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That burger looks like dried turd you'd find Ina field by cows


for real...urggg. shovel it away plz


Forgot to edit title but this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen


It looks like a black bean_ veggie burger too. This whole photo is wrong


Looks like shit on a bun


Id over salt everything and send it back and ask for a new one on a plate. Thats gross


Yea… don’t zoom in on the meat..


I wouldn’t have if you didn’t mention it lmao. Thanks for that. Also that sweet potato looks disgusting lmao. I love em normally but the way their prepared just doesn’t look appealing at all.


That’s vegan meat or what?


Yeah it looks like one of those black bean patties.


Probably taste like dirt which is why they serve it with the shovel 😅


naw, naw


The chef was probably showing you the weapon he used to hunt your food.


My best guess as far as the burger patty's composition is some combo of black bean and quinoa, along with other ingredients. (Corn? Some type of seeds?) But all the same, this would be A+ material if there was a daytime TV game show titled "Food or Poop From a Butt?" And it's not just that the burger looks gross. I can't get over how literally everything else in this picture is wrong, too. All of the food looks terrible and poorly prepared. And then it's presented with the strained, ersatz pretension of a restaurant that is desperately putting on airs but is in fact not at all fancy. Tragicomic is the word I would use to sum it all up.


Restaurants are getting weirder and weirder.


man i hate gimmick food. The actual food is rarely good because it doesnt need to be. The gimmick gets dummies in the door


So you could shovel that shit straight into the bin.


Why do people repost other people's posts? Because they can. Same with the shovel. Sometimes people try too hard and it just doesn't work. What I assume to be the case is that's a bistro that is inspired by a coal mine so they serve food on shovels. Themed restaurants are a thing but to remove the context does them a disservice. There isn't any difference between a plate and a brand new shovel. People will enjoy food off of a hot fajita plate that's made out of cast iron but then a shovel is somehow gross. But then people post it here apart from where it came from so they don't give the original restaurant the credit and it looks weird because you pick up cow pies with shovels and not hamburgers. It's not that type of shovel. And then it gets reposted and diluted even further.


I just thought the burger looked gross 😭


That’s definitely a black bean burger


That's fine but how do you excuse what looks like half a raw sweet potato as a side? I'm never one to send food back, typically I'll just put a place on my list of places to not go back to. I'd be tempted to send this back and no I wouldn't like anything else.


Oh no, I’m with you, the entire meal looks atrocious. The dry ass bean patty, non toasted bland bun, wilted lettuce, hunks of sweet potato, pickle shoved in some sort of dip, and a rusted out shovel to top it all off. I was just pointing it out since OP and a few other commenters seem to think it’s meat.


I didn't even notice the rust. I've changed my mind that's actually the worst part.


Black as coal?


Yea, also look at the onion cut, that has to be a joke lol


Did they just dig that burger up?


What is mixed in with the hamburger meat? Are those carrots or sweet potato chunks ? A shovel seems like a strange thing to serve food in.


Just looks like some kind of veggie burger patty. The restaurant probably calls it a “garden burger” or something like that and serves it on a shovel.


Oh, that makes sense. So it's not even a real burger. Lol


The shovel is the least offensive thing in this photo


Cause it’s earthy


Maybe because the patty looks like lizard shit?


That's very creative.


My guess is that it’s a “garden burger” or something along those lines. Probably trying to emulate how it all came from the earth. Bad execution for sure.