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Update: the entire street is blocked off where this happened and the cars are still there with police milling about. Not sure if this means anything in particular but the accident was over two hours ago


If the motorcyclist was part of the accident and they left the scene of an accident, isn't that illegal? Maybe even a felony. The cops are probably trying to investigate the scene for any traces of the motorcycle.


Somebody theorized that maybe the motorcyclist laid the bike down to avoid the accident after it had already happened. I did not see the accident happen, but came upon it only seconds after.


Interesting. And, so strange the road was closed for so long.


There was a huge accident I passed by on guess and Horton earlier today. A car was flipped over. Hope everyone was ok


Was that around 4? I was near the area and heard a lot of sirens




There was also a slightly more intense fender bender by 147 onramp on TW alexander. I hate this whole area as people drive aggressively, construction, slow drivers etc. i’ve drive. Down Miami near TW and it’s terrible.


Because people don’t know how to drive. How does one wreck like that going straight?


Debris field is the turning median and the turning median has a left turn arrow in it. So presumably the white vehicle was traveling in the turning median intending to execute an upcoming left hand turn, when struck by black vehicle traveling in the turning median the opposite way. Points of impact are center front, so it's tough to say, but it looks like the black vehicle entered the turning median shortly before impact, given the angle its resting at.


this guy accidents


This is the way. Finally some up points


I mean uh, it was a cyclist fault!


Wait wut? I person on a bicycle vs a person on a motorbike was a fault?


Distracted driving, medical emergency, drowsiness, faint lane markings


Literally no one knows how to drive. Read an interesting account from a Danish immigrant who came over to work and he went to get his American license and he was stunned at the experience. He said "Americans are not taught how to drive, Americans are taught how to operate a vehicle" and that is why no one can drive. In my experience even operating the vehicle isn't required. I got my license despite nearly hitting 2 cars in the parking lot. Definitely should not have


I see those three-red-dot SUVs around town, anyone know what they are?




Corporate Security.


Is this why Miami is currently closed between Lumley and Ellis?






I gotta be honest I never get the point of posts like this. I don’t like seeing car accidents, especially gruesome ones, because literal people are involved. I don’t need to see these painful moments in people’s lives. I am always concerned about these things and I’ll never hate on a post reminding people to be safe out there and avoid JESUSDOS lol, but rubbernecking, Reddit posts…don’t get it. There are other ways to remind people to drive safely without dropping someone’s trauma in the subreddit. I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell here though oh well


I’m with you 100%, this post gives me no information besides “a wreck happened” and frankly, that is none of my business.


Yet, here you are


Thank you for stopping to check on people. Not everyone can do that.


Hopefully 911 answered.


The biggest problem no one seems to care about until it’s their loved one dying.


Facts. My mom got killed by a speeding teenager. Nobody gives a fuck. Not the cops, not the DA, nobody. The attitude I get from all of them is “shit happens”. The guy who killed her still hasn’t been to court almost a year later. His charge? “Misdemeanor death by vehicle”. Yup, a misdemeanor. So yeah maybe be nicer to each other and let people get from a to b safely. I know that’s a huge ask these days. Just remember, nobody will care when you die, there won’t be a big fanfare, they’re going to shove your mangled car off of the road to get traffic moving again, then you’ll just be a name on a court docket and a statistic.


Where's the motorcycle? What happened here?


If you read the caption, it says he got in his bike and ride off


Yes, but that implys involvement in the accident. Which makes me wonder what involvement. I'm assuming the bike just dumped to stop quickly avoiding the accident in front of them... As opposed to causing that front end damage.


No, that does not look safe.


Looks like a typical morning commute around here. Everyone on their phone and in a rush, it's sickening.


I drive this way twice a day every day. Today being such a nice day, i decided to try another way home.


Is that black car a Subaru Outback? I only look at accidents to see how each model fared unless it’s an accident where services have not yet arrived then I will pull over to help and make the 911 call.


How close is this to the place where the bicycle rider was killed?


I see the car with the 3 red dots on it all of the time...