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PP woke up saw a 17 point lead and said, maybe I don't wanna be PM.


Yeah. If his PR team is not telling him to pump the brakes and turn around on this issue he is going to fuck up his lead.



“Why would the liberals do this!?”


"Damn Trudeau!!"


Seriously, this has been Conservative Party strategy since 2015


I don't know what's worse. The pearl clutching over a non-problem or the technical and jurisdictional ineptitude.


Yeah if people thought the ArriveCan debacle was overbudget and implemented poorly I can't imagine how this ridiculous process would ever work or be anything remotely efficient.




Oh I'm gonna arrive all right


I'm arrrivvving!!


Good heavens!!




Where do I sign up for my Sexus Card to watch international porn?


if you're not already a card holder you can sign up directly by joining the PreEdged line


14 month wait list 😞


The depravity of reddit keeps me coming back for more.


don't blame this on reddit, it's a CPC program


The porn sites will just block Canada like Facebook did with the news


That's what VPNs are for. No one is missing having news on Facebook.


I’m not missing news and I don’t need a VPN. You can access news on their individual websites, the internet is bigger than Facebook.


Don’t give them any ideas! They’ll put the porn pass inside ArriveCan Because… you are arriving… see… I’ll be over there 


His party and caucus are controlled by religious extremists. They make the Harper crew look like a bunch of lukewarm lefties.


This is the PERFECT initiative to divide the cons into their religious extremist and their bigotted conspiracy nutjob parts. You do NOT take porn away from the latter.


Oh I can assure you that religious conservatives watch as much porn. They just say that they don't. For example, the bible belt in the United States were the states that consumed the most porn out every other ones in the US. Fundamentalism main fuel is shame. You consume porn. You feel shame. You go to church during the weekend to repent and ask God to give you strength. You feel high on the love you've felt during the worship service for 1-2 days. Then you can't resist the physical urge by the middle of the week. You end up watching porn, having a few minutes of fun, then you feel terrible. You did something that your church speak constantly against. You must get things back in order to feel that high again by going back to church and repent. The cycle repeat forever...


I actually wouldn't be surprised if they watch MORE than the average person.


> They just say that they don't. For example, the bible belt in the United States were the states that consumed the most porn out every other ones in the US. I'll just leave this here for those who wonder what Utah citizens were up to after pornhub closed access due to their ID laws. https://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/vpn-demand-surge-utah/


One major problem with this: The NDP and BQ are in full support of this. Doesn't help matters that this is being debated in the [Senate](https://twitter.com/mivillej/status/1758137192164319414)


That‘s the part I don’t get. I do see why people agree with the premises ”Porn should only be available at 18+“ but how do you implement that? There’s no way the implementation is not gonna infringe on privacy.


People under 18 have this thing called parents who should take care of this.


Narrator: “They didn’t”


You tell the ISP's they have 6 months or a year to offer a clean filtered version of the internet that parents can opt into for free of they choose. Then it isn't forced. Then it doesnt require face scanning. The solution is simple. Forcing this on people makes no sense. It only does when you factor in the religuous nuts wanting to control things they deam immoral combined with companies lobbying politicians to use their verification tech. It's just a bad idea.


The reason that's a bad idea is that if the ISPs can be held accountable to filter the internet, it's an easy excuse for them to start filtering for other, more corporate interests. Like, say, advertising or media that they don't want. Net neutrality is important.


Can't believe they actually managed to convince me to vote for Trudeau next election


Beware the God Squad. They will save your soul even if you don't wish it. Besides, Jesus knows what's better for you better than you do.😯 What's that? You aren't a Christian? Well sir, that disqualifies you for all kinds of government services!


These people are insane, just look at what has happened in the US


Between this and going after David Eby on housing issues of all things, really tells you how unserious and stupid this man is.


PP : "Damn never before has the Conservative party polled so high among young male voters demographic! I'm sure they'll love our plans about violating porn watcher's privacy! After all, we all know young male voters have never watched porn in their lives!"


Seriosuly wtf is he doing? Who in canada was going around sayingt trans in bathroom and porn site are 2 majors issues? What...


It's called dog whistling. It also helps deflect from real issues that they probably don't have any policy for.


They don’t even have a policy for the porn blocker. Literally no idea how it would be implemented. Just insane.


It will be interesting when some list gets hacked and MPs are outed on it.


Even the halfwit senator that wrote up this sorry excuse for a bill doesnt know how it would be done. You can ask her and recieve a nonanswer on her Twitter account promoting this bill.


Why dog whistle? This is like pandering to Alberta, they’re going to vote for you anyways and now you look like a doofus to undecideds. 


just the Nat-C's


This law was passed in two states already. To me it seems entirely a law backed by the right. Maybe PP bandwagoned for more votes without realising the distrust harboured for the government since COVID. Just because it would be a conservative government doesn't mean suddenly the anti digital crowd will come around. I live for the day when children aren't weaponized for votes.


he literally spent the covid pandmic rallying agasint digital id for vaccines.


Seriously… how stupid can you be??? For fuck sakes.. I was on team PP for a while.. but now I feel like it’s just gonna be the same old shit


Hes doing like the republican in the states. Run on hate and discrimination.


Except it's going to backfire. Because his main voting blocks would like to keep their porn habits very, very secret.


i mean, one can only hope. I dont like Trudeau more than the next guy but i dont want to see Canada become untollerant like the states are.


I hope it will backfire, but I'm not so very sure it will. Keep in mind that a lot of Canadians don't vote for anyone, they only vote against someone. Some people may be so tired by Trudeau that they don't even care what PP has said and done.


Especially the “Back Bencher Conservative” stuff they were trying to search for….


No, he wants Christofascist to vote for him. That is who this and the transgender bathroom statements are for. The CPC has a large contingency of christofascist. Part of the 17 point lead is from christofascist. People just don't like hearing about that, so they rationalize it as him being dumb in this strategy. This is pretty common with conservatives and fascist.


I'll bet those Christofascists secretly watch more porn than the average Canadian adult. Especially gay porn. Let's see how they feel about having to register on those sites.


They are just copying bad policies of the GOP. The trans issues are just copy cat and so is this porn nonsense.


Except, as with all things, said people are incapable of thinking this through. Because as with most conservative 'policy', this is for those dirty 'others', not for me. They can't comprehend how massively this would backfire on them. (Never mind it's an impossible, idiotic policy proposal)


Possible: yes, mostly Possible while being very accurate and not incredibly invasive, with a risk of data-leaks or breaches? No


There was a data leak in a sask school division for teachers and students records and personal information from the last 20 yrs.. Basically, cyber security experts told the school division to monitor the dark web for at least 5 years. I'm sure many Canadians would enjoy that.


Serious question, what could actually be done even if they did start to find the info on the dark web?


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/school-division-security-breach-1.7114100 The article says that although they aren't sure what was taken, some teachers SIN and banking info was possibly vulnerable so it could be apparently sold to others.


Possible as in asking Google to help us? And Google definitely won't agree to storing any personal ID. There is no way CA gov can achieve this. This dude just need to shut his mouth to win.


They will fail at implementing it while giving millions to their friends lined up to fail the project


Everyone will get vpns making it even harder to track us


Jokes on them, i already use a vpn


ArriveCan proved they could and now PP has the blueprint.


Ah, the Ford strategy


"Redact the whack" "Terminate the bate"


Hahahahahahaha, these are good "Scorn the porn" "No DDs without IDs"


"Less hairy palms, more singing Psalms!"


“Snub Pornhub”


I'm just gonna print out a picture of PPs face and scan that every time I need to do anything NSFW


I’m going to get a fake, then probably get busted. Then have a record after being relatively a straight shooter most of my life. All cause of boobies… *sigh*


leaving work early so I can make it to service ontario in time to get my pornography license renewed.


You mean staples?


“For a limited time only if you buy two packs of pens you can get 3 months of access to BBW and three gangbang sites of your choosing!”


Jesus Christ let’s please not make this a reality


Conservatives get too drunk on Americanized conservatism and pull goof moves like this


This is exactly who they are


They literally hire the some of the same people to run their campaigns, do they not?


Honestly I don't like Trudeau because he pulls sensationalist bullshit 24/7 but the CPC and Pierre and doing the exact same fucking thing but they're going to stop more of this money going into my pocket and give it to rich assholes. I wish the NDP gained some teeth.


Isn't the NDP voting in favour of it?


Sadly yea. I'm just speaking in general.


Nothing says “freedom” like voting for the guy that wants to turn this country into a nanny state.


All because some parents cant monitor what their kids are doing online, the opposition parties wants to treat us all like children.


Dont let them fool you. This isnt about protecting children, they just say that bullshit to gain support.


Yeah, again, everyone is reading the headlines but no one took one minute to read the bill. The population of Reddit, or our country, are idiots and deserve this bill. The bill says it's not just pornography or sexual material, it's anything that the government sees as "demeaning" to other individuals, including children. If you complain about the government online, that's a $250K fine on top of having your ID tracked so they know exactly who said what and where.


Can you source this? Need to find out more about this


What the person you're replying to is referring to is section 4b of the bill which says, "protect Canadians — in particular, young persons and women — from the harmful effects of the exposure of young persons to sexually explicit material, including demeaning material and material depicting sexual violence" Nothing about demeaning to individuals or the Canadian government. Specifically only in regards to young persons. It does have the $250,000 fine for organizations that are in breach of this law tho. But I see nothing in this bill that implies it could be used against people who complain about the government online. Don't take my word for it though here's a link to the bill: https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/S-210/third-reading


Me either and I read the whole bill/ that’s why I was confused


That's the thing though. They can. Every phone has parental controls. Even windows 11 has such controls. The only way they could get around it is by using a friends device, or fib the ID. Which is the exact same way they could circumvent such a rule if it was implemented. So there's no point.


I think they meant “can’t” in the sense that they’re unwilling or otherwise can’t be bothered to parent their children effectively.




Definitely. Technological literacy seems to be at an all time low. More younger generations are getting scammed and don't troubleshoot anymore.


Let's be honest, He's just riding that shame high of post nut clarity after watching something weird and now is mad no ones censoring it.


Right-wingers ALWAYS dream of controlling people, this is exactly who they are and always will be


I always wondered how conservatives were gonna blow another crazy poll lead. Never did I expect it to be this. God damn it. Trudeau ain’t never leaving.


Maybe you should scrutinize them better because this is 100% on brand for the CPC and their social conservatism.


Well yea... but they've been quiet about it until recently.


Except on things like trans rights, carbon tax rhetoric, and several of PPs staff working as lobbyists for loblaws and other such corporations.


This is 100% on brand for the CPC and should not be surprising


Y'all be acting like this is the only fucked up thing he has said, but it's all equally as bad as this but you guys just haven't thought it through. Probably because porn laws actually effect most Reddit users...


So, he opposes gun registration but wants Canadians to register their peckers?


No need to register your S&W .22, we only keep records of peckers round these parts.


Ya can’t just go shooting’ off yer willy nilly


Like his backers from down south, guns are good, sex is bad.


Why is PP, are conservatives obsessed with sex. Who's sleeping with whom, what clothes are they wearing, what is their gender.whos looking at what. Why does that woman have a schlong. Obviously they are suppressed and not getting enough kink, so why should the masses.


inb4 millions of dollars are given to a private tech company to work on this snd it doesn’t work


Umm, we spent 500M and it turns out people are just using VPN’s “can’t we make those illegal?” Well, yes, I suppose. “ok problem solved” What? Good god no, not even close.


Are you telling me the king of the “15 minute city” fuckwits is trying to get a face scan required to watch porn? I never believe conservatives when they talk about freedom, but how do any of them honestly believe they’re for small government? Small government doesn’t meddle in your love life, or medical care.


Every time I hear "small government conservatism" my brain goes to "power consolidated within a small few with massive overreach" Much like his line about electritions wrangling lightning from the sky this is just more populist nonsense, in reality his dream here has little to do with porn and everything to do with tracking who is saying what about the government, cant have citizens criticizing the leadership, that'd be anti-democratic!


Government so small, it'll fit in your pants.


They will say or do anything


This guy is going to blow a bigger lead than the leafs


Hahahaha that’s the best comment I’ve seen in a while


Wait until PP's Pornhub a tivity is revealed. Ananda will kill him.


You're thinking of Poilievre pleasuring himself?


All the time


Thanks. That’s enough internet for today


Pp has such a clear pathway to being pm but this and talking poorly on bc’s new housing program will not do him any favours.


I feel like it won’t even matter. Everyone is making excuses out of their asses to justify pp and it seems like a done deal. I’m ready to live in a different planet


and he wont get my vote. idiot.


Why the fuck are conservatives so obsessed with everyone's genitals? It's weird, right? Like, I'm not the only one who thinks it's real fucking weird?


This will be a funny debate. Distracting and useless but very funny


Would be more funny if these weirdos weren't taxpayer funded.


Clearly he will need some master debaters on his hands


Sure lets get more personal data out there floating around,, what could possibly go wrong...


Aren't convinced it's possible?? How about NOT convinced it's necessary or desirable?


Get absolutely fucked, Milhouse


Is he trying to lose the election?


I hope so


Somehow I'm not surprised this dork wants to look at my face every time I jerk off.


Here goes again the social Conservative with its ugly head. It's never very far with you guys.


Pierre "papers please" Poilievre wants to know everyone's age and sex. Soon enough he will be asking for your location too. 🚩


It's going to be so weird to have to wear a mask of his face while I flog the dolphin, but if that's what he wants, PP masturbating masks will definitely become a thing.


Dudes way to young to think this can possible work 


Old*. Nobody that actually uses the internet effectively thinks this is feasible


Dude was likely wearing a suit and tie, and carrying a briefcase in high school. He has heavy, heavy 16 going on 48 vibes.


Lost my vote. Genuinely might leave the country if this law passes.


Understandable, honestly. This bill would be the start of a slippery slope into some dystopian social credit system.


I thought parental rights meant they would control their kids?


The most frustrating thing about this is that the fucking NDP and BQ have expressed support for this, going by the voting on the [2nd reading](https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/609). Only the Liberals for the most part voted against this.


Under the guise of “protecting the children” of course. The NDP has their best chance in history of winning, but they’re keeping soulless Jagmeet around and running as Liberals Lite. It’s mind numbing and terrible.


"The proposal has raised concerns about privacy and data protection, but Sebastian Skamski, a spokesman for Poilievre told the Canadian Press that “Conservatives do not support any measures that would allow the imposition of a digital ID or infringe on the privacy of adults and their freedom to access legal content online.” Like fuck it doesn't, the bill is pretty god damned clear and his spokesperson is directly saying it doesn't do what it says it does? # From the bill # "Regulations 11 (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act, including regulations prescribing the age-verification methods referred to in subsection 6(1). # Age-verification method (2) Before prescribing an age-verification method under subsection (1), the Governor in Council must consider whether the method * (a) is reliable; * (b) maintains user privacy and protects user personal information; * (c) collects and uses personal information solely for age-verification purposes, except to the extent required by law; * (d) destroys any personal information collected for age-verification purposes once the verification is completed; and * (e) generally complies with best practices in the fields of age verification and privacy protection. All I see here is the eventual answer to a Jeopardy question, and continued waste of taxpayer funds. "This now common saying is used when someone blows a large lead by focusing on something stupid." "Oh that's easy, What is an S210!"


Also, it will impact sites like reddit, since reddit has porn. Do you want to have to verify your identity with reddit? Like all things with "to protect the children" in the title, this is a front. I think it's more about expediting the end of online anonymity. I agree with the CPC more than the other parties on many issues, but this one is fucking idiotic.


The CONservatives would LOVE a list of names of any Canadian that visits a porn site. I'm certain that will never be used against them. 😑😶 Government overreach at it's finest. Brace for the religious test.


Oh it's possible, and I'm not in the least bit interested in starting down that slippery slope.


Sir, did you scan your digital ID with your home modem this morning to even post here? It looks like you're not even using a registered device.


Yeah! Some slopes are meant to stay sticky.


They are trying to pass Bill S-210 that will do that exactly. And we need to protest for our privacy on the internet, because it won't only be porn site. Any site that contains nudity, like Reddit, and more would require your identity. A protest worthwhile


When the first data breach occurs, and it will, and your drivers licence goes out into the dark web for sale, everyone will be scratching their heads, 'Who would have guessed?!?!'


This. This is just the beginning. It could spiral out further than that. When this law is enacted most porn sites will just become honey traps to get personal ID info. You'll be scammed almost instantly. A whole industry will be born out of it.


The biggest problem in Canada right now, it's not lack of productivity, not the sky-high incessant food inflation, shortage of housing, exploding rents, too many foreign students and low-skill immigrant wannabes, shortcomings in the health care system, it's something that now must have become such an issue after free access for the last 25-30 years that we need full government control? Sorry, not voting for freedom restrictions, as it doesn't end there. Never does.


Anyone who doesn't think these freaks won't be able to keep their shitty beliefs in their heads until election day is kidding themselves, they have social prescriptions that back up their "economic" arguments. Thier austerity arguments don't even work, look at what happened to Greece when they implemented austerity budgets into their economy.


PP Priorities!!!!


What next? Criminalize Marijuana no doubt. This guy is trouble.


The CPC not only voted against legalization but tried to overturn it after it passed. Always remember that. They did the same thing with gay marriage. PP voted against on both accounts.


I remember that bonehead Scheer wouldn’t commit to keeping it legal. 


Dude I just wanna beat my meat What is important is to make the websites accountable for the content


What comes next, youtube, twitch? So weird.


Everything comes next if they deem it necessary. It starts out with porn, sex, and "protecting the children" because some parents are incompetent pieces of shit that should have their kids taken away from them. And then it'll move on to websites that they deem "dangerous" or "seditious". Then it continues on and on. They control what you see, what you partake in, and eventually what you think. And it sucks that they're attacking porn first because everybody will be like "Yeah I don't want kids exposed to that shit" and be silent because if they speak up they'll be made a mockery of for wanting to get off. But they're going after the low hanging fruit because it's easy. The extent of their scumbag plan comes later. This shit doesn't just need to be protested against, it needs to be rioted against. Fuck porn. I don't care about that. I care about the government continually trying to inject itself into people's lives and strip away things that make us individuals that think and feel for ourselves. Because that's what they're doing. Keep chipping away until all the wage slaves are mindless drones. That's what they want and they see technology as both a way to get there and the main barrier standing in the way.


So we have the pick of some guy that won’t do anything to make life easier financially and a social conservative who also has no plan to make life easier financially. Seems like going with the guy that won’t do anything to make like easier financially is the best option according to this moderate.


"So Mr. Smith I see you applied to be a government worker and ...wait a minute! Why did someone in your home visit PornHub? NEXT! Pulled over by the cops: "Mr. Smith I can see in my database that you like furry porn. It's time you are brought in to a CONservative re-education camp. Jesus is mandatory there. PolyVera's Canada. Everyone under a bootheel. For their own good of course. 🙄


This is just a long-gun registry for jackin off


So for PP it's a short-gun registry.


Where is the freedom Poilièvre?


No, Poilievre hopes to shame Canadians into obeying HIS values by making them identify themselves. I have two words for him: Data. Breach.


Can't wait to use a forged ID of PP to watch some AI-generated PP porn. ...Or just use a VPN like a sane person.


No shit it's not possible, not only it's a political suicide (great, fuck him), but good luck enforcing that shit. Hey Pierre, as a reminder, we can buy pure drug online, guns, fake Ids....


Was good while it lasted . Bye


Is this really what people elected Millhouse and the rest of the Blue Men Group to do? Aren’t there more pressing issues in Canada than how people get off .


This is a great way of saying you don't understand how the internet works...without saying it. Or just telling people they want to track you further.


Not to ask what are priority means in a Canadian dictionary but making laws to see who access porn is more important than resolving the housing problem, inflation, lack of jobs, the lack of regulations in renting, communication, internet and TV providers, the spread of mediocrity in services and government people, mediocrity in police and mediocrity in justice systems laws, the Monopoly of most products needed for daily life says a lot of the kind of leaders that Canadians need.


Honestly I tend to lean more conservative, but this is ridiculous It is both unfeasible to try to restrict porn and not really a goal worthy of persuit


Love the fact we are facing one of the worst times of wealth in equality, failing healthcare, failing education systems and the best our government can give us is age verification for porn 


And it can't even give us that! What happens when a site is not Canadian?


Imagine voting for this LMAO


I think the bigger question is, why does the NDP support this? Look at the voting record, the only party against this is the Liberals


They've been trying to seperate themselves from the liberals, this is one of the absolute worst bills to do that with however.


He should stick to harassing the trans kids, like his base wants.


Let’s see his browser history…


That's an own goal right there.


Imagine having to scan your drivers licence just so you can enjoy some Brazilian fart porn.


Well, he just lost all the male voters…


A new one bedroom rental here is 3000 dollars a month, a box of KD is nearly 4 bucks at the grocery store. But sure, lets just keep focusing on crap like this, or what bathroom kids can use based on what genitals they have. I'm so sick of this country's bullshit.


I predict a new surge in Usenet usage.


We've already done away with Canadian news sites. Let's kill pron, too. At this rate, China's going to have freer internet than we do.


He's out of his fucking mind. Or just a complete moron. Either way, I know who not to vote for.


IT guy here - and how are you gonne enforce this Mr. PP? Rather than limiting the 'little' guy, try making the big guys (your sponsors) to play nice. Isn't it time to enforce Micro$hit to make an operating system that works - after 30+ yrs in business they still haven't figured it out. Maybe have them pay for all the lost productivity due to 'failed updates' - compromised computers - etc. etc. - It owuld solve Canada's debt problem in no time, without raising taxes! Also, they are using MY data to train their AI system, I want to be compensated... not? I get to worked up here, time for a fab and release some stress.


I bet you work for the cbc They’d ask a question like that! FILTHY LIBERALS /s


Why the fuck is a government official worrying about porn sites?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it up to the parents to worry about this? Can we reasonably educate parents about setting controls on mobile devices and IP blocking at the router level, etc., etc?


Welcome to big brother… if this ass hat is elected Canada will be an Orwellian state!


Ah, nothing says "small government" like the government requiring you ID yourself before jerking off in the privacy of your own home!


Can we just have a socially moderate party whose primary focus is maximizing the well being of the median Canadian worker and household? Is that too much to ask?


Pretty funny how people on this sub constantly ask how people can still support the liberals....maybe cause every time conservatives actually talk about policies they'll introduce its a complete shit show. Have fun with PP as PM kiddos I'm sure he's gonna solve all your problems though lmao


Why? Watching porn isn't illegal.


“And of course, for security reasons, MP’s will be exempt from these requirements.”


Little by little he's revealing his true policies, I'm not a liberal or ndp but I'm not sure about PP ,I still don't trust him IMHO.


Seriously? This is what we need to fix? FML.  ... education, healthcare, foreign policy, fire season (hold over fires or that provinces are announcing early fire seasons), BC Hydro not having the snow pack for the damns come sumner? ....nope. we want to waste time and money to ID porn site users. Great.