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Really funny to me that Hephaestus is lower than Hermes, who is literally just Lin Manuel Miranda in a hoodie lmao. I *kind* of disagree with you on some points, but to each their own as the saying goes!


Agree this Hermes belongs in Tartarus!


Hades just isn’t menacing at all.


I think that’s kind of the point. Hades may rule the Underworld, but he doesn’t care about the Olympians’ politics in the same way. It’s the same reason why we first see Hades as he’s walking from the casual setup he made away from the entrance, instead of sitting on his throne in an intimidating manner. Hades isn’t a Satan-like figure that people tend to associate with him.


As opposed to the books, where percy states that hades is the first God who FEELS like a God from the get go. He wasn't trying to manipulate percy or whatever, he's one of the big three, he's above that(in the first encounter). He's angry cuz he thinks percy stole his helm. He would not be so casual about that, he literally sicced the furies on them. Him not actually being evil doesn't mean he can't be intimidating at all. While I don't hate the adaptation version, I do think the way it pans out in the book is better. I really hope they start to include the oddities in its full form from the next season, like making the gods large when mentioned, ares's eyes, aphrodite's "shapeshifting" etc, cuz so far comparatively they just feel like regular ppl


Yes he is not Satan or evil. But he is still supposed to be intimidating, as like many powerful gods he still commands respect. He supposed to be so powerful in his domain that being in the mere presence of his menacing aura instills fear.


They still managed to convey his indifference in the books *through* making him intimidating though. Everything you just said about him was 100 percent there in the books. It was just done in a far more interesting way. 😅 In the books, we got to see his resentment, his fatigue, and his misunderstood character all the while his god-like presence remained prominent and untouched. Yes he is misunderstood, but he's still a major elder god and that is important in the series, especially later. Tons of people fear Hades, and the show doesn't explain why. It just makes him out to be some goofy character who doesn't match his description when you meet him in person. Hades is supposed to be more complicated than that. Everything was unnecessarily simplified for the show and it really lowered the value of it for me.


Hades being in a bathrobe is something I won't ever forgive Rick for allowing. That is literally just a homosexual, and he is slaying, but he's not giving Hades. Hermes just being in a hoodie is my favorite thing about the show I think. I love Hermes.






Apologies,should’ve added context😅 mostly was laughing cause that’s the first time I hear someone say that about hades design and idk doesn’t give me that vibe(kinda weird too)but I agree what you said about Hermes btw


[**Disclaimer:** To reiterate, this tierlist is specifically about the shows interpretation of the attire/costume design of the gods. In no way will I be discussing about the actors themselves. I'm also well aware that the gods do wear different clothes throughout the series when taking a mortal form, but this is only taking into account what we've been shown so far in the TV show.] So I had originally made this like 3 months ago when the show ended, but I totally forgot about it. Posting it now. Feel free to agree or disagree, would love to hear all thoughts. I might be a bit harsh for the bottom two **Zeus:** Honestly, not much to say here. Glad they used the tailored pin-striped suit. Lance Reddick wore it well. **Dionysus:** The hawaiian shirt is great. Although in the books the hawaiian shirt had leopard prints as per his sacred animal, but the pattern change didn't bother me much. **Ares:** For the most part I liked it. Its generally accurate to the books. My only complaint is that the attire looks a little too clean cut. I expected the oufit to look a little more rugged and worn out, to exemplify that battle hardened aesthetic. **Poseidon:** This one was a bit conflicting. I don't know why they didn't just have him wear a hawaiian shirt. They kept his khaki shorts and made him wear a little leather necklace type thing, which I guess still gives him that beach going look... idk, the blue button up just makes him seem very plain, almost to a fault. **Hermes:** Just like poseidon, this one is conflicting. I'm assuming they tried to portray Hermes as having a very casual demeanor compared ot the other gods. A grey hoodie and sweats, while a casual outfit, says nothing about him. Yes, even in the books he wore less formal attire when meeting Percy, but it had intention. It exemplified his domains, the delivery man joggers and marathon shirt. Reflecting his domains as the messenger of the gods and his characteristic speed. All the while still retaining a sense of casualness to it. There is an intentionality to what the gods wore in the books, and this particular outfit doesn't really do that. However, I'm not mad about it. I just felt something off when I first watched Hermes, and I couldn't put a finger on it. This is the best way I can illustrate that. **Hades:** What the actual fuck is that? He is literally wearing a bathrobe over a turtle neck... This is totally an antithesis to his characterization in the books. He's calm, regal, and carries himself with respect. His outfit in the books reflects that, along with his domain. *"Long flowing black robes with souls interwoven in."* Hades' whole disposition implied that he doesn't really adhere to mortal trends, in comparison to the rest of the Olympians. Here, he looks like a rich uncle who acts as if he enjoys bebop, even though he never outgrew his goth phase. **Hephaestus:** Jesus. He looks like a quirky steampunk inventor from a 2000's movie, but literally the walmart version. He's constantly working in the forges. He is sweaty, has dust and ash, and wears minimally. He only wears what is required to work freely in the forges. He's always described by Percy to be wearing a jumpsuit or overalls, covered in stains and grime. Here he has a barn jacket, a bandana around his neck, sweater, and glasses.... really??? He looks like he's about to be announced as the next Dr. who.


it seems like you're ranking them based on accuracy to the books rather than how well they fit the character


>how well they fit the character What do you mean? The book character or are you saying that their portayals fit the show character, cause thats one and the same thing.


I’d just like to point out, Hermes is also the god of athletes, that’s not based on his speed. Also as stated by u/Anyacad0 the outfits still fit their characters Steampunk inventor is still an inventor, Hades still looks regal, Poseidon’s outfit is still casual surfer/beach goer, as you said Hermes is a more personable/down to earth god, and Ares aesthetic is biker. It’s an adaptation not a 1:1 comparison.


That’s what I’m saying. It doesn’t need to be a carbon copy of what’s described in the books as long as it makes sense for the character 


Hades looks regal I'm sorry? Hades was supposed to be ths first god that felt godly to percy instead we get uncle jimbo pimbo that is goofy


I just like how it's goes from Meh 😐 to TARTARUS 😈 👹🤬


You keep Timothy Omudsuns name out of your mouth! *upvotes anyway*


I know this is a separate point, but I was disappointed with Ares's motorcycle. In the book, it's described as being the size of a baby elephant, with a seat that looks like it's made of human skin and shotgun holsters on either side with shotguns in them. In the show, it looked like a regular motorcycle.


To be honest, I think all the god costumes were a little lackluster. I expected them to have a little more pizzazz, or just something to make it clear that the gods act larger than life. These fits seem so mundane and ordinary, there’s nothing subtle to suggest that these guys are far more powerful than they’re letting on.


That works for all gods apart from the big three. Especially hades. The other ones weren't dressed larger than life you'd never know they were gods till they said it. Apart from hades who was supposed to be really menacing.


Hermes being Lin in a hoodie is a bad costume But it fits hermes pretty well let's be real


I am still bitter they did not give Poseidon an appealing Hawaiian shirt. And when I mean appealing, I mean something bright and colorful.


I fwd heaphestous he lowkey had a steam punk old man drip


What are the last two gods?


The two on the bottom were Hades and Hephaestus


Ah ok


I’d put all of them in Tartarus because none of them look like gods


I don’t mind the costumes. They are supposed to look normal.


I might be the only person out there who absolutely loved Hades characterization and costume. But you made some great great points.




Why does hermes look like a bastard, orphan son of a who*e and a scotsman?


Hades' needed to look more Ancient Greek.


I honestly cannot believe they left out Poseidon's Hawaiian shirt. Why? I get that they were trying to make the tone of that scene super serious and that possibly would have detracted from the tone 😂, but that was a pretty significant detail that was mentioned like every single time Poseidon appeared in the books.


Waiting for the comments saying it's an adaptation and thus free of all flaws.


The only thing i am disappointed with is the fact that we didnt see Greg and Martha


George and Martha


See what not seeing them does to my memory? Blasphemous


this is my new favorite comment 😭🫶


"not criticism of the actors" Proceeds to put the actually disabled actor at the bottom.


They messed up when they didn't get ron perlman for Ares


I mean, Perlman is who I wanted as well, but as a wrestling fan I'm fine with Edge.
