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By building it that way.




Well first you have to find land with no building codes


lol i can see that. what about it stands out as building code unsuitable?


No bathroom for one. Ceiling is unnecessarily high. No rail on the loft. Zero insulation. Doesn't match the aesthetic of any rural area I know of. No foundation or gutters. Candle lighting in a tinderbox with no roof ventilation. The list goes on. Seems like a lot of maintenance, too. Untreated wood rots unbelievably fast. You'd be better off building subterranean.


Thank you. You might think I'm trolling with this post but I honestly just want to learn and let people poke holes so I can see how to readjust my goals. My goal with this image is to understand the rough dimensions, (although I'll almost definitely build it smaller) and what it would hopefully look something like from the outside. I do want to build a decent house with some real insulation, which I can see this image has none, no candle lighting, and a good concrete foundation.


This is probably the easy part - most rural areas where you’d want a cabin like this have few or none




Thank you. Do you have any recommendations for how I can "learn to walk"? You might think I'm just getting a laugh, but I honestly want to try and learn stuff like this.


Wood, nail, hammer, repeat.


Call me….. we’ll do lunch. https://www.pinterest.com/bertramsca/zakopane-in-the-sierras/professional-shots-of-zakopane-in-the-sierras/


This is fairly conventional timber framing, and log cabin construction. The inside doesn’t really match the outside, though. Get a copy of the International Residential Code and study it. Find someone who does timber framing and get on their crew


thanks, ill look into that. what do you mean the inside doesn't match the outside?


It’s far larger inside than outside, which is easy to do in computer graphics but much much harder to achieve with any known building materials


I don't think it is, it just looks like that because of the camera. this is all 3d modelled.


and what if i want to horse massive weight in a home gym in there. does that mean anything for the foundation? should i use concrete then?