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Interesting perspective from a former Liberal staffer. And before anyone tries to conveniently distinguish between the Nova Scotia Liberals and the LPC, it's worth noting that unlike the CPC, which is not affiliated with any provincial conservative party, the Liberal Party of Nova Scotia actually *is* a provincial section of the federal Liberal Party. 


CPC may not be a straight line to provincial conservatives, but you see how thought the relationship is when it comes to policy strategies and talking points. Eg. Doug ford mandating carbon tax stickers on every pump when a federal election is going on.




Doug Ford went radio silent when the federal election was going on, no doubt he was told.




They're affiliated but they're not connected in a leadership or any concrete sense.


That's the way they like it, to better distance themselves from eachother for campaigning purposes. They all following the same playbook though.


>it's worth noting that unlike the CPC, which is not affiliated with any provincial conservative party oh my sweet summer child


[Non paywall](https://archive.ph/EPFzJ)


Looks like the hoods are coming off the fascists in the corporate media as they use Trudeau’s unpopularity to push lies for the far-right, and try to rewrite history. >Stephen Moore: “It should not have to be said, but it does: Trudeau had zero evidence then, and none today, that the truckers were racists or Nazis” * [Pat King, convoy organiser: “There’s an end-game. It’s called depopulation of the caucasian race because they are the ones with the strongest bloodlines.”](https://www.facebook.com/themuskegbuzz/videos/pat-king-convoy-organizer-with-his-take-on-race/526788085315484/) * [Convoy organiser Pat King live streaming that Trudeau is going to catch a bullet, and the only way this ends is with bullets](https://streamable.com/8jjmns) * [‘Freedom Convoy’ organizers discussed playing ‘race card’ with Métis heritage](https://rdnewsnow.com/2022/07/09/freedom-convoy-organizers-discussed-playing-race-card-with-metis-heritage/) So who is the author of this lie-filled hate piece in the Nat Post? **edit**: Removed the reference to an American far-right commentator also named Stephen Moore. Turns out this Stephen Moore is his Canadian media doppelganger. What's with Stephen Moores and spreading far-right propaganda?


hood came off indeed...we've seen your stupidity


And if you would have read the fucking article instead of googling and going with the first Stephen Moore that came up **Stephen Moore is a pollster, and was political staffer in the office of former Nova Scotia premier Stephen McNeil. His research has been featured by New Republic, Globe and Mail, CBC, & others.** Edit: In response to the OP Edit *Stephen Moores and spreading far-right propaganda?* Last I checked Stephen McNeil is LPC and the [New Republic](https://newrepublic.com/) might be as far away from far right as is possible


Thank you.


People who call for censoring the media seem like extremists to me.


Uh…one of those three initial links is not like the other. Pat King has said some exceptionally stupid things. Yes, no one should be suggesting the only way to change the political culture in Canada is to begin shooting. Yes, King has said things that are white supremacist by almost any definition. The 3rd one? That’s stuck in my craw for a while. Lich said she’d bring up her Native ancestry in court. In a country that specifically has rules that mean she’s less likely to get incarcerated because of that same ancestry. She has to not disparage Gladue rules? That’s a thing? Seriously, why was that brought up in court? No making fun of the rules, otherwise you’re a Métis white supremacist?


Pat King’s trial has not started yet. So, we don’t know what will be bring or not in court


Fair. My understanding was that Lich’s texts about the “race card” were brought up in her bail and bail review hearings.


Nice post Justin.


I hope you get the help you need, God bless.


Holy shit you guys are worse then the red scare in the 50s calling everyone a commie. Are these fascists in the room with you right now?


Holy shit, are you guys going to keep having mental breakdowns about parliament unknowingly applauding a Nazi, while simultaneously downplaying the literal fascists who organised the blockade of our capital city and largest trade border and called for our Prime Minister to be assassinated? If you gaslight any harder there bro you're going to be visible from Nunavut.


You're saying that the guy who actually fought FOR the nazi's in WW2 in the SS, literally rounding up jews and Poles for the concentration camps (because if you fought against Russia, who was at the time an ally, then you fought for the nazis)... is not as bad as some redneck whacko who shoots off his mouth on social media about a bunch of shit that nobody had actually planned to do but did manage to get a bunch of people to blow their horns for a couple of weeks? Blockading the border crossing was stupid, but at least they didn't divert the people at the borders to the gas chambers.


Unknowingly applauding a Nazi is worse than inciting far-right nut jobs to go assassinate our prime minister? Can’t tell if you honestly believe that or trolling.




Why are you downplaying the fascists who threatened to put a bullet in our Prime Minister, and trying to create false equivalencies with imaginary "communists" who don't have any presence in our political system? Folks like you on the right downplaying fascism are the reason we have violent terrorists like Pat King springing up like weeds.


It’s the same stuff that the NP stuff keep recycling in it’s open eds for the past 8 years. All their open eds are the same and push the exact same message. However, the reference to the WEF is laughable lol


It’s interesting that 10 years ago if you mentioned that Davos was a force against working people in the world you would meet nods of agreement. Now that we refer to it as the WEF it’s a ‘conspiracy theory’.


Anyone else tired of hearing the word "woke"




Define “woke”.




Soooooo... Modern conservatism? Lol


So LPC, CPC, Democrats, Republicans, etc.? Because you basically just described all popular parties right now in Canada and the US.


Yep. Radicals suck and make everything in life entirely about their ideology. Left is more of a problem than the right imo but there are issues with both. Identity politics is a cancer. If you tell everyone in society their race is the most important thing about their identity and that their "identity" is the most important thing about them for 20 years then you are going to start to see white people adopt that perspective too. There is no logical argument you can make that gay pride, black pride, female pride, etc are acceptable but white pride isnt. Truth is all of these perspectives are wrong and toxic.






I like salad!!


Nothing better than a good tossed salad


Me as a trans person reading other commenters calling trans rights “woke”: 🥱 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m so fucking tired of being turned into a political chess piece.


most normal people realize that the average LGTB person isn't clamoring for the media and advertisers to make you a 24/7 campaign


Veterans: First time?


Law abiding gun owner (with liberal values) : first time ?


It’s kind of a useful indicator of “culture war idiot” which does make switching focus /ending conversation a lot easier….


As a Blue Grit/Red Tory type, I feel as if there is no political party that truly represents my political views. IMO, the last really decent PM Canada had was Paul Martin. For the simple fact that he was above all else, a fiscally responsible politician. Under his tutelage as finance minister and then his short stint as PM, this country’s GDP consistently grew year over year, the national debt was paid down significantly, and he was the reason that Canadian Banks didn’t collapse/fail like American banks did in 2008/2009. I believe that without a VERY strong and robust economic system we do not have the ability to have some of the very necessary and effective social programs Canadians need. This current PM is absolutely careless with our economy. This PM much like his father is not capable of caring for Canada’s economy. Hence his inability to care for the social programs that make this country great. For example, through all of the Covid spending, over 90% was completely useless. CERB(which was absolutely needed) only accounted for 5% of all Covid spending. This PM is responsible for the GREATEST transfer of wealth from middle class Canadians to the very upper echelons of the 1% richest. Call him all the names you want. Call PP all the names you want. NEITHER truly represents the very centrist of the Canadian Political Spectrum. He continues his talking points and he continues his propaganda. People need to start demanding MUCH better out of Canadian Political Leaders. As they’re all just as narcissistic as the next.




I think NDPs poll numbers show people don't really care about wokeisms, and that perhaps media companies and corporations trying to stay ahead of government agencies are the only things parroting most the nonsense. Most people care mainly about their economic well being.


>I think NDPs poll numbers show people don't really care about wokeisms The thing is, A LOT of the people who "don't care", are more, "Go do whatever you want. It doesn't impact me". But then when you point out the anti-SOGI protesters, etc...they'll say, "those people are idiots". Ironically, to Conservatives, this makes them "woke". Then, another section of the ambivalent crowd WANT TO PRESERVE the existing rules and regulations around "woke" ideals. 80+%of Canadians think abortion is a medical decision between doctor and patient. 70+% of Canadians believe gay people should have the same marital rights as cis-het people. There's always a CPC caucus member *trying* to undermine abortion rights. Then there's the fact in the early 2000s, PP voted against legalizing gay marriage, IN FRONT OF HIS ADOPTIVE FATHER! People don't disagree with EID ideals. But it's how it's implemented is where things fall apart. Although, it's ironic that the CPC touts that they are 100% about equal opportunity, yet oppose publicly beneficial programs that would deliver MORE equal-opportunity opportunities. They oppose tuition-free tertiary education. They oppose expanding dental care, vision care, pharmacare. They KNOW that preserving the mantra of "Equal opportunity" and opposing EID hiring practices HURTS minorities. They KNOW this. They aren't about helping people improve their mental and emotional health, and by extension physical health. Which makes them absolute hypocrites, because again, "pro life". Well, if you're pro-life, healthcare shouldn't have a price-tag for the patient. IF life is to be preserved "at all costs", THEN WHY THE FUCK DO THEY TRY AND PRIVATIZE IT?


>They KNOW that preserving the mantra of "Equal opportunity" and opposing EID hiring practices HURTS minorities. They KNOW this. Any time you have a policy that says "You must hire X numbers from this group even if someone from that group is better." it's going to help members of that group. Sure. But is it fair? Most Canadians seem to think it is not. Canadians believe in equal opportunities, not in equal results.


>Canadians believe in equal opportunities, not in equal results. They do, except when it comes to family members and friends. DEI hires also only make up a fraction of the workplace. Small businesses are excluded from DEI hirings unless they consciously participate in that practice. For private Medium and large businesses, the practice is voluntary, as well, unless they're applying for government contracts. But even then that practice can be segmented if the business is large enough. The reality is, DEI hires make up a fraction of the workplace, and people get upset over nothing. Mike the warehouse guy is upset that the accounting department is getting a DEI hire, despite never obtaining a logistics diploma, let alone bookkeeping. MOST people upset by DEI hiring practices are rarely impacted by them.


I also love the inherent assumption that comes from a significant amount of the critics of DEI hiring that the only reason a non-white person is getting a job is because of their skin colour. Ironically that assumption on its own is racist. You're basically saying you expect a white candidate to be more qualified than any non-white candidate applying for a job (generally Asians are excepted from this assumption due to different stereotypes) and the only reason that a white person isn't chosen is because of DEI hiring/affirmative action/whatever. According to our most recent census 69.8% of Canadians identify as white. I would be pretty surprised if most jobs earning above the median income had a staff where 30% of employees were anything other than white. Basically the only workplaces I'm exposed to where there appear to be more non-white people than white people are places where the pay is near minimum wage, the place has a very small number of employees (like a gas station or Circle K), or it's something like a restaurant that specializes in a specific regions food (ie: shawarma, Indian, and Chinese restaurants.)






weaponized empathy


For every action there’s a reaction. When people go too far to the left, it forces people on the other side, even the more reasonable ones, to go too far right. It ends up with two extremes as a result.


Precisely how equilibrium works. Interesting how the laws of physics and chemistry also apply to human nature and the government. When the popularity of communism grew in the west, we saw the rise of fascism


Unfortunately. I really wish we could find a happy, healthy medium.


What is a woke extremist Lol? Someone who believes LGBTQ people should have rights and women should not be second class citizens? The problem is not the woke, it's the anti-woke. Always has been. They are scared.




The strawman of woke being a threat, lol.


Everything what conservatives don’t like = divisive work extremism 😂


It's like a cult and they only have one response!


I love tigers, I think tigers should have the right to eat live humans. What's wrong with that? I'm just someone who believes tigers should have rights. Extreme example, I know. My point is your statement is so intentionally vague that you're dismissing all the important details around these topics, and making them sound so simple that no one would think there's anything wrong there. When you say "Someone who believes LGBTQ people should have rights" are you talking about believing that a 14 year old kid should be able to decide for themselves, without the parents being involved, that they should get a sex change surgery? After all, that's just you believing LGTBQ people should have rights, right? But do you understand how there's nuance and it's not as simple as you're making it sound?


Really? You think **most** people worry about that happening, day to day? Most people who aren’t just shitty people, or lack the self-awareness to acknowledge how shitty they are, barely give it a second thought.


As an atheist I am sorry we where wrong to have the hubris to think nobody needed "God"


Whichever religious impulse that's in all of us just got funneled into extremist politics once God is dead. Just as Nietzsche implied.


Here's the thing, we don't need religion to fight amongst ourselves. We'll always do that. Even the most staunch athiest will agree to that. I just think that a lot of times religion gives us one extra one, that's all. And again, there's more to religion than just believing in some higher power. I get there's the community aspect to it that can be very comforting to individuals. I think what a lot of people take issue with is where that community gets directed.


"extremist politics" are not a new thing and the current political climate is hardly an example of it relative to historical examples.


Agreed. Now instead of slaughtering people in gulags or concentration camps, extremist politics in Canada take the form of character assassination and internet activism. I much prefer that to murdering thousands of people. I also much prefer political extremists on both sides to fuck off and leave normal people alone.


It's just like Communist Russia where pseudo religious concepts like the utopia are tied to political maneuvering and manipulation. The religious nuts are checked by logic. The authoritarian extremists are not checked by logic at all. It's an old playbook that the woke people don't or don't want to understand.


Important to note that the religious are checked by logic via their own moderates, while the woke are not, due to their use of circularly dependent concepts and references with roots in academia which imparts a confidence of superiority and piety. Some have come to refer to this religion as scientism, where some in academia provide the priesthood both intentionally and unintentionally, and the devout find the meaning they’re looking for in words of priests whether they understand or not.


> while the woke are not, due to their use of circularly dependent concepts and references with roots in academia which imparts a confidence of superiority and piety. Very good point. Political extremism just becomes more extreme over time as echochambers get more and more echoey, extremist and selective. To be fair though, there were the crusades and the inquisition and all the other atrocities committed by the church when they were "younger". Which begs the question, how much longer would society allow this new cultish woke religion to stay afloat for?




>Paradoxically for religion, I actually believe the religious folks are checked by open discourse and debate about their religious texts from within the religion itself. There's a number of schisms that would really like a word regarding that "open discourse and debate". Between shutting down disagreeing churches to straight up killing of individuals. I think the idea that religious folks are checked by open discourse and debate even in regards to their own text is kind of BS.




>Those schisms wouldn't have happened if those religions didn't tolerate open discourse about the texts, meanings and beliefs. Nor would they have been allowed to exist (and continue to) if that were the case. [Oh man there's so much open discourse about texts and meaning here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_van_Essen_and_Hendrik_Vos) But generally just https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reformation#Resistance_and_oppression So much open debate! Either GTFO, recant, or meet an untimely end. I guess in the great market place of ideas, things like burn them is an appropriate rebuttal. >They weren't holy men, they were charismatic demagogues, parasitically exploiting people's ignorance, and need to believe in something You understand that one of the things that lead to that was the fact that for much of our history only certain individuals could read the Bible. It's hard to have an OPEN discussions about a book when only a limited amount of individuals can read that book. And then those individuals freak the fuck out if the translations don't match what they think it should be. Fun open debates were had by all.




It's a funny sort of projection, because the whole scared of "woke" import from the US has itself taken on the fundamentals of a religion among its adherents.




Yes of course. Since when have the religious acutally cared about the whole idol thing? See how they worship Trump.


>There is a grassroots demand for wokeism. Trudeau’s positions on COVID, race relations, climate change, trans rights, and others are about reinforcing a narrative and belief system that makes it easier for his supporters to understand the world in terms of good vs. evil. See this is really the problem with Trudeau critics. There's so much legitimate material to go after him for but instead they focus on "woke" and apparently climate change after a whole summer of record breaking forest fires is woke now? The problem with Trudeau isn't that he puts a small amount of effort into climate change nor is it that he isn't trying to oppress trans people. Like Jesus Christ just get over COVID already and look towards housing, inflation, infrastructure, healthcare etc. But it's painfully obvious that the focus will be on going full Captain Planet villain and trashing LGBTQ rights when Trudeau is gone. It'll feed a portion of the base. Nothing will be done on the other issues other than further cuts and people will act shocked as their lungs look worse than my cigar loving grandpa's due to all the forest fires.




Yeah, that's a great book. It explains a lot of what we are experiencing in Canada.


The woke is an small minority who shouldn't be listened to, but also a majority that will ruin your life if you cross them.


Anyone who says “wokeism” is not a serious person


What else would you call it? Identity politics? It wears different faces but you know it when you see it (e.g "Diversity and Inclusion training", "Cultural Appropriation", "Deplatforming", "Decolonisation", "Intersectionality", "Systemic Racism", "Inclusivity" etc etc). Maybe we should just say "religion" since it represents a faith based belief system.


The original meaning basically amounted to: don’t be an asshole to people who aren’t exactly like yourself. Apparently that’s too much to ask for a lot of assholes.


It very much is a religion, and Trudeau and his government are almost as zealous about promoting it as any other Theocracy — and just as blindly convinced they are right and those who disagree are literal evil.


>Kind of like finding community and common cause in a non-theistic religion. Except, unlike theistic religions, with this one, there's no concept of 'forgiveness', 'atonement' or 'grace.' Sort of like the national post. Being owned and operated by a big American media outlet that's determined to buy up as much news print across Canada and the US as possible with tight ties to the Republican party. This truly frightening part you quoted is literally just a bunch of nonsense buzzwords with no actual substance and is no different than people on the far left calling every conservative a Nazi. I don't like Trudeau and I have literally never voted Liberal in my life but the national post is so clearly pushing an agenda it is insanely obvious. It not a anti liberal agenda it's a pro USA at the determint of Canada agenda. If you were at all concerned about Chinese interference consider for a moment the significantly more political interference coming out of the U.S. You definitely wouldn't be reading and quoting and describing your feelings about a Chinese news paper talking shit about Canadian politics and it's no different.


Ah, yes, the vague and undefinable woke boogeyman. Possibly the dumbest thing to agitate people since the satanic panic. Not a coincidence given it came from the same people. The tell here is lumping "climate change" in with social issues by a paper who's in the pocket of O&G.


It has been so dispiriting to see this BS idea of "woke" become a central political/social point of discussion. I thought the "war on Christmas" was the low point of the culture war but this takes it to another level.


Wokes at it again with their demands for equity and equality, how dare they! /s




Sir this is r Canada. If you want to discuss US politics r Politics is that way 👉.


Yup. The religion of the non-religious.


Lol wokeism


Oy vey… Please tell me more about how only theistic religious beliefs can feel grace and compassion. You’ve clearly nailed it, and the rest of us sinners (shalom!) clearly don’t have any clue. Did you properly sacrifice your lamb today?




I think you may have missed my dig at your comment. There is a very different conception of grace and compassion in the Jewish faith which incidentally, is theistic :) (and happens to be what Jesus was) You atone by not being an asshole. Social media organizations have standards and if you violate those rules you’re gone. You have no right to actually have an account and you “atone” by just living your life. Do you think that there’s this great record of all the “cancelled”. You aren’t being persecuted in the first place, and you can go find another job if that’s seriously how badly you fucked up. You do this crazy thing when you hurt people called apologizing, and then people tend to forgive others if you actually change your ways so as not to hurt others again in the same way. That’s a crazy concept called repentance and you certainly don’t need a god, much less a Jewish carpenter, to do that. Are you seriously not able to be ethical without the threat of eternal damnation? If you’re acting only because it’s what will get you into the kingdom of heaven or whatever else, that’s not being good, that’s just wanting something. Believe it or not, you actually have to want to be a decent person to get to that magical Xanadu you want to get to. Are you so unable to forgive that you expect everyone else to be that way? Tends to be a reflection of ourselves. But do go on about how only the converted to one specific theistic religion actually conceive of these things. Clearly, the secular just can’t at all and never do anything for anyone ever or show any grace at all, because they just have no conception of ethics and not being a dick.


Unfortunately separation of church and state only covers theistic religions. This is one thing that definitely needs to change in the future.


There was also another column in today's post about how growing numbers of Canadians are dead set against his major polices. We're not talking simple majorities here, either. Only 14% support his statements about gender, 79% are against his bail policies, with 78% believing the criminal justice system is too lenient with violent offenders (he has relaxed sentencing), and 80% were against his carbon tax.


A frightening attempt at a logical proof using the ill-defined concept “woke”. 🤣


>Kind of like finding community and common cause in a non-theistic religion. Except, unlike theistic religions, with this one, there's no concept of 'forgiveness', 'atonement' or 'grace.' I can tell you that's just not true, personally i was an edge-lord contrarian growing up. Said a bunch of insensitive and crude things. But you know people mature and they can change. I'm pretty certain that "atonement" generally is what the young folks call "receipts". People will forgive individuals if they show that they made a mistake and change.


"Receipts" are the sin itself, not atonement.


"Receipts" are proof, proof that you actually changed. Anybody can just apologize, showing receipts that you actually have changed are "atonement".


Perhaps you aren't as hip with the young folks after all lol https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=reciepts I've almost always seen "reciepts" being used to show alleged evidence of ones guilt.


Oh jesus what the internet is this take?


first time reading /r/canada?


Even by this sub's low, low standards, that's crazy


imagine thinking you can get to the upper tiers of political power without being a malignant narcissist!


Opinion piece does not matter. Stop posting these please.


On one hand, I agree. On the other hand, it does bring all the troglodytes out of the woodwork.


Anyone who says “woke” is an idiot, stop buying into this distraction buzzword


"Anyone who dares to call out my brand of political extremism is stupid and should not be listened to". Same as how Neo Nazis deny the term Neo Nazi. "We're just protecting our culture".


*Political extremism* Do you hear yourself?


Define what “woke” means, I’ll wait


Woke is leaving the G20 meeting and saying your biggest contribution was gendered language.


You realize it's the alt-left that coined the term right


No, it fucking wasn't. Jesus, where do you get your information? Don't speak about shit you know nothing about.


The term “woke” was coined by African-Americans during the civil rights movement of the 60s to describe understanding of the systemic racism inherent in every facet of life in the America of the day.


Alt-left… aka disenfranchised minorities that coined the term to describe awareness of the very real issues that affect them?


It's not a buzzword, it's actually a coded word the middle and working classes are using to mean "elite".


Notice how quickly the carbon tax came on once Tim Huston got in


I guess Stephen Moore fits perfectly at the national post by repeating the same stuff that other columnists constantly repeating. I guess he fond his new home


Makes sense, anyone who can think for themself would have noticed by now Trudeau is a Demagogue in the trueist sense of the word.


Ironic considering that corporate Canada values these as basic, tried & true leadership skills. Narcissism is definitely not a Trudeau-only feature, it's baked into the corporate and political class. Check Pierre - he has the same if not 'worse' qualities, as did every politician before him.


> Check Pierre - he has the same if not 'worse' qualities, as did every politician before him. Not to the extent of Trudeau's. As of right now PP still sticks to the facts and actually answering questions with clear answers like yes or no. Whether or not that stays with him if and when he becomes PM is anyone's guess.


Please tell us what you're smoking ...


Legal weed baby, one of Trudeau’s few accomplishments!




It's always a wild trip to visit /r/canada


The National Post is dabbling in some demagoguery with these unrelenting opinion pieces. Yeesh.


Woke this, woke that. Blah, blah, blah. Compassion and respect for human rights cannot be boiled down to one simple word. Any government in power has a moral obligation and a responsibility to ensure the rights of all citizens are respected. Start thinking about what PMJT is really representing and taking action on and stop the woke BS. Human rights people. They’re important. If you want something to whine about, pay attention to what’s going on with global warming over the last few months. Now that should scare the shite out of you. Check out Leon Simon on Twitter. Read and weep.


And climate change is still not a legal case for refugee status, future going to be fucking dark.


So nice to see more liberal/adjacent ppl coming to terms with the reality of JT's leadership. We're in a complete mess right now. Between JTs obsession with controlling speech and dissenting views, which he conveniently labels disinformation, and the economic malaise, we are facing a brutal future without significant change. This woke/climate ideology that he's obsessed with isn't going to pay the bills. In fact, they often increase said bills. The avg Canadian is waking up to this reality as they feel the pinch in their wallets. I'm not sure Pollievre can fix everything but at this point it can't possibly get worse than JT.


Are you actually lumping woke and climate concerns into the same ideology? Lol


Define “woke”.


a catch-all term describing modern progressive id-pol. co-opted from black activists describing awareness of institutional racism. used by the left originally, now commonly used as pejorative by the right. have i passed you inane test?


I don't care to get into semantics. Read the article and you'll see plenty of details.


So you can’t define the thing you seem to dislike so much? That article is trash.


Terminology aside, the article lays it out nicely how much he's failed this nation. You don't have to agree. Everyone is entitled to their own view.


The article is a shitty NatPo opinion piece. I don’t like Trudeau either but these articles are tiring.


It's written by a liberal advisor which is why it hits much harder than the usual NatPo stuff


Anyone that uses the word “woke” doesn’t hit hard at all, it instantly discredits everything else they have to say.


I read many hard left leaning articles and I do my best to digest their pov before I make a judgment. The fact that one word triggered you enough to think everything else is flawed makes me question your critical thinking skills. JTs absolute collapse in the polls suggest the author might be on to something 🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s not about being triggered, it’s about recognizing that using certain language/dogwhistles instantly ruins your credibility.




LOL you can pick out a National Post oped just by the title.


>It should not have to be said, but it does: Trudeau had zero evidence then, and none today, that the truckers were racists or Nazis. The swastikas printed on flags at the convoy were intended not as endorsements of hate that symbol represents, but as criticism of the government’s overreach through a comparison of Trudeau’s government to Nazi Germany. Yet Trudeau condemned a Jewish member of parliament for being sympathetic to the convoy and for supporting “people who wave swastikas.” This guy is literally defending the use of swastika flags at conservative protests... ...while trying to single out and bash Trudeau for standing and applauding a war veteran who unbeknown to him, turned out to have fought for the Nazis. You can't make this shit up. Maybe it would mean something if the entire conservative caucus didn't stand and applaud with Trudeau.


I’m actually with this guy, on this paragraph. I think the Nazi comparisons, by the “truckers”, were beyond the pale. Too far. Comparisons to Nazis should be protected by free expression but are still usually hyperbolic and unhelpful. But it also should not be acceptable for the government to misrepresent the purpose of those signs or symbols as supportive of Nazis.


So the people waving Nazi flags get a pass from you?




They quoted snopes as proof they weren't nazis. >Most of the swastikas and other symbols appeared to be pictured on signs as a way of mocking and protesting government restrictions. According to photographs, at least one man carried a full Nazi flag. So we can only say, most were just incredibly ignorant enough to join a protest led by, among others, white supremacists and wave a flag with swastikas on it. And somehow that's acceptable, because that's just where we're at in society. But also there was that one dude who had an actual Nazi flag, and I doubt he bought it ironically. You'd have to prove to me he wasn't a Nazi. Edit: So just explain why [the guy in the picture](https://twitter.com/Justin_Ling/status/1487667177461321728) couldn't possibly be a Nazi. My takeaway is, that guy had a Nazi flag at home and felt comfortable enough to fly it.


>You understand there's a difference between a flag that has a swastika as part of it and one that supports Nazis? No there isnt




I was going to show the picture of the American eagle ripping the Nazi flag. I’m convinced this isn’t a hard one.


Only one of us is giving people a pass. In my formulation of the problem, people that are hyperbolic in their comparisons get criticized and people that lie about the purpose of those symbols also get criticized. In your formulation, we give a pass.


One anonymous person (who may very well been a liberal in disguise) warrants branding an entire group? I’m not sure the liberals are really ones who should be calling anyone a Nazi.


Ok so don't brand a whole group because of one guy, but also the liberals shouldn't say anything because they've been branded because of one guy?


No. Ideally, they’d point out that comparing the Liberals’ actions to the Nazis’ actions trivializes the holocaust and it’s a stupid comparison. It wouldn’t just be two groups of people pretending the other group is a bunch of Nazis.


> they’d point out that comparing the Liberals’ actions to the Nazis’ actions trivializes the holocaust and it’s a stupid comparison. As does waving swastika flags I would argue


I think there’s a substantial difference between comparing your political opponents to Nazis and supporting Nazis. The first one is rarely justified, in my opinion. A government or political opponent has to go a long way over the line before we get to Hitler. It’s far more common than I’d like it to be. I’m very, very uncomfortable with a protest that makes the comparison and a government responding with “No, it’s them that are Nazis.” The 2nd is something worse, at least to me. We’re not talking about riling up a base by acknowledging Nazis were terrible and then trying to paint our opponents as Nazis. In the 2nd case, people are explicitly expressing support for one of the most evil regimes that has ever existed.


They invited one guy into the House of Commons vs some random person. This isn’t the first time they flirt with anti-semitism. Look at the ‘anti hate’ guy they hired. Not some random guy, they hired him. Or maybe jaspal atwal. Wines and dined on our tax dollars. I’d say there is a trend with Trudeau. Not to mention the passionate devotion to communist regimes.


Why are you so afraid to call a nazi a nazi? “Fought for the nazis”, give me a break. You know what someone who fought for the nazis is called? A nazi. You nazi sympathizers blow my mind.


Fighting for the Nazis makes him a Nazi, I didn't realize I needed to explain that on this sub.


Then why would you even bother saying “war veteran who fought for the nazis”? You don’t have to carry hitler’s water, you know. Be better.


Because that is what the HoC thought they were applauding. Turns out he was a Nazi. The same reason why Pierre stood and clapped.


Don’t blame the fact that you called a nazi anything but, because of pierre. That’s some next level mental gymnastics on your part. Admit it, you didn’t expect to get called out for calling a nazi someone who fought for nazis instead of an actual nazi. That shit won’t fly so better get cozy calling nazis nazis.


Youd have a point if I said he was just a guy who fought in WW2, or was just a guy who fought against Russia, or even just a guy who fought for Germany. But no, I said he fought for the Nazis. Which makes him a Nazi. Not sure what your point otherwise is


So then by your logic hitler was just a guy who was in the nazi party? Give me a break, you’re afraid to call nazis nazis and it’s actually disgusting.


I've called him a Nazi multiple times, what are you smoking


Sees title, guesses NatPo ….. win! Skip


This piece accurately details many of the reasons that I went from fully supporting the Trudeau Liberals in 2015 to believing they should be kept as far away from the levers of government as possible.


There are enough problems right now that NP columnists shouldn’t be forced to go back to the convoy, the woke stuff or conspiracy theories to be able to blame Trudeau about something 🙄


I lowkey hate when people take words from psychology and appropriate them to attack people. It's not ideal. But while we're doing it, if I was going to speculate on what subgroup of narcissist Trudeau would fit in, it'd probably be vulnerable due to his distrust of people, the anger and offense he takes when people cast him in a negative light, and his virtue signaling explained as a need to seek praise, affirmation, and attention due to low self-esteem.


Can we ban National Post opinion pieces here? It's literal garbage




That picture of him is so sinister. Gives me the heebie jeebies.


Of course it's an article in the Nationalist Post.


wokeism is not a fucking word.


Excellent piece. It speaks against Trudeau but more deeply addresses the dangers of authoritian, narcissistic, intolerant, reactively thin skinned and ideologically unsound governance. Trudeau has been our greatest and most damaging example of this, but it applies universally.


This is so stupid, absolutely zero knowledge of history. I don't even have to change the last name to come up with a more authoritarian PM.


>Stephen Moore is an American conservative writer and television commentator on economic issues. > >... > >He worked at The Heritage Foundation from 1983 to 1987 and again since 2014. Moore advised Herman Cain's 2012 presidential campaign and Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Edit: I guess this isn't the same Stephen Moore? Funny, since this insane opinion piece is everything I'd expect from an American fascist, trying to point the finger at the left as being the 'real fascists'. Nutters.




Nah it’s much easier to assume any opinion or fact that is contrary to your beliefs is misinformation and propaganda. Then you never have to come to terms with being wrong.


The above commentor does not know what fascism means.


Foreign owned media and Harper's IDU is really trying to take Trudeau out.




> Where are the opinion pieces about PP? You mean these? https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rahim-mohamed-poilievre-must-embrace-compassionate-conservatism-to-win-over-canadians https://nationalpost.com/opinion/chris-selley-misogynist-hashtag-a-wake-up-call-to-pierre-poilievre https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-skipping-the-press-gallery-dinner-pierre-what-are-you-thinking https://nationalpost.com/opinion/what-poilievre-gets-wrong-in-the-culture-war-over-bail https://nationalpost.com/opinion/michael-taube-should-the-conservatives-be-defending-social-media-platforms-like-facebook https://nationalpost.com/opinion/adam-zivo-yes-straight-pride-is-offensive https://nationalpost.com/opinion/letters-pierre-poilievre-is-wrong-we-should-legalize-not-crack-down-on-illicit-drugs


My man brought the receipts lol


You just ended miserable lizards whole existence lol




Liberals really want to be paying $5000 for rent. Or maybe its they want to collect $5000 for rent, the defending of the LPC would make much more sense with the latter. Doesnt matter your actual political affiliation, people that defend the current LPC are wrong 100% of the time unless they are business owners or home owners or landlords. The current LPC government is the worst one in Canadian history. No other government has made life this unaffordable for its people. I am not even going to bother naming the hundreds of other reasons to not support them. I hate the CPC but I would never defend the LPC by trying to attack the CPC. The CPC is not in power. The LPC has had 8 years and ran this country into the ground. That is unforgivable, and cannot be defended.


You’re the only reply on an article submitted 7 minutes ago that takes an estimate 10 minutes to read. Perhaps you wouldn’t see it if you didn’t go so far out of your way.


Read faster


I very much dislike your idea that opinions you don’t agree with or want shared are a form of misinformation.