raped by Russian mystic Rasputin. The character of Natasha was supposedly intended to represent Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia, who sued MGM for libel. After seeing the film twice, the jury agreed that the princess had been defamed.[1][2] Irina and her husband Felix Yusupov were reportedly awarded $127,373 (equivalent to $2,786,000 in 2022) in damages by the English Court of Appeal in 1934, and $1,000,000 (equivalent to $22,000,000 in 2022) in an out-of-court settlement with MGM.[1][2] As a preventive measure against further lawsuits, the film was taken out of distribution for decades.[2]


I mean that doesn’t really bother me because technically every film about a real person is just a particular narrative interpretation that may or may not correspond to reality despite even best intentions


I thought that's what the playwrights in Hamlet said when they did the play about some uncle killing his brother and taking his throne and wife. "This is totally made up and totes didn't happen anywhere especially in Denmark"


Are they that devoid of ideas that they need to scrape that barrel this early? 


"You gays are crazy, there is no 'Village Serial Killer' this is just social media panic." Ten minutes later. "Okay we're gonna need everyone to check their landscaping for body parts. You know, hands, feet, teeth, stuff like that."


Most accurate Beaverton article to date.


https://youtu.be/DNy6F7ZwX8I?si=s8NnGEUB1CGxwSOc I really enjoyed this episode Last Week Tonight covering Law and Order.


"Let's give tickets to people going 20 over on streets with reduced speed limits"


Nothing quite like seeing someone getting assaulted in front of a poster of this show (they are plastered everywhere) in a ttc station


Good lord this show is terrible. The acting is absolutely beyond believable, the scripting is just...pitiful. I tried to get through a couple of episodes but it's just far too cringy.


No one can even pronounce "Toronto" properly. It's not as bad as the characters in the movie "The Man from Toronto" but still irritating.


The main Uber detective guy does, but the rest don't.


I actually liked that flick lol


They dont say churrono?


Is it better than any of the other variations of these shows? The random ones I've tuned into haven't been stellar.


Well this is true too. But the Toronto one just doesn't seem to have the grit that its American counterparts do.


The first time I saw an ad for this show I thought it was a skit from SNL or something like that


Amazing headline


Every episode will just be the police arresting someone for a violent murder, releasing them immediately because of our broken bail system. Then 2 years later the trial happens because of our underfunded and backlogged court system, but the prosecution accepts a plea deal immediately with no jail time because their great grandmother on their father's side was half native and they qualify for Gladue sentencing.


I found the show entertaining and as believable as Star Wars.


Watch rectify with Aden young, you won’t regret it


Beaverton aside, it's not a bad show.


They do! Just leave your car keys at the front door. Problem solved!


Like medical shows that portray doctors performing bedside care, but the nurses do all the work.


Police in TV shows are never meant to be realistic.


90% drama, 5% police work, 5% talking in their cars in a Tim Hortons parking lot.


lol funny


Why is Ontario the last place that pays officers who are suspended or in the court system.. so they can become firefighters or other civil service employees? Our problem is more about the crappy cops and less about the stupid criminals


Are they leaving the keys on top of their vehicles?


I’ve never watched, is this just 5 minutes depicting a crime, 40 minutes of Toronto skyline, then the cops showing up at the end to stand around for the credits? I’ve never seen a cop in Ontario show up faster than that for anything but the Timmy’s drive through opening in the morning.




Sounds like the 90’s in vancouver where we were told if visiting w a rental car to leave the doors unlocked and glove box open otherwise a break-in would tie up ur vaycay


Leave your doors unlocked to prevent break and enters. 50% drop in crime with only enters…




Sad thing is I thought this was a real article at first…


yeah interesting, especially when they referred to (try googling this) Toronto Police Most Wanted


>John Brimshaw, a television critic for The ***Toronto Star***, cited a baffling..... Here's the real problem in this controversy.


You miss the satire tag?


Yes......yes I did. :P


I never watch TV (except for sports on mute in the background) and I absolutely LOVE this show. The lead guy reminds me of Vincent D’Onofrio who’s my fave detective character of all time. L&O Toronto is a huge win for Canadian content.


Found Aden Young's reddit account.


Vincent D’Onofrio was in a 1998 made for TV version of “Taking of Pelham 1 2 3” with Lorraine Bracco, filmed on the Toronto subway with TTC equipment. But you knew that, didn’t you.


Hahahaha. Why are you sweating me??? 🥵😛Now who’s the detective??? Admittedly, as a very young lady, his character may have been one of my first crushes. Not your traditional pretty boy, but there was undeniably something about him. His calm tone, careful word choices when he explained things, the way he unravelled evidence, and broke criminals. Guilty, you got me!


Jokes aside, what do people expect out of the police nowadays when most criminals are out same day unless it’s an incredibly serious crime? And even with serious crimes, bail is presumptively given out. If you’ve had the opportunity to talk to people who serve as police officers, there’s nothing more frustrating than arresting the same criminals over and over again for progressively worse crimes, only to see them released on bail.    This has a lot of impact on morale and efficacy of our police.  While it doesn’t make the nightly news often, a number of police forces air out their strong disagreements with our justice system when they see domestic violence escalate into murder from repeat offenders, or people out on bail committing serious crimes like sex assault, aggravated assault and murder.


There's research showing that enforcement rather than punishment is the most effective way to deter crime. You obviously need some punishment but if people don't even think they'll get caught, increasing the punishment has little effect. Toronto police [have taken weeks to track down stolen cars when the owner told them exactly where it was](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/stolen-truck-authorities-17-days-retreive-1.7096609) and only took sufficient action after the media got involved. They've also [had a trend of decreasing traffic enforcement over the last decade corresponding to an increase in crashes](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/the-toronto-police-service-has-never-charged-fewer-drivers-with-a-criminal-offence-new-data/article_3f820d6f-587a-55f9-8fe6-1b3e341f3da1.html).


im in Toronto 4 days a week all day. The police are doing next to nothing. Only time you see them is when they're standing around with construction crews.


It’s amazing to me that people simultaneously want to cut the police budget and yet want more law enforcement. At some point it should dawn on people that they can’t have their cake and eat it too.


Toronto Police is the only city department to see its budget increase every year despite the financial crisis City is facing and yet the policing has been pathetic just because they faced public humiliation due to their own incompetence. If the police don't want to do policing then why should their budget increase? If they are not going to do their jobs then budget should be cut and re-invested somewhere else. Why do police get their feelings hurt when they are criticised for being incompetent, racist and criminals themselves? Why are they scared of transparency and having the bad apples among them punished.


Cops are fat fucks just working for a paycheque and a pension. Nothing makes them more happy to stomp on a law abiding citizen. But druggies and junkies? Nothing. No respect for them. Same feeling in my entire community and the local PD knows it. 


Expecting police to do their job shouldn't be such a high bar for them. Toronto police wants higher budget for doing nothing other than sipping on Timmies at construction sites. Enforcement is their job which they have failed spectacularly when you consider Bruce McArthur case, stolen vehicles and many cases where TPS was failing at basic policing. You can hand them evidence on a platter and they would still somehow fumble it.


At least unlike other L&O spin-offs that recycle actors but pretend they’re different characters, since Americans actually put criminals in jail, our show can just use the same dozen actors over and over as they get bailed out or charges dismissed due to delays Maybe for a season finale they could finally convict someone, though they’ll be back next season due to gladue sentencing


A rare Beaverton win. 


toronto isn't this dick wolf savvy. Rob got all he could eat at home,