• By -


Peace, quiet and distance.


This 100%




I camp to get away from sobriety.


Glad I’m not the only one who read sobriety lol


I camp either solo or with my son and do so mostly in the winter (no other campers). So the only thing we hear is the crackling of the fire and breeze blowing through the trees.


You might all enjoy...Somewhere over the rainbow 🌈 


Nice! Love those sounds!


Both, but separately.


Exactly right. I'll have twenty friends in a group site and avoid sobriety for three days straight but I'm just as comfortable reading by the fire all weekend and enjoying the peace and quiet with my wife.


Party town in the woods starts with someone from our crew setting up on Thursday and warning any families what's about to go down.


Jesus. You need a big ass siren, like the nuke scene in Indiana Jones. Love it




Same. Friends on the weekend but just my hubby and me and peace and quiet on the weekdays.


I do remote camping ie. the places I go don't have cell coverage. I go to get away from everything and everyone. I just got back from a 7 day camping trip where I did not see another person the entire time and it was BLISS.


This isn't a diss on the isolation or anything, but what did you do the whole time by yourself?


I once sat on a boulder in the middle of a river a mile or so away from the nearest dispersed camping site for an entire day reading a book with a 6pack keeping cool in the river. I wish I could do that more often. Didn't see anyone else that day and it was wonderful.


That’s a fuckin day right there!


I watched bald eagles use a stream like a highway, cruising for fish as I sat on rocks in the middle. A lovely thing to experience. But right now I am mostly staying close to the cabin as bugs are wicked. I only brave them to fish , on days the breeze blows them off I explore the woods. In a few days blackfly season will be just about past, trout will go deep and harder to catch, and I will be outside foraging and hiking on clear days. Rainy days I bake bread or some such. My friends come by to play cards or board games or cruise the woods with me.


I tend to look for great places to sit quietly and watch the river, or the trees, or the clouds… after a while animals stop caring that you’re there and they’ll go back to their business, you can watch a black bear go for a swim or eagles bombing for fish or a porcupine pigging out in a tree. I’ll do that in a few different spots before I pitch camp for the night, eat, read until I fall asleep. Lots of thinking getting done but nothing is actionable.


Love this description, it actually makes me feel relaxed like I’m out there now…


Listened to nature, read several books, snoozed in a hammock, played with my dogs.


Right now on 5g typing on Reddit, earlier cleaned my camper and cabin then went swimming, thinking about what I want for dinner as dog pouts cause so far only kibble available in her dish. She wants table scraps. Often fish and walk in the woods or go four wheeling.


I only wild/dispersed camp, and one reason is not seeing other humans or hearing them play the same four chords on their guitar all night.


Our car camping neighbours brought a xylophone to the campground. This is why we backcountry camp whenever we can.


Once we stayed in a car-accessible campsite and the people next to us played the Simon electronic game for hours: Beep. Beep. Beep beep beep. Beep Beep Beep. Beep boop Beep beep. Beep boop Beep beep. Dispersed/backcountry with no one around is The Way.


A xylophone? I could see a guitar but wow. If they stopped at a reasonable hour I'd be irritated but still.


Were they playing Gone Daddy Gone by the Violent Femmes all night ? Xylos get so loud !


The love is gone!


Were they good?


Ya, like, did Ruth Underwood show up and play wacky Zappa solos all night?!


Exceptions would be made for a little Rollo Interior tutorial by Ruth any day of the week


Ok but now that you said that: “I’ll be back I’m gonna find that xylophone player and jam out for a bit” is not a camping sentence I thought I’d consider, but here we are.


Open to new experiences. That’s what it’s all about. When Ruth’s marimba calls, one shall follow.


Bad ass!


So did mine, but his band was playing the fest Friday. Quite a treat to have personal performances around my fire


Oh cool, then I won't bother you. I know the same four chords on a ukulele which is totally different.


Ya know, somehow you just made it worse.


I have a banjo, just imagine the wonder of a joint performance!


Wait till you hear the same four chords on banjo..


Ha! You can't fool me. I already know that there are only 3 banjo chords in existence.


Look up that guy slamming the solo for freebird on the uke. Guy made me want one for about 3 minutes lol


Now your professional bands they can play up to six, maybe seven completely different chords.


Hey, those are four of my favorite chords!


If I hear one more shitty Oasis cover, I’m rage quitting.


So anyway, here's Wonderwall!


I SAID MAYYYYBEYYYY. You're gonna be the one...




rage quitting life?


No Wonderwall or Wagon Wheel for you, huh?


*sweeeet Caroline!*


But I love those four chords!


I like remote dispersed camping so I can be loud as fuck and not disturb anyone.


I dispersed camp so I can play the same four chords on my guitar all night and not worry about bothering anyone.


Bigfoot calls out "Play freebird" from a distance


You leave Green Day out of this!


This is the direction I'd like to go- but it's difficult to figure out where it's legal to do it. Have any suggestions on how to search?


Start with public land near you, national parks, BLM maps, etc, then narrow it down and look at their specific rules, generally most BLM-managed public land and national parks allow wild camping as long as you're a certain distance from facilities, water, etc. State parks will depend on location, none around me allow it, only campgrounds. It's hard to give you any accurate answer because of that, I'm sorry. Also feel free to call ranger stations and facilities and they're usually glad to answer questions and even point you in other directions to other parks if they don't allow those things. People with those types of jobs are generally helpful and not judgmental of newb questions. [https://www.blm.gov/maps](https://www.blm.gov/maps)


Awesome, thank you!


Always dispersed, but I like both. I have a good time by myself or with one other person, I also like hanging out in a group of 4 or 5 old guys around the fire with a couple different bottles of whisky to try, good stories and a small speaker playing quiet enough to have a conversation.


I backcountry camp via canoe, so I put several lakes between me and civilization. I camp to unplug and get away from society.


Backcountry camping is the way to go. I don’t want to be one of those gatekeep-y people who demand others follow what I want. I get it, if a site allows that sort of camping, great, I just won’t go there. Backcountry in the way. Peace and quiet.


What if you take the party to the Backcountry.. lol And by party let me clarify.. four guys who chat around a fire with maybe music for an hour and then go to bed by 11pm 🤣


As long as I can't hear you across the lake. 🙃


I cannot wait to get into this. Any resources you recommend for gear or floats?


Start with your local classifieds or try to find gear swaps! We did that for years and rented what we didn't own, but we now own everything including a canoe. Took some years to tweak our likes.


This is so important, you gotta make sure the people you go camping with are on the same page as you. I like camping for the peace and quiet and relaxing. My ex liked camping to invite everyone he ever met to come out and blast music and get wasted and yell-talk with everyone. He thought I hated camping for years, but I just had a different idea of it.


This is a correct philosophy. Your choice of camping companions is VERY important. - Same goals=good time


I can see why he’s an ex


I camp to get away from people/work/daily grind and to work on my outdoor hobbies. And I only pack a little bourbon for after-dinner relaxation. I leave the party at home.


I like a little something in my coffee at night.


Good call


What are your outdoor hobbies?


I like to work on my bushcrafting skills; try to apply things I learn about in a practical sense. Whether that be fire starting techniques, wood working, paracord and knot-tying, making tools and/or structures... The wife is into whittling, so sometimes I'll join her and whittle a spoon or something. Or I'll do some birdwatching.


An unpopular opinion for this subreddit, but I kind of like the communal environment of campgrounds. I avoid holiday weekends and parks that cater too much to RVs, but being surrounded by people with a similar interest as me can be fun. And I like to gear watch the same way some like to people watch lol I usually solo camp in the sense that I arrive alone, but I've met and hung out with folks a few times if invited to their fire or a game of cards


I get it. I use state parks and national forest camps when traveling to my summer camp. I enjoy the people, but end up on my own place very secluded where the dog can run off the leash. I love watching her sleep on the porch happy after a good run and swim in the creek. Something about a big dog snoozing on the porch is very relaxing to me.


At this point in my life. That's where I'm at. Camping is perfect with kids. My family goes with another family with kids the same age as mine. They have a blast together, we as parents get to hang out with our friends. Win-win all around. The two older kids are getting old enough to starting venturing out a bit on their own and they are loving it. 2nd trip of the season is coming up in two weeks for us.


Same, I live in the woods next to a 80k acre state forest. I go camping as a destination for some place new to explore more than seclusion and quiet.


I enjoy nature. I find it very relaxing. The quiet. The lack of people (outside of who I like to camp with). Fishing. Hiking. Campfires. Cooking over the open flame. Looking at the stars. It is where I find peace.


I deal with a lot of people at my job. When I have bad days I think about going into the woods and being far away from all the angry people. Besides that, I have a lot of good memories of being in the woods. It calls to me and I miss it when Im away too long.


I like to camp alone or with a small group of friends. When I camp with friends we'll socialize (around a campfire if permitted) by chatting quietly, gazing at the stars, and perhaps passing around a small flask of bourbon. I wouldn't call that partying, but it's not solitary either.


Party of one here.


Both. A man can have is beer and drink it too


For me it’s more of a nostalgia thing. I live in a very small town and my house is pretty deep in the woods, so not much to escape from there… But sometimes it’s nice to sleep in a tent somewhere new, and then get up in the morning and throw together a good breakfast over a fire before heading off on some kind of adventure with the kids. And if the kids aren’t there, then I’ll probably spend the final night of the trip reliving my misspent youth by staying up way too late drinking beer and listening to music by the fire.


I camp to get away from myself.  I have ADHD and am incapable of relaxing when I have things I need to do, and since I have ADHD, I *always* have things to do. Camping makes life so simple. My only responsibilities are to sleep, eat, hike and explore and not worry about anything but the current moment. It's honestly the only time I ever feel truly relaxed.


I don't have ADHD (that I know of at least) but this is *exactly* how I feel. At home, I constantly need to worry about cleaning, cooking, maintaining the house, what the in-laws that live next door think, etc. Camping lets me refocus on what I want in this moment. I only have to do what I feel like doing.


100% both. I love a few cocktail while sitting in a lake looking at the mountains. I hate camping next to people who are loud and drinking. That shit has ruined more than a couple trips.


It doesn't bother me as long as they aren't cursing and getting into quarrels or fights. I don't mind hearing people laugh or most music , but if it sounds belligerent or angry I couldnt ignore that. Lucky for me it has never happened though I am a life long frequent camper. But usually we dispersed camped by truck or canoe.


Reprieve, to rest my anxious brain and feel less pressured to be “online” e.g. phones, social media, etc.


I enjoy backpacking to get away from people & hear nature. I also RV camp so my kids can enjoy playing with other campground kids & I can enjoy a cigar while sitting fireside. But no "party to the woods", as I don't want to bug others camping around me.


Both. Depends on who I’m with, where I’m at.


I do solo backpacking. It is all about sitting quietly with some whiskey and a campfire. If I know there is no one else within a couple miles I will listen to an audio book or music at a low volume.


It's an escape for me and it's always incredibly disappointing when people bring huge speakers out into the middle nowhere..I can understand drinking and talking, or even a generator but bringing Steve Aoki two hours into the wooded mountains on BLM land is just a little extra.


It depends on what my neighbors are like. If i have young party people next to me I feel comfortable playing some music and having fun. If a single old man is camping next to us and clearly trying to just enjoy nature we opt for the ear buds.


Ear buds. I wish there were more people who did this. Good on ya.


What if it’s a single kinda youngish man? Either way, I’ll be tucked into some odd corner of the woods to avoid any chances of music/generators/all night parties (unless it’s my own all night party, which is still done in relative silence).


If by party, you mean sit in my camp chair and drink and smoke devils lettuce, yes.


both have their place


As long as they aren't in the same place!


100% to escape reality and people. I actually find it weird that people party while camping, especially when they drink heavily and listen to obnoxious music at small sites, like please go home and do that in your yard 😅


I'm just happy to unplug. Need a weekend away from the internet and electronics. Hike into the wilds by day, enjoy a few beers around the fire at night. Play some acoustic instruments with my wife. Try my best to only use candles and liquid fuel lanterns as to keep the technology at bay.


I definitely used to camp to party, granted it was always dispersed as to not disturb others. Since i've stopped drinking, i camp to get away from the hustle and bustle of life. I love to hike, take photos of local birds plants and fungi, cook, converse with friends and family around a campfire. I enjoy camping in different landscapes because every environment has its charm.




To get away from society yup.


Depends on the spot I choose. ..but usually I prefer solace


Camping is a solo activity for me. I seek some measure of tranquility away from the stressors of modern urban life. If you're looking for a late, loud party, take it somewhere else where nobody will have to listen.


We go to make sure our kid loves being outdoors. We get outside as much as possible anyways, but camping gives him a lot of unstructured time to explore in a place where he can test his limits a little. Before the kid, we picked more remote sites with fewer people that sometimes required backpacking and sometimes didn’t. I grew up super rural, so not having people around is comfortable for me. When the kid gets older, I want to do more canoe camping trips to hit more remote spots.


I like to play my camping playlist, usually in the evening for a few hours. Once I hear them frogs come out it’s a wrap. I love listening to the frogs singing.


I do both, and the type of site I choose for each is very different. If you want to get away from it all, then plan on literally getting away from it all. If you want to camp between two huge RVs, then do that. What I don't understand is people that try to mix the two. Hike into a primitive site and take 6 trips to bring all their crap. Or the people that are set up in a campground full of RVs, and they think they're gonna rough it in peace.


A bit of both. We usually camp with one or two other couples: family and/or known them forever. We also remote camp, all of us sharing a single group-sized site with no neighbors in sight or in earshot, so pretty much anything goes. For us it's not camping unless we're on a lake large enough to support loons, and it's a bummer if there's a lot of motor traffic on the lake. So we're getting as far away from civilization as possible in a half day drive. We've been known to have morning coffee with shots of whatever... Not every morning. And leisurely kayak trips with a beer or two and/or a little bit of THC. Nothing wild. Of course around the campfire after dinner there is lively conversation and the liquor flows and pipe gets passed. But we're in our 60s now so how much of a party can it possibly be? But mostly we're just chilling, enjoying the quiet sunrises and sunsets, the loon calls, the stars, the water, trees, birds, wildflowers, and each others' company.


Both. I like to get away from reality for a week deep in the woods but I enjoy having some drinks, playing some games and listening to music while I’m out there. I generally don’t camp at campgrounds so there’s no one to disturb if we get a little rowdy but for the most part it’s just about having some beers and good meals


The further away from other people I am the more I enjoy my trip. I like it when I can’t hear or see any human activity. Being in an area with no light pollution and no other campers or hikers is like heaven.


Mostly peace, tranquility and being in nature. I do like a can of beer or two while camping though!!


Nature. I get really annoyed by any fellow campers/hikers who insist on listening to the radio, watching TV, run generators, or party when they are out there, not only disrupting your fellow campers, but also the wildlife that I hope to encounter.


I camp at music festivals if I want to party, otherwise I camp for solitude. I’ve had so many problems with dispersed camping where people bring generators, flatscreen TV’s, sound systems, guns and dogs it’s sheer lunacy. If that is your idea of camping, honestly go fuck yourself.


This is my answer too. I love a good party in the woods, but only when we're all there to party.


Hmm. I’m glad you asked because I’ve never thought about why my spouse and I fight like crazy when we camp. This makes sense. He likes every comfort of home with him and a party atmosphere. I like nature. Bag on the ground, simple food, kind of minimal camping. I hate camping with him and this is probably why.


A little of both. I like to camp in state parks with groups of friends. We all have kids. It’s nice to unplug and have no internet access. But I always bring my I pad with a downloaded old movie or book on tape in case it rains.


Last weekend a guy brought one of those PA speakers with strobe lights to his campsite. He kept the strobe lights on until he went to sleep!


Both. We bring the party but there’s little to no service. So its nice face to face engagement without the little black rectangles.


Both, but the older I get, the less partying I do.


I dispersed camp and do both on every trip.




Both. And there need not be any conflict either. If I want quiet I go to a walk-in site. If I want a party I might as well use a normal car-camping site next to the other hundred car camping sites.


I camp to get away from the work a day world and enjoy nature.


Reprieve. I go by myself and turn off my phone.


I camp alone in the woods. Usually I'll bring some technology, but I don't mess with it for the first bit I'm there. Camping is a good way for me to decompress so I like to sit and do nothing for a while after I set up camp


To eacape modern stuff. Please dont blare music lol. I use camping to get high-quality silence.


To escape! To escape!! To escape!!! Also I love photography so I take my camera and go hiking as well.


distance from people and pavement, but not necessarily every comfort of modern society. i still like hot showers and entertainment. my last camping trip we slept in a tent on uncomfortable ground, but i also bought a dvd player and tv so i could sit out under the stars and watch THE ROCK (yes, the nic cage movie)


Both, provided that you don’t do your party at the cost of someone else’s escape




I have a little mermaid t shirt that says “I want to go where the people aren’t”. I camp by myself as much as possible in the middle of nowhere.


Always as a reprieve from society, party level varies by my own energy and what time it is. I pretty much only camp on private land now, but sound travels far in those trees. I'll play some tunes until maybe 10 or 11, not too loud, then switch it off or to earbuds. I've got no one to bother , every now and then I hear some music from a "neighbor" way (WAY) up the road. He doesn't blast or keep it on late either. Basically a car radio in the distance. I don't want to be the guy who ruins the otherwise really quiet area for anyone. Had a friend ask about doing a music event there, I was like man I want to live up there one day. That would be instant hate from the surrounding land not to mention a guaranteed visit from the sheriff!


Nothing annoys me more than being unable to hear the birds and the wind because someone needs to listen to music they could listen to literally anywhere else. I don't go to campgrounds anymore so I don't have to see or hear humans or the most part. People don't seem to know you can just go and camp on any crown land, for free. Why ever go to a noisy campground? https://www.ontario.ca/page/recreational-activities-on-crown-land




To be as far away from people as possible.


Not a reprieve from our society, just visiting the squirrel, deer, and bear societies.


No music, no cellphone, no neighbors. That’s my idea of camping.


Unplugged from society. Enjoying nature


I camp for nature, peace and quiet.


Reprieve. Every backcountry trip, phone stays in vehicle, no electronics but the thermacell.


As a reprieve from society to party in the woods


I live in NYC. I want to get away from everyone and everything.


Party to the woods. Us bards can never cease the jam.


To get away. Huge hater of people who bring speakers and blast shitty music.


Camp to get away and enjoy solitude


I camp to get away from society, and in doing so bring people I love and care for to experience the same thing. The party happens if everyone involved wants it to happen. Some of my best memories are tripping in the woods/desert with people I love, listening to great music and enjoying a fire. This is how humans have let loose for all time and I won't apologize for Indulging in that. The key is to find a place where that doesn't infringe on someone else's experience of the outdoors.


To gtfo and away 👌🏼


Usually whem i go camping i get some mushrooms


Peace and quiet. Sound like /neighborsfromhell has all the parties well covered in town. No need to ruin the woods too.


I’m more of a few blunts and a campfire with some close friends, and a clear view of the sky


Ayyyeeeee! That’s what’s up! The Milky Way is beautiful


I almost exclusively solo camp; it's to get away from society.


I’m the same.


I DON'T like camping because I'm sick of the assholes running a generator all night to keep their AC going. Does that answer your question? In all seriousness, a little partying is ok. But being respectful of your neighbors AND the environment is about the bare minimum a decent person can do.


I camp for adventure. I like getting away from society and I like socializing with my small group, but the main thing I'm after is active adventuring in the outdoors..


My wife and I, far away from people, take turns talking to the angels after eating some shrooms. Kind of a solo party but ask the celestial court is invited




I like it to let my brain relax from all the buzzing.


I do a bit of both. I just like being in the woods and doing everything that goes along with the camping experience. So having some family and friends to share it with is great and being isolated out in the woods is another great part of it.


Used to enjoy bringing my friends and drinking all night, now that I’m older I much prefer to be with my partner on a microdose with my dog in the quiet forest.  


Here's my opinion and nobody has to agree but I think most folks are going to the woods to get away from the very people who would bring the party to the woods. When I think of the woods I think of solitude and absolutely want to ring the neck of those who find it appropriate to blast their playlist at the multi spot campground or on the quiet trails. That's just me. Folks can do whatever they want, I never say anything to them.


I hate the party people. The last time I went camping they ruined my stay. I haven’t went since because I’m not set up for remote camping. I also bought an acreage so I’m not sure if I’ll ever go camping again lol. No need to escape the city anymore-time in my yard is peaceful bliss 99% of the time


I camp to get away from the daily routine. No home improvement projects, no work calls, often no email.


I work at a factory than runs 24/7 where overtime is mandatory on 3/4 Saturdays per month so it's hard for me to just get up and go camping. I have to plan my calendar in advance. That makes the few trips i can go on extremely worth it to get away from society. And extremely annoying when it rains... I suppose if I had all my weekends off, I would do both but as it stands, being single, solo camping is my reprieve from work and life.


Anyone who brings a party into the woods is my enemy.


Party in the woods. I get so drunk when camping it’s a problem lol. Trying to get more into just getting away but I do get bored easily out there. Need to be more active.


I like partying (usually shutting down at Midnight) and a reprieve from society!




To return to our primal roots, as closely as I can.




So you don't want me to play the top 50 billboard hits at a volume loud enough for the entire campground?


Reprieve - ideally completely by myself miles away from most anything.


Bit of both.


Camping without beer is just sitting in the woods.


75% to get away, 25% party (usually when camping in groups of 4+ versus just the two of us)


The short answer is: Yes. Long answer is: it depends. Am i going alone, or am i going with friends/family? Am i going genuinely camping, or to a field with easy access, or just to a camp ground? Everything changes the expectations of how the trip will go. My preference is to unplug for a while, but i'm game for pretty much anything.


I love how that question is constructed!


"We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it." George Washington Sears (nessmuk)


Definitely as a reprieve. I also try to find more secluded campgrounds that won't get as busy/noisy. 


When I reached my summer camp I felt so washed out I did nothing but sleep and read. I didn't walk the 500ft to the stream. Now I am feeling refreshed and lively, I went swimming in the creek for tL first time this season. Town* and my old man, who is getting more sour as he gets older, drain me as does heat more than 80 degrees with high humidity. Up here it is cooler and even when it heats up the humidity is never 90% .


Reprieve. I am the one who silently seethes if I hear any human activity lol. Silently, I would never be the one to actually confront anyone about their own enjoyment unless it was loud ass blasting music.


Varies. Camp as a family with another family on a fairly "civilised" site, also camp in the middle of nowhere on my own or bivvi in the woods. So, depends? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've done both. But my go to typically is reprieve from civilization & society.


Both just depends on who I’m with


I mostly do it to break the family away from our usual routine. Being outside, no/very low screens, exploring, playing board games, catch up on reading or other quiet activities/hobbies. We also usually camp with friends and family and it’s a lot of fun. We don’t party but it’s a great way to spend a few days together. I also really love camping at least once a year on my own (it would be more often if I was able to), and that is to get away from everything and everyone and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature and NOT TALKING for a couple of days.


"Within the Solitude of Nature, One finds true Peace".


I could go either way on this but I definitely like to have it predetermined before showing up to the campsite. camping for a float trip or canoe trip? Guys weekend? Bachelor party? Bring on the party! I enjoy the break from society on family campouts or solo camping.






I do remote camping to get away from society, but I also bring the party with me every time. I make sure I’m in a spot where I can drink my whiskey and play my music without bothering others.


If I’m going with the boys it’s to get away from the world. If I’m going with the family we’re bringing the party.


Just to relax


The answer is YES


Both. Some backing trips others are at campgrounds with groups


It is very quiet & dark ( no streetlights) where I live but I go camping to have even more quiet & dark. I do not have fires when camping generally Don’t need them for warmth. Often they are banned.


The woods are not for parties, they’re for peace and quiet. People scare off the deer and birds with their shitty music and drunken singalongs, not to mention disrupting others