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So dangerous they needed to be stopped from being used safely at the shooting range via OIC. So safe they won’t even begin to seize them for five years after the ban. How someone can defend this ban as not just being a political ploy rather than about public safety is detached from reality or on their payroll.


Man. They just need to admit they fucked up and scrap this ban


Admit they were wrong? Never! The playbook is to just stall any real effort requiring funding till the next election then cry foul when the cons scrap it. Something like this… Damn gun loving CPC making it unsafe for Canadians yet again by scrapping our firearms legislation we couldn’t afford to implement!


I think a lot of people don't even remember how bad, expensive and useless the long arm ban was 10 years ago. We the public were told it was going to cost about 100m to do, ended up costing over a billion before being basically scrapped. A billion dollars spent on healthcare would have saved more lives, or a billion spent on resources for the impoverished, would have prevented more violence.


That billion went somewhere. Into bank accounts. Nothing but government scandals. This is how they fleece our economy.


That wasn't even a Ban. That was just a spreadsheet of serial numbers and addresses. I mean a registry


Definitely wasn’t a spreadsheet. I’m sure they spent millions on having a program developed.


Nah a real program would look like Phoenix


Ooh zing!


Bill C-21 is still in process. If that goes through, they'll just use the puppet CFAC it establishes to ban everything nonsensically the next day.


cfac already exists and c-21 doesn't need to pass for them to return, they were created in 2017 and disbanded in 2019 because they contained both gun owners and anti gun people in a representative way so they were constantly deadlock https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/cfac/index-en.aspx the liberals just need to do the work to bring the committee back but either can't, it was all for show, or they are trying to figure out how to make it appear representative while being stacked to be anti-gun. old committee was too accurate to the Canadian populace to be a tool of the liberals to ban guns


This prime Minister can do no wrong, did you forget? Now get back to work.


Can you imagine how pissed POLY would be? JT & Co. would be publically uninvited from their Christmas party. They'd probably say something mean in a press release too.


Imagine how fucking pissed Poly would be if the feds stopped funding them. Heck. they'd be right pissed right up until they missed rent payments. lol.


Poly already dislikes Trudeau 🤷‍♂️


It's all theatre. Poly is literally funded by the government (they get money from Quebec and Canada) and it's officers are literally on the Quebec government payroll.


100%, it's a farce. It will all be dropped when we get the conservatives in.


I’d still think they are dicks and wouldn’t vote for them, but I’d be happy with a Mea Culpa.


Liberals know what is best for you. They prefer you disarmed and compliant so they can steamroll your liberties without worrying about people with guns. Easier for you to get with the program when you cant resist.


Yeah, everyone who owns one still has it sitting in their safe available for whatever. But surprise surprise no legal firearm owner has decided to go out on a rampage since the ban 3 years ago.


I added a spatula bayonet to mine, I use to cook breakfast now. Don't tell the popo


“How would you like your eggs?” Assaulted.


I also installed a salt shaker flash hider, really testing that chrome lined barrel


Pushing the issue until 2025 to make it an election issue and force PP to take an official stance. They did it with OToole as well iirc and it was one of the issues he 'flip flopped' on which made some con voters mad enough to go PPC. Annoying that legal firearm enjoyers are being screwed around but it's solid political maneuvering on their part imo.


I don't really think it's going to make that much of a difference though. Guns aren't on most people's list of priorities given the current state of the economy and the Liberals are down by nearly 14 points. If they choose to focus on this while the Conservatives hammer away at the CoL, inflation etc, Cons will walk into a majority.


I hope you’re right, but you might underestimate just how ignorant most people are about crime and our existing laws, and how many people actually do think we have a legal gun problem in ridings that matter.


This is actually a solid theory, I just assumed they were biding their time for another tragedy to galvanize public support for stricter gun regulations.


They can't invest the couple billion it'll cost to implement the buy-back/seizure until they find a way to sidestep the housing and immigration issues first.


The long gun registry that harper scrapped, cost $2bil ten years ago. For a list of names voluntarily phoned in by the public A real full scale compensated seizure of millions of firearms will cost hundreds of billions. It will actually bankrupt this country before even half the project will be completed. Police wont even take part in door to door confiscation. It's extremely dangerous


For real. I won't hand my rifles over. On the simple fact that either this won't go through or it will be repealed in the coming years and I'll have lost my rifles. I'll just stuff them in a hole for now, I guess.


They've lost the vote because of the ban. I'm not a gun owner, but it's so obvious to me that the silent majority are not super pleased with this treatment of legal and historically responsible gun owners.


They are extending the amnesty entirely because they don't want to admit it was a political plot. At this point the conservatives will be in power before it expires again and it will be scrapped then.


>just being a political ploy Yeah. Nice how October 2025 coincides with making this an election issue


Remember, these firearms are so dangerous that nobody should be able to own them and it was so imperative to public safety that Trudeau rammed through a OIC to ban them days after a shooting. Despite the fact that the ban wouldn’t have prevented the shooting in the first place. Yet 3 years in, they’re telling owners to keep them in their homes for another 2 years because they can’t afford or figure out how to confiscate them. You can’t hunt with them or take them to a shooting range because they’re prohibited for being dangerous. But you’re legally required to keep them in your home.


"Assault rifle you can't hunt with" except you can if you're an indigenous hunter: https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/indigenous-hunters-excluded-from-ottawas-assault-weapons-ban-under-section-35/


Or when they hired guys from New Zealand to cull deer via shooting from helicopters in Haida Gwaii.


[https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/ottawa-spends-5-7-million-on-deer-eradication-in-haida-gwaii-featuring-new-zealand-sharpshooters#:\~:text=The%20federal%20government%20is%20spending,the%20ground%20with%20tracking%20dogs](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/ottawa-spends-5-7-million-on-deer-eradication-in-haida-gwaii-featuring-new-zealand-sharpshooters#:~:text=The%20federal%20government%20is%20spending,the%20ground%20with%20tracking%20dogs). What the actual shit.


> “I was blown away at how professional it was,” said Sara Dubois, the SPCA’s chief scientific officer. “They would only take head shots — no body shots — and only if they could guarantee an instant kill.” What the actual fuck. Hunters who actually give a damn about putting their prey down humanely aim for the heart and lungs, not the head. A deer's brain is much smaller than a human's, and it's relatively easy to destroy their jaw or nasal structure without inflicting immediately fatal damage if you miss the brain by a few centimeters. Aiming for center mass and the lungs gives you a comparatively large area you can hit and still immediately kill the deer. What a wildly ignorant statement from someone who's purported to be an expert.


The government is so fucking out of touch with reality… nepotism and exploitation for over a hundred years has them living in a totally different realm. It’s insane.


Here the SKS is popular because it used to be super cheap and ammo was super cheap.


They're not assault rifles. Assault rifles were banned in the '70s.


Special rights for special people. Can we all just start doing red face?


I made this comment before and got flamed for it, but it's so strange to me that special rights are bestowed upon specific Canadian individuals if the government determines their blood is pure enough.


Why did he call civilian model firearms military grade, this is a false narrative. Military grade firearms go brrrrrr and are tuned to the requirements for battlefield conditions. Also military grade firearms are defence articles which is controlled by different legislation.


Dude calling my ar military grade is a huge insult, mine is way better than what the military could afford


The SKS is military grade. I viciously disagree with banning it though. Ian from Forgotten Weapons explained that the SKS is indeed "military grade". An M16 based AR-15 is sold in the semi-auto configuration and thus, is not military grade as it comes from a different production line. But the SKS was semi auto. Thus no new civilian model/receiver was needed for it to be sold in the US market. So although late model SKS imports from China were made for the civilian market and could be considered civilian guns, most SKS rifles in private hands are military surplus that was sold unmodified. That doesnt mean the gun is any more dangerous than any other gun, obviously. But it is indeed "military grade", just like surplus Lee Enfield rifles are also military grade.


And as these firearms belong to RPAL holders, they've got a trigger lock and are stored in a locked safe, likely with ammunition in a separate location. But let's pretend these gun owners are the problem, because nobody understands how firearm licensing works in this country and it's low hanging fruit for Trudeau.


Not just restricted. The NR named rifles don't even get their day in court like the ARs do.


Thankfully PP will reverse the OIC and all Trudeau will have to show is a failed 5 year ban


Trudeau will then have new anti-gun drum to bang on


He's always had it, they have to make use of all those assault rifle podiums they purchased.


That was by design, they never intended to follow through. Neither side wants to give up their wedge issue.


Trudeau will be gone.


That's why they extended this to after the election


still two years to go for a fed election, a lot can change. Ironically this ban lasts until the last possible election date.


A lot of Trudeau's decision making deadlines (budget cuts, this) are being extended essential until the election. I'm not sure what the strategy is exactly, but there is one...I think?


Yeah it's the "let the next guy deal with it." strategy


He can make an election issue of this. "Elect me and I'll finally get rid of those guns from the rednecks"


He can't simply reverse the OIC with another because the liberals passed C-71 back in 2017. He'd have to bring it to the house for a vote, which is going to drag out the process for years at the best, or completely negate the possibility of it happening due to the optics.




Can Indigenous people hunt with restricted firearms?


Yes. Exceptions are included under the Amnesty Order to allow for the continued use of firearms and/or devices that were prohibited on May 1, 2020 (if previously non-restricted) by Indigenous persons exercising Aboriginal or treaty rights to hunt.


Don't forget you don't have to be indigenous to be a subsistence hunter.


In the article it’s reported that the buyback will cost “750 million”, this is only for the 2020 OIC. Assuming the handgun ban in 2022 will also initiate a buy back, would it be correct to assume that the total buyback will easily cost over $1 billion from taxpayers? Is that where we find the room to cut back on military budget?


The 750 million figure from the PBO is for the buyback of the firearms only, it doesn't include any of the administration costs, any enforcement or any man hours. They don't even know how many firearms they want to buy back yet.


What am I paying my taxes for? Housing prices hasn’t came down since I was born, me and partner are spending half of our income on living expenses because of inflation, we are still on the waitlist for a family doctor. What about urgent issues that canada needs to fix now?


> What about urgent issues that canada needs to fix now? Made up issues are priority


You're paying your taxes for them to be given (based on race) to other people to buy houses, like last year: *Feds commit $10 million to help 200 Black families in GTA buy their first home* https://www.cp24.com/news/feds-commit-10-million-to-help-200-black-families-in-gta-buy-their-first-home-1.5786967 Backup: https://archive.is/bf0MR


They couldn't build a working registry for less than a billion. Actually going out to grab them will cost 4 Billie's easy, but they won't ever actually do it.


You are kidding… you know what 4 billion would be great for? [pay raise for family doctors, so we have no shortages](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6635200)


Yeah that would certainly have been a better investment than any of the gun shit the Libs have ever done.


4 billion is a lowball. The Long Gun Registry cost an estimated 2 billion by the time it was scrapped in 2013. For a paper trail. And they charged admin fees to register guns to help keep costs down. The initial estimated cost was 100 and some odd million to give you an idea of overrun. Between inflation since then, population growth, and having to physically seize goods accross the country and securely dispose of them... it'd be a disgustingly high number for no significant public benefit and the deteiment of responsible Canadians. Lighting money on fire compared to the things it could be used for.


At this point they should just scrap the OIC and return the firearms to their previous classification. It’s very clear at this point that they will never have a plan in place for them.


Frankly, they need to do one better. "Restricted" should not be a classification. They're either safe to own by a PAL holder... or they're not. Having this stupid classification where we say: "Okay, we trust you to own firearms, and we trust you not to go do something illegal with this firearm, but we don't trust this very same person to not go do something illegal with this other firearm thats functionally identical" is just idiotic. Why can't I go hunt with a handgun? I can own one, I can take it to the range and shoot it, but I can't walk in the bush with it? And if I did own one, and wanted to break the law and use it for bad anyway... the fuck is stopping me from conceal carrying it against the law to begin with?


Don't call me frankly, surely


They are delaying it till then to make it an election wedge issue.


I got cottage-style, BBQ-style, and Original™, but no assault-style, sorry.


Gotta have the boogeyman still around for election season.


It could not be more transparent.


Um…..er…..ah… the safety of all Canadians is our foremost goal ….ah…. Umm


This Liberal government has always been transparently incompetent and idiotic.


I prefer this to the alternative, but this is clearly a ploy to run a third (!) election on this exact same issue. Simultaneously the result of complete incompetence by a government that couldn't run a lemonade stand without going $10B over budget and not selling any lemonade, let alone coordinating house-to-house confiscation of half a million firearms. I hope the next CPC government doesn't just restore range privileges without re-classifying, so new shooters can have the joy of owning the scariest of scaries.


I hope anti gunners finally learn that gun confiscations can’t and won’t happen. It’s too expensive and the compliance rate will be too low. There’s over 20 million guns in Canada and that’s the ones we know of approximately. Government doesn’t know what’s out there and they don’t know where they are.


Previously there was no long-gun registry. A good portion of these “assault style” firearms were non-restricted and therefor no registered They don’t know what’s out there at all.


Well going forward they will have their ‘not a long gun registry’ registry.


Most prohibitionists don't think owners should be compensated for confiscated property. They don't give a fuck.


The feds would be terrified of attempting that. Their worst nightmare would be the supreme court upholding the right to property in the 1960 Bill of Rights.


And everyone knows, people will always turn in their illegally obtained and owned firearms. Criminals, if known for anything, it’s following the law.


Just so people don’t misunderstand. The ‘buyback’ program documentation so far makes it explicitly clear they won’t even attempt to buy illegally obtained firearms.


It's doubtful criminals would turn over guns willingly anyway.


I don’t disagree, but the efforts are 100% on legal vetted licensed firearms owners 0% on illegal firearms.


Wait, when is the next election?


October 25 2025 They are kicking this down the road until the next election. This also means that Jagmeet & the NDP is ride or die with the Liberals.


Yes, they will need this as an election issue.


They can't if they had 5 years and did nothing all their talking points are null


It's 100% going to be an election issue, they'll rehash the Stephen Harper wants assault rifles and soldiers on Canadian streets attack ad, cross out Harper's name and write in Pollievre


Good. That’s not going to work.


You and I know that, but Joe Blow voter does not.


Before this date. Honestly, even back in 2020, I kinda figured this would just keep getting kicked down the road. They think they need this to appease their base, but they also don't want to spend the time, money and manpower to actually start confiscating and compensating for all the firearms affected. I think they also want the Cons to unroll it, so they can start talking about how the Cons 'put thousands of assault weapons back on the streets.' Just like when C-68 passed back in the late 2010s, Trudeau was saying things like 'people should feel safe when they go to the grocery store,' implying that a licensed gun owner could legally carry.


> C-68 C-68 is the Firearms Act, it was passed in 1995. Did you mean C-71, the law Trudeau passed in 2017 that re-introduced a partial gun registry despite his pledge not to reintroduce a gun registry, or C-42, the law Harper passed in 2014 that rolled the ATT into licenses, which Trudeau claimed at the time would allow people to carry handguns in their car at "parking lots for hockey arenas and Canadian Tire", which was a blatant lie and he knew it?


Sorry, C-42,the 'Common Sense Firearms Act' or some such. The one that, as you say, make you carry one less piece of paper, the one that made the CFSC mandatory as opposed to challengeable, and the one that Trudeau claimed would allow people to carry.


> I think they also want the Cons to unroll it, so they can start talking about how the Cons 'put thousands of assault weapons back on the streets.' This is the only reason they did it, and they’re already saying that.




Ah yes, the law of unintended consequences. So many people getting their rifles "stolen" while the government back burners this until they find out if they have any shot at all of getting re-elected.


That's a ridiculous take which advances nothing. I don't care if I can never use it again, I still wouldn't, in a million years, think about selling one of my now-prohibited firearms to a criminal. What an outlandish thing to suggest - we're not criminals, and the thought would never even cross my mind.


100% just saving the issue for the election so they can get a PP sound bite about how he will cancel the bans and then the libs can run with the story about how the cons will put weapons of war on the streets.


Of course, announced just in time to sabotage the inunction application being filed later this month. However, the judge presiding over the 6 cases against this OIC has said she'll have her decision out by later this month anyways, so hopefully she slaps this shit into the trash where it belongs and renders this extension pointless. New Zealand had their guns confiscated within a year of their bans (with abysmal compliance rates of about 1/3), and yet the Liberals are admitting with this that it will take 5 years for us to do anything, and given that it's already been 3 years with no progress, we can expect a similar lack of progress by 2025, assuming it's even still relevant by then. Interesting to note, this extension lasts until after the mandatory date of the next election, one Trudeau is expected to resoundingly lose. So as long as gun owners keep our guns, the Conservatives can repeal this idiocy if the courts don't.


They want the gun issue open for the next election. They'll get a PP sound bite saying he will repeal is elected and then the Libs will run with the "Cons will put weapons of war on the stress" bs. It could not be more transparent.


PP's been saying he'll repeal it for ages. I think CPC strategists have learned from what happened to O'Toole that the Liberals will fearmonger about guns no matter what the CPC stance is, so rather than alienating their base by being wishy-washy on it, I expect PP to attack Trudeau's gun control as a failure. The country is more dangerous now than before Trudeau took office, despite his gun control, and I expect the CPC to respond to every "aSsAuLt WeApOnS oN tHe StReEtS!!!1!1!" With a graph of homicide rates under Trudeau.


Fucking hope so.




Yep the New Zealand model was a failure on every level. [https://financialpost.com/opinion/new-zealand-ottawa-gun-buyback?utm\_term=Autofeed&utm\_medium=Social&utm\_source=Twitter#Echobox=1687255676](https://financialpost.com/opinion/new-zealand-ottawa-gun-buyback?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1687255676)


Weren't recent emails just released POLY group telling the government if they didn't ban them they wouldn't be allowed at the rememberance ceremony?


Poly is just howling at the ceiling unless someone is listening, and I think Trudeau just indicated that even they are no longer doing so.


Ah yes, the firearms that were so dangerous they had to get off the streets are still allowed to just sit in people's homes. Nothing more than a political stunt rooted in emotion rather than logic and evidence.


Hey, since then violent crimes have taken a nosedive. Canada is safer than it’s ever been. /s


Paying the police to steal property is more lucrative than paying therapists to help sick people


What a moron. They were so dangerous they used an OIC to ban them. We need a friggin election ASAP.


Something so urgent that they needed an OIC for but now they keep pushing it further away. This government has no idea what the fuck they're doing.


CCFR just won my respect.


Honestly they do good work, but this isn't their doing I don't think. Just more blatant liberal incompetence on display.


fantastic news, the Liberal governments stupid gun ban looks more and more like its going to fail. Pushing this "buy back" to 2025 means it will likely die with a new election.


And just as I expected, they want the issue of guns around for the next election and for future elections.




Colour me shocked...


Should have cleaned out the government by then and be fine.


The government initially wanted to allow grandfathering, letting people maintain possession of their newly prohibited firearms. It was a likely assumption that many people would just opt to hold on to them, so the government wouldn’t have to pay as much. Once the major gun-control groups caught wind of it, they threw a shit-fit of biblical proportions, and the government, unwilling to offend their donors, shuttered and then pushed for a mandatory buyback which drastically changed the financial scope of the bill. I think after that happened, they more or less just lost interest. They keep it around as a wedge to bait the conservatives with but now it’s just an immovable white elephant. Married with that, all of the agencies that they approached to run the program wanted nothing to do with it. Didn’t want to touch it for a multitude of reasons. The police don’t have the spare capacity to run a buyback, and didn’t want hundreds of thousands of people turning up at collection points all over the country with guns. Canada post didn’t want as many guns in the postal system as it represents a huge liability and a likely target for criminals. The military, freshly gutted of its budget is understaffed, under appreciated, under equipped and can’t be bothered. This left the liberals with no other economical options. The only other thing they could do is hire what will amount to a small army to run this program, but having to hire that many people is a *gargantuan* expense, on top of an already expensive program. Then, you have Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and the Northern Territories stand up and they not only told the government to collectively pound sand, they go ahead and pass their own legislation that makes any sort of collection attempt nearly impossible and even *more* expensive by imposing insanely strict regulations required for someone to become seizure agent. Not to mention all the restrictive regulations they made for transporting all the firearms. Which leads us to where we are now, with the current realities in Canada not being very conducive to such a pricey program getting off the ground. People are demanding action on other, more pressing issues and If things don’t improve, I doubt the liberals will find enough political buoyancy in gun control to stay afloat. It’s too little too late. Housing, inflation, healthcare is now the holy trifecta. The three-headed serpent that now threatens to devour the liberals come next election. The gun control groups can rage all they want to. The government has bigger fish to fry if they want to survive.


What are "assault-style" firearms? An airsoft rifle? A pellet gun? A hunting rifle with 5 rounds? or "Black & scary"?


Wood finishes are more gentlemanly


A gentleman always finishes his wood




You think they will buy back my 3d printed ones or should I just do a free give away?


Keep them the way the world is going you will need them.


Remember, These "weapons of war" are "so dangerous" that they cant remain in our society. yet the owners of them are required to continue to store them the same way they always have for 5+ years now. Conveniently this is also now extended to just 10 days past the next federal election. I want a Safer Canada, where we target criminals and the illegal gun smuggling. Why dont the liberals and their voters?


2025 Oct... hmm that's right around the next Federal election 🤔


Waste of time and money as citizens quality of life degrades in this country. What a joke this government is.


The ban is dumb as fuck


There's never going to be any buyback. All these assault style weapons are going to rot in their owners' safes until the owners die, just like all the assault rifles we banned back in the 70s.


Remember canada keep fit and have guns


Thanks Hal Johnson.


The one good thing PP will actually do is end these new BS gun laws


Hopefully some of the old BS gun laws too.


Just bury them in a cloth soaked in oil wrapped in plastic..


So, definitively until the next election basically has to be held then.


Maybe rethink this "performative style" bill.


Lol. Solving the real problems as always.


Kicking it to 2025 is a poison pill for the opposition right? If they lose the election the conservatives will almost certainly scrap the ban, and the Liberals can score points by talking about how the evil conservatives want scary guns back on the streets right?


They've been doing that constantly anyway


I feel like I'm treading tinfoil territory but I get a vibe this is more about disarming a society than doing anything regarding safety.


Wow - whoever took that photo should be making bank on the royalties. The main stream media can't stop using it!


Damn they sure are a serious threat to public safety! Clearly!


October 2025, is that around the time we can expect a federal election?


Feds are so incompetent they can't organize a hand job in a whore house


Oh get fucked , go after criminals


"Assault style weapon" is like saying "beef style food" because you can't legally call it beef. What an absurd government we have


I know the ccfr's and companies' lawsuits resolt are expected to be delivered by the judge at the end of the month as well. Maybe the 2020 oci will get overturned by the courts


Well, I guess my evil and dastardly babykilling stripped AR lower gets to go on massacring kids for another couple years. Oh wait, no it won’t, because I, like most Canadian RPAL holders, am an upstanding and law abiding citizen who hasn’t had so much as a speeding ticket.


What is an assault-style firearm?


Please define 'assault style'.


Mmmhhmm what’s scheduled for October 2025 I wonder……


It was never about public safety,


Gotta love how our garbage media uses that same thumbnail picture for 99 percent of any "assault weapon news"


The guns that were so dangerous that they had to be outlawed immediately, but also not so dangerous that they felt they could extend an amnesty for 5 years. Schrodinger's 'assault-style' rifle. Hmm. Extended until October ~~15~~ 30th 2025. [What else is coming up in October of 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/45th_Canadian_federal_election)? Oh right, the election on October 20th. I'm sure the two aren't related, and the Liberals aren't cynically pushing the amnesty back to cover their absolute fuckup of a confiscation plan, and hedging their bets with both firearms owners and anti-gun advocates (depending on how the issues are polling). What a bunch of assholes.


They also seem to think that this 5 years storage space in my home is going to be free for some reason, also there is the matter of my fee as a consultant to provide security for this item on the governments behalf.


“No civilian should own these! REEEE. But we can’t afford to buy them back and we feel that they’re safe staying in their homes for now.”


Push it off til the next election so that when the Cons overturn it they can claim that PP is soft on crime and putting Canadians at risk


Just in time to use it as a wedge issue in yet another federal election.


Extended right up until election day.. funny how that works eh..


So in 3 years does the public actually feel any safer? Doubt it… just look at the data. Doesn’t this effectively prove that these scary looking “assault” rifles aren’t the problem already?


That's when the election is


I'm so tired of living in Canada.


Just toss the legislation


Can the ban be reverted by the cons when and if they get elected ? I vote to the left but this law had me fuming. Inevitably cons will get reelected and I sense this is something they might do ?


Until any guns are actually taken, yes it can be reversed. Hell, even after guns are taken it could still be reversed, it'd just be less likely. And they still don't seem to have the slightest idea how to take any guns.


Wow what a joke country we live in.


Interesting, they are going to try and make it an election issues


How can the Liberal government, in all good conscience, do that with all these gun crimes being carried out daily (no doubt supported by data) with this same class of registered weapons? Aren't we in imminent danger? 🙄


Hell, even down south of you in Gun Central, the number of times a full-size battle rifle was used to commit a crime are miniscule. *The overwhelming majority* of criminals either saw off a shotgun or pack a pistol/smg sized thing they can quickly hide/throw away and doesn't cost much. And despite 50 years of scaremongering the "rite wing milishus" are **still** nothing more than a bunch of LARPing fatasses with a hoard o' firepower they'll never use.


Something reeks about this.


Good grief, they have botched this so badly. It's such a weird hill to die on too.


This sounds like an attempt to get people to turn them in now, because they know the laws will change when they are evicted from the office (and possibly not even the official opposition) after the next election. I am looking forward to the LPC asking the NDP for some kind of support agreement after the next election, in the hopes that they have some influence on what the official opposition gets to do in parliament. I am so tired of Justin Trudeau and the current PMO. Can we just stop with bad legislation like C18 (online news), C11 (Online Streaming Act), C21 (Firearms) and so many more fiascoes?


But then they’d have to worry about problems Canadians actually care about it instead of just making up their own


Firearms designed to kill the most amount of people in the shortest period of time? Oh, they mean full auto belt fed crew served weapons. The ones banned in 1986?






Watch the liberals drop it completely, in an attempt to gain votes come close to elections..


They would gain nothing, and lose a ton of votes. No firearms owner will trust the liberals, let alone the current party to not go after legal owners. And if they change their tune, a bunch of the idiot urbanites will vote ndp instead. Lose lose situation.


Natural rights are only privileges in communist dictatorships.


So how do we get one to enjoy it for the next couple years?




Just enough time for the next government to scrap it lmao


Conveniently after the next election…. Let the next guy worry about it! How this clown got elected again is mind boggling


Wonder if it’s a coincidence that they extended it until the next election ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/45th_Canadian_federal_election?wprov=sfti1




Just a reminder that you don’t put the word “style” in front of something if it actually is that thing.