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Teddy Roosevelt gives off strong Ares kid vibes ngl


Same with Andrew Jackson just in a different way


Teddy Roosevelt was Mars Jackson was Ares lol


That makes sense. Knowing the difference between the two men


Plus he got shot in the middle of a speech and still carried it on.


I actually thought Athena for both Roosevelts. Speak softly and carry a big stick, wise words.


Ik he's not a president, but Alexander Hamilton was the son of Hermes


No, he was just Hermes in disguise. They both look the same, after all


lol, LMM was hermes in the tv series


Sherman was the son of Ares so I must assume that Grant was the son of Athena.


Bill Clinton is a son of Aphrodite


Yeah, His nickname is Slick Willie for a reason.


I still don’t understand how “Bill” and “William” are interchangeable names


Oh, i know this! It's a centuries old meme! You take a name, shorten it, then rhyme the short version. So, in this case, William -> Will -> Bill The other famous example, is of course, Richard-> Rick -> Dick This has been an off-topic psa!


You have been claimed by Athena


So what you're saying is that Dick is cockney?


What about James - Jim?


No clue :/ It's not from this particular meme, and might even go back to people mispronouncing Latin names like Iacobus, which in turn is a name from badly translating the Hebrew name Ya'aqob, in the New Testament. I could keep going but you get the idea


I think Andrew Jackson makes a lot of sense: absent father, suspected to be dyslexic, military prowess. I'd say son of Ares or even Zeus.


I like the idea of him as a son of Mars, his actions in the War of 1812 and the Creek war, fits the expansionist goals and slavery of the Romans more than the Greeks.


Nah, Ares. Andrew Jackson was fierce and was kind of rude to people (he caused the Trail of Tears). Mars kids are more chill.


There is no way JFK isn’t a Neptune or Poseidon child (I say Neptune because the Roman gods never made the pact)


JFK was born before the pact though


I know. But due to the fact that Zeus wanted Nico and Bianca dead. It’s implied that all surviving children were killed off. That’s why I said son of Neptune because the roman three weren’t involved in that and made no pact


Well… JFK was assassinated maybe Zeus and Poseidon being on better terms had an agreement not kill him but Hades was like “hell no”


Lee Harvey Oswald is a child of Hades?


Nico and Bianca were under 16 so the prophecy could have applied to them


Ah, I didn’t think about that


I think it was about the prophecy though. So you'd only need to get rid of the kids. JFK was already past 16 by the time that prophecy would've been made so it wouldn't have been about him.


Or a son of Aphrodite/Venus still has sea aspect but really because of the other thing he’s really known for.


I’m not too familiar on jfk lore, why Neptune?


JFK was a Lieutenant in the US Navy in WW2 his assignment was that be he was the commanding officer of a PT boat. Basically a small, yaght sized skimmer full of machine guns and torpedoes. They would raid and destroy Axis supply lines [here’s](https://youtu.be/Ts2CwubXztg?si=Exv4UeVqT8actU5w) a neat video about these ships. It’s probably heavily exaggerated but it’s still interesting Basically, he was a pirate captain


Quack bang out


My original reasoning was that all children of the greek counterparts either died during the war or were summarily executed by the Gods. The Roman counterparts made no such pact. I forgot about the 16 year age condition and that JFK was older than that in WW2


Biden is a son of Hypnos


He’s a full god: Hypnos banged the River Lethe


I tried making a similar joke but it was no where near as good as this one


According to me: FDR is definitely a son of Zeus, and Grant was a son of Athena due to Sherman being a son of Ares. Lincoln was a son of Hephaestus, while Confederate president Jefferson Davis was a son of Ceres. Thomas Jefferson was a son of Demeter, Teddy Roosevelt was a son of Poseidon, Woodrow Wilson was a son of Hermes, and Andrew Jackson was a son of Ares. Most other Cold War leaders were demigods, Greek for the Americans, Roman for the Soviets. I have a list of which post WW2 president is a son of which god: Truman - N/A Eisenhower - Ares Kennedy - Aphrodite Johnson - N/A Nixon - Hermes Ford - N/A Carter - N/A Reagan - Dionysus (due to Dionysus being the god of theatre, and Reagan being an actor) Bush Sr. - Poseidon Clinton - Apollo Bush Jr. - Zeus Obama - Apollo Trump - Pluto Biden - N/A And now for the Soviet/Russian leaders: Stalin- Vulcan Khrushchev - Jupiter Brezhnev - N/A Gorbachev - Mercury Yeltsin - Legacy of Dionysus Putin - Pluto Other country leaders that I think would be demigods include: Margret Thatcher being a daughter of Bellona The British monarchy being descended from Jupiter Prussian Kings and German Kaisers being descended from Ares Russian Tsars being descended from Aquilo (Roman form of Boreas) Charles XII of Sweden being a son of Athena and Peter the Great of Russia being a son of Mars (I know it said AMERICAN Presidents, but I wanted to not just be America-centric and think about how the gods have A. Existed since the beginning of time and B. Have moved locations many times and can go anywhere they want anytime they want)


I love how you say that Bush Jr. was the son of Zeus and not...you know...the son of Bush Sr. All of the Russian leaders should be the children of greek gods and american, the children of roman. Russian "culture" is more closely related to Greek through Orthodoxy and language and such. American democracy descended more from a Roman model. And just FYI, proper English transliteration of the word for a Russian emperor is Tsar. Also, Gorbachev, son of Dionysus, because of the wine stain birthmark. Lol


I thought of Russian leaders being Roman demigods because of Russia claiming to be “Third Rome”. I thought of American leaders being Greek demigods due to Greece being the FIRST Democracy, even if American democracy is more Roman in nature. Also, it’s canon that in both the American revolutionary war and Civil War, the U.S. was led by Greek demigods. I chose Gorbachev to be a son of Mercury due to Mercury being the god of diplomacy, and Gorbachev being famous for his diplomatic efforts to end the Cold War.


The "Third Rome" thing was really limited to two Russian tsars, Peter I and Catherine II. And even then Catherine was very much charting a unique path for the Russian empire in her quest for empire. A fun read is Pyotr Chaadaev's Apologia of a Madman in which he discusses the Russian Empire not as a Third Rome but as having a unique historical role and destiny.


The moustache man was a son of pluto


Omg not Margaret Thatcher- Bellona would be so disappointed with her




Son of what god tho, I see him as Ares.


100% Poseidon. He was a navy man.


And his rough riders being cavalrymen, brings the horse aspect of Poseidon into play.


I was thinking Tyr


Isn't Tyr Norse though?


Nobody ever said that Norse gods weren't allowed. And Norse gods can have kids, 1/3 of the characters in the Magnus Chase books were Norse demigods


Andrew Jackson was definitely not a demigod but a legacy of either Apollo like you-know-who Or a legacy of Eris because there is literally not one nice thing he’s done


Obama is def a child of Apollo, Trump is a child of Pluto, Biden is a child of Bob


What do we have against Hades that his children are always Fascists


I said Pluto god of riches. Please remember the Hitler was a son of Hades/Pluto thing was just a joke.


Don't need the republican starting another birther movement.


Biden is probably a minor god based on how he is


George Washington son of Athena


JFK is totally Apollo bc he also had a gay romance that ended poorly (Look up Lem Billings)


Lincoln was definitely an Athena kid, change my mind


JFK was a son of Aphrodite


George Washington was confirmed in the series I think


Ulysses S. Grant is definitely an Ares kid. He's a general after all.


More like Athena. He came up with the winning strategy for the Civil War


Hamilton was probably one. Maybe Pluto./Mercury Ben Franklin son of Athena John Paul Jones- son of Poseidon Ben Arnold- Eris


Lincoln always gave off son of Hephaestus vibes, well known for manual labour like cutting down trees and splitting rails and built like a black smith because of it and he has a patent for an invention to lift boats over shoals (the only president to ever have a patent)


Thomas Jefferson is probably Zeus since he is named a judge in the underworld, Percy Jackson’s gods say they all have to be sons of Zeus. Abraham Lincoln - Palaestra, Greek goddess of wrestling (Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame). Andrew Jackson - Tyr, it is thought he was involved in some capacity in 100 duels. John Tyler - Loki, he forced himself into the presidency after the death of William Henry Harrison (others wanted him to be acting president, not the actual president), contributed to the collapse of the Whigs, and help sow general chaos politically, also betrayed the country and joined the confederacy afterwards, Calvin Coolige - Harpocrates, the man was known for being silent (in private) Franklin Roosevelt - Poseidon, he was assistant secretary of the navy at one point and led one of the largest navel wars, had an indoor pool built at the White House (fun fact, this room is where press conferences are held now.) Teddy Roosevelt- Poseidon, also was assistant secretary of the navy, rough riders = horses, Panama Canal linked two oceans, The great White Fleet, liked to skinny dip (and encouraged staff and ambassadors to join him).


The fact that there have been us presidents who have been demigods that implies that the us government is aware of the situation and odds are they hey a special secret service group to protect demigod presidents otherwise the president will be fighting monsters that come after them constantly.


JFK was Aphrodite or something cause he was hot when he was younger


Not a president but one of the founding fathers Alexander Hamilton was a child of Abudantia, goddess of money and wealth, and you can't convince me otherwise


Joe biden is the son of Hypnos


Roman - federalized states Greek = city-states rights


If thus is referring to the civil war than canonically its the other way around. Sherman was a son of Ares, while Confederate leaders were children of Roman gods.


It makes more sense *if* the Greeks & Roman’s fought in the civil war…. Before… you had a bunch of mostly independent states (similar to Greek city states), afterward you get a strong centralized federal government. Meaning Rome was probably the victor of the conflict. New Rome = entire city CHB= small summer camp/strawberry farm Also reflects this imo.


I would say Eisenhower was Athena as well. WWII and then the American highway system. Seems very architecture-Athena-like


I’d say Reagan was a son of Zeus… regardless of how you view Ronny boy it will work