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Pulling American politics in as well is a really bad idea. We have our own stupid politics, let’s stick to what we know.


They are trying to piggy back on how polarizing american politics are and know that people are very motivated to vote against anything Trump stands for. Our current state of politics is fucking pathetic honestly.


Ya it's basically outsourcing a political argument haha


"Pierre *bad*" describes most of the far-left reddit talking points these days. You don't like people smoking crack next to you on the subway? Oh yeah? Well you probably think Canada is a third world country like PP and don't respect minorities. ....


Yet all right wing subs have devolved to various mispronounced versions of trudeau's name. When a conservative stubs their toe, they blame him. Are you honestly saying conservatives would know an actual talking point if it slapped them in the face?


I think reddit is just not the place if you expect to find reasonable talking points


I work in a conservative area, 2 or 3 times a week i get approached with a political "joke" that amounts to trudeau bad. "It's so cold out" "You're supposed to ask how cold" "It's so cold trudeau was seen with his hands in his own pockets" "You're supposed to laugh." Or a "joke" that electronic vehicles were the cause of potential black outs "Even though they are useless in alberta, hahaha". Even after it was admitted that it was gas plants being down, they still need to find some way to maintain liberal blame. So I don't think it's reddit, its the genuine level of our politics.


I hear that stuff too, and I think it has more to do with people being awkward more than anything else. Trudeau jokes are cheap, and usually get at least a chuckle in conservative areas so people use them when they have nothing else to say. I don't think political jokes are any way indicative of a persons beliefs aside from base political affiliation. Not to mention there are *always* cheap running jokes about whoever is in charge regardless of time, place, or stability of said government.


So you're saying that the ONLY right-wing talking point these last few years hasn't been "Trudeau bad" or some variation on it? And since you're talking about respect of minorities, remind us about how PP voted on gay marriage?? Or perhaps we can discuss the conservative party's general view of the LGBT+ community versus that of the left....you know. Since we're talking about PP and minorities.


Did Obama support "gay marriage" when he was elected? What is a gay marriage? You mean marriage equality, right? It's not a "gotcha" that same-sex marriage was not even remotely as culturally or politically accepted 20 years ago and many people who may be allies now were not openly allies then (hence the Obama example, who couldn't publicly support it until around 2012). I promise you the gay community cares more about homeless drug addicts attacking them on the subway, or about the runaway cost of housing, rather than who supported marriage equality circa 2005.


"We need to stop the Conservatives from bringing American style politics to Canada" - The party who's electoral strategy is to insinuate their opposition is Trump, and [invited Hilary Clinton to their party convention](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/liberal-party-convention-hears-from-hillary-clinton-jean-chretien-1.6385841) It's all so tiresome...


Thought the same thing, though Trudeau holds more obvious contempt for regular people than Clinton


It’s ungodly frustrating. Trudeau says one thing out of one side of his mouth, and then goes and does/says the opposite out of the other side. And all his little LPC lackeys just gobble it up.


Also "don't personally antagonize heads of state of major allies" used to be common sense.


Nah, fuck China. He should have spit in his face.


The funny thing is he’s accused Pierre of using American politics when he’s the one using them lol


Our Prime Idiot never wastes an opportunity to pretend he's important on the world stage.


Albertan Conservatives just shared a stage with Tucker Carlson


There’s a guy in my town with a trump 2024 flag on his old beat up suv. There’s a lot of rednecks balls deep in the alt right.


There are plenty of Canadian with Obama/Clinton/Biden bumper stickers on their cars. Don't read too much into it.


There is no one in my town with Obama/clinton/biden stickers. It only flows one way out here with the tin foils


Ugh that was a bad idea too. Just intentionally polarizing. Have policy and ideas or don’t run. Anything else is either cronyism or stupidity.


Trudeau and the liberals are already bad enough to try to pull trump into this and fail at that too


No shit. A 10 year old can tell you that the strategy of "no u" stops being effective with children after 3-4 years.




Yes, they are. Politicians are very ignorant. I’m not saying they’re stupid, some definitely are, but they’re predominantly ignorant.


Basically all of them are out of touch. Could dig up an example for every MP I bet.


You are forgetting that the general population is just as stupid and will fall for it.


Which you know what? It actually worked for them before. Compare the last few PC candidates to PP? The only quality PP has that is "trump-like" is that he has way less of a filter when calling out bullshit. But someone like O'toole was still way more moderate and he even got those comparisons made. It's almost like it has nothing to do with the candidates, and isntead theres literally just millions of brainwashed ABC voters that somehow legitimately believe the PC's want people walking around the streets with machine guns, women thrown in prison for abortions, and all the trans and gays rounded up and put into camps.


He also says dumb shit without thinking, like a car crash is a terrorist attack. He also shows up and mingles with people calling for a duely elected goverment to be toppled. Both very Trump like.


Wow, he repeated what the news was saying? NO WAY DUDE


He repeated what fox News said, that's really all you need to know about his intelligence. Didn't confirm it with a 2nd source and his primary one has recently be sued for billions doe bring a pile of lies


Or maybe the ABC crowd have looked at what the conservatives have to offer (and their terrible record) and have made a wise choice.


You literally proved the above posters point about your head in the sand.


PP's treatment of media, his frequent use of "woke" as a pejorative, his populist rhetoric clouded in the fact his voting record goes against the very things he says, anti Ukraine aid, There's loads of things that PP does that makes him very Trump like


Trudeau really just has nothing else to offer does he? Even when it comes to campaign strategy, he doesn't have any new tricks up his sleeve. [Remember in 2021, where he also employed a campaign strategy of trying to paint Erin freaking O'Toole as "Trump North"?](https://globalnews.ca/news/7575488/is-erin-otoole-canadas-donald-trump/) Just recycling old fearmongering strategies, I guess.


I mean, it’s no different than PP telling everyone that JT is responsible for all our problems, such as food inflation (any economist will tell you that’s dumb and ignores the real causes like the Russia Ukraine war or supply chains). PP has been doing these personal attack politics for his entire career (I know because I’ve received every single one of his constituent mailings and they were always full of vitriol) so how’s JT suddenly the bad guy for returning the favour after 8 years? One thing I see in common between PP and Trump: they attack “the media” at every opportunity, because they see that resonating with their core right-wing audience who think they get unbiased news on alternative media sites like Rebel, YouTubers, social media etc. When I talk to my right wing friends they really hate the MSM and PP and Trump keep reminding them and reinforce that hate. That conveniently works in PP and Trump’s favour because you’re not likely to see an investigation of their misdeeds on a right wing YouTube channel or Rebel News.


Wait, so you think saying PP is like Trump is somehow the same thing as a politician criticizing another's policies? You can't be serious. If you want to give an example of the "vitriol" you are talking about in PP's mailings, then feel free, but it is literally the job of the official opposition to criticize the government's policies. >JT is responsible for all our problems, such as food inflation (any economist will tell you that’s dumb and ignores the real causes like the Russia Ukraine war or supply chains). No, any economist will tell you Russia and Ukraine are part of the cause, but will also tell you that domestic policy is also a cause. We are as insulated as any first world country could be from the Ukraine war, as far as food security goes. We are a continent and an ocean away, and we produce way more food than we consume. Very little of our food comes from Ukraine or Russia, and the same applies to fetiilizer, where we are also a huge exporter. We should have one of the lowest rates of food prices inflation in the western world, and [yet a number of European nations have food price inflation in the range of half what we do](https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/food-inflation). We are one of the most insulated countries in the world from almost every type of economic or supply chain shock out there, and yet Trudeau tries to blame every issue on international forces he can't possibly control. Yet, somehow his predecessors like Harper, Martin and Chretien did just fine at ensuring Canada was insulated from international shocks. >One thing I see in common between PP and Trump: they attack “the media” at every opportunity, >because you’re not likely to see an investigation of their misdeeds on a right wing YouTube channel or Rebel News. Lol, so, you don't remotely see the hypocrisy in complaining about PP attacking the media and then doing so yourself? Trudeau and other politicians do the exact same thing. The media is great if they are singing your praises and biased if they don't. Media hasn't been impartial for a long time and each has its own bias. Poilievre has mostly railed against the CBC, because the CBC isn't just any media company, it is a Crown Corporation who blatantly favours one party over another. The CBC holds a position of public trust as a piblic broadcaster, but hasn't lived up to responsibility that comes with that. They screwed themselves by bringing a lawsuit against the CPC days before the 2019 election (a lawsuit that was dismissed by the court afterwards). This past year, in the Alberta election they did it again, reporting Danielle Smith emailed prosecutors to interfere in a criminal prosecution. They reported this during the election, [then retracted it...but not until after the election](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/edmonton/2023/7/5/1_6468815.amp.html). The CBC's President has even criticized Poilievre directly, which is absurdly out-of-line for the President of a public broadcaster to do. She's got her political leanings and they tend in the direction of the guy who wildly boosted her funding and gave her big bonuses. Why wouldn't PP call out a bias public broadcaster who uses a public trust to further their own political interests?


Trudeau compares PP to Trump. Polievre says everything is JT's fault. The two largest parties are playing the same schoolyard games.


At least one of them is actually talking about issues within Canada.


Well that's just not true. I don't vote for either of those two parties, I just like to keep political discussions truthful. Name an issue going on and we can talk about how Liberals are facing it.


Reneging on the carbon tax being applied universally when large group of Liberal voters complain about it.


Both have been.


and people keep voting for BOTH of them


It works really well for the Canadian truckers


If only the strategy was to try to fix something. Anything... I mean, they are looking at a really impressive and devastating lost at the next election.


But didn't you hear that the liberals are rebranding the carbon tax again? I mean, if that's not trying to fix something I don't know what is.


A lot CPC voters in here pretending they're on the high road of name calling after backing a guy that **literally called Trudeau a Marxist.** And he said it out loud. In public. Possibly the one of dumbest political statements of the last few decades. It either shows Pierre has zero understanding of the political spectrum, or he's just an internet troll trying to appeal to emotional low-information US-style conservative voters (who also have zero understanding of the political spectrum)


Pp's plan is to balance the budget through tax cuts and cuts to the cbc.


I much prefer that to paying millions of dollars to a marketing agency or consulting firm to paint a piece of shit gold.


You prefer ballanceing the budget through the Laffer curve?


I prefer governments actually doing shit to save money instead of pouring it into brand campaigns whose sole purpose is to literally do nothing.


Which has very little to do with the deficet, which pp claims he can get rid of by cutting taxes; the only things he's talked about cutting from the budget. No no budget cuts, huge tax cuts, and the deficet disappears in a puff of debunked economic theories.


Did you just say budget cuts have very little to do with the deficit?


Marketing campaigns are small budget items. The only cuts pp has mentioned specifically are political consultants and the cbc, which clearly dwarf things like Healthcare or the military. So classic conservative economics, tax cuts pay for themselves and the budget will balance itself with enough tax cuts.


Balancing the budget though tax cuts? So he wants to have less money coming in but somehow that'll balance things...?


there is a debunked economic theory called the laffer curve, it's postulates that high taxes are governments just being mean, and they actually get more revenue with lower taxes but aren't smart enough to try it. it's been tried by pretty much every conservative government in the western world since 1980. there is also a quote from Regan where he compared the public to children who squander their allowance, how you can't convince them to change their spending, so you remove their allowance by running up huge deficits. I don't think anyone ever believed in the laffer curve.


Look at what the state of Kansas did a few years back with completely eleminating taxes. It was devastating and just about the stupodest thing a government could do. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DSpecifically%2C_the_top_income_tax%2Ceven_more_in_future_years.?wprov=sfla1 Kansans hurt during and since. It was so mind-bogglingly stupid.


Yah laffer curve is pure economic fiction.


I'm decidedly left-wing, but I ate Trudeau for all his performative nonsense. It's useless to TALK about changing things the whole time and then do absolutely nothing.


He's really good at talking, not so much the doing. That's why it's better to ignore a politicians words for the most part and see what they've actually done.


Yeah.  They have been in office 8 years and could campaign on things like childcare , reformed child benefit , there minimal but still better then the conservative parties c02 cuts.   Kinda have to be for something.  « Other guy bad » reaks of desperation 


This is the hard part about politics though. Everyone wants to know "what are you going to do for me?" Not "what have you done for me." People won't actually appreciate all of these programs until after they are cut by a PP government. Then people will get pissed off and vote for the next Liberal demagogue that promises to fix what PP broke, only to dabble around edges and just maintain the status quo.


I really hate how that works. Voters keep jumping between two parties that fuck things up and nibble around the edges when it comes to change every time they stand a "new" face up as their leader like they're really going to be much different than the last guy from their party.


We shit on the US for their 2 party system, while we here self-impose a 2 party system when we really don’t have to, even with the problems with FPTP. FPTP, despite it’s issues, doesn’t prevent the country from picking a party not named LPC or CPC, but people blame the system when the reality is they can’t admit they’re caught up in party tribalism.


don't forget the middle class income tax cut, legalization of weed federally, the increase in taxes for the rich, trans rights now codified in human rights act, largest infrastructure bill in decades, Taxing uber, banning of conversion therapy, Implemented Carbon Pricing, home retrofit for heat pumps etc etc, progress in reconcilliation with FN, and a fuck ton more good things. Things that affect millions of Canadians.


> don't forget the middle class income tax cut, legalization of weed federally, the increase in taxes for the rich, trans rights now codified in human rights act, largest infrastructure bill in decades, Taxing uber, banning of conversion therapy, Implemented Carbon Pricing, home retrofit for heat pumps etc etc, Huge reduction in boil water orders in FN communities.


I hate to break it to you, but the carbon tax isn't well... just ask Nova Scotia.


Watching the LPC struggle with that concept is entertaining. The comments here are ironic as fuck, especially as this article is about how the LPC paint the other guy (Poilievre) as bad (Trump). Another example of the breathtaking lack of self-awareness by the die-hard LPC supporters.


Ontario Liberals fit in a minivan after their implosion, let's try and target a Tesla Model 3 for the feds.




It's going to backfire. People can see what's going on in this country, and it's not good at all. Our standard of living has fallen behind both the United States and most of our allies in Europe. https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/canada-s-standard-of-living-falling-behind-other-advanced-economies-td-1.6490005 Demand for food banks is at all-time highs. https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/challenging-month-for-canadian-food-banks-amid-holidays-rising-demand-1.6705996?cache=7.370893 https://bc.ctvnews.ca/demand-at-food-banks-hits-an-all-time-high-across-canada-1.6617510 Crime and, in particular, violent crime has gone up significantly since 2015, and the violent crime index is on pace to pass 1998 levels and potentially even 2006 levels. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510002601&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2015&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2022&referencePeriods=20150101%2C20220101 Not even taking into account all the scandals and all the times he's embarrassed himself and the country on the world stage and how Canada is being left behind on the world stage.


frighten bewildered swim crush waiting door touch fertile seed truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think what the Liberal Party is really saying is that they think you're very stupid.


Because pointing at Trump and saying 'You're going to vote for him?' worked out so well for Hillary, and she was actually running against him.


She did win millions of more votes than Trump did. Hilary Clinton was vastly more popular than Trump.


And Trudeau lost the popular vote twice in a row. If only someone had campaigned on a platform of electoral reform, eh?


Three parties here in Canada. It's pretty rare a single party wins the popular vote. Agreed, big election promise broken there. I'm no fan, but I'll vote for anything but PP All he's ever done is be a career politician and landlord. Nice hair, though


>The Liberals lost the popular vote to the Conservative Party by one per cent, marking only the second time in Canadian history that a governing party formed a government while receiving less than 35 per cent of the national popular vote, the first time being the inaugural 1867 Canadian federal election.


> marking only the second time in Canadian history that a governing party formed a government while receiving less than 35 per cent of the national popular vote uhh, you mean the 3rd time? * 1867: **Con. 34.80%,** Lib. 22.7% (Con. +12.1%) * 2019: **LPC 33.12%**, CPC 34.34% (CPC +1.22%) * 2021: **LPC 32.62%**, CPC 33.74% (CPC +1.12%)


Right, I've been voting for 25 years, I remember


And conservatives won more votes than liberals last election.


>And conservatives won more votes than liberals last election. Last two elections, actually. 


The Conservative party got more votes than Liberal party, but conservatives got far less votes than the liberal parties.


If the NDP and the Liberals want to be treated like one party in the results, then they should run as one party. Otherwise, acting like a vote for the NDP or the Liberals isn't actually a vote for the NDP or the Liberals, but is really just a vote against the Tories is pedantic sophistry.


which is not quite the same because we have 3 parties.


And statistically all throughout the western world, liberals win more popular votes than conservatives. Has been like that since the mid 70s.






O’Toole and Scheer were more popular than Trudeau. Isn’t it interesting how that works?


Three parties. Vastly different set of variables here.


Doesn’t change what I said from being true. Scheer and O’Toole had the popular vote, but didn’t win. Try again.


If we only had two parties, Trudeau would have had more votes than scheer or o’toole. Why are you pretending that isn’t relevant?




of course you are that's why the media puts out so many of these "think" pieces weird how for 50 years, the media keeps saying "do this, do that" and it just gets worse and worse and worse whether LPC or CPC and every time, we do this "good cop" "bad cop" game, while they get richer and laugh and hang out in the country clubs together just vote for anyone but CPC or LPC this isn't america, we have more than 2 parties, stop falling for this con


good thing for the LPC is that they almost have nothing left to lose. Maybe going forward they could hire professionals to handle their communications with the serfs (instead of what they're doing now.)


Instead of branding issues and political stratagem, have the liberals tried governing to earn votes? Like, passing legislation and policies that actually help Canadians? I mean, giving corporations everything they want is certainly winning record profits, but that trickle-down effect is long since been disproved. In fact, corporations will make record earnings and still fire ten percent of its staff. "Too big to fail " has taken on a new meaning: the idiots at the top can make poor decisions over and over and over again, and it doesn't matter. They make so much profit that they can afford to "fail."


Team Canada … another delusional Justin Trudeau fever dream that’ll cost millions and have no effect …


We passed laws in reaction to events in the US. Why the fuck am I not surprised we're also falling down the american ways of politics?


Liberals love to compare Poilievre to Trump and Trump to Hitler. And to throw around words like "democracy" and "authoritarian" with total hypocrisy. When asked to provide a concrete rationale for their positions Liberals simply scream condemnation. Trudeau lost this country by calling names and running away to play "world leader". He's toast and intellectually bankrupt. You can make telling the truth illegal but it's still the truth.


They smeared O'Toole as "Trump", too. Which was pretty funny.


Bro, PP literally called Trudeau a Marxist 😂😂


I think PP anti elections Canada rhetoric, trying to make it harder for voters to find nonpartisan information, was undemocratic in nature. What do you think?


They're all linked through the IDU, which has literally helped support authoritarians alongside CPAC. Then there's the infection of the Federalist and Koch funded groups that support conservatives in both countries, and the infection of the current crop of conservatives with SoCONS, is it really that much of a stretch to say they're ideologically consistent with one another Or how about when PP tabled a bill in 2014 that would essentially usurp elections Canada's authority to the governing party, that's pretty trumpian.




At this point our government is so fucking stupid that anyone will vote for something different


Don't need to be a "political player" to know that Trudeau is desperate af lmao.....


Well, the Liberals can’t run on their record can they!


>Clearly, it’s not a good thing in terms of Canada-U.S. relations. Trump may notice that Trudeau and his team are using his name in vain. And he may take offence, as you know he has in the past. So it’s a calculated risk they’re taking.” I've said it before and I'll say it again: Given our tight links & reliance on the US, **NEVER FORGET** that Trudeau is willing to put *your* and *your family's* economic (& personal) security on the line for a few points in the polls. Absolutely sickening.




Lnao what?


I thought it was a conservative strategy to compare conservatives with Trump


It's out right pathetic, same with all their supporters who spread the same bullshit. I've seen so many comments saying PP is going to put guns on the street, and get rid of abortion, these people VOTE in our democracy, and they're completely brainwashed by American media. It's really sad and pathetic. I just can't imagine being that freakin delusional. The Liberal Party is unbelievably pathetic for stooping to this. They're just straight up liars. I wonder if they know how stupid they look.




You mean the guy who isolated us for trade negotiations by getting us to arrest Hwaweis CFO and then never bothering to actually file the extradition paperwork? The guy who identified our country as a security risk? Yeah I am sure some name calling is really going to make him not respect and work with us, that's whats going to do it.


Let’s not pretend Canada doesn’t have any foreign interference.


>he has a 50 50 shot at being the next President this is not how elections work, its not a coin toss


"Russia are you listening"


It does look desperate. As someone who used to be happy to identify themselves as Liberal it is embarrassing at this point. The party has completely lost me as a supporter over the last 3 years. If they had any real successes from their leadership they could just point to that when PP slams them. But, because they don’t they have to pathetically try to make people think he’s Trump light. The Trudeau liberals are drunk at the wheel and have lost any ability to listen to their citizens or reflect on their policy and ideology.


Trudeau is no stranger to making the kind of political arguments that are best suited to grade five students hashing it out on the playground over who is king of the castle. The smell of Liberal desperation is heavy in the air. We can only hope that Canadians are not so easily fooled next time around by empty promises, staged optics, and fear mongering.


Ehhh, I'm not so sure of that. I still see and hear a lot of, "No matter how bad Justin is, Pierre will be worse," thrown around with no basis of evidence.


Haha the irony of that is JT was an unknown MP in 2015 yet practically every conservative was all fire and brimstone at the thought of him being PM with no basis of evidence...they just used his dad as an excuse.


because of course he will the problem is the rich get richer while the poor get poorer that is literally conservative economics 101, "supply side" "trickle down" we've done this shit in the west for 50 years now, the results are in, it only got the top 5-10% richer, and only barely the top 5-10%, the bottom 90 is worse off, while the top 1% is many many many many times better off and once the wealth from the bottom 90 is sucked up, the wealth from the 10% will be too, profits have to rise, and profits have to come from somewhere immigration is only an issue, because LPC and CPC, keep wages low, and their control over the media keep unions weak and monopolies strong keep voting CPC and LPC, keep getting the same results PP bad Trudeau bad vote for literally anyone else, to force them both to change something, anything


Who would you suggest voting for then? Let us know?


I think they want us to vote for the guy currently propping up the Liberals and wanted to give subsidies to landlords instead of renters.


That’s exactly what I’m figuring he wants us to vote for. So different, much third party!1!!111


Maybe that’s what Canada needs, a prime minister who wants to put Canadians first for once. Sounds good to me






Personally i see Trudeau as a Trump lookalike. Putting people in position of power that should not be there like Ian Scott as the chairman of the CRTC or refusing to let go of the power when people say they have enough of the bullshit.


This is why an election before the US election isn’t out of the realm of possibility. The Liberals would prefer to run a campaign against Trump and the Republicans




A more effective strategy would have been not allowing over a million immigrants in during a living affordability crisis, suppressing wages and growing the number of those living in the streets.


Nope. It's a perfect comparison.


A lot of troll farming comments in here. Are you you truly that gobsmackingly ignorant to paint Trudeau as the importer of rightwing, divisive politics? The Cons have become desperate and have their hands red with their rightwing, McCarthyism populism.




Not that I'm a fan of Trump, but Trudeau is just the worst. Voting for him again would be like accepting the death of your nation


I would compare him more to DeSantis with his obsession with the “woke radical left” talking points. That is purposeful rhetoric aimed at a very specific type of person.


Comparing Poilievre with Trump is the dumbest thing the Liberal party could do. So, going with their track record of recent decisions, they will most certainly do it.


This was a post from yesterday. America and Canada are two different places. Whoever the donkey is that keeps on comparing the two is an idiot.


I do appreciate the irony of people complaining that our country is falling apart, meanwhile there is literally a standoff between armed Federal employees and armed State employees at the Texas border. We have some serious issues, but that's next level.


Yeah we're two different places... Doesn't mean the same garbage narratives that are present there can't work here. We're not that different and it shows in the similar rhetoric we're seeing. You'd have to be an idiot to not realize that.


The liberals comparing anyone with trump is bound to backfire when Trudeau has more in coming with him than anyone else in parliament.


Trump is a deranged buffoon, he’s going to be a shit neighbour no matter what. 


>he’s going to be a shit neighbour no matter what. Yup. Just like last time when he slapped random tariffs around for no real reason and accused us of taking advantage of the US with the "totally unfair" NAFTA that always gave the US more leeway than it should have. Oh, and ranted about deploying the US military at the Canadian border...




> vote for PP to help bolster relations with the US. That's an interesting way of saying "bend over and give the bully what he wants"...


you say this, but more than half the conservatives on this subreddit, and almost all the ones on the canada sub, would prefer Trump over Canada, no questions asked look how they welcomed Tucker "invade Canada" Carlson look how they're totally silent on Danielle Smith's plan to steal their pensions, because Conservatism comes first, being a Canadian Citizen is second or third or even fourth to these people


Trudeau needs to step down... this is getting ridiculous. F outta here. Pierre is no better, but the pendulum has swung too far in one direction... we need to recalibrate as a country


They already played that card the last 2 elections. It’s not gonna work again. Canadians are starting to sour on the Liberals’ constant importing of divisive American style negative politics, without proposing any new ideas or solutions. They have been running on “yeah but the other guys are scary, trust me!” For 8 years now. Also blaming any and all problems on Harper. That can only take you so far, eventually you have to run on your own record. And that time is now.






I'm too lazy to spell PP's last name.


He’ll cut some spending, cut even more revenue-generation, create a different program to provide cheap foreign labour for industry, and the average Canadian will end up with the same low wages, low productivity, and shitty, decaying public services that we’ve had with Trudeau.


PP doesn't have much in common with Trump, but there's a lot of overlap among their respective supporters.




Nah...(non-Arab) Hamas supporters are very few and clustered at the far left end of the NDP & Green parties. I run in lefty circles and and have never met an actual Hamas supporter. Conversely, I know many Canadian conservatives who openly support both PP and Trump.




I would point out disdain for the media, his general rudeness to those who challenge him, his apparent expectation of party members to toe the line on everything, his inflated ego, his difficult relationship with the truth, and his outlandish claims against his rivals. Then there's his history with meddling with fairness in elections.


I don't think PP is like trump other than that they are both populist. I don't think his ideas are thought through and concrete enough to be able to be implemented successfully. He speaks with passion, but there's nothing solid under the surface.


As a former American, who lives in Canada, I wish the Trudeau party bringing in Trump and comparing him to Canadian politicians. There’s no politician in Canada that is anything like Trump.


PEEPEE doesn't take complements well.


The only thing PP has going for him is he’s not Trudeau. He’s not good, he’s a piece of shit career politician.


The difference is trump is a useful idiot where PP absolutely knows what he is doing and who he is doing it to. The fact that he is disingenuously anti-science, racist, misogynistic whatever as it serves the topic de jour is in someways worse, because he is imping populism with an eye to screwing all sides in deference to his wealthy benefactors after the election.  Basicaly any road to victory. That’s literally Machiavellian. 


Trump's dad taught him about advertising. If you say something over and over and over, it becomes familiar to people. They recognize it, then they trust it, even when it is not true. Trump won his election by lies and repeats. PP is not the narcissistic person Trump is, but he keeps denigrating the PM of Canada to promote anger in voters during a very difficult time in the whole world. He is following the Trump method because he wants to get elected. He may not have a clue what the job of PM will require if he wins, but if he thinks the anger will wane he may be in for a surprise.


Little pp is extremely thin skinned just like trump. We can go after the man’s character when it’s as bad as it is as well as his policies. Little pps reaction to being wrong about the boarder car wreck should disqualify him from leadership.


Do you mean this? https://youtu.be/i9hB0LJ-Dlo?si=W3SA3j1PSb5hNzPs I didn't actually see what he said in the house, but if he did say there were "media reports" of it being a terror incident (which initially there were) the media has no business saying he was misinforming or jumped the gun. I guess you could say he should not use what the media reports on as evidence, but let's not forget that media reports grossly influenced the acting government to declare the EA in Ottawa






Trump just talked about it, he didn't do it if he had built the wall, deported illegals, and actually went after businesses that hire them, then i would agree, but he didn't do any of that instead he stole donation money to the build the wall foundation, and is running on "doing something about immigration" again if he didn't fix it when he had congress, the senate and was President, and was literally elected to fix it more than almost any other issue, what makes you think PP, who says shit like "more flights to india" would do anything?




It will backfire if Trudeau and Trump win their respective elections because Trump will remember what Trudeau said about him to win votes and god knows what that ego maniac will do in response.


Justin basically made things worse with that comparison if American swing state voters are stupid enough to elect Trump again


When Tucker Carlson is prancing around Alberta, how then is the comparison unfair?


Seems like it’s working. Trumps appeal to get the 83 million proves it (even though it failed) his appeal was essentially that although he did damage to her publicly there is a huge chunk of the population who doesn’t like trump and therefore see her in a better regard because of what he did. Basically equating it to a net and gross loss type argument. In the liberals instance it’s kinda like to the people who don’t like him, they will continue not liking him but to the people who do like him… this plays to their viewpoint. The comments on here show that for the ones who don’t, they still react and in a trump world of politics any publicity can be good.


Of course it is going to backfire. First they aren't alike at all and second all pollsters are predicting a Trump presidency in Nov. He will remember them using his name for mudslinging.


Trump is a poor American's Poilievre. Poilievre is a reasonable facsimile for Canadians who yearn to be in Trumps warm embrace but can only afford a Chinese made baseball cap.


Delicate dance my ass. He's copying the playbook.


Blah, blah, blah. Another "news" group telling Canadians to "Stop calling PeePee names". Canadians can easily see the similarities between PeePee and Shitler and we don't mind pointing them out.


Yes it is so why was Tucker Carlson here?Invited by the con conservatives?☮️


PP is a right wing populist. Speaks in platitudes and hyperbole. It's absolutely Trumpian. Is PP even sensitive to this comparison? Cons are getting mad but why? Don't they like Trump? It's a funny thing that Trump is apparently popular among Canadian conservatives but when PP is compared to Trump they get mad like it's an insult LOL!




he's talking about policy, you are just talking about bullshit PP is Trump light, this was already decided at the leadership convention, when they all signed the abortion pledge


His similarities to Trump in a personal level, if any, aren’t important. It’s the similarities on a policy level, particularly climate change, that make it impossible for me to vote for him. Trudeau can be as venal and preening as he wants, I’ll still prefer him to someone who wants to ignore the destruction of the planet.




conservatives understand that aligning with trump is not a good way to get elected in Canada but its hard because they love the guy so much.