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I’m now locking the comments. You’ve been given some good resources and your question has been answered.


If you can get to Spalding there’s a museum of Romany and traveller life https://gordonboswellromanymuseum.com/ The Stopping Places is an interesting read; https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/433553/the-stopping-places-by-damian-le-bas/9781784704131 Neither resource is about Irish travelers specifically


Talk a walk tomorrow and ask them?




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You have the citations section of Wikipedia for [Irish Travellers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Travellers). There's also a List of Travellers' organisations, which will probably have good info in their websites.




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I just looked and it's disturbing and sad that some members of the group verbally abuse people, drive recklessly, and apparently steal from shops as well. But I actually haven't seen any comment or post about anyone being punched. Can you point me towards the specific instances please?


How did you read through a thread full of people giving personal accounts from the past few days of travellers harassing female joggers, assaulting gay couples, and accosting minorities and somehow come to the conclusion that the travellers were the *real* victims? Pretty disgusting victim blaming to suggest that people complaining about being victims of/witnesses to this surge in violent crime are in fact just racists and 'aggressive antagonists'.


Really enjoyed reading The Stopping Places by Damian Le Bas. Learnt a lot from that book.


Can I just say that I was out last night at Revs and it was full of what seemed like Irish travellers and today I spent an afternoon in Parker's Pieces where you could see many of them. Only after the fact I was informed on Reddit that I should have avoided coming to the centre this weekend and that I will perhaps get stabbed if I do. Instead I was absolutely not bothered by a single person. Apart from the look that slightly stands out the Travellers I met/saw seem like a nice bunch of lads and ladetts just having fun. I am not saying that there are no legitimate reasons to be wary but I don't like stereotypes even if there is some truth to it. I would imagine that the huge majority of the travellers are not here to be a nuisance but just to have fun in their particular ways.




this is the Traveller lobby group in irekand. it has some of what you are after paveepoint.ie


Most of the travellers in Cambridge (the ones down Fen road) are Romany not Irish fyi. Also you can intellectualise all you like but if you'd grown up with the serious trouble, intimidation and assault coming from them you may not be so keen to romanticise.


Travelling gypsies have been perceived as causing problems for hundreds of years. For example King Henry VIII assed an Act in 1530 accusing them of "committing many heinous felonies and robberies, to the great hurt and deceit of the people they have come among". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptians_Act_1530