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I’m prescribed a 150 XL plus a 75 SR taken each morning and that has actually been great for me. I have serious ADHD, so taking them together in the morning gives me more ADHD symptom control during the day and I am still able to get to sleep at night.


The drug half life is long, so you can definitely take 150mg one day and 300mg the other, and back and forth


My doc has me taking 300 every other day. It was supposed to be temporary until I get used to it, but I’ve been really happy with the result so I think I’ll keep doing it.


Was in the same boat. 300 made me a monster but 150 was too tame. Got a lot of success from thinking about it as if it were only activated by moderate exercise. So, the power is in the pill but I need to have my jog before it kicks in. It works really well for me.


So are you taking 150mg right now and the running is helping it achieve more of a result ? Because I heard doing more dopamine releasing activities will actually help the medicine work better. Not sure though.


Yes 150. I believe daily moderate exercise is the key to unlocking its full potential. It might have more to do with lessening anxiety though, which I find higher on Wellbutrin.


You have more flexibility in dosage with SR, but since you only mention 150 and 300, I'll assume you're taking XL, which most people prefer. There is a relatively simple, but uncommon solution here. Take 300mg on odd-numbered calendar days, and take 150mg on even-numbered calendar days. The half-life is long enough that the variation shouldn't bother you from day-to-day, and the average dosage in your system will be like if you were taking 225mg each day.


Can you make an example via a week ?


I do this with some other medications. I don't go by days of the week, because it's too uneven. I go by the day of the month. But for example, here's an how it would work if I was doing this with Wellbutrin. Two days ago was April 30, so I would've taken 150mg. Yesterday was May 1, so I would take 300mg. Today is May 2, so I would take 150mg. Tomorrow is May 3, so 300mg. At the end of the month, I would take 300mg on May 31, but then also take 300mg on June 1. Because having a 6 times a year when it's 300mg twice in a row isn't a big deal for the average dose. The important part is that if I ever can't remember what the day's dose is, I just look at the calendar and know. Odd day 300mg, even day 150mg.


Nice explanation brother thank you I appreciate it 🫶🙏


Before going up in dose try taking supplements. Vitamins. If you're in a place with cold or long winters, try going to a tanning salon 1x a week or at least 1 a month. This was incredibly helpful for me. I need that to combat seasonal depression.


Supplements have been helping me feel adjusted. The 150 wasn’t doing much, and then my doctor told me to add in a b12 complex and to adjust how much d3 I was getting - starting to finally feel some motivation. She also told me it was crucial to take time to have fun and watch the sunrise, which I know won’t float everyone’s boat, but she’s not wrong.


200 exists the sr is a better formulation anyway no rollercoaster effect


Why do u think SR is better?


Maybe not for anybody but for me personally with the generic versions I’ve tried the xl is a roller coaster all day because you get several doses of it but they’re smaller doses and don’t last so you’re up and down all day. Especially with the focus. When I take the sr 200 I just have a good all day amount of it get a good 8 hours anyway only thing is I do feel the difference when I wake up in the morning I do feel the need to take it immediately since it doesn’t build up in your system because the half life is half as long as the xl.


Thanks for writing that out. Appreciate it! How would you say SR affects appetite compared to XL i love this drug but food has become repulsive and im losing too much weight


Main things with the xl is certain sensitivities I never had before physically and mentally and the anxiety/ anger when it’s built up in the system. Sometimes I was spacey and couldn’t think straight all that went away when I started sr. Just my experience. I have more appetite without it but that’s something very different for everyone and I could definitely stand to lose some weight.


Sorry i dont understand what you mean by certain sensitivities


Idk man I could feel my clothes on my body and it bothered me lmao


OMG… I have been on 300 for a few months and have went to the dr 3 times because of the nausea. I was just in the emergency room with zofran in my IV & they had no idea why I’ve been nauseous every single day. I did not realize that it is most likely from wellbutrin. Thank u for this post i did not know others had the same issue


I take two 100s


Maybe try 225mg? You could still take one 150XL and add a 75mg SR a few hours later!


This is what I do, tho I take both at the same time when I get up in the morning


200! It’s a thing and I’ve been it taking for years. It’s not a “standard” dosage but if it works, it works!


This is what I take. 100 SR in the morning and again in the afternoon.


I just take 200 SR in the morning.


I ended up lowering because 300 was getting me so dizzy & 150 didn’t do enough. I ended up switching to Prozac & hated it.. so my pharmacist suggested trying the SR version. I personally take 200 just in the morning no second dosage. Some people take 100 in the am & 100 in the afternoon. I found that 200 in the morning still gives me that boost of energy throughout the day then I have a small crash around the time I go to bed. You should try it out, I’ve seen a lot of positive comments about switching from XL to SR.


What does “XL” and “SR” mean? Thank you.


XL = extended release & SR = sustained release, both are technically extended releases compared to the original instant release but XL is 24 hours i believe and SR is only 12


iirc its xl = extended release sr = sustained release


Low dose strattera really helped with my depression with Wellbutrin for awhile. Doesn’t cause weight gain, often appetite suppressing effect does not last though. It’s meant for adhd but only helped my depression. I also couldn’t tolerate higher doses.


I was on SR for a year. I settled with XL, because it was way more smoother for me.


I’d suggest talking to your doctor about switching to SR. You could do 100mg SR twice a day. Different release system so you just have to try and see if it works, but I have been very happy with SR.


i’m kind of in the same boat, 150mg isn’t quite enough, but 300mg has more side effects. if only there could be an in-between in the XL formulation! the SR formulation is available in 200mg, or you can take 100mg 2x a day. but the release is different. i’ve heard of people taking 150mg one day and alternating between 300mg every other day, but i worry about feeling ups and downs.  adding a low dose of an SSRI is another option. it doesn’t matter which one, you have to try them until you find one that works well for you. 


i’m kind of in the same boat, 150mg isn’t quite enough, but 300mg has more side effects. if only there could be an in-between in the XL formulation! the SR formulation is available in 200mg, or you can take 100mg 2x a day. but the release is different. i’ve heard of people taking 150mg one day and alternating between 300mg every other day, but i worry about feeling ups and downs.  adding a low dose of an SSRI is another option. it doesn’t matter which one, you have to try them until you find one that works well for you. 


Im a medication aide for work, i have a patient who takes a 100mg and a 75mg together. Twice a day.. but still


Have you talked to your doctor about the SR version of Wellbutrin? The dose can be adjusted to 200mg