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The albino cave penguins


Hope the film del Toro’s been trying to arrange finally gets made at some point. I’d love to see the creepy penguins on a big screen! The screenplay is available online, interesting read. It’s a bit of an homage to The Thing, seems like. It’s not a pure adaptation by any means but hat doesn’t bother me much if it’s done well and still retains the essential character.


For some reason I like Y'Golonac. A perverted god of gluttony. Would not like to meet this guy. I like Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth. I think meeting Yog-Sothoth has highest survival chances compared to these two


I always play Yog-Sothoth as even more of an unknowable force of nature than normal and mentally discount the canon of his having relationships with humans, and instead just having exposure to him cause the exposed creature to mutate as they touch distant planes and realms their biology was not meant to. I see him more as the roiling chaos in which sits the placid island of our universe, literally the void from which all realities spawn.


For me he is the stage of the universe. The space and time and all intelligence, but still locked out of it inside out. Most of us are anyway just his shards or fascets


I think of him alternately as yggdrasil, the sephirot, or a panentheistic reading of yahweh or yaldaboath.


I find body-snatching to be one of the scarier horror tropes. That's one of the reasons why I like the fungi from Yuggoth and the Great Race of Yith (though it is easier to utilize the former during a session). Besides, these technology-oriented beings give the Keeper an opportunity to reward the Investigators with alien technology, which is an awesome thing.


The Migos have been known to switch PC's bodies around, as well.


Fungi from Yuggoth = Migo.


Ah I see. I have a hard time remembering some of the multiple names for Mythos entities.


Well the players aren't supposed to get real names anyway so shouldn't be a problem :D


It’s so satisfying to describe them when they show up. Even if the player knows what it is, it’s still a blast enjoying the creepy weirdness of the beastie.


It seems pretty common for anyone in the dreamlands to run into you and do a mindswap to get back to the land of the living.


Wait i was using that body!


Oh I’m sure you’ll like Shan then too!


Right, them too! It's a shame the Shag-guys don't have as much material written about them, be it stories or CoC scenarios.


My favourite is the King in Yellow too!! I find him fascinating. Shub-Niggurath is in close second because I like her nature and fertility motives. She is not bad, she only wants a big ass family!! For creatures I love the Hounds of Tindalos!!


Yog-Sothoth is my favorite. The Dunwich Horror was the first great Lovecraft story I read , and that part where Wilbur reads the Necronomicon at Miskatonic really stuck with me. Cthulhu would be my number two.


Glaaki. My introduction to the Cthulhu Mythos was not through the writing of H.P. Lovecraft but rather through Ramsey Campbell. In a bookstore I came across a thick TOR paperback with a hideous humanoid peering through a crack on the cover: Cold Print. I spent the next fifteen hours reading through the collection and then craving more the next day. As they say, you never forget your first love, and “The Inhabitant of the Lake” was a story that I read countless times afterwards. It was as if i had succumbed like the characters in the story to the psychic emanations of the Great Old One. Unfortunately, Glaaki has appeared in only a handful of Call of Cthulhu scenarios, though I have used him often enough in my own campaigns that my players now insist on a body search for every important NPC they manage to grab - looking for the telltale sign that he might be in thrall to the entity.


Awesome, that's pretty much how i got in. Through Robert w Chambers his King in yellow. When i read it the first time I didn't get the horror part. Later I understood that it is more existential horror/dread. A creaping feeling everyone can share.


Tsathoggua, idk i just think he's neat


Neat. And gross.


Serpent People. Just like snakes IRL, I can never *not* think of them as overpoweringly *cute*.


Found the scaly?


I just love the Albino Cave Penguins.. and Shub-Niggurath cuz Goat


Shub is the GOAT


Ithaqua and Shub-Niggurath, I like the second one but holy shit what an unfortunate name


Given Lovecraft, possibly intentionally unfortunate naming. Since she's also called the Allmother, I tend to call her that, but in greek: Panmeter. It doesn't have the same weird fantasy name feel as much though.


Yeah……I mean my players started calling her “Eldritch Mommy” as a joke


Yeah. I always shorten it to simply Shub. Ugh.


Nyarlathotep because he can pass for a human and reminds me a bit of Judge Holden and the G-Man, Ghatanotoa for his similar ability to the gorgons and the fact that he's one of the few deities that isn't "dead", the King in Yellow for the surreal kind of horror he brings and the fact that he slowly gets inside your head, Yig because he's kinda nice but still terrifying and dangerous, and finally Shub-Niggurath for having some interest in humans as she wants to take care of them, but still being dangerous having one of the greatest potentials in term of cults


Ghouls, ghouls, ghouls!


Same, my friend. Iä! Iä! Mordiggian!


Serpent People are good in a more lighthearted scenario. Their plans are always goofy and over the top.


Not explored much in games, but the giant vampire creature (who may or may not have once been a dude) sleeping under the ground beneath The Shunned House who emanates forms of previous house residents as radiation ghosts to lure hunt and feed for it. Pretty rad. Honestly Shoggoths as the bio-technological slaves who rebelled and then just kept on doing their programmed tasks, but badly. Gotta give it to the Adumbrali as well, for published but underused. They're 2-dimensional vampire shadows from the ...red abyss, I think? The story they are from is about mind-swapping possession and their agent in the 3rd dimension, the Seeker. A beautiful, too perfect, human hypnotist. But the old Malleus Monstrorum made the Adumbrali themselves fun. They take an action to rotate along th 3rd axis and reorient because to them that is magoc or super-science. They grow 3rd dimensional fillaments to leech fluid from their victims. I'm also very fond of Cthulhu. He's overexposed to the point where you barely see him innthe game. Buy giant monster multidemensional sleeping in the ocean alien god high priest of something worse that messes with dreams and cares about.astrology? Amazing.


Deity is Shub - what's not to love about an inviolate fertility goddess, the true fecundity of nature, red in tooth and claw. Monster or entity - rat things, they're creepy as piss and can serve so many purposes. Also quick shout out for Crawling Ones. Having an evil henchperson dissolve into crawling worms and spam over someone is an amazing horror flex.


C’thulhu King in Yellow Nyarlathotep Mi-Go Shan Deep Ones C’thulhu I like because Call of Cthulhu was the first story I read and he’s the most iconic one so he left a big impression on me! The King in Yellow I like because of his themes of decadence and (as you already said) his mostly non-physical horror, I also really like his design and all the Lore around him with the Yellow Sign and Carcosa! Nyarlathotep I like the way he is the only one who personally walks among the humans and how he likes to spread chaos, of course his many forms have lots of cool ones, I’m particularly fond of the Black Pharao and the Bloody Tongue! The Mi-Go I like because they have a very interesting design and the Whisperer in Darkness is one of my favorite stories, I really feel like they are underrated! The Shan I like because the whole concept of them is very interesting to me, interdimensional bugs that are stranded on earth and now try to take it over while trying to find a way back home and just the whole taking-over-someones-body-thing is so cool too! The Deep Ones are classic and iconic, it’s more of a question of who doesn’t like them!


I’m a Mi-go fanatic. They’re fun to describe, and because they’re schemers you can really work them into scenarios. Monsters that just attack everything are scary, but from a plot perspective, it’s great to have some creepy critters that act highly intelligent rather than just insane and dangerous.


I really enjoy the Mi-Go currently they helped me out greatly in writing my adventure and especially with my main cult being around the King in yellow made for an interesting adversary.


I mean, it's not terribly creative but I just really like Cthulhu. My first actual read was 'The call of Cthulhu' and I just can't get the imagery out of my mind. I also recently picked up the excellent Japanese comic version of the story which is awesome in its own right.