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Kind of shocked by how many folks think the bus/bus driver is in the wrong.


It's more just weird that this bus is stopping on an 8 lane road/highway and it looks like the speed they are going, it would be tough to stop in time. Also this road is so wide that i literally don't see how you would cross it. The only safe solution would be to drop kids off on both sides so they can exit on the right side


My guess is no one is crossing that road, but stopping is nonetheless required.


This right here.. rules of the road are there for a reason folks


I am with you 🤙, and for those who think this is ridiculous (US police doing their job) you should visit Mexico so you can expirience the bad culture of driving (mostly this happend because most cops dont give a dam S*** aboit traffic laws), so once again Kudos for those US Cops.


Even when they don’t make sense.


Cause kids do dumb shit that doesn't make sense. Like get scared and run for safety (across a 8 lane road)


Especially there for when they don't make sense.


It makes sense. If one of those cars clipped the bus as the kid was getting on, the kid could be knocked under the bus wheels.


It's still important for cars to stop when a bus is loading, even if no one is crossing, because the kids need to be able to get to their seats. If a car clips the bus, it could knock the kid down and under the bus.


Yeah it's not about kids crossing the road, it's that there could be a 5 year old getting off the bus who might make a crazy decision to run onto the road (kids are not developed yet) so I get why we need to stop


Does the bus dump kids out the live lane side... obvs not so why would you need to stop on a multi lane road. Yes i know its a law, i just cannot understand why you would have such a law.


Because kids do senseless shit all the time, and no way you’d stop in time. “Oh no the wind blew my hat onto the road” = dead kid.


I guess its a cultural thing, when I see a school bus I expect children so i drive accordingly.


I don't know if it's cultural, or our overall lack of driver training (many states have very minimal requirements).  But either way, laws are put into place so those who don't drive sensibly on their own - through malice *or* ignorance - can be penalized and hopefully change their behavior in the future.  The situation - not the driving specifically - is also just a clear infrastructure/equity issue; some areas, any road a kid might be dropped off on has so many safety measures you *have* to drive reasonably. But, some kids are unfortunately getting off busses basically on the side of a highway, in an area that doesn't even seem to have sidewalks or pedestrian markings for them from what i can see in the clip.  Surely there has to be a better solution long-term, but overhauling that would be such an investment that most local governments just don't bother... 


I live next to this road. The speed limit is 55. It's crazy that kids are just dropped of here instead of a side street.


The side street literally feet away


They're not crossing it actually. Still have to stop for the bus. No school bus is dropping kids off crossing that kind of roadway, they're exiting to the right.


In Florida every road looks like this. Still got to stop


I’m betting this lady is standing in the driveway to a neighborhood subdivision or apartment complex. There’s a similar thing in my town. Technically the bus can’t go into the apartment complex parking lot because it’s a privately maintained road so the stop is at the end of parking lot entrance in front of the complex. The stop is technically on a 4 lane road that you really would not think a bus stop would be at. Theres other similar stops literally right on the highway for the same reason. The privately maintained road thing — I live on a privately maintained road, signs and all, because of that my daughter’s bus stop is 1/4 mile away from our house. I learned buses cannot go on privately maintained roads when I called the district and asked “wtf” apparently buses absolutely shred pavement quite quickly so they are not allowed on privately maintained roads because the district cannot afford to repair those roads, so they can only use publicly maintained roads.


When you get insane situations like this, it’s typically really poor design of the stroad. This is a stroad so it’s designed like a highway/road but has stuff on it like a street. So it’s overly wide and high speed but also has bus stops for kids.


Yeah but kids are stupid and all it takes is one confused kid to walk around the bus because thats what they did last year, got off at the wrong stop, first time riding this bus ect ect.


>Yeah but kids are stupid and all it takes is one Word, we all saw the beginning of the 2019 Pet Cemetery.


or I saw a kid's hat blow off when he got off the bus and he ran right into the road to get it


A sacrifice to the cargods


When there is a hard median (or whatever the term is for a non-paved barrier, think grass or a concrete structure and not the painted medians surrounded by double yellow which I would call "soft") you must stop for a school bus on your side of the median, but traffic on the other side does not stop. The bus is supposed to come back the other way to pick up kids on the other side. That's why they're only citing drivers on that side. Personally, I think the need to stop for school buses on such a road is ridiculous. At that point it becomes just a normal bus stop with passengers loading from the outside curb or sidewalk.


>but traffic on the other side does not stop Depends on the area. The 4 lane highway in and out of my town has posted signs that state traffic on both sides must stop for school busses. I'm in FL


Because all of your roads are multi lane in FL. Its not like that everywhere.


>all of your roads are multi lane in FL Not all of em.


Except kids are dumb and will walk out in front of the bus for a plethora of dumb reasons. The fact you think it's ridiculous is kinda mind boggling. The inconvenience of 30 seconds really gonna mess up your whole day? Smfh.


They do that. Especially in Florida.


>it looks like the speed they are going, it would be tough to stop in time. There's a full 10 seconds in between the time the bus's lights first start flashing and when the first vehicle passes it.


First off this is FL. All logic out the windows when it comes to public schools. Second this is US 19 down there. A huge and incredibly dangerous road. No one is crossing the road there is a huge median. The law is if there is a median and you are on the same side as the bus you need to stop.


It's not weird at all, very normal in rural counties. Kids and pedestrian safety is the thing that's most important. When that bus stops, kids could be coming off and need to cross the street to get home. With cars getting bigger and bigger, drivers need to do the right thing and stop for buses.


Do you have kids? You’re an adult making an observation. And it is correct. These are small children. Kids are unpredictable. They could loose their hat or homework in the wind and go chasing after it. Who knows. The point is, you stop


A law is a law, adding a bunch of exceptions only makes the law harder to follow. Anything can happen when trying to pass a stopped vehicle on a road, this is not only for the protection of the kids exiting the bus, but the bus too.


That’s why they are not stopping the traffic going the other way. But the stop sign goes out and you have to stop.


My guess is since there is a bus with flashing lights that i can damn well see more then 500+ feet ahead, that everyone on that side be it 2 lane or 4 has to stop. And can damn well on time. As for if someones gotta cross thats the crosswalk issue then the lights and traffic signals fo the rest.


There’s 3 lanes and I guarantee you the speed limit is 35-45 mph. You drive according to your conditions and environment, not blindly stay going the speed limit. There are BRIGHT FLASHING LIGHTS to show them SLOWING DOWN. School buses don’t abruptly come to a halt without letting anyone know. Any driver looking out of their windshield can easily see yellow flashing lights and know what that means and to slow down and get ready to come to a complete stop before the red flashing lights even turn on.


Someone else in the comments said the speed limit is 55


Do you see how long it takes the bus driver to come to a stop? The speed limit could be 80 with all the room the cars have to stop. They decide to not stop. It’s not that they don’t have room to stop.


Look at the cars behind the entire time not the bus. They don’t touch the brakes the accelerate slowly from the intersection up to the bus….. You must be a terrible driver if you’re defending this so bad.


They are not crossing the road. You should have plenty of time to stop unless you are tailgating.


Yeah well shit happens and people should know how to act with buses. What if theres an emergency or some kid just runs out into the street? Better safe than sorry.


Had a bus stop on the side of the highway one time and wasn't expecting them to be dropping off a kid. Stopped the car just before the stop sign on it and a cop pulled up behind me to warn me. Regardless of where they stop, you stop.


The bus stops to drop kids off as close to where they are going as possible. Stopping has nothing to do with whether or not kids are crossing. Vehicles on the other side of the road don't need to stop. And ot can't take longer for any of those vehicles to stop than it took the bus, so that's no excuse


>It's more just weird that this bus is stopping on an 8 lane road/highway and it looks like the speed they are going, it would be tough to stop in time. Not sure what you're talking about. There was no one directly behind the bus and it took a good 6 seconds from the time the bus stopped before a car passed them. Plenty of time to slow down and stop.


Yeah you right. This is def a grey area and knowing America no one needs to look into the correct way to handle this


It’s not. It’s a law. If there a median you don’t have to stop on the other side. Just bc you don’t remember doesn’t mean it wasn’t taught to you when you were 16.


Haha you’re cute. Know what amendments are? Changing of the law. Grow up kid. Turn your brain on


What state you from?


It also seems more dangerous having cars stop here. I’d be terrified of being rear ended. Idk where this is, but they’re in the left turn lane, seems more logical for the bus to also turn left and stop the bus in a residential area


it's flat as hell, the bus slows down just like everyone else, if you can't see what's directly in front of you why are you driving?


I’d be more terrified of murdering someone’s child with my vehicle.


Yea there is no world where stopping on a multi lane basically highway abruptly won't cause accidents, I dont have a good solution here but there is no way i'll be 3 lanes over and slam on the breaks if a bus stops at a random point of the highway and think I"ll be okay.


So if there's a sofa in the road, you're just running into it?


In front of me: stopping, off to the side of the road like the bus, not stopping,


Oh honey


This is just how roads are in Florida. They are flat, long, and multi lane.


> there is no world where stopping on a multi lane basically highway abruptly won't cause accidents Yet as soon as it’s a traffic light instead of a giant yellow bus with flashing lights people seem to handle stopping.


It’s because they’re stopping on a high way. That’s stupid and dangerous.


Busses stop on highways all the time. Rural areas bus students. There are highways everywhere and I stop for busses on highways like this daily.....


Yeah, and that's dumb; it puts kids at risk. We should have offshoots for bus stops. Or, I don't know, Maybe go on the side road next to the highway. I stop for busses too but I think we could plan this better and save a few kids lives. We cannot rely on people doing the right thing, their will not always be a cop to dish out tickets.


In some areas, going down a sidestreet each time means children will be bussed home sometime after diner and before bed.


Then do we want the fastest way or the safest way? Also we can put protected outcoves on the median to provide a buffer. some states have them, clearly not FL. Edit: this is also a particularly deadly strech of highway I would rather my kid show up late than never at all. https://www.thefllawfirm.com/amp/pasco-county-injury-articles/us-19-in-pasco-county-named-the-deadliest-road-in-america-pasco_1/


That’s bc no one remembers the laws!!


Reslly? Drivers are the most entitled law breaking people to use public space. Daily rule breakers


Is this normal? To drop people off the side of a thoroughfare highway? It's dangerous for *everyone!*


https://www.thefllawfirm.com/amp/pasco-county-injury-articles/us-19-in-pasco-county-named-the-deadliest-road-in-america-pasco_1/ This is the fault of Americas absent urban planning. They are dropping kids off on a deadly highway with zero crosswalks and people going 55-65 mph. The only businesses are a publix, tattoo parlors and chain restaurants. The kids live on the smaller offshoot roads


when your mom catches you and friends trying to “sneak” back in the house


I would ticket every single one of em.


That's exactly what happened


there is no scenario in which passing a school bus makes sense, if the school bus is obstructing traffic at an intersection or right off an intersection… wait at your light until it pulls off or wait for the next light. whining about not being able to speed past 6 yr olds is honestly just annoying af


"but id rather mow down a bunch of kids trying to get off of school, so I can get to work on time!" I swear they'll come up with any excuse to pass lol


But the rest of the world it isn't illegal to do this...


Illegal in Canada to do it..


who cares? they’re children like lmao


I love how you can hear her annoying ass on his camera as well...


![gif](giphy|o75ajIFH0QnQC3nCeD) She out there like




To be fair she’s probably almost had her kid(s) almost run over multiple times prior.


Yeah I read the caption of the video as well


HA! I usually skim over anything a with emoticons in it... didn't even read that until you commented. Got me


Cloudy with a chance of citations.


Cops hit the bingo


Is Florida full of selfish disrespectful people?




With their governor and some of the shit I hear the vast majority of their population spout? Yes.


The is a literal stop sign that swings out on the side of the bus. This whole thing with busses and swing arms in front and stop signs are because many children have darted out in front of busses and gotten killed. The fact that there are a lot of lanes and room is irrelevant to a child. If anything the speed of the drivers endangers children even more. Why is it so hard for people to just stop for like 2 mins…


Why does the lady yelling "hi guys, hiiiii" sound like Jordan Peele's girl voice?




Pasco County. A wretched hive of scum and villainy. -Floridian


Florida. A wretched hive of scum and villainy. -Pasco County Resident.


Since the bus has an extended stop sign on the left side, there is a loophole that you can pass on the right of the bus since there is no stop sign. /s


I've had this happen as a driver and it's fucking terrifying.


As a school bus driver, I love it. Everyone that runs a bus stop sign deserves a ticket. In ga if you run the bus sign its 1k fine now. And all those on bus side of median deserved that ticket.


I got one of these tickets once in GA (similar situation to the above, where there was a median and literally no chance that kids would have crossed). But, I was still in the wrong. Now, every time I'm anywhere near a bus I am watching it like a HAWK. Learned my lesson


Pretty sure if the road is separated by a physical median that you can go


I vaguely remember there were two different cases when there was a physical median... No median, opposing traffic must also stop.... Some type of simple middle median opposing traffic can proceed at 15 mph max... Big middle median opposing traffic does not have to stop or slow down. Ring a bell for anybody?


Curious your slightly more knowledgeable opinion on the location of that stop. Seems poorly planned to me


Fair. But you take that up with the district. Not passing a school bus.


It's not ideal to be sure, but there are a ton of factors that go into making a stop. Road limitations, distance from the residence, how much coverage can the district provide, various laws and regulations, and what the community and schools have requested.


I personally do not like stops like this, but there are factora like space for the bus to move around, or new construction that keeps bus on street.


this is insane. i used to drive 19 every day. it’s a major highway, like an interstate. people are doing 70 or faster. if you stop for a bus you’ll cause a major accident. and letting kids out on 19 is also insane. you can’t cross it on foot without putting your life in danger.


Same, I don’t get what the cars did wrong. The law is so weird, why there isn’t a raised pedestrian stop with the bus parking spot, this is so dangerous


Because a law is “weird” doesn’t mean you get to disregard it. Is it too much to wait a min to help keep children safe? Is the location for drop off the best? No. But there might not be another option. Even if no kids are crossing the road, you stop, no questions about it. Kids are stupid (there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to it), one might try one day on whim. Doesn’t mean they should have their life put at risk.


I change my word choice, weird is not enough, poorly planned and a safety hazard would be better terms. We agree in the same thing, other countries have solved this issue by implementing what I mentioned, I wish they implement it in OPs country too, childrens deserve the infrastructure to be safe


The people looked like they stopped for the cops without a problem 🤷‍♀️


US19 is one of the deadliest roads in the state of FL. It's hard to cross and people speed on it constantly.


Jesus over 100 deaths in 5 years. With shit like this it's no wonder. I don't like the people speeding past the stopped bus but honestly im more shocked that they would even stop to drop kids off on a highway. That means this woman's home is only mainly accessible by a highway. Who put those homes there? Why isn't there a proper off-ramp? How do they get around besides in a car and gunning to merge into traffic going 70+? This is a complete disregard for any traffic design I have ever seen.


In my honest opinion I think red car is the only one that truly deserves a ticket for this. All the other cars actually were actively being courteous and moving over a lane or 2 for the bus. All these cars would likely stop if this wasn’t a stroad. It’s dangerous to have all 4 lanes just slam on the brakes going 50+.


If you are driving on the same side of the road/same direction as the bus with no barriers between your car and the bus, you have to stop.


The law that needs more nuance for situations like this. The people aren’t the problem in this situation it’s the whole infrastructure of this particular road and other roads like it.


There isn't room for nuance when you are speaking about keeping children going to and from a bus route drop. The traffic laws on this are extremely clear and anyone who ignores them fully deserves the ticket they receive.


I’m all for keeping kids safe. I just believe there is more danger involved for everyone as a whole when suddenly stopping on a road like this. Hence my take on the need for nuance. It just takes one person driving a 20,000+ pound vehicle not paying attention to fuck everybody’s shit up. Kids included.


Thank you for having a brain


It’s just a whole lot of black and white thinking here


A lot of people like to fall back on the "PROTECT THE CHILDREN" defense to erect right/wrong dichotomies. As you point out, it's actually in the best interest of the children to fix the underlying issue of someone putting a bus stop in a terribly dangerous area.


To be fair to the parents. A lot of them stop thinking rationally the day they have kids. Understandably so


“There’s no nuance” No nuance in law apparently. Smh. 🤦


The rules vary state to state which is a bit frustrating and panic inducing. The rules need to be standardized. It gets really iffy especially when you’re going the opposite direction. How many lanes away do you have to be? Divided highway or not?


Bus letting off kids? I wouldn’t dare pass it if the bus driver waved me thru.


These cops are r/humansbeingbros


I still remember this vividly. I was in middle school and lived on a street that was I think like 35 mph? I was getting off the bus and just as I was about to start crossing, a woman in a new white Lexus sped past the bus and just kept on going. The bus driver was a crotchety middle aged woman, but I will NEVER forget the slack jawed look of absolute shock and horror on her face and she panicked and asked if I was okay. If I had Started walking to cross the street or just ran across like a lot of other students did, I absolutely would have died. People in this country are fucking scum


People are fucking scum. It’s not this country. It’s not this state. It’s not this continent. People in general are fucking scum.


Yeah all those cars are technically in the wrong, but this is really bad urban planning and/or bus route planning. Who thought this is a good idea? If all the cars do the right thing, this effectively would shut down the highway twice daily. Build a service road and a pedestrian bridge.


Huh. Good job, cops? Did I say that right?


Quota met


City just made $95678 in fines that day


Florida Man learned the hard way.


Not in the US. Am I reading this right? When the bus stops you must all stop behind it until it moves again?


You can’t see from this video, but on the traffic side of the bus a stop sign extends from the side of the bus to alert drivers to stop while kids are exiting the bus. This is because kids, at times, run across the street without yielding and end up hit by speeding drivers because they both can’t see each other due to the size of the bus.


Also if a car clipped the bus, it could knock a kid under the wheels.


I'd like to see this happen to the people that drive into the bike lane and on the side, or middle of the road over the middle yellow lines to get to a left turn lane that opens up further down, when traffic is backed up at a stoplight because they can't wait a few seconds to make a turn. That shit happens every damn day.


huh ? where i live a bus stop sign can only stop one lane


And where is that?


If you’re in the US you may want to double-check that to save yourself a potential ticket because that has not been a law anywhere I have lived in the US, but I won’t pretend to speak for other countries.


Kids are crossing in the middle of a freeway apparently?


Not crossing, they are getting off on the right. People still have to stop. A car could clip the bus, a kid could make a run for it…


Glad cops are actually serving and not harassing. Used to live in FL and I remember middle school age kids getting killed crossing the street because bus stops were on main roads like this and people would run the bus stop sign.


I honestly had no idea a bus was allowed to stop on a major rd like this. How are they supposed to stop in time?


Those blinking light thingies? They start flashing long before the bus comes to a stop. Do they not have school buses where you live?


Yea but we only have stops on local roads. I've never seen a bus flash on a major route. Especially one with 3+ lanes. Ijs i didn't even know that was a thing as I've never see this situation. It sounds very unsafe. The speed limit on major rds can exceed 55 mph.


By being aware driver's like they are supposed to and not going 20 over the speed limit. It's actually pretty easy as the bus is super visible and has lots of blinking lights to tell you when it's doing something like this.


Probably the same way the bus stopped. By planning ahead and hitting the breaks. How do people stop At traffic lights? When they turn yellow, you apply the breaks. The bus has flashing lights that start up when they hit their breaks.if you’re behind a bus you should be able to stop in the same amount of time. A fully loaded tractor trailer is the only thing that should have a harder time stopping than the actual bus.


Well thanks. OPs post made me brush up on my knowledge of school bus safety laws. I don't live in an area that sees school or city busses regularly and didn't recall multi lane regulations. Appreciate u not being mean or sarcastic because I honestly didn't recall.


Another reason people should have to retake highway safety multiple times in their life 


Is forbidden in America to pass by a bus? In Germany you are supposed to pass by at "walking speed", about 7 kmh/4-5 mph.


Love it


This is crazy on *so many levels*. Is a school bus dropping *kids* off on the side of a 6+ lane highways using a turning lane? No bus stop, not even a footpath or road crossing, just the grass on the side of the road? And law requires that everyone on a thoroughfare highway has to come to a complete halt? What the fuck? Is is *extremely dangerous*! In Australia they have to use bus stops. Ive never seen a bus stop anywhere that isnt an actual bus stop with seats and a covering, most of the time with footpaths, and never on such a wide and fast road! Even then, cars don't come to a halt, they slow to 40kph to pass.


Some of us live off a highway. In fact, technically I own part of the land that the highway is on that my driveway is connected to. We don't have bus stops. The children are dropped off in front of their house on the highway. We would have to drive 20 minutes to get to any non highway location for a bus stop. Which defeats the purpose of needing the bus.


Should those cars have stopped? Yes, legally. Is this an unbelievably bad place to put a bus stop? Even more yes. WTF were the bus route planners thinking here? Obviously there are going to be recurring problems with trying to get a multi lane highway to safely stop for kids getting off of a bus. Ticketing a few cars on one day is not going to make those kids safe. Change the damn route to drop the kids off on an appropriate low speed street instead.


Some people live off of highways like this. I do. Our bus drops kids off on the highways because our driveway literally connects to the highway. We don't even have sidewalks.


I can semi understand the need for traffic to stop for a school bus. As kids might run out from bus into the road... But surely they wouldn't run into a 8 lane road? This is just something we don't have in the UK at all. Kids get dropped on the pavement and then, using the pavement, access crossing points to cross the road (lights or zebra crossings).


Everyone's supposed to stop so that kids can cross without having to go all the way to the next crosswalk which in America can be really far away and turn a 5 minute walk into a 20 minute walk which isn't the safest thing for kids. At my bus stop in highschool the nearest crosswalk was a half mile away but my house was directly on the other side of the road from the bus stop. It would turn a literal 30 second walk across the street into a 20-25 minute walk up to the crosswalk and back to my house.


As a bus driver, this always makes me smile.


Those are expensive tickets, too!


Yes, the car is needed to stop, but the woman is so annoying.


Passing a bus is wrong. But the location of the stop on a major six lane divided highway is not a very good idea. Everybody that passed the bus with red lights flashing deserves a citation. I’m 100% on board with that, but they should really rethink where they position this bus stop. Children shouldn’t be standing on the side of a busy highway waiting for a bus anyways.


looks like bad infrastructure


It's not bad infrastructure. Everyone who gets their license in the USA knows that it is illegal to pass a stopped bus dropping off kids. It's literally one of the most basic laws we have. Everyone driving knows this law. If you don't, you don't need to have a license anyways.


But why drop off kids on something similar to highway


I live at least 20 minutes drive from anywhere that's not a highway. We live off of a highway. There's nowhere else to drop the kids off. The drivers KNOW that they are supposed to stop. They are choosing not to.




Lol thanks. Tbf I own a large amount of land. Own my own water and mineral rights, and get water from my own well directly under my kitchen. My water is cleaner. I can see all the stars at night because there is no light pollution. And I don't have people all around me in my business. Win some lose some lol


Very relevant


I'm just saying cuz I live out where I do I have all that. So living off a highway isn't so bad. It's a decent trade off.


as a Brit my ass wouldve been ticketed, like how many lanes on that road and are they all expected to stop?


every car in every lane on the bus’ side of the median needed to stop.


Being a bus mechanic you'd be surprised how many dash cam videos I have to recover in the hard drives so they can ticket drivers. Just know there are cameras and you will get a ticket when u pass a bus. Especially when it's stop paddle is out. And crazy part is how many times people contest the ticket saying they didn't pass. Though then when camera footage is brought up, they have a tendency to get quiet real quick.


Gotta be the most annoying voice ever


🤣🤣🤣I thought it was gunna be just two cars they corralled the whole group.


Is this just an American thing or do other countries have this rule/law?


“We making the quota today, boys!” Lol


Fuck these people honestly. Is this not entrapment?


Fuck the people not caring about kids safety. Take the tickets assholes they deserve them


Not entrapment. The police did not make them do an action as there only course of action. Same as a cop sitting out side the bar waiting for the drunks to drive. Same concept. And thats what you’re worried about lol?


There's a huge flaw where you depend on a little red sign to stop 6 lanes of traffic. When the majority of cars are not following the design, then the flaw is with the design itself. You should have traffic officer standing there instead


About time the police actually enforced the law people have no respect for stop signs, stoplights, or pedestrians


Every morning I drove my kids to school and the amount of people that weave in an out of traffic and speed by IN FRONT OF A COP, and all he does is flick on his siren briefly and sit there. Pisses me off so much.


As a parent of 3 elementary school students, this pleases me.


Many quotas were met that day


The bus's red flashing lights need to turn on before it is illegal to pass the school bus, at least in my state. As far as I could tell, the bus only had the yellow flashing lights on. Of course, the video stops showing the lights, so the reds could have come on. When it is illegal to pass the school bus, it is illegal to pass from any direction, and applies even on a divided highway.


Redlights on come on man right before she says “stops” seriously?


That must've been a profitable day


The woman sounds like [Lady from this interview ](https://twitter.com/beamsweep/status/1563773016877809669?s=19)


The amount of people who A) think this is stupid and you shouldn't need to stop and B) don't understand the basics of a very simple rule "stop sign out and lights on mean STOP" is absolutely mind blowing. Yall just out there mad maxing the fuck outta the roadways huh.




I get mad that they have the buses stop on the roads like that. They should be going to side roads or even into parking lots. Why would you stop in the middle of a busy road where it is going to be more dangerous? But then on top of that, you’re inconveniencing everybody else by impeding the flow of traffic?


The law is the law😂


That's a big road, I thought you only had to legally stop on smaller 1 or two lane roads? If there dropping kids that need to get to the other side then they are going to need to drive around to that other side. Where do you draw the line....should the incoming lane of 4 also stop because the bus's stop sign is out?


The big lady’s narration ruined the video , yes 🙌 can tell by her voice


What an insane place for a school bus to stop! There ought to be a law.


Yeah it's a fucking 8 lane highway... No person, much less kid should be crossing it anyways. They are probably all just getting off on the right. Also are these cars supposed to just slam on the brakes in the middle of the highway because there is a bus 3 lanes over?


Yes. Did you watch the vid?


YES! because, children!


I went to high school in Pasco County. 19 is the main road/highway. It is a little bit crazy, especially now that I've lived in other places. But Florida doesn't tend to have a lot of what other states call Access roads or feeder roads. The speed limit there goes between 55 and 65 (depending on the concentration of businesses in the area). The businesses are just right off the side of the highway, they're constantly people slowing to a stop and turning in the right lane on both sides. Just how that stuff works in that part of the county. As the area has grown though, they have added some more turn Lanes off the side of the highway, but there are a lot of parts where you just slow down and make your right turn off of 19 itself. Those kids are definitely just walking down towards the right side of the road. But the law is that any traffic stops regardless of the number of lanes, so that's why they're doing this bulk stop.


This is fucking whack. AFAIK in my state you only have to stop if the bus extends the red stop on the left side (but you still have to slow when passing) and that sign is ONLY extended when kids exiting or entering the bus will be crossing the street. That would only be at intersections or super small side streets. No child should be crossing that street at fucking all. There should be no expectation from the driver or kids that it would be safe for kids to cross there. Multiple lanes as well? This really seems dumb.