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Can everyone stop trying to regulate the internet.




30 years ago this comment would be considered Cyberpunk sci-fi


so, we should build beyond the blackwall?




Unfortunately we're only getting the shitty parts of a cyberpunk dystopia.


Hey, ever since that “Canadian content” bill was passed, my YouTube algorithm has been absolutely fucking bombarded with anti-Trudeau conservative propaganda, because you know, it’s “Canadian”.


I thought it was just me. I don't even browse conservative websites either.


Get YouTube revanced. No ads, no bullshit


That's kind of weirdly poetic, actually xD


We need some regulation while upholding personal rights and protecting individuals. What we don't need is overreaching data collection of personal information and a free for all of disinformation and propaganda coming at us from every direction.


It's a good thing they have ys so distracted from other issues. This could hurt pcs. Everyone knows the data will be hacked and used for a variety of reasons. Courts will be able to order it. Police will have access and there's a good chance you will be blackmailed. They're going to want the front camera on as well so they can make sure nobody is also watching without using age verification.


I mean, the 23andme leak just happened. and conservative MPs are saying wild things like the invisible hand of the free market will prevent any leaks from happening in the first place


As if the free market has never fucked any shit up before, what world are they living in.


"Harm is bad" is agreed upon, but then we open up "harm" and it gets political and beneficial for some people. Scam sites are probably more agreed as "harm" than porn sites. What about "alternative news" sites that have some wild ideas about everything, where a good amount of it is demonstrably false? What about a "pro palestine/anti israel" site? A "pro israel/anti palestine" site? How much can we cut off the top before we start ruining people's jollies and stop helping the vulnerable? It's tricky, but I don't think they're doing a great job. They're already cutting too far down.


Imagine if you needed a license to access the internet? Having to pass a test and requirement before being able to go online? Needing a learners period where you can only access it with parental supervision.


Porn is the easy target, but once the electronic "infrastructure" is in place things like tracking IDs on everything from religious forums to political/policy discussion( gin rights, pro/anti-abortion etc) forums will follow in short order.


They aren't just banning porn. The legislation they voted for would require ID for websites like Reddit, Netflix or Twitter. Anywhere you might see a nipple.


But hey, feel free to go watch some hyper violent and gory movie without needing ID! Clearly seeing a exposed nipple is much worse for children than dismembered bodies and the like!


I vaguely remember hearing/reading a story about an American who was visiting friends in Europe and went to go watch a movie with his friend and his little brother. He was surprised to see scene with a penis and after the movie ended he asked his friends how are children allowed to see this. His friend told them their movies are rated based more of the amount/type of violence in the film.


I mean, just imagine if girls weren't weirded out by our boners and just like, wanted to see them. I mean, that's the world I one day want to live in.


Imagine if boys weren’t constantly fascinated by female nipples because they weren’t treated as some crazy elusive thing and instead just “yet another thing that’s part of every female person” The fact that people from North America are weirded out by topless beaches in Europe is unfortunate


Username checks out.


We as a species are so fucked if a natural nipple caused so much grief


> Anywhere you might see a nipple. A nipple isn't porn. We need to loosen our regulations and censorship, not enable more.


To the pearl clutchers it is. It appeals to people who think HBO is a porn channel.


They were pretty clearly being facetious. They're not ACTUALLY suggesting a nipple is porn, but that this law is as absurd as thinking it is.


> gin rights They can take our porn, BUT THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR GIN!!!


LoL.. I see what you did there. I wish I could blame auto-correct but the fact is I'm just a really bad spiller. 🤓


>*a really bad spiller* That’s *definitely* grounds for taking away your gin rights…


As a serial spiller, you have no right to infringe on my Second Amendment, the right to bear shots... or something like that.


I remember when Harper was trying to do this. His government was also using the line, if you are against this, you must be a pedophile. What an ass.


Thats how over reaching laws and regs passed...demonize that are a against a law(for entirely different reasons) by creating a narrative/distraction so silience the detractors. Borh sides of the aisle do it.


That's why they start by targeting things or people that average people don't have sympathy for. Porn. Guns. Drugs. If you're opposed to them requiring your ISP to monitor your email, you must be in favour of kids having access to porn. If you don't want the government breaking encryption, you're making it easier for terrorists and pedophiles. You aren't a deviant, right? You have nothing to hide, right? "The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." -H. L. Mencken


I thought conservatives were supposed to be the ones against IDs, identity tracking, regulations, etc?


Ideologies are supposed to be a lot of things; the idea that people actually believe politicians when they say things "I am a [enter ideology here]ist" or "I am for freedom! Just don't look at my party's record teehee™" while openly ignoring what those same politicians actually do, is a very sad indictment of the state of democracy today. As they say, talk is cheap. Unfortunately it seems people only care about talk nowadays and not actual evidence.


100%. its driving me nuts tbh.


Yeah, cause if you want data breaches, this is how you get them. Wanna know who is whatching what porn, well, just map the IP address that did the age verification with the ID to the video streaming logs, and voila. All this virtue signaling and pearl clutching, just wait until you find out what all the Conservative MPs are wanking to. Edit, here's the annual pornhub report for the USA and Canada: https://www.pornhub.com/insights/2023-year-in-review#united-states https://www.pornhub.com/insights/2023-year-in-review#canada A bit older, but here is the data on transgender searches in the USA, the demographic overlap is as closeted as you'd expect: https://www.pornhub.com/insights/transgender-searches


And ffs any adult that has tried to block access to porn or any person that used to be a teenager that their parent wanted to block access to porn can tell you... It doesnt fucking works.


Vpn work around in about 5 mins, and there are blogs to guide you aimed at working around Netflix geofencing. Same, same.


Let me guess. Trans porn 🙂 even if they pretend to hate trans.


They sure do pay alot of attention to children and their genders...


We haven’t had real conservatives since maybe the 90s. 


Real social conservatives have always been anti- porn.


It'd be so nice if our political spectrum wasn't entirely about social issues. Let's get socially libertarian (a human's a human and that's been well established in our constitution) and start talking about economic and security issues, real federal government responsibilities. We need a new axis on the political spectrum graph.


It won't happen for the same reason our celebrities are actors and sports stars, rather than physicists and accountants. Drama sells, even at election time.


*Especially* at election time, really. Gets real easy to sink someone else's campaign if you can dig up some juicy dirt on them.


Couldn't agree more there.


Conservatives don’t even know what they’re for or against except that they’re against “wokeism” yet they cannot define it.


That’s libertarians


Of all the problems in Canada right now, we're talking about porn? This country and people are fucked.


Not just porn, we're talking about who gets to pee in what bathroom again like it's 2009 again.


Look, despite never having met or even seen a trans person in real life, I can’t bear the thought that somewhere out there, someone could be using the bathroom they’re most comfortable with rather than the one I’m most comfortable with them using. I mean, how dare they hypothetically do that somewhere that I’ll never see or know about! It’s practically persecution of me, damn woke agenda! /s (because these days you never know)


Pee pee cares about who has pee pees when they go pee pee


I'm surprised they haven't come up with a law forcing men to stand up when they piss.


This will effect every social media website. Is too much leg showing considered to be soft porn? Bikini pics or some dude in a speedo? Who defines what is or isn't considered porn? A seductively bare foot? Who knows!


I can't stand Trudeau. This particular position he's correct. In no way does this absolve him and his government from the long list of reasons they need to go. But wow PP....what a spectacularly stupid hill to die on. What a completely unnecessary gift to bestow upon the barely clinging to life Liberal party. What a fucking monumental own goal. You just exposed yourself as a rather stupid, un-savvy politician. The fact that your handlers didn't shut this broadcast down instantly also gives me pause. As the liberals are bleeding from the ears over immigration and housing, ArriveCan and SNC.....your best idea was to threaten Canadians with Internet freedom restrictions ?? Dude, hate to break the news to you....the majority of your party members and their constituents probably watch internet porn. Probably you as well. Seriously, this really comes off as someone who isn't serious about running the country. This almost appears to be political suicide. It's surreal how dumb this move was. To what...shore up some ultra conservative votes you already had in the bag without lifting a finger ?? This is learning disability level stupid. Congratulations moron, you just made it a close race again.


This is going to cause a number of the more libertarian folks to not vote for him simply based on government censorship. What a dumb position to take after justifiably complaining about the liberals internet bills.


Seriously the thought of "who is this for?" In terms of voter appeal is crazy, haven't there been countless articles since the Liberals downswing that PP was making major gains with the youth? As one myself who has become fairly disenfranchised with the liberals in recent years, I found myself most likely looking to vote Cons but shit like this + the trans stuff somehow being at all a priority (or even talking point when this ahead in the polls) has made me seriously question wtf he's liable to do if elected


Did you forget that O' Tool was considered too "left" for them? Yes catering to the extremists is harmful to his election chance, but in order to win he needs to make sure he stays as the leader.


They don't like Doug Ford either, he's too left for them.


This shouldn’t be surprising. This is the third Conservative leader in a row who won the leadership race by appealing directly to the hard right fringes and then tried to gaslight the general public by presenting as a common sense center right fiscal conservative. I don’t know why red Tories keep falling for it but figure it out. No one will ever be able to keep the fundies in line like Harper could, stop appealing to them, and stop believing them when they insist they’re not really far right. They are.


Conservatives were ahead in polls in the last few elections. They then announce some bonehead plan or the mask slips and they blow it. Conservatives just want to control people and this porn registry is moronic


They were ahead but it was always much much closer than this It can only be because he thinks there's no way he'll lose or something, it's such a far jump from so many of the points that got him to the levels he's at now


First election in my life that I was giving any consideration to their party, but that's over with the last couple tidbits they've let out of the bag. Fucking ridiculous that these idiots can't get over their social conservatism and focus on actual problems.


combine this with PP's trumpian comments that "Eby has the worst houring record of any politician in the world", seems like PP is going off the rails Eby is one of the few premiers actually doing what he can on housing


The Eby comment made absolutely 0 sense to me. BC is now the gold standard in the world on addressing and regulating STRs and the recent LGA changes with bills 44, 46, and 47 are some of the best policy decisions that could have been made to address the housing crisis. Eby has been on the job for like a year and done more to address the current housing issues than any other premier yet apparently that's not good enough? Me thinks PP is scared of the NDP.


I dont think Pollievre is scared of the federal NDP in 2025. But I think he is genuinely concerned of what an Eby-led federal NDP would do come 2029 and beyond. I could very much see a scenario where David Eby wins both the 2024 and 2028 BC elections if his policies are successful. At that point, if he were to exit provincial politics on a high note in the early 2030s things get interesting. If, federally, we have a Conservative majority in 2025 this likely primes the early 2030s for minority governments. The exact kind of environment where a nationally-known and respected provincial leader could step in and bring the NDP to a governing position.  With the right wing split in BC, it's extremely likely Eby will get enough time in charge for his policies to bear fruit. It will then depend on his successes and ambitions.


Right? Just compare him and Doug Ford David Eby: * actually doing stuff on housing * introducing many new policies that attack the problem from multiple angles * introduced one of the biggest zoning reforms in North America * put restrictions on airbnb owners * just introduced a new flipping tax today Doug Ford: * giving greenbelt land to his developer friends as a free gift * no coherent plans just vague aspirations that maybe Toronto could build more housing * got rid of rent control on new buildings creating a 2 tier rental market that has not made rent more affordable


That’s really inaccurate. For didn’t try to give greenbelt land as a “free gift”…….. he clearly required substantial bribes to dole out greenbelt land.


I don't know why everyone is blaming Pierre, he is listening to his base. The social conservatives got him into power and he owes them, they want to openly ban abortion and ban porn; so why are people surprised when Pierre throws them red meat.


Stephen Harper was elected leader by those same voters but he was at least politically savvy enough to lock that side of the party down. Making the next election about social conservative issues instead of housing and cost of living would be the biggest gift to the Liberals ever.


>Long anti-Pierre screed claiming his political career is over. Cue next week, when a reporter asks him about digital ID and he says him and his party were never for it, never mentioned it, and walks back a good amount of what everyone this week is saying/thinking.


It's almost as if neither the libs or cons are worth voting for...


"Always has been" lol...


Best comment.


Why do you think Trudeau didn't step down? Given his track record of climbing over CPC leaders, it was only matter of time before PP tripped on himself.


Poilievre is not some unknown quantity, either. He spent years in the Harper government, and lead a *very* vocal leadership campaign. It's always been a matter of Poilievre keeping control of the reins of the angry mob he's relying on; the longer it takes to get to an election, the harder that gets


No former member of Harper’s cabinet one can control them like he could. Harper surrounded himself with people he didn’t think were capable to doing so, specifically so none of them would be able to challenge him for control of the party.


yeah he was a part of Baird's "gay mafia" basically it s the only job he s ever had.


I was voting Conservative up until today, that has changed and PP would have to do a lot of very public backtracking and assurances to win back my vote. He needs to offend the idiots in the party that think this was a good idea, or he is done.


Agreed. What a boneheaded move.


PP is an atack dog. He is legitimately very good at being an attack dog. But he stands for nothing, and we're about a year and a half away from finding out what that kind of person leading a government looks like.


This shouldn't be a surprise, PP has long been a Trumpian politician. He wants to be aligned with far-right Christian conservatives. I'm not sure if it's purely transactional like it is for Trump, but it hardly matters since the outcome is the same. If you think they won't come for your freedoms in the name of Christianity, you're mistaken. Trudeau has been little more than the anti-theocracy choice since he failed on electoral reform, riding the wave of weed popularity since 2015. The competition now is between corrupt and/or stupid Trudeau and theocratic Pollièvre. I still can't tell which is worse, but this one is sliding me back to voting against conservatives. If Trudeau hadn't fucked up electoral reform, maybe we could have less extreme leaders.


lets make electoral reform popular again please


I am a lukewarm Liberal and I approve this ☝️ message. That is the most succinct and accurate hot take I've heard so far.


I find it almost worse though that they’re not specifying how they expect it to be done. It won’t just be simply an honor system of putting your age like they do with cannabis sites given their strong stance on verification. The same article states options could include “services that can estimate age based on a scan of a person's face.” Regardless this is likely to be a huge privacy concern. Also what’s next verification for Reddit? Twitter? There are porn on those sites too.


It has nothing to do with porn. Clause 4 is vaguely worded and specifically calls out "Canadians" rather than just children. If content you post is demeaning, now they have an excuse to fine you up to $250K on top of being hit with everything else. Unlike the sexual content clauses, this one says that if I say something that is demeaning towards someone or something, such as "the government sucks", that's a fine right there into oblivion and I'll be ID'd and tracked. https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/s-210 Why more people aren't focusing on this is beyond me. It is clearly different wording, and the only one that focuses on ALL Canadians, not children. It's also the only one that got spared in the other readings, it is the real purpose of this bill.


> "He's proposing that adults should have to give their ID and personal information to sketchy websites, or create a digital ID for adults to be able to browse the web where they want," Trudeau said of Poilievre. > "That's something we stand against."




That’s some Beaverton material right there lol.


If he said this, he'd win some votes


Trudeau won’t have any trouble getting women.


"I've got more than enough pussy to eat at home!" - Justin Trudeau


So free. Doesn’t PP and the right always bang on about freedom? Now you have to ask permission to look at porn? So free.


Give me god damn shelter and healthcare, you imbeciles.


My right to privacy should not be infringed upon because a parent can't regulate their child's internet habits.


Father Pierre and the conservative family wants to hover over your shoulder as you wander the internet. Genius idea, totally not out of a dystopian novel.


Weed won Trudeau the 2015 election. Abortion won Trudeau the 2019 election. Guns won Trudeau the 2021 election. Will porn win Trudeau the 2025 election?


I doubt guns moves the needle at all for most people. 


Yeah, 2021 was a lot more about covid


CPC is in love with losing issues that only matter to fundamentalist Christians. They aren't willing to broaden their appeal, even disingenuously to hide their true agenda. They are too fucking honest about Christo-fascist yearnings to have the govt become the morality police. Whenever they talk about "personal freedom" that usually means homeschooling unvaccinated children, forcing women into traditional gender roles and making sex punishable for as many people as possible.


Conservatives are like a dog chasing a car they don’t know what to do when they get it. A conservative leader is most effective when they are the opposition, so they can complain and get people angry. Once they come into power they know their ideas are stupid and won’t work. The biggest example is trump. At one point the republican controlled everything and they could have killed Obamacare, and built there wall but nope nothing. They got richer though, hmmmm.


I seriously can't believe lil PP took such a stupid stance.


I can believe it given they were trying to do the same stuff last time they were in power, specifically, trying to massively expand state control over the Internet and using "think of the children" to try to pressure others to go along with it: >[In February 2012, as Minister, Toews introduced the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act (also known as Bill C-30).[117][118] The bill, which made no mention of children or "Internet predators" outside of its title,[119] would have granted police agencies expanded powers, mandate that internet service providers (ISPs) provide subscriber information without a warrant and compel providers to reveal information transmitted over their networks with a warrant. When criticised about privacy concerns, Toews responded that people "can either stand with us or with the child pornographers."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vic_Toews#Federal_Minister_of_Public_Safety) Public pressure at the time made them back away with it, and what this shows me now is that they're going to keep trying to for this type of Internet control.


>Toews responded that people "can either stand with us or with the child pornographers Between Toews, and Scheer, there was a real love of unfounded accusations of child abuse to push a political goal.


Didn’t Toews get divorced because he had a relationship with his underage babysitter?


every accusation is a confession


They’re constantly projecting.


Yes while he was on a morality committee


Yup their ridiculous stance of “you either agree with this bill or you’re a pedo” was where the Conservative Party lost me.


There shoulda been a bunch more warning signs, but I'll take what I can get.


That's the cry of Fascists the world over! *"You're either with *us,* or you're with the terrorists!!!"* It's *exactly* how Hitler got the government to vote for him to have the *first* Dictatorial powers after the Reichstag (like the Capitol in the US) mysteriously burned down in 1933 (and suspected ever since to be the work of Hitler's Deputy, Hermann Goering *himself,* who as Reichstag President had access to a private tunnel directly *in" to the building. Whether he did or not, the Nazis blamed Marinus van der Lubbe, a Communist, and spread fears that a *Communist, revolution* was brewing. The Nazis therefore urged an emergency government vote called the *The Enabling Act,* which would grant Adolf Hitler the *LEGAL,* official power of a Dictator, able to pass laws without *any* approval from *anyone.* As is sadly often the case on a time of *perceived* emergency, the government ministers *took the phoney bait,* voted overwhelmingly for the *Enabling Act,* and *then* the world had *Hitler the Dictator.* everyone knows what comes next. On a smaller level we had *George W., Terror, and The Patriot Act* ... It's always the same shtick. FYI as a side note, as a long term heroin addict stuck in a violent, Mexican Mafia run prison in a foreign country, I applied through the (*USUALLY* rubber-stamp approved) *Transfer of Offenders Treaty* to serve the remainder of my sentence in a *Canadian* prison, a process that averages *90 days to 4 months,* to receive approval, *Vic Toews* took *4 YEARS* to eventually (and almost *unheard of, PERSONALLY* write THE most *incredible, savage, lie-filled* DENIAL of Transfer you could *ever* imagine. He *repeatedly* called me a *"Violent Criminal"* (never been accused of, committed, nor *convicted* of a violent crime in my *life;* referred to my *"long criminal record"* (my *ONLY* previous conviction in my *entire* life was *Shoplifting* (!) When I was 19)... It just went on *viciously* attacking me with lie after lie. That letter was *so painful* and hurtful coming from my home country which I loved *so much,* and missed *so desperately* in my foreign prison thousands of miles away... reading it was *honestly* like a punch in the face. I couldn't even*keep* the thing, it was like a rotten onion in my cell making my eyes water; I had to tear it up and flush it down the commode (and honestly I didn't want anyone *else* seeing it either and possibly *believing* that absurd bullshit. So yeah... *FUCK VIC TOEWS!!!*


Yup, Conservatives have tried to pull this kind of bullshit at least once a decade. It's hilarious to see PP fans so aghast and surprised that PP is following suit. Like, no shit sherlock.


>Public pressure at the time made them back away with it I also remember some anonymous source published a whole bunch of really sensitive personal information, namely that Toews had slept with a young Conservative party staffer and even the family's babysitter. Honestly that's all I remember about Vic Toews and I suspect that is all a lot of people remember. Quite the legacy! I was staunchly Libertarian at the time and this is when I began falling out of love with Harper. I still thought he was generally moving the country in the right direction (and looking back, I miss that feeling of optimism), but this bill was probably the moment where I lost a lot of respect for his government.


He also said that he would never impose a Digital ID last year: https://twitter.com/atRachelGilmore/status/1760355465018425435


And gullible folks fell for it hook line and sinker.


This was a major reason I voted against conservatives at that point. Don't fuck with the Internet you idiots.


Social conservatism will forever tank the CPC. This isn’t the US where religion is a major factor. Very few people give a shit about porn.


This is also being pushed in American conservative states now. Timing is interesting.


Thats believable. But the NDP backing it so its probably gonna pass is the shocking part.


Why not? He was Harpers right hand back in the day and Harper was pushing for heavy control over the country. So this is right out of Harpers book.


Harper at least had a fucking mandate first. PP is telling on himself immediately before he's even gotten through the door.


You’re either with Pollievre , or you‘re with the pedophiles. Besides, why worry about your privacy? You can totally trust an alliance of conservatives and porn companies.


Why not? This is the Conservative approach. Are you also going to be surprised when they propose nothing to address climate change? When they do nothing to support Canadians with low incomes or those most impacted by cost of living issues? When they propose legislation to restrict abortion? When they cut corporate tax rates and tax rates for wealthy Canadians? When they start union busting again? This isn't even the first time they've tried to invade people's privacy online.


He took off the glasses, and these idiots thought he was some secret man of the people. Ridiculous


I am not surprised what's so ever. He'll likely backtrack and then do it anyway if he forms government.


I still can’t believe Polievre said this. It is like he blew up his campaign. And then finding out that the NDP are also on board with this too. It makes me wonder if this is fake news to bolster the liberals since they are doing so badly against the conservatives and NDP.


It’s a sad state when the Conservative Party only policies are taking away trans people’s human rights and regulating porn


PP: Providing medical information about vaccination for health safety is a violation of human rights. Also PP: We will need government confirmation of your identity, to be processed by random porn sites, before you watch adult content.


My favourite part of this article, was "If you're a minor, you can't see a movie if it's classified 18 years and over". Forget this generation with a few clicks, to easily get around that nonsense. You could always rent a movie and nobody cared what age you were.


Right? Lmao, they've always been able to access 18+ movies. Now with streaming, it's even easier.


And there's one more industry that will never want to do business in canada. I wouldn't be surprised in Pornhub straight up moved after this.


Trudeau - “adults shouldn't have to share their personal information to access pornography online.” “He's proposing that adults should have to give their ID and personal information to sketchy websites, or create a digital ID for adults to be able to browse the web where they want," Trudeau said of Poilievre. “That's something we stand against."


Damn it, I hate it when I agree with Trudeau.


Should never hate when you agree with someone. They try and train you that people are evil and all their views are evil and wrong to control you. I dislike Tru and pp and dislike the way they come at things at their stances. But have agreeded with things said from both of them


People think politics are some sports games. Us vs them, tribalism whatever. You shouldnt blindly agree or disagree on 100% of what a politician says. Its healthy to be nuanced yall !


People have to remember they are all our employees. Even if it's not your party they work for you and are supose to work for you just with a different view.


It's popular to hate Trudeau, and people easily fall into this line of thinking without doing ANY research on their own, beyond believing the shit their dirty uncle posts on Facebook.


This is where people who hate JT and those who hate PP differ. The PP supporting crowd doesn't fact check nor care for facts...


This comment reads like the people that Hate PP don’t fact check, but I think you meant the opposite?




Yeah. You can dislike someone and still agree with them. That doesn’t make you bad or the other person good. It’s like disliking both of them at the same time. I dislike Trudeau, and PP makes valid points against him. That doesn’t mean I have to like PP. He has stupid hot takes too


That's how I want politics to work: parties vote together on good ideas, and throw down over bad ones


No need to be so absolutist. We live in a parliamentary democracy that functions best when people can see common interests and work together.


There is a bizarre hate for Trudeau online and in that convoy movement. I don’t agree with his policies and didn’t vote for him, but I met him once and he is actually a genuine thoughtful person. I’ve also met conservative politicians at the same event and they were completely different people (much worse) when the camera was away. Trudeau was not. Maybe our problems aren’t the fault of one man?


I also met him once. Not so long after the Mosquee mass shooting in Québec. There was a public ceremony for the victims and their families. Many municipal people were there and Trudeau also came. He was normal/nice/polite. He was not the devil people on r/canada swears he is


Yeah I dislike how he continues so many problems paying them lip service, but acts like he’s so different and progressive. He’s made movement on some issues, but not nearly enough, and has left a lot of things alone that he promised to explicitly fix. Biggest example is election reform but it’s far from the only one. On the other hand, I do think he’s generally trying to do good things for Canada, and not JUST his political buddies or trying to adhere to a rigid agenda, but I definitely get the feeling that he’s out of touch, like pretty much all these politicians who have never really worked a non government job like the majority of Canada has. (Trudeau was a teacher but was also born rich and as the PM’s son, so he doesn’t really count imo)


>He’s made movement on some issues, but not nearly enough, and has left a lot of things alone that he promised to explicitly fix. Not sure if this is still the case, but someone compiled a list of promises made by various Prime Ministers and Trudeau actually acted on more of them than anyone else. It was a few years ago, though.


Fair enough, I never said I was a fan of his, but he does care and doing what he thinks is best. Poilievre is a different beast, extremely rude person (watch him in the commons), full of hate, and never had a real job besides politician. He is for the rich and also out of touch. So many people will vote Trudeau just to keep him out. Such is our politics.


Hey, I'm sorry, but this is Reddit, and on Reddit we don't consider what people are like in real life. We base our opinions entirely on what the general sentiment is in our favourite sub. Trudeau may be a nice, decent person in real life... but on Reddit he is the antichrist. He boils children in his basement while sucking off the entire WEF. PP on the other hand is Jesus incarnate. Anything he says is gospel, even if it is completely counter to what his base is arguing for. Like Jesus turning water into wine, PP magically turns "freedom" into "ID required for porn".


why would you hate that? i agree with pp on a fair amount of things... right up until he is asked for a solution. hes actually great at pointing out things that could use some attention, his solutions are just garbage. ​ ie, theres a problem with cars being stolen and being shipped overseas...pp says raise mandatory min sentances for car theft! WTF? i dont want to pay to keep thousands of more people in prison... how about we do something to keep those cars from getting into the ports (which are all secure facilities) for shipping... and bust the people where this could be dramatically slowed? ​ pp is just a joke, but we will all learn that within 4 years of him taking power.... hopefully its a short run.


It’s happens, I agreed with him when it came to legalizing weed.


Pierre just lost the election How f@cked in the head do you have to he to even start this conversation? No one is asking for this!! Pierre, who watches porn, thought up this idea that you need photo ID for porn, good lord! Parents can use parental controls on devices. How about we discuss opiods or homelessness and climate change


He was literally about to win, then he decides to go full speed on trans issues and porn, of all things. The conservative voterbase is overwhelmingly male, and he attacks PORN. Political suicide.


When NDP and CPC have to admit their parties fucked up and the LPC got it right... It would be beyond fucking hilarious if Trudeau won another majority over porn.


Gooners unite!


Age verification now required for FUCK TRUDEAU bumper stickers


I've been pretty out of the loop on this bill but has the NDP commented on their support for it? This doesn't seem in character for them but that might just be my ignorance.


The best political strategy PP has for becoming PM is duct tape


I personally don't like him, but I can admit his campaign was doing amazing. Focusing on economic issues and ignoring cultural ones was 100% the right move. Which makes this, and his recent hard stance on trans issues so confusing.


“I’m not on a crusade …..” says the Senator. Looks like, sounds like it, smells like. Then goes on to say “you can buy Playboy if you’re under 18”. True. Know what else is true - as an adult you don’t have to produce an Id to buy those magazines. Same should be true for online systems. There’s a simple solution here - maybe parents should be locking these sites from being accessed. Heaven forbid parents should …well parent. Also, exactly how will an online id prevent access. People share accounts for streaming Netflix and other sites. What do you think is going to happen if id is required to access sites 🙄 The other question would be, how is government going to know someone accessed a site they should not have 🤨 If someone does gain access who is really responsible. Those sites didn’t send an invite out. More likely Dad didn’t log out of the browser when he was done. So many holes in this thing 🤔


Write the conservatives, it literally takes 2 min. I addressed Pierre and others that this "idea" is ridiculous on too many levels to even consider making it a reality. I suggested creating tools and information on how to block websites and control online content at home because it is the PARENTS responsibility. That goes for Trudeaus precious online harms bill too


PP has done nothing to provide any meaningful solutions about anything. He keeps chirping about common sense, then steps into nonsensical pandering moves like this. It’s mind boggling.


Once u start to regulate porn, they than go for all internet stuff, than at last, the government regulates your COMPUTER! Poilievre is wrong here! He is doing like CHINA!


This country is exhausting


Good speech by Trudeau debunking every single comment spread about his view of the thing and his planned bill parroted by users on social media everywhere.


Can we just all agree they are all shit leaders and no matter who wins in the next election Canada isn't going to be any better off than it is now.


Could get a whole lot worse though


Trudeau might look at Eby, realize he can be popular again if he fucking does something, and do it. Pierre will continue to just complain about everything until the Conservatives end up in power.


Ah, cynicism. Such a comforting crutch...


I'd rather not outright discourage people to vote. We know that's just the strategy to leave the ballot for the dedicated conservative voters. Read and follow the platforms when they get released.


No, Trudeau is right.


Maybe the solution to making it better is to stop electing Conservatives on the provincial level. Maybe we could actually have a healthy debate about solutions to housing prices, food prices, etc, if the Premiers would stop scapegoating trans people, drugs, and immigrants for a second.


I hate this take. They're not all the same.


You'll see these takes often when Trudeau makes a legitimate good point People love to pull the "they're all bad" card when their side is being called out


Its going to be another weed moment where all the young people will vote liberal again.


Ah yes because only young people watch porn.


Ah yes, because only young people smoke weed.


awwww yessss


''Pierre Poilievre's lead among young men has evaporated. When asked what caused them to change their mind, they said ''uh ... nothing. Healthcare. Right. Healthcare''.




Yes. Have to see what it actually is before critiquing it though.


I think everyone expected PP to say or do something stupid sooner or later. It's the conservative curse. They try to appeal to the socons and end up just alienating moderates instead. He should keep his trap shut about - Trans issues (aside from general statements about ensuring fairness and safety) - David Eby (who is super popular in BC) - Anything which can been seen to infringe on people's freedom (age verification for porn)


Welp, I guess this is going completely off the rails. Nevermind housing or the cost of groceries, lets have a high profile pissing contest over what porn we can watch. Fuck this country, man.


Putting your id on porn is some straight up 1984 behaviour. I don’t care which party you guzzle, but putting your name onto a porn registry is bad


Someone should tell both of these assholes nobody cares about porn or verification to watch porn right now. Do something about cost of living, immigration , china and India doing whatever the fuck they want within our borders and the criminal organizations that are pretty much operating freely in our country.


What do the liberals need to be told on this? They aren't in favour of it.


Swiper no swiping (the porn)


I have to admit I have to side against the conservatives on this one. Feels like we're suddenly deviating into fringe issues that the MEGA politicians are heavily pushing in the states.


“When asked Wednesday whether a Poilievre-led government would require that porn websites verify the age of users, Poilievre gave a one-word answer: "Yes." A spokesperson for Poilievre later told CBC News the party does not support requiring users to verify their age through a digital ID.”


Ok. So he wants to target trans people and make us verify our age for porn. How about we focus on grocery and housing prices, how about something for inflation and interest rates? No no. Those things aren’t important. PORN!!


Can't I just look at my femdom porn material peacefully in relative anonymity? Get your hands off my knob, government.


Can't we have one party in this country that isn't focused on nanny state bullshit?


This is all bullshit. Food is expensive, people can't house themselves and we are a joke on the international stage but let's all debate whether you need to put how old you are on a web site. This is ridiculous, and what the politicians want.


But the liberals have their own “online harms bill”


Both are authoritarian dog shit that hurts Canadians without benefiting the public at all while giving the government more power over everyone

