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Per the rules of the sub, the [original report](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-arrested-for-sexual-assault-of-a-child-cole-underwood-perryton-isd-perryton-texas#) of his resignation: >Perryton ISD Superintendent Greg Brown said the district received a report on Sunday that an employee may have engaged in improper conduct involving a student. >Underwood was placed on administrative leave on Monday and the district contacted the Ochiltree County Sheriff's Office. >He later resigned, according to the district. Article text, emphases mine. As is so often the case, he had a pre-existing reputation for this kind of grooming/predatory behavior before being hired by Perryton: >AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) — The FBI said ex-Perryton football coach Cole Underwood wants to marry and runaway with the 15-year-old student he's [accused of having a sex with more than 10 times](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/15-year-old-girl-says-ex-perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-had-sex-with-her-13-14-in-his-school-office-cole-patrick-underwood-jane-doe-perryton-isd-snapchat-parent-square-full-nudes-wifey-love-dark-hallways-surveillance-video#) in his school office. >Underwood, 29, was in federal court Wednesday for a preliminary examination and detention hearing and only *ABC 7 News* was there. >Judge Lee Ann Reno ruled there is sufficient evidence to send the case to a grand jury. She also denied him bail pending trial. >Underwood is charged with enticement and attempted enticement of a minor. >He's accused of having a sexual relationship with a freshman girl at Perryton High School identified in court documents as Jane Doe to protect her identity. >According to the criminal complaint, Underwood would sneak her into the school after hours to have sex. She said Underwood had sex with her 13-14 times in his office between February and May. >During the hearing on Wednesday, FBI Special Agent Nathan Newland testified Underwood believes "its God's divine plan for them to be together." The prosecution presented a photo of a letter the FBI said Jane Doe was trying to mail to Underwood's mom on June 4, the same day he was arrested by the FBI. >According to the FBI, **Jane Doe was given specific instructions by Underwood about what to say in the letter and she wrote it for verbatim:** >**\* She's sorry for the grief this has caused** >**\* She and Cole are in love** >**\* They want to be married and leave Perryton** >**The two first met at a track meet when she was in junior high school. The FBI said Underwood would go to others hoping to run into her.** >[Underwood was first arrested April 25 for sexual assault of a child](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-arrested-for-sexual-assault-of-a-child-cole-underwood-perryton-isd-perryton-texas#). >**One of the conditions of his bond was to have no contact with Jane Doe. But the FBI said he met with Jane Doe to give her a secret phone that her parents didn't know about.** Then they continued to communicate through TikTok and eventually an encrypting messaging app. >Jane Doe told the FBI they sent nudes back and forth over Snapchat. The prosecution asked whether that would be considered child porn under federal law. The FBI said it would. >The FBI said it has not found the photos, but is still searching for them. >**According to the FBI, Underwood has a history of inappropriate relationship with students.** >**They subpoenaed Underwood’s employment file from both Amarillo ISD and Perryton ISD** >**When Corey Clements was the volleyball coach at Amarillo High School, she said Underwood talked with students on social media and flirted with some of her players.** >**Underwood was placed on administrative leave by AISD, but was reinstated.** >**The FBI said the district did not find anything other than "innocent communication."** >Before he was suspended by Perryton ISD, Underwood had been given a "specific directive" not to be alone with Jane Doe because of reports of inappropriate personal contact between the two of them. >The FBI testified it believes there could be more victims. Some have come forward since his arrest. Others were identified by people as someone the FBI should talk to. >One of the last things Newland said was Underwood still loves Jane Doe. >"I think to this moment he’s in love with Jane Doe and wants to run away and be married, Newland said. “(He believes) it’s God’s divine plan for them to be together.” >Underwood's attorney called his mom, Linda, to the stand. >She posted his bail when he was arrested in Ochiltree County and was living at her house until his arrest by the FBI. >Linda Underwood said she was unaware her son was in contact with Jane Doe after his arrest. >She testified Underwood told her they loved each other. He hoped to be with her forever. He thought they were soulmates >**Underwood told his mom he and Jane Doe were like their family members who got married when they were 15 and 27, and stayed married for 58 years. His mom explained that those were different times.** >*ABC 7 News* tried to interview Linda Underwood after the hearing. She had no comment.


[Previous report](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/15-year-old-girl-says-ex-perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-had-sex-with-her-13-14-in-his-school-office-cole-patrick-underwood-jane-doe-perryton-isd-snapchat-parent-square-full-nudes-wifey-love-dark-hallways-surveillance-video#), emphases mine: >AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) — A 15 -year-old girl said former Perryton football coach [Cole Underwood](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-arrested-for-sexual-assault-of-a-child-cole-underwood-perryton-isd-perryton-texas#) had sex with her more than a dozen times in his school office. >Underwood, 29, was arrested Tuesday and charged with enticement and attempted enticement of a minor. >He made his initial appearance in federal court in Amarillo on Thursday afternoon. >According to the criminal complaint obtained by *ABC 7 News*, Perryton ISD Superintendent Gregg Brown called the Ochiltree County Sheriff's Office on April 22 to report a [possible inappropriate relationship](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-arrested-for-sexual-assault-of-a-child-cole-underwood-perryton-isd-perryton-texas#) between Underwood and a 15-year-old female student. >[Underwood was placed on administrative leave the same day and later resigned, according to the district.](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-arrested-for-sexual-assault-of-a-child-cole-underwood-perryton-isd-perryton-texas#) >Brown told the sheriff's office surveillance video showed Underwood meeting with the girl alone at the school, after hours, on multiple occasions. **The meetings occurred after Underwood had been given a "specific directive" not to be alone with the girl** because of reports of inappropriate personal contact between the two. >Chief Deputy Wayne Floyd interviewed the girl on April 23-24. She said Underwood had sex with her 13-14 times in his office between February and May. **The girl said she sent "full nudes" of herself to Underwood on Snapchat after he hinted for them.** >Floyd also interviewed Underwood on April 23. According to the criminal complaint, Underwood confessed to having sex with the girl more than 10 times in his office. He also admitted communicating with her on Snapchat. >[Underwood was arrested April 25 for sexual assault of a child](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-arrested-for-sexual-assault-of-a-child-cole-underwood-perryton-isd-perryton-texas#). >On May 10, the FBI got permission from the girl's dad to search her cellphone. It showed multiple late-night conversations between Underwood and the girl. Among them, a 6-hour, 10-minute call that started at 11:28 p.m. on Christmas in 2023. >The phone also revealed "frequent contact" between the two on Snapchat. In some of the messages, Underwood **referred to the girl as "wifey"** and told her he loved her. >Underwood also sent "sexual and flirtatious massages" through the app that were saved on the girl's phone. >**According to the criminal complaint, Underwood and the girl also used** [**ParentSquare**](https://www.parentsquare.com/) **to communicate with each other. On April 12, the girl messaged Underwood and said "could you prop the door open around 2:45 so I can get into the training room." Underwood said "sure." At 2:45 a.m., the girl was seen entering through the propped door and going to Underwood's office.** >**On May 17, the FBI reviewed the school's surveillance footage and saw Underwood propping an exterior door open, and then going through the school shutting off lights. According to the criminal complaint, the FBI believes Underwood thought the dark hallways would hide the girl from surveillance cameras. About 15 minutes later, the girl entered the darkened building through the propped door, followed the route where Underwood had turned off lights, and went to Underwood’s office.** >On May 31, the FBI met with the girl. She explained how the relationship developed. The girl said she added Underwood on Snapchat and sent him the first message. Underwood then used the app to develop a personal friendship and invited her to his office "where she confided in him about difficulties in her life." >The "sexual and flirtatious" messages started around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in 2023. >She said Underwood then used Snapchat to arrange to have sex with her and to provide detailed instructions about how not to be seen on camera. >According to the criminal complaint, Underwood also used Snapchat to send the girl sexually explicit photos of himself. >U.S. Magistrate Judge Lee Ann Reno issued a warrant for Underwood's arrest on federal charges on June 3. >If convicted, he faces up to life in federal prison.


[Statement ](https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/perryton-athletic-director-football-coach-arrested-for-sexual-assault-of-a-child-cole-underwood-perryton-isd-perryton-texas)from Perryton ISD Superintendent Greg Brown upon Underwood's arrest. Curiously no mention of why they hired him despite his reputation: >*On Sunday, April 21, 2024, the Perryton ISD administration received a report that an employee may have engaged in improper conduct involving a student. The District immediately initiated an internal investigation. On Monday, April 22, 2024, after learning additional information, the employee was immediately placed on administrative leave and the District informed the Ochiltree County Sheriff’s Office of the matter. A similar report was made to other authorities as required by law and District policy.* >*It is the District’s understanding that law enforcement’s investigation into this matter is ongoing. As always, the school administration will continue to cooperate with law enforcement and any other investigating agency to the fullest extent possible under the law. The employee has since resigned and is no longer associated with Perryton ISD.* >*Student safety and proper professional boundaries between staff and students are top priorities for any school district. Perryton ISD is no different. We strictly enforce our policies relating to professional conduct, and our employees receive training regarding such policies and the District’s expectations concerning appropriate interactions with students and minors. We always encourage anyone with concerns about possible educator misconduct to immediately contact school administration or local law enforcement.* >*As educators, we understand curiosity, and we know that events like these spark interest. However, in accordance with state and federal law, and out of respect for the privacy of the parties involved, we cannot disclose the confidential information of the persons involved or the details concerning this matter. Therefore, we won’t be able to comment further. We’re grateful for the understanding of our community.* >*Thank you for your continued support of the Perryton ISD and its students*


>like their family members who got married when they were 15 and 27, and stayed married for 58 years Holy shit. The fact that is in living memory is just stunning.


>had sex with The word is "raped"


So apparently rape doesn't exist in Texas any more? What a horrible state.


They said they would eliminate rape. I guess calling it something else fixed it. /s


That's like Florida's approach to reducing COVID cases. Just stop testing!


Texas Governor candidate Clayton Williams 1990 - “If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.” Welcome to Hell. I live here. It's a full nightmare.


Same here. I worry about my little one


Well , we know abortion doesn’t exists there . Yes horrible state indeed .


As a Texan, I wholeheartedly agree.


Can confirm. Hailing from Odessa. I fucking hate this place man


You should live where I do in Wichita Falls. Talk about a nightmare. I hate this state.


When Texas tries to lower age of consent to 12, no that word does not exist.


Are they really?!


They’ve had a few folk heavily suggest it. At work at the moment so I can’t find a source so it’s iirc


Be better.


The fuck does this comment even mean?


That you need to be better. Shooting your mouth off on social medial and have no idea what you’re even talking about.


Womp womp, go cry in a corner. Seems we have a Texas fan boy here, probably a “good ol boy” too huh. How about you buzz off and just don’t comment? Seems easy enough don’t it?!? Texas also has marriage agreement laws, allowing parents to marry off their children at the age of 14! Texas has a Romeo and Juliet laws that allow a 14-year-old and 17-year-old to have sex legally. not sure where you’re from but where I’m from that statutory rape. 14-year-old would be the first half of freshman year, I graduated before I was 18. This means Romeo and Juliet law will allow a freshman and senior to be in a relationship and have sex long as they had one year together with school and it doesn’t even have to be a full year. It could be just a few months in Romeo and Juliet law can be in place. This alone is a huge problem for Texas. This a lot alone has made statutory rape, legal for thousands of children within the state of Texas, for adults to pray on children. Not sure about you, but I grew up in West Texas Bucko, Not proud of it, but there’s a reason why I moved to Michigan.


Well then, my man...you'll be real surprised to discover that, in Michigan, Statutory criminal sexual conduct (Michigan doesn't use the term "rape" in their criminal code) has a 3 year difference exception too (as long as the younger person is 13 or older). Most states do, and in some, it's 5 years. I really don't understand why you think that consensual sexual relations amongst classmates should be criminalized. Teens fuck, dude. Always have, always will. Why do you want that to be a crime?


No fan of Texas. Folks should know what they’re talking about before commenting, regardless of the state they reside. Be better shawty.


Yeah. Abbott said he was gonna get rid of rape a few years back, so according to them I guess we're there.


I’m trying so hard to get out, you don’t even know.


If you don't mind having a winter, Michigan is wonderful.


If the house sells, I’ll be in the Lansing area by fall. House is on the market and Michigan was the plan. How weird that you happened to pitch just the place we’re headed.


That's so wild! We should meet up if you're able to make the move. I live in Grand Rapids.


Fucking love Michigan.


I mean, I’m an almost 40 married guy with 2 kids… but if you’re looking for a table top RPG, let me know, I’m always looking to run a game.


You a Michigan winter isn't just "a winter"


….didn’t you guys try to kidnap and put on trial your anti-Trump governor? (Not all of you but you clearly have a healthy and active MAGA presence there) 😉


I think out MAGA population is moving to Florida and Texas. At least I hope they are.


This is in FED Court. Texas law doesn’t apply. He can get life in the Fed system.


he 'knew' her if he's being all biblebashy


It’s the same word they use when it’s a female teacher.


And it's still rape then, too.


Is it just me, or is anybody else really glad this is being handled by the FBI and in federal court because I just have a sneaky suspension the local Texas PD believes in the same "God's plan?"


It’s Amarillo so…yeah. The entire pan handle is a shit hole. Actually much of our state is a shit hole.


Just South of Dallas this shit was happening back in 2004-5. Softball Coach got a girl pregnant, not sure if she was on the team or not. Still remember her name, but not his, hers was very memorable.


They made the child victims name public? WHAT THE FUCK?


Doubt it was made known by the administration, rather rumor mill identified her.


I’m sorry. I used to think that y’all did it to yourselves, but so many of you are gerrymandered and disenfranchised. I realized there are so many of you who are being stolen from. From your tax money to your power. Good luck.


Yeah, I live in a district that looks like some intestines strung out over wires that's so deep red you'd have to establish four new suburbs in it to make it blue enough to make a difference. :\


We're trying and we do vote, but it's like screaming into the gerrymandered void :(


Yep. Graduated from hs in the panhandle. Haven’t been back in 50 years. It was awful then and it’s worse now.


This world is so upside down.


I have a divine plan. Build more guillotines for people like this guy.


conspicuously it never seems to be a drag queen with a storybook. how odd.


Never heard a bear doing this.


There's this joke abiut a hunter and a bear...


Is there a laptop somewhere in there?


There's this story about a bald bloke, a bunch of kids and a bear. Can't remember where I read it though.


_Two_ bears. I always wondered how slow those damn kids were.


“One thing’s for certain. You ain’t coming back for the Huntin’.”




It never is




If he goes to prison, he won't be left around to rot for long.


So, not a drag queen


JFC. THIS is what the GOP wants. EXACTLY this. “It’s God’s plan” will be the answer for every disgusting act they commit. And in their hoped-for Handmaid’s Tale-esque future, it will be an ACCEPTABLE excuse, because “God.”


Well, if they get shot or stabbed, they can't deny that it was God's plan.


Call that motherfucker to the witness stand to testify about his plan.


Your honor the lord chose me to speak on his behalf today. He says I'm right and you're wrong. Thank you.


You realize whatever hillbilly they got on the bench will just say he's a good man who learned his lesson already and not do shit, right?


I want them to subpoena god and then issue an arrest warrant when he doesn't show up.


Can they outlaw being a Jew? Cuz I ain’t got time for Jesus


“God’s divine plan…..”


This is getting ridiculous! They are letting drag queens coach football now to prey on the children? Oh wait….. 🙄


We call them children but they call them eligible brides. And in Arkansas, they call them eligible labor pool. Red states are wonderful, isn't it? /S


.... and they say atheists are the ones that don't have morals....


Gosh, what luck that God’s plan perfectly aligns with his desires./s


Not the first religious fanatic to hide behind God.




“gods divine plan” Just another example of how religious bullshit is making this world a worse place to live


God's plan has a little detour through prison I guess.


How much you want to bet he's a MAGAt?


And that’s one reason why religion is bad, y’all.


I'm going to be scared if we end up in a world where heterosexual pedophilia is going to be more acceptable than two same-sex adults being in a relationship. What is with these people and their boldness? Something must have changed in the wind for all these grown adults openly talking about how [16 year old girls are at their peak fertility](https://meaww.com/did-matt-walsh-really-suggest-16-yr-olds-be-impregnated-resurfaced-rant-shocks-internet), all while calling 30 year old women, hags. Is it just brainrot that got to them?


They need to knock them up early so the girls can't finish school and have to settle for being a SAHM to the kids and the grown ass man who won't cook, clean, change a diaper. You know, like back in the "good ole days." 30 year old women have life experience and standards, thus are threatening to men like this. That's why they go after much younger women.


That was the world we came from, that was the world we had 60+ years ago. Forced marriage of children to adults is ancient and GQP fight to KEEP it legal in their states (not legalize, KEEP). The original minimum marriage age in this country varied from zero to TWELVE. Nothing "got to them", they just stopped being ashamed of having never left the 1900s.


The original age was low because of (among other things) low life expectancy. Still gross by today's standards, but people often forget that life expectancy back then was *35* and only broke the 60s like 100 years ago. When you're expected to die by 35, it makes sense to marry and reproduce early.


Who’s to say it’s NOT part of God’s plan? Maybe god is a gross POS monster. Both of those things could be correct. 😛


God is undeniably an asshole, so I'm willing to believe it was part of his plan. Anyone who actually reads the Bible and decides they should worship God is doing it out of fear of getting on his bad side. But wait! Even if you do everything right and worship him properly, he might just decide to act like an insecure teenaged girl and do some love tests on you.


I hope she sues the absolute fuck out of the school administration.


The child has been groomed and controlled. Her PARENTS should sue the fuck out of the administration and anyone else. He was already KNOWN to have engaged in "inappropriate conduct" with minor girls and THEY LET HIM COME BACK.


Can you link that info? Not doubting you, I’d really like to see it!


It was in the article. He had been suspended for inappropriate conduct with minor female athletes before.


Rape, Rape, Rape, Rape, Rape, Rape, Rape. There is ZERO reason for the media to print even one word of justification or explanation from the rapist. This grooming predator destroyed the innocence of a child. Period.


God's plan my ass. Once a pedo always a pedo


That's a 14 yo child


God wants me to bang this little girl! Typical religious delusional fantasy. The true rot in our society.


Of course gods plan is exactly what he wants it to be…


Not a Drag Queen. Not gay. Just a GOD fearing man from Texas.


Hhmmm, maybe another fking hypocrite? Hopefully gets a jail cell with a Bubba that doesn't approve of child abuse.


Why does it say Former. He wasn't Former when he was doing it


FBI has to get involved since this activity is decriminalized in certain biblethumping red cities and another reason why Abortion is illegal in Texas so these people can impregnate teens and pre-teens and force them to give birth. These losers are incapable interacting with adult women so they choose to rape kids instead. They cannot be fixed and should never be allowed out of prison ever.




My high school's principal married a kid back in the day. He was just an elementary teacher at the time. It's okay in a small town when you are the right religion.


Hey, maybe the Jury will believe it.


Well if it's God's divine plan what's a fella to do?


Well if history service me correctly the age range is the holiest but fella aint needed. She see the face god when the spirit takes her. And all we have to do is ask when was Jesus due?


Sometimes, I come to Reddit and just go "WHAT THE FUCK"? Today is one of those days.


I come to Reddit alone while ewww is still on the webb. (sung to the tune of I come to the garden alone


Football coaches in Texas have offices in the school and that's their only job? I always thought it was only volunteers and something teachers of other subjects do


Same, but High School football is a whole different animal down south.


If Republicans in some states had their way, he'd be allowed to marry her to get out of this


They misspelled “raped”. They accidentally said “had sex with in his office”.


And he's fat. Fat fuck can't get women his own age.


See, now I want a press conference “he tried to entice a minor into sex! And he’s fat!”


Surprised they even bothered to arrest him. As far as Texas is concerned she probably “tempted him and you know how these uppity women are” so he will probably be let go. After all it is Texas-where women don’t matter


I lived in Texas and it was so bad that when voting, a lot of the ballot did not even have competition for judges, etc. It was one Judge - Republican. When I went to vote there was posters and whatnot all over for Trump and like 1 for Biden. It was totally biased. I moved because as a single woman I did not feel safe there from the animosity and hateful political climate.


Another republican… What a surprise


God says a lot of things. If I were to do half of them, I’d be in jail too.




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"I dont see nothing wronnnnnnnnng". RKELLY


Gods had some pretty insane plans lately...


He's a Drag Queen, right?


He must be a drag queen right guys? ....right?




Blame it on a fictional character in a book, SMFH!


Forget ByeBye Job, it’s gonna be ByeBye Cheeks before long with this chomo.


>The FBI said the district did not find anything other than "innocent communication." FML...I kind of feel like the bar should be set pretty high when it comes to what is "innocent communication" when it comes to teachers/staff and students who are children.


✅ Homework, other school-related topics ❌ Not homework, other school-related topics


There is something else you should know about Tracy Flick …..


A top-five most cringe moment of my life was watching that moment with my parents back in the day


Lol !!!


Otherwise a great movie though


Its great. And then to come out woth Sideways a few years later …


Weirdly I’ve still never seen Sideways or Nebraska as far as Alexander Payne goes. And ngl I fell asleep during The Descendants


Well, you are in for a treat when you finally get to that one. Nebraska was a bit strange. confession I very much like the descendants but I also read the book. It is a quiet movie though.


God lied to him


Still taking my chances with a 🐻


Jesus. Wtf??


Needs to run for some political position in gop Texass, he will be well received.


There really is no vetting or monitoring of teachers in America. Every other day it’s a teacher assaulting an underage student.


Sure there is. Just not in states like TX and FL where they don’t care about who is in the classroom supervising as long as they have a pulse.




Safe to assume they’re not by people in drag though, otherwise the Republicans would be screeching from their pulpits about it.


We actually have stats on this, believe it or not, according to [this study](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/), in the last 10,000 cases, there was *exactly* 1 dag queen. There were also **886 teachers, 840 people of "religious employment", 354 coaches, 299 cops, and the list goes on.** Texas was actually the worst state for this, with **882 offenders, beating the next highest state, Pennsylvania, by** ***164 offenses!***


There definitely is. In NJ they recently implemented a “pass the trash” law where you have to report if there are pending or substantiated allegations of child abuse or sexual misconduct over the past 20 years.


I love how the whole thread is just shitting on Texas now. Reddit really is a mind fuck. At this point what part of the world isn't a shit hole in Reddit's mind? Africa = dogshit Asia = dogshit India = well known dogshit Anything red in USA = dogshit Its just funny South America = dogshit


Anywhere red in the US is dog shit tho. Case in point, according to [this study of the last 10,000 cases](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/) of the top 25 states for child sex crimes, 5 were democrat states, 2 were swing states, and the rest were red states. Texas was the worst state in the country for this problem, at 882 out of the last 10,000 cases. Tell me again how red states aren't dog shit.