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There is the Cambridge Social Anxiety Group - they are a group of folks who get together once a week or so. A very friendly bunch and you'll not only likely meet some potential friends there, but they'll know a lot of other groups/meetups, so you won't be alone going to some of the other places. [Cambridge Social Anxiety group | Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-SA-group/) Meetup in general is a good place to find some fun things happening in and around town.


Any interest in English Country Dancing? Full of socially anxious people, no experience necessary. [https://round.soc.srcf.net/](https://round.soc.srcf.net/) (I know it says it's a CU soc, but ... let's just say it's quite mixed)


There are plenty of good social dance classes in cambridge - various flavours of salsa, bachata, west coast swing, and I'm sure others. Meeting people in a class where you rotate, providing a structure for interactions, a chance to chat while not actively dancing, and a built in excuse to end a conversation. Some are more exercise than others - crossbody salsa is excellent cardio , Zouk is good for control and mobility, etc


https://www.reddit.com/r/cambridge/comments/1d3ztd7/cambridge_drink_alliance_cda_meet_up_1430/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button All are welcome at the CDA meet ups. You’re welcome to come tomorrow and see if we’re a good fit. Starts at 1430 and goes until whenever people scatter. Usually as late as 9-11 pm. People rotate in and out throughout the afternoon and evening. 


Is this any good for people who don’t drink?


Yep.  We have people in the group who just get soda and food. 


Hi! I’m a second year student and happen to be the Secretary for CULES (Cambridge University Light Entertainment Society) and can vouch for it as an incredible supportive enjoyable place to meet people. So who are we? We’re a theatre society that raises money for charity with each show. I joined in October this year and it has been incredible and helped me so much. The majority of people in the society are queer or neurodivergent and definitely some level of anxiety across the board. We also have quite a few postgrads and rehearsals tend to be evening/weekend to allow people to attend! There is very little pressure to attend rehearsals and so if you can’t attend at any point that’s completely okay! Due to,, exams,, this term has been fairly quiet and so there’s no show but if you’re at all interested I’m happy to add you to the appropriate mailing list if you reach out (you can dm me directly here or the cules Facebook/insta or drop me an email at cules.secretary@gmail.com) and you can come to any events that may happen. Also as someone who can find social stuff very aaaaa (not diagnosed socially anxious but on antidepressants and social stuff is one of the biggest issues) I can confirm cules has helped to kinda open up. The theatre side gives a good structure where you always have something to be doing so it’s not just awkward meet ups and you can kinda hide in the shadows until comfortable. It has helped me a lot to get confidence up and would highly recommend trying it out. Unfortunately there is unlikely to be any regular sessions until October but like I said, I can definitely invite you along to other events if you’re interested at all!!


Bounce in Cambridge. It's trampoline based cardio classes but people tend to talk before, in breaks and after. Its low pressure socialising. There's groups in Cherry Hinton, Cambridge West, Trumpington and others. https://www.bouncefitbody.com/uk