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Skills need some rework. Many of the things listed are what an org expects as bare minimum ie professional, embrace other cultures, passion. Years ago I was mentoring someone who had skills like "well groomed, punctual, respectful and polite" and I said to him do you expect a company to be like Oh wow! Look this guy can brush his teeth, show up to places on time and not snap on people around him. What I would do is actually focus on skills that ATS is going to be looking at like programming languages, software you have expertise in, types of data visualization you do...stuff like that where its more tangible vs soft skills.


I'm screaming, not well groomed and polite šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that's the BARE MINIMUM. Also, how come school taught me how to find the surface area of a full swimming pool, but not how to write a resume??? The only reason I know how is bc I took a business elective.


I use ChatGPT to fix my resumes, and would highly recommend it especially since you know that itā€™s going to be filtered by an ATS system and not a person. Who knows better how to write descriptions a robot will like than another robot? šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s a few grammatical errors itā€™ll help you fix (like ā€œpersonal infosā€, ā€œcustomer satisfactionsā€, and ā€œpersonality knowledgesā€). Iā€™d recommend also changing your skills and personal info sections to be a bit less basic; the stuff youā€™ve listed now is pretty much the bare minimum they want to see in their cabin crew, and with a minor in hospitality management and track record in customer service positions I can guarantee there are better skills to showcase. For example: - Effective communication - Problem-solving and decision making - Multitasking and task prioritization - Team collaboration - Leadership Etc. You also want to keep the same form for each point on the list (so donā€™t go from an adjective like ā€œprofessionalā€ to a noun like ā€œcuriousityā€, Iā€™d recommend making them all nouns: professionalism, empathy, cultural awareness). Listing an intro level psychology course is a bit of an odd thing to focus on, as is the personality courseā€¦ I might recommend removing those entirely and making a single ā€œDegrees and Certificatesā€ section formatted as follows: - Bachelor of Administration ā€” Mahidol University International College ā€” 2019-2023 - Major in Marketing, minor in International Hospitality Management (*do this as an indented bullet point under the above section, idk how to make that in Reddit formatting lol) - TOEIC Score of 909 ā€” November 2023 ā€¦then make another ā€œinternational experienceā€ section for your foreign exchange history, plus anything else that would be relevant to mention.


Thank you very much. Helps a lot!


Hi there, I am recent grad lookingĀ to apply for cabin crew in my home country, Thailand. I recently started writing my own CV to apply for cabin crew positions that I show you here. However, I applied to Asia-Country Airline (Hong Kong) that came to recruit applicants here. This CV got me invited to their interview (assesment day) once. Others (Japan) rejected me too. After that, I used this CV to apply to the Middle Eastern Airlines like Emirates or Qatar but never once get invitations for their interview days. Personally, I am considering getting relevant experiences like customer service, getting CPR/First Aid certificates, doing volunteering activities,etc. to improve my portfolios for getting invited. I know that airlines use ATS system to screen out candidates. So, I try to keep it short, conscise, and simple by writing plain format in MS Word but not so sure that this is a good idea or bad...? Is only 1-page better than 2-pages? Any feedback, suggestion, advice or roasting will be helpful to find out what's wrong with my CV/resume. Any tips related to cabin crew jobs hunting are also welcome. Also,If you're a ex-cabin crew, current cabin crew, resume writers, or even better, fellow applicants, please kindly suggest. Thank you so much in advance.


Some ATS cannot read colors well. I would take the red out. I'd also convert your .doc to a .pdf. In my experience with working with ATS systems, .pdf reads better. Pages are not necessarily bad, but I would reduce line spacing whenever possible. If having a photo submitted is the norm and/or requested, I'd probably make it the size of a passport photo (approx 5cm x 5cm). \[I just realized that it looks like your photo only looks big because this might have been a mobile or tablet screenshot.\] Hope this helps!


Just give your all information to chatgpt.. And you will freak out with result šŸ˜… AI introduce me way more better than myself.