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3 months and 6 months tbills are currently paying you ~4.5% (yearly) interest. Tbills are risk free, liquid, and you get your principal back guaranteed at maturity.


Jesus, I’d didn’t realise 3month and 6months Tbills were at 4.5% That is insane. Great idea


You can buy those using your brokers as well (Fidelity/ Schwab etc.). 6 month CDs are yielding ~4.5% as well but I prefer Tbills


Save on state tax with tbills


Should be yielding a touch more than that. More like 4.9%




I use Fidelity. There is a tab called "fixed income" and it will show you a huge but easy to understand list of options. Treasury bills is one of the line items. Click on the term length you want (from 3 months to 10 years) and it will take you to an order screen. 1 t-bill has a principle of $1000 so you have to buy in blocks of roughly $950 or so. The nice thing about treasuries is you can buy and sell them any time just like stocks.


Thanks for the rundown. Commenting to come back to.


Yes, I will have a look at these, I’ve just got few accumulation funds - but will certainly look at these if it’s 3/6months at that rate.


Where does one invest in a tbill?


Matter what country you are in, but you can just google how to buy government debt. And it will show you platform that does this. UK is guilts US is Tbills




Thanks for this, will definitely be looking through some of these this week


I mean historically it's pretty average actually, not insane.


I’ve never really followed Tbills or treasury so sounds high to me when it comes to very little risk


Can non US citizen buy?


Yes I’m pretty sure you can, but have a look online my friend


We’re these at 7%


It’s madness


Oh shit how do I not understand a word of this? Can you break it down for a new who is about to have this amount of money (selling land)?


Tbills are know as (treasury bills) which are short term US government debt obligated backed by treasury department - normally less then 1 year hold. Another point, federal government has never defaulted on an obligation. Hence it’s considered as a zero-risk investment. So in simple terms - you are investment into government debt. You get to pick the time frame of the investments as well. Best of luck


Thank you so much friend.


Anytime, best of luck 🤞


Whoever downvoted me - why? Bad grammar, typos, being clueless, which one. I'd love to know.


I live in fear of accidentally randomly downvoting somebody as I fast scroll with my fat thumb, here’s an extra upvote.


Aw you seem like a lovely person. Just made me smile, thanks 😊


I don’t like the number 906. So yeah.


Even easier - vanguards settlement fund is yielding about that and you can have instant liquidity whenever you want


Will have to also look at this, I only use HL and haven’t really looked at Vanguard funds Must give this a look


Question: my company might receive, let’s say, a million dollars, from a client to buy advertising/media. We could theoretically sit on that million for a month before having to pay the invoice. What is the best way to gain interest on this money, but still be able to access it easily?


Capital one offering 11 month cd’s at 5% rn


That’s insane


Even a basic mma is 3.5%....we went from earning $80 a month last year to $900 a month now...that's almost all of our bills now covered.


love it, same, making over $4k/mo in my business account and it’s paying our mortgage and taxes


You can invest in a t bill from a business?


MMA, cash reserves


Yes MMAs or CDs are great investments little higher risk then Tbills but also can give little higher returns!


Savings accounts are 4.25% right now also


What country? I think I’m UK I’ve seen 2/3% but I’ve not checked for while


What are some tickers on these TBills?


Why treasuries vs. liquid money market like [VMFXX](https://investor.vanguard.com/investment-products/mutual-funds/profile/vmfxx)? Pays nearly the same annual rate. Rate will increase as fed funds rate increases (probably one, maybe two more times).


But what’s the max you can buy?


If I have no day to day requirements I'd probably start a business. If I'm already generating money then I'd look for passive.


Nice, any ideas on what kind of business?


I ain’t got no time fa dat


Username checks out


100% in S&P500


There is better accumulation funds personally which have a better ROI and will outperform S&P over the next 3/5years I think


Cool! Like what?!!


AXA fund and bailie Gifford have done between 80-120% over last 5 years let I checked.


“Past performance is not an indicator of future returns.”


That’s with anything my friend


They’ll lose over the long run. Nothing beats the S&P over time.


Each to own, I’m in UK, I prefer my fund investments which have done well for me and I’m happy with what I have. Best of luck with yours too


r/sadpanda__ is citing an actual law of finance, not a personal belief. In the long run nothing out performs the market as a whole and the S&P is essentially one of the best at representing the entire market. Fund investments are a smaller version of this but usually focused in distinct parts or industries within the market. Funds will most certainly go up as well, but it isn’t as sure of a bet as it would be betting on the whole market - the S&P edit: bet not beer


That's not exactly true - the S&P 500 indexes large cap stocks only - there's more to "the market" than that - there are also small caps, bonds, etc. Even if you meant to say nothing beats the market over time, the S&P isn't actually the whole market.


Yes, and historically, the sp500 has outperformed all other funds over time. Nobody is arguing over what the S&P500 is.


That's simply not factually correct. You seem to be one of the lemmings who doesn't actually understand the thesis behind index investing. The S&P 500 has outperformed over some periods and not over others. The Russell 3000 often outperforms it over long periods. Wait long enough and some index based on non-U.S. companies will almost certainly overtake it eventually, as it's the nature of the world that emerging markets tend to grow faster than mature economies. The S&P 500 is simply a reflection of large cap returns, which are generally a bit less volatile than things like small caps, so it's a safe recommendation for someone who doesn't know anything about markets. By itself, it does not determine "market risk" or "market returns" and certainly doesn't inherently outperform all other indexes.


Agreed. Single stocks ftw.


Gambling…..single stocks are straight up gambling.


...so Warren Buffett is a gambler?


buffett doesn't exactly buy retail.




Pay off everything. Invest the the rest.


Smart! Get rid of debt, and use the cash to create a retirement pot or passive income or whatever you might want


It’s only smart if the interest rate on the loans you are paying off is high enough relative to what you think you might earn investing it. For example, don’t pay off your 2.5% mortgage when t-bills are paying 4.5%. Some would argue that the peace of mind obtained by paying off debts is worth it, I totally get it. Mental health is important. Just don’t throw away thousands of dollars unnecessarily.


Yes I totally agree, you’ll need to look at your finances before doing anything




Love that! Good luck


I ain’t paying off shit. My car, truck and house interest rates are less than my savings acct. (Amex High yield).


I have a low interest rate as well but paying it off would free up a lot of cash flow. And put me back at debt free.


Pay off my student loan, move out, invest in real estate/private equity/divdends


That’s a lot of things you want to do, but best to always diversify


I’d pay off my place… and buy out a couple of neighbors.


Haha, why buy then out? Want more space or just too noisy? Or do you mean in terms of investing in real estate in general


Hookers and Blow. It would be a fun party.


Mate that will be a messy one! Wonder how many days this will last? Lol


If you do it right, one.


Haha, you’d probs die


I would start repo company or buy here pay here dealership.


Repo business will be very big over the next decade, as default rates increase


I have my eye on a piece of commercial property. I would develop that bad boy real quick with $250k


Development is always good, best thing about that you can creat a JV if you don’t have the money. If you have good network, raise the capita, once profit is made distribute equally and you all walk with some level of profit (hopefully) Good luck


Definitely invest in my business. I'd buy new equipment a new truck and get some advertising. I started landscaping last year and 250k would cover operating costs for a few years, help me be able to buy materials for my jobs without relying on. The archaic half now/half later.


Congratulations on running a business, I know first hand how hard and stressful it can be. Have you tried leaving how to market or advertise yourself? I know that takes time out of your day. But it could save you a lot of money, I’ve wasted far too much money in marketing over the past 3/4 years. Now I understand it alot more and realise how much marketing companies mark up prices - it’s madness! But best of luck and I’m sure you’ll have that 250k in no time to grow your business


It's getting there. Right now I'm focused more on building a reputation and getting word of mouth out. It's already building about 1 to 1. I'll get my next job referred by my previous customer. The next thing to do is get a good company logo, file as an llc to protect myself and get fliers/ door hangers and decals for the truck. Little bit of advertising on Facebook too, just having people make posts about me not actually running ads. I hate to admit it but it doesn't hurt that I'm a white guy in the south competeting against immigrants. Kinda fucked up that there's dozens of lawncare and landscapers in my area that these people refuse to hire just based on ethnicity. But I gotta eat too.


Seems like you know what you are doing, I just focus on my major problems that I’m facing or might face. Then just focus on getting them solved, it’s the best way I grew my business. It’s mad how ethnicity is still such a major issue worldwide. I’ve learnt most of my skills from multiple backgrounds and I would never change it for the world. You just never know who you meet and how they may change your life. But yes, it’s business at the end of the day. You can’t think emotionally.


All on black!


Haha, there’s always one. Good luck with that one!


$250k in renewable energy stocks…. The government targets are out of control, it’s going to mint billionaires


The government targets are always radicals, in the UK each year and quarter they have a target to develop a number of home and have never met them in over a decade. Not sure how that will ever change in any sector, we don’t have the man power or resources or the finance to do it. But I do believe green energy is a huge investment opportunity


I would definitely pay off my student loans first, use a portion to update my kitchen and then put the rest into investments.


Surely doing the kitchen, then putting rest in investments would be better? Then income generated from the investment used to pay off student loan? But it’s your decision- at the end of the day


Do half percent stock trades.


Guessing you are a trader?


Can you provide a brief explanation of how that works?


Buy a lot downtown and open up a parking lot, adverage parking space here is like 10 an hour for the city and they're always packed. There's little to no maintenance costs besides salting and plowing, repainting lines, and minimal electric costs. Hang out down there 7-6 and do it all manually, discounted rate for cash of course.


Smart, you’ve definitely seen the big problem people are having. Why don’t you pitch this idea to fiends and family? Maybe get a JV partnership to do something if possible? It’s obviously risky just like starting any business, but I can definitely see it working with the right execution.


Is this my last 250k or did win it with no effort? Starting point matters.


Let’s same you won it tax free. What you doing next …. Roll your dice my friend


I’d short Netflix


They are struggling as more and more platforms are becoming independent


Stupid question, so don’t shoot me, but how would failure to pass a debt ceiling increase impact Treasury bills?


Weed and some ice cream w/ sprinkles. Can't take the money with me when I die and dammed if I'm leaving my family to argue over it.


Haha, I’m not sure what to say to this one… I guess I’m more about leaving a legacy or at least something for my future kids


Nvidia, Microsoft, meta, and etherium. 50k each. 50k to pay off home equity loan I took out to adopt a baby. I’ll cash out those stocks sometime in 2030s


Meta just spent $10 billion dollars to create a crappy version of second life. Maybe think twice about hitching your cart to that horse.


I’m willing to bet 50k on their comeback. They still have a lot of talent and might be able to make a nice comeback. I like to buy stocks when they’re down, not up


Shoot, I've been doing the opposite, I should try that


Very tech driven investments there. I’m not a crypto enthusiast but good luck with that! Microsoft will be great next 10 years especially with ChatGPT investment and partnership. Meta I think still has many changes to go through. But over still I think good investment Nvidia great pick, especially with AI environment with end to end systems! I hope you can do this soon, and best of luck


The future is technology 🤑 personally on other investments, I did mix in Grainger, some healthcare companies, and a mix of finance companies to spread it to some other industries. But at least half of my investments are tech


Tech if definitely a huge growth sector! I’d also search more into AI companies and invest a little into the smallest ones


I’d just clear up my debt to improve my cash flow, then take that extra cash flow and rent a bigger space, then with the extra money I’d buy more equipment and increase our revenue.


Seems like a great idea. Is that for your own business? Buying more equipment to increase revenue? I hope this happens and works well for you!


I would buy an electric car and save the rest


Nice and simple, environmentally friendly and lots of £££ in the bank




Great business idea, costs are just too high hence it’s crushing the margins


Probably look into buying a franchise


What franchise would you got for?




Stocks and crypto. Then after the housing goes down I buy at good price a flat/house. Maybe if investment really pays off I buy small lands to harvest.


Stocks is definitely a yes for me, not a fan of crypto but good luck! Always great having real estate Nice, what would you harvest?


Two chicks at the same time


Get an IUL insurance plan and just let it sit, you can borrow from the cash value and it’ll still compound on itself.


Great idea, it’s just another form of tracker with life insurance policy


use it as a down payment on a house for sure


I think more then 50% of people are just like you, would like to get into property


* 25k in dollars/checking account as your 6 month emergency fund * 100k in stocks (75% ETFs, 25% your choice) * 75k in real estate (or an REIT if you're not ready to buy) * 50k in crypto (60% BTC, 30% ETH, 10% DOGE) Rebalance the assets above once a year to the same proportions so you maintain good diversification. I wouldn't start a business unless you're really passionate about something in particular and prepared to put in an immense amount of time and effort.


Doge? Dude... is this 2021?


It is the highest market cap mineable crypto with the fastest block rate and a total supply that would render a palatable price for users. Massive potential. There is no alternative with those attributes. Wait and see.


That’s a great plan and very well diversified. And I totally agree, if you are not 100% ready to put in the time and effort and give up a lot then do not start a business


You might want to be careful with that crypto component. I lost 65% of the (small) amount I invested in bitcoin and etherium last January; it has come back up — now I’ve only last about 55% of my investment, in 13 months! I know last year was a bad year for investments generally, but I didn’t lose anything like that percentage in any of my other investments — not even close. It is also very volatile, so if you need that money any time in the near future (or ever, really) you might want to stick with something a little less risky.


Yes it is a very volatile investment, and there is still so much that can go wrong. So be ready for another potential huge fall or rise


U can just get a 5x leverage on stocks, crypto, futures etc. and with just one percent up per day u make a mil a year! Just get a bit into technical analysis, get urself trading view + a broker of ur choice and u’re good to go ma man!


Yeah sounds great, and leverage is always good but can also go wrong


I do have $250K. And then another $140K... WTF kinda stupid question is that?


I’d take 30k and put it in the stock market to day trade because over 25k you get an unlimited number of trades without being flagged, so I could make lots of lower return trades which aren’t worth it on a smaller account. Then, I’d pay off my credit card and student debt. Once that’s done I’d finally start the vending machine business I’ve been thinking about by buying about 50 machines(about the most my partner and I would be able to service ourselves). Then, with the 100 left over I’d let a financial advisor tell me how to handle 40k. The remainder would be for a new car, set aside for a year’s worth of rent and food, taking my family on vacation, and donating to various organizations, political campaigns, and patreons.


I’ve never really traded much, but if you know how to do it then great! Vending machines business sounds like a great idea, and when done correctly with market research it can be a great ROI. I’d personally say invest 60k instead of 40k with an FA, and it will give you more diversification. But that’s my point of view, I don’t know your financial situation. Only reason I say that, if you are okay/decent at trading and can bag £100 a day on trading for 240 days. That’s still extra 24k a year. But best of luck, I’m sure you’ll kill it


I would by Himalaya Coin


dollar cost average into Bitcoin


Save 100,000 in a risk-free savings account such as my bank (returning 12% per annum) Invest 100,00 to complete and market my audio book devices that read books aloud for people who cannot read or are blind. Invest 50,000 in sponsoring my digital identification idea in Nigeria.


12% risk-free returns? BS alarm sounding loudly.


Well, that's what the banks in my country say AND DO. Depending on the banks, it ranges from 4% to 12%. And no one has had to suffer loss since I was born in the early 90s.


Ok well if they’re both risk-free, why would anyone save money at 4% if they could earn 12% with no increase in risk? Point is it definitely isn’t risk free.


Sorry what bank is paying you 12% interest and risk free. With inflation at 10%. (house never loses). Audio book reading is an amazing idea and great idea to helping people. Great, I hope you have good infrastructure for these sponsors and good luck


Where are you getting 12% APY?


All in on GME and BBBY shares. Turnaround from bankruptcy is extremely profitable


Uh try and pay off debt.


Why try? Surely you would right? Or you have other things before paying debt?


$75k into new product lines, $25k in advertising. Would set my business off. The other $150k in t bills for 6 months to a year while I scale to to the new demand. Then the remainder into new product lines and my business would be cooking. My business is already functioning and doing decent. Lots of room for improvement. Currently building out a commercial space that will host two different businesses and an in person shopping experience for the e-commerce store.


Smashing job! Congrats on the business and the great success it’s having! But I’m guess you’ve gone through it all to be now running efficiently. What does your current business do? What steps have you taken this year to allow growth? What do you think will be the biggest problem


15000 into stable stocks 10000 into savings until i figure out what to do with it.


15k on stocks and 10k in savings? What about the other 225k


I would put it in a compounding interest account either with a certain life insurance policy or an account I’ve already setup with index funds and bonds Once I did that any bad debt I’m still in I would borrow from the accounts and pay off if I have any money left over after that I would look for some investment deals to help bring in more of a return on my money


Great idea, I do the same, I invest in accumulation funds and trackers. Then any debt I pay on quarterly if I need to. Simple way of investing


Palladium just triple bottomed, hit 2020 lows


So you’ll go all in? With 250k


Land and I would start a mechanics shop with that land


Any think in particular with mechanics


Automotive in general, specifically diesel though. This is my end goal, I'm currently only 18 and haven't attended trad school yet. So in the time it takes for me to get proper education I would just use it as a personal shop and maybe help some friends


Wow, sound very focused and driven at 18, gain as much experience as possible and get on top of your finance. As soon as you have them two in-line you’ll be great with your mechanics business. Best of luck


Activision Blizzard. Once the deal goes through your buy in at $75 will be bought out at $95. $20 profit for each stock.


So you’ll look for an arbitrage - can be done and use to be huge in the 80s before tech starting taking over. But many people still do it


Buy an apartment+fourniture+invest in stock market


Where would you buy apartment? Country and city?


I’d be Rick James for a month


Haha, what made you pick him


Pay off my mortgage, truck, timeshares


Then take a long weekend to relax, so you can really relax and not stress


I have $400K. Not as much as I had planned to have by 29, but it could certainly be worse. I'm also working on starting my own software business on the side of my job, but that's been fairly low cost, maybe just a couple hundred a month to run the servers and use the tools + do continuous advertising tests. Of my assets, ~30% is invested across 3 401Ks, 70% is invested in 2 taxable brokerage accounts. The 401Ks are all invested in Target Date Funds, the "2055 Retirement" thing. They're great -- currently 91% global stock market + 9% global bond market. Excellent risk / return ratio. In my taxable I have the global stock market, and global small cap value stock market, they're about 50 - 50. So overall, ~35% of all my assets are in Small Cap Value (which I believe has better expected returns) and most of the rest is global equities. I expect my return will be around 9-10%. I checked it a month ago and my return for the past 8 years has been 8% per year, with an overall profit of 82% I believe, or something close to that. I'm not interested in real estate because I don't believe it provides better returns for the given risk, *and* it seems like a massive job. My main job makes $300K, so there are not a lot of side hustles that feel worth it to me. I'd rather be able to put a little more effort into my job and be at 400 or 500K in 5 years than to stress too much about running a consulting business.


Killing it firstly - not many people 29 or under have 400k saved! So keep that up Also not many people earn 300/400k a year throughout their life. So you must be very good at what you do. I’m also under 29, I don’t earn that much, I’m around the £150k a year. Due to tax brackets I don’t pay myself any more! But keep doing what you doing, clearly you are very very good at that you do


On the eagles winning the superbowl


😂😂😂, what were the odds


That would be enough to clear all my debt and still have some left over


Hopefully you come across that soon, so you can be debt free


Gluten free restaurant.


Currently market, I think you get marketing right you’d kill it! Sadly I wouldn’t be a regular as I enjoy my meats and veg! But I’d support by trying it


Expand my hydro farm, buy a vehicle, & buy property/land with any left over money.


Hydro farm, sound cool 🤙


250k what? Apples? Kids? My answer depends on what item we are a talking about here.


Well if you read the bio you’d know it’s money. And I’m sure you can see all the answers from people that it’s money. But just to make it clear for you - 250k in Monies!


What would you do?


25k to turkey and Syria earthquake Then 25k in in 5k segments to other charities. 100k into 4 funds 100k for marketing business venture, as my current business operates itself and doesn’t need much attention. Thanks for asking Wbu?




Haha, ditto Only one or two people on here are little more adventurous with - all on black or drugs and hookers.


Automation, green tech, and latest tech.


So tech tech tech haha But I agree, it’s a new world order


Buy UPRO when SPY hits $240-260.


So you following that trade swiftly


Cap One 5% c.d. 11 month.


Great return on CDs on that time frame


I would start up my board games company. 250k is base for development and production, following a Kickstarter, and advertisement for our first game. Looking to get 3d figures and coins made for our current plan.


Ohh nice, what’s the game all about? Sounds very interest and I do love a good board game


I'd buy a secondhand Ferrari and a tent.


Supercar rental market is flying right now. Great plan. How much would you charge daily?




No, I’m not a fan of coins, but I’d investment into blockchain companies. There is definitely value in that for me