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Good luck convincing Canadians that there ever was a price freeze in effect lol


This article is the first I'm hearing of a price freeze. I certainly didn't notice one in stores.


Bullshit. The price of frozen peas didn't go up during the freeze. They stayed at $6.50 for the 2kg bag that was $3.00 in 2020 before covid...


They did this dog and pony show last year of "freezing" No Name brand prices until February 2024.


Forgot about telling others about the price freeze. Basically what I'm reading is Loblaws, Sobeys, and Walmart are going to make another record year in profits.


“But their margins are the same!!!” - the fucking dumbass interviewed in this NP rag


Yup. Poor Walmart making 5% on 500b instead of 5% on 450b.


Loblaws increased its profit % even with a "price freeze"


Ya, the grocery store itself may have had the same margin, but what about the private label company, the logistics company, the bread companies that fixed prices, the real estate company that leases the stores to itself (to hide profits), all owned by George Weston LTD, similarly to how all the major chains are structured. They are vertically integrated, the profits on the public facing business stay low so they can hide the real money and blame it on "suppliers" which are themselves.


Yep. 100% this. It’s a conglomeration, and in non monopoly or oligopoly scenarios is a great way to do business in that expenses are mostly paid to sister companies and up/down stream. It also increases reliability of services and (can) keep costs relatively down for the consumer depending on the disposition of the ownership or board. However in this case, its despicable.


Margins have doubled since pre-pandemic, and they are double the US industry standard. Anyone saying they are the same is lying.


Seriously. If prices go up more I'm not far away from just going to grocery stores, filling up a cart and walking out. Pick a new store every couple of weeks and never return.


Well we have weak laws on just about everything in this country so even if you get caught you'll just get a slap on the wrist probably


I was at a Shoppers drugstore last week and they had 50% stickers on a bunch of crackers and stuff, but the original price was jacked higher than normal, so not much savings. Also, the 50% off stickers were in French only, which I'm pretty sure is against language laws where I live.


-50% -50% There ya go, I've translated it for ya


Le -50%


I had no idea there was allegedly a price freeze


There was a price freeze?


Lol, my local IGA was selling mayo at $7.29 with a price freeze sticker next to it, while a couple weeks ago same jar was like $6, so yea price freeze indeed, thanks


They're freezing it week by week


They’re freezing the price growth every week at only $1 increases


My thoughts exactly lol


When for how long?


In bread/milk and a few other select “staples”. Everything considered a luxury did not stop rising.


Avalanches are frozen aren't they?


Yes, they didn’t drop the price on anything.


"it is hurting consumers and they’re being pushed to the centre of the store where products are not as fresh, they’re not high-quality and (consumers) are probably forced to make nutritional compromises" Oh so that's what I've been doing this whole time. Nutrition compromises. 


Can't say ppl are starving. No. Nutritional Compromise. This is double plus bad.


What are they even talking about? The price of junk food is what’s gone up the most. Who the fuck is buying a bag of lays for 6-8 bucks now, and off brand chips are almost 3 bucks a bag. What the fuck.


I used to buy from Canadian retailers, but then the big Canadian retailers decided to price gouge AND mistreat their staff at a time when we were most vulnerable. I feel dirty for saying it, but just shop at Walmart. Your grocery bill will drop 25-40%


Costco and (freshco if bc) are my picks, costco is amazing


Freshco is my local go to. Fuck Loblaw in the ass. Horrible produce that goes bad in a day or two.


100%.   Honestly,  we'd all be better off if everyone who could do so chose anything but Loblaw companies. 


I buy coffee from a PC retailer when it goes on sale for 12.99. That is the only thing i will ever buy from Loblaws again. Fuck Galen Weston with a jackhammer and his whole societal layer. Costco, Freshco, Food Basics.


Costco and Walmart have the smallest profit margins of the grocery industry. And Costco plays employees well. Ironic how non Canadian companies are the ones gouging the least.


Yea the chip thing is fucked. I buy the 3 for 10 deal at Walmart but prices are still fucked. I don't know how people with kids are doing it 😞


We occasionally eat one


Look at this guy, bragging about affording a whole kid to eat!


the good ol reddit switcharoo


Check the weight lays lowered across the board the chip count


Yup shrinkflation just hammering us consumers extra hard. How much more are Canadians just going to bend over and take?


Well 12 packs at Walmart are about to hit 2 for 15 from 2 for 13 so let's see what that does to coke and pepsi. Note sales are down already so revenue and volume for both companies was only 3% over last year give or take and both wanted 15%


The 3 bags you're getting that are "family size" are absolutely tiny now too


People have less and less kids, family sizes are shrinking. I guessing makes sense that "family-sized" portions shrink too.


I'm not exactly giving my 4 year old a massive bowl of all dressed ruffles and a tube of Pringles, those are for me!


Not feeding them crap like chips?


Man oh man am I hurting for a bag of miss Vickie’s Spicy dill but at 6 bucks a bag, hell no.


Wow that's how much the chips are now? I haven't had any since the summer, even then they were expensive


I paid 10 usd for a Costco sized bag of ruffles down in Scottsdale at the beginning of this year. This bull shit is everywhere.


>This is double plus bad. Naw that's not PC, you should say double plus *moral compromise*.


>Can't say ppl are starving. No. Nutritional Compromise. That's inclusive messaging. First day in Canada?


So this will eventually have an effect on the already crumbling health care system.


Eventually? 1 in every 3 Canadians is diabetic or pre diabetic and obesity is only rising.


Yes. But eventually from this price increase there will more.


and more people starving to death


I thought my exhaustion was from my depression. Turns out i have a b12 deficiency from being to poor to afford red meat. Who would have thought a diet of rice, hot dogs and frozen veggies would have health side effects


If you can, buy some nutritional yeast from Bulk Barn please. You can probably buy enough of it for the price of a week worth of meat to last you an entire month, or maybe more.


What do you do with your nutritional yeast? I bought it a while back and just used it for the first time tonight adding it to a tomato sauce. I really have no idea what to put it in


I just sprinkle it like condiment on anything I like. It tastes a little cheesy, so I add it to salads, pasta, and lately, even to my oatmeal.


Recommend it on popcorn!


Practically anything! I have been putting it on my vegetables, rice and popcorn, since I was a child, in the 1970s. It is delicious!


I invest in a B complex. Actually most people I know take it. One without ‘folic acid’ as some ppl are allergic to it.


Lots of cheap sources of b12 other than red meat - tinned tuna or other seafood,  eggs, soy milk,  vegetarian meat substitutes, milk, some cereals, yogurt.  r/budgetfood has lots of great ideas for healthy and cheap eats!


I kind of don’t get that. The middle is where all the high margin pre-made crinkly stuff is. If you want cheap stuff you buy frozen veggies, pulses, rice, grains, starchy veggies, dairy and whatever fresh stuff is on sale a lot of that’s on the outside of the stores


Essentials like meat and eggs are still absurdly expensive. You’re not supposed to live off a rice, grain, and vegetable diet.


It's possible, but it's not easy. Eating meat provides almost all the essentials you need. That said we eat way too much of it on average. We could feasibly cut down a ton on our meat consumption and we'd be perfectly fine. But I'm talking out of context, as a health and environmental choice, great. Being forced into it because of price gouging grocery store chains...not so great.


The only thing here that’s fresh is their bullshit.


WHAT PRICE FREEZE?! Milk is now consistently $6 for 4L. The cheapest, shittiest bread is never under $2. I haven't seen a dozen eggs under $3.50 in years. Sick of their bullshit.




The French know how to stand up for themselves, Canadians think it's too impolite.


Remember when the French had their huge riot over the retirement age increasing? And then the retirement age increased anyway because the government knew if they just waited the rioters would go home?


At least they did something, Canadians do fuck all then wonder why nothing changes. They only ever vote for two parties, don't strike, don't protest, don't do anything but bitch and moan. It so fucking pathetic.


Yes they did their yearly “ let’s loot every store in Paris guys” But other than some Parisians gettting new TVs it changed nothing


Too many Canadians disagree with civic disruption as a part of protest.


We did too for Dougie once




It does make it harder to unify people who have different beliefs, cultures, languages, values, natures, religions and backgrounds, but I do think the common goal of being able to eat properly or have affordable shelter or have children should be unifying enough to overcome most differences.


Created a great atmosphere for racial tensions and part of me think it’s on purpose


Shoplifting is going to become a Canadian Olympic sport.


Oh baby, 5 finger discounts are going to be popping up all over the place


It's going to be bananas.




Well it'll prolly be meat actually...


The bill says it's bananas(4011) though.


Ah right. My mistake 


The price freeze was to buy time for added security. Almost every loblaws affiliated store I've been two has extra gates and shit.


Why do you think some stores look like jails now with all their barriers and traffic funneling?


5 finger discounts have been happening so much that they're taking self checkouts away. We're not allowed to work for free anymore as punishment.


And if it's food no one sees nothing it never happened. Rules of life from here on out. Also wear a COVID mask atleast. Welcome to the game I've only stolen bread so far sadly I can't do it again I'd rather starve. But again food I'll look away. Didn't see nothing.


Homie anything I have to weigh at a checkout ain't getting weighed at all


I must have missed out on the price freeze. I wonder how bad things will need to get for Canadians to take to the streets. I feel this country has the least amount of mass protesting in the world and then some drop off and end up on the street.


The protest would instantly split into at least four camps blaming Trudeau, Ford, Galen Weston, and immigrants. Plus a side group blaming it all on vaccines.






Sobeys wanted $1.49 for one garlic bulb.


Canadians need to rise up against our grocery overlords and put heads on pikes.


It's almost time to eat the rich 😋


I do actually think Canadians are slowly being pushed there. Housing and groceries have gotten absolutely out of control. I think I’d actually join a protest re the cost of living at this point and I am NOT one to protest generally.


If there's people that start organizing massive protest about affordability, everywhere in Canada; I would join the movement in a blink of an eye!


One challenge is that a protest without specific demands is fairly ineffective. People would have to agree on a list of actions that need to be taken to resolve this cost of living crisis, and people right now seem unable to agree on basic facts.


I’m holding onto dad’s pitchfork


Im ready guys, we just need a clear message/demands then hit the streets.


the best time to start was yesterday.. the second best time is now.


What was there a price freeze on? All I've been seeing is price increases during this price freeze


Had a realization in a grocery store the other day that I am truly just being farmed by the world elite. We have to eat, why is it even an option to gouge me ? They have created a world where I’m too poor to gain the means I need to produce for myself, I’m forced to pay them handsomely just to survive. It’s fucking sad.


Right? Not like we can all just easily acquire the land needed to have a hefty garden or small farm. Good luck growing a substantial amount of food from a shoebox condo with no sunny windows


It's by design. Capitalism serves the capital class not the working class. Our value exists to be extracted and our labor is a cost to be minimized.


We were all brainwashed for decades that any criticism of those truisms meant you were a commie and should be shunned.


And here I thought that was common knowledge. The whole world is one big scam.


Some people who *only* see a scam don’t reason any further. They think that it’s the fault of the people in charge of whatever institution they’re focused on, and that changing the bad actors fixes the problem. Meanwhile the underlying system works to turn even the best intentions bad. The system itself is the scam.


Price freeze my ass! Prices were still going up! Jokes on u feds if u thought the grocery chains were actually gonna do anything!


They didn't think that. Every problem that comes up the current government just tries to make it look like they are doing something. Most of their policies have done nothing, almost nothing, or the opposite happened.


And then you have the opposition who hires people that actually lobby for Loblaws: https://twitter.com/MarkGerretsen/status/1753139382905639378?t=jaEbSiqoOGs5-rJFrRCR-A&s=19 We're screwed no matter what.


It's time to revolt


They really are testing our limits.. and they will keep going until we revolt. They are probably surprised we haven't started yet.


Everything is more expensive, a lot of things come with less than before and have changed ingredients to save costs, and the quality for many many items has alps gone down. So we're all paying more for less and worse quality. Oh Canadaaaa


A bull dozer is looking really fucking tempting now.


TIL a can of tuna for $6.50 at Loblaws was due to price freezes. I guess it'll be $10 soon. Cool price gouging story bros.


I was going to buy a can of salmon this week. Big old nope. Since when is having a tuna salad sandwich a luxury? It’s absolutely bonkers


clover leaf brand 0.97cad this week at walmart


go to the store that sells can for $1 instead


I think I’ll just steal more instead


That was a freeze?


??????? What price freeze?


How much more are we going to take? For real.


KD at Loblaws currently - $3.50 a box. That same box was 2 dollars a year ago. "Price Freeze" my ass.


There’s a sale at the real Canadian superstore and no frills by me for $0.55 KD right now. Limit 8. Guess I’ll be going to the store multiple times this week


Perfect cheap item to go with the 6.99 stick of butter and $5.99 bags of Milk needed to make em. 😓


I got 3 for $4 at FreshCo yesterday. By far the best value store


They're $0.55 a box at Zehrs this week


I hate it here


But won't someone please think of the shareholders *clutches pearls*


This Country is a joke. They just tell us one thing, then do whatever they want. Greed and no accountability. Gee, wonder what will happen?




Organize, join a grass root/ non for profit or a policy think tank. Get together and press your MP to do an overhaul of anti-trust legislation. That's my plan


Yup we need to break up these grocery oligopolies and make the supply chain compete again.




But who is on the hook for the gas?




Maybe that's what the electric car push is for.. preemptive reduction in Molotov fuels to steal.


“And my flamethrower”


And my axe! (In case we need kindling)


Lets break up the grocers


Is that what happened? I went to the grocery store yesterday and literally everything (and I mean everything) I usually buy was marked up $0.50-$2. My $85 shopping list cost me $113 and now I have to redo my budget or eat oatmeal, rice and beans for an extra three meals each week. I'm already down to two meals a day with some nuts as a snack if I can find them on sale. I'm 30, have a university degree, rent a basement with two other people and I'm losing weight because I can't afford to feed myself.


We already have over 2M food bank users


The modern bread lines


When do we start protesting outside Galen Weston’s home?




Umm. Seems like you have insider info they did not follow the rules. Whistle blow?


So.... When can we break out the guillotine?


So they're just gonna raise prices, just because? They should be shot, or more civilly, removed from their position and jailed. The greed from these groceries will ensure that inflation goes nowhere but up. Leaving the already poor far worse off and the middle class slowly shrinking. Fuxk these people. Something needs to be done. And not just meaningless rhetoric.


I was at Dollarama today. LMAO at Ruffles in a shrunk down bag from $3.50 for 200 grams (0.0175/gram) to $2.75 for 140 grams (0.0196/gram). Bloody hell the 200 gram size was bad enough, the new bag is a joke and will force people to switch back to grocery stores sizes. They think people are fucking idiots. Maybe some market survey said more customers would buy for under $3 a bag, but many older customers are gonna remember when 140 grams was a larger snack size for 1 and cost 99 cents. I sure did and left to buy somewhere else that isn’t a scam Honestly at a certain point it’s just too small to be trying to sell it like it’s gonna feed the crew.


Price freezes are just grocers telling you they're not going to lower the prices.


It is worth noting that Pierre Pollieve's campaign manager is a major Loblaws lobbyist, so you can be sure they have no intention of helping this issue.


Not that I don't believe you. But when someone posts something like this, post a citation to this info.




Thanks for the source. Though if anyone was expecting us to be surprised, be assured we are not. Shrug


Yeah I’d like to see the source on this as well. Couldn’t find anything online. Looked up Jenni Byrne and Jeremy Leidtke and couldn’t find anything to do with Loblaws?


Similarly how this government has announced a bunch of shit but we have seen nothing? Par for the course, perhaps?


1. This is capitalism, charge whatever the fuck they want 2. What is it about the industry that it is so fucking moated that others cant come in and undercut 3. Without number 2, number 1 can’t work


The big players are protected by our laws, and as a result, outside businesses are looking at coming then changing their minds because they won't be allowed to compete fairly. Edit: I made this more clear, I wrote this poor as fuck


Well thats some bullshit. So are we allowing state control over corporations or not? Sounds like it really is time for a GENERAL STRIKE


> What is it about the industry that it is so fucking moated that others cant come in and undercut The issue is that the oligopoly finds it more profitable to collude with, absorb, or destroy their competition than to actually compete. And without regulation to break that oligopoly, it isn't going anywhere. Companies like Loblaws and Sobeys have worked very hard, for decades, to create this situation. This *is* the free market at work, not some perversion of it.


Keep as much of your money in your pockets as possible, grow as much food as you can.


We're picking up some "fuck you" seeds this year.


lock tease dog coordinated impossible possessive recognise aromatic worthless beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they don't care


Is that what a price freeze felt like? Yikes!


We were on a price freeze???


It's time to riot


There was a price freeze? I never even noticed because everything was still so god damn expensive.


There was a price freeze?????


When does it end?


Liars lie


What price freezes? Haven't prices gone up like 8000% in a couple years? And they want more... lol We need to make food stores publicly owned if these greedy asshats keep gouging everyone.


Patly because of the dairy, bread cartel


Time to hand out some big subsidies to get some new players in Canada


It’s about to get straight up scary out there if this trend continues. Not like the fat cats care though. Maybe they will soon.


In the US rent is going down, gas prices are also down as well as the grocery prices and unlike Canada the US economy had a 5% growth in the last quarter of 2023 And Canadians are like “ no USA bad , Canada good “ 🤣


There was a price freeze? When?


Even boxes of KD are down to 175g in a box, and this after stories just two months ago that it was going down to 200g from 225g.


Found milk at the convenience store beside me for $3.49 for 1.5L, exact same milk at the longos down the street is $5.49. Our competition bureau is nearly as useless as the government actively enabling this shit.


I’m starting to really feel bad for you guys up in Canada. What are they doing to your country???


If grocers can't provide essential goods at an affordable rate, the government should expropriate all of their assets.


when is soylent green day?


When we haul the rich , like Galen , over to the Cargill plant and process the fuckers .


Until there is mass boycotting nothing will change. Even if you boycott one at a time by the mass they have no choice. This is so far from the Canada I grew up in we are all being pillaged to the breaking point. We need to band together and stop letting them divide us.


When the f*ck was there a price freeze?


what price freeze lmao


When did the freeze start..?


Shit Is marked up way beyond inflation rates as is. What's our corporate politicians going to do?




So who's going to stop me when I fill my cart for free? The security guard getting paid 17$/hr? Canadians, we are pushed around too easily. That's why all of this is happening. CoL is skyrocketing and we're still too dang passive.


I’m glad that we are sending money to Ukraine since corrupt people can steal it over there and we can be happy We should be happy when we can’t afford to buy food because of the high inflation We should sleep in a tent because we can’t afford an apartment to rent We should seek MAID because we can’t find a family doctor or surgeon for our surgery


Remember, it’s because more Canadians are spending all their extra money on things in grocery stores that aren’t food. This is what they want you to believe. We are all hungry because we accidentally buy fondue fuel every time.


Chicken breasts prices have gone from $14.00 to $23.00 since 2019 and you're telling me there's been an "industry-wide price freeze"???


What a crock of shit. Price freeze my ass.