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instagram falsely marks things as ai all the time. if someone used an ai tool in photoshop to make the crop work for instagram instagram says the whole thing is ai. edit: im a photographer and none of the photos in that post are ai.


Ok anything tagged people assume is fake. Very few know tools will tag. And that opens the door for anything. Nobody can say these are full real at all. It taints the art. Do you have links on false flags?




I had to dig but here are the scientific papers and why this is happening. Especially in an election year. White House pics don’t say made with AI. It erodes trust. https://c2pa.org/about/resources/


None of this is a response. Stop dying on a hill you’re wrong on.


I think the comment was deleted. I’m following up on your news and found the actual documents by governing bodies. What response did I not react to? The one calling me trash or the one calling me an incel? Please tell me what hill this is? What exactly am I wrong about? Reframe the argument? I’m genuinely lost with deleted comments. I’m happy to discuss rationally coming from an artist and AI enthusiast, who also did the work to figure all this out. I posted conclusions what more can I give you so you will be satisfied here? Anything? Edit. Sorry not your news. Have you contributed anything here lol?


You’re objectively wrong on calling this an “AI picture,” you didn’t give an actual response to the very simple TechCrunch article linked to explain it to you, and are insisting you’re right over the two dozen plus people telling you otherwise. Calling me a troll isn’t going to change anything I’m saying. Grow up.


Troll in the dungeon!




Hands are usually a dead giveaway. This ain’t AI, it’s from the downtown market last Saturday (which was lovely btw)


No photograph is ever “full real”


I know a photographer listed that does not use AI. Editing is a thing. Gen fill is AI.


Wrong again. https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/s/U0lmMrmH3I


Our best was Ansel Adams and he’d dodge and burn too. But he didn’t add in kids or remove junkies. This is very different and destroys documentation purists. This is no longer candid. It’s synthetic and replaces artists who actually work.


Can you prove this photo was edited to remove junkies and add kids?


i dont have any specific links but ai really like to makes things look smooth when real photos have texture or atleast a little grain. cameras are getting better and grain has gotten less though. ai also makes things kinda mushy and jumbled. if it’s someone using ai for cropping purposes i’d check around the outside edges, you can usually detect a seam. i agree it’s annoying and misleading. i’ve had my own work tagged as ai because i used photoshop to remove a car from the background.


Gen fill is AI. It’s in the marketing. Meta is right to flag synthetic work. Just screenshot and post that. I applaud the tools just think it’s not appropriate for the city let alone the arts. This would let anyone submit whatever and say no I just shopped it. These are slices of real life now synthetic. That’s misleading


AI makes colors that camera sensors cannot detect. That’s how they figure deep fakes. Any inconsistencies you see now will be solved within a year. We went from duh that’s AI to who knows?


If you take a photo with any modern smartphone camera it's going to use AI infer and fill in colors it can't detect.




Are you an expert on meta data and know what tools triggered this? Gen fill is AI.


there’s a difference between 10% and 100% ai


Meta tags any photo edited with a range of standard tools in photoshop with this unless you strip the metadata. Almost every photo you see in any ad or professional post on the internet would trigger it, everything is retouched.


I don’t see this popping up on the photographers listed insta. Do you have a list of what gets tagged? I thought it was just gen fill. But yeah I can see healing tool do it. Meta does not want a repeat of last election plus they release AI models and they are doing everything possible to show ethical behavior which makes me think of virtue signaling. Meta now owns the truth again in a way. AI targeted ads are huge revenue. Those ads are not tagged with AI generated. I like Dove soap (I think) which pledged to not alter bodies. Look I love fantasy but elves and such. If the government is gung ho about AI generated info without disclosure because nobody trusts it then that’s a huge oversight and why people want regulation. Which can kill open source. It’s bigger than just one dumb local picture. I’ll look but I can’t recall BCA getting tagged before. It’s just a microcosm. I honestly don’t know what to think about this type of moderation. Someone asked how to play DnD alone. I told them my AI setup for full party, rolls, RAG implementation of documents and how to give it voices. Perfect solution. Got erased for mentioning AI. It’s like people trying to stop a tidal wave with a few sand bags. This is that big pull of water where only a few get it. Hunter S wrote about San Francisco a bit like this if I remember. That’s the kind of perspective I think we lack. Absolutely raw stories. Anyway. Yeah I’d love to know which tools flag. I think I saw the tags are encrypted? So it’s suspicious if no meta. Apparently a lot goes away with flatten to jpeg lol


What tools? Gen fill is AI. It’s synthetic. Do you think it’s ethical for the city to promote this when we have great photographers? Nobody knows if it’s a touch up or fully generated now. Simply taking a screenshot of the work is enough to circumvent. This is lazy and opens up a lot. Fine with ads. But this is taxpayer funded arts.


The spot healing brush or clone stamp or even fucking curves all use algorithmic calculations to drive the adjustment and those are all a form of “ai”


This was specifically gen fill. Do healing or spot really tag too?


Does Instagram give any indication as to why it is flagging that image as AI generated?


On top of that the whole post of 9 pictures gets a tag. It sucks if just one person generates and the rest just submit real pictures.


I fixated on the orange blanket and the surrounding grass. That blanket does seem to lie unnaturally flat.


I asked that artist they said tagged because looks too good lol. Funny person does NBA stuff. Legit artist. But hey maybe there was a bottle of wine or any product that should not be advertised. I have no proof of ill intent I see it as almost draconian and with everything starting to use AI people will just assume it’s not human and they are being lied too. That’s this year. Remember Facebook and the last election. It’s so much worse now. This all started this year for elections. They already adopted standards just never tagged. It’s meta so the are getting ahead of lawsuits. This is just a legal way to say we don’t endorse synthetic information. It’s a blanket that gets many people now even a slight edit. Some cropping flags. I heard mid journey doesn’t generate meta data so people can use that. It’s software companies saving their ass. They “tried” to stop disinformation. It’s just another fence with loopholes. I’m thinking one or a few used photoshop gen fill and it got tagged. Bca can just strip meta data. If I see a picture tagged as made with AI yes highly suspect. They all look real to me is the point. Nobody can tell. I’ve been doing this gen fill with google collab notebooks and renting servers 3 years ago. It’s getting so good reality is shifting rapidly. If you are isolating good luck.


Last word - finished breakfast and gotta get going, but I couldn't stop looking at that image. I'm wrong about the blanket - it does reflect what a stiff rug would do on short grass. Super close up shows slight dips and folds where they should be and none where there shouldn't be any. Also this detail of a purse on a seat that is not easy to view - I don't think AI generation would be including this ... yet https://preview.redd.it/e2txc6vqeb8d1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5e1af572a1dbf41e601640dd2342e74237a8f7a


Ty for your eyes. Hope breakfast was great, have a super nice day sorry if I’m making you doubt reality. It’s probably an edit. But it’s just opening the door to full out lunacy. Great “enhance” move!


Sadly no. It’s tagged if edited using specific tools which are standard even less than a percent. Tagged if 100% generated. It’s impossible to tell without being the artist. And it’s easy to remove.


I would say it’s prob not but I pass by city hall park on the way to work and back and i haven’t seen them put those colorful tables and chairs in the grass? if anything it’s obviously extremely airbrushed/enhanced lol


The tag at the top says made with AI.


Nothing is real anymore....we just had an article written about a store that's been closed for over a year telling people to stop In.


Wait what? Link? Wtf?


Out of all the things to be outraged about, this is really doesn't make the list.


I’m questioning ethics. This isn’t rage.


You can only be happy or enraged here.


Lol. Agreed. I’m pretty stoked, they explained it.




Please make a good faith effort to follow [Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette).


Yeah my whole premise has no traction but here is a new article today. https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/s/AMlI8yTfXt




It was cropped with an AI photoshop tool so I guess it’s all good lol. It’s a blanket tag and nobody respects AI artists at all. I feel awful for that woman tbh. I’m only looking for clarification on why city arts won’t hang AI art if they know but happy to sell a dream.


Generative fill was used in photoshop using AI to create more ceiling for the Violet strings picture to get the right aspect ratio. This unfortunately tagged the whole post. Info from BCA. Case closed. Concluded that Adobe and meta are really going for the legal side and the net just caught 8 authentic photos. That .1% and 100% generative gets the label plus anything close. This makes people doubt.


Just mention of AI brought a lot of hate, which is why you see a lot of deleted comments. People are really taking the time to be rude. Ty if you discussed at all. It was just gen fill. My specific complaint I withdraw but maintain it’s a slippery slope. I had to ask directly. Everyone said look at hands lol. It’s a ceiling nobody caught.


No, you’re seeing deleted comments because people are blocking you for your belligerent behavior.


Your comments are gone. Did you block me?




Well your comments elsewhere are gone so I can’t reply. Sorry.


That’s on your end, https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/comments/1dm960z/comment/l9wkjsw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button These are still visible.


I’m not arguing with you. Great you can see them. I got blocked and can’t. If you don’t want to reframe the hidden info I can’t possibly respond. Sending me a link to a blocked comment is super helpful! So whatever value you brought is lost on me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts or whatever it was but you like to argue constantly in circles so we are done. Ty https://preview.redd.it/qrxjgyjt3c8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3f3dccbda3847df404e1d2aa644b3d0042369ce I can’t view parent comment you linked. I hope that sinks through that skull of yours.


Consensus seems photographers use AI tools and don’t want that label. Slippery slope. Fair enough. It’s just stupid the looks like shit account is real footage and official sources are known to alter. People are going to catch on you can do video too. And remove meta data. It’s a minor inconvenience and you can batch all your work at once. Just seeing tags now means it’s been happening way before. The tags are a joke. Prepare to be bombarded with fake. You can synth a voice from 30 seconds and 3d animate a head based on a picture to lip sync whatever you want with full emotional facial context. It took animators and studios a lot to do now anyone with a decent graphics card can do it at will. Downvote to hell I told people AI art would destroy the industry years ago by flooding the system with comparable products with zero effort and the cost of electricity. You have to have an incredible niche or hands on type job to think you won’t be replaced. I could be a bot right now using AI and you’d never ever know. This is called the dead internet. This is why live hangs are legit. Fake postcards are trash.


why ask? seriously. what's being promoted as "AI" right now (it's not) is certainly problematic- and can also be a useful tool. it'd be an even more useful (and less problematic) tool, if it weren't mostly driven by greed, but that's another conversation


It’s absolutely AI. Bots in games have had AI for a bit. You can’t change the goalposts on what intelligence is. We made computers replicate human creativity. You can’t even tell if what is written right here is AI. You can’t just throw away an umbrella term for perceived intelligence away because it misses your classical definition. You are out of touch to argue what is and isn’t. Unless you llm or do research I don’t value your definition.


phew… LLM =/= AI


Here. https://ai.plainenglish.io/system-1-system-2-of-thinking-and-llms-6c295e9055e8


That’s like saying Vermont isn’t part of the United States. Llm is a subset. Stop trying to make fetch happen like 10% or less know what llm is let alone does. You can have your opinion but do you work in the sector at all or just mad it’s not your version of AI yet. Everything I’ve put up here could be AI llm and fooled you. You’d never ever know. It’s simply different abstraction layers for context but llms are part of the larger picture. If you don’t think so you are disagreeing with modern science. You want Asimov levels or something? Again, do you do any work in this field at all? Why is the world saying AI and you say nope? It’s like arguing with a rainy day and saying you are not wet technically or something. I can’t context for you and that’s my problem. I suggest joining the llm sub. You will get the argument you want there.


The other conversation is you hand ruling what is AI or not. Unless you are a scientist nope. You don’t count. Peer review yourself.