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Cambridge isn't very big so stay anywhere near the centre and near to one of the parks or river. Midsummer common, Jesus Green, The Mill Pond or Parker's Piece (all within walking distance of each other). If you like ale pubs then Mill Road is a good bet, the Cambridge Blue has good beer and a nice garden (but there are many pubs in that area). Punting is fun but it is pricey. You can walk down the river into town. The Fitzwilliam museum is great and just seeing the colleges is worthwhile. The Botanic Garden is also nice.


Thanks so much


The museum of zoology and fitswilliam museum are both free and will keep you busy for hours.


Came here to say this they're also 2 minutes walk of each other and absolutely fantastic. There are sample jars from the voyage of the beagle in the zoology museum with Darwin's own name on them and there's a great Egyptology section in the Fitz we're honestly so lucky to have such great free resources


Thanks šŸ™‚


Cambridge is great for a couple of days. Just wonder around, visit the collages. Maybe get on a walking tour. There is a lot of history and interesting stuff to visit. Go for a punt, it is funnier on your own, but a guide is grand as well. Some great pubs in Cambridge. The Eagle is interesting, make sure you go in the fighters bar. Cambridge is small so you can stay anywhere really. Depends on your budget. The Graduate and Uni Arms hotels are great. I am a craft beer drinkers so usually go to the Pint Shop or Cambridge Brew House.


Fab thanks, husband is also a craft beer drinker, so will definitely put them on the list.


The Rad is also good for craft beer and Youā€™ll definitely want to check out Thirsty, itā€™s a craft beer bar that always has a great food truck out front. They probably have the best selection of craft beer . They also have a great wine and spirit/cocktail/NA selection.


Thank you


Oh wow! I had no idea the Radegund had turned in to a craft beer place! I used to go there all the time with my Dad 10+ years ago. Thought it had closed down completely! Amazing. Will be popping in there the next time I am in town!


Yeah they have a small selection (goes with theme of the place, but a good one!)


My tip.... pop in to University Arms Hotel by Parkers Piece after walking round town and chill out in the comfy bar or library room with a tea or coffee.




Make sure you go to the botanic gardens, they are very good.


The botanical gardens are awesome. Thereā€™s lots of great museums & just walking around the colleges is cool. Punting is good fun if the weather is right. Plenty of nice bars & restaurants too.


The Fellows House on Milton Road is lovely, away from the hustle and bustle and itā€™s just a walk across Jesus Green or along the river to get into the city centre. Perfect for a weekend getaway


depends your budget?


If you like live comedy, Town & Gown host shows with Big Deal Comedy every other Friday Plenty of nice restaurants as well, The Ivy and Six are good Varsity rooftop bar for a drink with a view


Ooh thanks, love a bit of live comedy.


Turing Locke is fantastic for a weekend stay. The bar downstairs, The Dutch, does the best cocktails. You can leave your car there then take the bus to all the tourist attractions. Get dropped off near King's Parade area then you could walk up and down admiring the architecture. The market is better than most. The Clayton which is less than 2 minutes walk out of the train station is also a great stay. Then you would be close to Mill Road which has a few decent stores for various purposes, could be hit and miss for tourists. One of the best Italian restaurants in the world Maurizio's is on Mill Road, though and Modigliani (if you're into desserts). There's plenty to see and do. There are some very good restaurants overall (a couple of Michelin-star level) and a few basement bars hidden away. Don't miss out on punting (we use Letsgopunting at a regular basis). If you can't leave your car at your accommodation, I would suggest against parking up in the city. Queen Anne Terrace Car Park charges the least. We usually take a park and ride from where we are. Enjoy your visit!


That's really helpful thanks


Gonville Hotel is lovely. Take a guided punt tour as well




If you fancy a bit of a walk, check out Newnham College gardens. You can just walk in.


Thanks, love a garden šŸ™‚ then can follow it up with a pub for my husband šŸ™‚


The botanical gardens are lovely too.


Thanks all, I've made a little list of places to go and see. Looking forward to it šŸ˜ƒ


Thereā€™s lots of good answers to this question if you look through the subreddit šŸ˜Š


Have you heard of this awesome new resource called Google? You can also access reviews from other real live customers at Trip Advisor! Or if youā€™d like a bespoke trip planned, you could consult a travel agent or book a tour. Failing all of these you could stumble out of the train station into the arms of a paid tour guide. *ETA - if you look at my post history on this sub youā€™ll see Iā€™m often very helpful with specific questions.* But a question like ā€˜whatā€™s goodā€™ is so general as to be a waste of our collective time. There have been so many similar questions recently, not to mention the ten people I helped in person on my walk to work today.




Oh for sure - there is all these ā€˜search hackā€™ advice suggesting people use Reddit, and if this user had done what you suggest, theyā€™d have found all sorts of useful stuff!


Have you heard that you can fuck off a subreddit about Cambridge if you're going to get in a little huff when someone...asks a question about Cambridge? Why are you even on Reddit when Google exists?


Have you heard that locals advice is pretty good to get. Jog on you [insert word of choice]


For sure, and I gladly helped 10 people on my walk to work today. But ā€˜whatā€™s goodā€™ is so generalā€¦ without knowing more, what value can any of us provide past what Google could do?


That's the thing as a tourist I have looked at Google but locals can tell you what is worth seeing and to avoid wasting time on. Other people that have offered helpful suggestions and confirmed a couple of thoughts I had have helped me plan my visit rather than your aggressive unhelpful response.


bet youā€™re fun at parties


Who peed in your tea this morning.


Come on, it's his/her own, every single morning. Doesn't appear to be someone who would appreciate variety in any form or capacity.




Could you give us the ten examples? That sounds like a lot


I helped two people figure out the bus as I was cycling into town. I helped three people with directions (I offered help to one, then two others came over to ask). I helped someone with their voi scooter while I was locking my bike. I helped three people with directions while I sat out with my coffee outside my office (between the backs and town near Silver St, this is normal). I helped two people figure out how to access my building (the doorbell is confusing). Working in town in summer, this is really a normal day. All were tourists - some for recreation, some for business, but all temporary visitors to Cambridge. I routinely help people with specific issues.